
写一封信给笔友,介绍自己及家人的兴趣爱好,我喜欢听音乐,我爸爸喜欢看书,我妈妈喜欢看电视,我哥哥喜欢玩电脑,要有双方笔名,正确书写格式,开头要加Dear某某某,结尾是Your pen pal
There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I’m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn’t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don’t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 我的家有4个人:我的父母,我的哥哥,和我.我的家庭很棒,我很快乐. 我的哥哥害羞而有趣.他很擅长运动并且在排球运动上犹为突出.但他不喜欢学习并且成绩不好.他喜欢讲笑话,经常和朋友和家人开玩笑并且总能使我们发笑. 我的父亲是一位医生.他在三亚的一家医院工作.他不喜欢看电视,但他很喜欢看报纸并且总是看到很晚. 我的母亲是一位侍者.她在一家餐厅工作.她有良好的习惯.她喜欢每天吃蔬菜和喝牛奶,但我不喜欢牛奶,它遭透了.空闲时间她喜欢看京剧,她说那有利于她保持年轻并且可以使她放松. 我的家人总是做一切对我有利的事.他们总是站在我这边. 我喜欢我的每一个家庭成员,我喜欢这个温暖的家
介绍自己及家人的兴趣爱好,我喜欢听音乐,我爸爸喜欢看书,我妈妈喜欢看电视,我哥哥喜欢玩电脑,要有双方笔名,正确书写格式,开头要加Dear某某某,结尾是Your pen pal
There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I’m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad. He like telling jokes. He always plays jokes on his friends and my family, and always makes us laugh. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital of Sanya. He doesn’t like watching TV, but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night. My mother is a waitress. She works in a restaurant. She has good habits. She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day. But I don’t like milk. It is awful. She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time. She says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed. My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side. I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home.
介绍自己及家人的兴趣爱好,我喜欢听音乐,我爸爸喜欢看书,我妈妈喜欢看电视,我哥哥喜欢玩电脑,要有双方笔名,正确书写格式,开头要加Dear某某某,结尾是Your pen pal
I like to listen to music, read a book like my father, my mother likes to watch TV
Liebe Mutti und VatiWie geht es denn bei euch, Hab ihr mich vermisst?Ah, Das Leben in Peking ist vielseitig, hier haben wir viel Mitmenschen, bisschen anderes als bei uns. Als Student wohne ich in einer WG (Wohngemeinschaft). Normaleweise stehe ich um 7 Uhr auf und mache ich mich fertig für die Vorlesung, Pünktlich um 7:30Uhr verlasse ich die Wohnung und ging zu die Uni. Nach den Unterricht gehe ich mit meinen Freunden Mittagessen, später besuchen wir die Bibliothek, dort werden wir zusammen lernen und nachforschen. Abendessen bereite ich mich in der WG. Am Wochenende gehe ich entweder einkaufen oder zu meinen Freunden, um etwas zu unternehmen. Oh ich muss jetzt schluss machen, weil ich noch kochen muss.Liebe XXX
Liebe Xiaojun,wie geht's dir? Hast du neuen Freunde gefunden?Ich würde dir gerne von meinem Leben in Peking erzählen. Peking ist eine sehr großes Monopole, und viele Menschen leben hier. Als Studentin wohne ich auf dem Campus. Morgens stehe ich um 7 Uhr auf und frühstücke. Von 8 Uhr bis um 12 gibt's normalerweise Vorlesungen, danach gehe ich essen in der Mensa. Manchmal schmeckt mir das Essen. Nachmittags gibt's manchmal keine Vorlesungen, dann gehe ich in die Bibliothek um zu lernen oder lesen. Abendessen gibt's auch in der Mensa. So ist es in der Wochen. Am Wochenende fahre ich zuerst einkaufen dann zu meinen Eltern, da verbringe ich die zwei Tage mit ihnen zusammen und das macht mir viel Spaß. So ist mein Leben hier in Peking. Kannst du mir auch was von deinem Leben dort erzählen?Liebe GrüsseXXX
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。用英文写一封信给妈妈不许要写太多 简洁就好
用英文写一封信给妈妈不许要写太多 简洁就好
Dear mom, today, I write this letter just want to tell you, I love you. Even I didn't said it to you before. You have did so much for me, I will remember that for ever, and I will take care of you from right now. Thanks for you have did for me, for our family. Hopes you always beautiful like this moment. I love you.
与《用英文写一封信给妈妈不许要写太多 简洁就好》相关的作业问题
  亲爱的爸爸妈妈:  虎年悄悄过去,兔年又匆匆来到,在不知不觉中,我已经从个懵懵懂懂的小女孩长大了.首先我要向你们表示感谢,感谢你们这么多年来对我的养育和教育之恩.十几年来,你们为了我真是费心又费力,吃的,穿的,玩的,样样给我安排得稳稳当当,对我的关怀无微不至,爸爸妈妈,你们辛苦了,  由我出生的那一天开始,直到现在
亲爱的妈妈: 您好!相信收到这封信您的惊讶一定大过欣喜吧. 我们是21世纪的建设者,我认为我们应该具有自强不息的精神.在祖国和平的蓝天下,在我们美丽的校园中,我们比先辈拥有了更优越的学习条件,能心无旁骛,日以继夜地遨游学海,向书山攀登.我们成了新一代读书人,志存高远,只争朝夕,我们要在学好课本知识后,博览群书,在书中读
好好学习天天向上 争当祖国建设者
同学,很高兴回答你的问题Dear mum,Now I'm at my cousin's home and I'm very well.Don't worry about me.I had a good time from Monday to Friday.On Monday I went to the park wit
 亲爱的妈妈:  其实我早就想写这么一封信给您了,从小到大 ,就是您对我最关心.您无时无刻的为着想,而我那时还是个小孩,不懂事.让您操了太多心,现在,我长大了,不再是个小孩了,也懂事多了,所以爸妈你们可以为我少操一点心了.妈妈,您在我伤心难过的时候安慰我,在学习上鼓励我,在生病的时候关心、照顾我,我回忆起您为我所做的一
①给孔子的一封信 尊敬的孔子先生:我是您的一个普通学生,相隔数千年后壮胆写信打扰您,不仅是为了向您致上崇敬的问候,而且有几个问题亟待您的指教.您生于鲁国,游历于各诸侯之间,弟子三千,桃李天下,学富五车,经验丰富.您的儒家思想主张:“温、良、恭、俭、让”,前四个字让我心悦诚服,但“让”字让却不敢恭维.老子又作了一个与您如
可以,不过,要多少个字 再问: 不少于80词 再答: Dear ____, I just had a very nice weekend. On Saturday, my family went out for lunch to a fancy restaurant, and I had the best steak
I am an ordinary girl,not tall,a little chubby but cute looking though i m not satisfied with myself.Still a student majering primary school english teaching,I
姐: 10号要降温了,降温就是要冷了,你要注意保暖,你是那么的爱美,呵呵,小心手冻了啊.很久没有认真的给你写信,不是不想写,不是没有话可以说,而是一直这样被一些很没有意义的事情牵扯着,没有空隙的时间,偶尔的上网遇到也不喜欢网上聊天,因为那总让我有种陌生的距离感,而我是不喜欢和你有距离的感觉,因为你是我最亲爱的姐姐啊,没
尊敬的老师: 在百忙当中老师您能抽时间看看我的心我很高兴,我是XXX.我虽然是班上的中等生,但是我有一个积极向上的信念跟决心,我XX可很好但是XX和XX课就比较薄弱,在课堂上如果遇到不懂的问题不能及时解决,问题就会越积越多.不利于我成绩的提升.班上XX同学他擅长XX科,XX同学擅长XX科,我跟他们的关系很好如果他们能做
祝你快乐平安,事事顺利 再问: “给十年后的我”写一封信的祝贺词
是什么样的想念呢?出于友情?还是朦胧的好感?如果要写信的话 不能太突兀可以以 问候或老友叙旧的感觉开头 再问: 我+她的QQ3年了都没和你聊过天我想我在她的黑名单... 那时候我是暗恋她。 再答: 这个嘛没有关系 你可以先以老同学好久不见的方式去和她打招呼 化解一下多年没联系的尴尬 这样你就可以自如的抛开那些隔阂 名正
Mother, I want to tell you Late at night, and silence all around them. I am lying in bed, consider the ... ... Mom, do you sleep? Son, want to tell you if there is ah. You may also remember my third grade on, we at the staircase on the ground floor of the bank, I am leaning on your shoulders, back with the word吗? You may also remember our childhood days, morning, at sea-river running吗? Or, we prepare for the small or the beginning of each night吗? I do not know whether you remember these things? I know that you have can not remember. Mother, you are really tired: I see you are always busy, busy job, busy family, have ecstasy, every time and my father lying on a sofa watching TV on a leisurely pace, you are always away not at work at that job. However, your son will be aware of which Na. I always let go for no reason at all and your fire, making you angry. Which I know you tired when端上一hot cup of tea then? And you, always rubbing my shoulder, put up an umbrella for me, for I do this, do that for me, but NOT a complaint. Once upon a time, and I are as close to you, we are not just words about a good friend. However, my adolescence, always saying &I have grown up,& you have rejected all my care and love. But in this night, I will think of these past点点滴滴, I feel are so warm, so warm. Mother, son in this very sorry for you, I sometimes making you angry, and sometimes will do something wrong, sometimes because of too much willful injury to your heart, sometimes you want to worry about learning to ignore. Mother, you worry, I will not the. I will not let you disappointed. Thank you for giving me life, so I came to this world, and feel beau Thank you sick every time when I giv Thank you for at frustration when I was standing beside me Once again, give me the encouragement, Thank you for my training and love, of appreciation from the bottom of the bottom of my heart. Memories of past events, the total show too much frustration. Mother, you like the middle of the summer burning chrysanthemum, ubiquitous spread this fragrance
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共 3 条Mother, I want to tell you Late at night, and silence all around them. I am lying in bed, consider the ... ... Mom, do you sleep? Son, want to tell you if there is ah. You may also remember my third grade on, we at the staircase on the ground floor of the bank, I am leaning on your shoulders, back with the word吗? You may also remember our childhood days, morning, at sea-river running吗? Or, we prepare for the small or the beginning of each night吗? I do not know whether you remember these things? I know that you have can not remember. Mother, you are really tired: I see you are always busy, busy job, busy family, have ecstasy, every time and my father lying on a sofa watching TV on a leisurely pace, you are always away not at work at that job. However, your son will be aware of which Na. I always let go for no reason at all and your fire, making you angry. Which I know you tired when端上一hot cup of tea then? And you, always rubbing my shoulder, put up an umbrella for me, for I do this, do that for me, but NOT a complaint. Once upon a time, and I are as close to you, we are not just words about a good friend. However, my adolescence, always saying &I have grown up,& you have rejected all my care and love. But in this night, I will think of these past点点滴滴, I feel are so warm, so warm. Mother, son in this very sorry for you, I sometimes making you angry, and sometimes will do something wrong, sometimes because of too much willful injury to your heart, sometimes you want to worry about learning to ignore. Mother, you worry, I will not the. I will not let you disappointed. Thank you for giving me life, so I came to this world, and feel beau Thank you sick every time when I giv Thank you for at frustration when I was standing beside me Once again, give me the encouragement, Thank you for my training and love, of appreciation from the bottom of the bottom of my heart. Memories of past events, the total show too much frustration. Mother, you like the middle of the summer burning chrysanthemum, ubiquitous spread this fragrance 回答者: qq - 初学弟子 一级
5-7 18:55Dear Mom: Hello! Mother's Day a few days is that the. Mother's Day, a holy day, however, for the world hundreds of thousands of mothers, is a special day for you. I think in his heart, and that you're ready for what kind of gift do? You for allowing me to take this letter to express your boundless gratitude it! Since my arrival in that moment, you became a mother, then taking all the responsibility of the mother, the mother of all efforts to pay. You gave me life, and I became concerned about you forever.小时侯what I rely on you, I feel you have a clear picture, you become indispensable to me a tree, a Harbor, against the back you really uncomfortable, really rely on your warm body. Mother, love - in your body's performance is so real, in every possible way forward is how the warmth of love! How sweet! Mother, when the storm comes, I came to realize: the safest hiding in your arms, the wind had also not come, rain打不着also. I know: maybe the birds can not repay its favor blue sky, and perhaps every one grass in the world are unable to repay the feeding of TU Chunhui, perhaps all the children on earth can not repay the love and selfless mother.Mother used to give us life, gave us the whole world ... ... perhaps we owe far too many mothers, and perhaps life can not be repaid, perhaps a few houses, several vehicles were also of no avail, but I return to you a warm, let me jubilance. No you do not have me, I would like to thank you for the good of all of my life! I wish you a happy Mother's Day A letter to the mother Dear Mom: Hello! Since my stomach from your arrival of that moment, a new life was born, for this new life you busy. Breast-feeding for me, for my laundry, cook for me, for me anyway ``````, I ``````, for all of your focus on my body, body of a newborn. Time, such as water, a thing of the past, and now it has been ups and downs in 12 years, I have grown up gradually, but you have a gradually aging.Eyes have been lost, Sinorama not waist will be tired in the straight, but inside and outside the home can not you, then you work until late at night. I would like to tell you: &Mom, you worked hard, just a short break it!& But refrained, exports did not say. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you say: &Mom, you worked hard, rest breaks, I suppose!& As the saying goes: there are a variety of the world is love, such as love, but love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. Yes, love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. This outstanding performance was in my mother. Mom, you are the main home is also an indispensable family members. Mother, in the workplace, is your position on the rostrum, at home, the kitchen is your second position. In the kitchen, you are busy doing the food. My Father and I am watching TV on the outside, you could smell the aroma of meals do, faint, Xiangxiang and smelling come.Waiting for you out of something, I will always secretly went to the kitchen, grabbed his hand and eat meat, you come back, standing in front of the Federation, said: &You mix this small cat, but also in the good.& I always said grinning: &It's delicious, I eat.& This is your mother will say: &Dad快去叫you to eat.& side should be the one I get my father to eat, I would at this time forget to eat meat a few films.When we eat after my father left me and go, rush watching TV, but only cleaning you obscurity of the room before cleaning on the go. Good mother, you too much rest it! I am in your mind a high position, is your baby, whether I go, you always have a concern, a worry, a worry. Remember that on one occasion, I and a few good partners of teaching in secondary schools play the roofs of the buildings, the time has come to work, you are around me in school, they will ask a student to know that I play in the top of the building.You quickly go to the top of the building, I get to go home, education at home also I do not want to go in dangerous places. Mom, I love you! Rest stop to rest it! I wish: Good health! Work to one's liking! Your **:** May 10, 2009 回答者: 宝ㄨ垄 - 千总 四级
5-9 14:07Mother, I want to tell you Late at night, and silence all around them. I am lying in bed, consider the ... ... Mom, do you sleep? Son, want to tell you if there is ah. You may also remember my third grade on, we at the staircase on the ground floor of the bank, I am leaning on your shoulders, back with the word吗? You may also remember our childhood days, morning, at sea-river running吗? Or, we prepare for the small or the beginning of each night吗? I do not know whether you remember these things? I know that you have can not remember. Mother, you are really tired: I see you are always busy, busy job, busy family, have ecstasy, every time and my father lying on a sofa watching TV on a leisurely pace, you are always away not at work at that job. However, your son will be aware of which Na. I always let go for no reason at all and your fire, making you angry. Which I know you tired when端上一hot cup of tea then? And you, always rubbing my shoulder, put up an umbrella for me, for I do this, do that for me, but NOT a complaint. Once upon a time, and I are as close to you, we are not just words about a good friend. However, my adolescence, always saying &I have grown up,& you have rejected all my care and love. But in this night, I will think of these past点点滴滴, I feel are so warm, so warm. Mother, son in this very sorry for you, I sometimes making you angry, and sometimes will do something wrong, sometimes because of too much willful injury to your heart, sometimes you want to worry about learning to ignore. Mother, you worry, I will not the. I will not let you disappointed. Thank you for giving me life, so I came to this world, and feel beau Thank you sick every time when I giv Thank you for at frustration when I was standing beside me Once again, give me the encouragement, Thank you for my training and love, of appreciation from the bottom of the bottom of my heart. Memories of past events, the total show too much frustration. Mother, you like the middle of the summer burning chrysanthemum, ubiquitous spread this fragrance 回答者: qq - 初学弟子 一级 5-7 18:55 Dear Mom: Hello! Mother's Day a few days is that the. Mother's Day, a holy day, however, for the world hundreds of thousands of mothers, is a special day for you. I think in his heart, and that you're ready for what kind of gift do? You for allowing me to take this letter to express your boundless gratitude it! Since my arrival in that moment, you became a mother, then taking all the responsibility of the mother, the mother of all efforts to pay. You gave me life, and I became concerned about you forever.小时侯what I rely on you, I feel you have a clear picture, you become indispensable to me a tree, a Harbor, against the back you really uncomfortable, really rely on your warm body. Mother, love - in your body's performance is so real, in every possible way forward is how the warmth of love! How sweet! Mother, when the storm comes, I came to realize: the safest hiding in your arms, the wind had also not come, rain打不着also. I know: maybe the birds can not repay its favor blue sky, and perhaps every one grass in the world are unable to repay the feeding of TU Chunhui, perhaps all the children on earth can not repay the love and selfless mother.Mother used to give us life, gave us the whole world ... ... perhaps we owe far too many mothers, and perhaps life can not be repaid, perhaps a few houses, several vehicles were also of no avail, but I return to you a warm, let me jubilance. No you do not have me, I would like to thank you for the good of all of my life! I wish you a happy Mother's Day A letter to the mother Dear Mom: Hello! Since my stomach from your arrival of that moment, a new life was born, for this new life you busy. Breast-feeding for me, for my laundry, cook for me, for me anyway ``````, I ``````, for all of your focus on my body, body of a newborn. Time, such as water, a thing of the past, and now it has been ups and downs in 12 years, I have grown up gradually, but you have a gradually aging.Eyes have been lost, Sinorama not waist will be tired in the straight, but inside and outside the home can not you, then you work until late at night. I would like to tell you: &Mom, you worked hard, just a short break it!& But refrained, exports did not say. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you say: &Mom, you worked hard, rest breaks, I suppose!& As the saying goes: there are a variety of the world is love, such as love, but love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. Yes, love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. This outstanding performance was in my mother. Mom, you are the main home is also an indispensable family members. Mother, in the workplace, is your position on the rostrum, at home, the kitchen is your second position. In the kitchen, you are busy doing the food. My Father and I am watching TV on the outside, you could smell the aroma of meals do, faint, Xiangxiang and smelling come.Waiting for you out of something, I will always secretly went to the kitchen, grabbed his hand and eat meat, you come back, standing in front of the Federation, said: &You mix this small cat, but also in the good.& I always said grinning: &It's delicious, I eat.& This is your mother will say: &Dad快去叫you to eat.& side should be the one I get my father to eat, I would at this time forget to eat meat a few films.When we eat after my father left me and go, rush watching TV, but only cleaning you obscurity of the room before cleaning on the go. Good mother, you too much rest it! I am in your mind a high position, is your baby, whether I go, you always have a concern, a worry, a worry. Remember that on one occasion, I and a few good partners of teaching in secondary schools play the roofs of the buildings, the time has come to work, you are around me in school, they will ask a student to know that I play in the top of the building.You quickly go to the top of the building, I get to go home, education at home also I do not want to go in dangerous places. Mom, I love you! Rest stop to rest it! I wish: Good health! Work to one's liking! Your **:** May 10, 2009
Dear Mom: Hello! Mother's Day a few days is that the. Mother's Day, a holy day, however, for the world hundreds of thousands of mothers, is a special day for you. I think in his heart, and that you're ready for what kind of gift do? You for allowing me to take this letter to express your boundless gratitude it! Since my arrival in that moment, you became a mother, then taking all the responsibility of the mother, the mother of all efforts to pay. You gave me life, and I became concerned about you forever.小时侯what I rely on you, I feel you have a clear picture, you become indispensable to me a tree, a Harbor, against the back you really uncomfortable, really rely on your warm body. Mother, love - in your body's performance is so real, in every possible way forward is how the warmth of love! How sweet! Mother, when the storm comes, I came to realize: the safest hiding in your arms, the wind had also not come, rain打不着also. I know: maybe the birds can not repay its favor blue sky, and perhaps every one grass in the world are unable to repay the feeding of TU Chunhui, perhaps all the children on earth can not repay the love and selfless mother.Mother used to give us life, gave us the whole world ... ... perhaps we owe far too many mothers, and perhaps life can not be repaid, perhaps a few houses, several vehicles were also of no avail, but I return to you a warm, let me jubilance. No you do not have me, I would like to thank you for the good of all of my life! I wish you a happy Mother's Day A letter to the mother Dear Mom: Hello! Since my stomach from your arrival of that moment, a new life was born, for this new life you busy. Breast-feeding for me, for my laundry, cook for me, for me anyway ``````, I ``````, for all of your focus on my body, body of a newborn. Time, such as water, a thing of the past, and now it has been ups and downs in 12 years, I have grown up gradually, but you have a gradually aging.Eyes have been lost, Sinorama not waist will be tired in the straight, but inside and outside the home can not you, then you work until late at night. I would like to tell you: &Mom, you worked hard, just a short break it!& But refrained, exports did not say. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you say: &Mom, you worked hard, rest breaks, I suppose!& As the saying goes: there are a variety of the world is love, such as love, but love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. Yes, love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. This outstanding performance was in my mother. Mom, you are the main home is also an indispensable family members. Mother, in the workplace, is your position on the rostrum, at home, the kitchen is your second position. In the kitchen, you are busy doing the food. My Father and I am watching TV on the outside, you could smell the aroma of meals do, faint, Xiangxiang and smelling come.Waiting for you out of something, I will always secretly went to the kitchen, grabbed his hand and eat meat, you come back, standing in front of the Federation, said: &You mix this small cat, but also in the good.& I always said grinning: &It's delicious, I eat.& This is your mother will say: &Dad快去叫you to eat.& side should be the one I get my father to eat, I would at this time forget to eat meat a few films.When we eat after my father left me and go, rush watching TV, but only cleaning you obscurity of the room before cleaning on the go. Good mother, you too much rest it! I am in your mind a high position, is your baby, whether I go, you always have a concern, a worry, a worry. Remember that on one occasion, I and a few good partners of teaching in secondary schools play the roofs of the buildings, the time has come to work, you are around me in school, they will ask a student to know that I play in the top of the building.You quickly go to the top of the building, I get to go home, education at home also I do not want to go in dangerous places. Mom, I love you! Rest stop to rest it! I wish: Good health! Work to one's liking! Your **:** May 10, 2009
Mother, I want to tell you Late at night, and silence all around them. I am lying in bed, consider the ... ... Mom, do you sleep? Son, want to tell you if there is ah. You may also remember my third grade on, we at the staircase on the ground floor of the bank, I am leaning on your shoulders, back with the word吗? You may also remember our childhood days, morning, at sea-river running吗? Or, we prepare for the small or the beginning of each night吗? I do not know whether you remember these things? I know that you have can not remember. Mother, you are really tired: I see you are always busy, busy job, busy family, have ecstasy, every time and my father lying on a sofa watching TV on a leisurely pace, you are always away not at work at that job. However, your son will be aware of which Na. I always let go for no reason at all and your fire, making you angry. Which I know you tired when端上一hot cup of tea then? And you, always rubbing my shoulder, put up an umbrella for me, for I do this, do that for me, but NOT a complaint. Once upon a time, and I are as close to you, we are not just words about a good friend. However, my adolescence, always saying &I have grown up,& you have rejected all my care and love. But in this night, I will think of these past点点滴滴, I feel are so warm, so warm. Mother, son in this very sorry for you, I sometimes making you angry, and sometimes will do something wrong, sometimes because of too much willful injury to your heart, sometimes you want to worry about learning to ignore. Mother, you worry, I will not the. I will not let you disappointed. Thank you for giving me life, so I came to this world, and feel beau Thank you sick every time when I giv Thank you for at frustration when I was standing beside me Once again, give me the encouragement, Thank you for my training and love, of appreciation from the bottom of the bottom of my heart. Memories of past events, the total show too much frustration. Mother, you like the middle of the summer burning chrysanthemum, ubiquitous spread this fragrance 回答者: qq - 初学弟子 一级
5-7 18:55Dear Mom: Hello! Mother's Day a few days is that the. Mother's Day, a holy day, however, for the world hundreds of thousands of mothers, is a special day for you. I think in his heart, and that you're ready for what kind of gift do? You for allowing me to take this letter to express your boundless gratitude it! Since my arrival in that moment, you became a mother, then taking all the responsibility of the mother, the mother of all efforts to pay. You gave me life, and I became concerned about you forever.小时侯what I rely on you, I feel you have a clear picture, you become indispensable to me a tree, a Harbor, against the back you really uncomfortable, really rely on your warm body. Mother, love - in your body's performance is so real, in every possible way forward is how the warmth of love! How sweet! Mother, when the storm comes, I came to realize: the safest hiding in your arms, the wind had also not come, rain打不着also. I know: maybe the birds can not repay its favor blue sky, and perhaps every one grass in the world are unable to repay the feeding of TU Chunhui, perhaps all the children on earth can not repay the love and selfless mother.Mother used to give us life, gave us the whole world ... ... perhaps we owe far too many mothers, and perhaps life can not be repaid, perhaps a few houses, several vehicles were also of no avail, but I return to you a warm, let me jubilance. No you do not have me, I would like to thank you for the good of all of my life! I wish you a happy Mother's Day A letter to the mother Dear Mom: Hello! Since my stomach from your arrival of that moment, a new life was born, for this new life you busy. Breast-feeding for me, for my laundry, cook for me, for me anyway ``````, I ``````, for all of your focus on my body, body of a newborn. Time, such as water, a thing of the past, and now it has been ups and downs in 12 years, I have grown up gradually, but you have a gradually aging.Eyes have been lost, Sinorama not waist will be tired in the straight, but inside and outside the home can not you, then you work until late at night. I would like to tell you: &Mom, you worked hard, just a short break it!& But refrained, exports did not say. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you say: &Mom, you worked hard, rest breaks, I suppose!& As the saying goes: there are a variety of the world is love, such as love, but love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. Yes, love is the world's greatest love, the eternal love. This outstanding performance was in my mother. Mom, you are the main home is also an indispensable family members. Mother, in the workplace, is your position on the rostrum, at home, the kitchen is your second position. In the kitchen, you are busy doing the food. My Father and I am watching TV on the outside, you could smell the aroma of meals do, faint, Xiangxiang and smelling come.Waiting for you out of something, I will always secretly went to the kitchen, grabbed his hand and eat meat, you come back, standing in front of the Federation, said: &You mix this small cat, but also in the good.& I always said grinning: &It's delicious, I eat.& This is your mother will say: &Dad快去叫you to eat.& side should be the one I get my father to eat, I would at this time forget to eat meat a few films.When we eat after my father left me and go, rush watching TV, but only cleaning you obscurity of the room before cleaning on the go. Good mother, you too much rest it! I am in your mind a high position, is your baby, whether I go, you always have a concern, a worry, a worry. Remember that on one occasion, I and a few good partners of teaching in secondary schools play the roofs of the buildings, the time has come to work, you are around me in school, they will ask a student to know that I play in the top of the building.You quickly go to the top of the building, I get to go home, education at home also I do not want to go in dangerous places. Mom, I love you! Rest stop to rest it! I wish: Good health! Work to one's liking! Your **:** May 10, 2009


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