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刚注册CD,第一次发贴,请各位大虾多多包涵,我有一个小问题:对于本科金融专业的学生,大概需要准备多久才能有把握通过CFA level 1啊?如果参加12月份的CFA一级考试,成绩作为补充材料寄给商学院来得及吗?我相信CD上有许多牛人复习1~2周就能通过CFA一级考试,可是牛人的备考经验并不适用于绝大多数的普通人。我只是一位普通211大学金融专业的本科生,专业课成绩和英语还可以。所以我想听听一些普通人的备考经验,这样我可以大致估算出是否来得及准备CFA考试,如果有和我情况类似的过来人那就更好了。
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刚注册CD,第一次发贴,请各位大虾多多包涵,我有一个小问题:对于本科金融专业的学生,大概需要准备多久才能有把握通过CFA level 1啊?如果参加12月份的CFA一级考试,成绩作为补充材料寄给商学院来得及吗?我相信CD上有许多牛人复习1~2周就能通过CFA一级考试,可是牛人的备考经验并不适用于绝大多数的普通人。我只是一位普通211大学金融专业的本科生,专业课成绩和英语还可以。所以我想听听一些普通人的备考经验,这样我可以大致估算出是否来得及准备CFA考试,如果有和我情况类似的过来人那就更好了。-- by 会员 CounterXDF ( 18:43:56)
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我觉得CFA 1 考得是你有没有看书,以数学为例,如果考计算当然很简单,但是实际考试中很多题都是概念,没有看书(notes)是很难做对的。所以我觉得如果你脱产准备2个月,每本书复习1周,再用1-2周看第2轮,1周模考应该是能够通过的。
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我个人建议是作为一个金融背景的考生,1级考试完全不用看官方教材,看好notes就行。然后用kaplan的2本practice exam模考。
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我觉得CFA 1 考得是你有没有看书,以数学为例,如果考计算当然很简单,但是实际考试中很多题都是概念,没有看书(notes)是很难做对的。所以我觉得如果你脱产准备2个月,每本书复习1周,再用1-2周看第2轮,1周模考应该是能够通过的。-- by 会员 dongsijie ( 9:50:00)
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我个人建议是作为一个金融背景的考生,1级考试完全不用看官方教材,看好notes就行。然后用kaplan的2本practice exam模考。-- by 会员 dongsijie ( 9:51:32)
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All Rights Reserved.特别声明:本文为网易自媒体平台“网易号”作者上传并发布,仅代表该作者观点。网易仅提供信息发布平台。大家都在看分享成功热门推荐CFA对你有什么帮助?为什么那么多人从大学就要学CFA……CFA对你有什么帮助?为什么那么多人从大学就要学CFA……高顿CFA教育百家号CFA协会认证的高校包括全球40个国家的148所大学,通过CFA协会大学认证项目后,学院名称将在CFA协会网站和其他场所公示。CFA协会重点审查CFA大学认证项目申请单位的师资力量,开设课程知识点和CFA项目报考知识模块(CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge,CBOK)的匹配程度。1.CFA认证的大学在参加考试上有什么优势?部分认证学校的学生表示有CFA考试费减免政策。另外拥有CFA认证的大学,课程内容和考试有一定重叠,当你获得学校的金融学位后,可以直接考CFA,难度会大幅下降。英国的金融专业一直是世界闻名的老牌强势专业,每年申请英国院校的学生中大概有一半左右是去学金融专业的,英国金融专业的“强”度可想而知。目前,所有英国大学的本科(BSc)和硕士课程(MSc)中仅有如下收到CFA的认证。2.CFA院校推荐。上面谈了那么多关于CFA,有些人会问这些和我有什么关系?事实上的确是有关联的,在就读相应院校的该专业的同时可以参加CFA考试。这样既方便方便又实用目前英国的研究生申请异常火爆,那么小新就来带大家了解以下,英国有哪些学校具有CFA的资格认证。当然英国有此资格认证的学校,也正说明该校在这方面的实力。下面我们总结一下英国关于CFA认证的相关学校和专业:1、牛津大学UniversityofOxford(Oxford,UK)学术要求:M.Sc.inFinancialEconomics金融经济学学术要求:9个月学习,GPA3.5以上,考GMAT/GRE。2、埃克塞特大学UniversityofExeter(Exeter,UK)埃克塞特市位于英国的西南部,是那里的重要商业中心,美丽又舒服。提到这所大学,我们就不能不提它的商科和金融专业,真是太优秀了,在2010年泰晤士报排名中该校的会计与金融专业排名名列全英第2名,商科排名名列全英第5名。所以我们谈开设CFA认证课程的学校时把它写在第一位一点都不夸张。该校在会计与金融专业的领域中占世界领先地位,而且研究力也在国际上很出色。其教学与国际金融市场保持一致。该校与多家专业的公司和机构都有着密切的联系,包括CFA研究所,CISI(投资保障研究中心)、IFS(金融学校)以及多家专业会计机构,包括ICAEW(中国注册会计师协会)和ACCA(特许公认会计师)等。该校为世界范围内CFA合作机构之一。该校的金融分析与基金管理专业包含CFA认证课程。M.Sc.inFinancialAnalysisandFundManagement金融分析与基金管理学术要求:会计,金融,经济学或者是相关学科,有较强的数学和定量分析能力;2:1学位以上(21180分以上)。雅思:7.0(单科不低于6.0)。该阶段CFA相关课程,最有特色的是埃克赛特大学的金融分析和基金管理专业,课程中融入了相关的CFA考试培训,这是其它学校所没有的。每年的12月初是CFA一级考试时间,埃克赛特大学CFA一级考试通过率为60%,远远高出全部院校的平均通过率数值(44%),次年6月份是CFA二级考试时间(通过率23%),因此,埃克赛特大学的此专业申请的竞争非常激烈。提醒同学们做足准备。目前CFA机构只授予了EXETER和牛津大学有权利设置CFA课程,以下大学是经过CFA认证的学校。3、华威大学UniversityofWarwick(Coventry,UK)学校概况华威大学(TheUniversityofWarwick,又译:沃里克大学)为英国的一所校园式大学,创建于1965年,现有超过18,000名学生及4,000多名教职人员,学生中有来自100多个国家的超过4,000名的海外留学生。作为一所年轻的大学,华威大学在英国乃至全球都有享有良好的学术声誉,自从英国的媒体有大学排名以来,华威大学大学一直稳居前十名。而近年来一直都保持在全英前十所之前五顶尖高校的行列。华威大学校址位于距英格兰中部城市考文垂市中心西南部约4公里处的边境地区,距沃里克市中心11公里。学校有巴士直通考文垂及莱明顿温泉镇;乘坐virgintrain火车约59分钟到达伦敦,Londonmidland为一小时57分可以到达伦敦,半个小时可到达伯明翰。华威大学的校园占地约300公顷,既有现代化的教学楼与基础设施,还有景色宜人湖区与森林。最近由《泰晤士报》组织的一项调查表明:华威大学的校园被公认为全英最佳校园。学校周围的乡村地区不仅风光明媚,更保留着许多名胜古迹,如沃里克古堡、莎士比亚故居、科尼尔伍兹、考文垂大教堂等。华威大学下设四个分院:人文学院、理学院、社会科学院和医学院,有30个院系和50个研究中心,提供120个不同专业的本科学位和超过100个硕士与博士研究生学位。M.Sc.inEconomicsandFinance经济金融学学术要求:定量分析以及一些会计能力,GRE/GMAT可以不需要,但是GMAT700分以上会增加申请成功率.优秀学位。雅思:7.0(2个单项6.0)。AccountingandFinanceM.Sc.金融会计硕士学术要求:金融,经济学或者是商科管理,工程或者是其他的科学相关,比较看重数学和统计学或者是微经济学,GRE/GMAT可以不需要,但是GMAT700分以上会增加申请成功率,优秀学位。对加拿大学生GPA的要求:Bachelordegreewithaminimumaverageof9/12or8.5/10or7/9or3/4or78%;对中国学生GPA要求:4年本科,平均分82-90%,知名院校毕业。雅思:7.0(口语、写作6.5,其余6.0以上)4、雷丁大学UniversityofReading(Reading,UK)雷丁大学是英国一所公立大学,创立于1892年。大学现有四个校区,位于英国南部的伯克郡雷丁市周边。1926年接受皇家宪章。雷丁大学在教育领域做出了巨大的成就,1998年、2005年、2009年和2011年四度获得女王周年奖。它是英国著名的研究型大学之一,世界排名在300位以内。MSinInvestmentManagement投资管理学术要求:设立在ICMA中心,课程有70%是CFA中的,2:1学位,接受转专业,但是必须有一个令人满意的计算能力,学校会根据个人情况要求是否需要考GMAT(如果你已经离开学校超过几年或几乎没有证据证明自己的计算能力)。雅思:6.5(6.0),均分80分以上。5、莱斯特大学UniversityofLeicester(Leicester,UK)作为一所英国的老牌顶尖高等学府,莱斯特大学于1957年获颁英国皇家宪章,是英国历史最悠久、最具综合实力的大学之一,学校综合实力排名多年蝉联全英前15名,与爱丁堡大学、格拉斯哥大学、约克大学、纽卡斯尔大学、曼彻斯特大学、伯明翰大学等英国传统老牌名校齐名,在英国本土和国际上都具有颇高的声誉。和其它学校略有不同的是,该校相关的CFA认证课程在它的经济学院,该课程为金融与经济学。MScinFinancialEconomics金融经济学学术要求:2:1学位以上(top20080分以上),经济学,商科或者是会计分析或者是数学分析,数据统计专业相关,费用£13,915。6、伦敦商学院LondonBusinessSchool(London,UK)伦敦商学院是一所国际化的商学院,同时也是英国伦敦大学大学系统的成员学院。学院坐落于伦敦市中心,紧靠皇家公园之一的摄政公园。伦敦商学院不提供本科教学,只提供金融和管理学方向的研究生项目。包括管理学、金融学、MBA、EMBA、金融分析等专业。注意金融硕士的项目,全职硕士基本需要至少2年的工作经验。GMAT成绩部分申请人可以免除。MastersinFinance金融学 7、斯特灵大学UniversityofStirling(Stirling,Scotland,UK)斯特灵大学是成立于1967年,位于苏格兰的斯特灵市的一所大学。大学最初成立时的远景是向社会各个阶层的人民提供高等教育,鼓励人民去充分发挥在学术方面的潜力,这反映了当时扩大大学教育的时代精神。这种平等的教育理念一至传承至今,约92.2%的本科生是来自成人教育或者公立学校。M.Sc.inInvestmentAnalysis投资分析专业学术要求:2等学位以上,接受转专业或者是执业证书相关或者是相关的工作经验。雅思:6.0(单项不低于5.5),或托福:听力:21;阅读:22;口语:23;写作:21。8、爱丁堡大学UniversityofEdinburghBusinessSchoolM.Sc.inFinanceandInvestment金融与投资学学术要求:1.必须有会计、金融或经济方面的课程,85分以上2.需交£50申请费。雅思:7.0。M.Sc.inAccountingandFinance会计与金融学术要求:优秀或者是非常好的学校,85分以上会比较容易申请,会计,金融或者是相关的学科或者是有数学分析能力的证明,或者是金融,数学学位的(修过会计与金融专业)或者是职业证书也可以考虑。有工作经验优先考虑。雅思:7.0。9、杜伦大学DurhamUniversity(DurhamCity,UK)杜伦大学与牛津、剑桥齐名,是英格兰第三大古老院校;英国排名前10,世界排名前百强(第83位)。该大学拥有英国历史最悠久、欧洲顶尖的商学院。该校与欧洲工商业界众多巨头在研究等领域有着深入的联系。该校商学院中所有MSc的研究生课程都和CFA认证的机构存在合作关系,CFA许可证是金融市场上被认为是专业精英人士的最好验证,会帮助你在众多雇员中脱颖而出,合作机构能够保证我们的课程涵盖70%以上CFA的课程,也就是说你从一开始就能拥有国际认证的CFA资格。该校商学院中所有MSc的研究生课程同样得到经济社会研究委员会(ESRC)的充分认可,并被作为“13”博士课程的一部分,这就意味着如果学生成功完成所有的课程,就能够申请ESRC基金来做博士项目的研究。该校商学院中MSc的课程包括:会计与金融、公司与国际金融、经济学与金融、金融学、金融与投资、国际银行与金融、国际货币、金融与投资。FinanceMSc金融学Finance(AccountingandFinance)MSc金融(会计和金融)Finance(CorporateandInternationalFinance)MSc企业融资与国际金融学Finance(EconomicsandFinance)MSc经济与金融Finance(FinanceandInvestment)MSc金融与投资学Finance(InternationalBankingandFinance)MSc国际银行与金融学Finance(InternationalMoney,FinanceandInvestment)MSc国际货币、金融与投资学学术要求:2:1学位以上,相关专业。雅思:6.5(6.0)。10、兰卡斯特大学LancasterUniversity(Lancaster,UK)兰卡斯特大学始建于1964年,位于英格兰的兰开夏郡,现共有2,250名工作人员和17,415名学生。兰卡斯特大学享有着非常好的学术声誉,一直在英国大学排名中名列前茅。2008年英国卫报优秀大学指南中,兰卡斯特大学在英国113所大学中名列第23。在近期一次的科研实力评估中,兰卡斯特大学被评为最佳研究机构之一,名列第17。在2012年卫报与泰晤士报排名分别名列第6与第7,成为英国前十的大学。该校拥有英国最顶尖的环境科学系以及世界闻名的LUMS管理学院。其物理系在低温物理方面的研究也是国际领先。兰卡斯特大学还与达勒姆大学,利兹大学,利物浦大学,曼彻斯特大学,纽卡斯尔大学,谢菲尔德大学和约克大学一同成立N8研究联盟。兰卡斯特大学采用学院制体系,由三个中央学院和9个小分院组成,中央学院主要进行科研以及教学,而小分院主要是安排校院内本科生,研究生,博士后研究人员和一些大学的工作人员等的生活,住宿和福利。兰卡斯特大学拥有三个校区,其中两个位于历史名城兰卡斯特与卡莱尔,第三个位于湖泊区中心。学校的学院是基于牛津剑桥的学院制度建立的,因此每个学院有较强的独立性,而且每个学院有自己的酒吧和学生活动室。学校有完整的学生支持服务,包括校园医疗人员和牙医,以及福利和住宿专员,该院校也是英美名校-预科-奖学金-专场面试会的参展院校。BA(Hons)Accounting&Finance会计与金融文科学士BS(Hons)Accounting&Finance会计与金融理科学士BSc(Hons)Finance金融学AccountingandFinancialManagement:MSc会计与金融管理Finance:MSc金融学学术要求:2:1学位,21180会计,金融,经济学或者是其他的商科相关学科。非商科专业相关的需要有较强的定量分析或者专业会计师有良好的考试成绩也可能被考虑,对于非欧盟的学生,GMAT需要。雅思:7.0。11、曼彻斯特大学ManchesterBusinessSchool(Manchester,UK)位置:英格兰中部,曼彻斯特市建校时间:1903年·学校概况:曼彻斯特大学,简称曼大,是一所拥有光辉历史的国际一流大学。该校拥有极高的国际声誉(世界排名位列第29,并且拥有25位诺贝尔奖获得者)。值得一提的是,曼彻斯特商学院(MBS)是曼大的金牌学院,拥有众多知名校友,并且在世界商学院排名中位列前30。曼大位于英格兰中北部的曼彻斯特市(英国第三大城市)。BAEcon(Accounting)经济学(会计方向)BAEcon(Finance)经济学(金融方向)BAInternationalBusiness,FinanceandEconomics国际商务、金融与经济学BScManagement管理学AccountingandFinanceMSc会计与金融学术要求:2:1学位以上21180,非21185学过会计或者是金融,或者是经济学或者是数学,学生若是学习的是工商管理或者是商业管理或者是商务,必须在最后一年的学习有较强的金融或者是金融背景。优先考虑本科是会计与金融专业的学生。雅思:7.0(口语、写作6.5,其他6.0)。FinanceMSc金融学学术要求:2:1学位以上,优秀的金融学科(会计不被认为是金融),学过金融,金融学,或者是数学,学生若是学习的是工商管理或者是商业管理或者是商务,但是必须在最后一年的学习有较强的金融背景。优先考虑本科是金融或者是经济学的学生。雅思:7.0(口语、写作6.5,其他6.0)。12、帝国理工大学I。mperialCollege(London,UK)帝国学院的本部校园位于伦敦市中心的南肯辛顿,另设切尔西、哈默史密斯、帕丁顿、丝木园及怀学院校区,并与南洋理工大学合作开办新加坡李光前医学院,为最具规模的校园网络之一。大学各个学系与研究中心被归入四大学术学院。其亦为弗朗西斯·克里克研究所、帝国学院国家卫生服务信托两大健康科学学术中心的始创者、众多学术联盟的成员之一,并为其中一所英国金三角名校。帝国学院专注于医学、理工、商学的教研,并为全英最难入读的学府之一M.Sc.inFinance金融学学术要求:2:1学位以上,数学,工程,科学或者是经济学专业相关,有工作经验最好。雅思:7.0(写作、口语6.5)。在这些专业里,70%的课程会安排为针对CFA第一阶段和第二阶段考试的相关课程(取得证书需要通过三个阶段的考试),这样有助学生快速获得CFA资格。来源:高顿本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。高顿CFA教育百家号最近更新:简介:助力你的特许金融分析师CFA认证之旅!作者最新文章相关文章你所不知道的CFA,免修GMAT?免修硕士课程?
American University, Kogod School of
of Science in Finance (MSF)& 金融专业理学硕士
When applying for an MSF, those who have passed the CFA Level I
exam are waived out of the GMAT score requirement
of Science in Real Estate (MSRE)&
When applying for an MSRE, those who have passed the CFA Level I
exam are waived out of the GMAT score requirement
Boston University&
of Science in Banking and Financial Services
charterholders are eligible for four course waivers in this
12-course online degree program
Concordia University, John Molson School of
康科迪亚大学 ,约翰·摩尔商学院
of Business Administration (MBA) 工商管理学硕士
Applicants who have passed CFA Level I exam at the time of
application are exempt from the GMAT admission requirement
Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business
of Business Administration (MBA)工商管理学硕士
charterholders are exempt from the finance core requirement of
Tuck’s MBA program
Queen's University, Queen's School of Business&
of Finance& 金融硕士
Applicants who have passed the CFA Level I exam are waived out of
the GMAT requirement
Sacred Heart University, Welch College of
Business& &
of Business Administration (MBA) 工商管理学硕士
Charterholders applying to the MBA program may request a waiver for
the GMAT score requirement。
University of California Berkeley, Haas School of
of Business Administration (MBA)工商管理学硕士
candidates who have passed the CFA Level III exam are granted an
automatic waiver in two core courses: MBA 202 Financial Accounting
and MBA 203 Finance. In place of the waived courses, candidates
must take elective courses to meet the 51-unit graduation
(通过CFA三级考试的候选人可自动豁免2门核心课程:MBA202 财务会计和MBA203
University of California Los Angeles, Anderson School of
of Business Administration (MBA)工商管理学硕士
With proof of charter, students studying for an MBA at the Anderson
School of Management can be waived out of Mgmt 408 Financial
(学生附有CFA持证人的证明,在安德森管理学院学习MBA,可豁免Mgmt408 金融市场)
University of Regina, Levene Graduate School of
of Business Administration (MBA)工商管理学硕士
Advanced Standing is awarded to a student upon demonstration of
acquired knowledge of a course's content through university or
professional courses. The student is given advanced standing but
this does not reduce the number of credit hours or fees required by
an existing program. Students are registered in an Advanced
Standing course and charged the associated tuition and fees. Up to
nine credit hours of advanced standing will be offered to holders
of the CFA designation
of Human Resources Management (MHRM)人力资源管理学硕士
Advanced Standing is awarded to a student upon demonstration of
acquired knowledge of a course's content through university or
professional courses. The student is given advanced standing but
this does not reduce the number of credit hours or fees required by
an existing program. Students are registered in an Advanced
Standing course and charged the associated tuition and fees. Up to
nine credit hours of advanced standing will be offered to holders
of the CFA designation
University of Toronto, Rotman School of
Management& & &
of Finance Program 金融硕士
Applicants who have passed CFA Level III exam at the time of
application are exempt from the GMAT entrance requirement.
Applicants who have not yet passed the CFA Level III exam must
provide a GMAT score. While there is no minimum score required,
test performance will play a role in determining applicant
University of Wisconsin-Parkside&
of Business Administration (MBA)工商管理学硕士
Charterholders applying to the MBA program who have a minimum 2.75
undergraduate GPA are exempt from the GMAT score requirement。
(拥有Undergraduate GPA最低分为2.75分的CFA持证人,申请MBA时可豁免GMAT的分数要求)
Wilfred Laurier University& &
of Finance Program 金融硕士项目
Applicants who have passed CFA Level I exam at the time of
application are exempt from the GMAT entrance requirement
York University, Schulich School of Business&
of Finance Program 金融硕士项目
Applicants who have successfully completed CFA Level I are exempt
from the GMAT/GRE application requirement.
& 在亚太地区 研究生院校给予的豁免及免除学分的政策。
Griffith University&&
of Finance 金融硕士
Applicants who have passed the CFA Level 1 exam are eligible for 40
CP credit (four courses) in the foundation component of the Master
of Finance program
of Finance and Investments (MFI) 金融学和投资硕士
When applying to the Master of Finance and Investments (MFI)
program, those who have passed the CFA Level I exam are exempt from
the GMAT/GRE/BAT score requirement, as well as the requirement of
completing a specialized undergraduate degree in finance.Applicants
who passed CFA Level 2 exam may apply for up to 40 CP credit (four
standard courses) towards the Master of Finance and Investments
degree requirements。
Business School& &
in Advanced Finance& 高级财务硕士
Successful CFA Level II candidates applying for the Master in
Advanced Finance program may waive the requirement to submit GMAT
or GRE scores in the application process。
in Finance&Global Master in Finance 金融硕士和全球金融硕士
Successful CFA Level I candidates applying for either of these two
degrees may waive the requirement to submit GMAT or GRE scores in
the application process。
EADA Business School&
International Master
in Finance& 国际金融硕士
Applicants who have passed the CFA Level I exam are exempt from
taking the GMAT/ EADA entrance exam.
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management&
in Finance 金融硕士
Master of Finance students at Frankfurt School of Finance and
Management may have one elective waived for having passed a CFA
exam (any of the three levels).&
Lancaster University Management School&
of Science 理学硕士(MSc )
October 2015, Lancaster University Management School will launch an
MSc Advanced Financial Analysis program. CFA Level 1 will be an
entry requirement.
Universidad de Castilla la Mancha&
in Banking and Quantitative Finance&
charterholders may apply for a waiver from the first year of the
Master in Banking and Quantitative Finance program (two years full
time, 120 ECT credits) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
Applicants for the waiver must be CFA charterholders with the
intent of writing a PhD thesis.Successful applicants are exempt
from the first year of the Master’s program . Students enroll
directly into the second semester of the program, consisting of one
semester of live lectures at UCM and one semester writing an essay
which is presented at the end of the term.CFA charterholders from
all countries may apply for this waiver.
(CFA持证人在卡斯蒂利亚拉曼查大学 银行和定量金融硕士(2年全职,120ECT
Lectures 课程和一学期的论文写作课程,并且这篇论文将会在学期末提交)所有国家的持证人都可申请此豁免。
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)&
in Banking and Quantitative Finance&
charterholders may apply for a waiver from the first year of the
Master in Banking and Quantitative Finance program (2 years full
time, 120 ECT credits) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
Applicants for the waiver must be CFA charterholders with the
intent of writing a PhD thesis.
Successful applicants enroll directly into the second semester of
the program, consisting of one semester of live lectures at UCM and
one semester writing an essay which is presented at the end of the
term.CFA charterholders from all countries may apply for this
Lectures 课程和一学期的论文写作课程,并且这篇论文将会在学期末提交所有国家的持证人都可申请此豁免)
Universidad del Pa&s Vasco& &
in Banking and Quantitative Finance&
charterholders may apply for a waiver from the first year of the
Master in Banking and Quantitative Finance program (two years full
time, 120 ECT credits) at Universidad del Pais Vasco. Applicants
for the waiver must be CFA charterholders with the intent of
writing a PhD thesis.
Successful applicants are exempt from the first year of the
Master’s program (which can otherwise be attended at Universidad
del Pa&s Vasco). Students enroll directly into the second semester
of the program, consisting of one semester of live lectures at UCM
and one semester writing an essay which is presented at the end of
charterholders from all countries may apply for this waiver.
Lectures 课程和一学期的论文写作课程,并且这篇论文将会在学期末提交)
Universidad de Valencia&
in Banking and Quantitative Finance&
charterholders may apply for a waiver from the first year of the
Master in Banking and Quantitative Finance program (two years full
time, 120 ECT credits) at Universidad de Valencia. Applicants for
the waiver must be CFA charterholders with the intent of writing a
PhD thesis.
Successful applicants are exempt from the first year of the
Master’s program (which can otherwise be attended at Universidad de
Valencia). Students enroll directly into the second semester of the
program, consisting of one semester of live lectures at UCM and one
semester writing an essay which is presented at the end of the
charterholders from all countries may apply for this waiver.
申请成功的学生可豁免硕士学位的第一年,学生可以直接的报名进入第二学期的课程,包括在UCM,一学期的Live Lectures
University College Cork&&
of Science 理学硕士
charterholders are waived from the ten credit AC6120 Professional
Examination Report module in the MSc.Asset Management program.
(CFA持证人在MSc资产管理AC6120专业检测报告模块中可豁免10 credit )
美国United States
二、亚洲太平洋Asia Pacific
香港Hong Kong
新西兰New Zealand
斯里兰卡Sri Lanka
三、欧洲、中东、非洲Europe, Middle East, and Africa
南非South Africa
英国United Kingdom
qualify as an ACCA member, applicants must complete a minimum of
five exams (out of a possible 14 exams). CFA charterholders
applying for ACCA membership are exempt from the Financial
Accounting exam (Paper F3), one of five mandatory examinations.
obtain the waiver, request official documentation of your
charterholder status from and submit
the documentation to ACCA.
Charterholders are recognized as fulfilling most of the education
coursework requirement for CFP? certification. After completion of
a capstone course registered with CFP Board, CFA Charterholders are
automatically eligible to apply for the CFP? Certification
全国会计委员会协会的成员拥有Claritas Investment
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) must adhere to the continuing
professional education (CPE) requirements set forth by the State
Board of Accountancy of the state/s where a CPA license is
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)
recognizes CFA Institute as a continuing professional education
(CPE) sponsor on NASBA’s National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
NASBA has accredited the Claritas Investment Certificate as
qualifying for 36.5 CPE credits for its members.
acquire the CDir, an applicant must (1) pass an exam, (2) attend a
developing board performance exercise and complete a
self-evaluation form, (3) meet professional experience
requirements, and (4) participate in an interview with two senior
members of the IoD.
IoD accepts the CFA charter as a professional qualification.
Therefore the CFA charter shortens the professional experience
requirement from 5 years to 3 years.
5、Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)特许财务顾问
CFA持证人可豁免Ch FC认证所要求的HS 328投资课程
charterholders are exempt from the HS 328 Investments course, which
is required to earn the ChFC designation.
6、Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI)
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is a
professional body for those who work in the financial and
it offers qualifications, training, and
industry membership.
Program Level 1 candidates are exempts from the Introduction to
Securities and Investments.
Charterholders are exempt from the Financial Markets unit of the
Diploma in Capital Markets.
7、Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
通过CFA三级考试有利于学员提前进入(CIMA) 特许管理会计师公会
CIMA is a professional body of management accountants with with
218,000 members in 177 countries.
Passing the CFA Level III exam qualifies for the Master’s gateway
route. This is an accelerated entry program to the CIMA.
8、Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)英国特许保险学会
Candidates who have completed CFA Program Level I, Level II, or
Level III (completed 1 January 2007 to date) are granted an
exemption from AF4 Investment planning (30 credits at Advanced
Diploma level in the Financial Services qualifications framework)
plus R02 Investment principles and risk (20 credits at Diploma
level in the Financial Services qualifications framework).
9、Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)& 特许人寿保险承保人
CFA持证人豁免CLU认证所要求的HS 328 投资课程
charterholders are exempt from the HS 328 Investments course, which
is required to earn the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
10、Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) 英国精算师协会
CT2 (Level I),CT3 & CTI (Level II),CT8 (Level III) and ST0 (CFA
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) recognizes CFA
charterholders/Fellows and successful CFA Level I, II and III
candidates as eligible to apply for exemption from the IFoA
subject(s) relevant to each level. These include: CT7, CT2 (Level
I), CT3 & CTI (Level II), CT8 (Level III) and ST0 (CFA
11、Investment Management Certificate (IMC) 投资管理证书
Investment Management Certificate (IMC) is administered by the CFA
Society of the UK and consists of Unit 1: The Investment
Environment and Unit 2: Investment Practice. After earning the IMC,
candidates are qualified to&apply for membership
with the CFA Society of the UK.
Candidates who have passed the CFA Level I exam are eligible to be
waived out of Unit 2. The application to receive the waiver is made
available on the candidate's Unit 1 exam results page.
12、Professional Risk Manager (PRM)职业风险管理师
CFA持证人可以豁免PRMI 和II级别的考试
candidates who are CFA charterholders can be granted exemptions
from PRM exams I and II.
13、Society of Actuaries (SOA)精算师协会
Society of Actuaries (SOA) is an educational, research and
professional organization dedicated to serving the public and
Society members. They offer three certifications: Associate of the
Society of Actuaries (ASA), Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst
(CERA), and Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA). The CFA
Institute currently holds waivers for the ASA and CERA
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
ICAEW is a professional membership organization that promotes,
develops and supports chartered accountants around the world.
ICAEW has awarded credit to CFA charterholders for six of ICAEW’s
Certificate and Professional Level (CPL) exams. Three credits have
been awarded for Certificate Level (Accounting, Management
Information, and Business and Finance) and three have been awarded
for Professional Level (Financial Accounting and Reporting,
Financial Management, and Business Strategy) exams.


更多关于 考试能帮助考好的应用 的文章

