They will be 电脑enable在哪里 to (get to the moon )in the fut

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on translation strategies of -false friends- in english and chinese
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on translation strategies of -false friends- in
关注微信公众号& Third time&s the charm they say & and when it comes to TRANSFORMERS movies, the saying is right.&& & This is a strange series that I am mostly not a fan of.&& I love TRANSFORMERS & the toy line and the animated show & but never quite have been able to count myself as a fan of any of the films, until now.&& TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON is simply the best film of the franchise & by a great deal. & How this came to be, many of us will speculate, but I&m pretty sure it is a combination of Michael Bay fully embracing and shooting this outing in full 3D & using the amazing camera set-ups innovated by James Cameron & with Cameron&s tech folks & and even some advice from James Cameron himself.&&& Shooting in 3D requires you to slow down & especially if you&re Michael Bay.&& I&m told that it takes 3 seconds for your brain to properly process a shot in 3D, 3 seconds is an eternity in Bay-speak & but in this film & you&re going to see a dynamic to his action that is nothing short of jaw-dropping.&&& I say &Jaw-Dropping& not with any sense of hyperbole & in the last hour of this film you&re going to see shit go down that will physically cause your jaw to drop.&& Hang open and perhaps end with a smile.&&& & Before I jump into that final hour of the film, let&s talk about the movie as if it was about more than the action scenes.&&& There&s the rest of the movie to dig in with. & TRANSFORMERS as Michael Bay has come to define it is made up of a few crucial elements.&& For a while, I was convinced that this was the ultimate juvenile porn, but porn isn&t right.&& Michael Bay is a fetishist, just like Russ Meyer & the king of his brand of exploitation & and I don&t think anyone would deny that Bay is about exploitation.&&& Exploitation of women, men, cars, patriotism, the Military, Nasa and in these films&& ROBOTS.&&& In the last outing, Bay was so brazen that he even gave a giant robot & a giant pair of clinking metal balls and then clanked them before our raped eyeballs.&& & In TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON & he still has some of that silly shit that I don&t like.&& You know & like Shia&s parents, like John Turturro&s character&&& and to the ultimate in silly, they add a character by John Malkovich and Frances McDormand & and it is like Bay was saying, &I want Academy Award level actors, but I&m going to make them act like the silly characters in a Russ Meyer flick.&& Because that&s how Turturro, Malkovich and McDormand come across.&& Those 3 characters & the parents are just terrible.&& I might be so abused by John Turturro in the overall series, but I did think his character dialed it back quite a bit from the last film.&& But still&&& Why can&t the three best actors in the movie be the three best actors in the movie? & I find it fascinating that the better respected an actor you are & the more silly you will be required to perform in a Michael Bay film.&& Perhaps Copernicus will work up the actual science behind the formula.&& But I&m convinced my hypothesis will be proven valid.&&& & Meanwhile, for the very first time Shia LaBeouf finally wrestles a bit of respect for his character.&&& And for the name of Sam Witwicky.&&& You see & here&s a character that has saved the world twice from the nightmare of Decepticon rule & but has never been given any real world respect.&& You&ll see Obama give him a medal & but he can&t explain what it is for.& Saving the world curiously doesn&t have any real world applications, beyond prepping you for future world ending robotic plans. & In the previous two films, in a way, Sam Witwicky was getting harangued into action.&& Here & here he sniffs it out.&&& He pursues it.&& He is fully initiated and seeking to save the world and in particular his new & HOLY FUCK HOT GIRLFRIEND! & Ok & so who plays the HOLY FUCK HOT GIRLFRIEND? & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is the HOLY FUCK HOT GIRLFRIEND.&& Rosie is apparently in a relationship with Jason Statham, but in the Michael Bay rules of the universe, she would be Shia LaBeouf&s gal.&& This reinforces my Russ Meyer theory, though Shia by no means look like the typical garbage man,& no & Shia is a very handsome young man, but I do wonder&& What this film would be if his real girlfriend, Carey Mulligan was cast opposite him.&& Because Carey Mulligan is a holy wow actress of the highest possible caliber&& wait, that would totally not work, because by her talent level, it would mean using BAY-acting-physics that Carey Mulligan would be required to be nothing more than be an incredibly silly & grating character&&& whereas Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who&s vaunted acting experience is limited to modeling Victoria Secret fashions&&& which I&m positive she is brilliant at.&& As great as her runway prowesses are & she&s kinda perfect for Michael Bay.&& Her opening following shot is what 3D was invented for.&& Trust me.&& It is easily the new gold standard of PG13 softcore wank material.&&& In 3D & men & boys will verbally react to the shot I&m talking about.&& & Rosie&s character of Carly is Shia&s new girlfriend.&& She has a job working for Patrick Dempsey&s Dylan.&&& Dempsey seems to be intended to create a love triangle and make Shia incredibly threatened.&& & Sam Witwicky is essentially a Rodney Dangerfield character.&&& He doesn&t get respect from anyone but Optimus Prime.& His parents do not respect him.&& His girlfriend, treats him like a poodle.&& He saved the world and can&t get a job.&& It&s a genuine & real likable plot entanglement for the young Sam.&& The best &situation& he&s been in, of the three movies. & But what sets this apart from the other two is that the TRANSFORMERS story is genuinely a really dire and powerful problem.&& There&s old school betrayal going on.&& Then there&s SPOCK-BOT!&& I love SPOCK-BOT!&& I love that SPOCK-BOT friggin looks like Nimoy & and I love that the film heads in directions that look pretty damn bad for the Autobots.&& I love that this isn&t just a story where Sam might die, but everyone is in danger.&& I love the Government soldiers in the last hour.&& I love the flying squirrel suits.&& I love the 3D.&& Love it.&&& & If the film didn&t have any actor or actress that has won or been nominated for an Oscar & and Sam&s parents were gone, this would most likely be a pretty damn near perfectly awesome TRANSFORMERS movie.&& With those performances, this is just a really fun Transformers movie with an hour of holy fuck that can blow your mind. & After I saw the film, my brain felt tired.&& Not from great thoughts, but from the experience of the film.&& It wore my brain out watching it.&& I found myself thinking about the set-ups Bay made to physically make this movie.&& The sheer volume of wow shots is spectacular.&& I still find myself longing for a Transformers film where the Transformers are themselves the central characters.&& Where there is no need for goofy humor and we can tell the story completely straight, with an occasional light moment here or there&&& But applying Russ Meyer dynamics to giant summer toy inspired filmmaking&&& How can I not quite enjoy that?&& I can&t.&& Bay finally won me over with this one.&& Same with Moriarty.&& & At this point, Bay can leave the series on a triumphant note I feel & but given the sort of money this franchise has made & I&d love to see producer Steven Spielberg to give a shot telling a TRANSFORMERS story of his own.&& & The action in this film is truly amazing work.&& Bay&s talent for designing these shots is nothing short of amazing to watch.&& The physical look of everything is amazing.&& That I really kinda loved Shia&s Sam in this film & and he has a moment when he&s going after a pillar in this film, where I&ll be damned, but I stopped thinking of Sam as some idiot kid, and saw an incredibly brave soul that was putting his life on the line against incredibly terrible odds & and he acted quickly, decisively and with a true sense of heroism that I found quite powerful.&&& & Oh & and if you love Chicago & you&re gonna see it get all kinds of fucked up in the best ways.&& But honestly & the big chunk of my love for this movie comes from a single scene between Buzz Aldrin and Optimus Prime.&& Watching this scene, fried my geek brain.&& It was just one of those things, where I&m sitting there and I&m watching Buzz Aldrin talking to Optimus about the first Moon mission and it&s secret purpose & and I just fell in love.&& That&s awesome sci-fi geek fantasy shit & and it totally owned me.
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They will be able to (get to the moon )in the fut
They will be able to (get to the moon )in the future.他们将来能够登上月球。


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