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how to do 同义句转换how can i do it 吗
他两的意思相同,但是不能互换。因为how can i do it是一个问句的句式,how to do 是一个陈述句句式。如果要换成how can&I do it 的陈述句应该是how I can do it。举例:I dont know how to learn Spanish well. 我不知道如何能学好西班牙语。转换:How can I learn Spanish well?转换:I dont know how I can learn Spanish well.
不行但可转换成 how I can do it.从句不能用问句形式,用陈述句。
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Tummy time: Why and how to do it
Every young baby should spend time on her tummy. Learn why and see five great tummy time positions.Video note: Nothing graphic here! Keep calm and carry on.
Narrator: Tummy time means having your baby spend time on his tummy so he can develop important muscles and physical skills. It's something every young baby should do.Pediatrician Wendy Wallace: Hi, I’m Dr. Wallace.Arlene: Hi, I’m Arlene, and this is Mateo.Pediatrician: Nice to meet you.Narrator: First-time mothers Arlene, Amy, and Kate –&and their babies, 2-week old Mateo, 2-month-old Izzy, and 4-month-old Rory – are meeting with pediatrician Wendy Wallace of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.They want to understand why tummy time is so important and learn some great ways to do it.Pediatrician: When a baby’s on its belly, the baby has to work.&The baby has to push up, turn the neck, move around a bit to hear sound, to hear Mom, to see the world. So it’s important for development of the upper body strength of the babies to spend some time on their tummy.Narrator: This ultimately helps your baby learn to push up, roll over, sit up, crawl, and pull to a stand. Tummy time also reduces the chance of your baby developing a flat spot on her head from spending too much time on her back.Pediatrician: Now Izzy’s head is beautiful. You can look at it above and you see a nice round head.Narrator: Even so, your baby should always be put to sleep on his back, since that's the safest sleep position.Pediatrician: It’s been a number of years that the American Academy of Pediatrics has been&recommending the back to sleep campaign&and we saw a dramatic decrease in the number of babies who had crib death.Narrator: So when should you do tummy time?When your baby is a newborn, put him on his tummy as often as you can when he’s awake.&Starting this habit from the day he’s born will help your baby get used to tummy time so he can learn to enjoy the position. If he falls asleep, roll him onto his back for safety.If your baby hasn’t been doing tummy time since day one and doesn’t seem to like it, start with a few minutes each day. Build up to sessions of one to ten minutes each, scattered throughout the day. By the time your baby is 3 months old, &she should be spending at least 30 to 60 minutes on her tummy every day. Now Dr. Wallace will teach the moms five excellent tummy time positions.First, belly to belly.Pediatrician: There are different positions you can start with that actually give the baby tummy time without, you know, putting them down on the ground.Pediatrician: One that you do quite frequently is with the baby on your belly. And that one babies love a lot. Because when they lift their little heads up, they see you, and that’s exactly what they want to see.Narrator: This is a great position for newborns.A second and popular way to practice tummy time is on the floor. Place your baby on a mat or receiving blanket.Pediatrician: You pull their little arms in and you place them just like this. It pulls their head up a little bit, and then if they’re fighting, they actually fight to pull their arms out and build up their muscle.So you just keep propping them up, and they fall down. You can also use a blanket rolled up and place it underneath their arms.Narrator: Bring your face to your baby's level so you're 8 to 10 inches apart or hold up a mirror in front of her. Babies love to see faces, so this will motivate her to lift and move her head.Next up, the lap.Pediatrician: The next position is actually something you can do with Izzy where you place her down – head down – and her arms are kind of relaxing and you just kind of can rock and pat. If you spread your legs a little bit, their bellies hang down and if she wants to see anything, she has to lift her head. So that actually that is good for neck muscle development. Just like that.Narrator: The tummy carry is a great position when you're on the move. Turn your baby face down. Place one arm under your baby's chin using the palm of your hand to support his chest. Then slide your other forearm between the legs and place your hand on his belly for added support.Pediatrician: Yay!Narrator: The fifth position is great for babies who have good head control, like 4-month-old Rory.Pediatrician: So now we’re going to show how to do the airplane. Okay?Narrator: Lie on your back and bend your legs. Put your baby's tummy against your shins with his head at your knees. Then lift your feet off the floor while holding onto your baby firmly.Pediatrician: And you’re lifting them up. You like that!Narrator: Give several positions a try. Most likely, you'll stick with the one or two that your baby likes best.As your baby gets older and stronger, the floor will probably become your go-to option.No matter what position you use, consider these tips to keep tummy time enjoyable and safe.Incorporate tummy time into your daily routine. For example, every time you change your baby’s diaper, turn him onto his tummy afterward for a minute or two – or longer, if he’s happy there.You can use toys and books to entice your baby and get her to lift and turn her head.Pediatrician: You want to move toys around so that you get her to look right and to look left ... yeah.Narrator: Always watch your baby closely during tummy time. Never leave him alone, even for a second.You may want to do tummy time before your baby's nap.Pediatrician: Tummy time can be very exhausting for these little babies.Narrator: Sure enough, all three babies conked out after their tummy time session.If your baby is prone to reflux or spitting up, you'll probably want to wait 30 or 45 minutes after a feeding before doing tummy time.If your baby doesn't like tummy time, don' that's common. It's a challenge, but if you stick with it, she'll get stronger and tolerate it better.If your baby starts to cry, try to keep him tummy-down a little longer by talking or playing with him. When he's had enough, pick him up and try again later.Your baby might fuss at tummy time because there’s something in particular bothering her. See if you can identify the culprit, like her arms being stuck under her body or the texture of the carpet. Putting her on her favorite blanket or a soft towel might help.Kate: So how will I know if Rory’s on track for his tummy time?Pediatrician: That’s a very good question. Each time you come to visit your pediatrician, our role is to check your child’s development. We check everything head to toe. By 2 months of age, we want to see a nice strong head up. The baby should be able to tolerate being on the belly. And then around 4 months of age, we really want to see them start to push, and they’re rotating their head from side to side and they start to roll.So tummy time is very important. All that time you are investing is helping their muscles to get stronger, so it’s a good way for a mom and a dad to make sure their child is developing right on time.
Reviewed by the
Last updated: June 2016
AAP. 2015a. Back to sleep, tummy to play. American Academy of Pediatrics.
[Accessed December 2016]AAP. 2015b. Tummy time activities. American Academy of Pediatrics.
[Accessed December 2016]AOTA. 2013. Establishing tummy time routines to enhance your baby’s development. American Occupational Therapy Association.
[Accessed December 2016]Mayo Clinic. 2014. What’s the importance of tummy time for a baby?
[Accessed December 2016]NIH. Undated. Babies need tummy time. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health.
[Accessed December 2016]
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First edition
How to Solve It (1945) is a small volume by mathematician
describing methods of .
How to Solve It suggests the following steps when solving a :
First, you have to
After understanding, .
Carry out the plan.
on your work. ?
If this technique fails, Pólya advises: "If you can't solve a problem, then there is an easier problem you can solve: find it." Or: "If you cannot solve the proposed problem, try to solve first some related problem. Could you imagine a more accessible related problem?"
"Understand the problem" is often neglected as being obvious and is not even mentioned in many mathematics classes. Yet students are often stymied in their efforts to solve it, simply because they don't understand it fully, or even in part. In order to remedy this oversight, Pólya taught teachers how to prompt each student with appropriate questions, depending on the situation, such as:
What are you asked to find or show?
Can you restate the problem in your own words?
Can you think of a picture or a diagram that might help you understand the problem?
Is there enough information to enable you to find a solution?
Do you understand all the words used in stating the problem?
Do you need to ask a question to get the answer?
The teacher is to select the question with the appropriate level of difficulty for each student to ascertain if each student understands at their own level, moving up or down the list to prompt each student, until each one can respond with something constructive.
Pólya mentions that there are many reasonable ways to solve problems. The skill at choosing an appropriate strategy is best learned by solving many problems. You will find choosing a strategy increasingly easy. A partial list of strategies is included:
Guess and check
Make an orderly list
Eliminate possibilities
Use symmetry
Consider special cases
Use direct reasoning
Solve an equation
Also suggested:
Look for a pattern
Draw a picture
Solve a simpler problem
Use a model
Work backward
Use a formula
Be creative
Applying these rules to devise a plan takes your own skill and judgement.
This step is usually easier than devising the plan. In general, all you need is care and patience, given that you have the necessary skills. Persist with the plan that you have chosen. If it continues not to work, discard it and choose another. Don' this is how mathematics is done, even by professionals.
Pólya mentions that much can be gained by taking the time to reflect and look back at what you have done, what worked and what didn't. Doing this will enable you to predict what strategy to use to solve future problems, if these relate to the original problem.
The book contains a dictionary-style set of , many of which have to do with generating a more accessible problem. For example:
Informal Description
Formal analogue
Can you find a problem analogous to your problem and solve that?
Can you find a problem more general than your problem?
Can you solve your problem by deriving a generalization from some examples?
Variation of the Problem
Can you vary or change your problem to create a new problem (or set of problems) whose solution(s) will help you solve your original problem?
Auxiliary Problem
Can you find a subproblem or side problem whose solution will help you solve your problem?
Here is a problem related to yours and solved before
Can you find a problem related to yours that has already been solved and use that to solve your problem?
Can you find a problem more specialized?
and Recombining
Can you decompose the problem and "recombine its elements in some new manner"?
Can you start with the goal and work backwards to something you already know?
Draw a Figure
Can you draw a picture of the problem?
Auxiliary Elements
Can you add some new element to your problem to get closer to a solution?
It has been translated into several languages and has sold over a million copies, and has been continuously in print since its first publication.
said in his paper Steps Toward Artificial Intelligence that "everyone should know the work of George Pólya on how to solve problems."
Pólya's book has had a large influence on mathematics textbooks as evidenced by the bibliographies for .
, ( in 2000) praised it, saying he was very pleased with Pólya's famous book.
Russian inventor
developed an elaborate set of methods for problem solving known as , which in many aspects reproduces or parallels Pólya's work.
is a computer science book by . It was inspired by Pólya's work.
(1945). How to Solve It. Princeton University Press.  .
p172 Pólya advises teachers that asking students to immerse themselves in routine operations only, instead of enhancing their imaginative / judicious side is inexcusable.
p114 Pólya notes that 'human superiority consists in going around an obstacle that cannot be overcome directly'
p105, p29-32, for example, Pólya discusses the problem of water flowing into a cone as an example of what is required to visualize the problem, using a figure.
p105, p225
pp141-148. Pólya describes the method of analysis
p172 (Pólya advises that this requires that the student have the patience to wait until the bright idea appears (subconsciously).)
pp148-149. In the dictionary entry 'Pedantry & mastery' Pólya cautions pedants to 'always use your own brains first'
Schoenfeld, Alan H. (1992). D. Grouws, ed.
(PDF). Handbook for Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning. New York: MacMillan: 334–370..
Dromey, R. G. (1982). How to Solve it by Computer.
International.  .
(1957). How to Solve It. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. p. 253.
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您使用浏览器不支持直接复制的功能,建议您使用Ctrl+C或右键全选进行地址复制1.嘴甜。侯佩岑在09年接受鲁豫采访时见面第一眼就是:“哇~你人真的好瘦哦,你太瘦了,喜欢死你了,你是吃不胖的那种吗?&带上那种嗲嗲的气息,再做作的话这个时候都变得自然起来。就连导播旁白也在说,佩岑热情洋溢的打招呼化解了初次见面的尴尬。大小S也曾说过她永远都是很甜,去小S家里连门都几乎没打开就惊呼“这也太漂亮了吧!”一番话“真羡慕你们可以有这么好的儿媳妇”把小S一家夸的喜上眉梢。伸手不打笑脸人,侯佩岑作为全台湾男生的恋爱幻想对象,这上面的能力真的是有够让人反复观看学习。ps :有兴趣的同学可以搜下道明叔和佩岑的综艺节目,撒起娇来连道明叔都招架不住,妈妈问我为什么跪着看完电视。&br&&br&&figure&&img src=& data-rawwidth=&2048& data-rawheight=&1536& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&2048& data-original=&不卑不亢。一直以来都超喜欢志玲姐姐身上这股气息,没有佩岑刻意的讨好,给人很大气的感觉,不用去求别人什么,也不需要别人给什么,因着这份不卑不亢与甜甜,看起来就是那么自然而然,让人忽略掉年龄,让人好想把所有美好的东西都捧到她面前。花样姐姐里展现的淋漓尽致。&br&&br&&br&3.有限度的自黑。这里微博简直是一个学习场,杨幂和志玲姐姐的脚,袁姗姗的马甲线,大张伟,薛之谦......无限多的公众人物都利用这个黑转粉拿自己身上的小缺点调侃一下开个玩笑,瞬间攒的局就热了起来。&br&&br&&br&4.永远不要judge别人。蔡康永在几年前写的第一本书《蔡康永之说话之道》里说过,如果你一定要评价别人,那就捡好听的说,天下没有不透风的墙,总有可能传到别人耳朵里,好话的话中间传话的人也落好,三个人何乐而不为。然而很多人都做不到这一点,做不到独善其身。&br&&br&&br&5.幽默。黄渤在《谁会拒绝一个幽默的人》里的例子简直经典,比如被喝倒彩的时候,“大家都让我下去,那我就下去了吧,我下来啦,再给大家唱一首《喜欢我的人都好运》”除此以外还有谦逊,网上有段流传很广的话&这个时代不会阻止你自己闪耀,但也覆盖不了任何人的光辉,因为人家是开天辟地,我们只是继续前行的一些晚辈,对这个不敢造次。“那段时间因为50亿票房话题,黄渤处于风头正盛的风口浪尖,稍有不慎就有可能招黑,这个时候的谦逊,显然让所有人大写的服。再比如鲁豫有约里鲁豫问黄渤现在是不是很火,黄渤说,”能不火吗都坐到这儿跟鲁豫聊天了。“一句话说的,搁谁谁不开心啊。&br&&br&&br&6.真话不全说,假话全不说。父亲曾经说过一段话,大意时这个世界没人是傻子,谁都知道谁精明谁憨厚,大家都爱跟憨厚的人接触,都不喜欢跟精明的人打交道。所以有些大智若愚的人才那么受欢迎招人喜欢,看着憨憨的,就是愿意把心里话告诉他,看着精明的反而容易让人防备。看过季羡林季老书里的这句话才恍然大悟,不说一句假话,说明你是个实在人,真话又不一定全是好听的,那就有选择的说。秉承这个原则,至少不会让人以为精明而不能相处交往。&br&&br&&br&公主号:&b&小熊朵朵&/b&&br&个人微信号:&b&duoduo-xiaoxiong&/b&
&p&每个关于治疗拖延症的书,都教你如何规划时间,如果下载APP写时间表,以及如何运用什么番茄苹果香蕉雪梨工作法。&/p&&br&&p&然而,当你发现自己买了一本M牌的笔记本,漂亮的文具,以及写出可爱的时间表,拖延症仍然没有被治疗好。&/p&&br&&p&我的朋友里面T小姐也有那种写时间表做计划水平一流,然而我看完100页书,她则一道题都没有做。&/p&&br&&p&并不是题太难,而是她东看看,西看看,时间就全部浪费了。&/p&&br&&p&她说要去考GMAT,然而,我们的基友孩子都一岁了,她都还没有去考试。&/p&&br&&p&可这个,并不妨碍她,多年如一日地制定计划。&/p&&br&&p&所以说,制定计划与完成任务时间可能有联系,但并不代表你写了计划就一定能完成任务。&/p&&br&&p&我觉得关于写拖延症这篇文章,本人还是略有资格的。&/p&&br&&p&首先,我虽然每年总有那么1-2周的颓废期,但整体来看,我基本没有拖延症;&/p&&br&&p&其次,虽然我作业量/阅读量非常大,但是,我很少像其他同学那样熬夜到三四点,而且还能比较高质量地完成任务。&/p&&br&&p&下面来讲讲,我是如何完成任务的。&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第一步:哪有什么时间管理,别贪玩,多干活!&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&我感觉时间管理简直是邪教一样的东西;&/p&&br&&p&仿佛你只要把任务分散来做,或者编排一下,东西就会变少了。&/p&&br&&p&实际上,并不这样的。&/p&&br&&p&你需要花费10个小时的工作,就还是要10个小时的。&/p&&br&&p&总量并不会伴随着时间管理而变少。&/p&&br&&p&我其实也下载了什么做TO DO LIST的APP,但我感觉每次都忘记用。&/p&&br&&p&每天早上,我脑子里大概过一下今天要做什么,有什么作业要写,有多少课要上。&/p&&br&&p&然后,就开始干活了。我有一个很重要的原则就是:&strong&在干完活所有的事情之前绝对不玩耍。&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&我周一到周五,除非我完成所有的事情,否则我绝对不会躺在床上看剧,看小说,或者是休息。做完才能休息,这个就是我的原则啦。&/p&&br&&p&我以前跟T小姐一起写过作业,我看着她就觉得很着急,看两页数,然后打开豆瓣看看;然后回去看两页,又看半小时微博;做了两道GWD题或OG题,打开淘宝买两条裙子。&/p&&br&&p&我着急的都恨不得帮她去考试算了(如果可以的话)。&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第二步:不要养成熬夜的习惯&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&熬夜经常会给人一种奋斗的感觉。&/p&&br&&p&君不见留学狗最喜欢自拍几页笔记,配上几句“青春就是要奋斗”“今天的辛苦是为了明天的幸福”……却完全不反思其实自己是否根本没有必要熬夜。&/p&&br&&p&人一旦形成“反正我可以刷夜”,白天就会松懈,时间也都会浪费了。&/p&&br&&p&最要命的是,熬夜会让你第二天精神不太好,让你上课/上班的效率也不高。&/p&&br&&p&而且,熬夜对身体也总归不是很好吧。要是养成什么吃宵夜的习惯,那就是得变成圆乎乎的……&/p&&br&&p&我感觉真的要强制自己早睡,而且要告诉自己,一到某个点就必须去躺下;&/p&&br&&p&&strong&事情做不完,宁可早上起来做,也不要晚上做。&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&有时候,人要给自己设置一个限制,告诉自己所拥有的时间不是无限长的,而是必须在某个时间段统统弄完。&/p&&br&&p&只有有了适当的紧迫感,做事情的效率才会提高。&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第三步:时刻想着拖延症的后果&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&我记得我当初申请和考试的时候,T小姐是我一起开始的。&/p&&br&&p&她的梦想去是NYU读市场营销,或者是金融什么的。&/p&&br&&p&那时候她经常去新中关北的11层上GMAT,自习啊。偶尔我也会去找她。&/p&&br&&p&我记得她上课的机构有提供好多好吃的,然而,她……聊聊天,吃吃喝喝饮料,一个下午就过去了。&/p&&br&&p&一般来说,如果申请美国的学校,2月左右开始备考,差不多都在9月份之前都考完考试,然后10月份就差不多准备好各种资料。&/p&&br&&p&因为她总觉得时间很多,所以拖拖拉拉地弄,结果到了10月份托福都还没有考出来。&/p&&br&&p&这个导致的结果是,她根本没有申请上自己想去的学校。&/p&&br&&p&虽然老师教的好,顾问老师给会选学校,爸妈给你掏钱,但是,真正要完成任务的还是自己啊。&/p&&br&&p&如果说念一个好的学校会改变人生的很多;而拖延症,也会让你错过很多机会。&/p&&br&&p&&strong&拖延的时候千万不要抱着侥幸的心理。&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&很多人大三的时候想出国读研究生,但因为行动力太差,导致出国没有出去,找工作也没有找到,非常的倒霉。&/p&&br&&p&我觉得T小姐其实脑子挺灵活的,家里也给安排去四大实习了,结果就因为自己拖延把事情搞砸了。&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第四步:不要抗拒你所做的事情;实在不喜欢,就干脆别做了&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&我一直觉得人生有很多种活法。&/p&&br&&p&如果你拖延一件事情是因为自己不喜欢,那就干脆直接不要做算了。&/p&&br&&p&只要是你不太喜欢的事情,哪怕它再好,也是对你而言没有意义的。&/p&&br&&p&不要勉强自己去做自己不爱干的事情,这个只会让你的拖延症变成习惯。&/p&&br&&p&我觉得很多人不喜欢学习,本身就是很小的时候就被摧残了学习的乐趣。&/p&&br&&p&可能中学有人强迫着你学,但到了大学,离家远了,父母也不管了,拖延症瞬间就爆发了。&/p&&br&&p&很多人认为粗暴严厉的父母在训练还是的“意志力”,其实并不是这样的。&/p&&br&&p&小孩子被强迫做一件事情,他做的很卖力,不是因为他有意志力,而是因为他害怕挨揍。&/p&&br&&p&意志力,小孩子很想做好某件事情,而且父母帮助他学习克制诱惑,然后专注地把事情做好。&/p&&br&&p&我觉得这种能力是很多人缺乏,因为从小害怕挨揍,从小被强迫,所以长大以后根本不会控制自己,不断不断地错过时间点。&/p&&br&&p&所以,克服拖延症的很重要的一步,&strong&我建议大家从自己喜欢的事情开始练习。&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&尽管那件事情很不靠谱,但从做那件事情培养出不偷懒,不散漫的习惯。&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第五步:确定你是否有抑郁症&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&这件事情是我在学校学到的。&/p&&br&&p&我们有一个同学,他有很严重的抑郁症,伴随着同样严重的拖延症。&/p&&br&&p&情绪在某种程度上真的挺影响人的。&/p&&br&&p&他说他不吃药整个人根本没法看书和学习;&/p&&br&&p&所以,如果你感觉到自己无法正常地生活,正常地管理时间,并且严重影响自己,那就应该赶紧去看心理医生。&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第六步:如何提高效率?&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&我个人觉得学习方法也很重要。&/p&&br&&p&如果你提高了效率,你就不会需要花费那么多时间;&/p&&br&&p&这个会让你有更多的时间生活,娱乐,也会改善你的拖延症。&/p&&br&&p&因为有的时候,你会因为东西总是做不完而沮丧,沮丧之后没有动力,然后就拖延了。&/p&&br&&p&比如说,我跟T小姐一起学习,我们看同样的OG,做同样的题,花费同样的时间,但我的学习效果就远远在她之上。&/p&&br&&p&为什么呢?难道我比她聪明吗?&/p&&br&&p&这是根本不可能的。&/p&&br&&p&她用的是机械的方法在学习,比如说,背单词喜欢抄写,喜欢做Flashcard,喜欢抄写重点……问题是,这些东西根本没有意义。&/p&&br&&p&比如说,做Flashcard超级浪费时间,这些东西,手机下载个APP就有了,或者买本单词书。&/p&&br&&p&再说喜欢抄写这个抄写那个,我觉得简直是浪费精力和时间。&/p&&br&&p&抄写是一个非常机械的工作,根本不需要动脑子,或者过脑子;&/p&&br&&p&学习训练的是思考,而不是谁更能抄书;&/p&&br&&p&重要的是理解,分析清楚逻辑过程。&/p&&br&&p&我记得中学的时候学英语。隔壁同桌每天都疯狂地抄写,一个单词抄写60次,也不一定能记住;&/p&&br&&p&但我按照读音念几次,记住它的样子,看两个例句,就大概记住了。&/p&&br&&p&她需要花费10-20分钟,而我只需要几分钟。&/p&&br&&p&但是,我达到的效果跟她是差不多的。&/p&&br&&p&所以,我能更早地完成任务。&/p&&br&&p&我提醒大家,&strong&在下手做事情之前,最重要的是想明白怎么做。而不是傻做。&/strong&&/p&&br&&br&&p&&strong&第七步:对自己负责任&/strong&&/p&&br&&p&所有的拖延症患者都有一种幻想:&/p&&br&&p&某某某能监督我,然后我就不拖延了。这是不可能的。&/p&&br&&p&因为拖延症的本身是对自我控制力的缺乏,是贪图玩耍,是喜欢买东西胜过学习……&/p&&br&&p&这些是内在的原因。&/p&&br&&p&别人推你一步,你走一步,或许它是个辅助手段,短期内也有效果,但是,长时间看起来根本不是这么回事情。&/p&&br&&p&尽管别人愿意喂你吃饭一辈子,但你也不好意思让人喂对不对?&/p&&br&&p&&strong&克服拖延症的本身,或者学会怎么先干活后玩耍,都是练习自我控制&/strong&。&/p&&br&&p&而一个人若是掌握这样的能力,对他的人生都将会有很多的好处。&/p&
每个关于治疗拖延症的书,都教你如何规划时间,如果下载APP写时间表,以及如何运用什么番茄苹果香蕉雪梨工作法。 然而,当你发现自己买了一本M牌的笔记本,漂亮的文具,以及写出可爱的时间表,拖延症仍然没有被治疗好。 我的朋友里面T小姐也有那种写时间表…
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