
Feeling Good (感觉很好) - SoundrollAwakened by the morning sun清晨的阳光把人唤醒The new day have just begun新的一天已经到来Through the open window打开窗户Warm and gentle wind暖风和煦Invites you to take a walk何不出去走一走You're walking down the sunny street你走在洒满阳光的街道上Humming moving to the beat听着耳机里Of the happy song令人开心的歌曲From your headphones随意摇摆Passing block by block走过一条又一条街道Feeling good with no reason毫无原因 心情很好Free your soul from the prison释放自己的灵魂Leave behind useless ado把无意义的琐事抛却脑后Sun is shining so bright阳光如此明媚Everything is alright一切都那么美好The whole world is smiling to you整个世界在朝你微笑Lay down beneath the shady tree躺在树荫下Evoke the pleasant memories美好的记忆浮现在脑海In the shape of the clouds在云层中What can you see你能看到什么Bunny or fairy elf兔子或仙女精灵Remember your childhood dream回忆儿时的梦想Perfect shiny and agleam阳光闪耀 多么完美Start to do all those things开始忙碌起来You wanted to do你乐在其中And you'll find yourself你会发现自己Feeling good with no reason毫无原因 心情很好Free your soul from the prison放飞自己的灵魂Leave behind useless ado把无意义的琐事抛却脑后Sun is shining so bright阳光如此明媚Everything is alright一切都那么美好The whole world is smiling to you整个世界在朝你微笑Feeling good with no reason毫无原因 心情很好Free your soul from the prison放飞自己的灵魂Leave behind useless ado把无意义的琐事抛却脑后Sun is shining so bright阳光如此耀眼Everything is alright一切都那么美好The whole world is smiling to you全世界都在向你微笑Feeling good with no reason毫无原因 心情很好Free your soul from the prison放飞自己的灵魂Leave behind useless ado把无意义的琐事抛却脑后Sun is shining so bright阳光如此明媚Everything is alright一切都那么美好


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