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network是什么意思 network在线翻译 network什么意思 network的意思 network的翻译 network的解释 network的发音 network的同义词 network的反义词
network英 ['netw?:k] 美 ['netw?:rk] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:network 基本解释network的翻译名词网; (电视与计算机)网络; 网状物; 广播网及物/不及物动词将…连接成网络; 建立工作关系及物动词把(地方节目)编排到广播网(或电视网)联播; 使(全国)联播; (如)用网覆盖; 广泛分布不及物动词沟通,互助&#100;&#97;&#110;&#99;&#105;&#46;&#57;&#49;&#49;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;手机查看network的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 network 即可network 相关例句及物动词1. They have made a decision about which programmes are to be networked.&&&&关于哪些节目将被联播他们已作出了决定。名词1. 1. They have developed marketing networks.&&&&他们已经形成了一个销售网络。2. The President's speech was broadcast on a national television network.&&&&总统演说由全国电视网联播。network 网络解释1. &&电视台风云&:在1972年影片<>(The Godfather)中三人再度合作,杜瓦尔扮演的律师一角为他首度赢得奥斯卡提名,70年代他陆续出演了<>(The Godfather: Part II)、<>(The Killer Elite)、<>(Network)、<<百分之七的解2. 网路:log_type = SYSLOG daemon info cps = 50 10 # 网路 (network) 相关的预设值使用 rsync 这个可以进行远端镜射 (mirror) 的服务来说明.
rsync 可以让两部主机上面的某个目录一模一样, 在远端异地备援系统上面是挺好用的一个机制.3. 网络,网络:网络网络网络网络(NetWork)菜单菜单菜单菜单电缆状态电缆状态电缆状态电缆状态(Cable Status):NetTool在设置(Setup)选择PC或网络网络网络网络(Network)图标以获取详细的连接设选择问题问题问题问题(Problems)选项,network 双语例句1. &#x64;&#x61;&#x6E;&#x63;&#x69;&#x2E;&#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x63;&#x68;&#x61;&#x2E;&#x63;&#x6F;&#x6D;1. Key words: comm Ad Hoc network;
cross- hop count&&&&关键 词:通信技术;Ad Hoc网络;媒体接入控制;跨层;退避算法;跳数2. To keep from packet looping in network, a hop count field is used in the header of packet. 6. A PRN operating system is developed under the radio platform. First, we analyzed the source code of NOS, which is developed according to TCP/IP.&&&&在无线实验平台的基础上,进行了对现有以TCP/IP为标准开发的网络操作系统NOS的源程序的分析和研究,实现了PRN协议层和IP协议层随接口的研究和实现。3. And it just uses today's software, perhaps new versions of it at very low incremental costs, because the PC and the network are already in place.&&&&而且它仅仅使用今天的软件,也许它的新版本在非常低的增加费用,因为个人计算机和网络已经是在地方中。4. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity.&&&&Deloitte泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,以及其一家或多家成员所/公司。5. 5. This is still your network, and your former company is still important.&&&&这仍然是你的关系网,你的前雇主仍旧很重要。6. Establishment of a good friend of network is necessary, because it may lead you to career success.&&&&建立一个良好的朋友关系网是必要的,因为它可能引导你走向事业上的成功。7. network在线翻译7. I have heard many times that if you want to be successful, you should have a wide network of friendship.&&&&我听过很多次如果你想要成功,你必须有很宽的关系网。8. 8. A company`s network of relationships can become a major asset and competitive advantage.&&&&一家公司的关系网可能成为一份重要的资产和竞争优势。9. Under this circumstances, teachers and researchers need network simulator which can be suitable for education and research.&&&&在这种背景下,教师和科研人员需要一个适用于日常教学和科研的网络仿真工具。10. A highly developed technology allows us to access can not rely only on paper, so we could ask, since it is in order to get information, and only 16 days of competition has a strong information chronergical, with almost no continuous 24-hour television broadcasting and the work of the network world, how many digital files need to be real printed out?&&&&低度成长的技艺使我们得回新闻的道路完残可以不只凭借纸介质,因此我们经不起给答,既然是为了得回新闻,而且只是与16地的角逐有关的具有很不弱的时效性的新闻,借助实在不会不断的电视转播和24小时处事的网络寰宇,到不顶有众众数字文件需给假冒的印制出来呢?11. This year has just moved into new, I feel pretty good, it is conducive to learning, all very convenient, but the days gradually to enter the winter, unfortunately, it does not heat the building in winter, to heat, then, it is necessary to 800, 000 cross-network charges, the number of really good big ah!&&&&&&今年刚刚搬进新寮房,感觉蛮不错的,很利于学习,一切都很方便,可是天渐渐的要进入冬季了,很可惜的,这楼房冬天不供热,如果要供热的话,要交入网费八十万,真是好大的数目啊!12. And then a ship generator excitation compound control method with rough neural network inverse system feed forward compensation was presented, and the stability and reliability of compound system was analyzed.&&&&&&利用粗糙集数据智能分析与决策规则自动提取的优点以及神经网络良好的泛化能力,提出了粗糙-神经网络逆模型的具体实现方法;在证明五阶同步发电机模型可逆的基础上,研究了船舶同步发电机的粗糙-神经网络逆模型,提出了基于粗糙-神经网络逆模型前馈补偿的船舶发电机励磁复合控制方法,并对复合控制的稳定性和可靠性进行了分析。13. To deal with the use of both sides of the face, the left side are concave thumb position, the use of anti-network design, the right side to support the design and ring for intense and long-lasting comfort to provide the best games and the most control of.&&&&&&两侧面采用磨沙处理,左侧面有拇指内凹位置,采用网点防滑设计,右侧面的设计亦能够承托无名指和尾指,为激烈而持久的游戏提供最佳的舒适性和最强的掌控性。14. 14. If be to make network promotion before you, rely on group of hair to rely on a station group will link, so ask you to look for a true SEO or oneself person learns to fall, do not regard the person that we get SEO as idiocy, if you received fund, SEO is not equal to group of hair, cannot give family place the thing of need again, still withdraw fund to the family, although likely now network company is very hard, it is not easy to make money, always than be being worn by person jab backbone is scolded be close friends&&&&&&假如你们以前是做网络推广,靠群发靠站群来链接的,那么请你们找个真正的SEO或者自己的人学下,不要把我们搞SEO的人都看成白痴,SEO不等于群发假如你们收了钱,又不能给人家所需要的东西,还是把钱退给人家吧,尽管现在可能网络公司很艰难,赚钱不轻易,总比被人戳着脊梁骨骂要好15. Product specifications complete, sales of network coverage throughout the country and exported to Hong Kong, Japan, Southeast Asia and other places.&&&&&&产品规格齐全,销售网络覆盖全国各地,并出口香港、日本、东南亚等地。16. From the point of view of function approximation, a new nonlinear time series prediction model based on wavelet network and its learning algorithm by conjugate gradient method are developed. This model is applied to predict faults of propulsion system for spacecraft.&&&&&&研究了小波网络模型,从函数逼近角度出发,提出基于小波网络模型的非线性时间序列预报模型,给出了基于共轭梯度的学习算法,并把该模型用于空间推进系统的早期故障预报。17. Intuitively, the total flow of a network is the rate at which water comes out of the outlet.&&&&&&直观,总流量的网络的速度水出来的电源插座。18. Integrated service network, and the professional service engineers with abundant experience is our source of confidence to guarantee satis faction to customers.&&&&&&务体系完整,清易化工/ CLEKING 拥有一批经验丰富的洗涤技师,更是让使用清易化工/ CLEKING 产品的众多用户无后顾之忧。19. 19. At first This paper formulates the necessity for depurating network information content, and introduces the history of information security and study point in information security. Also this paper analyses in detail the key technology of content filtering such as data frame capture, bridge, network protocol analysis and content analysis. And then this paper comes up with the solution for content filtering facing application layer which is based on the technology of protocol analysis and format conversion in combination with text filtering techonology of Multiple Patterns Matching..Also this paper amplifies on the design and the implement method of each module. Finally this paper introduces how the client of content filtering system manages the keywords and log and makes suggestion for the improvement of the system.&&&&&&本文首先阐述了对网络信息内容净化的必要性,介绍了信息安全的发展过程以及当前信息安全方面的研究重点,详细分析了内容过滤的关键技术,如数据帧捕获、网桥、网络协议分析和内容分析等方面的技术,然后提出了在Windows2000下实现基于协议分析技术,结合多模式匹配的文本过滤技术,面向应用层的内容过滤解决方案,并给出了内容过滤引擎的详细设计以及各个模块的实现方法,最后介绍了内容过滤系统客户端对有害信息关键词和日志的管理以及对本系统改进的一些建议。20. But announcement of the Ministry of Public Security reminds, illegal element uses great majority person to operate circuit to what shop on the net, how avoid risk and discern the characteristic that illegal website lack understands, of network of have the aid of concealment quality, buy with network group for the name executive bilk commits a crime.&&&&&&但公安部通知提醒,有不法分子利用绝大多数人对网上购物的操作流程、如何规避风险和辨别非法网站缺乏了解的特点,借助网络的隐蔽性,以网络团购为名实施诈骗犯罪。network 词典解释1. 网状物;网状系统&&&&A network of lines, roads, veins, or other long thin things is a large number of them which cross each other or meet at many points.network的反义词&&&&e.g. ...Strasbourg, with its rambling network of medieval streets...&&&&&&&&&&&中世纪街道纵横交织的斯特拉斯堡&&&&e.g. The uterus is supplied with a rich network of blood vessels and nerves.&&&&&&&&&&&密布的血管和神经网向子宫输送养料。2. (人或机构组成的)网络&&&&A network of people or institutions is a large number of them that have a connection with each other and work together as a system.&&&&e.g. Distribution of the food is going ahead using a network of local church people and other volunteers...&&&&&&&&&&&食品正通过当地教会人士和其他志愿者形成的网络分发下去。&&&&e.g. He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide.&&&&&&&&&&&他很乐意指出家庭网络可以带来的好处。3. 网络;联动系统&&&&A particular network is a system of things which are connected and which operate together. For example, a computer network consists of a number of computers that are part of the same system.&&&&e.g. ...a computer network with 154 terminals...&&&&&&&&&&&有154个终端的计算机网络&&&&e.g. Huge sections of the rail network are out of action.&&&&&&&&&&&铁路网的很多区段停运。4. 广播网;电视网&&&&A radio or television network is a company or group of companies that broadcasts radio or television programmes throughout an area.&&&&e.g. An American network says it has obtained the recordings.&&&&&&&&&&&美国一家广播网声称已经得到了那些录音材料。&&&&e.g. ...Fuji Television Network, a highly successful commercial station.&&&&&&&&&&&富士电视网,一家非常成功的商业电视台5. 对(电视或广播节目)进行联播&&&&When a television or radio programme is networked, it is broadcast at the same time by several different television companies.network是什么意思&&&&e.g. Lumsdon would like to see his programme sold and networked...&&&&&&&&&&&拉姆斯敦希望看到自己的节目卖出,并进行联播。&&&&e.g. He had once had his own networked chat show.&&&&&&&&&&&他曾经拥有自己的电视联播访谈节目。6. 建立工作关系网;交际&&&&If you network, you try to meet new people who might be useful to you in your job.&&&&e.g. In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.&&&&&&&&&&&在生意场上,通过与尽可能多的人面对面地打交道来建立工作关系很重要。network 单语例句1. They have established more than 230 overseas Chinese associations that together form a global business network.2. With a global corporate aircraft network, its principal business items include corporate aircraft flights and domestic and international emergency medical airplanes.3. The contract will enable SCN to simulcrypt programming broadcasts on its network, a requirement for future business growth.4. Yet her devotion to one social network is not an act of sentimentality - it's part of a careful strategy for combating social media burnout.5. The 48 Group Club is an independent business network committed to promoting positive relations with China.6. The network support management system includes features such as a data collection and management platform, comprehensive business monitoring and report management.7. The US Government places stringent restrictions on the marketing network and business scope of foreign banks.8. It is an open secret that building a network of connections is critical to running a successful business.9. The president said there was a trend that " software is becoming the most important thing " in the telecoms network business.10. Police said the bust of the criminal network was important to push forward the national crackdown on similar 英英释义noun1. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals&&&&Synonym: 2. (broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs&&&&e.g. the networks compete to broadcast important sports events3. (electronics) a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits&&&&Synonym: 4. a system of intersecting lines or channels&&&&e.g. a railroad network&&&&&&&&&&&a network of canals5. an interconnected system of things or people&&&&e.g. he owned a network of shops&&&&&&&&&&&retirement meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been part of my life&&&&&&&&&&&tangled in a web of cloth&&&&Synonym: verb1. communicate with and within a group&&&&e.g. You have to network if you want to get a good jobnetwork是什么意思,network在线翻译,network什么意思,network的意思,network的翻译,network的解释,network的发音,network的同义词,network的反义词,network的例句,network的相关词组,network意思是什么,network怎么翻译,单词network是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注network connection是什么意思_百度知道
network connection是什么意思
network connection英 [&#712;netw&#601;:k k&#601;&#712;nek&#643;&#601;n] 美 [&#712;n&#603;t&#716;w&#602;k k&#601;&#712;n&#603;k&#643;&#601;n]网络接线网络连接;网络连线双语例句1. And realize network connection on UDP agreement of network between two computers. 实现了基于UDP协议的两台计算机之间的网络连接.2. Please check your network connection or try another page. 请检查您的网络连接,或者尝试另一页.3. The network connection was aborted by the local system. 网络连接被终止的本地系统.4. The network connection was made successfully using default credentials. 使用默认凭据成功连接网络.5. Hardware trouble elimination, network connection, and accessory assembling, etc. 硬件方面的故障排除, 网络连接, 散件组装等.
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。nomological network是什么意思
nomological network网络;关系网;规则网络例句The research described below provides a start at embedding real time affect at work in a nomological network.下述研究为在法理学的网络中潜入实时情感提供了一个开端。
MTMM 要的是 construct validity。里面要有 MSQ (测工作满足的,主要构念),JDS(另外一个测工作满足的),OCQ (测组织承诺的,“近似”满足感的构念)。nomological network 要的是前因、后果。里面要有 MSQ (测工作满足的,主要构念),PANA(满足感的前因),离职倾向(满足感的后果)。
Network Operations Center网络操作中心双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 网络作业中心2. 网络操作中心
Microsoft Network的意思
沪江词库精选Microsoft Network是什么意思、英语单词推荐
If your Network Administrator has enabled it, Microsoft Windows can examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings.
如果您的网络管理员允许,Microsoft Windows可以检查您的网络并自动查找网络连接设置。
Microsoft Corp., Yahoo Inc. and America Online Inc., among others, are currently trying to retrofit the network so e-mail senders can be authenticated - a way to cut down on junk messages sent using spoofed addresses.
Bangkok is surrounded by a vast,damp,alluvial plain,crisscrossed by a network of klong.
Network programming and routing protocols' implementation such as BGP4, OPSF, MPLS, VPN and so on.
U.S. Sprint, which is spending more than 2.5 billion on a 23,000-mile network, has a large number of TV commercial advertising to show off its advantages in the network.
Even CBS, regarded as the & cleanest& TV network, had 3.2 scenes of violence and abusive language per hour
&This network is controlled by the heart that beats around 70 times a minute, or 2,575,440 times in a lifetime of 70 years.&
In either case , the virus can spread to more users, and more machines ,via floppy disks or networks .
State-of–the-art advances in performance, economical pricing , local area net-works, and the benefits of digital telephone nerworks
In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control.
【计】 微软公司
微软公司最新的多媒体技术,很多运行于Windows 95环境的新游戏需要DirectX。DirectX 7.0a包含了对Direct3D、DirectDraw、DirectPlay、DirectSo
【计】 微软视窗软件
【计】 微软应用程序接口
微软网际网络探险家,IE浏览器(=MSIE;Microsoft Internet Explorer)
phr. 磁盘操作系统
【电】 H网络
【计】 网络-框架-规则
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属


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