The moment before the momentgun went off by Nadine Gordimer有人有原文的译文吗?

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官方公共微信Is There Nowhere Else Where We Can Meet By Nadine Gordimer Free Essays
This short story, by Nadine Gordimer, overall, speaks on the deep-seethed racial tension that influenced the individuals in this... story. In essence it is about a presumably white woman being mugged by an equally presumable black male (Gordimer is from South Africa and frequently wrote about racial tension). The tension in this story is so saturating that it even manages to conquer the language, imagery, and actions of the two people involved.
The first paragraph reads, “It was a cool grey morning...
Ryan Stewart
Contemporary Lit.
Life In South Africa: Nadine Gordimer
On November 20 of 1923, in... a mining town on the Eastern Witwatersrand, South Africa, was born one of the worlds most influential novelist, Nadine Gordimer. Though being born in South Africa, she was of Jewish heritage, her mother was from England but soon emigrated to South Africa with Gordimer's grandfather, who was a diamond miner. Her father was from Russia but was also a Latvian Jew who immigrated...
Nadine Gordimer, a winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, has always been one of South Africa’s leading literary voices. She... is one of the most important strivers who used their intelligence and qualifications to fight against the apartheid movement in South Africa which was a racial system, based on total segregation between the whites and the blacks. Gordimer uses her novels and stories to explain the aspects of this system and to raise her voice in protest against it. A case in point is her...
Nadine Gordimer's short story of a young white girls encounter with a black boy has themes of controversial sexual difference.
The story... begins with a clever prophetic metaphor, ?reversal of elements' where the white sky is blackened by smoke.
This speaks of the role reversal that is about to take place between the races of the boy and the girl.
It warns us that there is going to be meeting and it won't be a particularly pleasant one.
The title itself incurs thoughts of a romantic meeting, similar...
A lion, apartheid, South Africa and racism.
What do these things have in common?
They all play a part in Nadine Gordimer's collection of... short stories called A Soldier's Embrace published in 1980.
This book is based around the lifestyle of South Africa, and the law separating the different cultures at that time (South Africa no longer has these laws of apartheid as of 1991).
In the recent news, there was a story about South Africa and its quarrels.
What happened was there was a black man...
Abstract This article is about how language teaching methodology can help when it comes to associating language learning and... content. If literature is seen as content, it can be dealt with in the same way as any other content, such as specialised content in the field of English for Specific Purposes where the specialist for the content works hand in hand with the language teacher. From this perspective we postulate that the most reliable and efficient way to deal with teaching how to...
Once Upon An Unimaginable Fairy Tale:
Irony in Nadine Gordimer’s “Once upon a time”
Once Upon a Social Issue Fairy tales have always... been to whether to comfort or entertain us, they always seem to be a part of everyone’s childhood. “Once Upon A Time”, the title is a characteristic of a fairy tale, but she leads the story to an ending that is anything other than “happily ever after” (Gordimer 12).
Although Nadine Gordimer’s title is typical in a fairy tale in the story...
Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer
Nadine... Gordimer is a South African novelist and political activist.She was born in November 20,1923 in a small mining town called Springs in South Africa to Isidore and Nan Gordimer.Her parents were both Jewish immigrants and from an early age she questioned her identity as a member of the minority white population in South Africa.She attended a Catholic Convent School but due to her mother’s ‘unusual’ assuptions...
I)3)acuteness of the senses or hysteria ?
The story begins with a clever prophetic metaphor, ?reversal of elements' where the white sky is... blackened by smoke. This speaks of the role reversal that is about to take place between the races of the boy and the girl. It warns us that there is going to be meeting and it won't be a particularly pleasant one. The title itself incurs thoughts of a romantic meeting, similar to the title of a Hollywood film. This gives the reader a clue that there is a sexual...
Country Lovers by: Nadine Gordimer
By: Donna Mixon
Eng 125: Introduction to Literature
Instructor: James Lange
“Country Lovers” by Nadine Gordimer (1975) is about forbidden inter-racial love between a rich white farm owner's son (Paulus) and a poor, young black slave girl (Thebedi) who works on the farm. The story is set on a South African Farm and we follow these two children as they grow into a young man and young woman. The main theme of the story...
Nadine Gordimer’s short story “Town and Country Lovers” (1980) follows the developing relationship between an Austrian geologist, Dr.... Franz-Josef von Leinsdorf, and a young “coloured” (mixed-race) cashier who remains nameless throughout the story. Dr. von Leinsdorf and the young girl begin an affair that ends abruptly when the relationship is discovered by police (interracial sexual relationships were illegal during apartheid).
Apathy and Prejudice
From the opening paragraphs of “Town and Country...
Alice Walker & Nadine Gordimer
Rodney Lake
English 125 Introduction to Literature
Professor Peter Kunze
August 27th, 2012...
Alice Walker’s, The Welcome Table, and Nadine Gordimer’s, the Country Lovers, are both short stories that deal with the moral and psychological tension of a racially and divided setting and environment among the black and white race.
Walker and Gordimer point out the hypocrisy and injustice of racism in these two particular stories told in third–person omniscient point...
an urge each followed independently (Clugston, 2010). He did with her what he had done that time in the storeroom at the wedding, and this time it was so... lovely, so lovely, he was surprised . . . and she was surprised by it, too.
The imagery Nadine Gordimer uses only lets our minds tells us it was true love for the two of them (Clugston, 2010, Para. 5).
Due to apartheid Paulus and Thebedi couldn’t be more than just summer lovers, so when the time was right Thebedi married a young native by the...
It is typical for people to be prejudiced, yet prejudice can cause major misunderstandings and problems. Significant prejudice occurs in... Nadine Gordimer’s story, “The Moment Before the Gun Went Off,” based on Marais Van der Vyver, a white South African farmer in the time of Apartheid who has a secret – a black son that nobody knows about. As the story progresses, we realise how many misunderstandings are caused by his secret and the negative effects the misunderstandings lead to. When Van der Vyver...
Paranoia and fear can really take a toll on one’s life, causing one to harm oneself and others around them. Paranoia is defined as “a... mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.” This definition of paranoia applies to Nadine Gordimer’s characters in her...
Nadine Gordimer's &July's People& is a fictional novel which reveals many harsh realities of South Africa. Gordimer's novel takes place during... a transitional period of the Apartheid called “interregnum”. The epigraph chosen by Gordimer reveals the structure of the novel: &The epigraph of the novel, culled from Antonio Gramsci, sets the tripartite timeframe of the narrative& (69, Erritouni). The tripartite consists of the interconnecting: past, present and future. The past and the future are defined...
What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl by Patricia Smith
Compared to
Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer.
Carolynn Hanson...
ENG125: Introduction to Literature
Instructor: Corey King
October 15, 2012
When comparing and contrasting the poem What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl by Patricia Smith with the short story Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer.
The poem and the short story are both great examples of the difficulty of life between different ethnic backgrounds.
The Poem What It’s...
“Discovering who we are and where we belong can be challenging”
&To be yourself in a world that is... constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.& Ralph Waldo Emerson’s statement illustrates the difficulty of establish one’s true identity and sense of belonging. Humans are no means anti-social creatures and one of our quintessential traits is our desire to belong. Belonging gives us a purpose in life, it boosts our self-esteem and it provides us with a sense of security...
literary works of that time and apply them to now. I feel that there is a lot to learn from what was written especially when it comes to racism. How is our... time different from the past? How is it the same? If the story Country lover written by Nadine Gordimer (1975) were a different time will things had been different for Thebedi and Paulus?
I chose to focus on the story of two lovers who were thrown apart by their time. Whom had to hide their affairs from their family and their social status. If...
Throughout her career, the South African novelist Nadine Gordimer has wanted to explore the terrain where personal... interests, desires and ambitions encounter (and, not rarely, contend with) the demands and trials of a politically active life. She has had a keen eye for the exceedingly precarious moral situation of her own kind - the privileged white intelligentsia that abhors apartheid, detests the exploitation of 25 million unfranchised, economically vulnerable citizens at the hands of five million...
We Can But Should We?
Healthcare is an ever-changing entity and technology is constantly advancing....
This technology can be both good and bad and, while most technology is thought of as a good and positive advancement, some technology is not.
Pros and cons must be weighed in an effort to determine what works and what does not with regard to healthcare technological advancements.
As the advantages and disadvantages of Quick Response (QR) coding are weighed, one would be able to make...
Where Science and Buddhism Meet
Within the world that we live today exist many religions, beliefs, cults, or forms... of spirituality, which move us in a certain way and influence the lives around us and how we interact. For century’s religion have been moving people and persuading people to do certain things, which have been believed to support the word of God and respect his decisions. But as time has evolved people have become less believing of certain things because of the rise of technology. Back...
We Can, But Should We?
Samantha Taylor
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR360: Information Systems in Healthcare...
September 2013
We Can, But Should We?
Imagine someone accessing another person’s medical information by scanning a bar code square with his or her smartphone? Would you participate if it could possibly mean the difference between life and death? Well, a company called Lifesquare is piloting the program and states this program can save your life by saving time in critical situation...
We Can But Should We?
Laurel Lotterhos
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR361: Information Systems in Healthcare...
We Can But Should We?
Technology is an ever-changing part of our society that has affected the healthcare profession greatly.
It seems that every few months a new technology is introduced to improve quality care and safety in every aspect of healthcare, whether it be inpatient services or emergency services. “Trends in the rise of smartphone adoption and usage by...
Just imagine having all of your medical records with you at all times, reducing the risk and issues ascend from patient safety and identification... when a person visits their healthcare providers. The use of Electronic Health Records, this can become a reality for all U.S. Citizens. The Electronic Health Record or EHR is a collection of patient health information that is collected over several visits to a healthcare provider. The EHR contains the entire patients’ progress notes, medication...
Nadine Gordimer’s Six Feet of the Country
As active in the anti-apartheid system, Nadine Gordimer, the South... African writer who was born in 1923, doesn’t stop bombarding the apartheid system in most of her works which deal with the moral and psychological tensions of her racially divided home country. She was a founding member of congress of South African writers and even at the height of the apartheid regime. A monster, apartheid, South Africa and racism were the most important elements which...
We Can But Should We?
Your College
NR-361: Information Systems in Health Care
Instructor: your... instructor
Spring xxxx
The digital age has given us the opportunity to store all sorts of information about ourselves electronically. Let's take a look at one of the current trends in technology that may help emergency responders enhance the care they give to us in the event of an emergency.
Quick Response codes, or QR codes, were developed by an automobile...
Where Will We Be In Twenty Years?
When you only have a dollar to spend, and you have two kids to feed. Either you go to the... market and find something that’s cheap, or you go through a drive thru and call it good purchasing whatever you can off the dollar menu because that’s you’re only option. Knowing that going to the market, trying to find something healthy, you’ll automatically turn your cart right back around because the price is too high. At the end of the day, you find yourself in a bind...
We Can But Dare We: A Look into the Use of Social Media in Healthcare
Sydney Sobocinski
Chamberlain... College of Nursing
NR360: Information Systems in Healthcare
September 2014
We Can But Dare We: A Look into the Use of Social Media in Healthcare
In the world today, smartphones are becoming the “norm”, with basic phones becoming nearly obsolete in recent years. Pairing the overwhelming presence of social media with the rise in usage of smartphones brings to light an entirely new set of...
Where Three Roads Meet
When told to analyze a play, take Oedipus the King by Sophocles as an example, there are many ways in... which you could do so such as explaining their ideas, theories, images and symbols. The images of the plague, blood, and birds convey the darkest images that Sophocles wanted to bring to his listeners.
The image of the plague is brought to attention in the beginning of the play once Oedipus had already been King for multiple years, married to Jocasta, who is both his mother...
Assignment #1 part 3
In Darkness We Meet
Melissa Nicholls
Diaz states in this interview that, “learning English is... such a violent experience as a kid.” He explains that it could be such a violent experience, especially for immigrants, because English seems to be this language that one has to perfect. Someone learning this language will punish them selves for every mistake they make, thinking everyone will be judging them, when in reality they’re their only critic. This “violent experience”...
in a story, it would just be words written without any real goal in mind.
A good theme in a story can jump out and grab the reader and keep... them engaged.
Such a theme is present in “Country Lovers” by Nadine Gordimer.
The theme in this story is that of the boundaries of racism.
This particular theme is a much visited and powerful theme in literature, but few have done it as well as Nadine Gordimer has in this piece.
The plot of the story itself actually helps us to identify the theme in this...
&Once Upon a Time& was first published in 1989. Nadine Gordimer was born in 1923 near Johannesburg, South Africa. She graduated... from the University of Witwatersrand. A prolific writer, Gordimer has published more than twenty books of fiction. When Nadine Gordimer was asked to write a children's story she replied with a short story called &Once Upon a Time&. Although Gordimer's title is typical of a fairy tale, the story she weaves is anything but typical. Instead of dealing with characteristics synonymous...
Can we define art? Of course we can define art. According to dictionary, art is the quality,... production, expression, or realm of what is beautiful appealing or of more than ordinary significance. But in the eye of some artist included Morris Weits, they believe art is undefined for many reason.
According to Morris Weitz, he point out a few theories of art and argues in his article “The Role of Theory in Aesthetics”, that they are lacking to the extent that they cannot satisfactorily cover all of...
Rhetorically Analyzing Essay
A rather famous and notable propaganda piece known as the “We Can Do it” poster featuring... Rosie the Riveter highlights the inequality women experienced during World War II. This poster stressed women’s empowerment and symbolized a major gender revolution during the 1940’s that would forever change how our country viewed women and their war effort. It also often times boosted worker morale and motivated women’s attempted involvement with the war effort. Although...
Can We Say &NO& To Recycling
Dr. Nadia El-Kholy. English 113. Tamer Wadid Shalaby. Final Draft Paper.
Lately the earth's... capacity to tolerate exploitation and absorb solid wastes
disposal has diminished, due to excess trashing. People dispose lots of stuff,
and simply do not care. Therefore scientists found out a way to reuse things and
that process was called &recycling&. This new approach seemed quite successful
at the beginning, until its true identity appeared. Recycling first started as
Roberts, Mark D. Can We Trust the Gospels? Investigating the Reliability of Matthew,
Mark, Luke, and... John: Crossway Books 2007. Pp.202
Taking exception to the words of Christ could only be in blatant disagreement with Jesus the Christ himself, a spirit of anti-Christ. Is this an over statement as to the importance of the words of Christ? The answer to this question is found in how you respond to another question: How can the words of Jesus ever be down played as anything...
Can We Really Hide From Failure?
Does success and failure go hand in hand? Success gives people satisfaction and delight,... where failure can discourage and exhaust them. But what people can tend to forget is that in life, everyone comes across failure every once in a while. What everyone should remember is that no one is perfect and they should not lose hope and give up. Winston Churchill once said “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts” (Winston...
Literary Comparison:
“Country Lovers” and “What It’s Like to Be A Black Girl
ENG 125: Introduction to Literature
Instructor:... Amber Carpenter
Lovers and To Be A Black Girl
In literature, we find stories designed to portray human life and action through some characters who, by their words, action and reaction, convey certain messages for the purpose of education, information and entertainment. It is impossible to find a work of literature...
All Roads Lead Nowhere
In both &Sawdust& by Chris Offutt and &Hunting Husbands& by Jo Carson, we see characters willing to... go to great lengths to try and get what they think they want in life. Nonetheless, they appear to be trapped in an endless cycle, and it appears for them as though all roads lead nowhere. Despite the effort each makes to try to escape the life given to them, the battle they are fighting is one in which they seem destined to lose.
&Sawdust& takes place in a small Appalachian...
Have you ever experienced discrimination and/or racism?
It is my belief that, sadly, for this paper I have chosen to compare and... contrast the literary works, “The Welcome Table” by Alice Walker, and “Country Lovers” by Nadine Gordimer.
Both of these literary pieces give the reader awareness of the pain and suffering endured by the two African-American characters that were subject to racial discrimination and the superior mentality of those that participated in the discrimination...
Can We Leave The Past Behind?
Within this essay I will be looking at whether we can truly leave... our pasts behind or whether they remain a part of us within our present and future. My own belief is that our past is what makes us who we are today. Our experiences from childhood through to adulthood make up our coping mechanisms for future situations and even if we have dealt with issues that may arise they will still remain in our conscious and unconscious minds. Looking at the theories of Melanie...
Home Learning Project
Do we have a choice where we live?
Where did all the displaced Jews... settle after the Holocaust?
Explain what persecution and prejudice are:
Persecution is to ill-treat someone just because of their race, religion, political beliefs, gender or sexual orientation.
Prejudice is a judgement made of a person before you actually know them. The judgement is usually one of negativity and based on stereotypes.
Relate this to why and how this resulted in Jews having...
having memory. We should always remember where we come from as a part of our history. Remembering... where you come from identifies the meaning of who you really are. “Remember the sky you were born under, know each of the star’s stories” (Harjo 802 L1). The first line is this poem symbolizes the whole poem’s meaning to remember where you were born and the stars are each problem that may have occurred in your life. It is important to know where we come from because the world was living before we was born...
Film Analysis
“O Brother Where Art Thou”
This old time musical theatrical movie clip was an insightful blast from the past that made... you cherish those days where it was inconceivable to not be a gentlemen, and it was a down right shame to be anything less then an honest women. This old time movie with a new age attitude definitely strikes the funny bone of any modern day movie watcher.
“The opening titles inform us that the Coen Brothers' &O Brother, Where Art Thou& is based on Homer's The...
Disney Gordwin
May 16, 2013
Academy Pre-AP English
Mrs. Kirkland
Debate Essay – Can We Prevent Racism??
“Change does not... roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle, and so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom, A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent”—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Such a powerful quote that speaks so much in so little words a yet, this quote tells a lot about our topic. Racism is a prejudice or discrimination directed against...
Greg Oberschelp
CAS 137 1 PM
Dr. Freymiller
“Yes We Can”
The word rhetoric is widely thrown around by many... different people in today’s age. Many people don’t understand the real context of the word, but that does not mean it is not any less common. Rhetoric is all around us, whether it is on television, in a paper, or, just in an advertisement. For most people, rhetoric is most widely seen during election season, especially during the Presidential election. Candidates rely...
We can not live in it neither can we live without it.
Water is very important to us. Period.... We will die without it, but unfortunately we also can not live with too much water. Our bodies are not designed to handle too much water. Our infrastructures also can not withhold massive amounts of water. Therefore we hope things like tsunamis, or hurricanes or typhoon or heavy snowfall or blizzard would not occur in an extreme manner.
We all know our resources are depleting and I am going to encourage...
Rosie the Riveter
Looking at this war poster as a whole looks very normal to many viewers (it contains a statement which states “We... Can Do It!” in white letters with a blue background). It also cont blue and yellow. Rosie the riveter is the main person in the ad, along with the main subject. She is wearing a blue collar shirt, an orange and white hair scarf and a collar button. At the bottom of the ad is a large W letter underlined which stands for women’s rights ( women’s right...
trenches foot
Structure of speech
Way he delivers the speech and its impact
In my essay I will be analysing the speech, “Yes we... can” by Barrack Obama. The speech is to persuade the people of America that their quality of life can be improved. Barrack Obama portrays this by using various persuasive techniques to interest his audience and his famous quote, “Yes we can”
Obama uses illusion in his speech by referring to “Anne Nixon Cooper who is a hundred and six years old” to show how extraordinary...
“We can choose to belong or not to belong. The forces that shape all our decisions vary from individual to individual, but our... context and experiences play a significant role.”
Belonging would seem like an expected thing, as we belong to many groups in society, ranging from groups we are born in to, such as family, our town, our country even, and to groups which we choose, such as friendship circles, sporting clubs and many more. However, to belong to something requires a great amount of effort...
Some hundred years ago, the oppressed broke away from the oppressor. They fought for the freedoms that we have today. Through different... movements such as Black power, Black pride, and Black is beautiful, we've come to see the true power that we hold as individuals and a group. When the oppressed secedes from the oppressor, they must free themselves of oppression. Nadine Gordimer explores the theme of defying oppression through the use of characterization, setting, and tone in the short story &Africa...
Where should we go for end of summer trip?
Vacations were never something I took. I remember as a child my family took two... vacations one was a trip to Hershey Park and the other was a trip to King’s Dominion Virginia. I remember that trip to Hershey Park really well because I really enjoyed it. We took the tour of the factory, and it smelled absolutely yummy.
The other vacation was a week’s trip to King’s D yes it was still called that back then. We left King’s Dominion, and went to...
How Can We Close the Achievement Gap?
Students affected by the troubling achievement gap that often lead to long term gaps... that include dropout rates, college completion, and the kind of jobs students secure as adult. However, we have to know what’s an achievement gap and why is decreasing the gap so important? The achievement gap in education refers to the observed, persistent disparity of education measured between the performances of group of students. (Achievement Gap1). Some researchers...
price of living for us. Moreover, even though we barely had enough to provide for ourselves, we always did what we... could, above and beyond, for others. Recently, much like most families in this nation, mine was affected drastically by the crisis we are in now. Although my family was not one to live in wealth before, we had to reconstruct the way we lived our lives. Even though my mother and I did not have much, there were many opportunities given to us. We were offered the chance to excel and flourish...
When people first meet and fall in love they feel like everything is wonderful. When they think of their future together, it's... filled with the smell of roses. But sometimes, life ends up differently for them. Sometimes it's just the thorns they feel. Lots of couples argue and fight over little things. Many wonder whether all the fighting is worth keeping their marriage together or even normal. Is there hope for their marriage?
Divorce has become very common. Usually it's just because...
Can we make true friends on social networking websites
Internet has a marvelous utility which connects people to share values... and vision no matter where they live, what language they speak and whether they are sociable or not. As some social-networking sites provide an equal shared space where people can communicate with each other speaking out freely, individuals have new ways to meet more friends. In the materialistic age, we can see reality and hypocrisy everywhere so many people go into the...
August 16, 2012
Can we decrease homelessness?
The essay “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift is a brutal satire... in which he suggests that the poor families should kill their young children and eat them in order to eliminate the growing number of starving citizens. At this time there was extreme poverty and a wide gap between the poor and the rich, the tenements and the landlords. Throughout the essay Swift uses satire and irony as a way to attack the indifference between classes...
answers to the question: “Are we free within Society?” - and that there are many variations, with thanks to culture, socialization, social... interaction and social structure. For the most part I find freedom all around. I'll give some examples of that and show some areas where I see other's struggle with finding a sense of freedom, whether it be external or within.
First, what is freedom? It's an ambiguous term that can hold many different meanings to different people. Where a person comes from, their...
constantly changing from birth till death.
In addition to the problems faced with growing a developing an individual also faces problems from ideas... surrounding personal problems. These can be examples from the environmental influence, such as arriving into a new school or even a new culture. These experiences can be both positive and negative though, negative as they may leave an individual disillusioned with their direction and place in life, yet positive in the way that an individual may feel reinvigorated...
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