
答:甲型车有50台,乙型车有50台。 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD6分
答:最少增派17台乙型车。 DDDDDDDDD-12分
1=45°,则∠ 2=      .
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站长:朱建新11.市政府计划建设一项水利工程,工程需要运送的土石方总量为10 的6次方立方米,莫运输公司承包了这项工程运送土石方的任务,有100两卡车一天运送10 的4次方立方米.完成需要100天当公司工作40天后,由于工作进度的需要,剩下的所有运输任务必须在50天完成 公司需要在加几辆卡车.
40天后,还剩下 10的6次方-40*10的4次方 = 600000 立方米,剩下的需要在 50 天运完,则每天需要运
= 12000 立方米,每辆卡车每天运送 10的4次方÷100 = 100 立方米,则必须有 1 = 120 辆卡车,所以,需要增加 120-100 = 20 辆卡车.
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select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271111%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271112%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271113%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271114%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271116%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271117%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271118%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271120%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271121%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271122%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271123%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271124%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271125%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271126%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271127%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
select count(*) as num ,i.* from netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq left join netsun_Q.incoming_Q as i on i.id=ntq.Q_id where i.subcategory like '271128%' and ntq.status=1 and i.status=1 and i.is_public=1 and i.switches=1 and ntq.post_date>'' group by ntq.Q_id order by num desc limit 7
select n.*,substring(ntq.post_date,6,5) as post_date,'' as domain from netsun_news.news as n,netsun_news.news_to_Q as ntq where ntq.asid=n.id and ntq.Q_id= and n.status=1 and n.data_flag '' order by ns.pdate desc limit 8
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