Howi like you倒着写 are kind? 中文什么意思

老外说how are you你应该怎样地道地回答?
老外说how are you你应该怎样地道地回答?
Jonathan陪你学英语11.23 来自微学英语
1.寒暄类的招呼问候(泛用)1) Fine / Great/ Good.2) I’m fine. I’m cool. I'm pretty good. 3) Happy as a clam.4) Couldn’t be better. 5) Fine and dandy.6) Can’t complain./ no complaints2.当描述你最近一段时间过得怎么样?如果很好,你可以说1) keeping myself busy. 2) I’ve been doing great/ well. 3) Been keeping my nose clean.4) So far so good.3.如果一般般,凑活1) Getting by. 2) So-so (少用)3) I'm alright.4) Same as always.(Same as usual)4.不大好1) Not so good./ Not very well. 2) Kind of crummy.3) I’ve seen better days. 4) Could be better. 5) I’ve beenunder the weather.
(Triple S)
第三方登录:我喜欢的女生对我说 You are so kind,说明了什么_百度知道
我喜欢的女生对我说 You are so kind,说明了什么
额。那我觉得她可能没其他什么意思。= = 她平时对你有啥特别的吗。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。How are you?说不定它就是你的短板How are you?说不定它就是你的短板文学梦宇百家号交际用语考前押题复习指导. 交际用语考 5 道题,每道题 3 分,共 15 分。此部分是最简单、规律性最强的题型,同时单题分值很高,所以请大家认真复习掌握。今天我们先从交际用语开始练习,接下来是重磅资料(只要掌握了这些第一大题绝对SO easy),请注意哦。70道重点突破看这儿。1. —How are you, Bob?—________A. How are you?B. I'm fine. Thank you.C. How do you do?D. Nice to meet you.【答案】B。解析:这是表示见面问候 最基本的达法。通常比较熟悉人之间解析:这是表示见面问候 最基本的达法。别人询问你怎么样?你好吗?回答可用:I’m fine .Thank you .或者 Very well. Thank you等。2. —Thanks for your help.—_________A. My pleasure.B. Never mind.C. Quite right.D. Don't thank me.【答案】A。解析:这是表示感谢的交际用语。他人向你表示感谢时,你可以说:My pleasure.(我很荣幸)或者Don’t mention it.(不用介意,没关系)3. —Hello, I'm Harry Potter. 哈利.波特—Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ________ .查理.格林A. call my CharlesB. call me at CharlesC. call me CharlesD. call Charles me【答案】C。解析:这是表示自我介绍的交际用语。在英中, 名字组合前姓在后。如 Charles Green Charles Green 名字是 Charles( 查理 ), 姓: Green (格林)。为了表 示随和、亲近,可以让对方叫你的名字。4. —Paul, ________?—Oh, that's my father! And beside him, my mother.A. what is the person over thereB. who's talking over thereC. what are they doingD. which is that【答案】B。5. —Hi, Tom, how's everything with you?—________, and how are you?A. Don't mention itB. Hm, not too badC. ThanksD. Pretty fast6.—Who's ________ ?—This is Tom.A. SpeaksB. SpokenC. SpeakingD. saying7. —I'm sorry. I am late due to the heavy traffic.【答案】A。A. Well, it's OK.B. No, it's all right.C. You are welcome.D. You are wrong.8.—It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?A. Yes, please.B. No, please.C. Sure, please.D. I don't like it.9. —________—He teaches physics in a school.A. What does your father do?B. Who is your father?C. What is your father doing?D. Where is your father now?10. —Excuse me, how much is the jacket?—It's 499 Yuan._____________A. Oh, no. That's OK!B. How do you like it?C. Which do you prefer?D. Would you like to try it on?【答案】D。11. —Could you help me with my physics, please?A. No, no way.B. No, I couldn'tC. No, I can't.D. Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now.12. —Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?A. Speaking, please.B. Oh, how are you?C. I'm listening.D. I'm Don.13. —Could I borrow your car for a few days?A. Yes, you may borrow.B. Yes, go on.C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey.D. It doesn't matter.14. —Thank you for inviting me.A. I really had a happy time.B. Oh, it's too late.C. Thank you for coming.D. Oh, so slowly?15. —May I see your tickets, please?A. Sure.B. No, you can't.C. No, they are mine.D. Yes, you can.16. —Please help yourself to the seafood.A. No, I can't.B. Sorry, I can’t help.C. Well, seafood don’t suit.D. Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood.17. —Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?A. No, I already have plans.B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonightC. No, I really don't like being with you.D. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.18. —Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest.A. Yes, I beat the others.B. No, no, I didn’t do it well.C. Thank you.D. It's a pleasure.19. —Must I take a taxi?—No, you ______. You can take my car.A. had better toB. don'tC. must notD. don't have to20. —We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?A. I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B. Of course not. I have no ideaC. No, I can’t.D. That's all set21. —How was your trip to London, Jane?A. Oh, wonderful indeed.B. I went there alone.C. The guide showed me the way.D. By plane and by bus.22. —Hey, Tom, what's up?A. Yes, definitely!B. Oh, not much.C. What is happening in your life?D. You are lucky.23. —Do you mind my smoking here?A. No, thanks.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes. I'd rather not.D. Good idea.24. —Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?—Really? ________A. Who did that?B. What's wrong with him?C. How did that happen?D. Why was he so careless?25. —This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.A. You may ask for help.B.I'll give you a hand.C. Please do me a favor.D. I'd come to help.26. —I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?—______ I'm not using it right now.A. Sure, here you are.B. I don't know.C. It doesn't matter.D. Who cares?27. —Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?—________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.A. I beg your pardon?B. What do you mean?C. You’re welcome.D. Um, let me think.28. —Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic.A. Great, I am very art-conscious.B. Don’t mention it.C. Thanks for your compliments.D. It's fine.29. —Is it possible for you to work late tonight?A. I like it.B. I'll do that.C. I'd love to. .D. I think so.30. —Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!—________ This is not the end of the world.A. Good luck.B. Cheer up.C. Go ahead.D. No problem.31. --Are you feeling better today, Jack?]---______________A. There must be something wrong.B. Just have a good rest.C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.D. Don’t worry about me.32. --Thank you so much for your lovely gift.A. Never mind.B. I'm glad you like it.C. Please don't say so.D. No, It's not so good.33.--Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?A. No, thanks.B. No, I wouldn’tC. Yes, I want.D. Yes, I like.34. --What's the problem with your bike?A. Not at all.B. Good, thank you.C. Nothing serious.D. Sure.35.--Good morning, John. How are you doing?A. I'm pleasedB. Good night.C. Not so bad. And you?D. How do you do?36. --How do you do?A. Fine, thank you.B. How do you do?C. Not too bad.D. Very well.37. --Good-bye for now.A. The same to you.B. That's OKC. See you.D. Long time no see.38. --Hello, how are you?A. Hello, how are you?B. How do you do?C. Fine, thank you.D. That's OK.39. --I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.A. Not too bad.B. That's all rightC. It'sa pleasure.D. Thank you.40. --Thank you for your invitation.A. It doesn’t matter.B. It's a pleasure.C. It's a small thing.D. I'll appreciate it.41.--What a beautiful dress you have on today!A. It is suitable for me.B. No, it isn’t.C. You want to have one, too?D. Thank you.42. --I think he is a good lecturer.A. Sorry, it doesn’t matter.B. So do I.C. Yes. It's a good ideaD. I don't mind43. —What's the matter, dear?A. I didn't go to school. B. I have a terrible headache.C. I took the kids shopping today. D. It is a beautiful dress.44.--Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?--___________A. Who's there?B. Who's that speaking?C. Who are you?D. Who wants to speak to Mark?45. --Let me introduce myself. I'm Steward.A. What a pleasure.B. Pleased to meet you.C. I don't know.D. Thanks a lot.46.--Let's go to the library this afternoon.—______.A. Yes, that's right.B. No. I can't.C. What about you?D. That's a good idea.47. --What does Tom's wife do for a living?A. She is a doctor.B. Tom loves his wife.C. She has a happy life.D. She lives far from here.48. --How tall is your sister?A. She is not very well.B. She is 28 years old.C. She is very nice.D. She is as tall as I am.49. --What do you think of this novel?A. I've read it.B. It's well-written.C. It was written by my uncle.D. I bought it yesterday.50.--How much is this necklace?A. It's very nice.B. It's a birthday present from my parents.C. It costs fifty pounds.D. It's a bargain.51.--How can I get to the cinema?A. It's very far.B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.C. It's well known.D. Go down this street and turn left.52. --What's the matter, John?A. I failed my French testB. It doesn't matter.C. Nothing's wrong with him.D. I don't think I can.53. --What are you majoring in?A. In a university.B. Very hard.C. Mathematics.D. At nine in the morning.54. --Are you going on holiday for a long time?A. It was a long time.B. Two weeks ago.C. No. Only a couple of days.D. Not long time ago.55. --Is Mary there?A. Speaking.B. I'm not Mary.C. Who are you?D. Mary is well today.56.--What day is today?A. It's March 6.B.It's a fine day today.C. It's March.D. It's Monday.57. --Is that seat taken?A. Please don't worry.B. I don't think so.C. Why not?D. It's very nice.58.--Thank you for calling.A. Don’t mention it.B. That's fine.C. Nice talking to you.D. Call back again.59. --How are you getting on today?A. Very well.B. How do you do?C. I'm a doctor.D. Nice to have known you.60. --How's your family?A. Thanks all the same.B. Thanks for calling.C. Not too bad.D. Don't mention it.61、--- Would you come and have dinner with us?- _________A.No, I think I do. B. No, never mind. C. Yes, please. D.Thanks. I will.答案:D62、-- I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr. Smith.A. Oh, no. let's not. B. I'd rather stay at home.C .I'm sorry, but I have other plans. D. Oh, no. That'll be too much trouble.答案:C63、- I'm sorry I'm late.- _________ Come earlier next time.A.Sure. B.You are welcome. C.It doesn't matter. D.I don't know.64、- _________- Oh, well, I'll speak a little slower.A.How long do you speak? B.How do you like my speech?C.Do you speak English? D. I'm sorry I can't understand you.65、- Which would you like? Tea or coffee?A.Sure, I would. B. Yes, pleasure. C. Yes, thank you. D. Tea, please.66、- Thank you for giving me so much help.A. My pleasure. B. Never mind. C. Yes, thank you. D.It doesn't matter.答案:A67、- I'm looking for a shirt for my father.A. What size do you wear? B. What can I do for you?C. How about this one? D.What size does your father wear?68、- Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow.- Oh, really? _________A.I am sorry. B. Thank you. C. Have a good time. D.Congratulations!69、- Jill, you look tired. Let's go for a walk.A.Thank you, I'm really hungry. B.That's a good idea.C.You are welcome. D. You're wrong.答案:B70、- You have such a nice house! I do like it.A.No, you needn't. B.It's very kind of you to say so.C.No, it is not. D.Don't mention it.突破统考英语交际用语绝对没有问题,大家也自己练习下,这些最基本的交际用语是不是已经还给我英语老师了呀。感兴趣的朋友我们本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。文学梦宇百家号最近更新:简介:分享文学资讯,感受文学点滴。作者最新文章相关文章不定式 试题 How kind you are! You always do what you can ______ me.(北京四中网校-〉名师答疑-〉初三-〉英语) 
  不定式 试题 How kind you are! You always do what you can ______ me.
How&kind&you&are! You&always&do&what&you&can&______&me. Ahelp&&&&Bhelping&&Cto&help&&Dhelps


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