
发布时间: 09:19
谁能帮我修改一下这篇英语演讲稿,周五之前帮我看看有没有什么语法错误,CHINGLISH的地方,也帮我修改一下,The first time I knew the Olympic Game is in 1992,the Barcelona Olympic Game.At that time I was just a young gi谁能帮我修改一下这篇英语演讲稿,周五之前帮我看看有没有什么语法错误,CHINGLISH的地方,也帮我修改一下,The first time I knew the Olympic Game is in 1992,the Barcelona Olympic Game.At that time I was just a young girl who don’t know what the “Olympic” really mean,I had just seen the competitors participated various sports.When I saw the national flag rising gradually,with national anthem playing,I asked my mother:” why do the competitors cry?” “Because they got the gold metal,they win the honor for motherland.” My mother answered.So in my opinion at that time,Olympic means winner,flowers and applause.After seeing the Atlanta Olympic Game four years later and Sydney Olympic Game in 2000,I gradually understand that the truth of the Olympic is not full
it also contains sadness and tears.“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part,just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph,but the struggle.The essential thing is not to have conquered,but to have fought well” and this is the Olympic Creed.You who wish to excel,forge your body and soul to discover the best in yourself always aim one degree higher than the goal you have set for yourself.The spirit of the Modern Olympic Games is embodied in the Olympic motto,“Swifter,higher,stronger” But these words should not be understand simplistically as a call for unfettered improvement of man’s physical performances,but rather as urging man to surpass himself in the very essence of his very being.The Olympic motto supposes the progress of human capacity on the basis of mental and physical improvement of man’s natural qualities.I still remember a swimming athlete which is from an African country---I even don’t recall his name.Though he swam very slowly and he was not able to be the champion,he still finished the whole competition,he endeavored to swim to the destination and all the spectators stood to applause for him.After the competition,we knew that this athlete had just learned to swim several months ago,then he participate the Game standing for his country,because the people of his country didn’t want to miss the chance of participation.He didn’t win the gold metal,but he won the respect of all the spectators.The spirit of Olympic was showed sufficiently on him.Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Game in 2008,I believe that will be a wonderful feast.I wish I could be a volunteer at that time and welcome the guests of the entire world.谁能帮我修改一下这篇英语演讲稿,周五之前帮我看看有没有什么语法错误,CHINGLISH的地方,也帮我修改一下,The first time I knew the Olympic Game is in 1992,the Barcelona Olympic Game.At that time I was just a young giThe first time I knew the Olympic Game
in 1992,the Barcelona Olympic Game.At that time I was just a young girl who know what the “Olympic” really (mean),I had just seen the competitors participated various sports.When I saw the national flag rising gradually,with national anthem playing,I asked my mother:” **why do the competitors cry?**” “Because they got the gold metal,&&(and won) they win the honor for motherland.” My mother answered.So in my opinion at that time,Olympic means winner&&(success),flowers and applause.After seeing&&(watching) the Atlanta Olympic Game four years later and Sydney Olympic Game in 2000,I gradually
that the truth of the Olympic
it also contains sadness and tears.&&(另起一段)“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not&&(only) to win but&&(also) to take part,just as the most important thing in life&&(lives) is not the triumph,but the struggle.The essential thing is not to have conquered,but to have fought well” and this is the Olympic&&(Olympic's) Creed.You &&(,)who wish to excel,forge your body and soul to discover the best in yourself always aim &&(aim at)one degree higher than the goal you have set for yourself.The spirit of the Modern Olympic Games is embodied in the Olympic motto,“Swifter,higher,stronger” But these words should not be
simplistically as a call for unfettered improvement of man’s physical performances,but rather&&(跟but有冲突) as urging man to surpass himself in the very essence of his very being.The Olympic motto supposes the progress of human capacity on the basis of mental and physical improvement of man’s natural qualities.I still remember a swimming athlete which$$$$$who is from an African country---I even don’t&&(can't) recall his name.Though he swam very slowly and he was not able to be the champion,he still finished the whole competition,he endeavored to swim to the destination and all the spectators stood to applause&&(and applaused) for him.After the competition,we knew that this athlete had just learned to swim several months ago,then he
the Game standing for his country&&(standing for his country最好放在he后边),because the&&(删掉the) people of his country didn’t want &&(him添加) to miss the chance of participation.He didn’t win the gold metal,but he won the respect of all the spectators.The spirit of Olympic was showed sufficiently on him.Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Game in 2008,I believe that will be a wonderful feast.I wish I could&&(would可能更好一些) be a volunteer at that time and welcome the guests of the entire world.附加:()为谓语动词单复数错误为时态错误** **为改进一些会更好&&为个人意见参考$$$$$为严重错误"i was a young girl who don't konw ..."中时态不一致。其他有很多类似的错误At the first time, I knew the Olympic Game
in 1992, the Barcelona Olympic Game. At that time I was just a young girl who
know what the “Olympic” really , I had just seen the comp...全部展开At the first time, I knew the Olympic Game
in 1992, the Barcelona Olympic Game. At that time I was just a young girl who
know what the “Olympic” really , I had just seen the competitors participated various sports. When I saw the national flag rising gradually, with national anthem playing, I asked my mother:” why
the competitors cry?” “Because they got the gold metal, they
the honor for motherland.” My mother answered. So in my opinion at that time, Olympic
winner, flowers and applause. After seeing the Atlanta Olympic Game four years
and Sydney Olympic Game in 2000, I gradually understand that the
of the Olympic is not (only)full of success and smile, it contains sadness and tears. “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part(in), just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well” and this is the Olympic Creed. You who wish to excel, forge your body and soul to discover the best in yourself always aim one degree higher than the goal you have set for yourself. The spirit of the Modern Olympic Games is embodied in the Olympic motto, “Swifter, higher, stronger” But these words should not be understand simplistically as a call for unfettered improvement of man’s physical performances, but rather as urging man to surpass himself in the very essence of his very being. The Olympic motto supposes the progress of human capacity on the basis of mental and physical improvement of man’s natural qualities. I still remember a swimming athlete which is from an African ---I even don’t
his name. Though he swam very slowly and he was not able to be the champion, he still finished the whole competition, he endeavored to swim to the destination and all the spectators stood to applause for him. After the competition, we knew that this athlete had just learned to swim several months ago, then he participate the Game standing for his country, because the people of his country didn’t want to miss the chance of participation. He didn’t win the gold metal, but he won the respect of all the spectators. The spirit of Olympic was showed sufficiently on him. Beijing will the 29th Olympic Game in 2008, I believe that(it) will be a wonderful feast. I wish I could be a volunteer at that time welcome the guests of the entire world.收起很多时态错误。好好改。。小J解决问题&
更新时间: 02:15
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