Cotswold with two of my mydearest什么意思s

Cotswold Notes: Fieldtown: Dearest Dickie
Cotswold Notes: Fieldtown: Dearest Dickie
Corner dance. Long Fieldtown.
(Ax2+Bx3)x2+-(Ax2+Cx3)x2. A & B are each 8 bars, C is 12 bars. Musically the bars have 6 beats (but are danced as 4 counts) other than the final 8 bars of C which have 4 beats musically. The music also slows for that part of C.
During last two bars before the start of the dance, do two 2 step-hops backwards [turning heels in] and FTJ.
Chorus 1 = Swagger Across
1st corners in turn do closed sidestep L then step on the spot then closed sidestep R then FTJ [i.e. RFA with Rh salute to L + LI + RC +Rhop facing partner raising both hands + LI lowering hands + RI +LI + Lhop raising both hands + RS lowering Rh + LFA with Lh salute to R + RI + Rhop facing partner + FTJ [4 bars total, 1 beat for each individual step & 4 for FTJ]]. Then they swap places starting Rft using 4 slow Swagger Steps [2 bars]. Then Galley Round R to face in again & FTJ [2 bars]. 2nd then 3rd corners do likewise.
The dancers waiting to go next [i.e. 2nd corners when 1st corner are dancing etc.] dance on the spot for the last 2 bars before starting. This is the same motion as the 2 bar start of the dance.
Chorus 2 = Down-Ups
Like Ch 1 but use 4 Down-Ups instead of the 4 Swagger Steps.
Chorus 3 = Beetle Crushers
Like Ch 1 but replace the Swagger Steps by a Rft Beetle Crusher, 3 Capers, Lft Beetle Crusher and 3 more Capers [4 bars]. The hands are out to the sides [phi = ± 180 deg, theta = 90 deg] during each Beetle Crusher, down & in during the 1st Caper, up infront to vertical and down to out sideways in 2nd & down during the 3rd.
After this replace Galley Round & Capers with a slow Galley Round, two slow stamps & Show [Extend the Galley to twice as long [2 bars] by going round very slowly [this is very difficult to do steadily and neatly without wobbling!]. The stamps go R stamp, pause, L stamp, pause [1 bar]. The Show takes a whole bar bringing hands to chest then waiting to last beat before raising them. [to theta = 45 deg, phi = ±90 deg].].
Instead of the next corner dancers dancing like the 2 bar start of the dance before they start on the Ch themselves, they dance like the 2 bar ending of the dance.
Chorus 4 = Fieldtown Long Capers
Like Ch 3 but replace Beetle Crusher & Capers with 2 Fieldtown Long Capers.
Replace the final 4 bars with (step on Rft, push Lft forward gently with heel pointing down) x 2 then ditto with L and R. Then two slow stamps and Show [like at end of Ch 3 & 4].
At the end of the dance, the musician may joke by delaying the final beat a long time. Wait for it before raising hands into Show.
The dance takes over twice as long as typical dance because of the combination of Long Fieldtown with a corner dance, slow music and a longish Ch.
This dance is not to be called ‘Dearest Dickhead’.
Source of Information
Learnt as part of Lagabag Morris’s dance repertoire.
Further InformationThis page only contains features specific to this dance. Where not specified, the features of this dance are .


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