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This is a list of , about such creatures as , ,
(the Japanese counterpart of giant animals, but they can also be machines and plants), , , or creatures from folklore, such as
or the . These movies usually fall into the ,
Release year
Giant man-eating
Genetically modified
(October 2005). "Apéndices".
(1st ed.). . p. 141.  .
Lists of films by
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Monster Clown
"Will you give me ?"
"What's the matter kid, don't you like clowns? Why? Don't we make ya laugh? Aren't we fuckin' funny? You best come up with an answer, cause I'm gonna come back here and check on you and your mama, and if you ain't got a reason why you hate clowns, I'm gonna kill your whole fuckin' family."
— Captain Spaulding,
Clowns are supposed to be funny. They're supposed to make everyone laugh, especially children. This is the entire point of their existence.
is supposed to be a . Sometimes they succeed. But for some people, clowns awaken
There are children who won't go near a clown without screaming.
Their face is... , most often the makeup they use , the emotions aren't real, the smile is just painted on. The outfit and big shoes are downright grotesque. There's something seriously wrong with a clown to some people, and this resonates deep within the part of us that still believes that there is a , that will get out if you don't keep the door closed.
Cue the ...
It's startlingly uncommon to find clown characters who are genuinely good. More commonly, writers tap into the fear: the Monster Clown is a classic villain. Expect the Monster Clown to parody humor, with classic j acid in the plastic flowers pinned to their lapels and joy buzzers with fatal amounts of voltage, among other things. If they work in a circus, it'll be a . Likewise, also expect them to crack
while killing them and laugh maniacally. Sometimes, a Monster Clown just LOOKS like a clown, and doesn't do what clowns normally do, like tell jokes or work in a circus or go to kids' parties. If there is a clown in a work that just looks like one, it's almost guaranteed that it is a Monster Clown. Because, you know, you just don't go about dressing like a clown without doing anything clowny.
Sooner or later, our heroes will have to put these clowns to the sword. And sometimes . Also take note that many of these clowns may or may not be
and also commit their horrific crimes
, and often
while acting .
Sympathetic clowns are generally a little more muted in appearance and behavior, whether or not this is faithful to the job. Generally, audiences are more receptive to clowns who act more like ordinary people, and have less extravagant makeup. Surly clowns who tiredly work with ungrateful children are more common, probably because they speak to the average they may be an example of .
is a sub-trope of Monster Clown. A villainous clown that is
instead of fear is a . The
seems to be related. May be combined with , , , or . Clowns' ghastly white makeup puts them into
territory. The Monster Clown is often
or . Compare .
The opposite of this trope is the (perhaps sadly) rarely seen any more .
&&&&open/close all folders&
So you're watching a
ad in Japan and... note&
The US Postal Service used this in an
"Because we have to get
out of this house." "Come on it's not that ba- Oh, yeah, that has to go."
E -Trade commercial with the talking baby, the baby says he rented a clown named Bobo, who we see standing in the background making balloon animals, before getting a scared look on his face and saying "And I really underestimated the creepiness." Subverted in that the clown doesn't actually do anything creepy other than just be there. Which may or may not be enough to be freaky for a clown.
with two moms looking for clowns for their kids' birthday parties. The one using KGB finds Benny the clown, . The second finds Biffo, a fat, hostile clown who scares all the children into running away and then randomly destroys the drink table.
A Motel 6 commercial features a guy not being able to sleep because of all the disturbing clown paraphernalia decorating the guest room he's staying in.
Krinkles the Clown, of Post's Sugar Rice Krinkles.
For one, the technology for filming and broadcasting in color was well established by then, but they made the decision to not just shoot everything in black and white, but paint up the set—including Krinkles himself—in black and white. And, to put it in perspective, this ad campaign was chosen after discarding the prior ◊
And then, there's
Those with coulrophobia, do not watch. (Though it's not entirely the poor bastard's fault.)
A Little Caesar's
has two girls wandering in the woods. One of them mentions rumors that a deranged clown haunts the forest. As it turns out, they're right, but thankfully he has a liking for cheap pizza.
So... where do
fall in this trope?
Taco Bell's
commercial has clowns as Gestapo officers.
&&&&Anime and Manga&
gives us the absolutely revolting Champ, a paedophilic .
the witch from
because her first form is rather innocuous until you provoke her like poor Mami. Then she reveals (and by that we mean vomits out) a second form (an unholy fusion of a caterpillar, a jack-in-a-box and
with ) and
. The movie somehow manages to make her even creepier with the new theme she gets called "Wo ist die Kase". This is appropriate since Madoka Magica is very much a .
The fact that she is an
who frequently gets
with her victim in fanworks does little to make Charlotte less disturbing. Same goes for the fact that
reveals that she was an utterly adorable .
Hisoka from . An
and powerful
who becomes sexually aroused by strong or amazing people, regardless of the gender or age. However, his character resembles more of a mysterious magician than a funny clown.
If you're a strong and charismatic person, you will luckily be spared by him for a while, but if you're a weakling or uncharismatic person, you're already dead.
there are two rival biker gangs. One gang, called the Clowns, dresses in clown-like outfits and acts very much like evil clowns. They also assault Kaori both physically and sexually in a disturbing scene.
One appears in the circus scene in the beginning half of the animated movie .
the clown Maverick from Rockman X manga.
from , leader of the Dark Masters. He's a scary clown with four swords, a desire to use them on anyone he sees, and the demeanor of a sociopath. Not to mention being more of a match for Digimon that were ten times his size. arguably, he was a far more dangerous villain that Apocylpmon, the final foe of the original series.
Subverted by his
incarnation, who's little more than a
who gets eliminated just as he and his partner are doing a .
movie. Though he also appears in , his Monster Clown behavior and appearance there is downplayed.
Tongpu, alias Mad Pierrot from .
Mayuri Kurotsuchi, 12th division Captain from
is one of the most depraved clowns in the history of fiction.
Although he's not actually a clown, the
is a Monster Clown. He even refers to himself as the Auguste clown once.
Also, the lvl 2 akuma that could imitate shapes, Pierrot.
akuma. That bastard was scary enough to be the picture on 's
Inverted with Allen himself, who uses the Innocence Crowned Clown. But his adoptive father, Mana, may have been a straight example...
And Allen was beaten up by clowns until he got adopted.
Alan Gabriel from
has a clownish appearance to go along with his....
The Shirogane in
are dedicated to wiping out an entire clan of these called, approriately enough, the Midnight Circus. The clowns are actually robotic constructs powered by alchemy, and their clownish appearance is actually meant to invoke laughter in humans.
The Clown in the
manga claims to be the
of insanity itself.
The anime had two robot guards modeled after him. The creators probably thought the show just wouldn't be complete if they didn't use the design.
In the manga, Ryuji Otogi/Duke Devlin's father is a Monster Clown - apparently he was considered too scary for . He is even scarier without his mask.
There is also Saggi the Dark Clown, a monster card, as well as one of the Player Killers in the manga—who was apparently too creepy for the anime and 'toned down' to, as
put it, "a gay clown". (Specifically, he was a different kind a ventriloquist with a
in the shape of Kaiba, who claimed that he had put Kaiba's soul into the doll.)
bonz also used the Fiend-type Crass Clown, later switching it for the resilient
Add the monster card Peten the Dark Clown to the mix—which, like Saggi, can be found in Kaiba's deck. And is also used in virus combos.
In , there was Ghost Kaiba, an Eliminator who posed as Kaiba's vengeful spirit in order to deceive Yugi. His origins differed depending on the version: In the original, he was a
who worked for Pegasus (who may have actually been able to use magic to disguise himself, seemingly being able to change his body mass) while in the dub, he was a . Whatever the case, his true form resembled an obese, hideous clown.
In , the 3rd season treats us to three matches at the same time — three of the newest heroes against three emotionally-themed Monster Clowns. The Masked Knight of Impassivity used
to push Jesse Anderson to the edge, the Masked Knight of Anger uses an anchor-themed knight to push around fossil-slinging Jim Cook... and the Masked Knight of Laughter hams it up with
against military man Axel Brodie with an appropriate Monster Clown deck featuring
there was Jeagar, a former circus clown who became a member of Yliaster and a top-ranking henchman to Rex Godwin, the
of season one. Calling him evil may be a stretch, however (selfish and arrogant, sure, but probably not evil) and he
In , Chibodee Crocket developed a pathological fear of clowns after an incident in his childhood when he was kidnapped by a Monster Clown, which lead to the loss of his mother.
by Romano, the Gundam Fighter for Neo-Portugal, who not only dresses up as a clown but has a mecha that looks like one. Naturally, he becomes Chibs's next opponent...
has a clown that sings an old folk song whenever someone sees him. In his wake he always leaves a corpse. Or a bomb.
had the demonic and sleep-disturbing Penchinon. THIS is the clown that eats you. Or turns you into a rampaging monster.
Penchinon is a pirate. Pagliaccio, the
Zonder doll that can fold herself into a sphere, is probably a better example.
Pagliaccio actually means "clown" in Italian.
that took over Yeon was disguised as such.
has Buggy the Clown, though this is somewhat subverted as he's relatively .
Lafitte, on the other hand, is an extremely soft-spoken, seemingly polite fellow with white face paint and a massive grin that was run out of his home territory for being too brutal in his role as a peace officer, and that's by the standards of an organization that is willing to burn an island and its inhabitants to deal with some snoopy archaeologists.
Borderline example in , particularly in the anime, where his near-constant
is accompanied by purple lips and a ghostly white face. And it might be stretching a bit to put Don Quixote Doflamingo here, as he doesn't especially resemble a clown, but his nickname is "Joker", he dresses garishly, and his
is even more terrifying than Caesar's.
That's practically the job description of Orgel from . His title is Hell Clown, and making humans suffer and break for fun and profit, by exploiting their fears, weaknesses and insecurities, is not only his personal hobby, but also what his employers might see as a merry performance.
Also, he is a demonic parasite, whose true form is his clown mask and whose bodies are . He once takes over a little girl in this way, just because she was nice to . Then lets Hamel know that he did it, and why he did it. That's actually his idea of a hilarious prank.
Baroque from
is a worthy spiritual successor of Orgel. Even their favored
are somewhat similar. Well, he is a
, instead of a
- similarity lies in the amount of death and suffering they cause.
: Pierrot in the second movie. Made worse by being voiced by Ryusei Nakao, the same voice actor as
Tommyrod from . . Bonus point for the fact, that his face - including eyes - often seems to be painted on. As a bonus, setting off just one common phobia ...
Near the end of the anime , a team of cyborg soldiers wearing body armor with deranged clown helmets is brought in to take out the titular character, including one
(who, unfortunately, is in charge of artillery and ends up shooting at friend and foe alike.)
Subverted in . Suzuki, a contestant in the Dark World Tournament, desperately wants to fit this trope, and it seems like he does after killing some laughing spectators...but then Genkai kicks his ass all over the place.
Afterwards, he ditches the makeup and .
From Dragon Quest: Legend of Dai, we have Kill=Vearn. For one, he seems to resemble a medieval court jester, but has an extremely disturbing personality revolving around destroying people all the way past when they cannot fight back, and grinding them to dust. Just to add another freaky clown to it, he has a small helper named Piroro
who, it turns out, is the real Monster Clown, being a different kind as well, a demonic ventriloquist who controls his more human sized body like a puppet.
Super S, the monsters sent by the
were rather goofy. Until
was sent to take a hold of poor Usagi's Dream Mirror and to tell the Amazon Trio "". It went
in few seconds flat.
The Akanbes from
take this trope to a previously unseen level. They are the
employed by the Bad End Kingdom, created by fusing a clown nose containing a
with an every day object, meaning that anything can be turned into a literal Monster Clown: from houses, trees to mirrors and even billboards depicting a famous
in the show. Then we have Pierrot himself: the emperor of the Bad End Kingdom and a colossal demonic clown bent on bringing the
to the whole world.
Bali-Lali from Manga/Bizenghast is a terrifying cyborg spider-taur wearing a jester's cap.
gives us Whippy and the Training Clowns in the episode "Cowardly Creature." They train the monsters that Nightmare creates to help them become evil and dangerous, and while Whippy is the only one who ever fights Kirby, it's possible that they are some of Nightmare's most powerful creations.
has The Pierrot, a mysterious gang of Ghoul pranksters. Their members wear clown-themed masks, and are known for being extremely dangerous. It isn't clear what their goals are, besides ruining lives and "having the last laugh".
of several of its members was a particularly nasty
to the original series, while the sequel has shown the group to be major players that should be feared. One of the more prominent members is an infamous , to boot.
In , Belmod, one of the Gods of Destruction, is revealed to be a clown.
as he's actually devoted to fighting for justice and destroying evil. He even sponsors, and is a fanboy of, his own group of Sentai-esque superheroes.
&&&&Comic Books&
Subverted by a short-lived superhero called Funnyman whose schtick was... you guessed it...
While the weird-but-superheroic Jack-In-The-Box from
is a , Jack's two
descendants definitely fit this trope.
from . The .
The Joker, incidentally, was originally based on Conrad Veidt's role in . While the titular clown of this picture , he certainly was ◊
gives the Penguin a bunch of clowns as henchmen, despite the fact that clowns are more the territory of the Joker. According to the production notes, Burton's vision of the Penguin was inspired by , so a
is a necessity. And in the briefly-mentioned backstory, the Penguin in that version also was a sideshow freak in his childhood, implying that's where his gang comes from.
: The Joker once again acts as this trope. But he seems to be emphasizing the "Monster" part of the trope this time around. Although he denies it, saying he' despite his appearance and gag-themed weapons, he's not able to make someone laugh without his signature chemicals.
looks to be taking the Joker's
to their logical conclusion by depicting the Joker as an
scourge who has seemingly been menacing Gotham since it was founded. On top of that, the backup stories for the arc contribute several more options to the Joker's . It's telling that the most "normal" of them is that the Joker has a .
DC also has the Ragdoll dynasty. The father was a
villain with contortionist abilities, who would eventually become a Mansonesque cult leader and eventually regained his youth via a . The son lacked his father's natural flexibility, so he remedied it with a series of operations that's left him severely deformed, but with greater flexibility than even his father. And don't ask about the sister.
NightHawk from , being an
of Batman, naturally faces off against a homicidal maniac who kills and disguises himself as a party entertainer who was visiting the prison, and then goes on a rampage. But let's just say that NightHawk isn't Batman and hasn't heard of ...
Violator from . At first, he's just a
clown who delights in murder and mayhem. Then it turns out that the grotesque human is just a skin-suit over a
demon from hell.
The Comedian from
arguably qualifies. In his original costume as one of the Minutemen anyway. When he gets his second costume and becomes one of the Crimebusters, not so much.
Like the Joker's Glasgow smile in , the scar the Comedian gets in Vietnam is eerily reminiscent of a clown's painted smile.
Protoclown from . And then the subversion: Protoclown was genetically engineered to be the perfect , and deep down he's not such a bad guy. He just really hates being laughed at.
as Monster Clowns. He's never actually encountered a real Monster Clown in the comics, but his solo mission in
has him fighting an army of clowns in a circus.
once fought vampire clowns. Really.
has shown dislike of clowns.
Bali Lali from
woman in a jester outfit. She is closer to Good, being a hero but she certainly is creepy.
Clown, who was featured in Super Mystery Comics and Four Favorites, was so evil he worked for .
Eliot Franklin, from the , worked as a clown and wore his clown costume to commit crimes. He eventually became a professional hitman.
The Clown Cenobite (a.k.a. "Winky Dink") from the
comic story "Dead Things Rot".
A recent issue of the revamped CREEPY comic featured a murderous clown who killed "demons" wherever he saw them. He saw them everywhere.
The Painted Doll, a mass-murdering Joker- supervillain from . It's eventually revealed that his
is because he's actually a succession of identical robots created by an evil engineering genius, with a new one being activated automatically whenever the previous one is damaged beyond repair.
Frenchy from the National Lampoon's
feature which ran intermittently in the magazine in the late 80's and early 90's. He was the brainchild of Nick Bakay and Alan Kupperberg, and was not only bitter and diabolical but had... ahem, a way with the ladies as well. Sometimes he was too much even for the proudly non-PC Lampoon, which refused to publish one panel of a particular story.
R. Crumb wrote a comic showing the marvels of the City of the Future. He depicted a squad of clowns who went around inflicting chaos to keep people on their toes - and they regulated population growth, finding people aged 65 and throwing cyanide pies in their faces. What a way to go!
In : I Love NY #4, Robyn fights a gang of monster clowns who are abducting children.
&&&&Comic Strips&
One cartoon features
mar a squad of soldiers are behind a building ready to ambush him with a rocket launcher
Another cartoon features a group of angry clowns arguing with each other at the caption reads, "At the strategic pie limitation talks".
&&&&Fan Works&
A fake one of these pops out of a door as an
in . Later, a living mannequin clown with a
as a Jokeresque character. You'll never look at that little pink pony the same way again.
In the , an
glimpsed in
(as well as in ) gives us Nightmare Granfalloon, Pinkie Pie's potential .
The vocaloid fanfic
has four of them, portrayed by Teto, Tei, Ruko, and Ritsu.
assists the primary villains in the first installment of the
In , Kallen's Zero mask, unlike the one Lelouch wears in canon, makes her look like this. More specifically, it's an ornate clown mask that's happy on one side and sad on the other. Subverted in that, despite being ruthless at times, she's not actually evil.
is an entire army of these run by a
Pinkie Pie.
&&&&Films — Animation&
is an early, downplayed example — the clowns genuinely like making their audience laugh, but they're a bunch of
behind the scenes, humiliating Dumbo (and having a clown play his mother is pretty cruel, considering what happened to her) and not worrying about hurting him, or worse. One of the clowns does get a
moment, but that's about it. (When he insists "You'll hurt the little guy", the other clowns just laugh him off and say that elephants can't get hurt because "they're made of rubber.")
The Clown With The Tearaway Face from . Subverted in that
once you get to know him, just like the other denizens of Halloween Town.
had a nightmare about a fireman-clown trying to chase it into a filled bathtub. His only line was "Run!".
Considering it was a toaster's nightmare, and the clown was armed with a fire hose and a fork... Heck, the way his hair is shaped, he looks like the Devil!
King Candy from , despite not being a true clown, evokes this imagery as his comical, loony
persona erodes away to reveal his truly evil inner self. Becomes a bit more literal in the climax.
One of Riley's deep, subconscious fears in
Jangles the Clown. "Whooo's the birthday girl?!" In the , he's revealed to be a
who is not pleased with his job.
In , one of the supervillains who chases Kevin across the city is a bomb-juggling, , unicycle-riding clown.
&&&&Films — Live-Action&
suggests that the very presence of clowns and circuses in Earth culture is a warped memory of an ancient visitation by inimical aliens.
Pennywise the Dancing Clown from the 1990 adaptation of 's book , portrayed by . Even the on-set cast and crew were terrified. Even scarier when you realize he's actually an
disguised as a clown. Ironically, he chose the clown form to trick children into trusting him.
Pennywise from the 2017 adaptation
is even more monstrous and frightening, with Bill Skarsgard taking Its sadism and predatory nature .
In , towards the end a toy clown is possessed by evil spirits and ends up attacking the older brother. This was foreshadowed earlier in the movie when the boy covered up the clown with his jacket, because it was staring at him when he went to bed.
with a clown doll who .
Clown Doll: [grabbing Ray by the throat and dragging him under the bed] Let's play! Let's play! This is a fun game!
Hey, what are you doing?! Ray: Uncle Ray-Ray's got a game... Clown Doll: Hey get your finger outta there! Ray: Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle! Clown Doll:
features a gentle, altruistic, medically-inclined clown who never removes his makeup, even off-duty... because he's on the run for the murder of his wife. Possibly a subversion, as it was a
(albeit still illegal).
Subverted in : 's character Jack Hammond is pegged for a felony because he works part-time as a clown, despite the fact that he was innocent. (He's convicted, however, because a crucial piece of evidence was deemed inadmissible, which led to the events of the titular car chase.)
starred in a drama/horror film in the '70s titled The Clown Murders which was about a Halloween prank gone wrong. The main enemy was a guy in a clown mask but he only appears for a few seconds in the movie.
A startling jack-in-the-box (that weeps, apparently) turns up in the very first shot of
(the Romero Zombie movie) there's a Zombie-Clown at a birthday party and he bites the birthday child's dad's ear off. It's hilarious and absolutely terrifying. It's telling that the child is shown to be instinctively afraid of the clown.
One also pops up in
to eat one of the side characters.
And in , too. It makes you wonder just how quickly the
struck that the poor bastards didn't even have time to change into something more dignified for their trip to the hereafter.
: 's character dresses up as a clown to rob a bank. He's not really evil, though he did endanger the customers and bank personnel (who could have been wounded or killed during the robbery if someone had gotten heroic or the police had charged in guns a' blazing).
Gacy, To Catch a Killer and Dear Mr. Gacy, all about John Wayne Gacy.
An original plan for
was to have Michael Myers wear a Weary Willie mask instead of the tweaked
one they ended up using. Michael does wear the clown mask for the film's opening scene, where he murders his older sister.
franchise has , the grotesque puppet Jigsaw uses to communicate with his victims. He has a white face, oversized smile, swirls on his cheeks and
His clownish design deliberately contrasts the gritty, metal-and-rust aesthetic of the films, making him even more unnerving.
"The master and I are going to have words. He knows I hate clowns. God, I hate them. I hate them all. I hate Bozo, Ronald, Chuckles with their freakin' dumb noses and their lousy party hats!" - Violator from , though his hatred comes from the fact that he has to look like a clown.
Near the end of , a zombie clown appears at Pacific Playland. Even though Columbus ,
Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig) in . Especially the first scene. He's more of a monster in
but ditches the clown makeup early in the film. He would be a , as the first scene makes him appear to be just a
who only , but how could someone who's openly such a
be as terrible as he talks?
The first segment of
features a room filled with scary clown dolls and toys. Except one of them isn't...
(1957), Crowley-esque cult leader Julian Karswell, who will blithely send critics to a horrible doom, holds children's parties at his estate, playing a magician/clown...pretty benign for this trope, but capable of bad stuff (and in the original story, quick to scare the daylights out of the kids).
The second dream sequence in
is loaded with them. The scariest one probably being the surgeon, who is only revealed to be a monster clown after he pulls down his surgical mask showing his eerily painted mouth. Definitely a case of less is more.
Then there's that motorized clown dummy Pee-Wee chained his bike to...when he comes back and the bike's gone the clown has an evil grin and laughs mockingly!
The various film incarnations of
are classic examples.
's Joker, small children will no doubt be quietly wetting themselves in theaters around the world.
In , the Joker and his men also dress up as mimes in order to get close enough to a mob target to kill him, then blast the street with tommy guns.
In , the Penguin was the leader of the Red Triangle Circus Gang, a group of criminals made up of former circus performers, including several clowns. Likely the nastiest one (called "The Terrifying Clown" in the credits) was
that threatened Selena in the battle at the tree lighting ceremony at the beginning.
The 2007 movie Drive-Thru features a serial killing clown named Horny.
In Let's Visit The World of the Future, the future is ruled by evil clowns.
The movie Torment features the evil Dissecto the Clown.
In Clownhouse, three mental patients dress as clowns and go on a killing spree.
In the 1998 film The Clown at Midnight, a murderous clown attacks several teenagers.
had "Pooter the Clown", who showed up to entertain children at a young 's birthday party, while drunk, but ends up trying to pick a fight with
is a comedy that treats clowns as a minority. Most of the characters have foul mouths and substance abuse problems, but one clown in particular, played by , loses it at the end, and holds a woman hostage.
A monstrous clown makes an appearance in , juggling with its own eyes.
Angelique of
was supposed to be served by a troupe of these. Sadly the movie went through its own , and they were one of the .
is a vanity-piece movie for , starring in seven roles, including a professional clown who, off the clock, has only contempt for the "squealing brats" he entertains.
The short Qu&b&cois film, ,
The clown in question happens to be a confused zombie in a clown costume just rising from the grave, and you can't help but root for the poor fellow when it takes him two days to get himself out of his grave site. Then he wanders into a couple's home and scares the wife into accidentally killing herself by falling down the stairs (and when he accidentally himself falls on her corpse, his zombie cravings awaken when he tastes human flesh for the first time). After killing the husband with a shovel (and serving their flesh on a skillet for his first breakfast), he removes his old clown clothes and makeup, dresses himself up in a new pair, and walks out of the house ready to begin a new day as a flesh-eating zombie (unaware that everyone around him outside apparently has thought the same thing, what being zombies themselves and all).
People from Quebec have a fondness for the trope, not only were Le Queloune and Happy Meal (the vampire Ronald McDonald short above) made there, there's also
(Pogo and friends), a stop-motion short about the
day-to-day life of Pogo the clown (see the
section below) and his friends
Even funnier/more disturbing because Ed and Albert are voiced by the same voice actors who do Ned Flanders and Mister Burns, respectively, in the Quebec-made French translation of .
And Pogo is Homer himself.
. While not a monster clown, the clown wearing psychopath still proves that sometimes you don't have to be supernatural to be scary.
Killjoy and its sequels feature a killer spirit in the form of a clown who attacks campers who disturb his resting place.
S.I.C.K. Serial Insane Clown Killer features a killer who dresses in a clown suit.
Out of the Dark features a killer who targets sex-line workers while wearing a clown mask.
The killer in
wears a jester costume. Fitting, since .
The Spanish film
has two insane, grotesquely disfigured clowns battling each other.
Shivers the Clown from the Fear of Clowns duology.
: Roy Orbison's "In Dreams" or "CANDY COLORED CLOWN!!!" is a Monster Clown in the form of a song. Interestingly enough, Dean Stockwell, who lip-synchs the song while wearing white make up and exotic clothing, comes across as a Monster Clown Pimp.
Shows up again in . The scene with the movie's first big
— in which Laura Dern's slightly distorted face suddenly races up to the camera with a
— fades in from a creepy painting of a clown. The famous
near the end is also extremely distorted to look like that of a clown. May be related to what Lynch calls the "suffocating rubber clown suit of negativity".
Klown Kamp Massacre and 100 Tears both feature killers dressed as Monster Clowns.
has the clown doll that Henriette carries around. On few occasions it turns into sharptoothed version of itself.
series, it's a
that Junior really hates clowns — although it appears to stem more from intense dislike than fear.
The killer zombie clown played by
The killer in the slasher/porno hybrid Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre is a rather badass looking example of this. He was set on fire while wearing a clown mask, and it melted to his face.
In the James Bond movie , when the villain?s big scary henchman Jaws stalks Manuela in a dark alley during the Rio de Janeiro Carnival, he is dressed as a giant clown.
The high priest who conducts the gory temple ceremony for the god Kukulkan in 's
could be considered a pre-Columbian version of this trope. His eye makeup looks very much like that of a clown, he laughs constantly, his ceremony is circus-like entertainment for the crowds watching below, and his voice is wild and high-pitched, especially compared to the subdued tone of voice spoken by all the other movie characters (including the other villains).
The Heads in
are a group of murderous clowns.
posits that the ordinary
is actually a bastardization of a creature in Scandinavian folklore which lures children into its cave and . ...Oh, and whoever puts on an old Icelandic "Cl&yne" suit to entertain at children's parties transforms into the monster.
In , Heather is having visions courtesy of her evil twin Alessa. A birthday party attended by clowns with balloons becomes a hideous gorefest before her eyes.
Thomas is taken to a
featuring these in , who as part of their act begin to scoop his memories away - only his memory of going to the circus with his daughter and feeling like a good parent stops them.
There's also the titular character of the 2013 horror comedy Gingerclown (yet another killer clown played by ), who leads a group of monsters that inhabit an abandoned amusement park that a group of high school kids happen to explore one night. It goes like you'd expect.
The 1994 British horror/black comedy Funny Man features the titular demon, who takes the form of a twisted, homicidal, wisecracking harlequin. Imagine "Freddy Krueger meets the Joker," and you have a solid grasp of the Funny Man.
In Parker numerous bad guys dress up in clown get up and
when terrorizing people with guns and starting fires.
The title character of
leads a gang of undead clowns.
One of the Christmas-themed monsters in
is an all-devouring toy jester.
Inverted in
where the clown in question seems innocent enough, but when he is subject to a head injury that leaves him unconscious and drooling blood, everyone else seems oblivious to the seriousness of the situation as they laugh at him.
The 2006 B-horror movie When Evil Calls features an
inspired clown that
to students at a British
has monster clown mannequins
that start moving on their own as things get creepier.
has Art, a sadistic, misogynistic clown/mime who loves mutilating anyone he comes across. He is also the focus of .
on Amazon's kindle network.
Pennywise from
by . In the TV miniseries based on the same, 's portrayal of the role was so creepy, the other actors avoided him even off-camera. He is responsible for a hell of a lot of people's coulrophobia. And Pennywise isn't confined simply to "IT", you know. He appears in several other Stephen King novels, and plays no direct role. He simply sits in the background, possibly waiting for something. Perhaps the most disturbing is in Dreamcatcher, where it's mentioned that the monument erected honoring the Losers Club for defeating "It" is defaced by graffiti saying "Pennywise lives." The ironic part is that while It often used its shape-shifting ability to take the form of nightmarish imagery, one of its primary uses for the Pennywise form was to attract kids.
The Ankh-Morpork Fool's Guild in the
series realizes that clowns scare and disgust some people. Thus, they prepare their charges through exceedingly harsh conditions to endure a lot of abuse. , creator of the series, has described the guild as "the stricter sort of medieval monastery without [the monastery's] non-stop boffo laughs." He also introduces the idea that whiteface clowns are scary even to other clowns because their humor often comes from bullying others. Doctor Whiteface is described as having, under his painted grin, features "cold and proud as a prince of Hell".
In , Lord Vetinari proposes that some people hate clowns because clowns aren't really funny, but instead tragic:
They are tragic, and
The painted grin leers out at us from the darkness,
The mask knows that we are born on
that leads only to
and all we can hope for are the cheers of the crowd.
In the Fools' Guild edition of the
series, the Guild's clowns, mimes and jesters are revealed to be agents of a widespread and ruthless spy ring operated purely for its own profit and power.
Verence, a former jester who became king of Lancre, was raised by his Fool grandfather in the grim traditions of the Guild. Said grandfather once gave his young grandson a vicious beating for daring to make up an original joke about a duck.
In Life Expectancy, by , we meet a man with the unfortunate name of Konrad Beezo. He is a clown, he has a pistol and apparent mental problems, and he insists on telling everyone he meets that he hates aerialists.
In Douglas Coupland's jPod, a group of video game company employees are forced by their boss to make a really inane kids' game with a skateboarding turtle, so as a way of getting back at him, they put in an
which unlocks a gameplay mode where Ronald McDonald goes on a bloody killing spree.
Speaking of Ronald McDonald crossed with monstrousness,
features a deliberately inflicted hallucination of said clown prince of lard being helplessly compelled to eat his own entrails.
Horrabin from
In , Cheradenine (actually Elethiomel) Zakalwe wears a clown disguise when assassinating Ethnarch Kerian.
Australian novel
is all about this: the extradimensional
clown division is populated by some of the most depraved and insane individuals in existence, acting as the management's henchmen in Our World. Worse still, it's very clear that none of them started this way: the magical facepaint they wear creates a
that takes over every time they "paint up" until . Since it also grants superhuman abilities, most recruits have no choice but to wear it just to survive the first few months in the Circus, and by then, it's already too late.
Shagwell from
who dresses like a jester and deliberately plays it up in numerous ways. He's part of a particularly brutal mercenary company called the Bloody Mummers, and makes jokes about their various atrocities. In battle he wields a three-headed morningstar, which is a lethal version of a jester's flail.
The Bloody Mummers themselves qualify. A Mummer is a clown/street-performer, and the company is a gathering of wildly dressed psychopaths.
Patchface is a possible example, a brain damaged jester who does very little besides sing songs. However, his songs are often sinister, and include references to things that haven't happened yet. The priestess Melisandre, considered by most to be incredibly creepy herself and prone to burning people alive as sacrifices, senses great evil in him and sees him in her visions with blood on his lips.
In John Connolly's short story Some Children Wander By Mistake, the clowns of the Circus Caliban are revealed to be monstrous creatures that remove their makeup for a performance. They , and go out of their way to kill and eat them whenever they can do so without being caught- except for the unlucky few that are selected to become Clowns themselves. These are culled from children that were still unborn at the time of the Circus Caliban's last performance in a particular town, but were conscious enough at the time to kick when the Clowns appeared. Once the circus returns, the child is kidnapped and slowly transformed into a Clown. This is the sad fate of the story's protagonist, William:
His teeth fell out and were replaced by sharp, white hooks that were kept hidden behin and his nails decayed to hard yellow stumps at the end of soft, pale fingers. He grew tall and strong, until at last he forgot his name, and became only "Clown", and a great clown he was. His tongue grew like a snake's, and he tasted children with it as they laughed, for clowns are hungry and sad and envious of humanity. They travel from town to town, looking for those that they can steal away, always marking the child that kicks in the womb, and always finding him upon their return.
For clowns are not made. Clowns are born.
novels, Onimi is the disfigured jester of Supreme Overlord Shimmra of the Vong. He's a creepy little guy who always has an annoying comment for the situation on hand. He's also , using
on Shimmra. Onimi's the only Force user among the Vong, thanks to the event that crippled him. The
of the series is against him; he puts up a hell of a fight, and would have won if Jacen Solo hadn't taken another level of
at the last minute. Onimi's Wookiepedia entry actually compares him to Kefka. With good reason.
Subverted in Captain Krokus by F. Knorre, where Clown CoCo is , and his scarecrow becomes the .
"The Dreamclown", a short story by . The titular clown, rather than being a garish and grotesque creature, is portrayed as a graceful mime-acrobat, in the style of the French Pierrot. It spends evenings on the street outside the house of two boys (the narrator and his brother), entertaining them with its enchanting, almost seductive performance.
The narrator's brother is drawn in by the Clown's act, and loses his soul.
"Scary Clowns" is the name of the psychological warfare division of the Organization in Bad Monkeys and indeed all its agents dress as clowns.
The Harlequin is the covert enforcement division of the Vampire Council in 's
books. Even to say their name brings a death sentence.
Arguably, the jester from
Also Sprach Zarathustra can be seen as a
(with Rigoletto, or possibly some
work, as an ).
In 's Burke book Strega, one of the villains dresses as a clown while conducting his child sex offences.
featured a tale called "Afraid of Clowns" that explained that all clowns are actually
and always single out the most frightened of them to pick on. Not to mention how they
people to death. And worst of all, the story's victim becomes one of them to save his own skin and personally picks out future victims.
One of the secretaries at the Peoria REC in
resembles one.
Invoked in Sandra Cisneros's , in the chapter "Red Clowns." The
Esperanza and her friend Sally go to a carnival one night, and at one point Sally disappears. (Unbeknownst to Esperanza, Sally has set each of them up with a boy.) Esperanza waits beside a diorama of some "wacky" red-costumed clowns with their tongues hanging out until another young man comes up to her. He tries to kiss her, and Esperanza resists until he physically overpowers her and rapes her, constantly murmuring,
As Esperanza is flat on her back, she looks up at the clowns depicted on the diorama and imagines they are laughing at her. All she can murmur is, "Sally, you lied..."
The second book of Darren Shan's latest series, Zom-B: Underground, features Mr Dowling. He wears the flayed face of a man on one shoulder and that of a woman on the other, has human entrails wrapped around his arms, his clown nose is a human eyeball, he can create spiders out of nothing, and he appears to have some manner of control over zombies.
has a semi-heroic example. Jeremy X was genetically engineered to be a jester. He escaped, founded , and now uses the hand-eye-coordination Manpower intended for sleight of hand tricks to be the best pistoleer in the galaxy and kill slavers in job lots.
Morgan's victims is a professional clown
with a side Dexter comments that he's been complained of by some parents who pointed out that you don't need to take a child into a dark closet to show him balloon animals.
One of 's books on
mentions that when choosing wallpaper for your child's room, make sure they match up: kids who grow up seeing clown torsos come out of rhinoceros bodies end up becoming axe murderers or members of the state cabinet.
in the back of
parodies this, with a 'evil' clown taking the place of the main villain.
has its main villain be a monster clown named Peepers. Notably, this trope is Lampshaded as the main character takes time to say clowns are universally scary and fail horribly at the one thing they're supposed to do (entertain children).
Subverted in
with the pierrot, a color elemental that resemble clowns. They're extremely friendly, but their makeup and costumes are actually its skin.
Sparky, in , notes that there was an entire era of these, and most of the heroes feel they were more terrifying than the world-ending threats. The most evil of them was The Great Clown Pagliacci.
includes the Reverend Bobo Gigglesworth. Creepy, check. Clown, check. Also monster of the cloth.
:Tom dressed up as clown hoping to bring laughter to the people, when he and several others were summoned to another world, thus preventing them to see their families ever again. When a little boy he often speaks with dies right in front of his eyes, during an attack of demons, he goes insane, changing into a horrifying clown that even scares the demons, and slaughters them one after another, without stopping to smile.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
Zeebo the Clown, the ghost of a criminal who haunted a haunted house (go figure); and the Crimson Clown, something of a cross between a Monster Clown and a .
◊ He's a jester but he still fits the mark.
The Clown in the
episode "The Thaw" was created as . The Clown
episode "Look (Stop Me if You've Heard This One) But There Were These Two Fellas..." has a pair of killer clowns whose boss is a Punch and Judy puppet.
Within the Matrix, this is one of the forms the Fourth Doctor's mysterious opponent takes in , though only to taunt him.
The murderous robot clowns in "". The Chief Clown, the only actually human one, is a servant of
who has come to enjoy any spectacle of brutality or murder. He also taunts one of his former colleagues on supposedly not being able to stop the . The
also implies him to be a .
"" inevitably features a clown as one of the apparitions created by an evil hotel which torments people with their greatest fear.
: In the episode "", everyone was menaced by , including public nudity, death, and...
Xander: (runs into Willow while fleeing, panicked) Remember my sixth birthday party? Willow: Oh yeah! When the clown chased you, and you got so scared you went... oh.
of Sam's on
The show had a demon (a rakshasa, to be precise) that took the shape of a clown so children would trust it. (Yeah, 'cause nothing inspires trust like... oh, never mind.)
Demonic clowns also served as enforcers for a
where "bad" parents were being knocked off.
In , Will, Carlton, and Uncle Phil are taken hostage by a mentally unstable clown named
and he forces them to take him to the courthouse to perform in his act or else he'll blow them up with a bomb he keeps strapped to himself.
It turns out that the bomb was never real, just a gag prop he used in his grand finale, which wasn't funny. Fortunately, the clown is arrested in the end.
In "Sylvia," a bizarre two-part episode from the seventh season of
a man disguised as a clown rapes and impregnates Albert's girlfriend. The clown, his victim, and the unborn child all die in the end.
: In "No Clowning Around," the Yellow Ranger's cousin is harassed by an evil clown that turns out to be Rita's Pineoctopus monster.
generally has at least one clown-based monster per season.
One notable example was Puppet Man, who started out as an honest clown (or more accurately, a
who was a clown's sidekick) but whom was corrupted and turned evil by King Mondo's magic. Fortunately, after the Rangers defeated him, Alpha 5 managed to rebuild him (installing new software to prevent it from happening again).
The David Bowie-esque Pierrot in
which evokes the one from the song of the same name's . Which turns out to be representative of Alex's father, who killed himself and his wife.
Mentioned half-jokingly by Colonel Sheppard when one of the natives asks him if he's afraid of the Wraith. He says no, what he's really afraid of is clowns, eventually adding he's at war with them too. They try to fight them off, he says, but there's hundreds of them, .
And brought out for real when Rodney McKay and Sheppard are being attacked by an entity that feeds on : rowing a boat through a stormy whale-infested sea... with a clown sitting behind them.
As the title suggests,
episode "Day of the Clown". "Odd Bob" is really the Pied Piper and some sort of
of childhood fear.
Hysterically funny subversion from 80s
: David is dragooned into playing a clown at a birthday party, and the girl he's been chasing walks in on him, stares and says "David?" He stares at her in shock, then pulls the clown suit up to cover his head and says in a squeaky voice "No, it's just me, Bobo the headless clown!" Cue the children screaming in fear and the audience howling with laughter for about a solid minute.
Similarly, in , Joey and Chandler try to decide between babies in clown or duck print sleepwear ():
Joey: Okay, heads is ducks, because...ducks have heads. Chandler: What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday??
Subverted with the ghost Flabber in . He's clownish but he's more friendly than monstrous.
: Agent Seeley Booth has a problem with clowns. He shot one once. It was on top of an ice cream truck. He had to be psychoanalyzed. In a later Halloween episode Booth and Bones investigate a serial killer who terrifies victims to death. When Booth confronts the killer, said killer is dressed as a clown. Presumably because clowns terrify everyone.
's Papa Lazarou, a demonic,
blackface minstrel who runs a .
Season 3 reveals that he . That's his actual skin.
Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton's later show , features
who turns out to be a . He certainly looks like a
with his messy, sinister makeup, dirty, disheveled appearance and , but while he's angry and bitter and tends to , he isn't actually villainous at all and is something of the
amongst the main cast.
: Jack Handey had the right idea: "To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my Dad."
had a schizophrenic character at one point who was rather unstable, and was shown playing the role of Canio in Pagliaci, a clown. While wandering the city in his clown makeup, he encounters a gang of toughs who should know better than to .
An episode of
had the girls being terrorized by their worst nightmares. Paige's was a scary clown.
The guys at
had the clowns' number,
Joel can't turn off the holo-clown sequencer and after three weeks it gets really tense and scary. "Hey little girl, would you like a salted nut roll?"
In one episode of , Peg hired Sticky the Clown for Bud's birthday, even though Marcy had commented he had just been paroled. Exactly
wasn't known, but he spent the time waiting for Bud and Al to come home "torturing" a teddy bear with a knife and drinking whiskey. (He was gone when they did get home, but the knife was
again, what happened was left to the imagination.)
has an episode where a clown haunts a man, appearing in reflections reaching for his throat. Trope averted as the clown is the good guy, avenging the man's murdered wife.
Carrie Bradshaw from
was scared of the clown Brady's grandmother hired for his 1st birthday: "Nothing is scarier than a clown."
opening. Pop goes the weasel, and the jack in the box comes out of his house...and he looks INSANE.
Kreegan, from
is murderous, sadistic, and for no readily apparent reason, resembles a clown crossed with Gene Simmons of .
Googler from . More of a Monster Jester really, but still close enough.
Subverted in the
episode "Damaged". The killer turned out to be a clown... who was severely mentally retarded, and committed the double homicide during a tantrum.
of , when the iCarly trio is in a darkened apartment, they take cover in a closet and encounter a disembodied clown head, which leaves them terrified... but eventually we find out that it was just a phone that is hardly ever used anymore. Plus, Nathan Kress, the actor who plays Freddie, has stated that he is afraid of clowns himself.
episode "We All Scream For Icecream", the ghost of an ice cream-truck-driving clown who the main character and his
friend accidentally murdered when they were kids comes back for revenge with his disturbingly happy attitude. And because he drove an ice cream truck, everything around suddenly gets immeasurably cold (by the way, the
friend inexplicably and gruesomely melted. It was a really weird episode.)
: Although not evil per se, Homey D. Clown is still one big jerk. The reason for his ? He's actually an ex-convict working as a clown, which is part of his prison release work program, and his lifelong enemy is .
In episode "18-5-4" of , the victim's fear of clowns was used to give him a particularly traumatic death.
Played for laughs with Doctor Blake Downs in , a
expy who believes he can cure anything with laughter despite being utterly unfunny, caustic and permanently soaked in blood.
Averted in
episode "Afraid of Clowns." Clowns are apparently a race of creepy humanoid creatures
but are relatively friendly and supportive of the coulrophobic main character, who is horrified when he becomes a clown himself at puberty.
features a screeching purple clown named "The Audience" who lives on a cloud and produces mashed potato sculptures from his hollow abdomen. He shows no particular signs of being evil, but he's still terrifying and bizarre in the extreme.
Subversion in the whole-fish episode of . At the beginning, Alton is at a
for people who have a fear of cooking and eating whole fish , but he's there waiting for the coulrophobic support group. , he is hosting a dinner party (serving ) for a bunch of , in order to help him get over his fear of them.
One of the board games that Lily's father invents on
is titled "There's a Clown Demon Under the Bed". Not the best way to comfort your daughter after a nightmare.
On The Huntress, Dottie and Brandi go after a skip who's entertaining at a kid's birthday party—as a clown. Just so the children aren't traumatized after seeing bounty hunters wrestle him to the ground and drag him off into custody, Dottie tells them that it's okay because there are good clowns and bad clowns. The Dottie says, "See? Bad clown!"
Totally subverted in the German action series . The clown from the title isn't a villain but the protagonist secret identity: he is a vigilante wearing a clown mask to fight crime.
Leo Johnson of
— already a violent, unbalanced and abusive bastard — comes out of a vegetative state after a period of abuse by Shelly and Bobby, brain-damaged and vengeful. The cake and frosting smeared on his face, the party hat and his extremely wide smile give him this appearance.
An episode of
once featured a side plot where Rollins and Fin went around the neighborhood on Halloween to make sure registered sex offenders weren't opening the door to children. Most of the offenders are sullen and angry, but compliant. Naturally, there's one pedophile dressed up in full clown regalia who opens the door with a gleeful "Who wants a treat?"
On an episode of , Jack Riley (Mr. Carlin on ) is arraigned as "Mr. Frou Frou":
Clerk: The charges are gambling, disorderly conduct, inciting a riot, attempted assault, attacking an officer and resisting arrest. Judge: What, no lewd behavior? Clown: I was too drunk.
has Twisty the Clown. He is mute, wears what appears to be a skinned human mask with realistic teeth and a mouth spread in a constant horrible grin.
His tricks start out mundane enough. Producing flowers, making balloon animals, pulling out juggling pins, etc. If he happens to screw up a balloon animal, however, or just when he gets bored... and Monster Clown incoming.
Also what's under his mouth. He has no bottom jaw.
Despite all of this, when his backstory is revealed, he's actually the most tragic character in the season. And despite being a , he's not the main antagonist. Surprisingly, it's a spoiled heir.
: In the beginning of the 18th Season, a pair of tuxedo-clad clowns
and turn his castle into a . In each episode, they ask the King a trivia question at the beginning. At the end of the episode, the K if he gets it wrong, they attack him.
Used in a third-season episode of
for a teenager set to babysit a little girl, only instead of a clown statue, it's the little girl's .
: In "The Salinas Jackpot", two thieves disguised as rodeo clown rob the cashier's office at a rodeo. When one of them is recognised, they murder everybody in the office.
is John's belief that all clowns are monster clowns.
John: Clowns are not for entertainment. Clowns are for murder threats, attempted murder, and actual murder.
: Slightly referenced when Jessica sees that Trish has reinforced her apartment with bulletproof windows, a steel-reinforced door, and turned Jessica's old bedroom into a gym:
Jessica Jones: Trish, what are you afraid of?
Trish Walker: Not much anymore. Except clowns, but that?s just common sense.
: Kagamine Len, playing Lemy/Remy Abelard, in the
song Five the Pierrot/Gobanme no Piero, is a very unique example of this. First, he's just an assassin who has the nickname "Pierrot" and wears a clown outfit. Second, he's not really a monster. He's just been raised wrong by Santa/Julia Abelard, his adoptive mother and leader of the organization he belongs to, Pere Noel.
The appropriately titled song "Clown" by the band .
obviously takes their image from this and have built a mythology around themselves called "The Dark Carnival." In the band's mythology, they're actually
hunting their various villainous enemies. The afterlife story features an evil clown, Jack Jeckel and his good twin Jake Jeckel. Jack throws slippery, blood-soaked balls at Jake, each representing a sin. If Jake fails to juggle the balls and drops one, you're condemned to "Hell's Pit." Other
artists that are examples of this trope include , , , and .
Boondox' status as this is questionable. From his songs (and upbringing) it's pretty evident that he's supposed to be a scarecrow.
's music video for "" includes four monster clowns.'' Seriously, don't go to sleep after watching that.
Shawn "Clown" Crahan of , and his mask.
From "Mr. E's Beautiful Blues" by the : "The clown with the frown driving down to the sidewalk fair / Finger on the trigger and I tell you it's quite a scare"
band 's album Mandrake has a monster clown with a
on the cover. Some of the lyrics in the album also mention them.
's self-titled album has a monster clown on the cover. And "Carousel", a song comparing life to a , contains a few references to a monster clown ("You know there's something lurking underneath the shape, with a mask over it's head and makeup on his face").
There's also some really creepy clowns in the video for Travolta; pretty par for the course considering the rest of the clip's visuals.
In the video for 's song Please Don't Leave Me, the boyfriend tries to leave and the girl character goes
on him, starting with Misery and ending with an
bit from The Shining. The more psycho the girl goes, the more her make-up goes Monster Clown, until she looks horribly like Pennywise from It.
There's also a quick shot of one at :04.
More Pink: from the same album, the song Funhouse:
This used to be a funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown We're gonna burn it down, down, we're gonna burn it down.
And seriously, what more can you do with evil clowns, except ? The video's pretty freaky too.
While the clowns in the video for the Arctic Monkeys' "Fluorescent Adolescent" aren't demonic monsters, given that the video is centered around a fight between two gangs of those wacky circus comedians, they're not exactly nice, either.
's Can't Sleep, the Clowns Will Eat Me.
Ogden Edsl's
is equal parts novelty song and Nightmare Fuel.
, and thanks to the liberal reciprocity laws, Kinko can be with you
today or anytime.
The label of some of Capitol and Wonderland Records' children's albums had two very odd looking jester heads blowing horns on top.
Check out ◊ from the cover of White Courtesy Telephone's (one and only) CD, "Everything is Fun".
recorded a song called "Clowns of Death" and performed under that name on a few occasions. Auxiliary band members would sometimes dress in clown costumes, billed as the Sad Klown Orkestra.
, as "Homey The Clown" on Homey Don't Play and I Ain't Cha Homey.
Deadbolt have several songs that feature not only Patches, the murderous clown, but also a clown mafia and Mike Dugan, the
revisits the imagery over several albums.
in "," as the singer Zoltar, an automaton performer in a
carnival, serves as an unusually eerie and foreboding . Though a , his obvious decrepitude and increasing desperation make the air of menace that much thicker.
The ◊ for Twilight Theater introduces , the -sporting jester with a
that terminates not in jingle bells, but a coiled serpent's head.
The video for Jealous Gods' "" sees Hamartia reappear to sing it, this time as an even creepier Jester-King, with bells hanging from his hair, presiding moodily over a decadent
until an attendee elects to leave without his say-so. He responds by setting everything .
The cover and promotional campaign for 's album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and the video for its lead-off single "Ashes to Ashes", featured Bowie as a mysterious . Look at the Live Action TV folder above for what
did with this one...
has a song called "Pogo the Clown", which is about John Wayne Gacy.
The video for Storytime by Nightwish has a group of these harassing a small boy.
Somewhat inevitably crops up in Sufjan Stevens song "John Wayne Gacy Jr.", though not played entirely straight as it centers on the communities
in his two identities. Somehow made even creepier by making it sound kind of erotic though.
"He dressed up like a clown for them, with his face paint white and red. And on his best behaviour in a dark room on the bed, he kissed them all"
for Sublime's "Wrong Way" depicts Annie's abusive father as a clown.
on their album
have a song dedicated to this trope appropriately called 'Hell Sent In The Clowns', accompanied by
throughout the song.
The lenticular cover for the
features the face of one.
is filled with harmless , the front of the cars of the "Hurricane" rollercoaster have a manically grinning Monster Clown face, complete with razor-sharp teeth.
These are one of the playfield monsters in ,
Doink the Clown from
&&&&Pro Wrestling&
Coco Blanco, a clown with a fanged mask who later became a part of Los Payasos IWRG with the similar Cocochips, Cocolores, Coco Rojo and Coco Verde. Verde, Blanco and Rojo later wrestled for ,
as Los Payasos Tricolor.
in the , until his . Then it went downhill fast. Doink also gets point for , which started with the first few bars of "Entrance of the Gladiators" (aka the
for clowns) before turning into a very bass-heavy, very evil piece dotted with . .
Los Payasos Diabolicos, a
group that has spread the fear of clown throughout many Mexican feds.
The ax happy Insane Clown Posse. And as of 's founding, they now run their own promotion, which is humorous, but in a very ironic way. ()
An episode of
in April 2000 had the Mean Street Posse posing as a trio of circus clowns during a hardcore title match when they ambushed Crash Holly.
Dead Clown, Psycho Clown, Murder Clown and Monster Clown of
examples of this trope, . Neither is !
Cabal, one half of Gateway Championship Wrestling's
of Nightbreed and a member of the Diabolic Khaos stable, combined this trope with . Think masked
as a clown.
Devil Pierrot #1 and Devil Pierrot #2 are a monster clown tag team of
Subverted by
during his 2011 war against the Immortal faction. Slathering over his trademark black lipstick with a grotesquely smeared red , playing pranks, and , he seemed to be a Monster Clown but was actually more of a
playing mind games with the villains.
A mass baby
example on the July 14, 2011 addition of TNA Impact when
took up clown gear to take out Immortal for Sting.
could be considered a Monster Clown of a sort. His clothing is much too colorful for such an angsty individual, he has a bone-chilling , many of his speech patterns seem to have been inspired by 's , and he calls himself "the eater of worlds" - one of the titles Pennywise the Dancing Clown applies to himself in .
In 2014, "The World Famous"
started wearing clown makeup and became a "consultant" for joshi fed REINA. Soon enough, she used her new , and , to give herself a title belt and form a
known as Piero-gun.
TNA's Menagerie stable is often flanked by two giant clown guards. The clown who actually wrestles, Crazy Steve is not an example of this trope however.
&&&&Tabletop Games&
The supplement Heroes of Horror is about infusing your games with anything from a touch to an overdose of the macabre, the frightening, and the unnerving. One of the monsters introduced? The "gray jester". One of the scenarios provided? A gray jester and a hag ens


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