bane dota2是什么意思及反义词

grey wolf是什么意思及反义词
沪江词库精选grey wolf是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语
a wolf with a brindled grey coat living in forested northern regions of North America
She longed to travel as her eyes and her mind travelled, south, south to the azure skies, to the lands of beauty and sunshine beyond the greyness
&A mountain wolf, a savage ruthless beast, mindless of past obligations&
Some warm - blooded animals,like the cat,the dog or the wolf,do not need to hibernate.
You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial lamb
We will not open the door, cried they, you are not our mother.
She has a soft, pleasant voice, but your voice is rough, you are the wolf.
The plural form of &shelf& is &shelves&. Similarly, the plural form of &wolf& is &wolves&.
&Any of three extant species of canine. The gray, or timber, wolf (Canis lupus) is the ancestor of all domestic dogs.&
犬科,野生犬形食肉动物。灰狼(Canis lupus,即林狼)是最著名的种,是所有家犬的祖先。
&Tungsten (or wolfram): Metallic chemical element, one of the transition elements, chemical symbol W, atomic number 74.&
Wolf preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness
&I wish to consult you on this passage, 'Molli fugiens anhelitu,& you know it refers to a stag flying from a wolf
phr. 大灰狼;苍狼(产于欧亚大陆和北美)
n. 狼月(一月的满月)
phr. 北极狼
n. 小狼, 幼童军
To cry wolf is to call for help when you are not really in danger.
n. (=wolf's-claws)石松
n. (某些男人)向过路女子吹的口哨
phr. 隆头鱼
phr. 锯盖鱼科的典型属
节日包裹焦虑症(指因为没收到本该在圣诞节前送到的某件网购物品而感到焦虑不安的心理。)基本解释◎ 灾星 zāixīng[bane] 给人带来恶运或灾难的人或事物反义词英文翻译1. disaster详细解释亦作“灾星”。1.古人以天象附会人事。认为某一星辰出现异常,人间便会有相应的灾变,因称引起灾变的星体为灾星。后世星命家谓人的命运亦与星辰相关,流年不利,往往由于灾星照临。亦泛指恶运;灾难。 元
《》第二折:“你道是花星照,福星照,怎不怕灾星照。” 明
《·拿破仑与隋那》:“因为他们三个(指 拿破仑 、 成吉思汗 、 希特勒 ),都是杀人不眨眼的大灾星。”
《》诗:“从前灾星,水旱 汤 蝗,而今苛政,抽丁征粮。”
barbaric是什么意思 barbaric在线翻译 barbaric什么意思 barbaric的意思 barbaric的翻译 barbaric的解释 barbaric的发音 barbaric的同义词
barbaric英 [bɑ:'baer?k] 美 [bɑ:r'baer?k] barbaric 基本解释形容词野蛮的; 蒙昧; 半开化的; 粗俗的手机查看barbaric的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 barbaric 即可barbaric 相关例句形容词1. Barbaric customs still prevail in the mountainous area.&&&&野蛮的习俗仍流行于这一山区。2. The explorer was killed by barbaric people.&&&&那位探险家被野蛮人杀死。barbaric 网络解释1. 野蛮的,残暴的:injury 损伤,伤害 | barbaric 野蛮的,残暴的 | trial 审判2. 野人:Bane Spider 毁灭蛛 | Barbaric 野人 | Basilisk 蜥蜴3. 野蛮的,粗野的:splendid 极好的,壮丽的 | barbaric 野蛮的,粗野的 | sorcerer 魔法师barbaric 双语例句1. I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.&&&&我在世界的屋脊上发出我的粗野的呼声。2. I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world.&&&&站在世界的屋脊上,我喊出我野性的狂叫!3. 3. As for being barbaric and evil, hadn`t my Dad always taught me that true Chinese were honest and kind, and that China was the Land of Courtesy and Integrity?&&&&至于野蛮和邪恶,我爸爸不是一向都教导我,华人遵守信和仁,而中国是礼义之邦吗?4. The LRA is a small force, with perhaps only 2, 000 fighters holed up in Congo, but Mr Kony claims supernatural powers and his methods are barbaric: hacking open heads and limbs, slicing off ears and noses, gouging out eyes, padlocking vaginas, and abducting both adults and children.&&&&上帝抵抗军是一小股力量,大约只有2000名战士躲藏在刚果,但是 Kony 先生声称自己拥有超自然的力量,而且他的办法野蛮残暴:劈开脑袋和四肢、割掉耳朵和鼻子、挖出眼睛、用挂锁锁住阴道、绑架成人和儿童。5. Regardless of what method is used to put execute a person, it's an uncivilized and barbaric act.&&&&不管采用什么方式对人处死,都是一种不文明而野蛮的行径。6. I think that the Chinese are barbaric in wanting to poach these beautiful animals, if they carry on doing this they will lose one of the most important animals of their culture, their decendents will only have stories about the tiger, instead of being able to see it for them sevels which is just ashame, we should bouycot all products from china.&&&&我认为中国人偷猎动物的行径太残忍了,如果继续这样做的话,他们会失去中国文化中最具代表性的一种动物,他们的后代也只能通过故事了解到老虎的存在而不能亲眼所见了。我想我们应该抵制中国的产品。7. Demolition in the land in many places there is personal property of residents of illegal deprivation of barbarism, which is the power of capital and the power of contracting the most barbaric way.&&&&拆除的土地,在许多地方有个人财产的居民被非法剥夺的野蛮,这是资本的权力和力量的最野蛮的承包方式。8. 8. Mona is hungry, her dress is thin. Nothing but evening wraps, bottles of perfume, barbaric earrings, bracelets, depilatories.&&&&莫娜饿了,而且她的衣服很单保除了晚礼服、香水、俗气的耳环、手镯和脱毛剂,她什么也没有。9. 9. Would like to experience the original period of the barbaric society?&&&&想体验到原始时期的野蛮社会吗?10. 10. There are many barbaric races who would enslave us if given the chance.&&&&有许多野蛮的种族奴役我们谁如果想有机会。11. barbaric11. English: Confucius wish to live with one of the barbaric tribes.&&&&&&Modern:孔子想到九夷之地居住。12. Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi-barbaric futurity?&&&&&&他立刻死掉不是更好吗?那将来,他就可以在半开化的天国等待她了。13. 13. It is a brutal, bloody and barbaric story.&&&&&&那是残忍的、血淋淋的、野蛮的故事。14. Frustration is a stone, crushing your unre setbacks fire, burning the net you are selfi setbacks of water, wash your irrational thoughts barbaric&&&&&&挫折是石,敲碎你天马行空的想象;挫折是火,烧净你自私无知的心灵;挫折是水,洗涤你无理野蛮的思想15. Which was barbaric. He was a man of exuberant fancy, and&&&&&&他是个有着丰富幻想的人,不仅如此16. The religion and civilization which are barbaric and heathenish bu but what you might call Christianity does not.&&&&&&野蛮的、异教徒的宗教和文化倒建造了华丽的寺院;而可以称之为基督教的,就没有这样做。17. Old rocks and some barbaric chiseling were all.&&&&&&老岩石和一些野蛮凿是全部。18. 18. From the inhumane cruelty of ancient China's practice of tying a person's limbs and head to five horses and ripping them apart, to slow dismemberment and public beheadings, to the ten torture methods of the late Qing dynasty, from burning people in town squares in the West to hanging people from crosses, all such punishments were extremely barbaric and cruel.&&&&&&从中国古老的惨无人道的车裂、凌迟、斩头示众到满清十大酷刑,从西方焚体于广场、绞刑到十字架刑罚,都极其野蛮和残忍。19. This is typical of a barbaric act, contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ on love.&&&&&&这是典型的野蛮行径,违背了耶稣的教导爱。20. What kind of a barbaric country would do that?&&&&&&什么样的野蛮国家这样做?barbaric 词典解释1. 凶残的;残暴的;野蛮的&&&&If you describe someone's behaviour as barbaric, you strongly disapprove of it because you think that it is extremely cruel or uncivilized.&&&&e.g. This barbaric treatment of animals has no place in any decent society.&&&&&&&&&&&这种残忍地对待动物的行为是任何一个文明社会都不能容忍的。&&&&e.g. ...a particularly barbaric act of violence.&&&&&&&&&&&极为野蛮的暴行barbaric 单语例句barbaric什么意思1. Pakistan condemned the assault as a " barbaric act of terrorism " and denied any involvement by state agencies.2. An Iraqi official said the Americans were tortured and killed in a " barbaric " way.3. Opponents denounce hunting as a barbaric bloodsport while supporters defend it as an essential part of rural life that dates back three centuries.4. That in itself is a situation which cannot obtain under the present jingoistic and barbaric policies of the militarist factions within the LDP.5. Why some Japanese rightwing activists still insist on hiding the truth from other people, and honoring war criminals at the Yasukuni Shrine for their barbaric acts.6. Opponents say it is both elitist and barbaric, with a pack of dogs tracking a live animal and then tearing it apart.7. The attacks on the Indian capital were particularly barbaric as victims were busy shopping for gifts with the Hindu festival of Diwali just days away.8. Such barbaric acts should not be tolerated and we should adopt forceful and immediate steps to restore order and social stability.9. Zhang spent his final months in the city documenting the barbaric acts he saw being committed by the Japanese.10. Two French parliamentarians said Wednesday they had presented a bill to ban cock and bullfighting, which are widely criticized as barbaric.barbaric是什么意思,barbaric在线翻译,barbaric什么意思,barbaric的意思,barbaric的翻译,barbaric的解释,barbaric的发音,barbaric的同义词,barbaric的反义词,barbaric的例句,barbaric的相关词组,barbaric意思是什么,barbaric怎么翻译,单词barbaric是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注Mbabane是什么意思_Mbabane在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
Mbabane是什么意思 Mbabane在线翻译 Mbabane什么意思 Mbabane的意思 Mbabane的翻译 Mbabane的解释 Mbabane的发音 Mbabane的同义词 Mbabane的反义词
Mbabane英 [mbɑ:'ba:n] 美 [?mbɑ'bɑn, -'bɑni] Mbabane 基本解释姆巴巴纳;手机查看Mbabane的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 Mbabane 即可Mbabane 网络解释1. 姆巴巴内:斯威士兰首都姆巴巴内 (Mbabane) 坐落在西裴勒得自然区的中部,东经31°6′,南纬26°18′,海拔1800米. 姆巴巴内森林茂密,雨量适中,气候温和,是一座四季如春的山城.2. 2. 姆巴巴纳:你离开之前的德兰士瓦省(Transvaal)前往美丽的斯威士兰首府姆巴巴纳(Mbabane). 你将在此停留2个晚上. 届时参观斯威士集市和当地学校,并可以与老师和孩子们交谈. 住宿在布勒姆布(Bulembu)游览区的旅店.3. 姆巴班:Mazatlan /马萨特兰/ | Mbabane /姆巴班/ | Mbps /每秒兆位/4. 姆吧吧内:斯威士兰SWAZILAND | 姆吧吧内MBABANE | 博茨瓦纳BOTSWANAMbabane 双语例句1. MBABANE - Listeners to Swaziland's state-run radio station thought it had its own correspondent in Baghdad covering the war - until legislators spotted him in parliament at the weekend.&&&&瑞士姆巴巴内:瑞士国家广播电台的听众以为该电台把自己的一名记者派到了巴格达进行战地采访--直到本周末议员们在议会发现了他。2. Mbabane的反义词2. Major Cities: Mbabane, Manzini, Nhlangano, Siteki, Hlatikulu.&&&&主要城市:姆巴巴纳、曼齐尼、恩赫兰加诺、斯泰吉、赫拉蒂库卢。3. Mbabane的解释3. Most of the protesters are said to be in the capital, Mbabane, and are unable to get to Manzini, a45-minute drive away.&&&&据说大部分的抗议者被滞留在首都姆巴巴内,无法到达仅45分钟车程的曼奇尼。4. 4. Rome/Mbabane – With food prices hitting record highs world wide, FAO is helping implement urgent measures to increase local food production in the most affected countries.&&&&罗马/姆巴巴纳–随着全球粮食价格涨至创纪录水平,粮农组织正在帮助受影响最严重的国家采取紧急措施,增加地方粮食生产。5. MBABANE (Reuters) - Listeners to Swaziland's state-run radio station thought it had its own correspondent in Baghdad covering the war-until legislators spotted him in parliament at the weekend.&&&&瑞士姆巴巴内:瑞士国家广播电台的听众以为该电台把自己的一名记者派到了巴格达进行战地采访&直到本周末议员们在议会发现了他。Mbabane是什么意思,Mbabane在线翻译,Mbabane什么意思,Mbabane的意思,Mbabane的翻译,Mbabane的解释,Mbabane的发音,Mbabane的同义词,Mbabane的反义词,Mbabane的例句,Mbabane的相关词组,Mbabane意思是什么,Mbabane怎么翻译,单词Mbabane是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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fiz是什么意思 fiz在线翻译 fiz什么意思 fiz的意思 fiz的翻译 fiz的解释 fiz的发音 fiz的同义词 fiz的反义词 fiz的例句 fiz的相关词组
fiz英 [f?z] 美 [f?z] fiz 基本解释fiz是什么意思发嘶嘶声,有泡沫的饮料;作嘶嘶声;手机查看fiz的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 fiz 即可fiz 网络解释1. 研发中心:项目描述宝马公司研发中心(FIZ)是宝马公司最重要的技术核心. 位于慕尼黑总厂附近的研发建筑群是世界上汽车工业最先进的生产中心之一. 约有7000多工程师,模型人员,计算机专业技术人员,各专业的学者以及销售商和供货商在这里为宝马汽车和未来技术从事研发工作.2. 嘶嘶声:fixure 固定位置 | fiz 嘶嘶声 | fizgig 轻佻女人3. 火:22、fenz 柴 | 23、fiz 火 | 24、xas 削fiz 双语例句1. Communicate well with German plant and FIZ for corresponding problems.&&&&相关问题与德国工厂进行技术沟通。2. Lisa works for FIZ magazine in Paris.&&&&丽莎在巴黎为FIZ 杂志工作。3. And the most major of those, which is all the matter concerning between heroine, Elizabeth·Banert and the hero, Fiz William Dasy.&&&&其中最主要的,自然是发生在女主角伊丽莎白·班纳特与男主角费茨威廉·达西之间的爱恨情仇。4. By law, the legislature delegated to the Commission the power to fiz the routes over which motor carriers operate, set the rates charged, and assess the property value of the carrier companies for county and municipal tazation [Crowell (8)] Tennessee grants three types of motor carrier operating authority.&&&&根据法律,立法机关授予委员会的权力过的FIZ路线的汽车运营商经营,设置的收费,以及评估承运人的公司的财产价值为县,市tazation [克劳威尔(1987年,247-248)] 田纳西州的补助金3种汽车承运人经营的权力。5. Species [5spi:Fiz] n.&&&&种类6. fiz6. At the end of distraction, microvessel density was decreased from microcolumn formation (MCF) zone to fibrous interzone (FIZ);&&&&牵张结束时,血管密度由骨小梁形成区带(MCF)向纤维区带(FIZ)递减;7. Officially opened in1990, the FIZ continues to increase its range of activities.&&&&1990年该中心正式成立,并一直留心扩大其活动范畴。8. 8. A bibliographic data base covering Volumes 500-1000 is maintained by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the FIZ Karlsruhe.&&&&该套丛书汇集了世界上最重要的数百种有关计算机科学方面的国际会议的会议录,每年出版200卷以上,在国际上享有盛誉,是综合性和理工类高校图书馆以及专业技术研究所的必备藏书。fiz是什么意思,fiz在线翻译,fiz什么意思,fiz的意思,fiz的翻译,fiz的解释,fiz的发音,fiz的同义词,fiz的反义词,fiz的例句,fiz的相关词组,fiz意思是什么,fiz怎么翻译,单词fiz是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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