Thesunrisesintheto the east of.

  不是。例如:不可数名词和可数名词复数表示种类时,就不需要加定冠词。  定冠词the的用法如下:  表示某一或是某些的上文中提到的人或物。  如:There is a book on the desk. The book is John‘s.  桌子上有一本书,那本书是约翰的。  指说话人和听话人都知道的人或是物。  如:Close the door, please.  请把门关上。  用于世界上独一无二的事物的名词前面。  如:The earth turns around the sun.  地球围着太阳转。  用于表示方位的名词前面。  如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  太阳东升西落。  用于序数词或形容词最高级的前面;或是表示俩者比较时,起限制作用的比较级前面。  如:China is the first country to invent the compass.  中国是第一个发明指南针的国家。  She is the fatter girl of the twin sisters.  她是双胞胎姐妹中比较胖的那个。  用于形容词或是过去分词之前,使其名词化,表示一类人。  如:the rich(富人);the poor(穷人);the wounded(受伤者);the living(活人)。  用于普通名词构成的专有名词之前,表示国家、党、江、河、山、川等等。  如:the Yellow River(黄河);the People's Daily(人民日报)。  用于姓氏之前,表示夫妇俩个或是一家人。  如:the Blacks:布莱克夫妇/布莱克一家人。  用于乐器前面。  如:the flute(笛子);play the piano(弹钢琴)。  用于表示数量的名词前面。  如:They sold the eggs by the dozen.  他们按打卖鸡蛋。  用于某些表示国家和民族的形容词前面,泛指全体,这些词常常以-sh、-ese、-ch等结尾。  如:the Chinese(中国人);the English(英国人);the French(法国人)。  用于某些不确定的年代前面。  如:in the 1980s(20世纪80年代);in the 2020s(21世纪20年代)。  用于单数名词前面,表示一类人或物,尤其发明前面。  如;The horse is a useful animal.  马是有用的动物。  Who invented the telephone?  谁发明了电话。
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to create a badge linking to any Flickriver viewHow Obamacare happened, and what might happen next.
The Centre for Policy Studies' CapX, a news
service "for popular capitalism," has a piece up by Guy Sorman
making the case that as a religion, Islam is a far more
"pro-business faith" than Christianity (having been founded by a
trader and lacking a so-called "idealization of poverty"), and that
only popular capitalism can save the Arab world. Sorman rightly
identifies the root of the "Arab Spring" :
[The Arab Spring's] true origins should never be forgotten: the
economic frustration of the people. The hero& of the
uprising&was a young Tunisian student by the name of Mohamed
Bouazizi who tried to start a modest business by selling fruits and
vegetables on a street cart. After he was arrested by police for
not showing the right bureaucratic authorisation, Bouazizi
committed suicide by setting&himself on fire.
Spontaneously identifying themselves with Bouazizi, young Arabs
by the millions took to the streets all over the Arab world. The
revolt was most acute in Egypt where, not by coincidence, popular
capitalism happened to be the most severely repressed under Hosni
Mubarak. A survey by the noted Peruvian economist Hernando&de
Soto, before the Arab Spring,& revealed how opening a modest
bakery in Cairo required two and a half years in order to obtain
all the necessary legal documents, most of them delivered by petty
and corrupt&state bureaucrats. The creation of a larger
business which might have a chance of competing with a state
monopoly proved to be forbidden in Egypt. With
varying&degrees, this remains the prevalent situation in all
Arab countries.
Sorman argues, correctly, that there can be no peace in the
Middle East so long as the governments in the region repress
people's economic ambitions.
The whole thing is
and provides an interesting perspective on what
kind of relationship with the U.S. would most benefit the region
(peaceful trade, hardly a component of "").
, a Conservative member of the European
parliament who represents a portion of England.
Related: .
Photo Credit:
is an associate editor .
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see .
Sunrise over the ,
Sunrise over the
seen from ,
Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the
appears above the
in the . Sunrise should not be confused with , which is the (variously defined) point at which the
begins to lighten, some time before the sun itself appears, ending . Because
causes the sun to be seen while it is still below the horizon, both sunrise and sunset are, from one point of view, . The sun also exhibits an optical illusion at sunrise similar to the .
The apparent
revolution of Sun around the
after rising out of the horizon is due to the Earth's eastward rotation, a counter-clockwise revolution when viewed from above the North Pole. This illusion is so convincing that most cultures had mythologies and religions built around the . This same effect can be seen with near-
Sunrise and
are calculated from the leading and trailing edges of the Sun, this slightly increases the duration of "" relative to "". The , however, is based on the center of the .
The timing of sunset with respect to
varies with the time of year and the
of the viewer's location. The precise
of sunset depends upon the viewer's precise
the time zone of the viewer's location. Small daily changes and noticeable semi-annual changes in timing of sunrise are driven by the
of Earth and the planet's movement in its annual
orbit around the Sun. Those two factors cause main apparent anomalies in precise timing. And thus, for instance, in the , the latest sunrise does not occur on the
around December 21, but rather about two weeks later, in early January (influence from the Earth's faster movement near the
which occurs around January 3). Likewise, the earliest sunrise does not fall on the
solstice around June 21, but occurs earlier in June in the Northern Hemisphere (connected with the slower Earth's movement around the ). Subsequently, there occurs easily noticeable phenomenon of daylight shift, as the length of
of each particular day in winter (December in the northern hemisphere) reaches its maximum indeed at the time of the winter solstice, but the sunrises continue to travel still to have their maximum hour in early January while at the same time sunsets occur later and later every day starting from the middle of December. As the result it may appear to stay quite dark in the morning each day till the middle of January while at the same time becoming much brighter and brighter with each passing day starting from as early as the middle of December. As one travels farther from the equator, the times of sunrise and sunset change throughout the year. Even on the , sunrise and sunset shift several minutes back and forth through the year, along with . These effects are plotted using an .
Due to Earth's axial tilt, whenever and wherever sunrise occurs, it is always in the northeast quadrant from the March equinox to the September equinox and in the southeast quadrant from the September equinox to the March equinox. Sunrises occur precisely due east on the March and September equinoxes for all viewers on Earth. While day length in general varies with an observer's latitude at the equinoxes (equal night) day length is the same at all latitudes and everywhere has an approximately 12 hour day and 12 hour night.
A sunrise with the typical orange colour in the sky (south beach of Jamaica).
The intense
of the sky at sunrise and
are mainly caused by scattering of sunlight by dust particles, soot particles, other solid aerosols, and liquid aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere. These enhanced red and orange colors at sunrise and sunset are mathematically explained by the
or the . When there are no particulates in the troposphere, such as after a big rain storm, then the remaining less intense reds are explained by
of sunlight by air molecules. Sunrise colors are typically less brilliant and less intense than
colors, since there are generally fewer particles and aerosols in the morning air than in the evening air. Nighttime air is usually cooler and less windy, which allows dust and soot particles to settle out of the atmosphere, reducing the amount of Mie Scattering. The reduced Mie Scattering correspondingly reduces the amount of red and orange scattered light at sunrise. Sunrise color intensities can however exceed sunset's intensities when there are nighttime fires, volcanic eruptions or emissions, or dust storms to the east of the viewer. A number of eruptions in recent times, such as those of
in 1991 and
in 1883, have been sufficiently large to produce remarkable sunsets and sunrises all over the world.
Sometimes just before sunrise or after sunset a
can be seen.
This is a , a very particular kind of
Selected Papers on Scattering in the Atmosphere, edited by Craig Bohren ~SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, WA, 1989
with VBA functions for sunrise, sunset, solar noon, twilight (dawn and dusk), and solar position (azimuth and elevation); by , translated from NOAA's online calculators for
From Wikitravel
North America : United States of America : Florida : South Florida : Florida Gold
Sunrise is a city in , .
Wannado City, 12801 W. Sunrise Blvd., Anchor
D. Phone: +1 954-838-7100. [1] America's first indoor
role-playing theme park located in Sawgrass Mills Mall has changed
the way the world looks at theme parks. Aimed at 2-14 year-olds,
Wannado City recreates the sites of a major city from the point of
view of a kid, with more than 120 career possibilities. Learn to be
a firefighter, to perform surgery or work at a television studio.
Kids can do what they Wannado.
The Florida Panthers of the National Hockey
League play at BankAtlantic Center in suburban
Sunrise, Florida.
This article is an outline and needs more
content. It has a template, but there is not enough information
present. Please plunge forward and help it grow!
Category: Outline articles
From Wikisource
In my sleep I was fain of their fellowship, fain
&&&&Of the live-oak, the marsh, and the
The little green leaves would not let
Up-breathed from the marshes, a message of range and of
Interwoven with waftures of wild sea-liberties, drifting,
&&&&Came through the lapped leaves sifting,
&&&&&&&&Came to the gates
Then my thoughts, in the dark of the dungeon-keep
Of the Castle of Captives hid in the City of Sleep,
Upstarted, by twos and by threes assembling:
&&&&The gates of sleep fell a-trembling
Like as the lips of a lady that forth falter ‘Yes,’
&&&&Shaken with happiness:
&&&&&&&&The gates of sleep
stood wide.
I have waked, I have come, my beloved! I might not abide:
I have come ere the dawn, O beloved, my live-oaks, to hide
&&&&In your gospelling glooms,—to be
As a lover in heaven, the marsh my marsh and the sea my sea.
Tell me, sweet burly-bark’d, man-bodied Tree
That mine arms in the dark are embracing, dost know
From what fount are these tears at thy feet which flow?
They rise not from reason, but deeper inconsequent deeps.
&&&&Reason’s not one that weeps.
&&&&What logic of greeting lies
Betwixt dear over-beautiful trees and the rain of the eyes?
O cunning green leaves, little masters! like as ye gloss
All the dull-tissued dark with your luminous darks that
The vague blackness of night into pattern and plan,
&&&&(But would I could know, but would I could
With your question embroid’ring the dark of the question of
So, with your silences purfling this silence of man
While his cry to the dead for some knowledge is under the
the ban,—
&&&&&&&&So, ye have wrought
Designs on the night of our knowledge,—yea, ye have taught
That haply we know somewhat more than we know.
lispers, whisperers, singers in storms,
consciences murmuring faiths under forms,
ministers meet for each passion that grieves,
sisterly, sweetheart leaves,
Oh, rain me down from your darks that contain me
Wisdoms ye winnow from winds that pain me,
Sift down tremors of sweet-within-sweet
That advise me of more than they bring,—repeat
Me the woods-smell that swiftly but now brought breath
From the heaven-side bank of the river of death,—
&&&&Teach me the terms of silence,—preach
&&&&The passion of patience,—sift me,—impeach
there, oh there
As ye hang with your myriad palms upturned in the air,
me a myriad prayer.
&&&&&&&&My gossip, the
owl,—is it thou
That out of the leaves of the low-hanging bough,
&&&&&&&&As I pass to the
beach, art stirred?
&&&&&&&&Dumb woods, have ye
uttered a bird?
&&&&&* * * * *
Reverend Marsh, low-couched along the sea,
&&&&Old chemist, rapt in alchemy,
That which our father-age had died to know—
&&&&The menstruum that dissolves all
Hast found it: for this silence, filling now
The globed clarity of receiving space,
This solves us all: man, matter, doubt, disgrace,
Death, love, sin, sanity,
Must in yon silence’ clear solution lie.
Too clear! That crystal nothing who’ll peruse?
The blackest night could bring us brighter news.
Yet precious qualities of silence haunt
Round these vast margins, ministrant.
Oh, if thy soul’s at latter gasp for space,
With trying to breathe no bigger than thy race
Just to be fellow’d, when that thou hast found
No man with room, or grace enough of bound
To entertain that New thou tell’st, thou art,—
’Tis here, ’tis here thou canst unhand thy heart
And breathe it free, and breathe it free,
By rangy marsh, in lone sea-liberty.
The tide’s at full: the marsh with flooded streams
Glimmers, a limpid labyrinth of dreams.
Each winding creek in grave entrancement lies
A rhapsody of morning-stars. The skies
Shine scant with one forked galaxy,—
The marsh brags ten: looped on his breast they lie.
Oh, what if a sound should be made!
Oh, what if a bound should be laid
To this bow-and-string tension of beauty and silence
To the bend of beauty the bow, or the hold of silence the
I fear me, I fear me yon dome of diaphanous gleam
Will break as a bubble o’er-blown in a dream,—
Yon dome of too-tenuous tissues of space and of night,
Over-weighted with stars, over-freighted with light,
Over-sated with beauty and silence, will seem
&&&&But a bubble that broke in a dream,
If a bound of degree to this grace be laid,
&&&&Or a sound or a motion made.
But no: it is made: list! somewhere,—mystery, where?
the leaves? in the air?
In my heart? is a motion made:
’Tis a motion of dawn, like a flicker of shade on shade.
In the leaves ’tis palpable: low multitudinous stirring
Upwin the little ones, softly
Have settled my lord’
But the air and my heart and the earth are a-thrill,—
And look where the wild duck sails round the bend of the
&&&&And look where a passionate shiver
&&&&Expectant is bending the blades
Of the marsh-grass in serial shimmers and shades,—
And invisible wings, fast fleeting, fast fleeting,
The dark overhead as my heart beats,—and steady and free
Is the ebb-tide flowing from marsh to sea—
&&&&(Run home, little streams,
&&&&With your lapfulls of stars and
And a sailor unseen is hoisting a-peak,
For list, down the inshore curve of the creek
&&&&How merrily flutters the sail,—
And lo, in the East! Will the East unveil?
The East is unveiled, the East hath confessed
A flush: ’ ’tis alive: ’tis dead, ere the West
Was aware of it: nay, ’tis abiding, ’tis unwithdrawn:
&&&&Have a care, sweet Heaven! ’Tis Dawn.
Now a dream of a flame through that dream of a flush is
&&&&To the zenith ascending, a dome of
undazzling gold
Is builded, in shape as a bee-hive, from out of the sea:
&&&&The hive is of gold undazzling, but oh, the
&&&&The star-fed Bee, the build-fire Bee,
Of dazzling gold is the great Sun-Bee
That shall flash from the hive-hole over the sea.
&&&&Yet now the dew-drop, now the morning
&&&&Shall live their little lucid sober
&&&&Ere with the sun their souls exhale
Now in each pettiest personal sphere of dew
The summ’d morn shines complete as in the blue
Big dew-drop of all heaven: with these lit shrines
O’er-silvered to the farthest sea-confines,
The sacramental marsh one pious plain
Of worship lies. Peace to the ante-reign
Of Mary Morning, blissful mother mild,
Minded of nought but peace, and of a child.
Not slower than Majesty moves, for a mean and a measure
Of motion,—not faster than dateless Olympian leisure
Might pace with unblown ample garments from pleasure to
The wave-serrate sea-rim sinks unjarring, unreeling,
&&&&Forever revealing, revealing,
Edgewise, bladewise, halfwise, wholewise,—’tis done!
With several voice, with ascription one,
The woods and the marsh and the sea and my soul
Unto thee, whence the glittering stream of all morrows doth
Cry good and past-good and most heavenly morrow, lord Sun.
O Artisan born in the purple,—Workman Heat,—
Parter of passionate atoms that travail to meet
And be mixed in the death-cold oneness,—innermost Guest
At the marriage of elements,—fellow of publicans,—blest
King in the blouse of flame, that loiterest o’er
The idle skies yet laborest fast evermore,—
Thou, in the fine forge-thunder, thou, in the beat
Of the heart of a man, thou Motive,—Laborer Heat:
Yea, Artist, thou, of whose art yon sea’s all news,
With his inshore greens and manifold mid-sea blues,
Pearl-glint, shell-tint, ancientest perfectest hues
Ever shaming the maidens,—lily and rose
Confess thee, and each mild flame that glows
In the clarified virginal bosoms of stones that shine,
is thine, it is thine:
Thou chemist of storms, whether driving the winds a-swirl
Or a-flicker the subtiler essences polar that whirl
In the magnet earth,—yea, thou with a storm for a heart,
Rent with debate, many-spotted with question, part
From part oft sundered, yet ever a globed light,
Yet ever the artist, ever more large and bright
Than the eye of a man may avail of:—manifold One,
I must pass from thy face, I must pass from the face of the
Old Want is awake and agog, every wrinkle a-
The worker must pass to his work in the terrible town:
But I fear not, nay, and I fear not
&&&&I am strong with the strength of my lord
How dark, how dark soever the race that must needs be run,
am lit with the Sun.
Oh, never the mast-high run of the seas
&&&&Of traffic shall hide thee,
Never the hell-colored smoke of the factories
Never the reek of the time’s fen-politics
And ever my heart through the night shall with knowledge abide
And ever by day shall my spirit, as one that hath tried thee,
&&&&Labor, at leisure, in art,—till yonder
beside thee
&&&&&&&&My soul shall
float, friend Sun,
day being done.
Categories: Poems |
Sunrise over the
seen from Masada,
Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the
appears above the
can be made longer.
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