
Iran是什么意思 Iran在线翻译 Iran什么意思 Iran的意思 Iran的翻译 Iran的解释 Iran的发音 Iran的同义词 Iran的反义词 Iran的例句 Iran的相关词组
Iran英 [?'rɑ:n] 美 [?'raen] Iran 基本解释名词伊朗Iran 网络解释1. 伊朗 德黑兰 亚洲:Indonesia 印度尼西亚 雅加达 亚洲 ID | Iran 伊朗 德黑兰 亚洲 IR | Iraq 伊拉克 巴格达 亚洲 IQ2. 2. 伊郎:印度尼西亚 INDOESIA 62 -0.5 | 伊郎 IRAN 98 -4 | 伊拉克 IRAQ 964 -53. 伊朗(亚洲国家):Bulgaria 保加利亚(欧洲国家) | Iran 伊朗(亚洲国家) | Russia 俄罗斯(欧洲国家)4. iran:inspect and 择要检修Iran 双语例句1. 1. And teams form Iran and Japan have 2 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals each.&&&&伊朗队和日本队分别获得2金,2银和1铜的成绩。2. Among the permanent Security Council member states, China has been the most reluctant to support new Iran sanctions, but U. S. officials have said China has been a full participant in U. N. sanctions negotiations.&&&&其中安理会常任理事国的国家,中国一直是最不愿意支持伊朗的新制裁,但美国官员表示,中国一直是联合国的制裁谈判的全面参与者。3. Iran has invested heavily in Palestinian terrorism in recent years, both financially and logistically.&&&&伊朗已投入了大量的巴勒斯坦恐怖主义,近年来,双方在财政和后勤。4. Fom August 2008, Start the business with BOSCH Germany, ISKRA Iran and Russian Customer.&&&&10.2008年8月,开始了与德国博世、伊朗伊斯克拉和俄罗斯客户的业务。5. Iran的解释5. Iran claims to have processed a small amount of uranium so that it can be use they say they have enriched the fissile uranium-235 isotope of their material to 3.5%.&&&&伊朗声称:它已加工了少量能在核反应堆中使用的铀。伊朗人表示:他们已把自己所用材料中的易裂变铀 235 同位素浓缩到了 3.5%。6. 6. It`s 1938 and Iran is Germany.&&&&它的1938年和伊朗是德国。7. From Paris, VOA White House correspondent Paula Wolfson reports the dispute over Iran's nuclear program and other Mideast issues dominated the agenda when Mr. Bush met with French President Nicholas Sarkozy.&&&&VOA 白宫通讯员宝拉沃夫森在巴黎报道了布什总统与法国总统尼古拉斯萨科奇会面时就议程中最重要的伊朗核计划和中东问题的讨论。8. Since the Islamic Revolution, Iran has played a role in acts of hostage-taking and violence against U. S.&&&&自伊斯兰革命以来,伊朗在劫持人质和对美军及平民发动的暴力事件中扮演了角色。9. The U. S. is threatening Iran right now.&&&&美国正因核问题威胁伊朗。10. It is bordered on the north, northeast, and east by Iran, on the northwest by Iraq and Kuwait, on the west and southwest by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and qatar, and on the south and southeast by the United Arab Emirates and part of Oman&&&&它的北面、东北面和东面是伊朗,西北面是伊拉克和科威特,西面和西南面是沙特阿拉伯、巴林和卡塔尔,南面和东南面则是阿拉伯联合酋长国和阿曼的一部分。11. 11. But Iran's official news agency, Fars, puts it at $300 a barrel.&&&&&&但伊朗官方新闻机构Fars说会涨到300美元每桶。12. It was taken near the rural village of Saadat Shahr, Fars province, in southern Iran.&&&&&&它拍摄于伊朗南部法尔斯省的一个名叫 Saadat Shahr 的小乡村里。13. The pipeline will connect Iran's South Fars gas field with Pakistan's Balochistan and Sindh provinces.&&&&&&该天然气管道将连接伊朗南部的法尔油田和巴基斯坦的Balochistan和Sindh 两省。14. Mr Batebi thinks Iran could well turn solidly democratic some day. In neighbouring states, religious extremism is popular. In Iran, he says, the government is religiously extreme, but the people are not.&&&&&&Batebi先生认为伊朗某一天会实现真正的民主,他说在周邻国家宗教极端主义扎根与群众之中,而在伊朗只有政府才实行宗教极端政策,但老百姓并不支持。15. For Iran, it`s a very defined statement.&&&&&&在伊朗,这是很反动的言论。16. Another plane, a Tu-154 of Iran's Caspian Airlines, crashed on July 15 in northern Iran en route from Tehran to Yerevan, killing all 153 passengers and 15 crew onboard.&&&&&&另一架飞机,伊朗里海航空公司的图154客机7月15日坠毁在伊朗北部从德黑兰飞往耶烈万的途中,机上153名乘客和15名机组人员全部遇难。17. 17. But his words, for instance on Pakistan and Iran, have been reassuring.&&&&&&但他的话,例如关于巴基斯坦和伊朗的评论,令人心安。18. 18. The Iranian jerboa is only known to occur in a small grassland region of southern Iran.&&&&&&这种动物目前只在伊朗南部的一小块草地区域有发现。19. The missiles that Israel is said to have destroyed in the January raid were probably shipped into Port Sudan via Yemen from Iran. But it is also possible that some of the arms were manufactured not in Iran but in Sudan`s own military-industrial complex south of Khartoum.&&&&&&据称在一月份的空袭中被以色列摧毁的导弹可能是由伊朗经也门运抵苏丹港的;但也存在另一种可能,即其中一部分并非产自伊朗,而是诞生于苏丹本国位于喀土穆南部的军工复合体中。20. 20. Radar screen shows, this opportunity for combat crossed the attrib border line of Iraq and Iran, enter Iranian territorial air.&&&&&&雷达屏幕显示,这架战机越过了伊拉克和伊朗的边界线,进入伊朗领空。Iran 单语例句1. China has resisted proposed cutbacks on loan guarantees for companies doing business in Iran, a measure strongly supported by the United States.2. But he warned that the international community would act together against Iran if that country ignores the wishes of the international community.3. The United States said last week that it will exempt seven economies from Iran oil sanctions under its National Defense Authorization Act for 2012.4. But Iran's government refers to it as an act of war and accuses him of acting on behalf of the US president.5. They felt Iran was trying to buy time to expand and make irreversible its nuclear program.6. He said Iran was concerned about the weak state of the greenback and was not being prompted to act by politics.7. The three insist they entered Iran by mistake after getting lost during a trek in Iraqi Kurdistan.8. But Washington says Iran must pay a serious price if it does not act soon to clear up suspicions about its atomic ambitions.9. Iran is often accused of abuses by rights groups and western governments, but Tehran dismisses the criticism and accuses the west of double standards and hypocrisy.10. Ahmadinejad said Iran would stand by its rights but made no specific mention of the Russian plan.Iran是什么意思,Iran在线翻译,Iran什么意思,Iran的意思,Iran的翻译,Iran的解释,Iran的发音,Iran的同义词,Iran的反义词,Iran的例句,Iran的相关词组,Iran意思是什么,Iran怎么翻译,单词Iran是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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capable of undergoing nuclear fission
a. 易分裂的,易裂的,分裂性的
adj. 非易裂变的
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[ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词
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seven thousand one hundred and forty two
[ mallard ]的复数形式
two thousand and one
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