
301 local& a. 地方性的,当地的,局部的; [计算机] 局部的
302 look& n. 看,神色,样子,脸色; v. 看,看,注视
303 look forward to& 期待;盼望
304 lovely& a. 可爱的,令人愉快的
305 lucky& a. 幸运的
306 ma'am&&&
n. 夫人,称呼女王,公主的尊称
307 marriage& n. 婚姻,结婚
&marry& 嫁,娶
308 mean& n.平均值,平均数; a. 低劣的,卑贱的,平均的; v.
309 measure& n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸; v. 测量,量
310 meat& n. 肉
311 medicine& n. 药,医学
312 merger& n. (企业等的)合并; v. (两个或以上公司的)合并
merge& v.使混合,相容,融入,逐渐消失在某物中
emerge 出现,浮现&&
immerge& 浸没,隐没
313 message& n. 消息,信息
314 metal& n. 金属,质料; a. 金属制的; v. 以金属覆盖
315 mileage& n. 里程&
316 mind& n. 思想,主意,心意; v. 介意,照顾,留心
317 minimum& a. 最低的,最小的; n. 最小量,最低限度
318 miss& n. 小姐; vt. 想念; vt. 漏掉,错过
319 missing& a. 缺掉的,失踪的
320 mode& n. 方式,样式,时尚,时兴
vt.& vi.做模特儿
321 modem& 调制解调器
322 moment& n. 片刻,瞬间;力矩
323 money order& 汇款单,汇票
324 monitor& n. 监督器,级长,监听员; v. 监视,监听,监督; [计算机]
325 monument &&n. 纪念碑
326 museum& n. 博物馆
327 napkin& n. 餐巾 尿布&
early 15c., from Old French nape "tablecloth, cloth cover,
towel(毛巾,纸巾)【bowel肠】" (from L see
(n.)) + Middle English
"little." No longer felt as a diminutive.
The Old French diminutive was naperon (see (围裙)).
328 nasty& a.
c.1400, "foul, filthy(污秽的,下流的), dirty, unclean," of unknown
perhaps [Barnhart] from Old French nastre
envious(妒忌的,羡慕的), malicious(恶意的,存心不良的), spiteful(恶意的)," shortened
form of villenastre "infamous(名声狼藉的,无耻的,伤风败俗的), bad," from vilein
"villain" + -astre, pejorative suffix, from Latin -aster.
Alternative(两者择一的,非正统的) etymology
[OED]【《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)】is
from Dutch nestig "dirty," literally "like a bird's nest."
Likely reinforced in either case by a Scandinavian source (cf.
Swedish dialectal naskug "dirty, nasty"), which also might be the
source of the Middle English word. Of weather, from 1630s; of
things generally, "unpleasant, offensive," from 1705. Of people,
"ill-tempered," from 1825. Noun meaning "something nasty" is from
1935. Related: N nastiness.
329 nauseated& a. 想吐的,厌恶的
nausea& n. 恶心 呕吐&
nauseate& v.使恶心& 呕吐
1630s, "to feel sick, to become affected with nausea," from
nauseat- past participle stem of Latin nauseare "to feel seasick,
to vomit," also "to cause disgust," from nausea (see ). Related: N
nauseatingly. In its early life it also had transitive senses of
"to reject (food, etc.) with a feeling of nausea" (1640s) and "to
create a loathing in, to cause nausea" (1650s). Careful writers use
nauseated for "sick at the stomach" and reserve
(q.v.) for "sickening to
early 15c., vomiting(吐), from Latin nausea "seasickness," from
Ionic Greek nausia (Attic nautia) "seasickness, nausea, disgust,"
literally "ship-sickness," from naus "ship" (see ). Despite its etymology, the word in
English seems never to have been restricted to seasickness.
c.1600, "inclined to nausea, easily made queasy(想呕吐的,感到恶心的)"
(obsolete), from
+ . Sense of "causing nausea or squeamishness"
is attested from 1610s. For distinction from nauseated see . Related: N nauseousness.
330 necessary& a. 必需的,必要的; n. [pl.]必需品
late 14c. "needed, required, essential, indispensable," from Old
French necessaire "necessary, urgent, compelling(adj.
引人入胜的;扣人心弦的;非常强烈的;不可抗拒的)" (13c.), and directly from Latin
necessarius "unavoidable, indispensable, necessary," from necesse
"unavoidable, indispensable," originally "no backing away," from
ne- "not" + cedere "to withdraw, go away,
yield(退位,退让,屈服)" (see )(董合奎注释:不可退让的-----必须的,必要的).
The root sense is of that from which there is no evasion(逃避,规避),
that which is inevitable. Necessary house "privy" is from c.1600.
Necessary evil is from 1540s (the original reference was to
补充:Back away:为了让出地方而后退,由于害怕而后退;不愿考虑
mid-14c., "needed, required, the necessities
actions determined by right or law," perhaps from Old
French necessaire (n.) "private parts, lavatory," and
directly from Latin necessarius (n.), in classical Latin "a
relation, relative, friend, client," see
331 net& n. 网,净利,实价; a. 净余的,纯粹的; v.
332 neutral& a. 中立的,中性的; n. 中立者
mid-15c., "one who remains neutral," from Latin neutralis "of
neuter gender," (see
(adj.)). Meaning "disengaged position in
gear mechanisms" is from 1912.
1734, "to render neutral" (in a chemical sense), from French
neutraliser (17c.), from neutral (see
(adj.)). Meaning "to counterbalance, to
kill by opposing" is from 1795. Related: N
late 15c., "the neutral party in any dispute," from Middle
French neutralite (14c.) or directly from Medieval Latin
neutralitatem (nominative neutralitas), from Latin neutralis (see
). Meaning "a neutral attitude" is from
&n. (汽车或其他机器的)空挡位置;中立人士;中立国;素净色
late 15c., "composed of contrasting elements which, in proper
proportion, neutralize each other," from Middle French neutral,
from Latin neutralis "of neuter gender," from neuter (see
(adj.)). Chemistry sense is from 1660s.
Sense of "not taking sides in a fight" (1540s) probably is from a
similar meaning in Medieval Latin. Of colors, from 1821. Neutral
corner is from boxing (1908).
1903, from
(adj.). Originally in reference to pet
cats. Related: N neutering.
n. 中性名词,无性动物,阉割动物
late 14c., of grammatical gender, "neither
masculine(男子气概的,阳性的,雄性的) nor feminine," from Latin neuter "of the
neuter gender," literally "neither one nor the other," from ne-
"not, no" (see -) + uter "either (of two)" (see ). Probably a loan-translation of Greek
oudeteros "neither, neuter." In 16c., it had the sense of "taking
neither side, neutral."
Old English hw&&er, hwe&er "which of two, whether," from
Proto-Germanic *khwatharaz (cf. Old Saxon hwedar, Old Norse hvarr,
Gothic hua&ar, Old High German hwedar "which of the two," German
weder "neither"), from interrogative base *khwa- "who" (see
) + comparative suffix *-theraz (cf. Sanskrit
katarah, Avestan katara-, Greek poteros, Latin uter "which of the
two, either of two," Lithuanian katras "which of the two," Old
Church Slavonic koteru "which"). Its comparative form is . Phrase whether or not (also whether or
no) recorded from 1650s.
333 newspaper& n. 报纸
334 noise& n. 声音,响声,响声,喧哗声,噪声; v. 谣传
335 nonrefundable& 不退费的,不可偿还的
可退还的& 可退费的
336 normally& ad. 正常地
337 note& n. 笔记,注解,备忘录; v. 记录,注解,注意; n.
338 number& n. 号码,数字; v. 编号,加号码,总计; vi. 总计; vt.
339 office& n. 办公室
340 opening& n. 开始,口,揭幕,空缺的职务; vbl.
341 operation& n. 手术, 行动,活动, 操作
342 opportunity& n. 机会,时机
late 14c., from Old French opportunite (13c.) and directly from
Latin opportunitatem (nominative opportunitas) "fitness,
convenience, suitableness, favorable time," from opportunus (see
). Opportunity cost attested from 1911.
Expression opportunity knocks but once (at any man's door) attested
from 1898.
adv. 恰好地,适时地
n. 恰好,适时,及时
c.1400, from Old French opportun and directly from Latin
opportunus "fit, convenient, suitable, favorable," from the phrase
ob portum veniens "coming toward a port," in reference to the wind,
from ob "to, toward" (see ) + portus "harbor" (see
(n.1)). Related: Opportunely.
☆ opportunity (有利的机会) 我们首先把熟悉的“-ity”去掉【-ity, state or quality of
剩下的“opportun-”就是 opportune (有利的;适宜的;适当的)
【op- (= ob-), toward 向 + -port-, port 港口 + *-une 形容词字尾】
这个词是来自拉丁语:【ob portum veniens】, coming toward a port
*-une 形容词字尾
来自拉丁语形容词字尾:-unus, -unua, -unum
【-nus 是形容词字尾;-u- 在语音学中,叫 lengthen 拖长(元音)音长,又如 tribunus
← 这仅供参考,一般学习者不必了解。
343 option& n. 选择
344 orange& a. 橙色的; n. 橘子
345 order& n.订单,命令; n. 顺序,整齐,勋章,阶级,决议;
346 organize& vi. 组织起来; vt. 组织
fusion of late Old English organe, and Old French orgene (12c.),
both meaning "musical instrument," both from Latin organa, plural
of organum "a musical instrument," from Greek organon "implement,
tool organ of sense, organ
of the body," literally "that with which one works," from
PIE *werg-ano-, from root *werg- "to do," related to Greek ergon
"work" and Old English weorc (see
Applied vaguely in late Old English to sense
narrowed by late 14c. to the musical instrument now known by that
name (involving pipes supplied with wind by a bellows and worked by
means of keys), though Augustine (c.400) knew this as a specific
sense of Latin organa. The meaning "body part adapted to a certain
function" is attested from late 14c., from a Medieval Latin sense
of Latin organum. (风琴演奏家) is first recorded 1590s;
organ-grinder is attested from 1806.
347 other& a. 别的,其他的; pron. 另一个人(或事)
348 ounce& n. 盎司
349 over-the-counter medicine& 非处方药,成药
over-the-counter&& adj.
处方药[药]prescription drugs
350 overnight& n. 前晚; a. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的; ad.
351 padding& n. 衬料;衬垫;赘语;废话
v. 给…装衬垫,加垫子( pad的现在分词 );步行,放轻脚步走
Pad& vt. 给…装衬垫, 加垫子;填塞;踏平
vi. 步行,放轻脚步走
n. 垫,衬垫;护具;便签本;发射台
352 par& n. 标准,常规;同等;票面价值;[体]标准杆数
adj. 平价的;平均的,正常的;票面的
vt. 标准杆数得分
His performance was not up to par.
1620s, "equality(同等,平等)," also "value of one currency in terms
of another," from Latin par "equal, equal-sized,
well-matched," also as a noun, "that which is equal, equality," of
unknown origin. Watkins suggests perhaps from PIE root
*pere- "to grant, allot," with suggestion of reciprocality
Another guess connects it with PIE root *per- "to traffic
in, sell" (on notion of "give equal value for"); see (色情文学,色情描写). Meaning "average
or usual amount" is first attested 1767. Golf usage is first
attested 1898. Figurative use of par for the course is from
"by, for," mid-13c., from Old French par, per,
from Latin per (see ).
adj. (只用于所修饰的名词后)杰出的,卓越的,出类拔萃的
French, from Latin per excellentiam "by the way of
excellence." From French par "by way of, by means of," from
Latin per (see ). For second element see .
1843, "ancient obscene(淫秽的,下流的) painting, especially in temples
of Bacchus(酒神)," from French pornographie, from Greek
pornographos "(one) depicting prostitutes(n.卖淫者,妓女 v.出卖肉体),"
from porne "prostitute," originally "bought, purchased"
(with an original notion, probably of "female slave sold for
prostitution(卖淫)"), related to pernanai "to sell," from PIE
root *per- (5) "to traffic in, to sell" (see
(n.)) + graphein "to write" (see
). A brothel in ancient Greek was a
In reference to modern works by 1859 (originally French novels),
later as a charge again sense of "obscene
pictures" in modern times is from 1906. Also sometimes used late
19c. for "description of prostitutes" as a matter of public
hygiene. The "Medical Archives" in 1873 proposed porniatria
for "the lengthy and really meaningless expression 'social evil
hospital' ...."
I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of
material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand
description [hard-core pornography]; and perhaps I could never
succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and
the motion picture involved in this case is not that. [U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Potter Stewart, concurring opinion, "Jacobellis v.
Ohio," 1964]
In ancient contexts, often paired with rhypography,
"genre painting of low, sordid, or unsuitable subjects."
Pornocracy (1860) is "the dominating influence of harlots,"
used specifically of the government of Rome during the first half
of the 10th century by Theodora and her daughters.
Pornotopia (1966) was coined to describe the ideal
erotic-world of pornographic movies.
adv. 每次;每个;照常;按惯例
adj. 高的,过的,全的
1580s (earlier in various Latin and French phrases), from Latin
per "through, during, by means of, on account of, as in,"
from PIE root *per- (1) "Base of prepositions and preverbs
with the basic meanings of 'forward,' 'through,' and a wide range
of extended senses such as 'in front of,' 'before,' 'early,'
'first,' 'chief,' 'toward,' 'against,' 'near,' 'at,' 'around'"
[Watkins]. Cf. Sanskrit pari- "around, about, through,"
pura "before," Avestan pairi- "around,"
paro "" Old Persian pariy; Hittite
para- "on," Greek peri "around, about, near,
beyond," paros "before," para "from beside, beyond,"
pro "" Latin pro "before, for, on behalf of,
instead of," porro "forward," prae "" Old
English fore (prep.) "before," (adv.) "before,
" German vor "" Old Church Slavonic
pra-dedu "great-" Russian pere-
"" Lithuanian per "" Old Irish air-
Gothic fair-, German ver-, Old English fer-,
intensive prefixes.
353 parent& n. 父母,父母亲,根源
354 party& n. 政党,聚会,开派对
355 pass& n. 途径,通行,及格; v. 经过,消逝,传递
356 passenger& n. 乘客,旅客
357 patience& n. 耐心
358 patient& a. 有耐心的,能忍耐的; n. 病人
359 pay& n. 薪资,付款,报偿; v. 支付,付清,报偿
360 pear& n. 梨
361 perceptive& a. 知觉的,有知觉力,感知的
362 perfume& n. 香水,香气; v. 洒香水于,薰香
1530s, "to fill with smoke or vapor(水汽,水蒸气)," from
(n.) or from Middle French parfumer.
Meaning "to impart a sweet scent to" is from 1530s. Related:
Perfumed; perfuming.
1530s, "fumes from a burning substance," from Middle French
parfum (16c.), from parfumer "to scent," from Old
Proven&al perfumar or cognate words in dialectal Italian
(perfumare) or Spanish (perfumar), from Latin
per- "through" (see ) + fumare "to smoke" (see
(n. 烟气,烟雾;愤怒,烦恼 vi. 冒烟;发怒 vt.
用烟熏;烘制(木材等))(n.)). Meaning "fluid containing agreeable essences
of flowers, etc.," is attested from 1540s.
可以解释为:透过& 闻到(feel)
late 14c., from Old French fum "smoke, steam, vapor,
breath," from Latin fumus "smoke, steam, fume" (source of
Italian fumo, Spanish humo), from PIE *dheu-
(1) "dust, vapor, to rise in a cloud, to fly about (like
dust)" (cf. Sanskrit dhumah, Old Church Slavonic
dymu, Lithuanian dumai, Old Prussian dumis
"smoke," Middle Irish dumacha "fog," Greek thymos
"spirit, mind, soul").
c.1400, "to fumigate(熏蒸)," from Old French fumer, from
Latin fumare "to smoke, steam," from fumus "smoke,
steam, fume" (see
(n.)). Figurative sense of "show anger" is first
recorded 1520s. Related: Fumed; fumes;
363 picture& n. 图画,照片,景色; v. 画,描写,想像
&&pigment色素& 颜料
364 pill& n. 药丸
365 pitcher& n. 大水罐,投手
pitch n.球场;程度;沥青;树脂;倾斜
366 pizza& n. 比萨饼
367 place& n. 地方,处境,职务; v. 放置,任命,安排
368 plot& n. 图,阴谋,情节; v. 绘图,密谋,计划
military were plotting a coup(机敏的策略,政变).
vt. 以图表画出,制图;密谋;把…分成小块;为(文学作品)设计情节
vi. 设计作品情节;标示于图表上;密谋,暗中策划
Old English plot "small piece of ground," of unknown
origin. Sense of "ground plan," and thus "map, chart" is 1550s;
that of "a secret, plan, scheme" is 1580s, probably by
accidental similarity to complot(n. 共谋,阴谋 v.
共谋,图谋), from Old French complot "combined plan," of
unknown origin, perhaps a back-formation from compeloter "to
roll into a ball," from pelote "ball." Meaning "set of
events in a story" is from 1640s. Plot-line (n.) attested
from 1957.
1580s, "to lay plans for" (usually with evil intent); 1590s in
the literal sense of "to make a map or diagram," from
(n.). Related: Plotted; plotter;
369 point& n. 点,要点,尖端; v. 指出,指,描准
370 porter& n. 搬运工人, 守门人,门房
371 portion& n. 部分,份,命运; v. 将...分配,分配
1. =part/divide,表示"部分,分开";
2. =carry,表示"拿,运"
Portable&& adj.轻便的,手提[式]的,可移动的
important重要的, 重大的, 有权力的 (import要旨,含意+ant……的→adj.重要的, 重大的,
Proportional& adj. 比例的,成比例的;相称的,均衡的 n.
proportional比例的, 成比例的, 相称的, 均衡的 (proportion比例;均衡+al……的→adj.比例的,
成比例的, 相称的, 均衡的)
adj.&n.不均衡, 不成比例
(dis不+proportion[n.比例;部分;均衡,相称]+al……的→adj.&n.不均衡, 不成比例 v.使不均衡,
Proportionally&& adv.按比例地,
相配合地;适当地 (proportional比例的+ly表副词→adv.按比例地, 相配合地;适当地)
sportsman运动家, 冒险家 (sport运动+s+man人→n.运动家, 冒险家)
portion一部分,一份 (port部分,分开+ion表名词→一部分)
deportation移送,充军,放逐 (deport[v.驱逐出境]+ation表名词→n.移送,充军,放逐)
export输出,出口 (ex出+port港口→出港口→出口)
import进口,输入,[ (im进入+port港口→进港→进口,传达意义)
disport玩耍,嬉戏,娱乐 (dis分开+port拿,运→拿来分心的东西→娱乐)
support支持 (sup下面+port带→带来支持)
deport驱逐出境 (de去掉+port拿,运→拿出去→放逐)
vt. 输入,进口;对…有重大关系;意味着
early 15c., "convey information, express, make known, signify,"
from Latin importare "bring in, convey," from assimilated
form of in- "into, in" (see
(2)) + portare "to carry" (see
(n.1)). Sense of "bring in goods from abroad"
first recorded c.1500. Related: Imported;
"consequence, importance," 1580s; sense of "that which is
imported" is from 1680s; both from
mid-15c., from Middle French important and directly from
Medieval Latin importantem (nominative importans),
present participle of importare "be significant in," from
Latin importare "bring in" (see ). Related: Importantly.
vt. 使成比例;使相称;使均衡
late 14c., "due(adj. 预定;适当的;应有的;由于 n.
应有的权利,应得到的东西;应缴款(如俱乐部会费) adv. 直接地,直达地;[古语] 适当地) relation of
one part to another," also "size, compartative relation
in size, degree, number, etc.," from Old French proporcion
"measure, proportion" (13c.), from Latin proportionem
(nominative proportio) "comparative relation,
analogy(类似,相似,类比)," from phrase pro portione
"according to the relation" (of parts to each other), from
pro "for" (see ) + ablative of *partio "division," related
to pars (see
(n.)). Phrase out of proportion attested by
My fortunes [are] as ill proportioned as your legs. [John
Marston, "Antonio and Mellida," 1602]
董合奎注:本词重在port- 部分,最初指的是“各部分之间的比例”
"to adjust or regulate the proportions of," late 14c., from
(n.) and in part from Middle French
proporcioner and directly from Medieval Latin
proportionare. Related: Proportioned;
word-forming element meaning "forward, forth, toward the front"
(e.g. , ); "beforehand, in advance" (,
); "taking care of" ((vt.
取得,获得;实现,完成;导致 vi. 取得;介绍娼妓,拉皮条)); "in place of, on behalf of"
地方总督,殖民地总督), (代词)); from Latin pro "on
behalf of, in place of, before, for, in exchange for, just as,"
which also was used as a prefix.
Also in some cases from cognate Greek pro "before, in front
of, sooner," which also was used in Greek as a prefix (e.g.
). Both the Latin and Greek words are from PIE
*pro- (cf. Sanskrit pra- "before, forward,"
Gothic faura "before," Old English fore "before, for,
on account of," fram "forward," Old Irish roar
"enough"), extended form of root *per- (1) "forward,
through" (see ).
The common modern sense "in favor of, favoring" (e.g.
pro-independence 台独分子), pro-fluoridation,
pro-Soviet) was not in classical Latin and is attested in
English from early 19c.
取得,获得;实现,完成;导致 vi. 取得;介绍娼妓,拉皮条
c.1300, "bring about, cause, effect," from Old French procurer
"care for, bring about, acquire,
provide" (13c.) and directly from Late Latin procurare "manage,
" from pro- "in behalf of" (see ) + curare "care for" (see
(v.)). Main modern sense " recruit"
(late 14c.) is via "take pains to get" (mid-14c.). Meaning "to
obtain (women) for sexual gratification" is attested from c.1600.
Related: P procuring.
mid-15c., modeled on Middle French pronom, from Latin
pronomen, from pro- "in place of" + nomen "name, noun" (see
(n.)). A loan-translation of Greek
late 14c., "a difficult question proposed for solution," from
Old French probl&me (14c.) and directly from Latin problema, from
Greek problema "a task, that which is proposed," also
"anything projecting, headland, fence," also
"a problem in geometry," literally "thing put forward," from
proballein "propose," from pro "forward" (see ) + ballein "to throw" (see (n. (有关炮弹发射)弹道学)).
Meaning "a difficulty" is mid-15c. Mathematical sense is from 1560s
in English. Problem child first recorded 1920. Phrase _______
problem in reference to a persistent and seemingly insoluble
difficulty is attested at least from 1882, in Jewish problem.
Response no problem " that can be done without
difficulty" is recorded from 1968.
372 possible& a. 可能的
373 possibly &ad. 可能地,也许
374 potato& n. 马铃薯,土豆
375 powerful& a. 强有力的
376 prepackaged& 预先装好的 package
377 prefer& v. 较喜欢,宁可,提出
378 prescription& n. 药方
379 present& n. 礼物,现在; a. 现在的,出席的,当面的; v.
"this point in time" (opposed to past and future), c.1300, "the
present time," also "act or f portion of space
around someone," from Old French present (n.) from Latin praesens
"being there" (see
(adj.)). In old legalese, these presents
means "these documents."
c.1200, "thing offered, what is offered or given as a gift,"
from Old French present and Medieval Latin presentia, from phrases
such as French en present "(to offer) in the presence of," mettre
en present "place before, give," from Late Latin inpraesent "face
to face," from Latin in re praesenti "in the situation in
question," from praesens "being there" (see
(adj.)), on the notion of "bringing
something into someone's presence."
c.1300, "existing at the time," from Old French present
"evident, at hand," as a noun, "the present time"
(11c., Modern French pr&sent) and directly from Latin praesentem
(nominative praesens) "present, at hand,
prompt, contemporary," from present participle of
pr&esse "be before (someone or something), be at hand," from
prae- "before" (see ) + esse "to be" (see ). Meaning "being there" is from mid-14c.
in English. As a grammatical tense, recorded from late 14c.
1870, from
(adj.) + .
[理解成pre- +sent- ]
c.1300, "introduce (someone or something) formally or
" also "make a fo give as a gift
bestow," from Old French presenter (11c., Modern French
pr&senter) and directly from Latin praesentare "to place before,
show, exhibit," from stem of praesens (see
(adj.)). From late 14c. as "exhibit
(something), offer for inspection," also, in law, "make a
formal complaint or charge of wrongdoing." From c.1400
as"represent, portray." Related: P presenting.
1540s, "one who presents" (a position, degree, etc.), agent noun
(v.); meaning "host of a radio or
television program" is from 1967.
late 14c., "immediately, at this time," from
(2). By 1560s it had relaxed into "sooner or
mid-15c., also, in law, "liable to formal charge
of wrongdoing," from
(v.) + . Meaning "suitable in appearance" is from
1800. Related: Presentably.
"act of presenting," c.1300, from Old French presentement
"presentation (of a person) at a ceremony" (12c.), from presenter
late 14c., "act of presenting," from Old French presentacion
(13c.), from Latin praesentationem (nominative praesentatio) "a
placing before," noun of action from past participle stem of
praesentare (see
(v.)). Meaning "that which is offered or
presented" is mid-15c.; that of "a theatrical or other
representation" is recorded from c.1600. Related:
表现,象征;代表,代理;扮演;作为示范 vi. 代表;提出异议
late 14c., "to bring to mind by description," also "to
symbolize, serve as serve as the type or
" from Old French representer "present, show,
portray" (12c.), from Latin repraesentare "make present, set in
view, show, exhibit, display," from re-, intensive prefix (see
), + praesentare "to present," literally "to place
before" (see
(v.)). Legislative sense is attested from
1650s. Related: R representing.
mid-14c., "fact of being present," from Old French presence
(12c., Modern French pr&sence), from Latin praesentia "a being
present," from praesentem (see
(n.)). Meaning "carriage,
demeanor(举止,态度), aspect(方面,面貌)" (especially if impressive) is from
1570s; that of "divine, spiritual, or incorporeal being felt as
present" is from 1660s. Presence of mind (1660s) is a
loan-translation of French pr&sence d'esprit, Latin praesentia
380 pressure& n. 压力,压强,压迫
&&press 出版社
381 pretty& a. 漂亮的; ad. 相当地
&she is pretty ugly.
382 pretty good& 相当好
383 price& n. 价格,代价,价值; v. 定...的价格,标价
384 priest& n. 教士,神父 pray
Old English preost probably shortened from the older Germanic
form represented by Old Saxon and Old High German prestar, Old
Frisian prestere, all from Vulgar Latin *prester "priest," from
Late Latin presbyter "presbyter(n. 长老(指长老制教会中的教徒领袖)), elder," from
Greek presbyteros (see ).
An alternative theory (to account for the -eo- of the Old English
word) makes it cognate with Old High German priast, prest, from
Vulgar Latin *prevost "one put over others," from Latin praepositus
"person placed in charge," from past participle of praeponere (see
). In Old Testament sense, a translation
of Hebrew kohen, Greek hiereus, Latin sacerdos.
385 priority& n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先
优先的& 在。。。。之前
386 probably& ad. 大概,或许
late 14c., from Old French probable "provable
(adj. 可证明的,可证实的),
demonstrable(adj. 可表明的,可论证的)"
(14c.), from Latin probabilis "worthy of approval, pleasing,
agreeable, provable, that may be assumed to be
believed, credible," from probare "to try, to test" (see ). Probable cause as a legal term is
attested from 1670s.
387 program& n. 节目,程序,计划; v. 规划,拟...计划,制作节目
388 prom& n. 可编程序的只读存储器(程序可控只读存储器)
389 prompt& n. 提示; a. 迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的; vt. 激起,促进,推动
390 prove& v. 证明,查验,显示
391 punt& (橄榄球)踢凌空球
392 purse& n. 钱包, 资金,金钱,财富; v. 皱起,使缩拢
393 putt& (高尔夫球)推杆 轻击
394 quarter& a. 四分之一的; n. 四分之一,一刻钟; vt. 四等分
395 quickly& ad. 快,迅速
396 race& n. 种族,赛跑; v. 赛跑,竞赛
&&relay event/race
relay &&n.
vt. 转播,传达;用驿马递送,使接替;分程传递
397 rack& n. 架,行李架,拷问台; v. 折磨,使...痛苦,加以拷问
"cut of animal meat and bones," 1560s,
perhaps from some resemblance(相似) to
(n.1). Cf. rack-bone "vertebrae"
"to stretch out for drying," also "to torture on the rack,"
early 15c., from
(n.1). Of other pains from 1580s. Figurative
sense of "to torment" is from c.1600. Meaning "raise above a fair
level" (of rent, etc.) is from 1550s. Meaning "fit with racks" is
from 1580s. Teenager slang meaning "to sleep" is from 1960s (rack
(n.) was Navy slang for "bed" in 1940s). Related: R racking.
Rack up "register, accumulate, achieve" is first attested 1943 (in
"Billboard"), probably from method of keeping score in pool
"clouds driven before the wind," c.1300, also "rush of wind,
collision, crash," originally a northern word, possibly from Old
English racu "cloud" (or an unrecorded Scandinavian cognate of it),
reinforced by Old Norse rek "wreckage, jetsam," or by influence of
Old English wr&c "" from Proto-Germanic *wrakaz,
from PIE root *wreg- "to push, shove" (see ). Often confused with
(n.), especially in phrase rack and ruin
(1590s). The distinction is that rack is "" wrack is
"seaweed cast up on shore."
"loud noise," 1560s, perhaps imitative. Klein compares Gaelic
racaid "noise." Meaning "dishonest activity" (1785) is perhaps from
, via notion of "game," reinforced by
rack-rent "extortionate rent" (1590s), from
v. 嚷闹,吵闹,纵情欢闹;用球拍打
type of gait(步法,步态) of a horse, 1580s, from rack (v.) "move with
a fast, lively gait" 1520s in this sense (implied in racking), of
perhaps from French racquassure "racking of a horse
in his pace," itself of unknown origin. Or perhaps a variant of
"frame with bars," c.1300, possibly from Middle Dutch rec
"framework," literally "something stretched out, related to recken
(modern rekken) "stretch out," cognate with Old English reccan "to
stretch out," from Proto-Germanic *rak- (cf. Old Saxon rekkian, Old
Frisian reza, Old Norse rekja, Old High German recchen, German
recken, Gothic uf-rakjan "to stretch out"), from PIE *rog-, from
root *reg- "to move in a straight line" (see (君主的,皇家的)).
Meaning "instrument of torture" first recorded early 15c., perhaps
from German rackbank, originally an implement for stretching
leather, etc. Mechanical meaning "toothed bar" is from 1797 (see
(捆住双臂)). Meaning "set of antlers" is first
attested 1945, American E hence slang sense of "a woman's
breasts" (especially if large), by 1991. Meaning "framework for
displaying clothes" is from 1948; hence off the rack (1951) of
clothing, as opposed to tailored.
& display rack
398 radio& n. 收音机; v. 用无线电通讯
399 railroad& n. 铁路; v. 由铁道运输; vi. 由铁路运输
400 rap& n. 轻敲,拍击,责骂; v.
轻敲,厉声说出,叱责& 说唱&
401 reach& n. 延伸,范围,河段; v. 到达,伸出,延伸
402 ready& a. 准备好的,乐意的,情愿的
403 realize& v. 了解,实现,净得; 察觉;领悟
404 reasonable& a. 合理的,有道理的,适度,通情达理的; ad.
405 receipt& n. 收据
406 receive& v. 收到,接受,迎接
407 reception& n. 接待,欢迎,接受
408 reconfirm& 再确认
409 recreation& n. 消遣,娱乐
&&create 创造 创作&
creation 创造& 制造&
Saturday afternoon is for recreation and outings.
411 registered& a. 注册的,登记过的,记名的; vbl. 注册
reg-管理& regulate
412 relax& v. 放松,松懈,松弛
413 release& n. 释放,让渡,发行; v. 释放,让与,准予发表
414 remain& v. 保持,依然,剩余,留下,逗留; n.遗迹,剩余物,残骸
415 remember& v. 记得,记忆
immemorial太古的,极古的 (im不+memor记忆+ial……的→不能记得的→远古的)
commemorable该记住的,值得纪念的 (com共同+memor记忆+able……的→值得纪念的)
memory记忆,记忆力;回忆;存储[器] (memor记忆+y状态,性质→n.记忆,记忆力;回忆;存储[器])
memorandum便笺,备忘录 (memor记忆+andum东西→帮助记的东西→备忘录)
memorize记住,记忆 (memor记忆+ize表动词→v.记住,记忆)
commemorate& v.庆祝,纪念
416 remote& a. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的
417 remote control& 遥控器
418 rented& 租用的
419 replay& v. 重新比赛,重演; n. 重赛
420 represent& vt. 表现,象征;代表,代理;扮演;作为示范 vi.
421 require& v. 需要,要求
422 research& 调查,研究; v. 调查,研究
423 reservation& n. 预定
424 reserve& n. 预备品,贮存,预备舍; vt. 保留,预订,延期
425 respond& v. 回答,回报,反应
426 restroom& [美](在酒店、饭店内的)公共厕所 ,休息室
427 return& n. 返回,归还,报答; v. 返回,归还,回来
428 reveal& v. 显示,透露
late 14c., from Old French reveler "reveal" (14c.), from Latin
revelare "reveal, uncover, disclose," literally
"unveil(揭去面纱,揭幕,揭露)," from re-
"opposite of" (see ) + velare "to cover, veil," from velum "a veil" (see
(v./n.面纱,掩饰,托辞) (n.)).
Related: ; .
429 ride& n. 乘坐,乘车,搭便车; v. 骑,乘坐,克服
430 right away& 马上,立刻
431 right now& 立刻;马上
432 ring& n. 环,戒指,铃声; v. 响,鸣,回响
433 risky& a. 危险的(冒险的,大胆的) ,
434 route& n. 航线,路线; vt. 按路线发送
435 row& n. 排,船游,吵闹; v. 划,划船,责骂
436 rude& a. 粗鲁的,无礼的
437 rule& n. 惯例,规则,统治; v. 裁定,统治,支配; vi. 裁决,统治;
438 runner& n. 赛跑的人
439 salad bar& 沙拉台,(餐馆内放置沙拉的)沙拉吧
440 sandwich& n. 三明治;夹心面包;状似三明治的东西 vt.
441 sausage& n. 香肠,腊肠
mid-15c., sawsyge, from Old North French saussiche (Modern
French saucisse), from Vulgar Latin *salsica "sausage," from
salsicus "seasoned with salt," from Latin salsus "salted"
(see (n. 调味汁;酱汁;酱油,〈非〉莽撞无礼;〈俚〉烈酒 vt.
注:season with
442 savings account& 储蓄存款
443 scare& vt. 惊吓(惊恐,惊慌); n. 惊吓(惊恐,惊慌)
444 scared& a. 害怕的
445 scary& a. 容易受惊的,胆小的,提心吊胆
1590s, alteration of Middle English skerren (c.1200), from Old
Norse skirra " to shrink from, shun(回避,避开); to prevent,
avert," related to skjarr "timid, shy, afraid of," of unknown
origin. In Scottish also skair, skar, and in dialectal English
skeer, skear, which seems to preserve the older pronunciation. To
scare up "procure, obtain" is first recorded 1846, American
English, from notion of rousing game from cover. Related: ; scaring.
446 schedule& n. 时间表,一览表,计划; v. 安排,计划,预定,编制目录
对比:scheme& v/n.策划,图谋,密谋
"make a schedule of, 1855; include in a schedule, 1862; from
(n.). Related: S
vt. 排定,安排;将…列表;为…作目录
late 14c., sedule, cedule "ticket, label, slip of paper with
writing on it," from Old French cedule (Modern French c&dule), from
Late Latin schedula "strip(剥光,长条)of paper" (in Medieval Latin also
"a note, schedule"), diminutive of Latin scheda, scida "one of the
strips forming a papyrus sheet," from Greek skhida
"splinter(使分裂,碎片,尖片)," from stem of skhizein "to cleave(劈开,剁开),
split" (see 【n. 棚,库;分水岭 vt. 流出;流下;蜕皮;树叶脱落 vi.
流出;蜕皮;脱落;散布】(v.)). Also from the Latin word are Spanish c&dula,
German Zettel.
The notion is of slips【slip 有“片,条”之意】 of paper attached to a
document as an appendix (a sense maintained in U.S. tax forms). The
specific meaning "printed timetable" is first recorded 1863 in
railway use. Modern spelling is a 15c. imitation of Latin, but
pronunciation remained "sed-yul" for the
modern British pronunciation ("shed-yul") is from French influence,
while the U.S. pronunciation ("sked-yul") is from the practice of
Webster, based on the Greek original.
short for , student slang from 1929.
447 search& n. 搜寻,探究; v. 搜寻,探求,调查
448 search engine& 检索驱动机
449 season& n. 季节,时期; v. 调味,使...适用
450 seat& n. 位子,席次,所在地; v. 坐
451 semester& n. 学期
半& semiconductor 半导体
452 seminar& n. (大学的)研究班,研讨会
1887, "special group-study class for advanced students," from
German Seminar "group of students working with a professor," from
Latin seminarium "breeding ground, plant nursery(婴儿室,苗圃,温床,滋生地)"
(see ). Sense of "meeting for discussion of a
subject" first recorded 1944.
mid-15c., "plot(地基,一块地) where plants are raised from seeds,"
from Latin seminarium "plant nursery, seed plot," figuratively,
"breeding ground," from seminarius "of seed," from semen (genitive
seminis) "seed" (see (精子,种子)). Meaning "school for training
priests" first recorded 1580s; commonly used for any school
(especially academies for young ladies) from 1580s to 1930s.
late 14c., from Latin semen "seed of plants, animals,
race, i posterity(后代), progeny(后裔),
offspring," figuratively "origin, essence, principle, cause," from
PIE *si-so-, reduplication of root *se- (1) "to sow" (cf. Latin
serere "to sow," Old Prussian semen "seed," Lithuanian semens "seed
of flax," Old Church Slavonic seme, Old High German samo "seed,"
German S see (播种) (v.)).
vi. 播(种),播种于 vt. 灌输;激起;散布;煽动 n. 母猪
Old English sawan "to scatter seed upon the ground or plant it
in the earth, disseminate" (class VII past tense seow,
past participle sawen), from Proto-Germanic *sean (cf. Old Norse
sa, Old Saxon saian, Middle Dutch sayen, Dutch zaaien, Old High
German sawen, German s&en, Gothic saian), from PIE root *se- (1)
"to sow" (cf. Latin sero, past tense sevi, past participle satum
"" Old Church Slavonic sejo, Lithuanian seju, seti
"to sow"), source of ,
(n.), etc. Figurative sense was in Old
Old English sugu, su "female of the swine," from Proto-Germanic
*su- (cf. Old Saxon, Old High German su, German Sau, Dutch zeug,
Old Norse syr), from PIE root *su- (cf. Sanskrit sukarah "wild
boar," Avestan hu "" Greek hys "" Latin sus
"swine," swinus "" Old Church Slavonic svinija
"" Lettish sivens "" Welsh hucc, Irish suig "
Old Irish socc "snout, plowshare"), possibly imitative of pig
noise, a notion reinforced by the fact that Sanskrit sukharah means
"maker of (the sound) 'su.' " Related to 【n. &旧&猪;&俚&讨厌鬼;下流坯;讨厌的人】. As a
term of abuse for a woman, attested from c.1500. Sow-bug "hog
louse" is from 1750.
453 serve& v. 可作...用,服务,对待
454 service& n. 服务,公务部门,服役; vt. 维护,保养
455 service charge& n.服务费,小费
456 shampoo& n. 洗头(洗发剂); vt 洗发
"soap for shampooing," 1866, from
1762, "to massage(按摩)," from Anglo-Indian shampoo, from Hindi
champo, imperative of champna "to press, knead the muscles,"
perhaps from Sanskrit capayati "pounds, kneads(揉,捏,按摩)." Meaning
"wash the hair" first recorded 1860; extended 1954 to carpets,
upholstery, etc. Related: S shampooing.
457 sheet& n. 床单,张,片; v. 盖上被单,遍布
458 shoot& n. 射击,芽,发射; v. 射击,发出,发芽
459 short& a. 短的,矮的; n. 短裤; adv. 短暂地;突然地,急地
460 shot& n. 炮弹,射击,射手; v. 射击,发出,发芽; vbl.
461 shuttle& n. 穿梭,往返移动之物; v. 使...穿梭移动
Old English scytel "a dart(投掷,投射), arrow," from West Germanic
*skutilaz (cf. Old Norse skutill "harpoon"), from PIE *skeud- "to
shoot, to chase, to throw, to project" (see
(v.)). The original sense in English is
the weaving instrument so called (mid-14c.) from being
"shot" across the threads. Sense of "train that runs back and
forth" is first recorded 1895, from image of the weaver's
instrument's back-and-forth mo extended to
aircraft 1942, to spacecraft 1969. In some other languages, the
weaving instrument takes its name from its resemblance to a boat
(cf. Latin navicula, French navette, German weberschiff).
462 sign& n. 符号,正负号,手势,迹象,招牌; v. 签,做手势,做标记
463 silver shoes& 银色的鞋子
464 similar& a. 相似的,类似的,相同,一样
465 singer& n. 歌手
466 slice& n. 薄的切片,一部份; v. 切成薄片,分配
late 15c., from Middle French esclicier, from Old French escliz
(n.)). Golfing sense is from 1890. Related:
S slicing. Sliced bread introduced 1958; greatest thing since
... first attested 1969.
No matter how thick or how thin you slice it it's still
baloney(胡说八道,鬼话,瞎扯). [Carl Sandburg, "The People, Yes," 1936]
c.1300, "a fragment," from Old French escliz "splinter,
fragment" (Modern French &clisse), a back-formation from esclicier
"to splinter, shatter(使破碎,使散开,使痛不欲生), smash," from Frankish *slitan
"to split" or some other Germanic source (cf. Old High German
see 【vt. 切开,撕开;使有狭缝 n. 狭长切口;裂缝;投币口】(v.)). Meaning
"piece cut from something" emerged early 15c. Meaning "a slicing
stroke" (in golf, tennis) is recorded from 1886. Slice of life
(1895) translates French tranche de la vie, a term from French
Naturalist literature.
467 smart& a. 聪明的,漂亮的; v. 刺痛; a. 时髦的,巧妙的
468 smashing& adj. 极好的;粉碎的;惨重的;活泼的
adv. 极好地
v. 打碎;捣毁;重击;撞毁(车辆)
469 smell& n. 味道,气味,嗅; v. 闻,探出,发臭
470 smelly& a. 有使人难受的气味的,臭的
471 smoked& 熏的
472 smoking& n. 吸烟
473 society& n. 社会
474 soda& n. 汽水,苏打
475 sort& n. 种类,样子,态度;
v. 分类,整理,排序;
n.[计算机] DOS命令 : 在字符型文件中进行数据排序, 或者将DOS命令的输出进行排序
476 souvenir& n. 纪念品&
1775, "a remembrance or memory," from French souvenir (12c.),
from Old French noun use of souvenir (v.) "to remember, come to
mind," from Latin subvenire "come to mind," from sub-
"up" (see ) + venire "to come" (see (会场,案发地点,审判地)). Meaning
"token(n.象征,记号v. 预兆,象征) of remembrance, memento(遗物,纪念品)" is first
recorded 1782.
477 special& n. 专辑,专车,特色菜,特价,特刊; a. 特别的,专门的
478 specific& n. 特效药,特性,详情; a.
Speci-=look,kind,表示"外观,种类,特别"& 来自spect-
especial特别的, 特殊的 (e+special[adj.特殊的,专门的;附加的,额外的]→adj.特别的,
&&& a matter
of especial importance 特别重要的事情
conspecific[植物, 动物]同种的 (con共同+specific特有的→共同特有的)
especially特别, 尤其 (especial[adj.特别的, 特殊的]+ly表副词→adv.特别, 尤其)
specimen标本,样本 (speci外观,种类,特别+men表物品→n.标本,样本)
species[物]种,种类 (speci外观,种类,特别+es表复数→[所有]种类)
specify指定, 详细说明, 列入清单,具有…特征
specification详述; [常n.]规格,说明书,规范
479 spend& v. (spent,spent) 花费,浪费,度过
480 spray& n. 水沫,喷雾器; v. 喷雾,扫射,喷射
481 stage& n. 阶段,舞台,驿站; v. 上演,表演,乘驿车旅行
482 stamp& n. 印,邮票,打印器; v. 捺印,顿足,贴上邮票
483 stand& n. 站立,停顿,楼台,货摊; v. 站立,忍受,位于,坐落
484 station& n. 车站,站,位置; v. 安置,配置
485 statue& n. 塑像,雕像
486 sticker& n. 尖刀(粘着剂,背面有粘胶的标签,张贴物,滞销物,难题)
n. 张贴物;固执的人,坚持不懈的人;难题,使人为难的东西;踌躇不决的人
vt. 给…贴上标签价
adj. 汽车价目标签的;汽车标签价的
487 sticking& a. 粘的; n. 粘,贴,粘胶
488 stomach &n. 胃;腹部;食欲;欲望 vt.
late 14c., earlier stomak (early 14c.), "internal pouch into
which food is digested," from Old French stomaque, estomac
"stomach," from Latin stomachus "throat, stomach," also
"taste, inclination, distaste," also "pride,
indignation," which were thought to have their origin in that organ
(source also of Spanish est&mago, Italian stomaco), from Greek
stomachos "throat, gullet, esophagus," literally "mouth, opening,"
from stoma "mouth" (see ).
Applied anciently to the openings of various internal organs,
especially that of the stomach, then by the later Greek physicians
to the stomach itself. The native word is . Some 16c. anatomists tried to correct the
sense back to "esophagus" and introduce ventricle for what we call
the stomach. Meaning "belly, midriff, part of the body that
contains the stomach" is from late 14c.
The spelling of the ending of the word was conformed to Latin, but
the pronunciation remains as in Middle English. Related: stomachial
(1580s); stomachical (c.1600); stomachic (1650s). Pugilistic
stomacher "punch in the stomach" is from 1814; from mid-15c. as
"vest or other garment which covers the belly." The Latin
figurative senses also were in Middle English (cf. "relish,
inclination, desire," mid-15c.) or early Modern English. Also
sometimes regarded in Middle Ages as the seat of sexual desire.
put up with
"tolerate, put up with," 1570s, from
(n.), probably in reference to
digestion(消化,领悟); earlier sense was opposite: "to be offended
at(被触怒,因…生气), resent" (1520s), echoing
Latin stomachari "to be resentful, be irritated, be angry," from
stomachus (n.) in its secondary sense of "pride, indignation."
Related: S stomaching.
489 stroke& n.
vt. (用笔等)画;轻抚;轻挪;敲击
vi. [体育]击球;[划船]作尾桨手,指挥划桨
vt.& vi. (打字时)击打键盘
用strike 助记
"act of striking," c.1300, probably from Old English *strac
"stroke," from Proto-Germanic *straik- (cf. Middle Low German
strek, German streich, Gothic striks "stroke"); see
The meaning "mark of a pen" is from 1560s; that of "a striking of a
clock" is from mid-15c. Sense of "feat, achievement" (e.g. stroke
of luck, 1853) first found 1670s; the meaning "single pull of an
oar or single movement of machinery" is from 1731. Meaning
"apoplectic seizure" is from 1590s (originally the Stroke of God's
Hand). Swimming sense is from 1800.
490 style& n. 风格,时尚,字体; v. 称呼,设计
491 subtle& ['sʌtl] a. 微妙的,敏感的,精细的,狡猾的
c.1300, sotilte, "skill, ingenuity【n.
足智多谋,心灵手巧;独创性;独出心裁,设计新颖;巧妙,精巧】," from Old French sotilte
"skillfulness, cunning" (Modern French subtilit&), from Latin
subtilitatem (nominative subtilitas) " simplicity,
slenderness," noun of quality from subtilis "fine, thin, delicate"
(see ). From late 14c. as "cleverness,
trickery, guile, craftiness," also "thinness,
slenderness, rarity." The -b- begins to appear late 14c.
in English, in imitation of Latin.
c.1300 (mid-13c. as a surname), sotil,
"penetrating(敏锐的,有洞察力的/贯穿,渗透); refined" (of the mind);
"sophisticated, intricate, abstruse" (of arguments), from Old
French sotil, soutil, subtil "adept, cunning,
well-crafted" (12c., Modern French subtil), from Latin
subtilis "fine, thin, delicate, finely woven(静心编织,精心编造的);"
figuratively "precise, exact, accurate," in taste or judgment,
"fine, keen(厉害的,敏锐的,锐利的,热心的)," of style, "plain, simple, direct,"
from sub "under" (see ) + -tilis, from tela "web, net, warp of a fabric"
From early 14c. in reference to things, "" in
reference to craftsmen, "cunning, skilled," Depreciative
sense "insidious, t deceitful" is from
mid-14c. Material senses of "not dense or viscous,
delicate, thin, fine, consisting of small particles" are
from late 14c. sotil wares were goods sold in powdered form or
finely ground. Partially re-Latinized in spelling, and also by
confusion with .
late 14c., "clever, dexterous, not dense, thin,
rarefied," from Old French subtil (14c.), a learned Latinized
reformation of earlier sotil (12c.), source of
(q.v.). Still used in some Bible
translations in Gen. iii:1, and it survived after 17c. as a
parallel formation to subtle in some material senses ("fine,
delicate, thin").
492 suggest& v. 建议,提出
mid-14c., "a prompting to evil," from Anglo-French and Old
French suggestioun, from Latin suggestionem (nominative suggestio)
"an addition, intimation, suggestion," from suggestus, past
participle of suggerere "suggest, supply, bring up," from sub "up"
(see ) + gerere "bring, carry" (see (故事诗,武功,故事)). Sense evolution in Latin is
from "heap up, build" to "bring forward an idea." Meaning
"proposal" appeared by late 14c., but original English notion of
"evil prompting" is preserved in suggestive (1630s, though the
indecent aspect did not emerge until 1888). Hypnotism sense is from
"famous deed, story, romance," c.1300, from Old French
geste "action, exploit, romance, history (of celebrated people or
actions)," from Latin gesta "actions, exploits, deeds,
achievements," neuter plural of gestus, past participle of gerere
"to carry on, wage, perform," of unknown origin. Cf. .
对比:congest 拥挤
493 suppose& vt. 假定;猜想,推测;认为;让(用于祈祷语气) vi.
early 14c., "to assume as the basis of
argument," from Old French supposer "to assume," probably a
replacement of *suppondre (influenced by Old French poser "put,
place"), from Latin supponere "put or place under," from sub
"under" + ponere "put, place" (see ). Meaning "to admit as possible, to
believe to be true" is from 1520s.
494 surf& n. 海浪; vi. 冲浪
1680s, probably from earlier suffe (1590s), of uncertain origin.
Originally used in reference to the coast of India, hence perhaps
of Indic origin. Or perhaps a phonetic respelling of sough, which
meant "a rushing sound."
495 surgery& n. 外科,外科手术
c.1300, from Anglo-French surgien (13c.), from Old French
serurgien, cirurgien, from cirurgie "surgery," from Latin
chirurgia, from Greek kheirourgia, from kheirourgos "working or
done by hand," from kheir "hand" (see ) + ergon "work" (see
before verbs chir-, word-forming element meaning "hand," from
Latinized form of Greek kheiro-, comb. form of kheir (genitive
kheiros) "the hand," from PIE *ghes- "hand" (cf. Hittite keshshar,
Armenian jern "hand").
496 swallow& n. 燕子; vt. 吞下,咽下,忍受; vi. 咽口水
497 swan& n. 天鹅;诗人,歌手 vi. 游荡;闲逛;随意旅行
Old English swan, from Proto-Germanic *swanaz (cf. Old Saxon
swan, Old Norse svanr, Middle Dutch swane, Dutch zwaan, Old High
German swan, German Schwan), probably literally "the singing bird,"
from PIE root *swon-/*swen- "to sing, make sound" (see
(n.1)); thus related to Old English geswin
"melody(旋律,曲调), song" and swinsian "to make melody."
In classical mythology, sacred to Apollo and to Venus. The singing
of swans before death was alluded to by Chaucer (late 14c.), but
swan-song (1831) is a translation of German Schwanengesang. Swan
dive is recorded from 1898. A black swan was proverbial for
"something extremely rare or non-existent" (late 14c.), after
Juvenal ["Sat." vi. 164], but later they turned up in
"Do you say no worthy wife is to be found among all these
crowds?" Well, let her be handsome, charming, let
her have ancient ancestors ra let her be more
chaste than all the dishevelled Sabine maidens who stopped the
war--a prodigy as rare upon the earth as a black swan! yet who
could endure a wife that possessed all perfections? I would rather
have a Venusian wench for my wife than you, O Cornelia, mother of
the Gracchi, if, with all your virtues, you bring me a haughty
brow, and reckon up Triumphs as part of your marriage portion.
498 sweet-sour chicken& 甜酸鸡
499 swim& 游泳
500 symptom& n. 症状,征兆
1540s, earlier sinthoma (late 14c.), from Medieval Latin
sinthoma "symptom of a disease," from Late Latin symptoma, from
Greek symptoma (genitive symptomatos) "a happening, accident,
disease," from stem of sympiptein "to
befall(降临到某人头上,发生)," from syn- "together" (see
) + piptein "to fall," from PIE *pi-pt-,
reduplicated form of root *pet- " to fly" (see
(n.)). Spelling altered in English by
influence of Middle French and Late Latin forms. Symptomatic in
general sense of "indicative (of)" is from 1751.
501 tackle& n. 用具,装备;索具;阻挡;阻截队员
vt. 着手处理;[橄榄球]擒住并摔倒(一名对方球员);给(马)配上挽具
vi. 擒住并摔倒一名对手
Firemen later tackled the blaze. 消防队员们后来扑灭了这场大火
502 taste& n. 味道,品味,味觉; v. 尝,体会
503 tasty& a. 好吃的
504 tax& n. 税,租税,重负; v. 课以税,使...负重荷,斥责
505 tennis court& 网球场
506 tense& a. 紧张的,拉紧的; v. 变为紧张,拉紧
"to make tense," 1670s, from
(adj.); intransitive sense of "to become
tense" (often tense up) is recorded from 1946. Related: T
"form of a verb showing time of an action or state," early 14c.,
tens "time," also "tense of a verb" (late 14c.), from Old French
tens "time" (11c.), from Latin tempus (see (时间的,世俗的,世间的事物,世俗的权力)).
"stretched tight," 1660s, from Latin tensus, past participle of
tendere "to stretch" (see (教义,信条,原则)). Sense of "in a state of
nervous tension(精神紧张)" is first recorded 1821.
507 term& n. 学期;条款;术语;期限 vt. 把…称为;把…叫做
"to give a particular name
to(董合奎注:其实就是对某个事物的“界定”)," mid-16c., from
(n.). Related: T terming.
early 13c., terme "limit in time, set or appointed period," from
Old French terme "limit of time or place" (11c.), from Latin
terminus "end, boundary line," related to termen "boundary, end"
(see (终点,界限,界石)). Old English
had termen "term, end," from Latin. Sense of "period of time
during which something happens" first recorded c.1300, especially
of a school or law court session (mid-15c.).
The meaning "word or phrase used in a limited or precise sense" is
first recorded late 14c., from Medieval Latin use to render Greek
horos "boundary," employed in mathematics and logic. Meaning
"completion of the period of pregnancy" is from 1844. Term-paper in
U.S. educational sense is recorded from 1931.
"a determining," legal term, from French terminer "to end," from
Latin terminare ( cf. also 听讼,听审).
"limiting conditions," early 14c.; see . Hence expressions such as come to terms,
make terms, on any terms, etc. Meaning "standing, footing, mutual
relations," as in expression on good terms (with someone), is
recorded from 1540s.
508 terrorist& n. 恐怖分子
509 textbook& n. 课本,教科书
text n. 文本,原文;课文,教科书;主题;版本
510 texture& n. (材料等的)结构,质地
511 the Statue of Liberty& 自由女神像
512 thirsty& a. 口渴的
513 thoroughly& adv. 彻底地;认真仔细地;完全地;非常
514 throw& n. 投,掷,抛; v. 丢,掷,抛
515 throw a party& 开宴会
516 throw up& 放弃;呕吐;产生(人才);匆匆建造(某物)
517 tie& n. 结,束缚,不分胜负,领带, 领结,鞋带; v. 系,打结,约束
518 tip& n. 顶,尖端,小费; v. 装顶端,倾斜,给小费
519 tissue& n. (动、植物的)组织,薄的纱织品; n. 餐巾纸,手巾纸
Issue 问题
520 top& n. 顶端,极点,最高地位;陀螺; a. 最高的,顶上的; v.
521 topic& n. 题目,话题,主题
522 topping& n. 构成顶部的东西;糕点上的装饰配料
adj. 杰出的,一流的;高耸的
v. 加顶;到达顶部(top的现在分词形式)
523 tough& a. 强硬的,艰苦的,棘手的,严厉的
524 tourist& a. 旅游的; n. 旅游者,观光者
525 tourist attractions& 观光胜地
526 train& n. 火车,行列;长裙拖地部分; v. 训练,教养
527 transfer& n. 迁移,移动,换车; v. 转移,调转,调任
528 trashy& a. 碎屑的,没用的,蹩脚的
529 travel case& 旅行用化妆盒
530 traveler's check& 旅行支票
531 traveling& 旅行的(travel的现在分词)
532 tray& n. 盘,托盘,碟 &
betray& 背叛,出卖,泄露
late 13c., bitrayen "mislead, deceive, betray," from
+ obsolete(废弃的事物,废词) Middle English tray,
from Old French traine "betrayal, deception, deceit," from trair
(Modern French trahir) "betray, deceive," from Latin tradere
"hand over(交出,交付)," from trans- "across" (see ) + dare "to give" (see
(n.1)). Related: B
betraying.& 本词最初表示“泄密”----giveover 泄密
also give-away, “act of giving away,” 1872, from phrase give
away, c.1400 (of brides, from 1719); meaning “to betray, expose,
reveal” is 1878, originally U.S. slang.
533 triple& n. 三倍之数,三个一组; a. 三倍的
534 trouble& n. 麻烦,困难; v. 困扰,麻烦,烦恼
535 Turkey& n. 土耳其,火鸡
536 type& n. 类型,品种,样式,模范; v. 打字; n. 铅字,字体
537 ugly& a. 丑陋的,难看的
538 unlimited& a. 无限的,不受限制的,无条件的
539 upset& a. 烦乱的,不高兴; v.
540 used& a. 使用过的,二手的,习惯的; v. 用,以前曾经; vbl.
541 variety& n. 多样,种类,杂耍
542 vegetable& a. 蔬菜的,植物的; n. 蔬菜
543 vehicle& n. 传播媒介,工具,手段,交通工具,车辆;; [语]喻体
544 video& a. 录像的; n. 录像(机); vt. 制作...的录像
545 volleyball& n. 排球
546 wager ['weɪdʒə(r)] &n. 赌注; v. 打赌,赌博; vi.
打赌; vt. 押注,打赌,保证,担保
c.1600, from
(n.). Related: W wagering.
c.1300, from Anglo-French wageure, from Old North French wagier
"to pledge" (see
工资;报应 (董合奎注:工资就是对你安全和工作的保证)
vt.& vi. 实行,进行,作(战等);〈方〉雇佣;〈古〉打赌,抵押,担保
early 14c., "to pledge, deposit as a pledge," from Old North
French wagier (Old French gagier), from wage (see
(n.)). Meaning "to carry on" (of war, etc.)
is attested from mid-15c., probably from earlier sense of "to offer
as a gage【n. 厚度;直径;测量仪表;规格
vt. 计量;度量;估计;判断】 of battle" (early 15c.). Related: W
c.1300, "a payment for services rendered(提供的),"
also in Middle English "a pledge of
安全;保证,担保;保护,防护;有价证券 adj.
安全的,保安的,保密的】" (mid-14c.), from Old North French wage (Old
French guage) "pledge," from Frankish *wadja- (cf. Old English
wedd, Gothic wadi "pledge"); see . Modern French cognate gages (plural) means
"wages of a domestic," one of a plethora of French words for
different classes, e.g. traitement (university professor), paye,
salaire (workman), solde (soldier), r&compense, prix. The Old
English word was lean, related to
and representing the usual Germanic form
(cf. Gothic laun, Dutch loon, German lohn).
vi. 嫁,娶,(与…)结婚 (董合奎注:最初表示“立誓”)
Old English weddian "to pledge(保证,誓言),
covenant(立誓,承诺,协定) to do something, marry," from
Proto-Germanic *wadjojanan (cf. Old Norse ve&ja "to bet, wager,"
Old Frisian weddia "to promise," Gothic ga-wadjon "to betroth"),
from PIE root *wadh- "to pledge, to redeem a pledge" (cf. Latin
vas, genitive vadis "bail, security," Lithuanian vaduoti "to redeem
a pledge"). Sense remained "pledge" in other Germanic languages
(cf. German Wette "bet, wager"); development to "marry" is unique
to English. "Originally 'make a woman one's wife by giving a pledge
or earnest money', then used of either party" [Buck]. Related:
547 wait on& 服侍
548 walk& n. 散步,步行; v. 走路
549 wedding& n. 婚礼
550 wedge& n. 楔子,楔形物; v. 楔住,嵌,挤进
hedge &&n.
树篱;保护手段;防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段& (还有其他词性)
pledge& n.
保证,誓言;[法]抵押权;公约;(表示友谊的)干杯& (还有其他词性)
551 wimp& n. 懦弱的人,无用的人 ,瘪三
1986, with out (adv.), from
(n.). Related: W wimping.
1920 (but not attested again until 1960), perhaps a
clipped form(截断形式,截短形式) of whimper (cf whimp,
1540s), perhaps influenced by J. Wellington Wimpy, comparatively
unaggressive character in "Popeye(大力水手)"
1967, from
(2). Related: Wimpiness.
552 win& v. 赢得,胜利,成功
553 wing& n. 翅膀,翼
554 wondering& 觉得奇怪的(wonder的现在分词)
555 world& n. 世界
556 worn& a. 磨损的,疲倦的; v. 穿,带; vbl. 穿,戴
557 worth& n. 价值; prep.&a. 值...钱,值得...的
558 wrap& n. 披肩,围巾; v. 覆盖,包围,裹,包; n. 包裹; vt.
559 wrapped& 有包装的
560 yard& n. 庭院,码


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