
英语完形填空题型及方法 35完形填空常考题型是,在一篇难度适中的短文中设置20个空白(20个空白的短文为250一300个词).每个空白为一题.要求考生从所给出的四项选择中选出一个最佳答案;选锌项可以是一个单词,也可以是一个短语。做完形填空题时,考生需运用自己综合的语言能力选肄最佳答案.使短文的意思和结构完整、合理。考生在做完形填空时可采取以下步骤;1)略读全文,抓住大意完形填空在很大程度上考查学生语篇理解水平,所以考生第一步必须赂读全文大意,只有这样,才能正确地选择词和词组在具体情景中的确切含义。2)领会暗示,推断选择语篇的理解特别强调文章的整体性。在阅读过程中应领会暗示,仔细搜寻字里行间或作者语气中的暗示词或内涵意义。如果一时难以确定答案,可以先不选择,继续往下面做。通常概括上下文和前后选择项可以对文章的意思给予不断提示和补充。3)把控结构线索完形填空的填入部分主要包括句子中的功能结构词、固定搭配结构词和句型结构词。答题时要考虑选择项是否符合该句或上下文意思的要求;是否符合词组搭配要求;是否符合句型或语法要求;是否有提示词的暗示,如同义词、反义词或重复出现的词等。4)正确使用排除法遇有难以判断的选择项时,可以将每一个选择项都填入空白中加以分析,运用语法知识和上下文信息,逐一排除掉错误答案和可能性很小的选择。
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All parents love their children.Many parents want their kids to(1)____well-known people when they(2)____.Most of them want their kids to live better than others.Many of them (3)_____their kids will be singers or actors. Actors and singers can(4)______money easily in our country.When they appear in the advertisement,they will get (5)______money which a farmer or a worker can't make all his life. Some of the parents want their kids to be businessmen(6)_____ doctors. If they work hard, they will have cars and big houses in several(7)_____.Some parents want their kids to work in cities and towns.They don't (8)______them to work in the countryside.People who work in the cities and towns can get money after the (9)______.If you are a famous man, especially an actor, you'll get much but pay a little. A farmer is (10)_____---he gets little but pays much. (1) A.do B.become C.like D.work (2) A.grow up B.get up C.stand up D.set up (3) A.make B.like C.love D.hope (4) A.lose B.make C.remember D.take (5) A.many B.a little C.much D.a few (6) A.or B.and C.but D.else (7) A.days B.weeks C.years D.moths (8) A.paly B.need C.enjoy D.want (9) A.retire B.leave C.die D.move (10)A.happy B.different C.rich D.lucky The moon, our 1 , travels 2 the Earth. It has 3 been visited by man in spaceships. Man-made satellites have been sent up 4 space by many countries. They go round 5 . We used them 6 us to learn more 7 the Earth, the weather and other things. They are also used to 8 and receive massages. It makes people 9 different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much 10 place. ( ) 1. A. satellite B. satellites C. Sun D. Earth ( ) 2.A.on B. near C. round D. before ( ) 3.A. just B. never C. before D. already ( ) 4.A. to B. into C. in D. over ( ) 5.A.the Sun B. the Earth C. The Moon D. the Sea ( ) 6.A.help B. helping C. to help D. helped ( ) 7.A.about B. for C. of D. on ( ) 8.A.send B. sending C. sends D. sent ( ) 9.A.come B. comes C. from D. form ( ) 10.A.larger B. bigger C. small D. smaller A satellite是卫星,且用单数 (这里our...应该是the moon的同位语,描述的就是the moon) C 绕地球转 D 已经被人类拜访过了 A 人造卫星是发射到太空的 B 人造卫星绕地球转 C 用来帮助我们,达到某个目的(动词)用to A 发现更多关于地球的奥秘 A 被用来做某事,+的应该是动词原形,而be used to doing是习惯于做某事,不符句意,其实这题是送分的,后面的是receive原形就看出了~ C 来自不同国家的人 D 根据意思,这使得世界好象变小了,变小了用比较级,much后面就是跟比较级的 一、妙招一通读全文知大意 Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up. 1. A. saw B. asked C. met 2. A. make B.do C. 1et 3. A. someone B.nothing C. something 4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate 5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes 6. A. in B. above C. under 7. A. but B. or C. and 8. A. also B. never C. yet 9. A. smelt B. sounded C. became 10. A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t 运用“跳读”或“边读边猜”等技巧把握中心大意. 短文的中心直接影响故事情节的发展,决定着各小题选项该如何确定.通过一到两遍的阅读,有些小题答案会在我们的脑海里浮现,比如2空填do,3空填something或food,5空填home或house或his factory,7空填and等等. [注] 此时不要急于确定答案! (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B) 二、妙招二重视首句获信息 重视首句、突破首句.完形填空题所选用短文的第一句话通常是不设空的,目的是给同学们一个整体印象,同时提示短文的中心内容或提供故事发生的时间、地点、背景等. At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people’s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I’m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river 2. A. us B. them C. him D. her 3. A. great B. angry C. smart D. happy 4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build 5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find 6. A. how B. when C. where D. why 7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay 首句At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others.有提纲挈领之效,简明扼要地提示我们,作者的学校有一个特殊的日子,那就是帮助别人献爱心的日子.有助于我们理解全文.甚至让我们毫不犹豫地确认1空应添单词home. (Keys:1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A) 三、妙招三全面考虑定选项 整体理解短文、把握中心并根据文中线索(含体裁、时态变化线索、词汇线索、句法线索、社会文化线索、上下文线索等)由易到难地做出选择. [注] 不要试图从头至尾地去解答完形填空题.有的选项内容在短文的其他地方有较为明确的提示,甚至原封不动地重现. Shirley Yeats is certainly a very brave woman! At the age of sixty-seven, she 1 to take a trip round the coast(海岸) of Malaysia. Everything was fine 2 one day, as she was going back to her room on the 3 , she saw smoke coming out of another room. She 4 the captain from her room at once and told him about the fire. Then she went up on deck(甲板) to see 5 she could do to help. The fire spread(蔓延) very quickly and soon 6 was completely out of control. The captain decided to get all the passengers out as 7 as possible. 1. A. stopped B. usedC. had D. decided 2. A. since B. afterC. until D. before 3. A. way B. shipC. land D. road 4. A. phoned B. toldC. asked D. ordered 5. A. if B. howC. what D. where 6. A. she B. heC. that D. it 7. A. quickly B. muchC. well D. usually 1.由上下文可知她决定去旅游,decided to do sth.意为“决定做某事”. 2.根据下文可知直到火灾发生的那一天情况一切正常. 3.从下文的captain, deck,可确定她是乘船去旅游. 4.由下文的from her room可知她马上打电话将情况告诉了船长. 5.根据上下文可知她走上甲板去看看能不能帮忙做点儿什么. 6.由上文的The fire spread very quickly,可知大火无法控制了. 7. as quickly as意为“尽快地” (Keys: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C6. D 7. A) 四、妙招四复读全文验答案 把填充后的短文反复阅读一两遍(甚至多遍),逐一检查、校对所选答案是否符合短文中心及上下文要求,并确保没有不符合语言规范、不符合语法规则的选项. [注] 很多同学做完形填空题存在一个误区,把很多的时间放到四个选项的比较上,这会降低解题效率.正确做法应是: 顺藤摸瓜,首先是藤,你拿到文章之后要重点读第一句. 瞻前顾后,在文章空格的上下文处,你觉得这个地方需要什么词,带着这个目的到四个选项里找. 顾全大局,做一道题时应该在段落里面理解一句话. 认清细节,比如考固定搭配的题. 猜想试题 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项. My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was 1 in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn’t know he has a problem when you saw him 2 . Children in our neighborhood always ran around 3 their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, 4 . We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be 5 to run like the other children. So he didn’t know. In 6 grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, 7 only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the 8 . We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn’t know. He ran four to five mile every day - even when he had a fever. I was 9 , so I went to 10 him after school. I found him running 11 . I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 12 . Two weeks later, the names of the team 13 were caked. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had 14 the team. He was in seventh grade - the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn’t do it … so he didn’t know. He just 15 it. 1. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid 2. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk 3. A. after B. before C. during D. till 4. A. either B. too C. though D. yet 5. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 6. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth 7. A. so B. if C. then D. because 8. A. neighborhood B. familyC. school D. grade 9. A. excited B. tiredC. pleased D. worried 10. A. think about B. hear fromC. agree with D. look for 11. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already 12. A. riding B. walkingC. playing D. running 13. A. jumpers B. runnersC. doctors D. teachers 14. A. got B. kept C. made D. found 15. A. did B. had C. left D. took (Keys:1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D)
扫描下载二维码  2017考研英语考试已经结束,跨考教育特为大家整理了的2017考研英语一完形填空真题答案解析,以供大家参考。
  Section Ⅰ Use of English
  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding &yes!&_____(1)helping you feel close and _____(2)to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a _____(3)of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you _____(4)getting sick this winter.
  In a recent study _____(5)over 400 healthy adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs_____(6)the participants' susceptibility to developing the common cold after being_____(7)to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come_____(8)with a cold, and the researchers_____(9)that the stress-reducing effects of hugging _____(10)about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. _____(11)among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe_____(12).
  &Hugging protects people who are under stress from the _____(13)risk for colds that's usually _____(14)with stress,& notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie, Hugging & is a marker of intimacy and help _____(15)the feeling that others are there to help_____(16)difficulty.&
  Some experts_____(17)the stress-reducing, health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called &the bonding hormone&_____(18)it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mothers and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it _____(19)in the brain, where it _____(20)mood, behavior and physiology.
  1. A.Besides B.Unlike C.Throughout D.Despite
  2. A.equal B.restricted C.connected D.inferior
  3. A.view B.host C.lesson D.choice
  4. A.avoid B.forget C.recall D.keep
  5. A.collecting B.affecting C.guiding D.involving
  6. A.on B.in C.at D.of
  7. A.devoted B.attracted C.lost D.exposed
  8. A.along B.across C.down D.out
  9. A.imagined B.denied C.doubted D.calculated
  10.A.served B.restored C.explained D.required
  11.A.Thus B.Still C.Rather D.Even
  12.A.defeats B.symptoms C.errors D.tests
  13.A.highlighted B.increased C.controlled D.minimized
  14.A.presented B.equipped C.associated D.compared
  15.A.assess B.generate C.moderate D.record
  16. A.in the name of B.in the form of C.in the face of D.in the way of
  17.A.attribute B.commit C.transfer D.return
  18.A.unless B.because C.though D.until
  19.A.remains B.emerges C.vanishes D.decreases
  20.A.experiences B.combines C.justifies D.influences
  【解析】根据本句句内逻辑关系,&it turns out that hugs&&说明拥抱还有其他结果。因此,前文的逻辑关系应该为&除此以外&,结合选项,A.Besides(除此之外)最为合适。
  【解析】本题实为逻辑关系题。根据句子前后结构&helping you feel close and _____(2)&,我们可以判断,由于空格处与前面内容通过and连接,说明我们要选择一个单词与feel close同义,并且要与后面介词to 连用。因此,通过对于四个选项含义判断,C选项有&关联的&含义最为符合。
  【解析】此题为固定搭配。&a host of&表示大量的。其他选项搭配不合理。
  【解析】根据题干信息&a warm embrace might even help you _____(4)getting sick this winter.&中,出现&even&,表示&甚至&,说明此句话与上一句话存在递进的逻辑关系。上一句话的语义表示&拥抱可以带来大量的好处&,因此,这句话也应该表示拥抱的好处。根据四个选项含义,A.avoid(避免)B.forget(忘记)C.recall(回忆)D.keep(保持),A选项&避免生病&最符合文意。
  【解析】本题为固定搭配。根据句义&examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs_____(6)the participants'&&考查固定搭配&examined the effects&on sth&因此,本题正确选项为A。
  【解析】根据句义&common cold after being_____(7)to the virus.&&通常感冒是在。。。细菌之后发生的。&结合选项含义A.devoted(致力于)B.attracted(吸引)C.lost(丢失)D.exposed(暴露于),D选项&暴露在细菌中&&符合文意。
  【解析】本题为固定搭配。A.come along with(和。。。相处的好)B.come across with(偿付)C.come down with(得病,感染)D.come out with(出版,提出),结合语境,根据后面与cold(感冒)搭配,C选项&得感冒&搭配最为合理。
  【解析】本题为动词与宾语从句搭配问题。根据原文&the researchers_____(9)that the stress-reducing effects of hugging _____(10)about 32 percent of that beneficial effect.&动作的主语是&研究人员&,连接后面的宾语从句&拥抱减小压力的作用&,并且有数据支撑。从选项含义A.imagined(想像)B.denied(否认)C.doubted(怀疑)D.calculated(计算,推测)来看,宾语从句部分应为研究人员计算推测出的结果。因此,选项D符合要求。
  【解析】本题为动词含义考查。根据文章内容,&the stress-reducing effects of hugging _____(10)about 32 percent of that beneficial effect.&本题同样考查研究人员做出的研究结果,因此,结合选项含义A.served(服务)B.restored(存储)C.explained(解释)D.required(要求),C选项&解释&符合语境要求。
  【解析】形容词与名词搭配问题。根据语境&the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe_____(12)&所选词要与severe构成合理搭配,再结合前文语境是关于对于拥抱实验的结果。因此,B.symptoms(症状)符合语境要求。正确选项为B。
  【解析】本题为形容词修饰。根据原文&Hugging protects people who are under stress from the _____(13)risk for colds that's usually _____(14)with stress,&,需要选择一个形容词来修饰risk。在选项中,A.highlighted(突出的)B.increased(增加的)C.controlled(被控制的)D.minimized(最小的),对比选项含义,B&增加的风险&更符合原文语境。
  【解析】此题为固定搭配题。A 和B选项不可以和with连接。C.associated可以和with连接,意为&与。。。有关联&。D.compared和with连接表示&和。。相比&不符合文章要求。因此,本题正确选项为C.
  【解析】此题考查动宾搭配。根据原文&Hugging is a marker of intimacy and help _____(15)the feeling&&,需要选择一个动词能够和后文的&the feeling&搭配。分析选项含义:A.assess(评估)B.generate(产生)C.moderate(缓和)D.record(记录),四个选项中,B&generate the feeling&产生感觉搭配最为合理。因此正选为B。
  16A.in the name ofB.in the form ofC.in the face ofD.in the way of
  【解析】此题为短语搭配题。分析选项含义A.in the name of(以&为名)B.in the form of(以&的形式)C.in the face of(面对&)D.in the way of(以&的方式),结合文章语境,应为&面对困难&搭配最为合理。因此,正确选项为C。
  【解析】此题为固定搭配题。即:attribute sth to sth .因此正确选项为A
  【解析】此题为逻辑关系题。选项含义A.unless(除非)B.because(因为)C.though(虽然)D.until(直到。。。才)。结合原文语境,&often called &the bonding hormone&_____(18)it promotes attachment in relationships,&(经常被称之为&形成亲密关系的荷尔蒙&&.它促进了关系的依赖。)从本句来看,前后文属于因果逻辑关系。因此正确选项为B
  【解析】本题为动词辨析。选项含义为A.remains(仍然)B.emerges(出现)C.vanishes(消失)D.decreases(减少)结合语境信息&But some of it _____(19)in the brain, &C和D选项跟文章含义相反。而B 选项只表示一种动作。A选项表示它仍然在大脑里存在,最符合文章要求,因此正确选项为A。
  where it _____(20)mood, behavior and physiology.
  【解析】本题为动词辨析。选项含义为A.experiences(经历)B.combines(结合)C.justifies(替某人辩护,证明合理)D.influences(影响)。根据原文语境,&where it _____(20)mood, behavior and physiology.&能够搭配后面并列的三个宾语&情绪、行为、和生理&,只有D&影响&因此正确选项为D。
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