
20世纪西方文学理论纷繁复杂 ,主要有四种批评范式 ,这四种批评范式的转承过程 ,构成西方文学批评发展的线索。第一种范式假设文学的意义内在于文本结构中 ;第二种范式以文学意义产生于阅读经验为前提而展开 ;第三种范式认为文学的意义是读者主观的派生品 ;第四种范式则主张文学的意义存在于历史权力的话语之中。 【英文摘要】 There are four paradigms in the west criticism of the 20th century. Their changes show the inner line of the theoretical history. According the first paradigm the literary meaning is supposed to be contained in the text. According the second paradigm it is produced in the process of reading or reception. According the third paradigm it is the product of reader's creation. According to the fourth paradigm the literary meaning exists in the discourse of history and power.Do you want to read the rest of this article?Request full-text
This research doesn't cite any other publications.ArticleThe Creation and Reception of the Other in Literary Discourse Kito kūrimas ir recepcija literatūriniame diskurse Izolda GENIEN? Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas Angl? filologijos katedra Vilnius Student? g. 39, LT–08001 gen.i@vpu.lt Santrauka Kito s?voka daugiaprasm? ir tarpdisciplinin?, ta?iau literatūrinio (meninio) diskurso savastis s?-lygoja jo specifin? suvokim?. Tiek meniniai, tiek ir... [Show full abstract]ArticleSeptember 2017ArticleJanuary 2003 · ChapterJanuary 1992The soundest advice ever given to a writer is Hemingway’s: a writer should never read his critics. If he believes them when they praise him, he must believe them when they say he is no longer good. That undermines his self-confidence, the prerequisite for a job well done.


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