
Pinay Reviewer : Reviews of products (makeup, beauty, gadgets/technology) and services
After weeks of accumulated stress from work and other things that keep me busy, a relaxing massage is what I usually long for. For me, a massage is the perfect way to pamper yourself – it’s indulgent, relaxing and good for your health – that’s why I’m very picky when it comes to the places I go to for a massage. Just recently, I added
to my top favorites list.
I was invited to try their services, and so I tagged along my brother Ken who also needed some serious kneading. ? We visited their newly-opened Greenhills Annapolis branch. It was already past 9pm on a Saturday, so the building where they’re located – Atlanta Centre – was closed for business, but the guards at the front door let us in. The place is quiet, perfect for a relaxing night of pampering.
We booked an appointment beforehand, so we just had to wait for a few minutes before our sessions. We were asked to fill out a form where they ask you what pressure you prefer for your massages. Since we were early for our appointment, we had time to look around. The Mandara Spa’s branch in Greenhills is small, but they have an indoor sauna and several rooms, including rooms for couples or friends who prefer to stay in one place while they get a massage.
Though I’ve been wearing makeup since I was in college (and, boy, that was almost 2 decades ago), it was only in the past 5 years that I learned how to properly put on makeup. It was also just recently when I began to try out different cosmetic brands – from affordable to more expensive products – and experiment on which ones would work best on my combination skin. Online shopping has made this easier for me, and now, I’m sharing with you my new #1 beauty online shop – .
BeautyMNL is the beauty portal of my favorite deals site, Deal Grocer, so I know for sure they only sell genuine, legit products in their online store. I’ve heard horror stories from friends about fake makeup products that they got online, so it’s important for me to only shop from websites or companies I trust, like BeautyMNL. Here are my reasons why I love BeautyMNL.
BeautyMNL carries over 300+ brands, both high-end and affordable.
I was one of the few to be invited to try their online shop, but I’ve actually discovered their store before when I was looking for an online shop that sells legit Tony Moly products. The first time I was on their website, I spent over an hour browsing for products I want to try. There’s so much to see!! ? They carry over 300 brands, and you can conveniently browse through them via the .
BeautyMNL has something for you no matter how big or small your budget is. They have high-end brands like Chanel, Shiseido, Laura Mercier, Urban Decay and NARS. If you’re looking for affordable brands, they’ve got them too such as Maybelline, Revlon, Pixi by Petra, Tony Moly and Sleek.
You may also browse by categories such as skin care, makeup, hair care, organic products, nails and scenes, accessories and essentials. You can find makeup tools and brushes on their website too.
If you’re on a tighter budget, you can check out their sale offerings. During my first BeautyMNL shopping, they had a sale where you can get products at 65% off.
My usual habit when I shop is I browse on my mobile phone and add stuff to my cart or wishlist, then I finish my shopping on my laptop. Good thing BeautyMNL’s online store is optimized for mobile so you can smoothly browse and shop on your mobile device too. ?
If you’ve been following this blog and you’ve read my past reviews, you’ll know that I’m an audiophile. I’m very picky when it comes to audio players and sound systems I buy and use, and I don’t mind spending a premium to get the quality I want. Thankfully, when it comes to listening to music while mobile, I can count on my .
is the smallest mp3 player I’ve seen so far and it’s super cute! When I finally got hold of this for my review (and a giveaway – read on!!), I was honestly unsure if it’ll deliver high fidelity sound because it was too fricking small. ? Didn’t they say to not judge a book by its cover? ?
How would you like to own a pair of headphones that are washable? No more dirty headbands or icky ear cushions every time you listen to your music while working out, especially when you’re running. You like that? Then, the
is for you.
is the world’s FIRST washable headphones. Okay, the entire thing isn’t washable, but the removable headband and ear cushions are, which really makes sense since those are the ones that are always in contact with your head and ears (duh ? ).
Thanks for visiting my blog. Here, you'll find my reviews of products and services I've personally tried. I hope you find my reviews useful. .24小时热门版块排行榜&&&&
散金: 4208
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虫号: 2171443
注册: 专业: 催化化学
Membership of the Reviewer Panel已有3人参与
I hope this email finds you well.
As you know, the peer review process for RSC Advances is that all manuscripts submitted to the journal are handled by Associate Editors, supported by an extensive Reviewer Panel of expert reviewers. The Reviewer Panel currently consists of about 450 members who agree to provide a specific number of reviews each year, and they are marked on ScholarOne with a green flag and the “RARP & RSC USE ONLY” keyword. You can find them by searching using the RARP keyword, together with subject specific keywords.
The Editorial Office are currently reviewing the membership of the Reviewer Panel, and following feedback from a number of you, would like to add new members to the Panel. I therefore invite you to suggest potential new members for the Reviewer Panel within your field of expertise. Potential new members would ideally be current RSC Advances reviewers that you use regularly and who you trust to provide detailed and helpful reports. They could additionally be a colleague, a post-doc or a past collaborator with previous reviewing experience. If you could provide names and institution details, and email addresses if you have them, that would be very helpful.
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If you have any queries about the Reviewer Panel, then please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks,
Kirsten Hall, Publishing Editor, ChemComm | ChemSci | ChemSocRev | RSC Advances
Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK
作为 RSC ADVANCES 的 AE, 我负责处理涉及电化学能源或电催化/光催化研究领域的一部分稿件。如果您有兴趣加入, 请留给我您的联系方式 (可以 PM 给我)。谢谢您的关注及支持!
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不要迷恋哥, 哥只是一传说...
散金: 3111
在线: 503.9小时
虫号: 2352574
注册: 性别: GG专业: 光子与光电子器件
在线: 78.6小时
虫号: 4006123
注册: 专业: 法律史学
★ 小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
散金: 4208
在线: 790.9小时
虫号: 2171443
注册: 专业: 催化化学
引用回帖:: Originally posted by 万津啊啊 at
今年出的if2.95左右.希望是触底了,明年能反弹!18年准备在这个杂志再发一篇 谢谢你对期刊的支持。现在出版量大幅收紧, IF 反弹是肯定的。
不要迷恋哥, 哥只是一传说...
散金: 4208
在线: 790.9小时
虫号: 2171443
注册: 专业: 催化化学
已经有位在加拿大 NRC 工作的 Research Associate 给我发来应征信息,非常感谢!
不要迷恋哥, 哥只是一传说...
散金: 987沙发: 25
在线: 5233.2小时
虫号: 723048
注册: 性别: GG专业: 无机合成和制备化学管辖:
★ 小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
引用回帖:: Originally posted by bobvan at
已经有位在加拿大 NRC 工作的 Research Associate 给我发来应征信息,非常感谢! 大仙,带我飞,需要发简历么?
散金: 4208
在线: 790.9小时
虫号: 2171443
注册: 专业: 催化化学
引用回帖:: Originally posted by lijunjie84 at
大仙,带我飞,需要发简历么?... 谢谢你的支持。我已经将你的信息提交给了 RSC ADV。
不要迷恋哥, 哥只是一传说...
散金: 4208
在线: 790.9小时
虫号: 2171443
注册: 专业: 催化化学
又有一位在葡萄牙工作的同仁给我发来应征信息,我已经将他们都推荐给了 RSC ADVANCES。
不要迷恋哥, 哥只是一传说...
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