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“Student.com has certainly helped me a lot throughout the booking of accommodation. I can find them whenever needed. Beside answering inquiries, they also help me on communication with the landlord which makes the booking process faster and much more convenient."“I was very worried and desperate to find an accommodaton when I contacted student.com. They called me up not long after I signed up and found some places very quickly. It would`ve been much harder to find a place to stay without student.com."“I am very happy that I found student.com and they did all important communication with me and with my hall. They helped me a lot and their service was amazing! I had a manager of my mother tongue that was absolutely kind and helping. I had no serious issues about the process.
Thank you, student.com!"“It is an excellent service, the staff on the phone was very friendly and she spoke my language which I consider to be very helpful if you are from other country. I was helped in every part of the process and I could find the perfect accomodation for me."Inspiration for student life
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Yes, please!No, thanks!We will match other third party student marketplaces’ price provided:The property and accommodation type The tenancFor group booking discounts, the grFor refer a friend offers, the number of friends make aThe other third party student marketplaces’ price is a genuine offer (as determined solely by Student.com).We will not be able to offer a price match in the following circumstances:If the other offer is made by an accommodation provider directly (i.e. not by other third party student marketplaces site);If the property/accommodation type is not listed or currently unavailable on Student.If the discount offered relates to supplementary services that Student.After you have made your booking with us.In order to claim your price match you will need to do the following:Provide us with a link to the competing offer. We will need to check to make sure that it is online, available at the time of booking, and meets thInform us before completing your booking that you wish to claim the price match.


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