哪位大大有《kiss me againlright》的小岛中文翻译版给我一份

猜你感兴趣前言:    在国观,发了不少翻译贴,得到了不少人的支持和鼓励,当然,也有很多争议,不管怎么样,我都感谢支持和关注我的人。有人建议我建座楼,把我翻译的东西都放在这里,我不知道我是不是有这能力可以做成这个事,但我想我至少应该尝试。    有人质疑我选择性翻译新闻、评论,但其实,不管好的、坏的,哪方的观点,我都会翻译,我的目的只有一个,很简单:我就是想做一个信息传递者,真实再现国外新闻、评论,我不想带政治立场去做这件事,我只想让大家,以及我自己,更加了解这个世界,倾听来自不同民族、不同肤色、不同国家的不同声音。    如果你也认为这是件有意义的事,那么,我需要你的支持。    ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――  ---------------------------    1.美国雅虎:新闻标题:  Over 100 villagers suffer lead poisoning in China  一百多名中国农民遭遇铅中毒   新闻链接:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap//ap_on_re_as/as_china_lead__ylt=Ah69XhTfS4u_IyTgpmD8RDUBxg8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJ1dGlxY2x2BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMzI1L2FzX2NoaW5hX2xlYWRfcG9pc29uaW5nBHBvcwMyNwRzZWMDeW5fcGFnaW5hdGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNvdmVyMTAwdmlsbGE- 新闻内容:  – Fri Mar 25, 5:49 am ET  BEIJING – A state news agency says more than 100 villagers in eastern China have been poisoned by lead emissions from a battery plant built in a residential area.  国家新闻机构报道,在中国东部,一百多名农民铅辐射中毒,辐射来自一个建在住宅区的电池厂。    The official Xinhua News Agency cited health and environmental authorities in Zhejiang province as saying Friday that tests showed that 139 people from three villages in Taizhou city had elevated lead levels. The sickened included 35 children.  官方新华新闻机构表示,根据浙江省健康与环境官方在周五的说法,测试显示,台州市3个村庄139人的铅水平超标,其中包括35名儿童。    The report says three villagers had lead levels three times the limit considered safe for humans. But none of the 501 villagers tested required hospitalization.  报道称,3名农民铅超标高于安全水平的3倍,但501名农民都不需要住院。    China is the world’’s largest producer and consumer of lead, a key component in lead-acid batteries needed for the growing number of vehicles in the country. New cases of lead poisoning regularly occur.  中国是世界上最大的铅生产和消费国,铅是这个国家高速增长的汽车业所需的铅酸蓄电池的一个重要组成部分。铅中毒事件时常发生。  ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――  网民评论:    Ben Thu Jan 06,
am PST Report Abuse   When our corporate masters exported our jobs,they also exported our pollution!!!!  我们的企业头头们出口我们工作机会的同时,也出口了我们的污染!!!!!    Phillip Thu Jan 06,
am PST Report Abuse   very true, China will be a cesspool in 20 years if they keep making all the world’’s products  太对了,如果中国继续生产世界的产品,那么在20年后,会变成了臭水沟。    TOMORROWS HERE 11 hours ago Report Abuse   China doesn’’t care about the health of it’’s people, look at the baby formula.  中国都不在乎他们的人民的健康,看看他们的婴儿奶粉    J. Fri Mar 25,
am PDT Report Abuse   Builtwise. - As I have extensively traveled there as well. I agree with your comments.  It is a filthy smelly country.  我同意你说的,我在那里旅游过很多地方,那是个很脏很臭的国家。    Builtwise Fri Mar 25,
am PDT Report Abuse The Truth:  In China, most of the population does not enjoy the opportunity for a free education beyond grade 3.  If one does not show the ability, or the will one is expelled, and chastised to the life of a laborer. Only a select few are fully educated -- usually the children of the elite, or those who are governmentally connected.    There are no health or safety laws that would apply to manufacturing. Most of the factories have dirt floors, and leaking roofs, with electrical wiring running across the floors (often bare). When someone falls ill, or dies, they are simply laid aside (out of the work area), and quickly replaced with another. A dead man or woman is eventually
while a sick person is sent home jobless. When an individual is “injured” on the job, he or she will quickly wrap the wound with cloth, and hide it from her boss -- being injured is considered the workers fault, and leads to being fired. When visiting American businessmen are shown th the workers dare not look up, or they will be promptly fired. Often if a worker “speaks” to a visitor, the employer will blacklist her whole family. Going to an authority about a rape, or beating in the workplace, falls on deaf ears.    Most of the interior villages, don’’t even have a school. That is why so many grab a train ride to the cities, to try to get in on what they think might improve their, otherwise impoverished lives.  When I drive through the back streets of the cities, all I see are shacks built with discarded debris. Unpaved dirt roads. Huge infectious piles of garbage are everywhere. The government doesn’’t bother to try to remove it.    If one demands better pay he is simply replaced with another (of which there are millions waiting in the wings).   What I am about to describe here, accounts for greater than three fourths (¾ ) of the cities populations:    One cannot enter the main streets without clothing (or risk being arrested), but on the back streets, most of the kids are bottom naked, and they simply urinate anywhere outside. I continually have wome to sell me a live chicken for the U.S. equivalent of $0.27. Once an elderly woman tried to sell me a dead “blue green” chicken. If not for live chickens running around everywhere - tens of thousands in the cities would starve. Some of the dirt streets are “blue-green” from all the chicken droppings. Don’t ask me to describe the smell.  By the way, I bought a new Ford Escort for $1,240.00 U.S. (it has no pollution devices, air bags, seat belts, or safety bumpers, but otherwise the same car that is sold in California for thousands more). I let a Chinese associate of mine use it while I’m back in the States.  Think China is better? -- Travel there sometime -- but don’t forget to check out what’s behind all the peoples squares. Be very - very careful though, if you are not in a car with the appropriate tags, you cannot leave, the “Public Areas”. Foreigners are disallowed from seeing the “real China”! Even taxi drivers cannot take you there. Oh, and “Please” do not attempt to go there on foot, if you value your life.  在中国,大多数人在3年级后,就没有机会接受义务教育了。  如果你没有显示你的才能,或者没有进步得很快,你就会被开除,就得接受惩罚,过上苦力的生活。只有很少的部分被挑选中的人,能接受充分的教育,通常是那些精英的孩子,或者是跟政府有关系的那些人的孩子。    中国的制造业,没有健康安全法律保障。大多数的工厂,地板很脏,屋顶漏水,地板满是电线(通常是裸露着的)。如果有人病了,或者死了,只会被搁在一边,很快地,就会有另一个人来代替。死了的,会被救护车拉走,而病了的,就会失业,被送回家。如果在工作上“受伤”了,他们会很快用布把伤口包住,不让老板知道,因为这会被认为是他们自己的错,然后就会被开除。访问的美国商人出现在车间时,没有工人敢抬头看,不然,他们就会马上被炒掉。通常,如果工人跟到访者说话,雇主会把她全家都列入黑名单,会遭受到强奸,或者是在厂房被打到耳聋。    大多数的中部村庄,甚至都没有学校。这就是为什么这么多人爬上火车,到城市去,想着能改善他们穷困潦倒的生活。    当我开车到那些城市的偏僻小巷,我看到的都是用丢掉的那些零碎搭的棚。都是没有铺砌的泥路,到处都是会传染病菌的一堆堆垃圾。政府都不管。    如果有人要求提高工资,他就马上会被另一个人取代(有一大堆人排队等着)。  我接下来在这里要描述的,占了城市人口的四分之三以上。    人们不能不穿衣服就上街(不然就要冒险被抓),但在偏僻小巷里,多数的孩子都没有穿裤子,在外面随便撒尿。不断地有妇女到我车边来,卖给我活鸡,大概0.27美元。有一次,一个老年妇女想要卖给我一只死了的“青绿色”的鸡。如果不是这些到处跑的鸡,在城市里有很多人都会没饭吃(没生计)。一些很脏的街道,都是“青绿色”的鸡屎,千万别叫我描述那个味道。    顺便提一下,我买了一辆新的福特,124000美元(没有污染装置、空气包、座位安全带、安全保险杆,但在美国的加州,这车得多花几千美元)。我回美国时,我把它让给一个中国同事开。    想想,中国更好吗?有时间去旅行一下吧,但不要忘了,看看人民广场后面是什么,但要非常小心,如果你的车没有一些适当的标志,你不能离开“公开区域”。外国人不被允许去认识那个“真实的中国”!甚至是的士司机,都不能带你去那。哦,如果你还珍惜你的生命的话,千万不要尝试走路去那里。    TB 2 hours ago Report Abuse   This person has no idea what he’’s talking about. This may have been the case 20 years ago, but not now. Yes, there is poverty but no different than driving through West Virginia. There are no "public areas" and foreigners are not "disallowed" from seeing anything other than military area’’s, prisons, etc (which is the same in the US). Get a life loser.  上面这个人都不知道他自己在胡说什么。这可能是20年前的事了,现在变了。对,中国还有贫穷,但跟美国西佛吉尼亚州的贫穷没什么两样。没有什么“公开区域”,也没有不允许外国人去看某些地方,当然除了军事区域、监狱等等外(这个跟美国一样)。做点实事吧,失败者。    Sailcat Fri Mar 25,
am PDT Report Abuse   The PRC is fueling its growth at the expense of the lower ranks of its people. Until the Chinese government changes its environmental laws, safety codes, and construction codes, the general population of the People’’s Republic of China will pay the the terrible price for the prosperity of the Chinese elite.    Shame.  中华人民共和国,以作贱他们自己的人民为代价,换回经济高速增长。除非中国政府改变他们的环境法律、安全规程、建筑规程,不然的话,人民共和国的多数普通民众,会为那些中国精英的成功而付出代价。  可耻。    DrMallard 10 hours ago Report Abuse   That’’s why the full name of that country should be the Rich, Well-Connected People’’s Republic of China. For all practical purposes, that beknighted land has exchanged communism for fascism - one horror for another.  这就是为什么,这个国家的全称应该改为“富人、名门共和国”。实际上,那块愚昧的土地,已经把共产主义变成了法西斯主义,从一个地狱到另一个地狱。    Clandestinus Burpatum Sat Mar 26,
am PDT Report Abuse   Kinda like the US did when we were the capitalist underbelly of the world, huh?  有点像美国以前干的,当我们还是处于资本主义世界较弱的位置那时,对吧?    TB 51 minutes ago Report Abuse   So how is that different from what’’s happening in the US? Did you get a bailout or huge bonus the last couple years? No, you probably got the services cut that your tax dollars are supposed to pay for so the American elite could get their bailouts and bonuses. More than likely you probably voted for the "grass roots" Tea Baggers that are now trying to cut even more of your benefits while giving bigger benefits to those same people.  跟美国有什么不同?在这几年,你有没有拿到紧急救助金或者是奖金?没有。你应该得到的服务没有了,你缴的税给了美国的精英,支付他们的救助资金和奖金。很有可能,你可能投票给“草根”的茶党,但他们现在也正打算把你的好处给那些精英们。    local yoko Mon Mar 15,
am PDT Report Abuse   when you buy their junk, you are supporting not only the decline of america, but the exploation of chinese people. the wealthiest families in america and china thank you.  你要是买他们的那些垃圾,你就是让美国衰落,让中国民众受苦。美国和中国的有钱人,都会谢谢你的。    phoenix Fri Mar 25,
am PDT Report Abuse   i find it funny (ironic) that a country that went through the red scare in the 50s now supports a new communist country with its discretionary dollars...  我觉得很搞笑,我们这个国家,在50年代经历了红色恐慌,现在却用美元来支持一个新的共产主义国家。    robert 16 hours ago Report Abuse   "welcome to walmart"  “欢迎到沃尔玛”    jonis b Fri Mar 25,
am PDT Report Abuse   You people act like this only happens in China....Here in the USA we have superfund sites all over the place...Greed and selfishness along with moral corruption knows no race or creed. When it comes to polluting us americans have done it more than any peoples in history...The chinese like the rest of us have a responsibilty to not crap toxins all over the planet...lets not be hypocrits though...  你们这些人搞得好像这事只发生在中国….在这里,美国,我们在所有地方都有基金网站…贪婪和自私、道德腐败,到处都是,跟种族以及信仰没关。说到污染,我们美国人在历史上干得比任何人都多….中国人跟我们这些人一样,都有责任,不能让有毒物质遍布这个星球…我们不要这样虚伪    StephenW 12 hours ago Report Abuse   You’’d be surprised if you know how much of China’’s pollution, like lead and cadium, are put into products and sent to other countries. Especially African countries. My daughter was in Africa not long ago and she said Chinese imports into Africa are really poor quality compared to Chinese imports to America. So you can imagine how the Chinese get rid of toxic material by sending it to Africa.  如果你知道中国的污染有多严重,你一定会很吃惊。像铅和镉这样的有害物质,都在产品里,送到其它国家,特别是非洲国家。我女儿不久前在非洲呆过,她说,中国出口给非洲的产品质量,比出口给美国要差得多。你可以想象,中国人是怎么处理有毒物质,把它送到非洲的。    Rick Fri Mar 25,
pm PDT Report Abuse   This is what happened after we caught them trying to send their lead to us in toys. Guess they had to dump it somewhere other than the US.  他们把铅弄到给我的玩具中,被我们抓住后,就发生了这事。想想看,不能送到美国这里来,他们得扔在某个地方啊。  
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  2.美国CNN    Traces of radiation from Japanese nuclear plant detected in China  By the CNN Wire StaffMarch 27, 2011 -- Updated 0856 GMT (1656 HKT)    新闻标题:中国检测到日本核电站的核辐射痕迹    新闻链接:  http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/27/japan.nuclear.disaster/index.html?hpt=T2    新闻摘要:  Tokyo (CNN) -- Traces of radioactive iodine were detected Saturday in China’s Heilongjiang province, a Chinese government agency told state-run media.   周六,中国政府机构告诉国家媒体,中国检测到核辐射的碘出现在中国的黑龙江省。  -----------------------  网民评论:  darkwingtip   CHINA ALWAYS WANTED PART OF JAPAN,NOW THEY GOING TO GET IT THOUSAND TIMES FOLD,NOW WHEN YOU BUY CHINAS PRODUCTS YOU HAVE TO HAVE THEM INSPECTED FOR RADIATION, IF YOU CAN BELIEVE THE INSPECTOR OF COURSE...   16 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse  中国总是想要拥有部分日本,现在他们得到上千倍了,你现在要是买中国产品,你得让他们检测核辐射,当然,前提是你能信得过他们的检测    oneoarout   To corroborate the assertion that safety reports are indeed falsified (in addition to what we know from Fukushima itself, and other cases), my uncle was the lead scientist investigating the accident at Three Mile Island. He told me that the governmental authority gave him falsified safety reports on which to sign off. He refused and instead he designed an improved emergency valve system to address the problem.    But if the investigating body itself will falsify reports, nuclear safety cannot be trusted. less   51 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse  这安全报告的声明其实是伪造的(除了我们从福岛那里获得的信息,还有其它一些情况),我的叔叔以前在三里岛事故中,负责那的科学调查。他告诉过我,政府当局给他一份伪造的安全报告,要他签字,他拒绝了,然后他自己设计了一个改良的紧急阀门系统去解决问题。  如果调查的人本身都伪造报道,那肯定不能相信核安全。    ipadreader Worthless news with some unreadable comments.   56 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  没价值的新闻,不值一读的评论        caracoles   Can you be more specific? How about contributing with something worthy and valuable?   39 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse  说具体点,不如你发表些有价值的?    highndry maybe something good will come from the tsunami, huh?   3 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  关于这海啸,有没有好的方面?    turinhere the world is over populated   3 hours ago | Like (8) | Report abuse  有好的,世界人口过多    SpoonlessE China is filled with people who think they speak English, but cannot. Even after spending years in school and thousands of RMB, they can’t hold a conversation with a native speaker. That’s because the teachers are Chinese. They learn Chinglish.   4 hours ago | Like (13) | Report abuse
  中国人都认为他们能说英文,但其实不行。在学校学了几年,花了几千人民币,他们还不能跟一个说英文的人进行对话。那是因为他们的老师都是中国人,他们学的是中国式英语。    Degasedger I don’t understand why so many people criticise about Chinese people’s English. Are you expecting they type Chinese to communicate with you? Would you understand?   5 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
  我不明白为什么这么多人批评中国人的英语。难道你们觉得他们在这里打中文跟你们交流会更好吗?你们看得明白吗?    caracoles   Most of their English teachers are from England and Canada.   32 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse  他们多数的英语老师是英国和加拿大人    KeithGore China MUST BAN food and products from Japan! Japan will try to export their goods there very cheap, coz nobody else is buying from them.   6 hours ago | Like | Report abuse  中国必须禁止从日本进口产品和食品!日本会以非常低的价格出口他们的产品,因为没其他人会跟他们买。    terrysue00   300 million people in China smoke cigarettes, that’s equal to every person in the US lighting up, so in another 20 years we won’t have to worry about what’s going on in China they will all have lung cancer from second hand smoke at the least and the entire country will need oxygen!!! I don’t think a little radiation is gonna do anymore damage to them at this point..   less   6 hours ago | Like | Report abuse  中国有3亿人吸烟,相当于美国每个人都抽烟,因此,20年后,我们不需要担心中国会怎么样,他们都吸二手烟,他们都会得肺癌,然后,整个国家都需要氧气!!!那个时候,这么点辐射对他们来说,将不是什么问题。    KeithGore You must be joking! Japanese will die with cancer first and then follow us US. The Chinese knows how to take care of themselves. They are clever people. They were here million of years before us.   6 hours ago | Like | Report abuse  你一定是开玩笑!日本人会先得癌症死了,接着是我们美国,中国人知道怎么照顾他们自己。他们很聪明。他们比我们先到这里一百年。    youwhatagain this is their trick.  they have titles like "china is murder", "china is liar"  and if you read the article you will find it has nothing to do with the title.  such guys are called "title party".  it is equal with liar in china.   6 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  (译者注:这个人是中国人,一个人在那里跟那些美国佬辩论,英文又不怎么样,被嘲笑,晕死了)  这是他们设的局。他们弄些标题像“中国是杀人犯”,“中国是骗子”  但如果你读这文章,你会发现,跟标题完全没关。这些人被称为“标题党”,跟在中国的那些骗子一样。    saoirse72 where do you read this......on your toilet paper after you use it :P   6 hours ago | Like | Report abuse   你在哪看到这个….你在厕所里用完厕所报纸后,读到的吗?哈哈     tpno2555 Poor Chinese, first lead in the soil, then melamine in the milk, now radiation in the air. Soon they’re going to contain the entire periodic table!   8 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  Arpad101 That happens once a month.   8 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse  可怜的中国人,刚开始是土壤里的铅,然后是牛奶里的三聚氰胺,现在又是空气中的辐射。很快,他们就会把整个化学周期表里的元素都碰个遍。    dilberth   If you like seafood, stock up now. In another month or two, the prevailing ocean currents circulating off the coast of Japan will begin to affect the West coast, particularly the coasts of Oregon and Washington. There is only so much dilution that the Pacific can handle, especially if there is enough radioactive particles that will get ingested by small fish. Bigger fish will swallow dozens of these smaller fish and they could very well accumulate thousands of times the acceptable levels. less   8 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  你要是喜欢海鲜,赶紧备货。接下来的一两个月,日本海岸流动的洋流会开始影响美国西海岸,特别是俄勒冈州和华盛顿州。太平洋能稀释的不多,特别是,那些放射粒子会被小鱼吃下去,大鱼又会吞下很多小鱼,他们的辐射性会高于可接受程度的几千倍。    OCroger   The same can be said about mercury in seafood, and we’ve been eating that stuff in bulk and passing it onto to our infants through breast milk for years. I’m starting to think that perhaps a gradual exposure to toxic chemicals and other contaminants is part of our evolution, and that we will eventually build up an immunity in the same way that people with peanut allergies are now building up their immunities to peanut products. less   8 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse  海鲜里的水银也是这样,我们一直吃很多这东西,通过母乳又传给了我们的婴儿。我开始想,这些不断曝光的化学有毒物质和其它一些污染物,可能是我们演变中的一部分,我们最后会对它们有一个免疫力,就跟那些对花生敏感的人一样,现在他们对花生产品就有免疫力。    Guest Well that’s one way to nuke them.   8 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse  嗯,这是用另一种方式核炸中国人    OCroger   That’s odd...I would’ve thought that the dense clouds of smog blanketing the Chinese landscape would’ve prevented the detection of trace amounts of radiation.   8 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse  奇怪…我原想中国上空那么浓厚的烟雾,他们可能会监测不到这些微量的辐射。    detroitjames If a comet hit one of these, someone would have said, "What moron didn’t see the comet coming when they decided to build this thing here!"   9 hours ago | Like (6) | Report abuse  如果是一颗彗星撞到一所核电站,有人可能会说“这些白痴,怎么没预测到彗星会来,就建了这个东西在这里。”    FillFFill   As an engineer, I changed my mind about nuclear power. The more I learn, the more I dislike it. First of all, it isn’t financially beneficial which is why (at least in the US) they haven’t started construction of a reactor since the 70’s. The early studies of nuclear safety assumed a lot, including that for-profit companies wouldn’t be in charge of running plants cutting corners, and falsifying safety reports or lobbying government to extend licenses to run old reactors beyond their recommended lifetime. less   9 hours ago | Like (12) | Report abuse
  作为一名工程师,我对核能的看法改变了。我知道得越多,就越不喜欢。首先,这没有经济效益,这是为什么他们在70年代后,就没再建(至少美国的情况是这样)。早前对核安全的研究,很多都是假设性的,包括,以为营利性公司不会在经营核电站方面走捷径、伪造安全报告,还有没想到他们会游说政府,延长本该废弃的反应堆的使用执照。      Sulmari @Arpad101, Yes that has been stated for nearly 2 decades. Once this technology does come into being, what are we going to do with it?  Make weapons  Make electric plants that what? Let me guess...Boil water into steam to turn a turbine? Real innovation there.   2 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  @Arpad101,对,它确实已经有20多年了。这种技术一旦形成,会用在什么地方?造武器。那用什么来发电?让我猜猜…把水煮开,用蒸汽来转动涡轮?真正的发明。    FillFFill   An example of corruption... by our very own friends TEPCO, regarding the very same reactors that Japan is now having problems with!     "On August 29, 2002, the government of Japan revealed that TEPCO was guilty of false reporting in routine governmental inspection of its nuclear plants and systematic concealment of plant safety incidents. All seventeen of its boiling-water reactors were shut down for inspection as a result. TEPCO’s chairman Hiroshi Araki, President Nobuya Minami, Vice-President Toshiaki Enomoto, as well as the advisers Shō Nasu and Gaishi Hiraiwa stepped-down by September 30, 2002." less   8 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  腐败的一个例子….来自于我们自己的朋友东京电力公司,关于日本现在有问题的那个反应堆!“在日,东京电力公司在政府对其核反应堆视察时,伪造安全报道,以及隐瞒电站的安全事故。日本政府发布了东京电力公司对此事的罪状。”视察的结果是, 17个热水反应堆全部被关掉。东京电力公司的主席Hiroshi Araki,总裁Nobuya Minami,副总裁Toshiaki Enomoto,还有顾问Shō Nasu 和Gaishi Hiraiwa在日下台。  
  现今懂英文的人有很多,但翻译得这么好的就少见!    Keep it up!
  偏见、缺乏常识、对别国幸灾乐祸  这是全世界多数人的通病  米国佬也不例外
  发送者:@青衿布衣又封一天 日期: 17:44:00 [回复]   lead emissions 农民铅辐射中毒,辐射来自。。。这个翻译不对。铅本身不会产生辐射,相反的是铅有屏蔽辐射的作用。大概你把emission含有的发射意思理解成了辐射。参考emission pollutant的含义,这里应该译成:农民铅中毒,铅排放来自于。。。   --------------------  嗯,谢谢布衣,对铅认识不足,导致这个翻译出现问题。  各位,如翻译出现问题,我不介意你们在这里直接指出。
  作者:收家伙一盘 回复日期: 18:28:38 
      0.27美元的活鸡在哪里买的,告诉我,我也去买  ================================================  既然提到不断有小贩向他叫卖,肯定是改革开放之后的事情  30年以前物价很便宜,可那时人民币对美元的比值是很高的,1美元约合1.5元人民币,0.27美元约合0.405元人民币。那时一只鸡才卖4毛人民币?  这厮还提到花124000美元买了一部新福特轿车,回美国前给中国同事了。  最近10年,就算人民汇率最低的时候,1美元对8.8元人民币吧,0.27美元也才不到2.4元人民币。这10年间能用2.4元买到一只鸡?  所以那厮就是在瞎扯蛋!八成是个独运轮。
  怕什么??!!        维持稳定         保住官位         贪污腐败         吃喝嫖赌           坚持如此四项“基本原则”!!
  译者注:  这是一个国际WOW论坛,有各国的WOW爱好者在那里讨论,回复者有显示IP,所以,可以看出是来自哪国的人。先贴主贴的内容,后面很多回复,很精彩,慢慢翻译。    3.贴子标题:  The Rise of China and Fall of America  中国的崛起以及美国的衰落    论坛链接:  http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=174515      Excerpts:    "China is considering investments of up to $1.5-trillion (U.S.) over five years in seven strategic industries, sources said, a plan aimed at accelerating the country’s transition from the world’s supplier of cheap goods to a leading purveyor of high-value technologies."    "“It’s one of these figures that is so big that even if it is exaggerated the actual figure is probably still big,” said Ben Simpfendorfer, an economist with Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong. "    My Thoughts:    China is a nation currently in the process of industrialization - the same process the US/UK has undergone about a century ago. For the past 15-20 years, China has b trying to enlarge it’s middle class by expanding it’s industrial sector.     The Middle Nation’s top 9 politburos are engineers and have chosen to pursue an appropriate approach to growing it’ investments into infrastructure, manufacturing, and tech sectors as well as a comprehensive grant program for academic institutions have rendered it’s economy relatively unfazed by the turmoil of the American service sector.     For better or worse, America is fucked/ (edit. probably too harsh) finds itself in an unfavorable situation. According to the current trajectory of the United States, I am not alone in predicting that China will overtake America as the premier economic superpower within 20-30 years.    The question is why America can’t or refuses to compete. Four reasons:  1. Disproportionate spending related to Iraq/Afghanistan War  2. Subservience to it’s grossly corrupt and inefficient service sector.  3. A perpetually distracted and permanently short-sighted Congress   4. A lazy and complacent public.    Number 4 is the most important factor. I am currently an undergraduate at an Ivy-league university. The prevailing sentiment is highly discouraging. Very few students want to
despite the recent deflation of Wall Street, many of my peers (especially those quantitatively inclined) are aiming for positions within investment banks and consulting firms. I myself, am no exception - I look forward to a starting six-figure salary for what can kindly described as clerical work. Who am I to say no to that offer?    Over-reliance on western values will be the downfall of the United States. The life of an American is one which is lacking the impetus for real progress. Liberty is the freedom to do nothing. The pursuit of happiness is the quest for nominal wealth.     China has something to prove. America has been resting on it’s laurels for far too long. When the day comes that the US dollar is no longer the global reserve currency, Americans will find themselves forced to embrace a new value:    Progress for the sake of progress. (Nietzsche anyone?)    Agree/Disagree?
Last edit:
17:39:00   贴子内容:  (美国人)    摘选:    有消息称,“中国正考虑在接下来的5年,在7个战略性行业,投资1.5万亿美元以上。”香港苏格兰皇家银行的经济师Ben Simfendorfer指出,“这个数据非常大,就算可能有点夸大,实际的数据还是会很大。”    我的想法:    中国目前正处于工业化的进程中,这个过程,是美国和英国在一个世纪以前经历的。在过去的15-20年,中国一直努力迎头赶上,通过产业扩张,扩大中产阶级。    中国最高层政治局的9个人,是工程师,他们选择适当的方法来提高经济增长,投资基础建设、制造业和高科产业,以及对学术项目的全面拨款,这些对其经济增长起到重要作用,而美国的服务部门,却是混乱、毫无动静。    不管怎么样,美国真他妈的见鬼,什么都不顺(抱歉,说得可能太刻薄了)。就现在美国这趋势,不只我一个人,大家都预测中国在20-30年,会超过美国,成为第一经济强国。  问题是,为什么美国不能/拒绝竞争?有4个原因:    1、在伊拉克、阿富汗战争中,花销过大  2、还有,严重腐败和无效率的服务部门  3、长期无法集中精力,以及永远都没有远见的国会  4、懒惰以及自满的民众
    第4点是最重要的因素。我现在是一所大学里的本科生,大家普遍都很沮丧,没多少学生想去干些实事,尽管华尔街现在通货紧缩,但我的许多同学都一心只想找投资银行和咨询公司里的职位。我自己,也不例外,我期望有6位数的年薪,他们提供给我一份行政类的工作,我难道说不要吗?    过分依赖西方价值观,会让美国衰落。美国的生活缺乏真正进步的动力。自由,对美国某些人来说,就是不干任意事情。对幸福的追求,其实只是有名无实的财富而已。    中国能做出实际的东西去证明它自己,美国停留在荣誉上沾沾自喜太久了。如果有一天,美元不再是全球储备货币,美国人会被迫去信仰新的价值观:为了进步而进步(是尼采还是谁说的?)    同意吗?  
    支持LZ    lead emissions 应该译为含铅排放物(污水?)而不是铅辐射    
    作者:@lu 回复日期: 16:11:02 
      LZ继续努力,不要泄气,至少还有俺支持你  ------------------------------------  你看这贴子都2天了,点击还不上千。。。  唉,怎么不泄气啊。。。
  作者:tvenana 回复日期: 17:15:18 
          作者:@lu 回复日期: 16:11:02            LZ继续努力,不要泄气,至少还有俺支持你    ------------------------------------    你看这贴子都2天了,点击还不上千。。。    唉,怎么不泄气啊。。。  ==========================================  用下面的故事鼓励下LZ。  在二战即将结束的日子里,一架英国战机在敌占区执行任务时不幸暴露了目标,德军高射炮齐发,很多炮弹击中飞机,有的炮弹甚至直接打进了油箱。飞行员想,自己的生命就要走到尽头了。但这些炮弹在油箱里竟然没有爆炸,真是不可思议。      受到奇迹鼓舞的飞行员振作精神,终于冲出重围,安全地返回基地。后来技师从飞机油箱里取出了11枚高射炮弹,令人惊讶的是,它们个个完好无损!11枚炮弹被解体后,人们才恍然大悟,弹壳里根本没有炸药。在其中一个弹壳里,有人发现了一张用捷克语写的字条,上面写着:“我能做的仅此而已!”      原来,这些做过手脚的炮弹是德国军工厂里的地下反法西斯组织成员的杰作。二战期间,他们的空心炮弹救过很多盟军战士。但是为了保护地下组织成员的安全,盟军绝少对外界提起这些救命的炮弹。直到战争结束后,才公开这个秘密。      那位捷克工人,在严密的监视下,至少往生产线上放了11枚空炮弹。然而他却内疚地说:“我能做的仅此而已!”他一定觉得自己的力量弱小,对反法西斯的贡献微乎其微。他也许怀疑过此举是否有意义。他无法知道自己的成就,更未得到过表彰和感激。但这个捷克工人却默默地努力着,冒死为他人换来生的希望。      在破晓前的黑暗里,你是否对自己的信念有过动摇?你是否怀疑过、迷茫过、甚至绝望过?请记住这个故事。你的努力永远不会白费。在世界的某个角落,在某个漆黑的时刻,你的行动也许正为某个人送去曙光。    
  @lu     你讲了这个故事,这么长,我很感动,但是,有点冒冷汗...我更希望是以南丁格尔类型的来比喻。    嗯,为了你的鼓励,我决定继续发。。。
  继续上面的翻译  ---------------------  下面是回复:    Romantic United States. December 06 . Posts 1143 Profile #     If this fall of America was accompanied by a shorter workday, fuck it, I’ll take that any day! Let some poor Chinese fellow work 10 hours a day to buy a new plasma TV. Market forces don’t allow it, but it would be damned nice.         I’d love to see the military budget eliminated and instead investments in infrastructure made, but it ain’t gonna happen.        Hell, I’d love to see the government disappear, but that ain’t going to happen either. At this point I’ll welcome pennies, though.     美国网友:    如果美国的衰落,意味着更短的工作时间,他妈的,我想要这样!让一些可怜的中国人一天工作10个小时,就为了买台等离子电视。不考虑市场规律的话,这真他妈的爽。        ―――――――――――――――――――――――――    infinitestory United States. December 06 . Posts 2474 Profile Blog #     China has its own share of hurdles that it needs to go over first, including overpopulation, human rights issues, etc. which is delaying and will delay their rise for some time to come. But America needs to get its act together, and instead of acting like the status quo will be alright forever, we need to actually get something done.    Knowing Chinese is going to be very useful in the D     美国网友:    中国有自己的问题要解决,包括人口过多,人权问题等等,这些问题现在被搁置在那,这会影响到他们崛起。但美国需要一起行动起来,而不是无忧无虑,好像现状会永远都很好,我们真的需要干些事情。    懂中文在未来的几十年,将会很吃香,哈。    ――――――――――――――――――――――――――    haduken Australia. December 06 . Posts 6026 Profile Blog #     China is even more screwed than USA. You see all the new highrises going up in cities and talk of cashed up tourists buying louis vutton, what you don’t see is the billions of peasants and under-privleged urban dwellers who have very little means to survive let alone own a home.        You don’t see the gross pollution around Chinese cities and the growing deserts in China’s north. You also don’t see the hidden tensions in Chinese society and the vast youth unemployment.         You think China is it? think again, generations of leaders have pushed problems into the future. The country will implode before the fall of America.     澳大利亚网友:    中国比美国还要糟。你看到的都是城市里的幢幢高楼,谈到的都是用现金支付LV包,你没有看到的是成千上万的农民和贫困城市居民,没什么活计,更不必说买房了。    你没有看见中国城市那样严重的污染,还有中国北部的沙漠化。你也没有看到中国社会潜在的不安,还有,大量的年轻人失业。    你认为中国是那样的?再仔细想想,一代又一代的领导人,已经把问题留给了未来。这个国家在美国衰落前就会崩溃。
  sk` Japan. December 06 . Posts 432 Profile #     Since 4 can be labeled as the cause of 1, 2, and 3 only 4 needs to be stated. In Japan, we actually have a 7.5 hour work day and our per-person GDP is higher than the states. I was born American, but I will curse the day when I have to live there again. I go back constantly for business trips and I am always appalled at how shitty the American worker has become - lazy, constantly complaining, insane unearned sense of entitlement. It is no longer if Atlas shrugs or not, the weight of the unproductive world (American world) has bloated to unbearable levels. Atlas changed countries. Last edit:
10:15:48     日本网友:    第4条原因是第1、2、3条的起因,第4条原因应该先改变。在日本,我们实际上每天工作7.5小时,我们人均GDP比美国要高。我在美国出生,但我打死都不想再住在那里。我频繁回去是因为出差,我总是觉得很惊讶,美国工人怎么变得这么差劲了,懒惰,不断地抱怨,只想不劳而获拿到补贴。它不再是阿特拉斯(希腊神话的宇宙神,用肩膀顶住天),美国社会不生产创造的程度,已经到了难以忍受的程度。阿特拉斯把重任给了别的国家。        ―――――――――――――――――――    Roe Canada. December 06 . Posts 867 Profile Blog #     looks like all of humanity better get its act together or it’ll be the Fall of Earth :x     加拿大网友:    看起来,整个人类最好都能一起行动起来,不然的话,就是人类的堕落。   Zionner United Kingdom. December 06 . Posts 82 Profile #     I really like it how everyone seems to think, as soon as someone OTHER than the US becomes economically important, it automatically becomes the end of the world and/or the end of the US.     英国网友:    我真的很喜欢看到大家似乎都在想,只要其他人在经济上比美国重要,就好像是世界末日一样,或者是美国的末日。    ――――――――――――――――――――――    sk` Japan. December 06 . Posts 432 Profile #     Zion:    Who said end of the world? Nobody as far as I can tell. Don’t troll.        The US relies heavily on its ability to borrow and move funds, if it loses its #1 standing it also loses that ability. This means American consumers would actually be forced to spend what they actually own, versus imagined money they think they will own. i.e. what the rest of the world tends to do. This will bring about a massive shift in American lifestyles which, good for the long term, but bad for the initial economic health of the country.     日本网友:    谁说世界末日了?据我所知,没人这样说,别脑残了。    美国严重依赖借款能力和移动资金,如果这个失败了,那么,它保持第一的能力也会失去。这意味着美国消费者会被迫花掉他们实际拥有的钱,去追求他们想象中可能拥有的钱。世界都将会这样做。这将会给美国的生活方式带来巨大的转变,对于长期来说,是好的,但对一个国家最初的经济健康,是不利的。  
  Ganondorf Italy. December 06 . Posts 550 Profile #     The EU, with all its problems, has already surpassed the US economy years ago. Given the huge military spending, the US are doing just fine, of course they could reduce that by 90% and give their citizens a better life, but that’s another topic.        China is rising, it will take a few more years, or tens of years, but they will eventually catch up to what we have now in the west. I don’t expect the west to stand still for that long, we will move along towards a more post-industrial economy, while china will just have finished developing an industrial one.     意大利网友:    欧盟有N多问题,但已经在几年前就超过美国经济。美国花这么多钱在军费上,干得正好,当然,他们可以减90%的军费,让他们的老百姓过上比较好的生活,但这是另外一件事了。    中国正在崛起,还需要几年时间,或者几十年时间,但他们最终会赶上西方。我不希望西方老是停滞不前,我们将朝着后工业化经济时代前进,而中国到那时,会完成工业化。    ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――    taichou Lithuania. December 06 . Posts 85 Profile #     well in a few years India will surpass both US and China
    立陶宛网友:    嘿,几年后,印度会超过美国和中国,哈哈。    ―――――――――――――――――――    furymonkey New Zealand. December 06 . Posts 680 Profile #     Nothing surprising here, China will eventually catch up, if not overtake. Like what happened to US and UK back then. However I don’t think that will be end of US, it’s exaggerated because some people are scared.     新西兰网友:    有什么好奇怪的,中国最终会赶上,取代,就是当年美国和英国那样。然而,我不认为美国会完蛋,这太夸张了,这是因为一些人太害怕了。    happyness United States. December 06 . Posts 1089 Profile #     Disagree w/OP. You, along with many others, really don’t understand economics. Just because China will eventually surpass the US eventually in no way shape or form means the US is going to &fall&. Economics is NOT a zero-sum game. Just because one economy rises doesn’t mean another has to fall. On the contrary, when one economy does well other economies it interacts with also do well. It’s in China’s best interest to have the U.S. continue to do well economically.        Take the U.K. for example. 100 years ago it was the worlds leading power and now America is ahead of it by a long shot. But I think England is doing just fine. It’s not like they are living in poverty.        China has 5 times as many people as the U.S. 5 times. If anything they should already be ahead of us, with that many people. We should all be happy that China is growing because that only means that literally millions of people will be pulled out of poverty     美国网友:        我不同意你说的,你,还有其他很多人,真的不懂经济。就因为中国最后会超越美国,并不意味着美国要“衰落”。相反,如果一个国家经济很好,那跟它有关联的国家,也会发展得很好。美国经济继续保持繁荣,中国的利益就会达到最大。    举个例子,英国,一百年前,它是世界的领导者,现在,美国远远地超越它。但我认为,英国现在挺好的,并不是生活在贫穷中。    中国比美国多了5倍人口,如果是这样看,他们有这么多人,早应该走在我们前面。中国在发展,我们都应该感到高兴才对,因为很多人将会摆脱贫穷。  
  meegrean Thailand. December 06 . Posts 5226 Profile #     Maybe the US should stop spending so much money on national defense... those are good money that could be used somewhere else.        But then again, China has its own issues too.     泰国网友:        也许美国不应该再花这么多钱在国防上…那些钱可以用在其它地方。    不过,再说,中国也有自己的问题。  vek Australia. December 06 . Posts 766 Profile #     Hearing from my uncle who lived in China the past 6 years about the progress they have made is just incredible.    I’m just going to focus on public transport here because it’s really interesting but you can apply the differences in progress to almost any sector.    When he first moved there it took him 2 hours to get to work by car. Around 4 years ago the government built 10 new subways with a train that can get him from source to destination in 19 minutes, 13 direct with no stops. 350kmh.    Meanwhile in Australia the government has spent millions on dollars on 22 different feasability reports over the last ~20 years on a train line from Canberra to Sydney that would end up using ancient technology by today’s standards and go 140kmh max. Nothing has happened. Where I live they have talked about electrifying the train lines for 12 years so we can be put on the metro train service instead of country. Again nothing has happened.    Victoria just got a new ticketing system that cost $1.3 billion AUD designed by some random American company. It barely works, zones are broken and it is more inconvienient than the old system. A West Australian company designed the Octopus system that is used in Hong Kong. If anyone has experienced how straightforward it is to use Octopus you will know that it is how all ticketing systems should work. Instead our retarded state government goes overseas to a company that bought some minister a nice dinner. Bam, there goes $1.3 billion of the taxpayers money. At least we get to suffer the piece of shit that is Myki as a reward. $1.3 billion dollars could have been invested and provided free public transport to every Victorian for the next 24 years.    I don’t necessarily agree with just having a single party controlling everything but in the case of China - it just damn works. Things just get done, there is no screwing around. The most frustrating aspect of a bipartisan system is the pointless arguing and delaying over things obviously for the common good of everyone.    I was also interested to learn that the demand for workers is so high in China that pay is increasing by 8-10% every year which is huge. One of the largest manufacturing companies in China employs over a million people. They have their own hospitals (healthy employees work better) and schools (smart people right into a job makes sense) and run a paperfree work environment.    Also on overpopulation - China is the only country in the world (that I know of, correct me if I am wrong) that has tried to do anything drastic about it with the one child policy. The side effects of the policy are starting to show with an aging population and emerging social problems as a result of the &one& children growing up being spoiled by their parents who can now afford luxury items. A lot of the kids are now in their twenties and don’t want to work in factories, they want a desk job. This also contributes to the lack of &fresh& factory workers. Time will tell how that one pans out.    India will be the largest country population wise by 2050 and the world will have around 10 billion people. The current population is around 6 billion. Overpopulation is going to be a massive problem in the coming decades.    Meanwhile I can’t say much good has come from America since around the Vietnam war. Like Australia it is a country stuck in politics and fear mongering with no one willing to acknowledge or do anything about the problems it’s citizens face. At least we have lots of raw materials that China likes buying from us in Australia.    Overall, China impresses me. I like living in Australia but slow progress annoys me.           澳大利亚网友:    我叔叔在中国住了6年,我听他说,那里的发展速度真是太惊人了。    我想在这里讲讲公共交通的事情,因为这真的很有趣,你可以从这方面的一些不同点,联想到其它领域。        我叔叔第一次搬到那里去的时候,他得花2小时坐车去上班。大概4年前,中国政府新建了10条地铁,他只要花19分钟就可以到底目的地,如果不停站的话,只要13分钟,速度是每小时350公里。        与此同时,在澳大利亚,政府花了几百万美元,在20年间,设计了22个不同的可行性报告,设计从堪培拉到悉尼的铁路,最后有可能是,采用对现在来说,已经过时的技术,最快速度是每小时140公里。但其实到现在,他们什么都没有做成。我住的地方,他们商谈建电气化火车线路,这样我们就可以坐上地铁,但他们谈这个谈了12年,同样,最后也什么都没有做成。        维多利亚刚刚弄了个新的售票系统,花了13亿澳元,是由某一个美国公司设计的。几乎都没用,都坏掉了,比以前的系统还不方便,以前那个系统是西澳大利亚公司设计的,他们还在香港设计过Octopus系统。你们要是有用过Octopus系统,你就知道有多好用,如果澳大利亚政府采用他们,所有的售票系统应该都能用,但我们这个脑残政府却去找家海外公司,而且还宴请他们的某部长。都是骗人的,要花13亿纳税人的钱。我们还得忍受那个花了13亿元的破烂,如果是投资在免费公交上,我们在接下来的24年,都可以随便免费坐车到维多利亚的任何地方。        我并不是赞同一Dang专政,但中国的情况,一Dang制还真他妈的有用。事情都能办成,没有混日子的。两Dang制最不好的方面,就是老是没完没了的作无谓的辩论,但如果把事情推迟了,很明显就会对大家都好。    听说,中国工人的要求很高,工资每年增长8-10%,真的很高,我对这个很感兴趣。中国最大的一家制造业公司,雇了100万人,他们有自己的医院(健康的员工工作起来更好),还有自己的学校(有知识工作更好),有一个完全电子电气化的工作环境。        同样是人口过多,但中国是世界上唯一实行计划生育政策来解决问题的国家(据我所知,它是唯一一个,如果我错了,纠正我)。这个政策使得一些问题开始出现,人口老龄化,独生子女问题,父母太宠孩子,提供了很多奢侈的东西,很多二十来岁的孩子,不想去工厂工作,他们想要坐在办公室,导致了工厂工人的缺乏,我们来看看,接下来会怎么样。    印度到2050年,会成为人口第一大国,世界将会有100亿人,现在大约是60亿。接下来的几十年,人口过多将会是个大问题。        同时,自从越战后,我无法说出,美国有哪些好的。澳大利亚,陷入政策的困境,害怕面对问题,不愿意去解决,不过,还好我们还有很多原材料,中国还愿意买。    总之,中国让我很震撼,我喜欢住在澳大利亚,但这里的发展速度太慢了,好烦。  
  Enervate United States. December 06 . Posts 914 Profile #     There’s one thing that many people do not realize about China’s economic growth. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. This is one fundamental problem that China has to overcome.     美国网友:        中国经济增长,但有个地方,很多人没有注意到,有钱的人更有钱了,而穷的人更穷了。这是个根本性的问题,中国得解决。        Aurdon United States. December 06 . Posts 252 Profile Blog #     Japan was also supposed to be the downfall of America in the 80’s their economy soared and the doom of America was on the horizon.        America’s business model is that of long term success through innovation. China is growing fast because they are cutting a few corners to show short term growth. Let’s see where they are in 30 years.    美国网友:        日本在80年代经济繁荣时,大家也认为美国会衰落。    美国的商业模式是通过创新,获得长远的成功,中国现在发展很快,是因为他们放弃了一些东西,得到短期的增长,30年后,让我们看看,他们能处在什么位置。        Darpa Canada. December 06 . Posts 1004 Profile #     China has too many people to not be an economic super power. India will get there as well. But just because china becomes a larger economy does not mean the US economy wont be massive, and its not like the US will implode the second its no longer the worlds largest economy. China isnt going to just immediatly turn around and try to fuck the US in every possible way.         I think there is to much doom and gloom in these scenerios, plenty of other countries survive without being the worlds economic super power. (the US will too! life in the US likely wont face a notable change just because the chinese economy surpasses the US)        The Chinese and US economy are so connected even now, I doubt 30 years from now it will be much different.Last edit:
10:55:13     加拿大网友:        中国有很多人,所以他们能成为经济超级大国,印度也能。但中国成为更大的经济体,并不意味着美国的经济不会变大,中国不像美国,把第二名整垮了来阻止它成为第一,中国不会立刻变脸,转过身来揣美国几脚。        我觉得太多这种凄凉的情景了,很多国家在这个地球上生存,但并不是世界经济超级强国(美国也会这样!美国的生活不会因为中国经济超过美国,就会有什么大改变)    中国和美国经济现在是相互依存的,我不觉得30年后,会有什么不一样的。  
  zak Korea (South). December 06 . Posts 1009 Profile #     america spends more on the military than the top 20 countries...combined. America is going nowhere...unless we get nuked off.         Once WW3 hits the U.S. should rise out of the economic slump and back to being the steadfast superpower it is.     韩国网友:    美国在军费上的开支比前20个国家加起来的总和都大…美国不会怎么样的,除非我们被核轰炸了。        Retgery Canada. December 06 . Posts 351 Profile #     I would be more afraid that China currently own 10% of USA’s dept (about 170 billion) right this second, and if they suddenly stop covering they can send your ecnomy into a tail spin and you’ll be in another depression Last edit:
11:00:54     加拿大网友:    我更担心的是,中国现在拥有美国10%的债务(大约1700亿),如果他们突然抛售,他们会弄砸你们的经济,然后,你们将面临另一场萧条。        Carras Argentina. December 06 . Posts 255 Profile #     i think u migth be talking about NORTH AMERICA.. more specifically USA     阿根廷网友:    我想你们可能是在讲北美,具体是指美国。(译者注:因为都使用America,这个词有美洲也有美国的意思,阿根廷网友好可爱,专门插上一句,是美国,跟我们南美洲没关系,哈)        SamuraiJJ Taiwan. December 06 . Posts 22 Profile #     Agree too much liberty has brought the wrong concept into ppl’s brain.        If you take a good look at Asian countries, you would find how competitive the education system is compared to USA and how everyone struggled to get a normal job.        six figure for a starting salary in China definitely requires much more than what you have thought.     台湾网友:        太相信自由,给人们的思想带来很多不好的东西。    如果你看看亚洲国家,你会发现,相对比美国来说,亚洲的教育竞争是非常激烈的,大家都很拼命去争取一个正常的工作。    刚毕业就要年薪6位数,在中国,你想象不到他们的要求会有多高。  
    作者:@tate 回复日期: 15:07:51 
      楼主继续哈 不要灰心 我会持续关注你的  -----------------  我看那个点击率,动都不动。。。  我越来越觉得国观的人根本就不喜欢这么严肃的翻译贴,大家就喜欢吵架。。。我以前见到很多翻译党,为什么现在都不见了?
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    作者:@美景春寒 回复日期: 16:30:26 
      感谢楼主的努力,不过还是不建议楼主专门起一楼,因为内容是不连续的,大家不习惯.    其实你的每个翻译贴点击率还是蛮高的  ------------------  确实是有这问题,都不知针对哪个主题进行讨论...  不过,我想建楼的一个重要目的是,不用被他们卡我的贴,他们卡我至少2/3的贴,不让我发,我每次都找他们交涉,我都快被弄疯了。。。  
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  译者注:  这是国际星际论坛,IP显示来自各国网民  ―――――――――――――――        4.贴子标题:    China or Japan    选择中国还是日本?         新闻链接:    http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=155482        主贴内容:    Fanharijo Norway. September 24 . Posts 11 Profile #     I have recently started college and I have always wanted to study abroad. Now the main candidates are Japan and China , since I really want to study in the east and learn me an eastern language.    I would be hoping for taking my masters degree in either of the two countries        However I am really struggling of deciding between the two. I would say that I am tilting more towards japan since I have always wanted to go there. My school have more contacts in china though and it will probably be easier to gain access to a university in china than in japan.        The reason why I am posting this so early is so I can get a headstart and make a decent attempt at trying to learn the language.        So if anyone have any good suggestions or information that would help me make the best decision, it would be most appreciated.        Cheers     我最近上大学了,我一直想去留学。现在,有两个国家是我考虑的,日本和中国,因为我真的很想去东方学习,学习一门东方语言。    我希望能在这两个国家中的一个,拿到我的硕士学位。    但是,我真的不知道要选哪个。我可能更倾向于日本,因为我想去那里很久了。虽然,我的学校跟中国的联系比较多,可能会比较容易进入中国的大学。    我为什么要这么早就发贴问这个事,原因是,决定下来的话,我就能提前学习他们的语言。    因此,如果大家有什么建议或者是信息,可以帮我做这个决定的,我会非常感激。    耶~    ---------------------    网民评论:            Beef Noodles United States. September 24 . Posts 441 Profile #     I am very biased cause I lived in China, but it was AWESOME. I wouldn’’t live in Beijing or Shanghai. Try Hangzhou. The West Lake is paradise and the Chinese are so welcoming to foreigners     美国网友:    我有偏见,因为我在中国住过,但在中国,真是太棒了。如果是我,我不会住在北京或者是上海,尝试一下杭州,西湖真是天堂,中国人非常欢迎外国人。    ---------------------------------------    fOrQQ Hong Kong. September 24 . Posts 292 Profile Blog #     I think the consensus is that Mandarin is much more practical in today’’s world, although I would pick Japanese simply due to culture preference     香港网友:    我的意见是,在如今这个世道,普通话远比日语要实用,虽然,如果单就文化偏好来说,我会选择日语。    --------------------------------------    LunarDestiny United States. September 24 . Posts 3981 Profile Blog #     China since it is cheaper to live there. Japan if you are into their culture.    Both languages, Chinese and Japanese, are important. I think it is easier to learn Chinese.     美国网友:    住在中国比较便宜,如果你喜欢日本的文化,就去日本吧,中文和日语,都很重要,我觉得中文比较容易学。    --------------------------------------        T.O.P. Hong Kong. September 24 . Posts 3241 Profile Blog #     Studying Chinese will be more useful if you plan to work in a business field that does trade with China. China is the next big thing and companies would prefer to hire candidates familiar with China and it’’s language.     香港网友:    如果你打算以后从事跟中国贸易的商业领域,学中文比较实用。中国是下一个巨头,公司会更喜欢雇佣熟悉中国和中文的人。    --------------------------------------        farseerdk Canada. September 24 . Posts 476 Profile #     They are entirely utterly and totally different countries. You should learn a bit more about the two nations and then make your decisions on your own.        Japanese is much easier as a language, but Chinese is more useful. The Chinese are also more accepting of foreigners than the Japanese, but Japan is better developed. Japan’’s economy is stagnating, while China’’s continues to grow at breakneck pace. Japan’’s political system is pretty democratic while China remains hard authoritarian. China is roughly 10 times the size of Japan, but much of it remains rural while Japan is one of the most urban nations on the planet.         Just a few examples... if there’’s certain aspects you’’re really concerned about just post more specific questions.     加拿大网友:    这两个国家完全不同。你应该对这两个国家了解多些,再自己做决定。    日语比较容易,但中文比较实用。中国人比日本人更接受外国人,但日本是个比较发达的国家。日本的经济现在停滞不前,而中国不断高速增长。中国的大小大概是日本的10倍,但很多都还是乡村,而日本是世界上城市化比较多的国家之一。    我只是举几个例子…如果你很关心某些方面,可以再问一些具体的问题    --------------------------------------        OmgIRok Taiwan. September 24 . Posts 2649 Profile Blog #     china, the #1 thriving economy in the world, its a pretty obvious decision money-wise     台湾网友    选中国,繁荣程度,世界第一,就钱方面来说,很明显的决定。    --------------------------------------        eaT_Mi_Lquid Germany. September 24 . Posts 317 Profile #     It’’s a question of Sushi or Spring rolls !        I spent 6 month in Japan, and it was awesome. I love the food there and the people are very nice.Last edit:
13:50:45     德国网友:    这是有关寿司还是春卷的问题!    我在日本呆过6个月,真的很棒,我喜欢那里的食物,人们很友好。    --------------------------------------        Sindri Australia. September 24 . Posts 39 Profile #     China’’s economy recently surpassed Japan and is increasing at a tremendous speed. They’’re thriving, and if things continue as they are, might even overtake the US as the world’’s strongest economy in the distant future. Japan’’s is decreasing and, unless they do something about their birthrate and low population, will basically be a giant retirement home.        China is more accepting of foreigners.        Japan’’s language is easier to learn from a difficulty standpoint.        Japan is a cleaner place to live (For now).        Japan still has one of the most unique and interesting cultures in the world.        China is much larger, thus, you will find more use for the language.        There’’s something to be said for the unique experience of living and studying in Japan. Their culture really is fascinating and it is a cleaner place to live than China in general (Though more expensive). But, if you have an eye towards what will be useful in the future and business or practical concerns, I would definitely recommend China. China’’s economy is absolutely booming, while Japan’’s is stagnating and they have such a low population and one of the lowest birthrates.Last edit:
13:58:35     澳大利亚网友:    近来,中国经济超过日本,增长速度非常快,日益繁荣,如果照此发展下去,可能会取代美国,在将来民为世界最强大的经济体。日本正在衰落,除非他们能解决好他们的出生率和低人口问题,否则,将会变成一间大型养老院。    中国更接受外国人    从难度来说,日语比较容易学    日本目前是个比较整洁的地方    日本文化是世界上最独特和有趣的文化之一    中国比较大,因此,你可以更多地运用中文    可以说一些在日本居住和学习的独特经历。他们的文化真的非常吸引人,而且比起中国,一般来讲,比较干净(虽然比较贵)。但是,如果你着眼于未来,考虑到将来在商业和现实中的实用性,我绝对推荐中国。中国经济肯定会繁荣,而日本会变得萧条,他们人口少,最出生率最低的国家之一。    --------------------------------------        KsBerzerk Japan. September 24 . Posts 95 Profile #     It honestly depends on what your focus is, because are you planning on doing a career in something involving china or japan? You have to look at their life style and what type of life you’’d like to live. If you work in a Japanese company your salary would be pretty low and probably would have to rely on bonuses. Life there is interesting though, I’’d say more of a focus on prestige imo. China, while running from a communist government socially, has a growing capitalist economy, thus you can maybe take a shot there or with a company having strong business relationships there.        If it’’s for fun man I’’d pick Japan.. but that’’s cuz im Japanese so I’’m biased haha... -__-     日本网友:    这要看你关注的是什么,你的职业生涯计划是跟中国有关还是跟日本有关?你得看看他们的生活方式,你喜欢哪种类型,如果你在一家日本公司工作,你的工资会相当低,可能得靠奖金才行。虽然日本的生活很有趣。我想在名声方面说下,中国,是共产主义政府统治的社会,正在发展资本主义经济,因此,你也许可以试试那里,或者去一家跟他们关系密切的公司。    如果只是为了好玩,老兄,我会选择日本,但那是因为我是日本人,所以,我是有偏见的,哈哈。。。    --------------------------------------        Evil_Monkey_ Denmark. September 24 . Posts 151 Profile #     Japanese is even more difficult to learn than Chinese due to the difficulty of the grammar and the numerous alphabets. I would pick Chinese if I was you, no doubt about it.     丹麦网友:    从语法和无数的字母表的难度来看,日语比中文要难得多。如果我是你,毫无疑问,我会选中文。        --------------------------------------        chongu Malaysia. September 24 . Posts 1757 Profile Blog #     Hong Kong : ) you get to learn Cantonese have plenty of opportunities to speak mandarin and eat awesome Dim Sum. Its a pretty foreign friendly country as well (eng everywhere)     马来西亚网友:    香港,呵呵,你得学广东话,有很多机会说普通话,还能吃到很棒的点心。也是个对外国人很友好的地方(到处都有英文)    --------------------------------------        sk` Japan. September 24 . Posts 433 Profile #     I live in Japan and would say China due to the benefit of knowing the language. I’’m not sure which would have the better education, but aside from elite schools, Japanese university education is a joke.     日本网友:    我住在日本,我会建议中国,因为中文的好处,我不是很确定哪个国家的教育更好,但在日本,除了精英学校外,其它大学教育就是个笑话。    --------------------------------------        Roffles Tuvalu. September 24 . Posts 11609 Profile Blog #     Honestly, I don’’t think you can go wrong either way. Just make a decision and go with it.        The way I see it, both languages are probably equally as hard, the culture is gonna be equally as different as what you’’re used to, and pretty much everything we’’re talking about is gonna be a drastic change whether you move to Japan or China.     图瓦卢网友:    老实讲,我觉得你选这两个国家中的任一个,都没错,就下个决定,然后去做就是了。    就我看来,两种语言的难度可能都一样,他们的文化跟你的都非常不同,不管你是去日本,还是中国,我们现在讲的,之后都会有很大变化。    --------------------------------------        ParasitJonte Sweden. September 24 . Posts 1573 Profile #     Japan is a free society. China is not.        For me personally, I would have problems living in China. But Chinese will be much more useful than japanese.        The problem with Japan is that their economy is not doing good and their population is shrinking and getting older. If you’’re interested in technology however I still think Japan would be the most interesting country. They have a lot


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