
  我的朋友  I have a close friend whose name is LiBing.He is half head taller than me.He likes to dress in blue jeans and he is very friendly to people.  我有一个好朋友名叫杰克.他比我高半头.他喜欢穿蓝色牛仔服,对人非常友好.  Once I was ill at home.He lived far away from my house but he came and helped me with my study.  有一次我生病在家.他家离我家很远,但他放学后来帮助我学习.  He always says,"A life without a friend is a life without sunshine." My friend has done the same as he says.I'm happy to have such a friend.If he is in trouble,I'll try my best to help him.  他常说:“一个人没有朋友,就像生活没有阳光.”我的朋友这么说,也这么做了.有这样的朋友我真的很高兴(作文地带也建议翻译为“自豪”).假如他遇上麻烦,我一定会尽力帮助他.  朋友不需要说的太多,只需要一个问候,就能让他心里泛起涟漪,作文地带希望每一个人都能够在您幸运的时候还记得起曾经和你在一起的朋友.
这群小鸟长得可爱极了,一个圆圆的小脑袋瓜,胖胖的身体,长长的尾巴,它们很有趣一会儿这只鸟到这棵树上做客,一会儿这只鸟到这棵树上做客,飞来飞去的,都把树林间的气氛搞起来了,顿时,又热闹了起来,大家欢聚一堂的在一起,好像议论什么事情。啊!真美啊!美得令人流连忘返。This group of birds look very cute, a little round head, fat...
你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文,不知行不行: Our family每天,树上有很多不知名的小鸟在“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,各种各样的声音好听极
我的小鸟My little bird小鸟是我最喜欢的小动物。The bird is the most I like small animals.两年前,姑姑给我买了一对小鸟,它们是麻雀,翅膀上的羽毛是土黄色的,其它的地方都是棕色的,还有一双水灵灵的大眼睛,爪子上面很粗糙,有明显的小包。Two years ago, aunt bought me a pair of birds, they are s...
你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文
【网络综合 - 英语资源英语作文】★无忧考网英语资源频道为大家整理的《如果我是一只鸟》英语作文翻译,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站频道。If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky, because I always dream about flying in the sky. I would fly upon to view the city I live in, and it must be owesome. I would fly to the mountains and woods, to see the beautiful scenery. I would also want to fly above Sun Moon Lake to see if it really looks like a son, and moon. If I were a bird, I would like to fly through nature.  If I were a bird, I would live in the tree. When I was a kid, I usually wondered about what the birds do in the nest. Are they feeling bored? How do they feel about living on a branch? What do they do when a Typhoon is coming? I think I could figure out all these questions if I were a bird.  If I were a bird, I would like to fly to heaven to see my grand parents, because I miss them so much, although I know its impossible. When I was in kindergarden, we still live together, and they loved me so much. They alwas played with me, and gave me a lot of candy. When I couldn’t sleep at night, my Grandma would tell me stories until I fell asleep.They went to heaven when I was in the first grade, and I remember I cried for a whole month, I was so sad. So if I were a bird, I would like to fly to my grand parents, to tell them I still love them very much.


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