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In a lot of ways, OS updates such as the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update are a hassle, but proper system maintenance is the only defensible approach to security incidents and related data breaches.
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Yes, OS updates make IT professionals' lives a little more challenging in the short run, as they scramble to test compatibility and roll the update out across the enterprise, but they also help keep systems secure. And as Windows 10 adoption continues to rise, IT must put the Windows 10
on its radar, test it on a small subset of systems for a while, and when all is well, roll it out across the enterprise.
Windows 10 security updates are a top motivator for updating the OS, so it's important to know what the Fall Creators Update brings to the table in that context.
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Your device needs the latest security updatesMicrosoft can't install important security updates on your PC until you install the most current version of Windows 10. To ensure things go smoothly:- Keep your PC plugged in. - Don't turn your P...
去C盘根目录和C盘windows目录里把windows 10update 这两个文件夹删掉。删之前先关闭windows自动更新。
windows10的自动更新,等更新完就行,如果发现更新错误,然后开机继续弹出,试试看先用任务管理器结束更新进程,然后服务里关闭windows update服务


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