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Emotion, Motivation, and Self-Regulation_ A Handbook for Teacher
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Emotion, Motivation, and Self-Regulation_ A Hand
关注微信公众号1,&We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose view disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.& 1. 我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从 和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多;意见分歧阻碍了学习. Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the knowledge is limited, since the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cognition with us. It will be quite different if we communicate with people whose views contradict to ours. Admitted that, it is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to our self-assertion is impaired caused by other's challenge.C. New scientific fields often emerge in the interaction among different disciplines. D. Sciences of other areas are indispensable for a certain creation in a field to be viable and perfect. Related example: 1) Radioactivity is the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biolog it is also the source of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb. 2) In invention of telescope initiated in the magnifying tube, a great advancement in optics. Thus began the age of telescopic astronomy Computer—nearly all the scientific areas 3)2, &Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society.& 2. 竞 争对社会的好处大于坏处. Through competing, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not competent as he or she. While, on the other hand, if a competition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economics.5.&A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.& 5. 一个国家应该要求所有的学 生在上大学前都学习相同的课程,而不应该允许不同地区的学校擅自决定 自己的教学领域. Firstly, with the same national curriculum, it is convenient for educationist of different parts of the nation to scientifically arrange and prepare the classes of the curriculum. Secondly, thinking of the possible differences, it is unwise to allow schools rather3.&It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.& 3. 我 们应该把更多的钱用在当前的问题上,而不是用在可能有助于我们后代的 长期的研究项目上. When we enjoy the fruits of industrialisation and democracy, we are, on the other side, confronted with social problems brought by as another consequence of this process. Firstly, immediate, existing social problems that baffled us deeply need to be resolved as quickly as possible so to restore a sound society and conduce its healthy development. However, many present social problems cannot be resolved immediately as we hoped. Furthermore, neglecting long-term researches that may help future generations, overemphasizing to focus on the present problems, may result in incomplete resolution to these social problems, which can merely be an expedience rather than a resolution.than a nation to choose the courses for the students. A nation rather than the schools in different parts of the nation determine the national curriculum for the students, however, it does mean that the local schools have no freedom to choose any course for local students.6.&The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth.& 6. 了解当代文化最有效的途径是分析它在形成初期的 发展趋势. %%%%%了解当代文化最有效途径是分析其年青人的趋势和 潮流.%%了解当代文化最有效的方式是分析其年轻人的文化趋势& We always regard youth as the future of the society. Although they are young, fresh and immature, they are also shrewd, full of passion and vitality. Actually, studying the trends of a country's youth, may help to understand its contemporary culture, since that youth is the pioneer of a country, in this sense, they mirrors the development of the country. Since youth is only a fraction of the society, studying them and their culture just provide us one perspective of the whole culture.4.&No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study.& 4. 如果没有失败者介绍自己 的经验和知识,没有哪个领域的研究会取得长足的进步. %%几乎没有任 何领域能够取得具有重要意义的进步,除非结合其他行业的知识和经验到 该领域中来%% I agree with the assertion that significant advances in knowledge require expertise form various fields. A. No area of intellectual inquiry operates in a vacuum, that is, sciences in various fields are inextricably related. B. Scientific breakthrough in one certain area may be great contribute to advancement in another or several other fields. 1In my view, compare with the youth, those conventions and traditions constitute the foundation of the contemporary culture.7.&The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.& 7. 数码相机可以精确地拍摄当代人们的生活,它的 重要性已经超过了纸笔记录. Our life has gone through great changes since the video camera came into being, which provides a totally new and different way of recording life to the traditional written methods. Compared with written records, video documentation is much less influenced by the one who took record and the one who interprete it. Another conspicious advantage of video records is its integrity. Yet it's rash to say that video camera has already won over traditional written documents and become the new domination of documentation field since video record is limited in several aspects. We cannot say whether video camera or the written document is more important than the other in that each one has its irreplaceable merits and values. Video camera offers the accurate and convincing method of recording which can revive life in before while traditional written document can provide a more detailed and rational record in lower cost. 11&All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems.& 11. 所有的国家都应该帮助建立起一个全球性的大学, 用 来培养学生们解决世界上最顽固头疼的社会问题. Though each social problem appears to be different in different nations, as theft in affluent nations may be conducted more for psychological reasons rather than for the value of the issue with regard to its counterpart in poor nations, there is always a radical key lying beneath. On the other hand, though nearly all the social problems are persisting in every nation, some may be disasters in one nation while slight flaw in another. Such a global university asks for the support from all nations of the world. 8.&It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.& 8. 政治领导们在公众面前有所保留是必要的, 甚至是必须的. Firstly, political leaders, in a democracy regime, will harm the proper right of people as they withhold information from the public. Secondly, withholding information from the public will result in corruption in the government, and therefore bring detriment to society. Admittedly, sometimes it is necessary for political leaders to keep the public from know something, such as country's top secrete, which is indispensable and helpful for a country in defending aggression and keeping safety. 12&People's attitudes are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic.& 12. 人们的态度更多情况下 取决于当时的处境和环境,并非人们的性格特点. We are living in the society. We have families, friends and colleagues. We communicate each other, and have influence on or being influenced by others. Immediate situation or surroundings play enormous influence on shaping our attitudes and moods toward exterior. However, what people express in responding to their situation and surroundings is based on their internal characteristic, which develop on the combination of intellectual and morals. 9&Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.& 9. 今年来学术领域更加专业化,以至于学者 门的研究只作用于很小范围内的人群.除非学者们的研究能适合大范围的 人群,他们的想法才有用. As a matter of fact, the more specialized the ideas, the less accessible to them. However, specialization does not have any impact on the value of scholars' ideas. Actually, it is not necessary for the public to understand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. For example, most people do not know how the CPU is running in the personal computer, but this does not hamper them to using computers. 13&Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.& 13. 许多世界上鲜为人知的语言由于越来越少的人使用而逐渐消 失.使用这些语言的国家应该采取措施防止这些语言绝迹. With the development of globalization, increasing cooperation within countries brings each country both prosperities especially in science and technology, and impact on culture. 10&Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.& 10. 政府必须保证主要城市用于发展 的财政支持,因为国家的文化传统发源于并保留在这些主要城市 It is always true that big cities of a country boom not only in economy but also in culture. Actually, not all the major cities of a country are bound to the responsibility of preserving a nation's culture traditions. Indeed, in some major cities, where have less culture traditions, it creates a better environment for development than in those cities where long culture traditions are preserved. Nevertheless, admitted that, there are also some major cities that are characterized by their long culture traditions, similarly, either small cities, or villages and towns, in spite of not being major cities, are the places where culture traditions generated and handed down be generations. 2 14&It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature.& 14. 每个人都有必要去阅读诗,小说,神话和其 他的幻想类的文学作品. %%%%%每个人都有必要去阅读诗,小说,神 话和其他的幻想类的文学作品. We have been brought up with fairy tales, mythologies and science fictions. Imaginative literature is characterized by fancy and illusion, which can inspire our imagination as well as intelligence. However, when we immerse in the fantasy contrived by imaginative work, we should also notice its dark side. When retrospecting development of recent history, we may find many languages of the world are becoming extinct. While, with the disappearing of native language, at the same time, native culture constructed on the language is perishing. As a matter of fact, people's attitudes are determined by the compound effect of situation and internal characteristic. When the idea held is challenged, however, we are motivated to defend it against doubts and disagreements. 15&The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.& 15. 社会的安定取决于它对人们极端行为的响应和措施 Though it seems impossible that there will be a society as serene as paradise without any kind of horrible extremes of human behavior, it should never be an excuse for the failure of keeping the happening of extremes under effective control. But the stability of a society asks for much more than just agile responds and firm punishment to the extremes of human behavior. The stability of a society even requires its adequet conduction to some seemingly ordinary human behaviors in specific situations. society is cherished by everyone. A stable and healthy 19&If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens.& 19. 一个社会要发展,必须先取得整体 的发展,再去发展社会中的个人. %%%%%%一个社会要繁荣,其整体 的发展应优先于个人的利益. (我理解题目的意思是:整体的发展和个 人的利益发生矛盾的时候,出于对社会繁荣的长远考虑,个人的利益应让 位于整体的发展. ) The achievement of social entire success owns much to ceaseless and assiduous hard work of every citizen. If a country overemphasizes the priority of its overall success in the process of 16&Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.& 16.尽管很多人认为 现在奢侈安逸的生活是无害的,但实际上这样的生活阻止了人们培养坚强 独立的性格 Without modern facilities, we could hardly do anything. While, without such modern facilities, can we become truly strong and independent individuals? It is important us for to realize the limitation of modern facilities and that potential danger which will be aroused if we lost our domination over modern facilities and too rely on them. thriving, it risks to obtaining the achievement at the expense of individual's interest. However, not every individual's interest accords with that of society. Tim: A society is a community comprised by the members. It exists because its members exist. In my opinion, its overall success entirely depends on the welfare of its individual citizens. Such welfare should be prioritized. Prior to our analysis, we need to agree upon the definition of &overall success&. Hypothetically, if we eliminate the elderly, the weak, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the unfit, then clearly our society consists of only healthy and intelligent members. It will likely become productive, and thus make If it does, then considerable advancement. Does this considerable advancement mean overall success? 17&There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.& 17. 有两种法律:公平的和不公平的.社会中的每个人 都应该遵守公平的法律,更重要的是,应该不遵守或者违抗不公平的法律 Laws and regulations are set up along with the entrenchment of a government serving as a means to control the country. Since laws are built up under the power of government, which represents the public interest whereas run by a few individuals, it is quite possible that laws are constituted in the name of representing the majority while on the contrary in a few individuals favor. Facing unjust laws, every individual has the very responsibility to resist them. No matter that whether every individual could reach an agreement on unjust or not, one point is important that we should put forward our opinions toward unjust laws. we should indeed adopt a policy of master race, such as the one advocated by Nazis. We should place our emphasis on the society's success ahead of the welfare of individual members. My definition of overall success, however, is different. Rather, happiness of its members is the main criterion. If members are stressful throughout their life, this society is not deemed successful even if it enables its members to land on Mars. Again, hypothetically, let us say that our world population is reduced from 6.2 billion to 100 million. All the unfit have been annihilated. These 100 million people are good looking, tall, smart, young, and healthy. Their earth is filled with bountiful food and is equipped with advanced technology. Now, let us examine the likelihood that they will be happy. First, this master race still cannot defy aging and death. The members will age and die. But according to their own regulations, people at the age of, say, 50 must be phased out. So, what do you think that those reaching ages of 35, 40, or 45 will feel? Second, other than aging, the members do not dare to show any sign of 18&Only by being forced to defend an idea against the doubts and contrasting views of others does one really discover the value of that idea.& 18. 只有通过质 疑某个观点,并把它与其他观点进行比较,人们才能真正理解那个观点的 价值. %%%%%只有通过质疑某个观点,并把它与其他观点进行比较, 人们才能真正理解那个观点的价值. 只有被迫对某个观点的质疑进行反 驳,并.. . Think of those ideas which we have long been used to, maybe since we are young. 3 weakness. If they are sick, they'd better pretend to be well. If they do not understand something, they will pretend that they are bright. If they are unable to accomplish some tasks, they will appear to be competent. So they constantly live in pretense and anxiety. Finally, how will these cut-off limits of unfitness be defined? It is law of nature that nobody on earth is perfect. Nobody can possibly possess every nice attribute in him. If he is bright, but physically weak, will he be eliminated? The society will become chaotic, as there will be constant debates over the Anyway, one should never be a bigot, who sticks to his own point of view and never budge even if lethal errors are rooted in. definition of unfitness. In summary, based on three reasons stated above, members of this society will not likely live happy lives. If they will not, the society, deemed by me, is not successful. If I am allowed to uphold my own definition, then clearly we should accept every member, weak and strong alike, as he is, and prioritize his well being. The society does not necessarily have to make progress.overall perspectives.& 23. 当前的科学技术提供的信息总是由很多小的信息 片段组成.这导致了人们总是专注于零碎的信息,而很少注意到大的问题 和整体的框架结构 2.1 access to great deal of information help people to get a wider view of an issue, thus help them prevent being limited in thoughts. 2.2 in order to discrimitate between important information and trifle ones, people improve themselves in the ability to understand, analyse, compare and rationalize, which is very useful for them to get a better command of large issues ( need20&National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults.& 20. 政府为儿童所想所做应该比成人多 Adults, who make up the major work force of our society, are where the fortune and power of the nation lying, thus the premise of the social stability. Faraway from the superficial impression that national government has set enough social programs and services to help adults, the fact is that, such help still can not meet the request and even worse is that some of them are not adequetly conducted to bear the assumed outcomings. As we have to keep sufficient notice on adults affairs, we shall absolutely never fail to provide children a safe, clean and nice environment for them to grow happily and robustly.profound understanding and capability to deal with complicated cases) 2.3 to prevent preoccupation by fragmented information, people should hold right view on information, not to assimulate all, but to percollate relevant ones from those needing only a glance.24&People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.& 24.当权者小心谨慎并且有限度的使用 他们权力的时候他们的工作才最有效 2.1 people without cautin and restraint tent to abuse the power they are granted 2.2 caution and restraint assist people to have better understand and make better use of the power 2.3 caution and restraint do not mean tying oneself up21&Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world.& 21.在乎自己声望和社会地位的 人很少能带来改革.而那些真正想要改善一个政府,一个教育系统或者其 他机构的人却必须要接受世界上其他人的蔑视. Though no explicit static data, it's not difficult to find that earnest in seeking personal reputation is always bound with eagerness to involve in social affairs such as reforming. Then there seems to be a paradox, since earnest in social affairs always goes with ardor for personal reputation, how one manages to sacrifice the latter for the former? Yet it's unfair to ignore the contribution to any beneficial reforming of common people who may not show so much care for earning reputation or standing. 25&Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as simple as possible.& 25. 每个人都能把事情搞大搞复杂. 而真正需要努力 的却是相反的—-------即要把事情越简单化越好 2.1 to make things simple means to have profound understanding of the whole matter, to discriminate between essence and peripherals, and ultimately to refine the big and complex body of knowledge into principles 2.2 it's relatively easier to pick out the facial differences between things than to dug out the underlying similarities 2.3 moving in the opposite direction calls for courage not only because one should face the dazzling amount of ideas, phenomenon, information, data and presumptions, but also because he/she is always in risk of total lose since any new discovery that contracts their theory will nullify most of their efforts Tim: Mainstream people tend to complicate things or matters, so that the 22&Many people believe that a few individuals or small groups (family, friends, teachers, celebrities, for example) have caused them to think and behave in the way they do. Yet it is always society as a whole that defines us and our attitudes, not a few individuals.& 22. 很多人认为一些个人和小的群体(例如家庭, 朋友,老师,名人)影响了他们的思维和做法.其实是这个社会作为一个 整体影响着人们的态度,而并非一些个人 society as a whole defines us and our attitudes. in daily life, we are more often affected by those persons, who are around us each individual is under dual impact both of society as a whole and small groups as a part outsiders may not be able to understand what they are doing. Consequently, they can safely protect their own job securities or professional prestige. Examples abound. Once I was asking a composer why he used a certain bass accompaniment in one of his compositions. He appeared to be insulted by my questions. His response was like: who are you to ask me such a stupid question? The composition is such a complicated and difficult task. It took me so many years to learn it. And you, an amateur, expect me to explain it in a few minutes? In truth, it is my belief that, if my friend is willing, and if he is a good composer himself, he should be able to answer my question in a very simple manner. 我们所选择处理的方式太复杂,所以小事也浪费了不少时间.如果少走弯路, 就会节约时间,创造更多的财富. 比如,猴哥的这个花果山 share 资源和 ideas,discoveries,真好.原来很 arduous 23&Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual information. As a result, people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and 4 和 arid 的事情变得 easy 了 26&Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served.& 26. 很多人认为 建筑代表了一个社会过去的历史价值,但是当现代城市的规划者想要利用 老建筑占用的地盘做新的规划时,就会引起很多争辩.在这样的情况下, 现在的开发者在规划时应该优先考虑到保留历史建筑. %%%%%%%... 在这样的情况下,现代的发展应该优先被考虑,以使当代的需要得到满足 i. Historic buildings are irrecoverable resources we should preserve not only for ourselves but for our decendants ii. Historic buildings are valuable records of a society's past, and they serve more as travel attractions, city emblems. iii. Some old buildings which are of less value and in bad state can be removed for contemporary needs for ground. But modern planners should avoid destroying historic buildings for modern purposes. Better approachments should be work out for the dilemma.or loathe the unsatisfiable interest into their personal lives, most of them have to concede that they cannot live without these troubles Anyway, a public figure is all the same to everyone of us physically and mentally, no matter how significant a role he/she plays in public life.30&The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time.& 30. 技术进步的最 主要的目标就是提高人们的效率,使得每个人都有更多的闲暇时间 First of all, as we have witnessed, achievement in technology has immensely improved people's efficiency, such as assembly-line, robots. Computer, etc. Besides, when people enjoy relative more leisure time brought by improved efficiency, on the same time, society has encountered other problems, such as the problem of employment. As a matter of fact, increasing efficiency is merely a byproduct of the advance of technology.31&Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the 27&No one can possibly achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking.& 27. 遵守传统经验 和想法的人是不会成功的 How do we evaluate whether we are success? Maybe we should discuss it from two aspects individually and socially. On the one hand, success is based on the individual's self-perception of the outcome. On the other hand, in a strict definition, success means important achievement, which contributes greatly to society, obtains acknowledge by the others and gains brilliant fame. When we retrospect the development of the history, any important progress was pulled by successful innovation, which acquired by the genius who do not confirm the conventional practices and thoughts. results of that research are controversial.& 31. 花费在研究上的金钱总是很好 的投资,即使研究结果是有争论的 A. Research is the exploration of the unknown for true answers to our questions, and for lasting solutions to our enduring problems. B. Research is also the chief means by which we humans attempt to satisfy our insatiable appetite for knowledge, and our craving to understand ourselves and the world around us. C. Many researches may be controversial and the results of them may bring to people some harm, after all they are of greater benefit in the short or long term. Related Examples: 1) Research of atomic energy, 2) Research of radioactivity: the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modem genetics. 3) Copemicus's Galileo's research in astronomy. 28&Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little.& 28. 学生们只有在学习了事实的来龙去脉后才有必 要记住这些事实.只学习事实本身的学生是学不到多少东西的 In the process of studying, no matter in whatever discipline, we are required to memorize facts that are indispensable for us to master the knowledge. To have a better understand of an affair, we need not only to kwon the fact, but also the ideas, trends and concepts that help to explain the fact. 32&A school or college should pay its teachers at the same rate in all disciplines, regardless of differences in salaries for related fields in the world outside of school. For example, entry-level teachers in mathematics and in the arts should receive the same pay, even if outside of school, math specialists earn a much higher salary on average than do specialists in the arts.& 32. 学校或者大学应该付给 所有学科老师相同的工资,而不必理会校内外教师的薪水差异.例如,入 门级的数学老师和艺术老师应该拿到相同的薪水,即使在校外,数学专家 29&Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy.& 29. 公众人物, 例如演 员,政治家和运动员应该预料到人们对他们私生活的关注.当他们决定成 为公众角色时,他们应该知道自己的一些隐私将被公布于众 Though they are taking the public appearance most for job, public figures such as actors, politicians and athletes can hardly count on people to separate clearly their public role from private lives, as is even impossible to themselves. Ironically, though some public figures do feel uneasy with the buzzing paparazzi, 5 33&Creating an appealing image has become more important in contemporary 比艺术专家的平均薪水高出很多 It's absurd to for a school or college to pay its teachers merely according to the salaries for related fields in the world ourside of school. Yet absolutely same rate of salary to teachers of all disciplines is unfair, too. Another latent problem in same salary rate for all disciplines is that it will undermine teachers of their work enthusiasm. Technique of cloning 4) society than is the reality or truth behind that image.& 33. 在当今社会, 引人的 表面现象比现象背后的本质重要得多 Not like in movies, where actors and actresses can shift freely from a role of betrayer to a hero in one day, an individual may show an attractive image before the public, but this contrived mask cannot sustain long. Once some once-brilliant images collapse, the overall trust in paradigms of the public will break down as well. Though our society calls for appealig images, who can dominate the view of value of the public, give them power and confidence when difficulties occur, and inspire them to work hard and win, there is not any need to create them by hinding the reality and truth behind.which surpass the common cognition of general public and their peers. Besides, to test the validity of theories, works and ideas of the great individuals need a long time even centuries. In a democratic society, individuals have full free to express their ideas and show their unique talents and characters.37&In most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect.& 37. 在大多数社会,通常情况下竞争总是起到消极的作用,而不 是积极的作用 In order to be more specific,I would like to cite the example of the competing situation in the battlefield of business,which is obviously quite familiar with many people.34&Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly work-oriented society.& 34. 学 校与其让学生们学习种类繁多的课程------艺术, 人类学到物理, 生物科学, 还不如只让学生们学习针对以后工作而开设的有针对性的课程.这样的集 中方式顺应了目前工作为主的社会 1. Studying various disciplines keeps one balanced in the society. Those who concentrate in only job related courses will inevitable find themselves limited in everyday life. 2. Inter-disciplines study is necessary both in the improvement of either disciplines and in the innovation of new knowledge 3. Basical courses of a wide range of disciplines should be compulsory, but sufficient freedom should be granted to students in their choosing further study of non-work-oriented courses.When two adjacent shopping-centers resolve to take the price-cutting maneuver to gain the game, a predictable scathe for the two merchants is definitely waiting ahead.38&In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books.& 38. 在电视机时代,阅读书籍已经没有原来那样重要了.人们从电视上 学到的东西丝毫不比从书本中学来的少 Though each has its advantages, television and books are not capable to win over each other. Reading books is an active process, where we can make choice of what, when and to which extent we want to learn. With regard to the appealing traits and easygoing nature, television can help a lot in study.39&The intellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly 35&No matter what the situation, it is more harmful to compromise one's beliefs than to adhere to them.& 35. 不管在什么样的情况下,妥协总是没有坚持好 Belief, as for every one, is like the beacon which lights up the way of progressing, and sustain us in adversity. When we retrospect history, we may find out that honorable laurels are always credit to those who adhere to their believes resolutely rather than to comprise to others. Bruno may be the extremely archetype, who would rather to be burned than to yield to the inquisition to give up his theory. Others, like Galileo, Curie, Nobel and so on, all persist in their believes which eventually lead them to the success and engrave their names on history. However, we should adhere to our believes no matter what circumstance rests on the prerequisite that our believes are sound and conductive to the development of individual as well as the overall society. Adolf Hitler is also an archetype of pursuing one's belief, overrated: most people could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four years than by pursuing a university or college degree.& 39. 人们对进入 大学学习的获益总是评价很高:许多人通过四年的学习学到的东西要比仅 仅为了得到大学文凭学到的东西要多 Bill Gates, who quitted from university and did not complete his degree while establish his business of Microsoft which ranks in the top of Fortune, may serve as a good example that people could learn more by studying and reading on their own rather than pursuing a university or college degree. As for people who have strong ability of self-management and definite purpose of learning, they may obtain more knowledge from self-studying than attending university or college. While, many people still would like to learning by attending university or college, because the formal education system not only provide students a perfect studying atmosphere but also instruct students study more efficiently and effectively. In addition, studying in university or college other than studying on their own, conduce to shape a sound personality 36&The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.& 36. 只有后来人评价以前的人,而不应该同时 代的人相互评价 The greatness of individuals cannot be appreciated by their contemporaries in large part is due to their outstanding talent and their transcendental intelligence 6 40&Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.& 40.对待学者和研究人员的评价不应该取决于他们的工作是否对整 个社会有所贡献.而应该是看他们怎样为了自己的兴趣而奋斗,不管他们 的兴趣看起来是多么不寻常或者多么特殊 Not for Edison's sustained work, we wouldn't have benefited so much from his marvelous inventions. Research work is, in one sense, not well purposed action, but rather some exploration of unknown world around us. Sometimes, scholars and researchers are similar to poets, actively envolved in their enshrined tasks with great concentration and enthusiasm. Yet the freedom we should grant scholars and researchers is not boundless.44&Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear.& 44.政府不应该去资助一个预期结果不 明确的科学研究,不管它是医学还是道德伦理. Any scientific research starts with hypotheses and assumptions, because the purpose of scientific research is to explore the untapped frontier of the world. Besides, the process of research is one of ceaseless and gradual accumulation of knowledge. Admitted that, there exit dangers when the result of a scientific research is unclear in medical or ethnical, since it may rouse unexpected confusion even chaos in society.41&Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science.& 41. 一些非主流的领域, 如占星,算命以及偏执在社会中扮演着非常重要的角色,它们满足了人们 的那些主流科学满足不了的需要 We may find out that, people who resort to fortune-telling, astrology and such nonmainstream area of inquiry unusually are ill educated and underclass of the society. Indeed, the main reason that why nonmainstream area of inquiry is favored by a few people is that it comforts people who worry about their destiny. Besides, nonmainstream area of inquiry also plays an important role to satisfy peoples' curiosity about the unknown world.45&Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carrying out the will of the people whom they serve.& 45. 政府 官员应该有自己的判断力,而不应该被群众的愿望所左右 It is always hard to get consensus over a controversial issue. Ironically but true, sometimes government officials can do quicker and better decisions on their own judgement rather than following the will of the people absolutely. Anyway, by insisting the government officials making decision on their own judgements we never dismiss the importance of the will of people.46&While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of42&Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups.& 42. 因为学习不是个人行为,而是需要人们的合作, 所以各个年级的学生如果经常在一个群体里工作,他们会在学术上获益非 浅. %%%%%...,因此所有年龄的学生如果经常以群体的方式工作,他 们会在学术上获益非浅. Firstly, the rapid changes in our modern time, especially in science and technology, challenge the traditional ways of learning and working. Secondly, learning and working frequently with groups, students will be more efficient and then make much more progress than that if they study solitarily. However, admitted that it should be laudable to encourage students to learn cooperatively, one should not use this as the excuse of relying on other members and do not think independently themselves.cooperation.& 46. 尽管一些政府领导,比如体育,工业和其他的领域的人 把他们的成功归功于良好的竞争机制和竞争意识,一个社会还是应该给年 轻人灌输合作的思想. Through competition, one makes himself/herself become eminent, so do the leaders entrench their successful position. The sense of competition is indispensable for a leader no matter what areas he/her belongs to. More specifically, cooperation is a kind of responsibility bestowed to one who wants to be a leader.47&Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills47. 社会没有给予智力培养方面足够的重 视,比如人的推理和认知 In a sense, intellectual skills and non-intellectual skills are somewhat like skeleton43&To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.& 43. 一个官员要想成为一个好的领导, 他必须有极高 的民族和道德标准 To be an effective leader, as we known, one should possess wisdom, competence, enlightenment, tolerance, shrewd, prowess, resolution and so on. An official without high ethnical and moral standards is doomed to fail to lead the public effectively, in the worse case, to spell disaster on the public. Besides mentioned above, if public acquiesce public officials without higher moral standards, this will harm the morality of the entire society.and flesh of a body. A society cannot advance without cognitive skills, yet it cannot keep well-being without non-cognitive ones. Both crucial to individual and society, intellectual and non-intellectural skills, however, receive unfair attention at present..48&The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.& 48. 对历史 的研究把太多的重点放在对某些个人上.而历史上一些重大的事件和发展 7 趋势不是由个别名人决定的,而可能是由那些已经被人们淡忘的人制造的 In most historical documents, those significant figures were described as the only decision makers. It is natural, however, for historians to do so, or from another aspect, they have to. Lacking of sufficient materials is another problem. Tim: When we conduct analyses on the revolution early in the 20th century in China, Chairman Mao will naturally be the focus. When we study Psychology, the image of Dr. S. Freud puffing his cigar pipe will emerge Today's newspapers will become the history 100 years from today. If we take a look at them, we will notice that 99% of the news focuses on important people. Often we will find articles reporting or discussing about trivia, such as Clinton's dog or Laura Bush's evening gowns. Why do TV stations broadcast soccer games? Obviously, there are plenty of soccer fans who will watch the games. Similarly, why do newspapers report these trivia? Obviously we, as readers, are interested in reading them. We are less interested in knowing about a middle-aged woman, with 3 kids, visiting orphanages to bring joy to those orphans. We all flock to the powerful and the beautiful. Tim Shih would rush to read the news about Miss America's crowning scandal, but would ignore the news regarding a group of volunteers picking up garbage on the pavement of freeways. So, possibly, it is we ourselves, the common people, who have shaped the history, such that it concentrates on important individuals.students for future career51&Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.& 51.只有针对每个学生的需 要和兴趣,教育才真正的有意义 1. the efficiency of education lies in its generalization ( teacher, student ) 2. over-specified education will narrow down students' ken and capability of acclimation to future career 3. in order to cater individual needs and to enhance interests of students, schools can offer some specifically designed programs to students52&Education encourages students to question and criticize, and therefore does little to promote social harmony.& 52. 教育鼓励学生们提问和批评,这样无 利于社会的和谐 We should discriminate between social harmony and categorical obeying. The latter was employed by monopolies to keep their people doing whatever they ordered without any right to raise doubt, let alone rejection. The purpose of questioning and criticizing is not just providing a vent for dissatisfaction. With regard to the immature of young students, what education should do besides encouraging them to question and criticize is to avoid them of self-righteousness.49&Imaginative works such as novels, plays, films, fairy tales, and legends present a more accurate and meaningful picture of human experience than do factual accounts. Because the creators of fiction shape and focus reality rather than report on it literally, their creations have a more lasting significance.& 49.有 想象力的作品,比如小说,戏剧,童话和传说向人们展示了过去人们经验 的精确且有意义的画面,而现实作品则稍逊.因为小说的作者重点刻画事 实,而非文学本身,他们的作品有更深远的意义 1. imaginative works not only shape and focus reality, but concentrate on reverie and vision as well, which reduce fiction of their accuracy. Their significance may also decay with time goes by. 2. factual accounts literally document reality and facts using more scientific language and rational analysis, therefore enhancing their accuracy and meaningfulness 3. both the two are valuable presentation of human experience, with each dealing with different aspects 54&History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today.& 54. 历史只教会我们做一件事:了解过 去并不能帮助今天的人们在重大的事情上做决定 50&In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.& 50.为了提高大学的教 学质量,所有的教职员工应该去校外参加一些和他们教的课程相关的工作 1. to faculty members of some academic area, working outside the academic world will do little help to their academic ability while distracting them from the research and instruction work they should concentrate on 2. compulsory working in professions outside academic world may cause the college and university to lose their outstanding faculty member 3. to some academic area such as engineering, faculty members should be encouraged to work outside for some time in order to better orient instruction to 8 55&Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels History is a part of our development, and provides relevant information of present problems. History also serves as a source of precedent and predication, which guide us to avoid or less making false decisions when in face of hard task in present. Admittedly, there are entirely new problems that we have to cope with on our own without any precedents in history to refer to, but this does not prevent us from making right choices, since learning history has taught us to perceive and analyse the problems with historic perspective. 53&College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government.& 53. 大学教育应该对所有学生免费,全部由政府来承 担 It is true that government subsidy is a large part of the school's income. While, fully financing college and university may exceed the capacity of the government, although this will is valuable. Up to now, it is still impossible for government to afford all the expenditure for college and university, but alternative methods are produced to alleviate the burden of students from poor families. Instead of fully waiving the tuition, college and university have established the scholarship, fellowship, loans as well as part-time jobs. of education.& 55. 人们为了更高的学历而竞争,严重限制了人们各个阶段 的学习. (好象不通?) Competing for grades serves as an effective stimulant to urge and conduce to arouse students' ambition in the process of study. Since under current education system, tests and examination are still mainly method to check the outcome of study, and score is the most important criteria to evaluate the performance of students. Usually, high score means better academic performance. Who rank at the top will obtain acknowledge of their intellect and competence both from teachers and peers, this point also be illustrated by the fact that scholarship will be given to those who have high grades in most of their courses. In such education system, students may be motivated to study hard and assiduously in order to achieving acknowledge of others and the hortation of better performance, and in turn, they have a better master of what they have learnt. In this respect, competition for high grades does promote students learning better. While, such competition increasingly expose its negative effects on the quality of learning. What is more, heating competition for high grades may arouse extremely mental and psychological stress for students, which will seriously undermine the interest and ability of studying.the improved efficiency. In addition, an even worse situation is that people have become more or less nervous and stressful. Unfortunately, modern people seem to addict to the past pace of life, and in turn push the society march on more rapidly.59&Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.& 59. 人们把太多的精力放在模型和范例上.人们应该学 会独立思考和行动,而不要照搬别人的东西,这样才能做出最好的选择 We have been brought up with the tales and legends of kinds of heroes and heroines, no matter whether these characters are real persons or fictional ones, these stories serve as our primary enlightened materials that instill us virtues and values the society cherishes commonly in which we are living. Merely imitating role models may result in laziness and dependence since one dose not suffer himself/herself of thinking and analyzing. Learning to think and act independently does not naturally conflict with learning form role models.56&Governments should focus more on solving the immediate problems of today rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.& 56. 政府应该 把更多的精力放到解决眼前实际的问题中,而不要放到未来可能会产生的 问题中. Undoubtedly, immediate problems that agonize and afflict people mostly, such as crimes, wars, drag abuse, unemployment and so on, actually need to be addressed by government as soon as possible since their existence extremely danger the normal living of public. However, it is misconception that governments can ignore the anticipated problems of the future in favor of the immediate ones, even though the latter may be more urgent. Furthermore, narrowly concentrating on solving the immediate problems rather than trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future, is an expression of irresponsible for the future generations.60&The media—and society in general—mistakenly expect an individual to speak for a particular group, whether or not that individual truly represents the views of the entire group.& 60. 通常情况下,媒体和社会都希望某个个人能 代表一个特殊的群体,不管这个个人是否能真正地表达整个群体的意思 It is reasonable that news reporters or program moderators will resort to the method of choosing individuals to express their regards, evaluations and feelings about certain event, and hope to acquire an overall views of groups or the public that interviewees represent for. However, different from conducing a precise and strict quantitative survey, which usually can calculate sampling error, significant level that may circumscribe the accuracy of the representative of the sample, most survey are conducted in qualitative method which lacks the ability to deduce specific outcome from a few individuals to an entire group. This reminds us to keep discreet and qualified attitude toward the speech of individuals when they speak on behalf of certain groups.57&The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience.& 57. 书本中学的到的知识远 比实际经验中学到的知识多 Books serve as the means of imparting knowledge and adopted as textbooks in schools from elementary school to university. However, direct experience is also an effective way of learning knowledge and makes complement to that learned from books. Besides, direct experience plays important role in testing the knowledge that formulated in the books. 61&High-profile awards such as the Nobel Prize are actually damaging to society because they suggest that only a few people deserve such recognition.& 61.高回 报的奖金,如诺贝尔奖实际上对社会是有害的,因为只有少数人才能获此 殊荣. Most of these children farewell these dreams when they grow up for their capability, personal intersets and other factors. The remained few, however, by persistingly pursuing their original aim, attain it in the end. Admittedly not every one has the opportunity to get any high-profile award. There are many realistical limitations such as capability, intellecture, aggression and of course, opportunity. 58&The increasingly rapid pace of life today causes more problems than it solves.& 58. 快节奏的生活导致了很多无法解决的问题 It is true that efficiency is the most benefit produced by the increasing pace of life, however, our physical condition does not receive the merited improvement due to 9 Actually any adult is well aware that those few deserve the great awards they win since they have done great contribution in their area, which are often relatively not well profitable. ugly, when she is compared with a young woman (by us human beings). But to 62.&The widespread idea that people should make self-improvement a primary goal in their lives is problematic because it assumes that people are intrinsically deficient.& 62. 人们普遍认为应该把自我发展当作生命中一个重要的目标, 这样的想法是值得怀疑的,因为它假设人们本身就是有缺陷的 61. 高回 报的奖金,如诺贝尔奖实际上对社会是有害的,因为只有少数人才能获此 殊荣. We often hear that to err is human. to admit that we are intrinsically deficient is a positive attitude. Realizing that we are not perfect will help us have an objective and rational evaluation about ourselves, and then instruct us to reshape the personality, correct the error, and reset the goal for our life. On the contrary, blindly refusing self-improvement can only result in ignorance and smugness, which imprison people in the illusion that they are perfect enough and virtually trap them into stagnancy. ( It is a well known tale that a prodigy eventually grows into a mediocre narcissist after years of overrated praises. ) Tim: In my judgment, the author may have missed the central idea of the issue, which is presented as follows. Everybody on earth is born with certain abilities and talents. Most of us have vowed to ourselves that, in the future, we plan to do this and that, and to do something grandiose. Vows of such nature may not be necessary. In reality we end up chasing after an illusion throughout our life. But down in our hearts we know that, being self-centered, we are trying so hard to attain attention, praise, and fame. All the fast paced ness, anxiety, stress, and pressure in our life stem from our desires for self-improvement. On the other hand, human beings, unlike animals, seem to inherently harbor burning and non-stoppable desires to improve themselves, and to seek new adventures. So, even though we are aware that a pit of anxiety or pressure is in front of us, we cannot help but jumping into it. This dilemma may be the central idea of the topic assigned above is. 65&People have been so encouraged by society to focus on apparent differences that they fail to see meaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups.& 63.&To truly understand your own culture—no matter how you define it—requires personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different from your own.& 63. 为了真正地了解你自己的文化,不管你怎样 定义它,你需要了解至少一种其他的文化,并且这种文化和你的文化完全 不同 Just think of a well-trained parrot which can echo human-languague fluently and clearly. It does not follow that the creature understands what that means in that it is rather a reflection than intentionally reaction. Knowledge of other cultures also makes it possible for one to understand his/her culture from an abstract view rather than the original substential one, or in other words, to build up a systematical perspective of the dissolute congruents of the culture. . In fact, all kinds of culture, in a sense, are similar. One of the key factors that differenciate human-beings from other animals is the processing of culture. Tim: I would emphasize on the fact that COMPARISONS help us to understand, but minimize the comments on the fact that there are merits and shortcomings in every culture. Nearly every adjective in a language bears no meaning in the absolute sense. It is usually relative. Take for example the adjective, &ugly&. A female ape is 10 66&As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.& 66. 人们越来越依赖于 65. 人们经常被鼓励去寻找事物之间的不同,以至于往往忽略了事物之 间有意义的相似之处. 1.不同的社会性质会有不同的侧重点:一个高度发展的开放的社会会鼓励 人们多注意一些不同点,因为这样可以加快社会发展的速度;而一个注重 社会稳定的传统社会只会将人们的注意力转移到那些相同点上. The society property determines its people's focus: a highly developed society of openness probably do encourage people to put more emphasis on the very differences among those ideas, in but a traditional society that regards stabilization as its aim, compared with the above, may has an opposite result. 2.一个注重稳定的传统社会也不应该忽视寻找不同点;相反的,一个开放 的社会也不应该忽视寻找相同点. what we should also concern is that a traditional society ought to find some ways to unearth the apparent differences among those ideas, etc.; on the other hand, an exoteric society might not ignore the similarities among them. 3.In short, overemphasis on any aspect of the argument is not a seemly choice. 64&Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it.& 64. 很多人知道怎样获得成功, 但很少有人知道怎样很好地 利用成功. 许多人知道如何获得成功, 但很少人懂得充分利用成功; 指 it &success& 强 调成功后如何利用 1. The conception of &success&, relatively, is one of narrow sense, not wide-sense. 2. Limited personal ability result in failing to make best use of the succuss furtherly. 3. Further success is related to how to make the use of other concerning resource. 许多人知道如何获得成功,但很少人懂得充分利用&如何获得成功&it 指 how to attain success(成功过程方法) 1.Many people know h But those who are successfuly should have learned to make the best use of all kinds of factors. Main factor result in success are listed as followed: 2. The ability of personal, first: intelligence,special knowlege in
Second, emotion and other socail ability,how to make all the factors into a system group. 3. Dificiency of resource. Tarzan, who was brought up in the jungle by an ape and had never seen any other beings, his motherly ape was neither beautiful nor ugly. Had I lived in Chinatown in San Francisco throughout my life, I would not have understood the meanings of &dirty, rowdy, and messy&. If, by &understanding&, we mean that we have acquired a sense of relative-ness for a collection of adjectives, such as good, bad, fair, rich, etc., then only via comparisons, are we able to acquire such a sense. 技术去解决问题,而人类自身思考的能力却每况愈下. 1.科技使人们从繁重的体力劳动和模式化的脑力劳动中解脱出来,但并不 能代替人类的一些&高等思想& . Technology had extricated human-being out of heavy physical work and modified mental work, but it can't be a substitute for whole human thought. 2.发达的科技缩短了人们解决一般问题的时间,从而给了人们更多的时间 去思考. Solving problems become easier by the highly developed techology, so we can put more energy on self-thought. 3.随着科技不断的发展,人类触摸到了以前从未试探过的领域,也随之带 来了更多的问题让我们思考.Technology has been making our knowledge's frontiers longer than ever, however, there are more questions coming to us. 4.甚至我们有一些深层次的思考是必须借助这种发达的科技.比如了解我 们所在的这个神秘的宇宙,比如借助基因技术来深入了解我们的生命等 等. Furthermore, some profound thought owes to the technology. Such as the reseach on our cosmos using X-ray telescope with earth-size resently.development&69. 政府应该对科学研究和发展尽量少地加以限制. (1)what's the main function of the government is to restrict the society and stand for it, while the science is to prob the ture of the mystery and by doing this make advantage of it to ameliorate the human currence. So it is the government's responsiblity to bridle the science research and development. (2)To great existence, the government has refraind the science too much in some fields that lead to choke its development. examples. (3)On the other hand, without the rein of the government, the science will drift. While every augement of our capability on realizing our desire, therefor the augment of our capability for evil, if the desire is not wise. expamle. so need restrict. (4) in summary the science need the appropriate bridle, to levee its advance.70.&In any profession—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.& 70. 在任何领域,商业, 政治, 教育, 政府, 掌权者应该在 5 年任期后下台. 对任何公司企业来说,67&Colleges should require students to engage in public-service activities in order to assure that each student receives a balanced, well-rounded education.& 67. 大 学应该要求学生们参加公益活动,这样就能保证学生们得到平衡全面的教 育 1.the ultimate aim of education is to propel the pace of society and make it more convenient, comfortable, adaptable and untenable. It is through the environment of society, which is consists of rudimentary services as insurance, politics, and business, that members of society, including graduates, erudites and illiterates, emit their wisdom, pay their labor, and construct the extant civilization. So it is essential for gradates to have the familiarity with the public-service activities. 2.what the society need is not a stock of freaks who have the amazingly resplendent mind in special subjects, but a stock of well-rounded literate individual, capable of communicating. 3.to success nowadays requires the cooperation of people, thus engagement in the public-service activities facilitates one's future communication with people and eventually better cooperation with groups which is vital for the individual's success. 4.nonetheless, we should be aware of the over emphasize of the engagement. After all, colleges are to mean to brought up mainly the intellectuals not those solely equipped with knowledge of the public-service activities.取得成功最保险的途径就是聘用新生的人担当领导 Position: Limiting the term of leadership is an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiatives. A. When leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. B. A new leadership usually has greater initiative and would bring in new ideas. C. However, in private areas such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. ------Sir. Acton71.&spending time alone makes one a better companion to others& 71.独处会使 更好地与别人相处. (不通?比较别扭) It is true that we can learn a lot in group. We listen to others, chat with others, represent our own ideas to support or reject others'. And more importantly, in this procedure, we learn how to communicate with each other and make compromise for the interest of the majority when necessary. Spending time alone also gives us the opportunity to think independently. Anyway, a balance should be kept between the time spent with others and alone. 工作中,应该独立思考一些问题;一个人,事情重新定位,总结过去,反省,灵感; 一个人,思想观念不受到别影响; 自己得到提高,也为别人留出了'一个人的 时候', 大家都提高? 当然也需要交流, 适当给自己留出'一个人的时候'.独68&People make the mistake of treating experts with suspicion and mistrust, no matter how valuable their contributions might be.& 68.不管专家们的贡献有多 大,人们总是错误地怀疑他们,不信任他们 A. Generally speaking, experts' opinions are trustworthier than ordinary people's when it comes to solving problems that require special expertise. B. The reality of our society is that people tend to take for granted whatever experts say. C. It is possible that sometimes experts do make mistakes, which ordinary people can correct.自利用时间使人成为别人更好的同事.72.&One can best understand the most important characteristics of a society by studying its major cities.& 72. 一个人要想真正了解一个社会的最大的特点, 只用研究一下它的主要城市即可 1.Major cities always are the central of politics,economics and culture of one society, from them, people can know them the past and the future. 2. Major cities are always full of all kinds of people, and it seems reasonable to call a major city as a small society according the whole society. 3. Despite that major cities can be the main factor when considering, but it can't69&Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and 11be the solo factor. Because of the different development level in differen


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