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What is a hero?
Who are the people we make heroes? Why do we need heroes? What happens when a hero falls? Why do we need heroes?
A hero is someone who "we" determine to have demonstrated behaviors and decisions that are ethically and emotionally worthy of
We see in them something we think is not in us.
Given similar
conditions, we "think" we might not make the same moves and decisions they do, so we place them in an elevated place in society or in our minds.
What is a hero? Someone who inspires us by their example.
Someone who moves us emotionally to connect with them at some level in order for us develop a connection with them.
We may want to idolize them or place them in high personal regard.
We may want to connect with them in a personal way by focusing on them to garner their strength or will-power.
We may also desire to possess them in order to gain hero status by way of a kindred association.
So, what is it specifically that a hero does that creates awe in us? What makes us pick one over another?
What is it about our hero that makes us stand-up and take note and then admire, adore or try to emulate them?
In many cases, it is their accomplishments. We have been granted access to their triumphant consummations of acts and deeds which, we believe, are beyond our own capacities.
For example, a great football player achieves astounding record breaking feats, and we immediately determine that they possess a greatness, that we bestowed upon them.
They are a god.
They are superior in all ways due to the fact that they threw the ball further or ran faster than all before them.
We develop awe and a form of respect for their accomplishments.
Their achievements become the new "super hero" standard to measure against.
What about Princess Diane, the people's princess? The world adored her in her rise from a rather simple country girl to a world recognized and cherished symbol of goodness.
We connected with her, no matter who we were, because she connected with us in an awe inspiring way.
Like a fairy tale, her journey to marry Prince Charles and become a Princess disclosed to us that it was indeed possible to live a fairy tale life.
What did we garner from this example? That we connect with a hero because a hero connects with us.
Even though they have done that which, we think, is beyond us, they connect with us.
It would seem to be paradoxical, but for some reason, it is not.
What else does a hero do to attain our admiration?
Many times, they overcome a tragedy or survive a horrendous calamity.
A sickness or a heinous accident that would have desolated the average person, seems to have intensified the heroes determination and intrepidity. We gaze upon this person in absolute astonishment and want to reward them with our love and respect for their triumph over tragedy. Their actions tell us that is it possible to overcome whatever comes our way. They connect with us personally by surviving and thriving.
Since the beginning of time many of our heroes were warriors who over-powered those who would try to harm or take from us the things that we cherished.
A strong defender of us as a society or culture gets hero status. Our great military soldiers who sacrifice everything to defend our borders, or cultures or our freedoms are indeed heroes to us.
He or she places their very lives on the line in order that our way of life is protected from the influences or domination of others who wish to bring evil to us.
Our armed forces are a classification of joint heroes. We automatically bestow heroic honors to those who fight for us. However, very often a single person will emerge from the joint heroes to be elevated to hero.
He or she has demonstrated such courage and honor that they grab the attention of a grateful society.
We call them hero and we are compelled to connect with them.
Many times, this hero does not understand why they are being exalted merely for doing what they believed and thought was correct and right.
They did not think at the moments or during the episode, "if I do this, I will be loved and adored forever". They simply did what was in them. They placed other people's wellbeing before and above their own. Thank God above for this hero, because our freedoms are dependent upon these few.
We have seen many heroes emerge over the past centuries. These people show us that there are indeed choices involved in the process of living a respectable life.
Recently, we watched a pilot, Sully Sullenberger, land a U.S. Airways flight in the Hudson River in New York City that was disabled after hitting a flock of Canadian geese. He was called a national hero after all 155 of the passengers and crew survived. What choices did he make at that moment that resulted in such a joyful end to what could have been a disaster? He decided and made the personal choice to place every single person's life on that plane at the highest regard.
He elected to also protect the tens of thousands of lives that may have perished if the flight had crashed into midtown Manhattan. He did what needed to be done when it needed to be done without even an inch of doubt.
I am sure Sully did not think about the press conference later that afternoon.
Still yet another type of hero as emerged. The passengers on Flight 13 in PA on 911 decided to take action in the face of an inevitable ending, and take over the terrorist who were evil-bend upon death and destruction. Where did these men and women gather their strength to do this remarkably brave thing? I would suggest, that they gathered unity courage. They looked into each other's eyes and "connected" with each other.
They saw in themselves an uncommon valor through a banded bravery. In the end "we" saw them as modern day heroes ...
What have we learned so far? There are different types of heroes. Heroes that, by example show us that anything is possible. Heroes that by their decisions, demonstrate a courage that is not common in the average populace and we see a hero that finds strength to overcome adversity and thrive.
We have seen heroes that connect and unify when their unification is needed to stop or to mitigate the amount of death and destruction that is blatantly obvious to occur.
I have witnessed in recent months a little girl named Angelina who has and still to this very minute, demonstrate's such courage and heroic strength while she fights a vicious cancer.
She is only ten years old and her will to "push through" and, to be an example of strength and the "right stuff" has personally connected with me.
As I fight my battle to live, I connect with her.
So, being a hero is about connecting with people. It is about being connected with and connecting with others, most of whom, we never meet.
It is about placing the safety, health, welfare and protection of others first and foremost in your decision, or better yet, a hero is one that does not make the decision but rather just acts in protection of people.
Heroes come in many ages shapes and sizes. Many of our heroes are everyday folks like you and me. It is the mother who chooses to stand up and protect her children with courage and inner strength when the cards are stack against her.
She works around the clock to provide for their health growth and protection.
When her pain is so agonizing that she can't walk another step, she gathers yet more strength in order that
the children are well.
There is the hero child who stands up for a disabled child in a play ground and does not permit the challenged wee one to be hurt. There is the school bus driver who protects their children passengers against any invader. There is the father who faces an invader into a home and places his life before all.
There is parent who adopts a child who has been abused and patiently holds their hand as they navigate childhood. There is the mother or father of a veteran who's taken his or her own life who finds the strength to help other parents who face similar tragedies.
Each of these heroes and many more garner from within themselves the unimaginable fortitude to change the lives of other with absolute sacrifice and unmitigated determination.
I have been blessed to witness such heroism time after time in my life. I have seen how people respond to heroes and also seen how heroes have been attacked. What makes some people attack a hero? What brings out rage in certain people against our heroes?
I would conclude that when certain individuals are faced with the heroic act of others they might generate a fierce furnace of hatred because they have not yet demonstrated within themselves a similar response. They, without self awareness, project outward their own feeling of incapability of responding heroically.
The hate is so severe that it spills out towards the hero and is filled with spitting venom. A disturbing portion of our society has morphed from a culture of raising up our extraordinary to a society/culture of bringing them down.
The thought is "I can't be like him or her, so they must not be for real ... or ... they are hiding something".
The thought process is that we are all lost and useless and so the one who stands out must be a fake.
This is a sad commentary of where some of our culture has landed.
I know a man who demonstrated such heroic deeds his entire life.
He literally has saved tens of thousands of lives with his humanitarian work.
A few years back he was attacked viciously by a helpless hidden
diabolical and reprehensible man who sought nothing more than attention for his attacking of my friend.
It seemed unreal that someone so noble could be bombarded so relentlessly with such deception and slander.
As the years passed, I understood more about the nature of the attack and the attacker.
It is a shame that some people find that their only recognition in life is a narcissistic attack upon others whose purpose it to provide relief, aid and help for those in need.
Since, the true hero, as we learned earlier, does not set out to be recognized, nor do they seek adoration for their actions, the attacks may seem bizarre at best. Forgiveness seems to be the first line of action by the hero, which, by perfect chance, it already built into their DNA.
I will continue to write more on our heroes in hopes that we return as a society to a place where we hold them high and learn how to, ourselves morph into a humanityhero -- AllHumanity!
Follow Rob Cipriano on Twitter:
Founder, CEO, The AllHumanity Group & Redemption Film Partners
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Go to mobile siteWe Need A Hero - Be a Hero For Trafficking Survivors
Be a Hero For Trafficking Survivors
We Need a Hero is an industry mixer and fundraiser for human trafficking awareness and the rehabilitation of survivors in San Diego.
A little known fact is that during large events in San Diego sex trafficking multiplies greatly in volume.
What better time than now to gather in our community and understand what these individuals endure during such events.
Lets come together and support our local organizations while also networking with people in the industries
that inspire us all to be a hero. Jubilate with dinner, dancing, prizes, and entertainment like San Diego has never seen before!
Included in ticket price:
Two free superhero themed specialty cocktails
A gift bag with merchandise from our sponsors
The satisfaction of helping curb human trafficking in San Diego
Our most important factor is our world class sponsors. Help these disenfranchised people by donating your resources to our cause via cash or promotional items. We have packages available that are outlined on our sponsors page.
We guarantee
that your dollars will be put to good use and that your donations will not go unnoticed.
Contact Tyler Detweiler for more information:Like many people ,I have no clear idea about heroes . A t some point , we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is. Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
Like many people ,I have no clear idea about heroes . A t some point , we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is. Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics (特点) which give us courage &and make us want to learn from them. A hero does something worth (值) talking about, A hero has a special story to tell and people think highly of it. But a hero is not just person with great fame (声誉). A hero has power(力量) larger than himself . Some people want to live like a hero. And they have to experience life with new and further meaning .A sure test for would- be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do they want to live and die for? If their answer suggests they serve only own fames, they may be famous persons but not heroes. A hero has a vision from the mountain top .He has the power to move people . He creates new possibility. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain, Without Martin Luther King .Jr, Americans might take different parks , and shop in different stores of the different colors of their skins. There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of the change would be rather slow . Thanks to heroes in history ,they make the society develop so rapidly1.` According to this passage , a hero is a person who always ____A.gives us courageB.thinks highly of othersC.shares great famesD.stands on the mountain top2.I f you want to live like a hero , you should ____|A.experience a new and meaningful lifeB.listen to something worth talking aboutC.serve your own fame and try to be famousD.know where and how you want to live and die3.The underlined word” vision” in the passage means____A.风景B.想象C.远见D.形象4.Black people in American used to ___ before Martin Luther King JrA.shop at the white’s storeB.drive buses with the whiteC.take walks in the white’s parkD.eat in restaurants without the white5.What can we learn from the passage ?A.we don’t need heroes anymore at some point nowB.heroes are all the same though different in cultureC.people get power from heroes to move to a new placeD.our society has developed faster because of heroes in history
AACDD试题分析:这是一篇介绍英雄的说明文。在文中作者说明了什么是英雄的问题、如何实现做英雄的梦想及英雄人物在社会历史上的价值。1.根据短文第二段描述可知正确答案为A.2.根据Some people want to live like a hero. And they have to experience life with new and further meaning .描述可知选A。3.根据from the mountain top及下文对甘地和马丁路德金的描述可知本句意思为一个英雄应该有远见,故选C。4.根据Without Martin Luther King .Jr, Americans might take different parks , and shop in different stores of the different colors of their skins.描述推断出黑人不能和白人共享某些公共设施,故选D。5.根据短文最后一段描述我们可以知道英雄人物可以加速社会进步,故选D。考点:关于人的说明文点评:本文是关于人的说明文,对于主题的描述比较详尽,阅读中注意把握细节问题。注意联系上下文,根据相关信息推理总结出作者要表达的思想。本题完成不难,按照阅读题的一般答题原则解答即可。
阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词)(本题共五小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Liu Xiang is not an overnight success. He was born in Shanghai ___【小题1】__ 13th July, 1983 and, like many Olympic sports stars, he started training when he was very __【小题2】. In Grade Four, he went to the Junior Sports School of Putuo District of Shanghai. Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper. Then, in 1998, his skill at hurdling was noticed by his _【小题3】_____ Sun Haiping. In 2004, he __【小题4】___ the first Olympic Gold medal for China in Athens, Greece. Now he is training hard to go for more __【小题5】__for China. Just because he was trained for gold!
完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项  I had myfirst job at the age of thirteen, when a friend of my mother’s who owned a bookshop hired(雇佣) me for six hours a week to help her in theshop. I was very  1   to earn my own pocket money and my parents  2   interfered(干涉)with how Ispent it, even when I was spending it foolishly. They believed that by earningmoney, spending it, and learning from the  3  , I would becomemore mature(成熟的) and responsible about how to handle work,relationships with others, and money.  Like manyAmerican parents, my parents also let me and my brothers do things over whichthey  4   a great deal. When I wassixteen, for example, after I finished high school and before I entereduniversity, I wanted to spend the summer months traveling around Europe. Mymother was against the idea of my traveling alone at such a young age, but myfather felt that it would be a great  5   for me. In the end, my father won theargument(争论) on the  6   that I limited(限定)my traveling to France, my mother’s home, where I hadmany uncles, aunts and cousins spread out through the country who could  7   shelter(住处)and helpif I needed them.  Three yearslater, my younger brother decided to  8   a year off after his first year inuniversity and travel through the United States and the Caribbean. Again mymother was very worried and not eager to see my brother leave school, but myfather encouraged him and my brother had a(n)  9   year working his way on trains and ships to 10   passage to differentports and cities, and discovering many fascinating places and people.  These kindsof experiences are probably rare(稀少的)forchildren in many countries but in the US they are fairly common. Most parentsstart  11   their children at a young age to do small things bythemselves. By the time they have finished high school, many American kids havealready had part-time jobs, traveled around the US or other countries on theirown, have selected the university they plan to attend and maybe even  12   on their future career, and so on.1.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.anxious  &&&& B.content   && C.proud&&& D.hopeful&2.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.never&&&&&&&&& B.ever     & C.always&&& D.even&3.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.problems&&&&&& B.mistakes&&&&&&& C.disappointment D.failure&4.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.helped&&&&&&&& B.supported&&&&&& C.shared&& D.worried&5.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.journey   B.experienceC.decision    &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.possibility&6.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.situation &&&&& B.agreement&&&&& C.gesture&& D.condition&7.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.promise  &&& B.afford&&&&&&&&& C.provide&& D.serve&8.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.set&&&&&&&&&&& B.put&&&&&&&&&&& C.take D.keep&9.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.unusual&&&&&&& B.hard&&&&&&&&&& C.strange&& D.busy&10.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.accept  &&&& B.earn&&&&&&&&&& C.find& D.search&11.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.bringing  &&& B.forcing  &&&&&&&&&&&&& C.pushing      &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.protecting&12.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A.worked  &&&& B.decided&&&&&&& C.carried&&& D.tried&&
As prices and building costs keep rising, the do-it-yourself(DIY) trend(趋势) in the U.S. continues to grow.“We needed furniture for our living room,” says John Ross, “And we just didn’t have enough money to buy it. So we decide to try making a few tables and chairs.” John got married six months ago, and like many young people these days, they are struggling to make a home at a time when the cost of living is very high. The Rosses took a 2-week course for $280 at a night school. Now they build all their furniture and make repairs around the house.Jim Hatfield has three boys and his wife died. He has a full-time job at time job at home as well as in a shoe-making factory. Last month, he received a car repair bill for $420. “I was deeply upset about it. Now I’ve finished a car repair course, I should be able to fix the car by myself.”John and Jim are not unusual people. Most families in the country are doing everything they can to save money so they can fight the high cost of living. If you want to become a “do-it-yourselfer”, you can go to DIY classes. And for those who don’t have time to take a course, there are books that tell you how you can do things yourself.【小题1】We can learn from the text that many newly married people &&&&&.A.find it hard to pay for what they needB.have to learn to make their own furnitureC.take DIY courses run by the government D.seldom go to a department store to buy things【小题2】When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, he means Jim &&&&&.A.makes shoes in his homeB.does extra work at nightC.does his own car and home repairsD.keeps house and looks after his children【小题3】Jim Hatfield decided to become a do-it-yourselfer when &&&&&.A.his car repairs cost too muchB.the car repair class was not helpfulC.he could not possibly do two jobsD.he had to raise the children all by himself【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?A.The Joy of DIYB.You can DO It too!C.Welcome to our DIY CourseD.Ross and H Believe in DIY
Mary is an American girl. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith find work in China. So they live in Wuhan now. Mr. Smith works in a big shop. Mrs. Smith teaches English in a middle school. Mary goes to that school on weekdays. On Sundays she goes shopping with her mother. She likes dumplings very much. Every time they’d like many dumplings. It’s 6:30 in the evening now. Mrs.Smith is cooking. Mr. Smith is helping her with the housework. What’s Mary doing? She is doing her homework carefully.&【小题1】Mary is in ______ now.&&A.AmericaB.EnglandC.ChineseD.Wuhan【小题2】______ go shopping on Sundays.&&&A.Mr. and Mrs. SmithB.Mr. Smith and MaryC.Mrs. Smith and MaryD.The Smith family
Life for Cathy Taylor’s three children is very busy. Their school days are busy enough. After school, though, Cathy takes the two boys from football to basketball. Then she has to take her daughter to piano lessons. The tired children don’t get home until 7 pm. They have a quick supper, and it’s time for homework.The Taylors are like many American and British parents. They take their children from activity to activity, and try to fit as much as possible into their kids’ lives. Doctors say many children are under too much pressure. Teachers complain(抱怨) about teaching tired kids in the classroom.Most children take part in after-school clubs. Activities include sports, language learning, music and math classes. Pushy parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more. Parents see other children doing a lot of things, and they feel their own children should do the same.Linda Miller, a mother of three in London, knows all about such pressure. “In some families, competition starts from a very young age,” she says. “Mothers send their kids to all kinds of classes when they are very young. And they are always comparing them with other children. It’s crazy. People shouldn’t push their kids so hard.Dr Alice Green agrees. She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older. “Parents are trying to plan their kids’ lives for them. When these kids are adults, they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves.” Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves. On one hand, children need organized activities. On the other hand, they also need time and freedom to relax, and they need time to do things by themselves.(&& ) 8. Cathy Taylor sends her daughter to &&&&&&. A. math classes&&&& B. language school B. sport club&&&&& D. piano lessons(&& ) 9. Why do teachers complain about teaching those children in the classroom? A. Because they are very tired.&&&&&B. Because they know a lot of things.C. Because they are under too much pressure. D. Because they can’t plan things for themselves.(&& ) 10. From the passage, we know children take part in after-school activities because &&&&&&. A. they have interest in them&&&&&&&&&& B. their teachers tell them to do so C. their parents push them to do so&&&&&&&& D. they see other children doing these things(& ) 11. The writer probably thinks that parents should &&&&&&. A. compare their children with others&&&&B. plan their children’s lives for them C. take their children to different classes&&D. give children time and let them do things by themselves


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