And my hand was burned, very painful consequences?There will b

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Discovering useful words and expressions
When do you need to use your knowledge about _______? When somebody suddenly ______ or has an accident.
What is the ____? It is an organ which acts as a ______against disease, poisons and the sun’s harmful ____.
Why are the functions of the skin described as ________? It ke it prevents your body from losing too much water and provides you with your _____ of touch.
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What can hurt _____ of the skin? Hot ______ from pans on the stove, electric shocks, radiation, fire and the sun.
What is it ____ to do if you have third degree burns? Go to the hospital.
What are the _________ of first degree burns? They are dry, red and mildly _______.
Emma had a mild accident. She burned her ____ when she knocked some hot liquid over herself. At first the pain was __________ but fortunately Luke knew what to do. He immediately provided some ________ treatment using some cloths from the _______. He wetted them, ___________ the cold water and then placed them over her ankle. He did this _________________ until the pain disappeared. Then he dried the ankle gently to prevent ______ from forming. Finally he took a pair of _______ and cut a _______ to the right length. Then he tied it tightly so that it would stay ________. Emma was very grateful to Luke for what he had done for her.
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