
版 次:1页 数:483字 数:印刷时间:日开 本:纸 张:胶版纸包 装:平装是否套装:否国际标准书号ISBN:4丛书名:剑桥哲学研究指针所属分类:&&&
& 大学英语“四位一体”六级考试阶段练习(19)
15:22& 英语辅导报
  Section A
  Directions:You will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.
  1. A) She had not planned to attend the concert.
  B) She was not at the concert.
  C) She doesn't like music.
  D) She went to the concert with the man and woman.
  2. A) Near his work. B) In the city.
  C) In the country. D) Near the spring.
  3. A) The woman gave the ticket to the man.
  B) The man went to see the play.
  C) The man didn't go to see the play.
  D) The woman had two tickets.
  4. A) Go to the lab. B) Write a report.
  C) Join her friends later. D) Go out to have dinner.
  5. A) She will be sorry.
  B) She will go away.
  C) She will not quit her job.
  D) He will buy her a present.
  Section B
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks numbered (1) to (7) with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from (8) to (10) you are required to fill in the missing information.
  Americans are proud of the medical (1) made in this country. Medical scientists have found cures and (2) for many diseases. They have learned a great deal about cancer and heart disease. Many lives have been saved. American (3) are the most modern and best- equipped medical (4) in the world. But this degree of (5) has been expensive.
  Medical care in the United States is expensive. There is no national health plan for Americans. But there are many programs (6) for the purpose. Many people have health plans at the companies where they work. Under these plans, the company pays a fixed sum of money regularly into a fund. Then when the (7) needs medical help, he can use money from the fund to pay for it.
  Other people have health insurance. (8) . In some medical plans, the insurance company is also the medical institution. People regularly pay the hospital directly. (9) .
  The government has health insurance programs for older people, poor people and those with long term illness. (10) .
  A. Directions: Multiple choices.(动词+介词/副词)
  1. She________her trip to New York because she was ill.
  A) called off B) closed down C) put up D) went off
  2. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being________.
  A) laid outB) laid off
  C) laid down D) laid aside
  3. This article________more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.
  A) cares for B) allows for
  C) applies for D) calls for
  4. Eating too much fat can________heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
  A) attribute to B) contribute to
  C) attend toD) devote to
  5. No one can function properly if they are________of adequate sleep.
  A) deprivedB) ripped
  C) stripped D) contrived
  6. I would never have________a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate.
  A) sought for B) accounted for
  C) turned up D) resorted to
  7. Mary wanted to go to Europe by herself, but her parents frown________the idea.
  A) onB) withC) forD) to
  8. Prisoners found it very hard to _____ without tobacco.
  A) come B) getC) doD) keep
  9. "Do you like Kentucky Fried Chicken?" "I don't care________it".
  A) aboutB) much in C) ofD) for
  10. I was looking for my brother and I ran________him a block from the library.
  A) overB) ontoC) intoD) around
  11. They always lay________a large supply of tinned food in winter in case they are snowed up.
  A) outB) offC) inD) with
  12. A laser beam________a concentration of pure light.
  A) consists ofB) it consists
  C) which consists ofD) consisting of
  13. I can't understand what he is________.
  A) making up his mindB) taken care
  C) driving atD) caught up with
  14. Let us look in the dictionary________.
  A) to acquaint the new wordB) on the new word
  C) to learning the new wordD) for the new word
  15. "Why do you ask if I've been smoking?"
  "Because you smell________cigarettes".
  A) byB) withC) ofD) as
  16. I waited for him half an hour, but he never________.
  A) turned in B) turned down
  C) turned off D) turned up
  17. Under the present system, state enterprises must ________all profits to the government.
  A) turn down B) turn up
  C) turn out D) turn in
  18. There was a big hole in the road which________the traffic.
  A) set back   B) stood back
  C) held up    D) kept down
  19. None of us expected the chairman to________at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.
  A) turn in B) turn over
  C) turn up D) turn down
  20. Whenever a big company________a small one, the product almost always gets worse.
  A) gets on with B) cuts down
  C) takes over D) puts up with
  21. The teacher often mixes me________with another student with the same name.
  A) withB) downC) upD) to
  22. We must keep on working. It's too soon to sit________.
  A) downB) asideC) backD) away
  23. To conclude something is to wind it________.
  A) inB) backC) upD) down
  24. To return something is to take it________.
  A) awayB) backC) overD) down
  25. Sales seem to have began to________.
  A) get toB) pick upC) try onD) take out
  26. The electricity is on again. You can blow those candles________.
  A) upB) outC) awayD) off
  27. The doctor thinks he'll pull________now. His temperature has gone down.
  A) togetherB) throughC) overD) around
  28. He was dishonest. I________from the start.
  A) saw him through B) saw through him
  C) thoughtD) discovered
  29. We're going to have our house________.
  A) done upB) made over
  C) done inD) made away with
  30. Please remember to ________the lights before you lock the door.
  A) turn inB) turn off
  C) turn downD) turn up
  B. Directions: Use the verb and noun in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb and complete the sentence with it.(动词+名词+介词)
  1. She's always________the way I do things, so I can hardly get along well with her.(find, fault )
  2. My orders are important, so________what I am going to say. (pay, attention)
  3. Just________the baby while I am cooking the supper, will you? (keep, eye)
  4. We must not________their demands. (give, way)
  5. Recent research________new________the causes of the disease. (cast /shed/ throw, light)
  6. Students must________a good library. (have, access)
  7. They________full________the hotel facilities. (take, advantage)
  8. My sister________the children while we're away. (take, care)
  9. The department was badly organized until she________it. (take, charge)
  10. He ________great________proving others wrong. (take, delight)
  11. It's cruel to________people who stammer. (make, fun)
  12. Nothing could________the family he had lost. (take, place)
  13. ________full________every chance you have to speak English. (make, use)
  14. She________a firm________nuclear disarmament. (take, stand)
  15. He________an amazing________hard work. (have, appetite)
  C. Directions: Use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb and complete the sentence with it.(动词+副词+介词)
  1. She ________an unemployed actor. (take)
  2. I also need to________my mathematics. (brush)
  3. The English are generally taught not to________their feelings. (give)
  4. I promised myself that if I________this trouble, I would never rob anyone else. (get)
  5. We can always________Bill if we can't get anyone else. (fall)
  6. If you reject religion you will find something else to ________. (hold)
  7. You've signed an agreement and you can't________it now. (back)
  8. The murderer________the policeman who was holding him. (break)
  9. Iris was in hospital for two weeks, so she's been working hard to________the others. (catch)
  10. It's all right to be late with your paper if you________ some unexpected difficulties. (come)
  11. You're smoking too much. You must________cigarettes. (cut)
  12. Eve is too young to________her parents' divorce. (face)
  13. It's time you________some reading or the other students will leave you behind. (get)
  14. I can't________ it's not exactly what we wanted. (go)
  15. "Always do what you promise," he once told Roger.
  "Never________your word. " (go)
  Directions: Rewrite the following sentences, using proper forms of inversion.
  1. I'm sorry Andy didn't want to go to the conference. If he had been willing to go we would have paid all his expenses.
  2. She knows little of what goes on behind the scenes.
  3. We had no sooner reached the top of the hill than we all sat down to rest.
  4. He became perplexed to such a degree that he didn't know where he was.
  5. I had never felt the extent of my own power before that night.
  6. He was able to make himself heard only by shouting at the top of his voice.
  7. A layer of air of unknown thickness is surrounding the earth.
  8. We don't need air conditioning, and we can not afford it.
  9. I had never dreamt that such good fortune would come my way. My grandfather had not only left me all his money in his will, but also I had not at any other time had such luck in my personal financial affairs.
  10. Your radio is a bridge between you and the world. It is always open to bring you news, music and other things. Radio has come a long way since the Fleming valve, and the whole field of electronics has grown out of that first radio tube.
  11. In those days, life was hard and cruel. The law was hard.
  12. He tried in vain to unite two great theories of 20th century physics.
  13. She protested so vigorously that the authorities reconsidered her case.
  14. The prices went up and up.
  15. Freshmen are permitted to take make-up tests only under special circumstances.
  16. John had been working hard and his brother had been working hard too.
  Directions: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.
  Today, Chinese cooking is famous all over the world, but of course it did not become famous suddenly. China's civilization is very ancient, and the art of cooking developed together with it over many thousands of years.
  In the distant past, our ancestors ate raw meat. They did not know how to cook their food. When they killed animals, they often did not even take the skin off them before they ate them. Some specialists believe that it was forest fires that first introduced man to the art of cooking. Forest fires were sometimes started by storms, and people ran away from the burning areas and returned when the fires had gone out. When they came back, they found that the animals which were caught in the fires and could not escape were "cooked", and that the cooked meat tasted much better than raw meat. From this, man began to realize that cooking made his food more tasty. He discovered different methods of making fire, and began to collect pieces of wood to burn.
  Gradually, the cooking of food became a universally accepted idea. The Chinese word "peng" (from "peng tiao", meaning the art of cooking) comes from the use of fire in cooking.
  So, in this way people had learned how to cook their food. However, they still did not know how to flavour it.
  How did man first learn to use salt on his food?
  One theory is that many years ago some people who lived in a coastal area killed an animal on the sea-shore. They left the dead animal there for some time. The salt from the sea-water covered the animal and when, later, the meat was cooked it had a very good taste. In time, man learned to collect salt to flavour his food. The word "tiao" of "peng tiao" means "flavouring", which began with the use of salt.
  The discovery of cooking and flavouring played a very important part in the development of man and of human society. The fact that man no longer ate raw meat made him different from other animals. Cooking and flavouring killed bacteria in food and made it more healthy. People began to eat meals at regular times of the day. Gradually, cooked food helped people to improve the condition of their minds and bodies, and finally it helped them to develop their productive abilities, and to move towards a state of civilization.
  1. Our ancestors ate their food raw because ________.
  A) raw food was more tasty than cooked food
  B) they did not know how to cook
  C) they liked to eat the skins of the animals they killed
  D) they ran away from the burning areas
  2. Early man found out that ________.
  A) raw meat was much more tasty than cooked meat
  B) his food tasted better when it was cooked
  C) it was impossible to cook without the help of forest fires
  D) it was difficult to learn how to cook
  3. Before man could cook his food he had to ________.
  A) take the skins off the dead animals
  B) collect pieces of wood to burn
  C) learn how to collect and use salt
  D) learn how to make fire
  4. Some people believe that man first learned to use salt on his food ________.
  A) because it made the meat more healthy
  B) when he cooked the meat from an animal killed in a forest fire
  C) when he cooked an animal that had been in seawater
  D) when he cooked his food on the sea-shore
  5. The cooking of food was a good idea because ________.
  A) eating raw meat made man different from other animals
  B) it killed bacteria and made food more healthy
  C) all the other animals ate cooked food
  D) man no longer ate raw meat
  Section A
  Directions:You will hear 5 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.
  1. M:I wonder what happened to Linda, I don't see her anywhere.
  W:I don't know. She told me that she would be here at the concert tonight.
  Q:What do we learn about Linda from this conversation? (B)
  2. W:If I were you, I'd live in the city instead of going to work from the country by train.
  M:But the country is so beautiful in the spring and the air is very fresh there.
  Q:Where does the man prefer to live? (C)
  3. M:I wish I had seen the play at the Swan Theatre.
  W:Well, if I had known that, I would have given you my ticket.
  Q:What do we know from the conversation? (C)
  4. M:Are you going to dine with us later?
  W:If only I'd finished my lab report, I would join you with pleasure.
  Q:What is the woman going to do?(B)
  5. W:Laura told me that she was going to quit her job. I'll certainly be sorry to see her go.
  M:Oh, she always says that! I wouldn't buy her a going-away present if I were you.
  Q:What does the man think of Laura?(C)
  Section B
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks numbered (1) to (7) with the exact words you hear. For blanks numbered from (8) to (10) you are required to fill in the missing information.
  Americans are proud of the medical (1) achievements made in this country. Medical scientists have found cures and (2) prevention for many diseases. They have learned a great deal about cancer and heart disease. Many lives have been saved. American (3) hospitals are the most modern and best-equipped medical (4) facilities in the world. But this degree of (5) excellence has been expensive.
  Medical care in the United States is expensive. There is no national health plan for Americans. But there are many programs (6) available for the purpose. Many people have health plans at the companies where they work. Under these plans, the company pays a fixed sum of money regularly into a fund. Then when the (7) employee needs medical help, he can use money from the fund to pay for it.
  Other people have health insurance. (8) They pay some money each month to insurance companies, which then pay for medical expenses when they are needed. In some medical plans, the insurance company is also the medical institution. People regularly pay the hospital directly. (9) Then when they need medical treatment, they go to the hospital without paying more money.
  The government has health insurance programs for older people, poor people and those with long term illness. (10) These programs make medical care available to those without their own health insurance.
  A. 1. A) call off放弃,取消
  2. B) lay sb. off解雇(某人)
  3. D) call for号召;要求;需求
  4. B) contribute to sth.促成某事物;增加某事物
  5. A) deprive sb. of sth.剥夺某人的某事物
  6. D) resort to求助于
  7. A) frown on/upon sth.不赞成某事,不同意,不许可
  8. C) do without没有……也行
  9. D) care for照顾,关心,喜欢,意欲
  10. C) run into撞上,偶然碰见
  11. C) lay sth. in储备某物
  12. A) consist of包括,包含
  13. C) be driving at意在,意指,打算
  14. D) look for寻找,寻求
  15. C) smell of sth.有某种气味
  16. D) turn up开大;出现;来到;发生
  17. D) turn in交出,上缴;转身进入
  18. C) hold up举起,阻挡,使停止;抢劫
  19. C) turn up出现,来到
  20. C) take over接管,接办
  21. C) mix up混淆,混合,搞糊涂
  22. C) sit back工作之后歇息;什么都不做
  23. C) wind up结束
  24. B) take sth. back (商店)同意(顾客)退货
  25. B) pick up好转,改善;拾起,(偶然)得到;(车船)中途搭人,学会
  26. B) blow sth. out吹灭(火焰等)
  27. B) pull through恢复,康复
  28. B) see through看穿,识破;干完,干到底
  29. A) do sth. up修理,重新装饰
  30. B) turn off关掉,断开;拐弯,叉开
  B. 1. finding fault with埋怨,挑剔
  2. pay attention to注意
  3. keep an eye on留意,照看
  4. give way to让步,妥协;给……让路
  5. has cast/shed/ thrown (new) light on阐明,照亮
  6. have access to可以获得
  7. took (full) advantage of充分利用
  8. will take care of照看,照料,照顾
  9. took charge of担任,负责
  10. takes (great) delight in以……为乐
  11. make fun of取笑,嘲弄
  12. take the place of代替
  13. Make (full) use of充分利用
  14. took (a firm) stand on宣布立场,表明态度
  15. has (an amazing) appetite for出奇地喜爱
  C. 1. has taken up with开始与某人交往
  2. brush up on重温,重新练习
  3. give in to投降,屈服
  4. got out of逃避
  5. fall back on求助于,转而依靠
  6. hold on to抓住,握住
  7. back out of食言,背信
  8. broke away from突然逃跑(离开)
  9. catch up with赶上
  10. come up against偶然遇到
  11. cut down on减少,降低
  12. face up to大胆面对
  13. got down to开始认真对待
  14. go along with赞同,支持
  15. go back on背弃诺言
  1. I'm sorry Andy didn't want to go to the conference. Had he been willing to go we would have paid all his expenses.
  2. Little does she know of what goes on behind the scenes.
  3. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill than we all sat down to rest.
  4. To such a degree did he become perplexed that he didn't know where he was.
  5. Never before that night had I felt the extent of my own power.
  6. Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard.
  7. Surrounding the earth is a layer of air of unknown thickness.
  8. We don't need air conditioning, nor can we offord it.
  9. Never had I dreamt that such good fortune would come my way. Not only had my grandfather left me all his money in his will, but also at no other time had I had such luck in my personal financial affairs.
  10. Your radio is a bridge between you and the world. It is always open to bring you news, music and other things. Radio has come a long way since the Fleming valve, and out of that first radio tube has grown the whole field of electronics.
  11. In those days, life was hard and cruel. So was the law.
  12. In vain did he try to unite two great theories of 20th century physics.
  13. So vigorously did she protest that the authorities reconsidered her case.
  14. Up and up went the prices.
  15. Only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make-up tests.
  16. John had been working hard and so had his brother.
  1. B) 2. B) 3. D) 4. C) 5. B)
(/ 15:21)(/ 15:20)(/ 15:19)(/ 15:19)(/ 15:18)
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