
kill on eye
We must impose death sentences on those murderers who kill people without even blinking an eye?
Meanwhile, Dutch and Claudette suspect a minister with a wandering eye of attempting to kill the alcoholic husband of a parishioner he has his eye on;
When Tian Dungen returned, the blink of an eye, the Inn East plant the people kill him.
Tian Dungen killed all the people, sitting on the roof waiting for the sun inn.
这时田敦艮杀了回来,眨眼间,客栈内东厂的人都被他杀光了。 田敦艮杀了所有人后,坐在客栈天台上等着太阳出现。
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音标:[ ai ]&&发音:&&过去式: eyed&&&过去分词: eyed&&&名词复数: eyes&&&现在分词: eying&&&
中文翻译n.(pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen )1.眼睛,目。 blind in one eye =lose an eye 一目失明。 compound eyes (昆虫的)复眼。 the naked eye 肉眼。 Where are your eyes 难道你看不见? His eyes are bigger than his belly. 他眼谗肚饱。 What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over. 眼不见,心不烦。 Eyes, front! 【军事】向前看! Eyes left [right]! 【军事】向左[右]看齐!2.〔常 pl.〕眼神,眼睛的表情。3.视觉,视力;眼力,鉴别力,眼光,观察力。 have a straight eye 能看出某物是否直或正的眼力。 have an eye for the beautiful 有审美眼光。 have an eye in one's head 颇有眼光。4.见解,观点;判断。 in sb.'s eye 照某人看来,按某人的看法。 in the eye(s) of (the) law 从法律观点上看。5.注视,注意,注目。 keep one's eye on the picture 盯着图画看。 keep one's [both] eyes open 提防,当心。6.眼状物;洞;孔;环;圈;(鱼卵、虫卵的)小黑点;色斑;(孔雀的)翎眼;眼状斑点;针眼;锚眼;钩眼;靶心;(索端的)索眼;圆窗。7.【气象学】风眼,风吹来的方向。 the eye of a hurricane 飓风眼,飓风中心部的平静区域。8.〔美俚〕侦探;私人侦探。9.【植物;植物学】(马铃薯等的)芽眼,花心;(菊科的)花盘;【微生物学】眼点;【物理学】光电池,光电管。短语和例子a magic eye 电眼,电子射线管。 All my eye (and Betty Martin) = all the eye 或 all in the eye 〔英国〕瞎说,胡扯,无聊。 an evil eye 狠毒的眼光。 an eye for an eye =eye for eye 以眼还眼;报复。 an eye in the sky 〔美俚〕侦察卫星。 apply the blind eye 假装没看见。 be all eyes 非常留意,注视。 be bright in the eye 〔口语〕喝醉。 before [under] sb.'s very eyes 当某人面前。 black sb.'s eye = give sb. a black eye 把某人的眼眶打青。 by the eye 用眼睛估计,凭眼力。 cast an eye at [over] sth. 对某物随便看一眼。 cast sheep's eyes on sb. 对某人飞媚眼。 catch sb.'s eye(s) 引某人注意。 catch [strike] the eye 显眼。 clap [set, lay] eyes on 看到。 close one's eyes 死,逝世。 close [shut] one's eyes to 拒绝注意。 cry one's eyes out 哭得很伤心。 do sb. in the eye 〔俚语〕骗人,愚弄人。 dust the eyes of 欺骗,蒙蔽。 easy as my eye 易如反掌。 easy on the eyes 〔俚语〕悦目的,诱人的。 feast one's eyes on 饱眼福。 fix one's eye on 盯,凝视。 get [have] one's eye well in (射击等)看得很准,(运动员)能用眼跟上球的方向。 give an eye to 照看,注意。 give sb. the (glad) eye 〔美国〕对人做媚眼。 half an eye 随便一看 (if you had half an eye 假若你稍加注意)。 have all one's eyes about 谨防,当心。 have an eye to 1. 照看,注意。 2. 以…为目的。 have an eye on [upon] 照看,注意。 have eyes at the back of one's head 能看到一切。 have eyes for 〔口语〕对…极感兴趣;注意。 have in one's eye 心目中有…;考虑。 hold the public eye 吸引世人眼目。 in a pig's eye 〔美俚〕永不,决不。 in sb.'s mind's eye 在想像中,在心目中。 in the eye of the wind =in the wind's eye 【航海】逆风。 in the eyes of =in one's eyes 在…的心目中,在…的眼里。 in the public eye 常公开露面〔在电视或报纸上〕;人人皆知。 keep an [one's] eyeon [upon] =have one's eyes on 1. 照看。 2. 密切注意。 keep an eye [one's eyes] out for 注意,记住。 keep one's eyes peeled [open, skinned] 时刻提防。 look sb. in the eye 无畏惧[无愧]地正视某人。 make eyes at sb. 向某人送秋波;对…使眼色。 make sb. open his eyes 使人吃惊。 meet sb.'s eyes (偶尔)引起某人注意。 Mind your eye! 〔口语〕注意! 当心! My eye(s)! 〔俚语〕天啦! 嗳唷! 〔表示赞叹、反对、惊讶〕。 never take one's eyes off 目不转睛。 one's eyes draw [gather, pick] straw 〔废语〕昏昏欲睡。 open sb's eyes (to) 使某人认清。 put a finger in one's eye 哭。 put one's eye together 入睡。 run one's eyes through [over] 浏览。 see eye to eye with 跟…意见一致。 see with one's own eyes 亲眼看见。 set an eye by 对…非常喜爱;极尊重。 spit in the eye of 藐视,蔑视。 the blind man's eyes 瞎子用的拐杖。 the eye of day [the morning, heaven] 〔诗〕太阳。 the eyes of night [heaven] 〔诗〕星。 the eyes of a ship 船头;锚索眼。 to one's mind's eye 在心眼儿上,在心目中,在想像中。 to the eye 1. 从表面上看来。 2. 当面,公然。 turn a [one's] blind eye to 对…熟视无睹。 up to one's [the] eyes in 1. 极忙,埋头(工作)。 2. 深陷(债务中)。 wipe one's eyes 1. 抢在某人前面打别人瞄准的猎物。 2. 使人看到自己的狂妄。 with all one's eyes 拼命,仔细。 with an eye on [to] 指望着,着眼于,为了要…。 with dark [cold, dry] eyes 冷眼。 with half an eye 一看就…〔不用细看〕 (That can be seen with half an eye . 那是显而易见的事)。 with one's eyes open 1. 明明知道。 2. 注意。 with one's eyes shut 不注意,胡乱地。 with open eyes 明知故犯。 worth a Jew's eye 〔古语〕极为贵重。vt.(eyed ey(e)ing)1.看,观看;偷看;盯着看,注视,凝视。2.在…打眼。短语和例子eye sb. askance 用眼睛瞟人,斜着眼睛看人。 eye narrowy 细看。 eye sb. jealously 嫉视某人。 eye a needle 打针眼。adj.-less 1.无眼的,瞎的。2.盲目的,卤莽的。&&&&在望, 在视线之内... &&&&&&母亲眼中的一闪灵光(未出娘胎)... &&&&&&悦目的... &&&&&&从表面上看来; 公然... &&&&&&以牙还牙; 以眼还眼, 报复... &&&&&&心有灵犀; 赞同... &&&&&&血洗红花亭; 以眼还眼, 报复; 以眼还眼,报复; 以眼还眼,以牙还牙... &&&&&&两端均为螺丝眼的旋回紧扣... &&&&&&两端均为螺丝眼的旋回紧扣; 双环伸缩螺丝... &&&&&&以眼还眼; 原话是; 逍遥法外... &&&&&&有冤报冤... &&&&&&镜目距; 眼衬距... &&&&&&镜目距,眼衬距... &&&&&&目视联系; 视线接触... &&&&&&密室里的大眼睛... &&&&&&与某人看法完全一样... &&&&&&电光性眼炎... &&&&&&面对面的眼神交流... &&&&&&直至晨曦来将... &&&&&&意见不洽... &&&&&&眸子... &&&&&&看法完全一致; 完全同意; 我们意见相同; 意见一致; 在这问题上观点意见完全一致... &&&&&&对某事看法一致... &&&&&&见解一致; 与…意见一致... &&&&&&注视,查看,考察... &&&&&&埃伊杜兰... &&
例句与用法As i look back , scenes of the past leap before my eyes .历历在目。Her eyes held a look of silent appeal .她眼中流露着无声的求助神情。She gradually withdrew her eyes from me .她逐渐把目光从我身上移开。He rolled his eyes and hit upon an idea .他眼珠一转悠就想出个主意。His eyes were swollen and his head asleep .他的眼睛浮肿,脑袋昏沉。Are you having me tailed by the private eye ?你派侦探钉我的梢了么?The fog of terror cleared from her eyes .恐怖的迷雾从她眼前消除了。His mouth was open and his eyes bugging .他嘴张着,眼珠都鼓了出来。Oak's eyes could not forsake them .奥克的眼睛压根儿没有离开过他们。He had good eyes and a pair of fast hands .他的眼睛雪亮,双手勤快。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a small hole or loop (as in a needle); "the thread wouldn''t go through the eye"the organ of sight同义词:, , good discernment (either visually or as if visually); "she has an eye for fresh talent"; "he has an artist''s eye"atten "he tried to catch her eye"an area that is approximately central withi "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm"同义词:, , , , look at同义词:,
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on the eye say
China is frequently criticized for its policies in Africa, which some say turns a blind eye to human rights and other abuses on the continent.
I think the choice depends on the reputation of used netizens, I know there are online say Yiwei's Eye multi-effect repair, and can dispose of more than a bottle of eye effect.
What can the Zetas say about such possible phenomena as bedeviling (putting the evil eye on somebody)?
It may mean that members can be efficient, get on with their work while keeping on eye on the debate, waiting to pounce when they have something to say.
We can look at you in the eye, and finally say, on behalf of the American people, what the United States government did was shameful and I am sorry.
' and 'Which eye did you say the girl had a patch on?
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adv. 紧张;急切;竖着
Before bed, cleanse, moisturize and pat on eye cream.
What I see all the time is women steering with their knee, with the makeup mirror in one hand and a brush in the other, putting on eye shadow and blush and going 65 or 70 miles an hour.
我发现女士总是很爱美,开车时也不例外。 她们用膝盖把着方向盘,一手拿着化妆镜,另一手拿着小刷子,往眼上抹眼影,然后刷一刷——时速65—70迈。
With an ageing population comes greater spending on eye care and good prospects for growth.
No one but her lover saw it. Every eye but his was fixed on the man in the arena.
VOA: special.
Complimented, my eye. She kissed me on my pure brow," and my darling emitted that new yelp of merriment which, perhaps in connection with her theatrical mannerisms, she had lately begun to affect."
You can go way there's lots of books on this and articles on why cockfighting was more popular in the South, why country fighting and eye-gouging was--.
None of these companies acknowledge a partnership on eye scroll with Samsung on their websites.
Nokia in fact announced, in 2010, that it was working on eye-scrolling software for mobile phones but has never announced being near to a commercialized product.
From the instant you click the TweetGenius icon on your homescreen, it's very apparent that this particular app was created with a heavy emphasis on eye candy.
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take eye on
I take out my artificial eye, spit on it and polish it with my handkerchief.
Instead, even objects big enough to be seen with the naked eye can take on slippery quantum properties.
Instruction : Take appropriate eye gel around the smear on the eye, gently massage, sooner or later to use a better effect.
用法 :取适量眼啫喱涂抹于眼部周围,轻轻按摩,早晚使用效果更佳。
Flyover is Apple's take on the " birds-eye view" feature found on Bing Maps: you get a 3D render depicting an aerial view of large cities as if you were, you know, flying over them.
By looking at which creatures flourish in their mesocosms, Ulf Riebesell of the Leibniz Institute for Marine Studies in Kiel and his colleagues hope to see changes as they take place by keeping an eye on the water chemistry and nutrient levels.
Enough with the chatter, though, head on past the break to take a look -- but keep a careful eye on those discount codes and rebates.
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