
为什么?细节题,顾名思义,考察的是一个specific detail,很微小的地方,很多同学都有这样的感受,一篇文章听下来比较顺畅,基本大意全都听懂了,但是还是会有一些细节题做错,因为回过头来已经想不起来原文中这一个细节说的具体内容是什么了。这种情况下就很容易造成失分。那怎样来把握好这一类细节考点呢?其实我们只要把握住这一类题型的出题规律以及在听力内容中出现的信号,我们就很容易把握这一类看上去并不简单的考题。
我们之前提到过,如果在文章开头部分马上出现了一个因果关系,那么这篇文章的主旨题我们就可以确定答案了。文章开头部分因果关系中的这个“果”通常来讲就是主旨题我们要选出的答案。但是因果关系不单单会出现在文章的开头部分,还有可能出现在文章的正文论述部分当中。在这种情况下,原因和这个原因引发的结果都有可能会作为考点出现。所以在听听力特别是讲座的过程中,一旦听到因果关联词,我们可以马上使用一个箭头符号来表示因果关系,如,我们听到so, therefore, thus, as a result, that’s why 等等表示因果关系的信号词的时候,我们马上可以在笔记上写一个“à”符号,那回过头来找笔记的过程中我们首先根据顺序原则进行定位,然后马上找到这个箭头符号,如果这个细节考点考察原因,我们就找箭头左边的笔记,考的是结果,我们就找箭头右边的笔记。使用这种方法我们可以快速准确的把握这一类考察因果关系的细节考点。
在考察主旨题的内容中我们了解到,如果在文章的开头部分出现了一个转折关联词,那么这个转折之后就会出现主旨。那我们现在可以进一步了解到,转折不单单会在文章开头出现。在文章的正文论述部分当中只要出现了一个转折关联词,那么转折之后就会出现一个考点。那怎样捕捉这一类细节呢?首先就是对转折关联词要非常敏感,常见的转折关联词有:but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, while, in fact , still, yet, unluckily, unfortunately, on the other hand, to tell you the truth, to be frank/honest。以后在听到这一类转折关联词的时候,我们可以在笔记上使用一个X符号来加以标识。为什么这么说呢?因为常见的转折考点,转折之后所论述的内容通常来说是转折之前的内容的反义。我们在解题的过程中,对照笔记,一旦发现这个细节考点考察的是这里一个转折,我们马上定位到笔记中的内容,找到X,转折之后考察的细节我们只要根据转折之前所说的话,选出一个反义选项,答案马上就出来了。
第二种强调的方式我们叫做语义强调,在这种方式中没有任何的语气变化,而是直接使用强调的词汇告诉我们我们接下来听到的内容非常的重要,比如xxx is important/fatal/vital/essential/basic/fundamental/ interesting/necessary,那我们在听到这一些信号词的时候马上可以在笔记上标出一个*号,那我们马上可以捕捉到这一个考点的出现。
o&& 例题:练习 Delta (490, 668) Test 2, Tr4
1. What aspects of flowers does the class mainly discuss?(2 answers)
o&& A. The evolution of flowers
o&& B. The organs of a flower
o&& C. The composite family of flowers
o&& D. The uses of flowers in art
2. Which part of the flower attracts insects and birds?
o&& A. Sepals
o&& B. Petals
o&& C. Stamens
o&& D. Carpels
3. Listen again, why does the professor say this?
o&& A. to remind the student that his lab report is due today
o&& B. To apologize for giving the student incorrect information
o&& C. To announce that the Location of the lab has moved
o&& D. To imply that the student will& see examples in the lab
5. Ture or false?
o&& A. Incomplete flowers do not have all four basic flower organs
o&& B. The sunflower has one large symmetrical flower on its stalk
o&& C. All varieties of the English daisy are white with a yellow center
o&& D. The arrangement of flowers on the stalk can help identify the plant’s family
6. According to the professor, how did the daisy get its name?
o&& A. Its central disk resembles the human eye
o&& B. Its flowers open at dawn, the “day’s eye”
o&& C. It blooms for only one day each year
o&& D. It was named for an Anglo-Saxon chief
1.What is the class mainly discussing?
o&&&&& A. how beavers select the ecosystems where they live
o&&&&& B. how ecosystems differ from on another
o&&&&& C. the impact of human activities on an ecosystem
o&&&&& D. the role of one species in an ecosystem
2.Why does the Prof. interrupt the student when he first mentions European settlement in North America?
o&&&&& A. She has already mentioned that& point
o&&&&& B. she thinks the information he gave is unrelated to the topic
o&&&&& C. she prefers to present the information in the lecture in a specific order
o&&&&& D. she questions the accuracy of his point
3. What does the professor say about still water and swiftly flowing water?
o&&&&& A. Beavers cannot adapt to living near swiftly flowing water
o&&&&& B. still water and swiftly flowing water support similar ecosystems
o&&&&& C. still water supports more life than swiftly flowing water
o&&&&& D. wetland areas include large quantities of swiftly flowing water
4. According to the Prof., what was the impact of the extensive hunting of beavers inNorth America?
o&&&&& A. it led to a decrease in the number of wetlands
o&&&&& B. it led to a decrease in the number of swiftly flowing streams
o&&&&& C. it led to an increase in the number of other animal species in the wetlands
o&&&&& D. it led to an increase in the amount of groundwater
5. Listen again, why does the Prof. say this?
o&&&&& A. to point out that some terms have different meanings in other fields
o&&&&& B. to indicate that she is not going to explain the term
o&&&&& C. to defend a point she made earlier about ecosystems
o&&&&& D. to clarify a term used in biology
6.What does the professor imply when she says this?
o&&&&& A. beaver dams would cause floods in many areas where people now live
o&&&&& B. beaver dams would cause most of the water supply to be inaccessible
o&&&&& C. large areas of land would become unusable by humans
o&&&&& D. more groundwater would be available for human consumption
作业:tpo 13/1
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> 托福阅读细节题答题技巧
  According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true of Chinese
  A. The function of ceramics remained the same from dynasty to
  B. The use of ceramics as trade objects is better documented than the use
of ceramics as ritual objects.
  C. There was little variation in quality for any type of ceramics over
  D. Some religious sculptures were made using the earthenware type of
  对于上面的题干,我们习惯性的会选Chinese ceramics作为定位词,回到原文寻找有用信息,但实际是原文标题是Chinese
Pottery,也就是Chinese ceramics,全文都是在说题干的内容,用Chinese
  According to paragraph 3, how had Fort Vancouver changed by the time David
Douglas returned in 1832?
  The fort had become the headquarters for the Hudson's Bay Company.
  Deer had begun populating the meadows around the fort.
  Deer populations near the fort had been destroyed.
  Crop yields in the area around the fort had decreased.
  解析:我们可以通过Fort Vancouver和1832这两个很醒目的地点及时间名词在原文中找到需要的信息,也就很容易得到答案。
  Later on in the early years of the nineteenth century, when Fort Vancouver
became the headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company, deer populations continued
to fluctuate. David Douglas, Scottish botanical explorer of the 1830s, found a
disturbing change in the animal life around the fort during the period between
his first visit in 1825 and his final contact with the fort in 1832. A recent
Douglas biographer states:& The deer which once picturesquely dotted the meadows
around the fort were gone [in 1832], hunted to extermination in order to protect
the crops.&
  At one time, ecologists believed that species diversity made ecosystems
stable. They believed that the greater the diversity the more stable the
ecosystem. Support for this idea came from the observation that long-lasting
climax communities usually have more complex food webs and more species
diversity than pioneer communities. Ecologists concluded that the apparent
stability of climax ecosystems depended on their complexity. To take an extreme
example, farmlands dominated by a single crop are so unstable that one year of
bad weather or the invasion of a single pest can destroy the entire crop. In
contrast, a complex climax community, such as a temperate forest, will tolerate
considerable damage from weather to pests.
  According to paragraph 3,ecologists once believed that which of the
following illustrated the most stable ecosystems?
  Pioneer communities   &Climax communities
  Single-crop farmlands  Successional plant communities
communities usually have more complex food webs and more species diversity than
pioneer communities. 所以climax community比pioneer
communities要稳定,当然更比只有一个物种的Single-crop farmlands稳定,而D选项原文中没有提到,所以就可以确定答案了。
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  因为训练的时候,已经很有把握了。所以考试还是很有自信的。考前10分钟,考试车的师傅去抽考场,抽到的是模拟夜间山路行驶。我觉得更简单了,山路上人少,车少,真的很好开。  然后不好的事情发生了,交警过来给我们讲话,突然一下紧张起来了。第一个上车考试,大灯打开,转向灯打开,远近灯交替闪烁,跟考官说准备好了,考官命令起步,车刚开,考官说靠边停车,我赶紧停下,他说安全带没系。啊,。。。要疯了,怎么会有这样的失误。。。。。第二次机会,从新开始,准备好起步,前面一个下坡的左转弯接着右转弯,再上坡,下坡右转,刚右转过来,考官命令,靠边停车,我心里一紧张,完蛋了,是不是又哪里动作错了,赶紧靠边停车,问考官,我哪里错了?考官回答,下车,换人,我脑子里尽想着我哪里错了,居然就下车了,车大灯完全忘记关了,然后考官跟我说,一直挺好的,怎么下车没关灯?不及格,我真的懵了,我多想了,导致忘记小细节了。考官真的只是要换个人继续考。  现在路考真的很简单,但是小细节很多,何况有是模拟夜间行驶。特别是灯光的使用要特别的注意。夜间城市道路行驶更麻烦,注意的细节也很多。举个例子,指令前方十字路口左转弯,首先,听到指令后,立即打左转灯变道到左转弯道上,变道的时候要注意实线和虚线。(不能压到实线)然后远近灯交替闪烁,然后换2档,十字路口要再次远近灯交替闪烁,再继续打左转灯和远近灯。之后左右瞭望。然后安全通过,转弯的时候,要注意实线和虚线,几十米的距离要做这么多的小动作,真的好纠结啊
13-07-24 &


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