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I Am A Massage Therapist.
Ask Me Anything. : I Am a ___. Ask me Anything. Story & Experience
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I Am A Massage Therapist.
Ask Me Anything.
I worked in the field in New York State from 2001 - 2011.
F.P.A.Q. : Frequently Privately Asked Questions.
I receive a LOT of questions in my mail that would be really helpful for y'all, but I realise that sometimes a question just feels to sensitive or silly or embarassing to post publicly as a comment.
I've scrubbed these questions and made sure they aren't revealing in any way, and I'll continue editing this post to reflect the answer that seem relevant.
Keep the questions coming, even privately!
No questions have been reproduced here without the permission of the original asker.
My girlfriend is scheduled for a spa service.
She has decided to go fully nude and the attendant is male. From your own experience how likely is he to see her fully nude/breasts/vagina?
On a side note the place I go for my massages (rmt) allows me to go fully nude without draping and it is very professional. Just great to be able to relax nude without towels and sheets moving.A.
Some of you have asked this question with fear and great nervousness, hoping that no one will ever, ever, ever see any more of you than the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.
Others have been hoping for some excitement, wondering if there will be stories to be told when your partner comes home.
It's true that massage combines pleasure and medicine in a way that can make some people very unsure.
For those of you who are hoping for misbehaviour, I have to deflate your illusions just a little.
The fact is that an ethical and responsible therapist, properly trained, is just not that interested in seeing your nudity.
When we are looking, it's fairly clinical.
The skin is an organ like all the others, and offers a great deal of information on what's going on inside you from an evaluative perspective.
It's true that there are some places where nudity without draping is allowable or even encouraged.
I never worked in one of those places, and to be honest, I'm sort of glad:
Keeping a massage room warm enough for the client to be nude makes it awfully hot for the (fully clothed) therapist slaving away over your body!
In private practice, I have worked with clients in a lot less draping than I would in a spa setting, so it's not about skittishness.
There is an issue of control, though.
Should a confused receptionist or overzealous manager accidentally open the door, you'll be much more thankful for that sheet.
For those of you who are hoping to remain as hidden as possible, please know that your therapist is looking for YOUR comfort, not theirs.
It's not about us.
So if you want to be fully clothed the entire time, we may suggest some bodywork in the areas of shiatsu, Thai massage, or Reiki.
If you're comfortable being on the table in underwear or in panties and socks or if you want to wear a hat, just say so.
We'll work with you.
The idea is to access the muscles efficiently, not to take voyeuristic advantage of your nakedness.Q.
My significant other and I like to give each other massages, and we would like to hire a massage therapist to give us a lesson or two (so we can get better at it). Do you have any suggestions for how we can find someone to do this? A.
I have never given a " lesson " the way you're describing, not for money. I have coached friends informally. I can't think of any it just hasn't come up. My guess for the sake of both safety and everyone's comfort would be that you should ask around for a therapist who teaches. This is obviously easier if you live near one of the schools, but don't go thinking that just because your town isn't renowned for massage like Sedona or Phoenix that there ISn't a school. There might be. Start at the top, because it sounds like you're looking for genuinely professional advice: Ask at the local community college, check with your chiropractor. At the other end of the spectrum ( but still respectable ) have a look at your local free press newspaper. The schools often advertise there. Having found someone who teaches, even if they don't practice regularly they may be interested. Also you may be eligible for some of the continuing education courses offered for massage therapy graduates. Not all of them have prerequisites, but of course, call ahead for information. Q.
What are your favorite parts of the male anatomy? You said "My personal preference runs toward the weekend warrior dads. I do my best work on guys who aren't too 'ripped' but do actually use their bodies as tools." What body parts are you 'into' ?A.
It depends what kind of work he typically does. I like forearms and hands... they are sort of unexpected places to spend a lot of time, but they can offer a lot of relief. People don't usually realise how much tension they carry in their hands, and when that's been worked out well, people find they relax a lot. Guys who drive for a living appreciate work to the h driving is sitting with enforced muscle tension. The base of the skull gets a lot of attention, and the muscles in the scalp... very helpful for the worriers.
Ah, but if you're asking a much more personal question, I love working a nice abdomen .
Not too cut, not too swollen ?
Stretching hip bones away from ribs is fantastic.
For my own (sadistic?) pleasure, I guess I like touching lower backs, upper thighs... I'm a fan of places where the blood comes up to the surface.
backs of knees, edges of armpits. But that's really more masochistic than sadistic.
Because it's me that 's being tortured.
They feel great and have no idea what's going on in my ... erm..
not pants.
I was not going to say pants.Q.
How much can a perceptive massage therapist tell about a guy's 'equipment' when he's draped under a sheet and blanket (pulled out 'flat' for instance, not 'bunched'). If the draping is a sheet only, can you tell more, and how much more?A.
Everything. We know everything. Just stop trying to hide and it will all go much easier. Okay, seriously: it really is a lot. If you're under a sheet and a blanket together, you can hide a little, but we're going to have to move the blanket eventually. Don't think it changes anything to wear underwear either. Go by what your therapist requests: me personally, I tell my clients I prefer them as naked as possible. It's just easier for me to drape them than to try to work around elastic and seams.. but then I'm very professional about how I describe the process, and I don't seem to leave them feeling insecure. The relevant thing about our knowing as much as we know is .. well, not to spoil anything for you, but we rarely care. Not don't care as in we're callous and disregarding you, just... we see an awful lot of them. And we're not working ON them, just... around them, so.. it's pretty matter -of -fact. If there's one that's particularly odd, I'll admit we may smirk, but likely only when you cant see us.
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May 13th, 2013, In , by
Hi ladies!
I am irritated. This is nothing new considering I just got off the phone with my mother. But what really gets my goat is that even though I’m 43 years old, she can still push my buttons and has a way of upsetting me to the extreme. Why is that? Mother/daughter relations we all know this. Articles, books and movies (Terms of Endearment, Postcards from the Edge) have analyzed and showcased this so that we can all get through our lives knowing that we are not the only one who has a mother that drives us insane.
Feeling like your mother is a giant pain in the rear is a socially acceptable state. I, however, live in shame with a dirty little secret – I hate my mother. I really do. I hate her. When I divulge this painful secret to someone, they laugh and say “Oh I hate my mother too.” But they just don’t get it. My hatred is not a laughable rom-com, roll-your-eyes hatred. Mine is a deep, horrible feeling that has made my relationship with my mother non-existent and irreversible. This makes things like Mother’s Day downright gruesome.
I remember back about fifteen years ago or so (my memory is already going), when the big mother/daughter as best friends became a huge craze. Banners went up, parties were held and gregarious mothers and daughters walked around the mall in their matching Juicy Couture tracksuit, calling each other “Besties.” I wanted to vomit. The boundaries were washed away in bottles of
chardonnay and mothers and daughters were sharing sex stories and picking up men together at bars. Gross. My mother always wanted to be my best friend. In fact, that was the biggest problem in our relationship. As my sisters and I grew older and found our own friends and lives, my mother grew more and more bitter that our lives no longer revolved around her. Our orbit had changed and that pissed her off. As a result, she became even more eccentric and outrageous as ever before. She hit on my boyfriends, she wore hideous tight lycra clothing and said whatever she could to produce the most shock value. While some friends called her “fun” and “cool,” I wanted to go into the witness protection program.
Being embarrassed by your mother is not a sin, nor is it unique. Ladies love to sit around and share the crazy tales of moms behaving badly. When I tell people my mother is crazy, they again laugh and say “Oh my mom’s nuts too.” But you just don’t understand. Did your mother move you every two years to a new town or home using trash bags as moving boxes? Did your mother throw out all the furniture one day and replace it with neon-colored bean bags? Did your mother make you eat whatever she ate depending upon the diet she was doing like “The Brown Rice Diet” or the “Chocolate Cake Diet?” Did your mother wear a cape to your college graduation? I am betting your answer is no. Well, my mother did all of these things. She is a classic narcissist and I think at one point she was diagnosed as bi-polar, but didn’t like taking the pills. I truly think she enjoys being an erratic mess.
I could actually forgive my mother’s nutty behavior had it not been for her vicious tongue. She verbally abused me for years and I took it. My mother excels at being nasty. When I was 30, I went to a therapist to deal with my anger and feelings about my mother that were beginning to fester (as they are want to do when you are no longer in your carefree twenties). As I sat there, telling the stories and reading the letters from my mother that were basically hate mail, my therapist looked at me in amazement and simply said “Wow.” Even he was dumb-founded. Thanks to him, I realized that I don’t have to be an emotional punching bag to this woman just because she gave birth to me.
My sisters also have experienced her wrath over and over and we are lucky to have one another as a shield against the motherly shitstorm. I recall going with my sister and my mother to look at wedding dresses for her. My sister had flown my mother in so she could have that special mother/daughter gown shopping experience that you see in movies or hear about from your more well-adjusted friends. As my sister stood there in a frothy white number, my mother told her that she was marrying “white trash” since her fiancé didn’t go to college (that’s because he’s an actor bitch), and that she should not have children right away because she will probably end up divorced. My sister spent the next 45 minutes crying hysterically in the dressing room while I rubbed her back and my mother nonchalantly waited outside, guilt-free.
My admission of hating my mother is not meant to inspire a giant pity party or tea and sympathy. I want other women to know that it’s okay if you hate your mother, as long as you have good reasons. It’s okay to not want to see her or call her or go get mani/pedis with her. The guilt and hurt will never go away no matter how much therapy you have or wine you consume (I know, I’ve tried). But you’re going to be okay. As an adult, you get to choose your relationships. You can tell people who are hurting you to “Go to hell.” The day that my sisters and I stood up to my mother and told her she was being a bitch was the best and worst day ever. Finally, we could loosen the noose around our necks but we also had to loosen the heartstrings and fill that void with love from others, which we did. My mother was not invited to my wedding and I’m just fine with that. Ironically, my stepmother and my ex-stepmother were. How’s that for a modern family? My mother was very hurt that I didn’t invite her but I figured the worst thing that could happen was that we would have less of a relationship than we have now, and we’re already scraping the barrel.
I wish I had the mother that baked cookies and was my Girl Scout Leader and was the person that I could go to when I am upset and need advice. Thankfully, my ex-stepmother stepped in when I was still young and offered to be that role model and I gladly accepted. She’ll get flowers this Mother’s Day. As for my crazy mother, she’ll get a card because hey, she’s still my mother.
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