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How doctors keep young: Their biggest secret? They will do anything to steer clear of other doctors! Learn from them by avoiding medicines and ops you don't need
Sir Muir Gray's guide to a healthy body in old age continuesReveals how to choose and use healthcare wiselyExplains what doctors do to keep themselves youngBy
23:14 GMT, 19 January 2015
14:30 GMT, 20 January 2015
Doctors are cautious users of the health serviceIn our life-changing series, one of Britain's top doctors has been explaining how you really can defy the years and stay feeling younger for longer by following a few simple rules. Yesterday, he explained how to age-proof every part of your body. Today, he explains how to choose and use healthcare wisely - and what doctors do to keep themselves young.We all know one of the downsides of growing older is that the risk of health problems increases. It is no surprise that the percentage of people free from disease decreases as age increases - in each age group from 60 onwards, the percentage of people who have more than one disease grows greater.However, what is less well known is that many of us are receiving medical treatments that are of little benefit - and, in fact, may be doing us harm. Just consider what doctors do when they have a health problem themselves. You might expect them to opt straight away for the best drugs or an operation by the best consultant in his or her field.Far from it: doctors are cautious users of the health service. There are several reasons for this:There's usually more scientific evidence available about the benefit of a new treatment than its risks and limitations. Trials of a new treatment that have produced a positive result are more likely to be published than reports about trials of the same drug that didn't have a positive result.Laboratory, screening or radiological investigations often produce what are called false positive results, suggesting that disease is present when it is not. This can lead to unnecessary follow-up tests and treatments, which could be risky and harmful.CT scanning raises the risk of cancer because of radiation.Any medical intervention - a test, operation or drug - will have harmful side-effects for some people, even when carried out by the best doctor in the country.
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Doctors know all this and so are more hesitant to seek treatment. For instance, many try to postpone the need for joint replacement surgery as long as possible.Why? Well, hip and knee replacements are wonderful operations - but a proportion do go wrong, even in the best orthopaedic hospitals. So, many doctors keep going as long as they can, with the help of painkillers and exercises to improve suppleness.Of course, certain surgical operations are necessary: 100 per cent of doctors would agree that an operation for bowel cancer is essential, for example.It's worth doing research on your condition and discussing with your GP whether a drug, operation or test is appropriate or necessary.
Many try to postpone the need for joint replacement surgery as long as possible - some go wrongWHAT MATTERS MOST TO YOULet's imagine a patient, Mrs Johnson, who has an arthritic knee, which makes it hard for her to do the gardening she loves.You'd think the answer would be simple: she needs a knee replacement. And, indeed, many doctors would recommend that.But this procedure carries risks - and could, in fact, result in her not being able to kneel at all.As her problem was primarily her difficulty with gardening, there could be a far safer solution: raised flowerbeds or long-handled garden tools. Simple!My point is that before going to see your GP or, even more importantly, a specialist who does not know you in the way your GP does, write down your thoughts, concerns and priorities. Before agreeing to any treatment, take your time and reflect by yourself, and with family and friends, using the checklist below:What is bothering me most?Is the doctor clear about what is bothering me most?Will the treatment not just treat the disease, but deal with what is bothering me most?Am I well informed about the probability of benefit and the probability of harm?Having decided on this, you need to consider:Am I really sure I want this treatment - and will I blame myself if it does go wrong?What have other people like me decided? (Look at two very good websites:
and healthtalkonline.co.uk)How urgently is the treatment needed?Where should I have it done?
Look at nhs.uk to see if there is information about the treatment you are consideringIncreasingly, hospitals are publishing performance results. Look at nhs.uk to see if there is information about the treatment you are considering and which local hospital has the best results.For a variety of reasons, the information given to patients is sometimes overly optimistic regarding the risks and limitations of treatment. This is changing, but over-optimism is a deep-seated tendency. Perhaps the main obstacle is the use of percentages.We know that if people are told a treatment will reduce the risk of a disease by 50 per cent, they make different decisions than if they are told the risk will be reduced from one in 2,000 to one in 3,000.You need absolute numbers, so here are two questions for your doctor:If 100 people have this test or treatment, how many of them will have a good result?If 100 people have this test or treatment, how many will suffer some harmful consequence?DO RESEARCH, BUT BEWARE DR GOOGLEThe internet is wonderful, but it also creates problems. For example, type 'knee replacement' into Google and you will get more than nine million results.The top ones are usually a reflection of how much the websites paid to achieve that ranking rather than the quality or suitability of the website.So how do you find information that you are sure you can rely on? There are two sources I can recommend. First, you can consult NHS Choices at nhs.uk - this is the knowledge service of the health service, designed for patients and the public. It provides the best current information written in non-technical language.As the former chief knowledge officer for the NHS, I helped develop it, so I can vouch for it!Second, you could consult Medline Plus, produced by the National Library of Medicine in Washington DC. Visit nlm.nih.gov/ medlineplusTHREE VACCINATIONS TO CONSIDERInfectious diseases were the great killers of the past, and for a few years we thought they had gone away.
Yearly flu jabs should be seriously considered. They are freely available from your GP for anyone aged over 65 and anyone younger considered to be at risk
But in recent years that peril has increased, not only because bacteria and viruses can evolve faster than we can, but also because of the over-use of antibiotics, which has led to the development of anti-biotic resistance.Fortunately, we have effective vaccines against some of the predominant diseases that occur in old age. These are:Influenza: For two reasons, influenza for older people is a much more serious condition than for people at the age of 30.First, the effects of ageing reduce our capacity to deal with an infection. So flu, which may result in three days off work for a 30-year-old, may lead to three days in hospital for a person aged 70 or over - with the associated risks of picking up a secondary infection.Second, people over 70 may have changes in their lungs and heart as a result of lifestyle and environment, and the added burden of influenza can lead to problems in both.For these reasons, yearly flu jabs should be seriously considered. They are freely available from your GP for anyone aged over 65 and anyone younger considered to be at risk (such as those suffering from underlying health conditions, such as heart or respiratory issues).Pneumococcal pneumonia: Staphylococcus pneumoniae is a bacterium that causes a serious type of pneumonia. Fortunately, a safe and effective vaccine exists - the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV).Everyone aged 65 should have been offered this vaccine at some stage, because it gives lifetime protection to people who have no other health problems.People who have long-term conditions of the heart, lungs or kidneys, or who have diabetes (and, therefore, are at higher risk of complications), should have it every five years.Shingles: This nasty affliction flares up when some change in your body leads to a reactivation of the chickenpox virus, which has lain dormant or been sleeping inside your nervous system.The trigger factor is not understood, but a vaccine is being offered to people aged 70, 78 and 79.
Do complementary medicines help?
Some doctors are critical of treatments such as homeopathy or Chinese medicine.Their scepticism stems from the fact that these treatments are not based on strong evidence of effectiveness, to which the providers of complementary and alternative medicines argue that they would be willing to do more research, but there is no equivalent of the pharmaceutical industry, which funds so much of the research on new drugs.So, what can be said if you are considering such a treatment? First, that many people have benefited from alternative and complementary treatments.Second, there is little evidence that these treatments do harm, provided that you do not stop taking an orthodox treatment of proven effectiveness.
NINE FREE TESTS YOU CAN ASK FORIf you are worried about a particular aspect of your health, there is no need to spend money on privately advertised screening tests or whole-body scans.There is strong evidence that these scans do more harm than good, with misleading results and potential side-effects.
It is essential to avoid over-diagnosis, over-treatment and the medicalisation of lifeThe NHS provides its own preventive services for older people, in particular for the following health issues:Detection and treatment of high blood pressure.Detection and treatment of an irregular heart beat (atrial fibrillation).Prevention, detection and management of type 2 diabetes.Prompt investigation of acute chest pain to treat heart attacks effectively.Screening tests for breast cancer for women.Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening for men (to detect abnormal swellings of the major artery).Investigation, treatment and follow-up for women who have had one fracture, to prevent a second fragility fracture.Bowel cancer screening for both sexes.Identification of depression, and effective treatment and support to improve wellbeing and prevent suicide.These services may not be well advertised locally and if your GP seems too busy, make an appointment with the practice nurse or even consider moving to another practice that does offer them.But do remember to take a balanced approach: it is essential to avoid over-diagnosis, over-treatment and the medicalisation of life.Above all, remember that old age is not a disease and should never be treated as such.Adapted by Corinna Honan from Sod Seventy! The Guide To Living Well by Muir Gray (Bloomsbury, ?12.99). (C) 2015 Muir Gray. Offer price ?10.39 (20 per cent discount) until January 31, 2015. To order, call 8 or go to mailbookshop.co. P&P is free for a limited time only.
Supplements that really do help hold back the years
Supermarkets and chemists are packed with supplements promising a healthy old age, but which are worth taking? JO WATERS investigates...Glucosamine for healthy jointsGlucosamine is a natural substance important for healthy cartilage - the supplements are made from shellfish.Dr Tom Margham of Arthritis Research UK says the evidence for its benefit is mixed.'However, lots of patients tell us glucosamine works for them. As painkillers can have side-effects and many older people can't take them because of other health conditions, glucosamine might be worth trying,' he says.The recommended dose is 1,500 mg per day.'Glucosamine can affect blood sugar and blood clotting, so if you're diabetic or taking warfarin, check with your GP,' he says.Vitamin D for strong bonesVitamin D is made by the body on exposure to sunlight and is important for bone strength.However, as we age we're at risk of a deficiency because we spend more time indoors and when we do go outside, less skin is exposed.'This increases the risk of osteo-porotic fractures,' says Helen Macdonald, professor of nutrition and musculoskeletal medicine at the University of Aberdeen.Over-65s are advised to take a daily supplement of 10 mcg of vitamin D.
Supermarkets and chemists are packed with supplements promising a healthy old ageRed yeast to cut cholesterolRed yeast rice is used in Chinese medicine to lower cholesterol and can be bought as a supplement from health food shops.It contains a powerful natural chemical, monacolin K, which is used in statins, as well as plant sterols (which stop cholesterol being absorbed by the gut).'Red yeast may cause side-effects, but these are less likely, so a supplement may be an option if you're unable to tolerate statins - but don't take it if you're on statins,' says Dr Carl Shakespeare, consultant cardiologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich.'Also, the plant sterols you get from eating a single apple a day can lower cholesterol by 20 per cent, and this may be cheaper.'Vitamin B12 to prevent anaemiaAs we age, the gut becomes less able to absorb vitamin B12 - found in meat, fish, cheese, eggs.Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to larger red blood cells, and in turn can lead to tiredness, depression and memory problems.'This is treated with vitamin B12 injections every three months,' says Dr Trisha Macnair, a specialist in medicine for the elderly at Milford Hospital, Surrey.'But a study in the British Medical Journal suggests a high dose daily tablet of 500 mcg or above works just as well, so consider taking it as a preventative.'Lutein and zeaxanthin to prevent sight lossTwo major U.S. trials concluded that supplements combining lutein (10 mg) and zeaxanthin (2 mg), as well as zinc and vitamins C and E, can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - the leading cause of age-related sight loss in Britain.It's thought they protect cells in the eye against damage from light and oxygen.Nicholas Lee, a consultant ophthalmic surgeon at the Hillingdon and Western Eye Hospital, London, emphasises this benefit was found only in those with significant AMD, so talk to an ophthalmologist before taking supplements.Don't bother with...Fish oil and gingko biloba for brain health: The evidence isn't convincing, says Dr Laura Phipps of Alzheimer's Research UK.'Trials of fish oils have not shown any benefit for memory or thinking. And there is no convincing evidence to suggest gingko biloba can prevent dementia,' she says.
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