1 1/8_16UN滚丝尺寸多少?

2.A changing voltage applied to the first wire coil这句你看得明白吧,这个changing voltage还不是来自外部?说白了这就是个变压器而已。
美国磁动力公司(Magnetic Power Inc. (MPI))总裁马克.格而第斯撰文
& && && && && &&&[日更新]
“在思想领域一切都取决于热情,在现实世界一切都取决于坚持。” -歌德
斯特奥恩,一家爱尔兰公司,在2006年8月 发布一则广告,声称他们已经发现了一种利用磁力“产生自由,清洁和连续不断的能量”的方法。他们邀请了22位有相关背景的科学家组成一个评审团 ,对他们的发现进行评议。该评陪审团主席日前发表声明说 ,经过两年的时间,评审团已解散,一致认为斯特奥恩没有提供支持他们自己说法的证据。有关16个评审团成员的情况可在:http://stjury.ning.com上找到。
一种可能的能源形式就是零点能 (Zero Point Energy, ZPE)。 然而,对零点场熟悉的大多数科学家认为,ZPE转换不大可能成为现实。由于这种突破性的能源技术已走向市场,对其能量来源的讨论将是不可避免的。它可能还会持续很长一段时间。但是,如果这种发明能够提供实用,安全,有效的能源,探索这一问题的最终的确定答案就显得不那么急迫。
日,一个题为“量子真空能量萃取” 的美国专利发给了伯纳德.海希和加雷.默德尔。 专利的摘要开始说:从电磁量子真空转换成可用能量的一个系统已被披露。宇宙中电磁量子真空无所不在,它被转换成的可用能量形式包括热能,电能,机械能或其他形式。摘要最后说,那个被披露装置的尺寸以及能量输出大小是可调的,小的可以小到像电池那样,大的可大到像发电厂的发电机。这一专利成了Jovion公司研究的基础,为此美国科罗拉多州大学授予默德尔教授一笔基金。
Noberto R. Keppe在他的“新物理”一书中说,Broglie, Bohm 和 Vigler都认为,在绝对零点(0 K=-559.67 F华氏度),宇宙中任何地方,每立方厘米包含有10 的27次方焦耳的能量。这相当于一千万吨煤包含的能量。
回复【108楼】micropower 流浪的飘云
magniwork 这本50多页的发电机安装手册,只要你网上有美元账户,就可下载。它有退款承诺。称magniwork为骗局者似乎都没有安装试过,试过安装者抱怨它是骗局的似乎网上还没有发现过。&&
Abstract :&&
A solid-state electrical generator including at least one permanent magnet, magnetically coupled to a ferromagnetic core provided with at least one hole pe the hole(s) and magnet(s) being placed such that the hole(s) penetrating the ferromagnetic core's volume intercept flux from the permanent magnet(s) coupled into the ferromagnetic core.&&
A first wire coil is wound around the ferromagnetic core for the purpose of moving the coupled permanent magnet flux within the ferromagnetic core. 。 A second wire is routed through the hole(s) penetrating the volume of the ferromagnetic core, for the purpose of intercepting this moving magnetic flux, thereby inducing an output electromotive force.。
A changing voltage(关键技术) applied to the first wire coil causes coupled permanent magnet flux to move within the core relative to the hole(s) penetrating the core volume, thus inducing electromotive force along wire(s) passing through the hole(s) in the ferromagnetic core.&&The mechanical action of an electrical generator is thereby synthesized without use of moving parts.&&
第一线圈上施加一个变化的电压(Key Technology,King Technology,Kool Technology),使得耦合的永磁体磁通在铁芯内相对于铁芯移动,从而沿导线感生电动力。至此,不用移动部件,发电机的机械运动就被合成了。(最后这句太强大了,永动机原来是这样造成的啊,我真的五体投地了,这典型的断章取义!此永动机的关键技术是A Changing Voltage,如果忽略此处,那么毫无疑问,它真的是永动机。当然加上它的话,这个专利就是一坨狗屎!如果上帝让该Changing Voltage从天上掉下来,那么毫无疑问,它将真的是永动机!)
回顾了106楼,我发现我的说法武断了,如果该教授确实用某种不耗费能量的方法,萃取了电磁量子真空的能量,那么我希望届时他这样介绍自己:“God, then me.”
回复【114楼】ilikemcu 我爱单片机
hichachebd :
& &&&什么都别说,偶上个图,照你的想法,那是不是也是永动机哦?
这不能说是永动机吧~ 只能说是 能量转换器
& & 伪科学(pseudoscience)是指把没有科学根据的非科学理论或方法宣称为科学或者比科学还要科学的某种主张,如星占学、维里科夫斯基碰撞理论、李森科的无产阶级遗传学等。伪科学不同于一时的科学错误,它是一种社会历史现象,要害在于,它在特定的时间和地点冒充科学,把已经被科学界证明不属科学的东西当作科学对待,并且长期不能或者拒绝提供严格的证据。非科学的事物大量存在,而且通常自有其存在的价值,如文学、艺术、魔术等等,一旦有人把它们宣称为科学,则这种宣称本身也就成为一种伪科学。
  不少不法商人喜欢自创名词,以显得自己的产品高档。当中一个例子,就是“负离子”。不少人听到“负离子”,自然想到了带电荷的“阴离子”,但原来所谓负离子,其实是从日语的“マイナスイオン(Minus ion)”翻译过来,而这个名词其实是日本商人杜撰,英文没有的。再者,听了错误资讯的人又会继续张冠李戴,把错误的资讯“合理化”,例如有女性会说:我用过“ION”牌直发液来直发,过程中会产生“负离子”,把头发变回直。因为我用过这种“负离子直发液”,效果很好,所以“负离子”是存在的,是可信的。
sha& &bbbbb
回复【65楼】Morgery 阿坚
问个问题:磁铁在吸引到外部物质时 其质量是否减少? 这个问题我问过大学物理老师,他没有给我回答。
一个令人激动的发展是利用磁场作为自由替代能源。磁场是有极性的。极性相反的磁场相互吸引,极性相同的磁场相互排斥。这种排斥性可以用来驱动马达。排斥力是自由的。它像阳光和空气一样的存在着。只要磁铁保持其磁性,它就存在。磁铁的磁场通常可以保持数百年。磁力驱动的发电机被称为运动能装置(Energy by Motion (“EBM”))或磁力发电机(&MPG&)
利用磁力发电机产生电能并不是新的东西。发电机旋转磁铁通过线圈,每当磁铁穿过一个线圈,它的的磁场就产生一股电流。但使发电机旋转需要外部的能源。而现在的新的EBM and MPG装置利用不要燃料的马达。这种马达利用磁场的斥力作为它的能源。磁场驱动一个马达,它使其他磁铁穿过发电机中的线圈。这就产生了电能。我们称它为自由能是因为不需要燃料去驱动马达。能量是通过磁场的旋转运动产生的。这也就是为什么它被称做运动能装置(Energy by Motion (“EBM”))
王申和(Shenhe Wang,音译),一个中国的发明家,设计了一台5千瓦家用磁力发电机,该装置是用永久磁铁驱动。该发电机不需任何外部燃料或外部的能源。中国Z.F.对它进行了测试,认为符合国家的可靠性和安全性标准。已有几家公司争相获得生产许可证大规模生产王申和发明设计的这种家用发电系统。
王申和(Shenhe Wang,音译),一个中国的发明家,设计了一台5千瓦家用磁力发电机,该装置是用永久磁铁驱动。该发电机不需任何外部燃料或外部的能源。中国Z.F.对它进行了测试,认为符合国家的可靠性和安全性标准。已有几家公司争相获得生产许可证大规模生产王申和发明设计的这种家用发电系统。
–Nikola Tesla, ()
王申和(Shenhe Wang,),一个中国的发明家,设计了一台5千瓦家用磁力发电机,该装置是用永久磁铁驱动。该发电机不需任何外部燃料或外部的能源。我国有关部门对它进行了测试,认为符合国家的可靠性和安全性标准。已有几家公司争相获得生产许可证生产王发明设计的这种家用发电系统
基本一直潜水,也没什么学历,英文也不好,但对& &
&&“王申和(Shenhe Wang,),一个中国的发明家,设计了一台5千瓦家用磁力发电机,该装置是用永久磁铁驱动。该发电机不需任何外部燃料或外部的能源。”& &
DIY磁力发电机碰到的问题: 磁铁安装在电机转子上高速转动,磁性会很快衰减吗?磁铁用铜包钢丝绕几圈包起来就可以避免吗?不知哪位专家可回答。
回复【26楼】chairang 板砖
Dr. Puthoff 写道:“科学家早就意识到,地球是沉浸在一个极其稠密的宇宙能海洋里,这种能海布满通常称为量子真空的每一个角落”。磁力发电机就是利用其突破性技术萃取此真空噪音能(零点能)。
根据Nicola Tesla和后来的一些尖端科学家和发明家的看法,巨大的在宇宙中无所不在真空量子能,可经由量子自旋来获得。
在1926年德国发明家Hans Coler创造了“空间能”这个词。他的第一台发电机发出了几瓦的电力。在1937年Hans Coler展示了他的第二台6千瓦发电机。在二战期间,军方支持他秘密搞一个项目,解决潜艇无须浮出水面给电池充电问题。后来实验室被炸毁。二战结束后他与英国情报局合作。该情报局在1946年出版了一份报告称他的成就是确实的。在1979年,该报告被解密,在互联网可以查看到。
上述发电机将被证明也是从Coler的 “空间能”获得能源。此“空间能”现在常被称为零点能(ZPE)。最近有一个美国7,379,286号专利,名叫“量子真空能萃取”,它对零点场进行了全面的讨论。此专利可以在USPTO网站查找。其摘要可在ZPEnergy.com找到。
这些装置没有活动部件,就像一只普通的电池。Lee Felsenstein, 一个电气工程师,评价这些概念型样机说,它可以和过去对晶体管早期的研究工作相比,这种研究工作曾最终赢得了一个诺贝尔奖并且创造了一个硅谷。
电能在我们身边无处不在且无穷无尽,它能驱动世界上所有机器而无需煤炭、 石油或任何其他燃料。
–Nikola Tesla, ()
我上初中的时候 ,真傻呀。费了老大的事 照书上画的,做出一台永动机来,可是不尽人意。没有成功。
回复【173楼】Morgery 阿坚
  John Roy Robert Searl was born May 2, 1932 in a very poor family in England. He was put in foster homes and separated from his brother and sister at the age of four. At the age of four and a half years old he started having dreams. The dreams came in pairs - first dream one, then a short time later, and they occurred twice a year for six years. The dreams stopped when he was at age ten. He knew the dreams meant something, so he worked at interpreting their meaning at age ten.
  At 14 he made his first Searl Effect Generator (SEG). He was financed by an elderly Welsh gentleman by the name of George Hines. Mr. Hines believed in John and financed the first six SEGs that he built, all of which were lost. The first SEG was assembled in John's house at No. S Carl Street. It was a small unit and when he completed placing the magnetic rollers on the plates, it started to go faster and faster. As the SEG speeded up, it developed a field around it, lost its gravity, flew up and hit the ceiling! John was surprised because he was trying to make a generator, not anything that would go up in the air. Meanwhile, the SEG kept hitting the ceiling until it got out and it was lost. The five subsequent ones that he built were also lost because he didn't know how to contain the field that it generated.
  As Prof Searl worked, he built a total of 40 levity disks. Many of them were lost in the begin ning until he learned how to control them. When he learned how to control the SEGs, after he tested them John would disassemble them to protect the technology. He would then try to use the parts for the next generation. The last craft done was Demo 1. Unfortunately, this craft, too, has been lost.
  Deaf Ears
  This technology has been offered to all countries. Back in the 70's, Professor Searl, a patriot, went to his country first. He went to the Queen and the Prince and said, &Would you take this, I can show you how to build this device to generate power and to actually make a new type of spacecraft or just flying craft to take the place of airplanes.& They didn't want to see him. They thanked him very much. He has letters to that effect.
  He has offered it to the United States. He gave a demonstration at Edwards Air Force Base. During the demonstration, he made a remote control turn to the tune of 25 Gs, which would kill anyone inside a jet plane. The people at Edwards said, &Well that would kill anybody inside a jet plane, and we don't want to see it, because it's just too dangerous, we can't use that.&
  Puzzled, he did a number of subsequent tests to determine internal G-forces. One which was fool proof. It had a vial of a radioactive element suspended in the apparatus that would break with a 2G force placed on it in any one place. He sent his craft up with that in place, and made all kinds of turns that should have just smashed it. When it came back, he tested it and it was still intact.
  This demonstrated that the relativity inside this craft is not the same as the relativity that we ordinarily experience in standard aircraft.
  In 1989, he offered this technology to Munich, Germany and to a group of scientists who received a grant to work on this technology. It's a research and developmentnot manufactur inggrant to build a model so the SEG effect can be demonstrated. The manufacturing con tract has not been let out. Manufacturing contracts will be discussed when we have the offers in place and we can talk to investors, showing the device in action.
  Professor Searl always had the device with him at all his lecturesthis allowed him to demon strate the SEG. They are all now destroyed except for two which have been given to people for health reasons. Two different individuals who were diagnosed as having lung ailments and only a matter of months to live. One of the benefits of this device is that it produces tremen dous ion discharge. An electron discharge has the effect of healing. It will heal people's lungs and also has the benefit of ion production.
  Professor Searl had been in an accident in which he was carrying a very hot pan of oil that was put on the stove mistakenly and he was trying to get it outside. Someone opened the door unexpectedly
  and it exploded. John was not only burned, but he was also bleeding. Fourteen days later you couldn't see a scar. So the SEG may have a healing effect.
  Basic Structure of the SEG
  An SEG consists of a series of three rings and rollers that go around those rings. The first ring contains twelve rollers, this amount is the same as having a twelve-cycle or twelve-phase linear motor. A linear motor will not operate on less than twelve phases. There are many other correlations you can make, but this is working along with the laws of Nature. There are twelve plates on the surface of the earth, and twelve months of the year. There can be more than twelve rollers, but no less.
  Figure 1 is an illustration of what an SEG would look like. It shows what we hope our final outcome will be to make one. You notice that there are three rows as you go out. There are not the same number of rollers for each ring . It goes up by approximately 10 rollers for each ring.
  All of the construction details are based on the Law of the Squares. Looking at a cutaway section of a ring of rollers, we see that this SEG is made using the square of four. The rollers revolve around the plates that form the rings, but they do not touch them. The close-up of the roller in Figure 2 shows a center element and then three other elements going out from the central core of each roller. The plates will have the same center element on the inner side and the lightest element on the outside.
  Figure 3 is a drawing of the elements going from the outside layer to the inside layer. It shows dimensions and you'll notice that one of the elements is nylon. Nylon 66 is the element Prof. Searl chose to use and he used it because it has a high negative content and it also has a double bond configuration. The nylon is used as a semi-conductor in a diode.
  What you have basically is a solid state device here. Figure 4. The electrons are given off from the center element (which is neodymium), and they travel out through the other elements. If the nylon had not been put there, the SEG would act like a laser and one pulse would go out and it would stop, build up, and another pulse would go out. But, with the nylon in there, the nylon acts as a control gate, and that control gate gives you an even flow of electrons throughout the SEG.
  Brushes for electron pickups are found on the outside edges of SEGs designated for use in the Inverse-G vehicles. Figure 5. A set of conventional C-shaped transformers would ordinarily collect the energy for use. The Inverse-G vehicle units are made a little bit different than a conventional generator in that instead of supplying 240 volts for Europe or 130 for the United States, it puts out hundreds of millions of volts. In order to transfer that energy to a usable place on the craft, and to direct it they pick it up with brushes. These brushes are positioned all around the out side.
  The Impressed Magnetic Fields
  The rollers have a primary north and south pole, as do the plates in this case. There's a primary north and south pole on the rollers and a primary north and south pole on the plates. Obviously you will have the north pole of the roller attracted to the south pole of the plate.
  Ordinarily they would clamp right on and not be able to move, especially being made with neodymium. But there's a secondary field impressed on these magnets using an AC compo nent. By impressing an AC magnetic field on the roller, Prof. Searl was able to create the demonstration in Figure 6 using a bar and two rollers. The rollers would go completely around the bar even around the 90 degee angle becuse of the way the fields was impressed on the magnets.
  This shows the field when you make these magnets you have to use an AC component to influence the DC field. What it does, it warps it and they go on at the same time when you're turning this magnet. As the field is warped, multiple poles are formed on the surface of the rollers and on the rings of the SEG. The frequency used to do this is not the same on the rollers as it is on the rings. This creates a non unity between the two faces so that as the magnets try to achieve unity and go to a north-south orientation, they cannot do it.
  The imprinting is being done in Germany. Figure 7. One of the most difficult things in making this device is to impress the magnetic lines and cool it without cracking. Coils are used to print the magnetic lines by first suppressing the existing fields, then generating the impressed field, and finally to cool the finished component. Oscilloscopes are used to monitor the printed wave form. Figure 8.
  When the finished rollers are placed underneath some iron filings on paper, like at school, we get some unusual results. . . a large pattern on each pole, and almost no pattern or an angular pattern in an arc between poles . There are both layers and individual poles and this uniformity of the poles on the outside is very important. These magnetic poles will be their own prime mover.
  One of the marvelous things about the SEG is that none of the parts touch. There is no friction whatsoever, the rollers float on the magnetic field because of the AC component that has been impressed upon them. They will not fly off because of the DC that has been impressed upon them. They travel around the first ring at about 250 mph. In each ring going outward, the rollers' speed in creases by 2 and a half times.
  Element Selection
  Now, the choosing of the elements is an important thing obviously. If one was to look at the Table of Periodic Properties of the Elements, one would notice that the atomic structure of each element is illustrated. Prof Searl discovered that most of the elements that worked the best were hexagonal, but iron is obviously not so. He uses them in conjunction with the hex agonal configuration in order to pick the correct and most efficient way to develop the effect.
  The specific powders of elements are carefully weighed. These elements have to be of a specific grain size, atomic weight, and exact dimensions. They have to be put together in such a way that they meet the requirements of the Law of Squares.
  The elements are used on the theory that when they progress out from the center or inside out they are at lessor weight, atomically... And these elements are made and chosen through the Law of the Squares, with the heaviest element as the center element. The center element that John Searl has used since the first SEG is neodymium, which is element number 60. Modern science has just discovered that neodymium is good to make magnets. John Searl has been using it since 1946!
  Law of the Squares
  A lot of people ask what is all this about the squares? Well, there are three groups of squares group one, two and three, and there can be no other. Group one squares consists of all odd numbers. All even numbers that are divisible by four are Group Two. All the rest of the even numbers not divisible by four are Group Three.
  In the books, John Searl will mention that a Group 1 square rotates, I couldn't understand that so I did a little research and studying on my own and I found that if you take the numbers of Group One and show where it moves to in his corrected square, it will go to this point here, and this number will go here. This pattern develops out and it's a circular pattern showing a rotation.
  When you do something similar in showing where the numbers transpose to what we call a uniform square which would be a sequentially numbered square from top to bottom, left to right. In those squares, all of the numbers in a line if you add them across or down or on a diagonal will add to the same number. All have the same line value. These have been termed Magic Squares in the past. It's not really a new technology but an old technology that's being reborn and reviewed.
  In Figure 9, I have illustrated the three groups. The oscillating pattern of a Group 2 square took me some time. I went further on with this in my studies and I said well OK I have to picture this in my mind. I really couldn't quite get it., the gist of it. What I did was extrapo lated a Group 2 square out into a cube and the opened the cube up.
  When I first started, I thought there had to be one answer if I could find a way to solve this square, take sequentially numbered squares and put them into an order where every line would add to the same value. And all these different directions would only be one answer.
  I was wrong. Figure 10 , Figure 11 is the front view, back and top and bottom of this cube. And every one of these lines add up to the same number in every one of these squares, so I kind of surprised myself doing that. This is a three-dimensional image of that cube.
  Now, even at that what does that show you? Starting with this cube I found that there's a switching pattern involved and I could equate the switching pattern of the squares to the switching pattern I saw in the cube which brought to me a three dimensional realm. I could easily make the jump to a switching pattern in the atomic valences or atomic structure.
  The Secret of Control
  The initial working models were not remote controlled. They were one-time shots John de scribed as firecracker models. Once he started them, they took offnever to be seen again! Prof. Searl says &it's an awfully expensive firecracker! & I imagine they were. Then he learned how to control it.
  Prof. Searl was giving a news interview and the people were there with the video cameras and the press and he said ...Now this device will never stop. No matter what you do it will never stop. And it will always supply you with power.
  And so the video camera came down and panned down real close to the SEG and the SEG stopped! John further describes the moment: My mouth fell open and I felt like a fool because
  I'd just finished telling them it would never stop.
  He'd never seen it stop before. What happened was very embarrassing, but it was one of the luckiest things that ever happened to him. He realized immediately that the key was in the frequency and that the frequency of the television camera was putting out a harmonic or a resonant frequency of the primary frequency of the SEG and it counteracted it and caused the poles to reach a unification state and stop.
  And so that is how he got the key on how to control the SEG. Through a remote control he could now slow it or stop it entirely. Up to this point he was not stopping it.
  The Dream Lost
  A good number of models in various sizes were built and flown. Of course, this work attracted a lot of visitors. John would have anyone who wanted to view his craft, the generator or view the craft in flight to sign in and put a little comment about what they thought. There were many famous people and there were hundreds of namesthey were not retrieved. They're all lostburned in the fire.
  Prof. Searl wanted to fly one of the models himself. He was about ready to . Friends in New Zealand had committed money to build a three-man craft and were all set to go. Land had been cleared and they were all set to start construction. One of his motivations is that when he went to a number of test pilots and showed them models of flight, they all looked at the high G factors and the high voltage and then refused to fly of it.
  So John proceeded to go and take flight school. He did take flight school to the point that he was qualified to take passengers. Which, if you know anything about flying, it's a lot more than getting your Piper Cub license. He accomplished this just before he was arrested.
  While under persecution, John had to leave his largest model unattended for a lengthy period. Prof. Searl went back to retrieve it, I think it was about six months ago now, and he said that when he left it there, it was supposedly safe. Unfortunately, the person that let him use the land died and his wife sold off the land. The new owner, a policeman, sold it for junk.
  So it was very disappointing. It had tons of copper - about five tons of copper . But it was sold just for the copper. It was pitiful because it was the only thing he had left to show his work - everything else was destroyed. Even photos are very hard to come by. They come in little trickles, from different people who have worked on it. There's not much publicity and most of it has been destroyed.
  Recovering the Dream
  Various people throughout history have claimed to have generated what the scientific commu nity calls Free Energy. And many of them have claimed to have produced anti-gravity devices and craft. To day, most of them are dead. We're trying to retrace their endeavors to rediscover their technology. Most of these inventors were very secretive so that their inventions would not be stolen, or fall into the wrong hands. All of their motives are understand able. The result was that their technology and inventions were lost. They were so afraid that someone would try to steal it, or that it would get into the wrong hands. Now, no one has it.
  Some of these great inventors were, in my opinion, Nikola Tesla, John Keely, Victor Schauberger, Otis Carr, and there are probably a number of them I don't know about. I'm getting in contact every day with people who have devices that they say work. Prof. Searl has kept many aspects of his technology secret in the past for the same reasons. He was wrong fully imprisoned and all of his equipment and papers were destroyed, as I've told you about. This was almost the end of the Searl technology.
  But John Searl is not to be stopped. He's very strong-willed and dedicated to using his tech nology to make a better world for mankind. He's released this work in the form of books entitled &The Law of the Squares.& so that it will not be destroyed again.
  I've asked people:
  How much would you give to talk to Nikola Tesla, to be able to talk to your specific interest Guru or leader?
  I'd give a lot to talk to Tesla, to Keely or to many others. What marvelous inventions could they come up with in light of our modern discoveries? Take Tesla today and sho what do you think he'd come up with in view of what he came up with in the past.
  Did Keely really conquer gravity using sound waves through sympathetic vibrations? Did Schauberger really create a gravity field using vortexian action in liquids? Did Carr have special windings in his craft that allowed him to generate voltage needed for anti-gravity? These questions may never be answered except by diligent research and experimentation. Even then it may take years.
  Prof. Searl is alive today. He wants to give this technology to the world today. Will we wait too long to accept it? Will we waste our time scoffing to disprove his technology as has been done by others in the past? Will we turn a blind eye to his attempt to move us into the future as we did to Tesla so that we can hold on to the past?
  I say we don't turn a blind eye. We're looking for the visionaries of today to move ahead now in order to save the people of this planet. Figure 12. We no longer have the luxury of saying someday somebody else will do it. We've damaged our atmosphere severely. We've depleted our natural resources. We're cutting down our rain forests, at an alarming rate. We all hear about these things and feel we can do nothing about them.
  We can do something about them now, though, if we act before its too late and get this tech nology going. There's a very minuscule amount of time, as we look at the big picture of the earth and we've almost ruined the atmosphere. Some cities are almost unlivable because of the smog. This technology could do something about that. That's why I'm involved with it.
  14日,他在他第一次塞尔效果发生器(赛格)。他的经费是由老人威尔士绅士的名字叫乔治海因斯。海因斯先生认为约翰和资助上半年SEGs ,他建造,所有这些都是损失。第一赛格是聚集在约翰的家在第语卡尔街。这是一个小单位,当他完成了把磁辊上的盘子,开始去快。由于赛格加快,它制定了一个外地周围,失去了重力,飞行和击中天花板!约翰很惊讶,因为他试图使一台发电机,而不是任何会在空气中。与此同时,赛格不断触及天花板,直到失控并丧失。五其后,他还建造了,因为他不知道如何控制领域,它产生的。
  正如塞尔教授的工作,他建立了一个共有40个轻率的磁盘。他们中的许多人失去了在宁开始,直到他学会了如何控制它们。当他得知如何控制SEGs后,他约翰测试他们将拆卸,以保护他们的技术。然后,他将尝试使用部分为下一代。最后做的是飞行器演示1 。不幸的是,这一工艺,也已丢失。
  这种技术已被提供给所有国家。早在70 年代,塞尔教授,一个爱国者,他对他的国家第一次。他走到女王和王储说, “请问你可否,我可以告诉您如何建立这一装置来发电,并实际上使一种新型的航天器或飞行船取代的飞机。 ”他们不想见他。他们感谢他非常感谢。他曾写信给这效果。
  他表示愿意到美国。他给了示威的爱德华兹空军基地。在示威期间,他提出了远程控制转向调整为25气孔,这将杀死任何人在一个喷气式飞机。人们在爱德华兹说, “嗯将杀害任何人在一个喷气客机,我们不想看到它,因为它实在太危险,我们不能使用这一点。 ”
  1989年,他提出这方面的技术,慕尼黑,德国和一群科学家谁收到了补助金的工作这项技术。这是一种研究developmentnot制造和 inggrant建立的模型,以便凹陷效果可以证明。生产控制系统尚未租出。制造合同将讨论时,我们有提供到位,我们可以与投资者,显示装置的行动。
  教授塞尔总是与他的设备在他的所有lecturesthis让他恶魔的赛格策略。他们现在都摧毁了除两个已考虑到人民的健康原因。两种不同的个人谁被诊断患有肺病,只有几个月的生活。的好处之一是这个装置,它产生tremen dous离子放电。电子放电的影响愈合。它将治愈人的肺部,也有利于离子生产。
  它爆炸了。约翰不仅是烧伤,但他也出血。 14天后你不能看到一道深深的伤疤。因此,赛格可能有治疗效果。
  所有的建筑的细节是根据法方。看着剖部分的辊环,我们看到,这是赛格使用面积4 。该辊围绕板块,形成了环,但他们不碰他们。在近距离的辊图2显示一个中心内容,然后其他三个要素走出去的核心每个辊。该板块将有同样的中心内容的内侧和重量最轻的元素在外面。
  你基本上是一种固态装置在这里。图4 。电子得到了从中央元(这是钕),他们通过旅行的其他内容。如果尼龙尚未付诸那里,赛格将采取行动像一个激光脉冲将一个走出去,将停止,建立,另一个脉冲将出去。但是,与在那里的尼龙,尼龙作为一个控制闸门,并控制闸门让您甚至电子流在整个赛格。
  刷电子皮卡车被发现在外面的边缘SEGs指定用于逆荷车辆。图5 。一套传统的C型变压器通常会收集的能源使用。逆荷车辆单位发了一点不同比传统发电机,而是提供240伏特的欧洲或130对美国来说,它提出了数百万伏特。为了转移,能源的使用上发生船只,并指示它,他们捡起来的刷子。这些刷子的位置各地的一方。
  通常他们将钳上的权利,而不是可以移动,尤其是正在取得钕。但有一个次要领域的深刻的印象就这些磁体使用的是交流复合组件。留下深刻印象的交流磁场对辊,教授塞尔能够创建示范图6使用的是酒吧和两个滚轮。该轧辊将完全在酒吧甚至在90 degee角becuse的方式,领域留下了深刻的印象的磁铁。
  的印记是在德国。图7 。其中最困难的事情,使这个装置是留下深刻印象的磁力线和冷静它不开裂。线圈是用来打印磁力线,首先制止现有的领域,然后产生深刻的印象领域,并最终完成凉爽的组成部分。示波器是用于监测印刷波的形式。图8 。
  当成品辊放在下面一些铁屑在纸面上,像在学校里,我们得到一些不寻常的结果。 。 。一个大格局的每一个杆位,而且几乎没有任何模式或一个角格局的一个弧形两极之间。有两个层次和个人极点,这统一的两极在外面是非常重要的。这些磁极将自己的主要推动者。
  在图9 ,我已经证明了三组。振荡模式的一组2平方米我花了一些时间。我去进一步与我的研究和我说也行我要图片这在我的脑海。我真的不能完全得到它。 ,精神的。我所做的是extrapo lated一组2平方米到一个立方体和开放的立方体了。
  我错了。图10 ,图11是正面观,背部及顶部和底部的这个立方体。每一个这些线路增加相同数量的每一个这些广场,所以我的惊讶自己这样做。这是一个三维图像的立方体。
  最初的工作模式并没有远程控制。他们一次性投约翰德萨兰抄的鞭炮模型。一旦他开始,他们采取了offnever将再次看到!教授塞尔说: “这是一个非常昂贵的鞭炮! ”我想他们。然后,他学会了如何控制它。
  其中有些是伟大的发明家,在我看来,尼古拉特斯拉,约翰Keely ,维克多Schauberger ,奥的斯卡尔,并可能有一些人我不知道。我要在每天接触的人谁有设备,他们说的工作。教授塞尔一直保持许多方面他的技术秘密在过去出于同样的原因。他是完全错误的监禁和他所有的设备和文件被摧毁,因为我告诉你。这几乎是最后的塞尔技术。
  但是,约翰塞尔是不能停止。他非常坚强的意志,并致力于利用自己的科技学做出一个更美好的世界人类。他发表这一工作形式的书籍题为“法方。 ”这样才不会被摧毁了。
  没有真正征服Keely利用重力通过声波振动同情? Schauberger没有真正建立一个重力场使用vortexian行动的液体?卡尔也有特殊的线圈在他的船,使他产生电压所需的反引力?这些问题可能永远不会回答除了勤于研究和实验。即使到那时它可能需要几年的时间。
  我说我们不会视而不见。我们正在寻找的幻想今天向前迈进,现在为了节省人民的这个星球。图12 。我们不再奢侈的话说有一天别人会做到这一点。我们已经破坏我们的气氛严重。我们已经耗尽我们的自然资源。我们正在削减我们的热带雨林,以惊人的速度。我们都知道这些事情,觉得我们可以做什么了。
  In the present paper the results of the experimental research of magnetic-gravity effects are presented. Anomalous magnetic and thermal changes within a radius of 15 meters from the researched device were measured as well. PACS: 41.20.-q; 44.60.+k; 76.50.+q
  1. Introduction
  There has been a great interest in examining non-linear effects in the system of rotating magnetic fields. Such effects have been observed in the device called Searl's generator or Searl Effect Generator (SEG) [1-4]. A SEG consists of a series of three concentric rings and rollers that circulate around the rings. All parts of SEG are based on the Law of the Squares [5]. The rollers revolve around the concentric rings, but they do not touch them. There's a primary north-pole and primary south pole on the rollers and a primary north-pole and primary south-pole on the concentric rings. Obviously, the north-pole of the roller is attracted to the south-pole of the concentric rings and vice versa.
  The rollers have a layered structure similar to the concentric rings. The external layer is titanium, then iron, nylon and the last internal layer was made from neodymium. John R.R. Searl has supposed that electrons are given off from the central element (neodymium) and travel out through other elements. Dr. Searl contends that if nylon had not been used, the SEG would act like a laser and one pulse would go out and it would stop, build up, and another pulse would go out. The nylon acts as a control gate that yields an even flow of electrons throughout the SEG [4].
  In [4] it was shown that in the process of magnetization of the plate and rollers, the combination of constant and variable magnetic fields for creating a special wave (sine wave) pattern on a plate surface and rollers surface was used. The basic effects consist of the rollers self-running around the ring plate with a concurrent reduction of weight and an increasing occurrence of propulsion. These effects come about because of a special geometry of experimental setup. It was shown that the operation of the device in the critical regime is accompanied by biological and real physical phenomena.
  Other information where similar effects are be mentioned can be found in the books, Unconventional Flying Objects [6] and the Homopolar Handbook [7] which includes papers on magnetized dielectrics. In this paper we present the experimental device the results we have obtained.
  2. Description of the Experimental Installation
  The basic difficulty arises in choosing the materials and maintaining the necessary pattern imprinting on the plate and roller surfaces. To simplify the technology we decided to use a one-ring design with one-ring plate (stator) and one set of rollers (rotor). It is obvious, that it was necessary to strengthen the roller rotor near the bearings and balance the rollers well. In the suggested design, air bearings were used which provided the minimum losses due to friction.
  From the available description [1-4] it was not clear how to build and magnetize a stator with a one-meter diameter. In order to make the stator, separate magnetized segments of rare earth magnets with a residual induction of 1T were used. The segments were magnetized in a usual way by discharging a capacitor-battery system through a coil. Afterwards, the segments were assembled and glued together in a special iron armature, which reduced magnetic energy. To manufacture the stator, 110 kg of neodymium magnets were used and 115 kg of neodymium were used to manufacture the rotor. High-frequency field magnetization was not applied. It was decided to replace an imprinting technology described in [1-5] with cross-magnetic inserts having a flux vector directed at 90 degrees to the primary magnetization vector of the stator and rollers.
  For the cross inserts, modified rare earth magnets with a residual magnetization of 1,2 T and coercive force a little bit greater than in a base material were used. In Fig.1 and Fig.2 the joint arrangement of stator 1 and rotor, made up of rollers 2, and a way of their mutual gearing or sprocketing by means of cross magnetic inserts 19, are shown. Between the stator and roller surfaces the air gap δ of 1-mm is maintained.
  No layered structure was used except a continuous copper foil of 0.8 mm thickness, which wrapped up the stator and rollers. This foil has direct electrical contact to magnets of the stator and rollers. Distance between inserts in the rollers is equal to distance between inserts on the stator. In other words, t1 = t2 in Fig.2.
  Fig.1. Variant of one-ring converter. / Fig.2. Sprocket effect of magnetic stator and roller inserts.
  The ratio of parameters of the stator 1 and the rotor 2 in Fig.2 is chosen so that the relation of stator diameter D to the roller diameter d is an integer equal to or greater than 12. Choosing such ratio allowed us to achieve a &magnetic spin wave resonant mode& between elements of a working body of the device since the circumferences also maintained the same integer ratio.
  The elements of magnetic system were assembled in a uniform design on an aluminum platform. In Fig. 3 the general view of the platform with the one-ring converter is displayed. This platform was supplied with springs and shock absorbers with limited ability to move vertically on thr


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