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中文翻译n.1.人道主义,人本主义,人文主义。2.人文学;〔h- 或H-〕(文艺复兴期的)古典文学研究。&&&&历史人文... &&&&&&人本主义思潮... &&&&&&人文主义思想教育... &&&&&&国际人道主义... &&&&&&文化新时代... &&&&&&人本主义的; 人文主义的... &&&&&&宗教人文主义... &&&&&&文艺复兴人文主义; 文艺复兴时期的人文主义... &&&&&&叫做凡俗人文主义... &&&&&&即人文主义的哲学... &&&&&&三位一体人道主义... &&&&&&vt.,vi. =humanize. ... &&&&&&教化; 母乳化; 人类化... &&&&&&人道主义和革命... &&&&&&人免疫球蛋白... &&&&&&n. 人性学者;人道主义者,人文主义者,人本主义者;〔h- 或H-〕(文艺复兴期的)古典文学研究家。 ... &&&&&&人体学... &&&&&&人道主义党... &&&&&&人生长激素... &&
例句与用法Santayana was by no means the only writer to couple the new humanism unfavourably with new england .把新人文主义拿来和新英格兰相提并论而把它加以贬抑的不只桑塔亚那一个人。Being care of the humanism is the base of management试论以人为本的企业管理思想Reevaluation of the two connotations of humanism对人道主义内涵两种划分的再理解Creating the educational spirit of scientific humanism构建科学人文主义教育精神Anti - humanism in theory althusser ' s explanation to marxism阿尔都塞的马克思诠释On the humanism olympics from historical perspective从历史角度审视奥运人文价值The mythology of ancient greek and the thought of humanism古希腊神话与人本思想On physics science with humanism - oriented thinking论以人文为思维导向的物理科学The deconstruction of humanism spirit in online verse网络诗歌对人文精神的解构Ecologism and humanism : their way of reconciliation生态主义与人文主义的和解之路更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the doctrine emphasizing a person''s capacity for self-realiz rejects religion and the supernatural同义词:, the doctrine that people''s duty is to promote human welfare同义词:, the cultural movement of the R based on classical studies
百科解释Humanism is a group of philosophies and ethical perspectives which emphasize the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers individual thought and evidence (rationalism, empiricism), over established doctrine or faith (fideism). The term humanism can be ambiguously diverse, and there has been a persistent confusion between several related uses of the term because different intellectual movements have identified with it over time.详细百科解释
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v. 穿过,闪过
phr. 金鲷属
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【医】 产红色链霉菌
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=Hand Radar 携带式雷达
=human resource 人力资源
【化】 因子Xa; 凝血因子Xa; 凝血酶原激酶; 活性司徒因子; 活性斯图尔特因子
phr. 金鲷属
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堂奥 基本解释堂奥[táng ào ]词典:堂奥;深奥,深刻,深厚( profundity的名词复数 )。词典the innermost recess of a hall:堂奥。词典the interior of a country:堂奥。词典profundity of thought or knowledge:堂奥。堂奥 汉英大词典堂奥[táng ào][书]手机查看堂奥的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 堂奥 即可堂奥 双语例句1. 堂奥的反义词1. 她打算一探哲学和宗教的堂奥。&&&&She planned to explore the depths of philosophy and religion.2. 中西方文化精髓是人类的共同遗产和思想资源,挖掘这座人文宝藏,可以窥见多元民族文化的堂奥,并追寻当今世界根源性的精神。&&&&The Essence of Chinese and western culture is the common heritage and thoughts resources of mankind.3. 3. 我们有一个过于庞杂的制度设计,它复杂到即使那些最聪明的学术大师也难窥其堂奥。&&&&Here we have a system that is, by far, too complicated for thebrightest of the master scholars to understand.4. 4. 我们有一个过于庞杂的制度体系,它复杂到即使那些最聪明的学术大师也难窥其堂奥。&&&&Here we have a system that is, by far, too complicated for the brightest of the master scholars to understand.5. 我相信,绝大多数的同学修读了中国文化课程,都能得到进入堂奥的钥匙。&&&&The large majority of those taking our courses in Chinese civilisation, I believe, will obtain a key to the vault of treasure.6. 6. 所以说,只知林荫路而不知马岗顶的人,必定是走马看花的过客;而知道马岗顶却不知其美的人,那就只能是窥夫子之门墙却不能入其堂奥的人了。&&&&Therefore, only know how Avenue and Ma Gang Ding I do not know the people, must be spent Zouma to see the guests, and Ma Gang Ding did not know that the United States, it can only be a glimpse of Master's Gate are not into the wall of their Tangao People.7. 7. 因为它表现的内容很抽象空灵,譬如散文,疏松平常的字句搭在一起,且要形散神不散,实在是堂奥于此。&&&&The wisdom hiding in Guqin much resembles what we can find in proses, putting casual words and plain-looking sentences together to carry on the essence cloaked in an unwitting appearance.8. 他通过比较文化研究,在深入西学堂奥之后再回归于中国哲学的现代重建,因而他的中国哲学建构具备了世界文化的宏阔背景并赋予其普遍的现代意义。&&&&His comparative cultural studies and modern reconstruction ofchinese philosophy based on indepth research of western philosphy have equippedhis construction of chinese philosophy with a broad perspevtive of Chinese.9. 虚心是当我在某个领域努力过一段时间之后,深知其堂奥之深,知道自己还有很大的努力空间。&&&&Modesty is that the profoundity is discovered after effort is made. There is still room to make effort for.10. 或许有一天,读者们能进入物理世界的堂奥,为我们解决黑暗能量以及宇宙成份之谜。&&&&And perhaps even the reader will be the future scientist who will unveil the mystery of the dark energy and of the content of the universe.11. 民族民间文化向来是中国传统文化中一朵瑰丽的奇葩,将之与现代标志设计成功嫁接已有成功范例,不失为又一条通向标志设计堂奥的捷径。&&&&&&National and folk culture has always been the magnificent part in traditional Chinese culture, whose integration with modern logo design has been proved a successful shortcut.12. 在海防思想上,薛福成提出化门户为堂奥的海防战略思想,树立了海军机动作战的观念。&&&&&&On coast defense thought, Xue FuCheng proposed coast defense strategic thought of " turn door into the innermost recess of a hall ". He established the flexible idea that the navy fighted.13. 13. 没有丰富的中文修养难以深窥中国画的堂奥,从而探骊得珠。&&&&&&Without rich knowledge for Chinese literature, one cannot understant the truth of traditional Chinese painting.14. 在海防思想上,薛福成提出化门户为堂奥的海防战略思想,树立了海军机动作战的观念。&&&&&&On coast defense thought, Xue FuCheng proposed coast defense strategic thought of " turn door into the innermost recess of a hall ". He established the flexible idea that the navy fighted.15. 本文从社会心理学、文学心理学和精神分析学入手,结合心理美学、文学人类学和文艺发生学,对福克纳小说创作的发生、其隐含形式和内在机制进行心理上的跟踪,对其创作模式进行美学上的探讨,对其作品取得巨大成功的堂奥进行文化上的揭示,从而为更好地理解福克纳、更准确地解读其文本提供一个新的视角和参照。&&&&&&This dissertation, based on social psychology, literature psychology, and depth psychology, and combined with aesthetics of psychology, literature humanics, focuses on explaining the causes of the creation of William Faulkner's fiction, its implied meaning and its inner mechanism in the sense of psychology, on discussing the mode of creation in the sense of aesthetics and on opening out the secret of his highly successful creation, so that a new point of view can be adopted to better understand Faulkner and his fiction.16. 堂奥的反义词16. 因为它表现的内容很抽象空灵,譬如散文,疏松平常的字句搭在一起,且要形散神不散,实在是堂奥于此。&&&&&&Furthermore, the gap of thinking mode between the ancient and the contemporary are subtle as well as vast.堂奥是什么意思,堂奥在线翻译,堂奥什么意思,堂奥的意思,堂奥的翻译,堂奥的解释,堂奥的发音,堂奥的同义词,堂奥的反义词,堂奥的例句,堂奥的相关词组,堂奥意思是什么,堂奥怎么翻译,单词堂奥是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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