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Who is the most powerful woman in the world? According to the US media, it's Janet Yellen, or at least she's about to be.On Oct 9, 2013.US President Barack Obama nominated Yellen to serve as the next 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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Who is the most powerful woman in the world? According to the US media, it's Janet Yellen, or at least she's about to be.On Oct 9, 2013,US President Barack Obama nominated (提名)Yellen to serve as the next US Federal Reserve (the Fed, 美联储)chair. If confirmed by the Senate, Yellen will become the first woman to serve in the top spot.Aged 67, silver-haired and tiny, Yellen is said to be the most qualified nominee ever. She chaired President BillClinton's Council of Economic Advisers, taught at Harvard and Berkeley, and was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. She is currently the Fed's vice chair.Many think Yellen is the right choice to deal with the challenges the Fed now faces:First, to bring interest rates back to more normal levels without triggering a new recession(衰退).Second, to reduce the US unemployment rate, which remains at historically high levels.A CNN opinion piece says Yellen is unusual for an economist of her caliber(才干)."She has kept her eyes on what's critical-the people. Her research has centered on unemployment, on the best way to modulate(调整)government policies to benefit the people."Past records also show that Yellen is exceptionally good at predicting where the economy is headed. An article in The Washington Post points out that she was one of the few voices at the Fed inDecember 2009 warning about the subprime crisis(次贷危机)and the following recession.The reason why Yellen will be the most powerful woman in the world has to do with the unique position of the Federal Reserve, explains an article on Quartz, a US news outlet for business people in the new global economy,First of all, the Fed is independent. Unlike US Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Hilary Clinton, the decisions made by the organization Yellen will lead next year are not subject to approval by anyone in the government.Within the Fed, the chair alone sets the agenda. The Fed chairperson has huge influence on monetary policy(货币政策)and financial regulation. And don't forget how powerful the Fed itself is. It controls the money supply in the world's largest economy. The Fed's interest rate decisions don't just set the course for the US economy, its decisions set the course for the world economy, too.Because of globalization, Yellen's decisions will affect everyone around the world, says an article in The Atlantic, making her even more powerful than some great women rulers in history, including Elizabeth I of England and China's Wu Zetian. For example, the article continues: "If Yellen even just talks about slowing down the Fed's bond-buying, Europe's troubled economies are likely to see their interest rates rise, and emerging markets, some of which, like India and Indonesia, used foreign capital to fund their current account deficits(赤字),are likely to see their currencies collapse."1.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for Yellen's nomination?A.Yellen's professional experiences.B.Yellen's ability to deal with the challenges the Fed faces.C.Yellen's educational background.D.Yellen's remarkable competence as an economist.2.Janet Yelien will be the most powerful woman in the world because_·A.the Fed is the most powerful organization in the USB.Yellen gets full support from ObamaC. Yellen holds a unique position in the governmentD. the Fed possesses great power and influence3.What is the author's attitude towards Yellen's being nominated?A. Optimistic. B. Negative. C. Understanding. D. Doubtful.4.What is the author's purpose of writing this passage?A.To introduce the US Federal Reserve.B.To report on the next Fed chair.C. To introduce the current world economy.D. To report on a few powerful women. 
阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。As we all know, the “(passenger) transport during the Spring Festival period” has been a hot phrase all through the China land. The volume of passenger traffic(客运量) reaches its climax before and after the Spring Festival. Especially, the number of those who decide to go back to their hometown by train is increasing rapidly, so it promotes the short of the tickets of passenger train. Luckily, the Ministry of Railways(铁道部) has come up with solutions. For instance, it arranges extra trains during the peak time for passenger transport as well as opens 24-hour ticket sales windows for passengers in order to ease the traffic pressure. Moreover, it helps to deliver train tickets to the doorsteps, providing convenience for passengers. One thing that has to be mentioned this year is about start of selling tickets on-line this year. For one thing, it to some degree shortens the time of purchasing tickets. However, most of the passengers are migrant workers returning home for Spring Festival. They are not familiar with the process of buying tickets and as a result cannot buy the tickets on time. What is worse, many computers selling tickets broke down under too much pressure of operation. Therefore, many people blame such a method in that it doesn’t suit nowadays’ situation. [写作内容]以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。以约120个词对“春运”进一步叙写,内容包括:自己亲身经历或者听闻的一次火车春运的状况;“网上售票”引起人们不满的原因;给铁道部或者农民工提出解决“网上购票”问题的合理化建议。[写作要求]作文中可以使用亲身经历或者虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语句连贯。 
.After many trials and failures, the farmer__built a homemade plane that successfully got off the ground.A. especially  B. automatically  C. essentially  D. eventually 
Obviously the only way to make people realize that an action is morally wrong is to punish them if they ________ it.A. confirm B. create C. commit D. compensate  
International situation is currently undergoing great changes ________ UNESCO plays an irreplaceable role in promoting international cooperation.A. which B. what C. where D. that 
From the moment babies are born, parents are helping them to be released into the world, not to__them or to control their lives for the rest of life.A. hold on to ’B. put up with  C. give in to  D. break up with 
Although___reports suggested his injuries were not life threatening, he was later listed as being in critical condition.A. urgent  B. immediate  C. updated  D. initial 
I was once ashamed to admit my weakness, but now I have no such feeling and I________myself much discomfort.A. bring B. offer C. save D. promise 
Sometimes your weakness can become your biggest strength. ____ the story of a 10-year-old boy for example , who decided to study judo (柔道) with a judo teacher despite the fact that he had his left arm because of a car accident .The boy was doing well, so he couldn’t understand , , after three months of , the teacher had taught him only one move.“ Sir ,” the boy finally said , “ I be learning more moves?” “This is the only move you know , but this is the only move you’ll need to know ,” the teacher replied. Not quite understanding , believing in his teacher , the boy kept training.Several months later , the teacher took the boy to his first tournament (锦标赛) . Surprising , the boy easily won his first three matches. Still by his success , the boy was now in the finals .This , his opponent (对手) was bigger , stronger , and more experienced . For a while , the boy to be in the disadvantage . Concerned that the boy might , the judge called a time-out . He was about to stop the match the teacher interrupted . “ No,” the teacher , “ Let him continue .” , his opponent made the biggest mistake : he dropped his guard . Instantly , the boy used his move to throw him down . The boy had the tournament .On the way home , the boy gathered to ask the teacher what was really his mind. “ Sir , how did I win the tournament with only one move ?”“ You won for two reasons,” the teacher answered . “ First , you’ve almost one of the most difficult throws in all judo. Second , the only defense (防御) for all that move is for your opponent to take hold of your left arm..” The boy’s biggest weakness---- the loss of his left arm, had become his biggest strength.1.A. TakeB. GiveC. ShowD. Make2.A. injuredB. lostC. replacedD. broken3.A. howB. whetherC. whyD. when4.A. trainingB. matchesC. lecturesD. running5.A. Needn’tB. Shouldn’tC. Mustn’tD. Wouldn’t6.A. stillB. alsoC. evenD. ever7.A. soB. butC. orD. and8.A. themB. himC. himselfD. themselves9.A. amazedB. excitedC. worriedD. pleased10.A. wayB. manC. matchD. time11.A. happenedB. appearedC. pretendedD. decided12.A. become nervousB. feel tiredC. get hurtD. go sick13.A. whileB. beforeC. whenD. until14.A. orderedB. insistedC. explainedD. complained15.A. Ever sinceB. By thenC. In timeD. Soon after16.A. lostB. wonC. passedD. joined17.A. courageB. strengthC. informationD. chance18.A. inB. onC. forD. with19.A. seenB. forgottenC. masteredD. remembered20.A. knownB. interestingC. wrongD. clear 
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The Question is the Most Powerful Sales Tool
Customers come to printers to solve communication challenges. Transactional customers get their specific challenges solved.
Transaction print is a tough business these days. Printers who inquire about and look to solve bigger picture challenges develop partners with their customers, moving above the transactional level.
Published: August 3, 2016
In our race for optimal efficiency we often miss great opportunities to sell more.
Customers contact printers in order to solve communication challenges. They often have a very specific challenge. If you have an efficiency mindset, you immediately drill down into the customer&s specific challenge and start solving it for them. This is appropriate behavior AND it could be improved.& One well-formed big picture question can open up another level of business between you and the customer.
Many think of this as a sales role, but your customer service team speaks with many more customers than your sales team.
For example, last month I was shopping for banners for a film festival I was launching. I found a printer near the venue and placed a call (because I could not -). The service was excellent but nobody asked me one question about what I needed the banners for. I was putting on a film festival that required quite a bit of signage and the plan is for this festival to be an on-going event.
The call was pure transactional.
The business was pure transactional.
The relationship is now forgettable & even though the person on the other line provided excellent customer service.
There was an opportunity for a relationship.
What is the alternative?
The CSR answers the call, listens carefully to my specific challenge, and then asks just one big picture question about what my overall project is about? What is your event? A well-formed question displays my favorite human characteristic: CURIOSITY.& When you are curious you are sending two strong mess 1) you are listening, 2) you are interested in what they are trying to accomplish.
You know why we hate traditional sales people? Because they are only interested in what they are trying to accomplish (sell you)! We have all been on way too many conversations with sales people that focus on one thing & their needs. This is displaying my least favorite human characteristic: NARCISSISM.
The well-formed question can be so powerful, if and only if, you ask it and then shut up and listen. The well-formed question is not as easy to form as you might think. We make a lot of mistakes when asking questions to discover new information. Here are a few common mistakes:
You ask a multiple choice question which tells the customer you want a short answer. Don&t ask
What kind of event are you putting on? A sports event? A community event? A political event? This is not the SAT, there are not a clear set of acceptable answers, and trying to guess does not make you look smarter & it opens you up to getting it wrong. Ask an open-ended question and then let the customer take it in any direction they please.
You make assumptions instead of asking questions. The first rule of sales discovery is &make no assumptions& & too many sales are lost by people who think they know, get it wrong, and miss the opportunity. Don&t guess, don&t assume, those are all tactics to prove your worth. A customer is more likely to buy from you if they feel you care first and foremost. If you&re making assumptions and guesses, you are trying to show the customer you know better than them (which you don&t). If you listen and ask well-formed questions, you tell the customer they matter and you are curious!
You don&t listen and you ask questions about subjects they have already covered. This might be the worst possibly outcome. Listening is the first step in developing trust, if you&re not willing to listen & you don&t have much of a chance at evolving above a transactional level relationship. Big picture challenges require a shared context between you and the customer. You need to understand what they are trying to accomplish and then you need to use your expertise to help them get there. This requires listening and learning from each other.
There is nothing more important than the well-formed question. A couple of my favorite ones:
How do you accomplish this today? (customer describes a pain they have which they are obviously not happy with, you ask how they get that done today)?
What would you measure in order to gauge success? (customer describes something they want to achieve)
How much time do you spend on this activity? (people often discount their time)
What would you do with that time if someone else was performing that task? (follow up the previous question)
How would you describe wild success? (often the customer&s perspective of success isn&t obvious)
Understanding doesn&t take a lot of knowledge, it actually just takes good listening skills and the ability to ask a well-formed question. Customers want to talk about themselves, the only way you&ll find out their bigger challenges if to ask the question and listen.
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英语翻译The most powerful way to prevail in global competition is still invisible to many companies.During the 1980s,top executives were judged on their ability to restructure,declutter,and delayer their corporations.In the 1990s,they’ll be judged on their ability to identify,cultivate,and exploit the core competencies that make growth possible –indeed,they’ll have to rethink the concept of the corporation itself.
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