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念里的。... ...
现在很多机构都提供免费的体验课都做得很好的预约一节课体验下就知道哪个好了 反正是免费了 我也推荐一个,hiknow英语,你可以去到他们正式课堂免费旁听的因为公开教学都是正式课堂啦,所以不用预约只要上课时间一到就可以去免费旁听了 加上公开教学的话效果比较有保障你基础不好的话建议你听零基础起步或者生活口语1的课程 循序渐进地学 比较下吧
技校网友 & 05:08
你可以去京林日语看看 他们有本科的二外日语培训
都是大学生在哪学 你可以看看
技校网友 & 05:08
日语要学的精,学懂了 ,就觉得容易
技校网友 & 05:08
商务英语你可以去韦思英语看看,这家英语培训班在商务英语的培训上还是很专业的,在那学过商务英语的朋友说那挺不错,具体的我也不是很清楚,你可以去网上看看 www.wecienglish.com...
没有啊 北京燕园...
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JE技校网 , 中国技校品牌网!至少在短期内,沃尔沃的利润已收到保护,避免受到美;Adevelopingeconomywithan;一个具有宏伟发展计划的发展中国家,为了有效地实施;Acomomplacecriticismofam;Goldbeingquiteinconvenie;Sincesilverandgoldareinc;由于携带金银以及给金银的纯度和重量进行鉴别均不方;人们普遍批
developing economy with an impressive development plan requires large imports of capital goods , technology ,raw materials and other inputs and consumer goods to carry out the plan effectively . 一个具有宏伟发展计划的发展中国家,为了有效地实施其发展计划,可能需要大量进口资本货物,技术,原材料和消费品及其他产品。
A comomplace criticism of american culture is its excessive 眼看能每个月挣到五千美元,村里人人都动了碰运气和捞钱的念头。
Gold being quite inconvenient to carry around for spending purposes ,inevitab ly governments issued paper certificates that were pledged to be redeemable in gold metal . 既然因为购物需要而携带黄金很不方便,各国政府就发行作为纸币发行的证书,保证这些证书可以兑现黄金。
Since silver and gold are inconvenient to carry and to assay for purity and for weight , it became customary for each state to stamp out in coin form a specified number of ounces of gold carring the seal of the state to guarantee purity and weight . 由于携带金银以及给金银的纯度和重量进行鉴别均不方便,因此,以往通常的做法是,每个国家把特定数量盎司的黄金冲压成金币,同时印上该国的印记以保证纯度和重量。 preoccupation with material goods and corresponding neglect of
the human spirit . 人们普遍批评美国文化过于强调对于物质产品的占有而相应地过于忽视人们的精神生活。
The doctor?s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery . 医生非常迅速地到达了,并且非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。
includes the design of accounting systems ,preparation of financial statements, audite ,cost studies ,development of forecasts,income tax work ,computer applications to accounting processes ,and the analysis and interpretation of accounting information as an aid to making business
decisions. 会计包括设计会计制度,准备财务报表,审计账目和对成本的研究报告,展开预测,收入所得税的工作和计算机的运用,以及分析与解释有助于研究制定商业决策的会计信息。
We also realize the growing need and cecessity to industrializecertain sectors of the economy . 我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门实行工业化。
This is compelling evidence that market liberalization is compatible with a wide range of economic ,social and political preferences . 这强有力地证明了市场自由化与广泛的经济,社会和政治倾向是相融的。
If major problems exist and goals are not being achieved , then changes need to be made in the company’s organizational or managerial structure. 如果存在较大的问题,而且目标没有完成,那么就需要改变公司的组织或者管理结构。
The developed countries are rich in skilled work force and capital resources , so they can concentrate on producing many technology-intensive products such as computers ,aircrafts ,and so on . 发达国家拥有大量的熟练劳动力和资本,所以它们能集中生产很多技术密集型的产品,比如计算机,飞机等等。
As you are aware that the British Electrical & Allied Manufacturers? Association is the organization that represents the many firms in the sector of British industry which manufactutes equipment for the generation ,transmission ,distribution and utilization of electrical power… 你们都了解,英国电气联合制造商协会这个组织代表了英国工业中生产发电设备,输电设备,配电设备以及电力使用设备等方面的很多公司…
We are especially grateful to you for arranging the meeting for us with the Machinery Trading Delegation at such short nitice . 我们特别感谢你们在时间那么短促的情况下安排我们同机械交易团的成员们会面。
The prospect of earning five thousand dollars a month had stimulated the sporting (冒险的,没有把握)and commercial instinct of the villagers.
Out of the corner of his eye he could see the landscape .It was industrial and at that hour ,sad . 他眼角的余光还能瞥见窗外的景色。这里是工业区,此刻一片萧条景象。
Beg field an urgent story to his newspaper in London , little reslizing that he was about to become part of a new journalistic legend on Fleet
Street .. 贝格往伦敦报社发了一条急电,当时根本没想到自己会成为舰队街新闻界一件奇闻中的有关人物。
The voyage was a smooth one .The wind is favorable and the whether fair. 一路上非常顺利,风是顺风,天气是晴好的天气。
is always smiling ,and his face is as bridge as an angel?s from heaven. 他笑容可掬,脸上的神采比得过下凡的天使。
In the station , a telephone began to ring .The ringing was loud ,evenly spaced and unanswered . 车站里有一步电话的铃声响了起来。声音很大,节奏均匀,没有人接。
The increasing number of students poses many new problems for the universities. 学生人数的增加个、给大学带来了许多新问题。 One way an organization can find staff for job vacancies is to recruit outside the company .It may opt to put an advartisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description of the job and invites introductory letters from applocants .Since the company would not desire applicants who do not have a good profile, it is important that an application form sent to a prospective applicant should request clear informationo about such things as the applicant?s age ,qualifications and work experience as well as references from other individuals who know the applicant well .This information assists the company?smanagement in making a final decisiono on those applicants they can short-list for an interview .
The staff comducting an interview together are called an “ interview panel “, who , prior to the interview ,carefully review the job descriptions ,personnel specifications .To help the [anel in their selection , an interview assement form is often uesd during the interview when each
applicant is checked according to a number of criteria indicated on the form. 企业机构招人补充职位空缺的办法之一是公司实行对外招聘。它可以选择在报纸或杂志上等广告,简要介绍工作职位情况并征集应聘者的自荐信。由于公司不会录用个人材料不佳的申请者,因此向有希望的应聘者寄发包括诸如年龄,资历,工作经验等简明信息的申请表,并向了解应聘者情况的有关人士征求参考意见是很重要的。这些信息有助于公司管理部门缩小范围并最终确定面试人员名单。 主持面试的工作人员组成“面试小组”。他们在面试之前要仔细审阅工作职位情况介绍,人士要求和应聘者的情况。为了有助于面试小组做出选择,在面试中经常使用面试评定表以根据表上的若干标准对应聘者进行考评。
Our unique concept was a response to buyer needs ,bringing greater reliability ,higher-quality output , exceptional user-friendliness and operational ease.
The avalanche unleashed by the film provided the best opportunity in a long time for the racial healing to begin. 由于这部影片造成了排山倒海的影响,它提供了最良好的契机来开始化解种族矛盾,经过一段相当长的时间使创伤得以愈合。
You remind me very much of
Lenin , whom I met in this very building fifty-two years ago. 我觉得你很像列宁,52年前,我就是在这座大厦里同他见面的。
In fact , one mould can produce many thousands of articles
These days , the U.S. economy isn?t
“ graduating enough scientists to fill the ned of the coming decades,”frets Charles C.Leighton, “ tha?s a real concern.” 近来,美国经济“未培养出足够的科学家来满足今后几十年发展的需要,” 查尔斯C . 莱顿抱怨说, “ 这才是真正需要关注的问题。” The new father wore a proud smile . 刚做了父亲的那个人面带着得意的笑容。
He started to his feet with the intention of awaking the sleepers , for there was no time to lose . 他
before it wears out . 事实上,一个模子生产成千上万件产品之后才会破坏。
The emergence of the peoples of the third world and their struggle for identity will lead to the flowering (开花,兴旺,繁荣) of deverse concepts of life in the future. 第三世界人民的兴起以及他们为争取合法地位而进行的斗争将丰富未来生活的各种观念。
Vietnan War was his entrée (入场权) to the new Administration , his third incarnation(赋予肉体,具人形,化身)
as a foreign policy consultant . 越南战争成了他进入新政府的敲门砖。他已是第三次担任政府的对外政策顾问了。
All services in business Csuch as a gift wrapping , delivery , and credit ---have some amount of costs associated with them , and these costs must be covered by higher prices. 商业中所有的服务---诸如礼品包装,送货以及赊账---都有相应的成本,而这些成本要靠较高的价格来弥补。
International trade occurs when a country does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs . 当一个国家没有足够的某一特定商品来满足自身需求时,就需要有国家贸易。
Marketing involves product development ,pricing ,distribution , and in the more progressive firms , continuous attention to the changing needs of customers and the development of new products ,with product modifications and services to meet these needs . 营销包括产品开发,定价,推销和产品信息交流;在那些观念较新的企业里,营销还包括关注客户需求的不断变化,不断开发新产品,并且不断地改进产品,改进服务,以满足客户的需求。
Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s,China has achieved impressive economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation. 中国自从20世纪70年代末开始经济改革以来,已取得了令人瞩目的经济增长和重大的结构转变。
Export and import of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a new economic factor,the foreign exchange rate , which gives the price of the foreigners unit of money in terms of one?s own . 在使用不同货币单位的国家之间对商品进行进口和出口会引出一个新的经济因素,这就是外汇比率。外汇比率是指以自己国家货币的形式标出外国货币的价格。
International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries. 作为管理训练一个领域的国际商务具有跨国家边界商务活动的专门特征。
The EEC?s Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family . 欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不合时宜了,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销上多支出13.50英镑。
Cleverer heads than mine might have seen his drift (动向,趋向). 比我聪明的人,才弄得懂他葫芦里卖的是什么药。
But I suspected that if I tried to release the wolf , she would turn aggressive and try to tear me to pieces . 可是我想,要是我去放这只狼,她会凶猛地扑过来,要把我撕成碎片的。
Words once reserved for restroom walls are now common stuff in films , plays , books and even on television . 曾经是不登大雅之堂的言语,如今充斥于电影,戏剧,书籍之中,甚至充斥在电视上。
He had lived all his life in desert where every cupful of water might be a matter of life and death . 他一直在沙漠上生活,这地方每一杯水都得精打细算地用;一杯水可能是生死攸关的事。
She had a heart so large that everybody? grief and joys found welcome in it . 她的心胸开阔,无论谁的悲伤与欢乐都得容纳得下。
See Csawing between partly good and faintly ominous , the news for the next four weeka was never distinct . 从那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断交替出现,一直没有明朗化。
Last night an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge . I had the kind of paper book at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy . 昨天晚上有位朋友不请自到,使得桥牌桌上多了一个人。我手边恰好有一本简装书,这样我尽管没有打成桥牌却也过得很愉快。
He wouldn?t tell them , but kept them in suspense all day . 他不告诉他们,而是使他们终日牵肠挂肚。
Every time I come back from a business trip it makes a new man of me . 我每到外头去跑一趟生意回来,就会让我耳目一新,精神一爽。
It is very much like communicating with an accurate robot who has a very small vocabulary and who takes everything literally. 那很像同一丝不苟的机器人讲话一样,机器人只有很少的词汇,而且事事刻板。
He has known praise and hatred ,and has gone from cheers to jeers. 他尝试荣辱的滋味,过去受人欢呼,现在却被人讥讽 。
A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled (自由自在)nature as a last refuge from encroaching (侵占,蚕食)technology. 许多人都想向往回归自然,作为他们躲避现代科技侵害的世外桃源。
Poetry suffers in translation ---and the reader suffers with it . 诗歌经过翻译就要遭殃-----诗歌遭殃,读者就要跟着受罪!
Torcello , which uesd to be lonely as a cloud , has recently
become an outing from Venice . 托切罗往日如一片孤云,冷冷清清,进来却成了威尼斯外围的游览区。
How they bow to that Cleole because of her hundred thiusand pounds! 瞧她们对那个克里奥尔人奉承讨好的样儿,还不是为着她有成千上万的财产! And now for the good news : Stockholm residents enjoy sunbathing in November . Antarctic tourism is booming .Siberia has become the world?s breadbasket. 这是令人庆幸的消息:斯德哥尔摩居民在十一月尚能享受日光浴,南极的旅游业日趋兴旺,西伯利亚成了世界粮仓。
In order to get a large amount of water power we need a large pressure and a large current . 为了得到大量水能,我们需要高水压和强水流。
A scientist constantly tired to defeat his hypotheses , his theories , and his conclusion . 科学家经常设法否定自己的假设,推翻自己的理论,并放弃自己的结论。
The high-ceilinged rooms , the little balconies (阳台,包厢,楼厅) , alcoves (凹室,壁橱) ,nooks (隐蔽处) and angles all suggest sanctuary (避难所) , escape ( 逃亡) , creature comfort. 天花板高高的房间,小巧的楼厅,方丈的斗室,僻静的角落,这一切都使人联想到谧静的圣殿,遁世避俗的处所和舒适的享受。
In older canes that have already paired off , dancing reinforces the union ---it?s a sort of annual renewal of “ vows”. 对已有配偶的成年鹤来说,舞蹈会加强互相之间的结合-----这成了每年都要举行的一种重温“山盟海誓”的仪式。
Observing laws may help investors to gain the protection of the governmentwhich is the most powerful and dependable guarantee. But as no key can open every lock , codes can only deal with specific hazards. So it is necessary for personal experience and expert advice to make up for the weakness . Personal experience
and expert advice include past performances , professional education and training ,and communication with policy makers ,facility owners and users .For years , personal experience and expert advice have been widelyused in managing risk and have proved to be very useful and practicable .During the process of designing Shanghai Pudong Airport in 1995, a coastologist, after careful investigations and scientific analysis , came up with the suggestion that the airport should be built on the seabeach instead of behind the sea wall .Later this suggestion proved to be practicable and saved 360million yuan .With the emergebce of new computer Cbased tools new methods of managing risk are continuously coming out universitues and research laboratories into general application .To achieve better safety and more benefits at reasonable costs people should also improve their self-qualities continuously to keep up with the technique development .In addition , both the government and the public should not only adopt a risk-based approach but also be fully prepared to deal effectively with potentially severe risks. 遵守法规可有助于投资者获得政府的保护,这是最有力和最可靠的保证;但正如没有一把钥匙能开启所有的锁一样,法规只能够应付某些特定的风险。这就需要靠个人的经验和专家的建议来弥补不足。个人的经验和专家的建议包括过去的工作实践,职业教育和培训以及与政策制定者及各种设施的所有者和使用者之间的沟通等。多年来,在风险管理中,个人的经验和专家的建议已得到广泛运用并证明是十分有效可行的。1995年在设计上海浦东机场的过程中,一名海岸学家在详细的调查和科学分析之后提出建议:机场应建在海滩上而不是海堤后面。这一建议后来证明是可行的,而且节约了3.6亿元人民币。随着以计算机为基础的各种新工具的出现,新的风险管理方法不断地走出大学和研究实验室,投入到广泛的应用中去。为了在合理支出的基础上获得更高的安全性和更多的效益,人们也应该不断提高自身的素质以跟上技术的发展。此外,政府和大众不但应采取一种基于风险的方法,而且也应做好充分准备以便有效地应对各种潜在的严重的风 险。
A firm?s involvement in exporting products can range from a minimal commitment all the way to considering exports as necessary for thr firm?s survival and growth . 公司在产品出口中参与情况的程度不一,从最低程度的参与一直到将出口视为公司生存和发 展必要条件的参与都会存在。
The financing of the sale often involves bills of exchange and documentary credits . 商品买卖的货款收付情况体现在汇票和跟单信用证中。
There is more to their life than political and social a more than transient everydayness . 他们的生活远不止那些政治的,社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐的问题。
Advertisera must realize that people usually are motivated by the goal of satisfying some combination of two or more needs ,and the needs may be both conscious and unconscious . 广告人必须明白,通常能够满足两个或者更多需要的综合目标才能促使人们购买,而且这些需要既可能是有意识的,又可能是无意识的。
Over the period from 1978 to 1996 ,many of the distortions and rigities of the former central planning system were eliminated and market force came to play an increasingly important role in economic decision making . 自年这段时间里,在中央计划经济体制下以往的那些扭曲的和死板的做法有许多都被摒弃了,市场力量在经济决策中起了越来越重要的作用。
Differences in language understanding between negotiating opposites raise some peril in every international business transaction because each negotiating party prefers quite naturally to use the language whose nuances he knows best . 谈判双方在语言理解上的分歧会严重影响每一笔国际贸易的成交,因为参加洽谈的任何一方自然愿意使用了自己了如指掌的语言。
The Stock Exchange og Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement , makes no respresentation as to its accuracy or completeness ans expressly disclaims any liability
whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement . 香港联合交易所有有限公司对本通告的内容概不负责,对其准确性和完整性也不发表声明 ,同时还明确表示不会就因整个通告或通告中任何部分而招致的任何损失承担任何责任,也不会因信赖整个通告或者其中任何部分的内容而招致的任何损失承担任何责任。
No wonder the multinational corporations have frowing fantastically and now dominate many sections of the international market . 难怪跨国公司一直以惊人的速度发展并且控制着国际市场的许多领域。
He gazed at the mushroom fortress with astonishment as it loomed (隐现,迫近)indistinctly but grandly through a moring . 这座像雨后春笋般一下子冒出来的堡垒,影影绰绰但傲然地出现在晨雾中,他凝视着,不胜惊讶。
Multinational corporations have become so dominant in some foreign markets that they are now the object political and economic scrutiny . 由于跨国公司已控制了一些外国市场,他们已成为政治,经济关注的目标。
Because some hand gestures and body movements are acceptable in one culture yet deeply offensive in another culture , they are rarely an appropriate communications aid in international negotiations . 由于有些手势与形体动作在一种文化习俗中可以接受,而在另一种文化背景中却让人反感,因此这次手势与动作在国际 谈判中就不适合作为思想交流的辅助手段。
Throughout the past two decades ,GATT(the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) has been increasingly preoccupied with the trading problems and needs of the developing countries ,which account for more than two-third of its membership. 在过去的二十年中,关贸总协定越来越关注占成员国总数2/3以上的发展中国家的贸易问题和需要。 The man who appears at a party or a reception in a not-too-clean plaid shirt, without tie , or at a business meeting with a two-days frowth of beard willnever be mistaken for an absent-minded genius. People will assume that he is crude , or anxious to be necessary to build most new public housing in the suburbs . 由于市区缺乏合适的土地,大部分公共房屋必须在郊区兴建。 Simplicity of language demands , in the first place , that the texts should be colloquial r that they should be written in short sentences, not in long and complcated clauses. 为了使语言简洁,首先,文章与其使用书面体,不如使用口语体 ;应当用短句,而不用长的复合句。
Business is combination of all these activities : production , distribution and sale , throuh which profit or economic surplus will be created . 商务是指生产,配送,销售等一切活动的组合,通过这些活“different “ at all cost ---or a desperate failure. 一个人穿一件不太干净的方格衬衫不系领带去赴宴会或参加招待会,或者两天不刮胡子去洽谈生意,人家绝不会把他当作一个不修边幅的天才,而会认为他粗野,狂妄,不择手段地要“标新立异“,要么,他在人家的印象中便是一个失意者:看样子是要破罐子破摔了。
A rope has been stretched
across the narrow lane. 狭窄的小巷中间横拉着一条绳子。
China’s presence is felt , more than ever , all over the world , assuming historic dimensions in the world political situation. 在世界各地,今天比任何时候都要更加感觉到中国的存在,它在世界政治形势中占有历史性的重要地位。
The installation should be commenced as soon as all the remaining problems have been cleared up . 待剩下的问题都解决之后就应立即开始安装。
Mechanical energy can be changed inti electrical energy by means of a generator . 利用发电机可以把机械能转变成电能。
This season saw an ominous dawning of the tenth of November . 在这个季节,11月10黎明时分的景象,是个不祥之兆。
Spectacular economic results ultimately won impressive workers and staff support for the reformer . 惊人的经济成果最终赢得了职工对改革家的热情支持。
Memories of that historic and happy occasion still linger . 人们对那次历史性的盛会记忆犹新。
Much that we saw in 1975 has gone , much that is new has taken its place . 我们在1975年看到的事物,很多已不复存在;取而代之的是众多的新生事物。
The pace of the change distinguishes Hong Kong from most other parts of the world . 香港与世界上其他大多数地区不同之处在于其变化的速度。
The improvements of the urban areas , the dramatic change in our skyline will be highly visible to you . 人们随处可以见到市区的改善,以及四处林立的高楼大厦。
The sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents . 我看到这孤儿就会想起他的双亲。
The long climb almost finished me . 爬山时间太长,我快累死了。
Her illness kept her in hospital for four weeks . 她因病在医院里住了四个星期。
The quarrel led to our breaking off our friendly relations . 我们的友好关系因争吵而破裂。
Pressure of work has delayed my answer. 由于工作忙,我未及时作复。
A road accident caused my being late . 我因交通事故而迟到。
Shortage of suitable land in the urban areas had made it
In a turnkey peoject , the seller plans , constructs , and places in operation a foreign facility that is then transferred to a local owner. 在由承包商完全承包的工程中,卖主计划,建造并将一套国外设施投入运作,然后将其转让给地方雇主。
it allows me the variety of work that working at a large multi-billion bank does not have to offer as you?ll be working in narrow job description handling one type of lending . 这使我的工作变化多样,而这在拥有亿万资金的大银行里是不可能的,因为在这种大银行里,你的工作范围很窄,只处理一种贷款。
But the important thing to remember is that in the modern world we must give people skills which will prepare them for the changing world of manufacturing and production which is now upon us . 单需要记住的重要事情是,在现代世界里,我们必须向人们传授技术本领,掌握这些技术本领就可以使他们为应对我们眼下所面对的不断变化着的生产制造领域做好准备。
It was found that a country benefits more by producing goods it can make most cheaply and buying those goods that other countries can make at lower costs than by producing everything it needs within its own border. 人们发现,一个国家支生产成本耗费最低的产品,而从其他国家购买它们用较低成本生产的产品,这比在国内生产自己所需要的一切产品要划算得多,
In addition to visible trade , which involves the importing and exporting of tangible goods , there ia also invisible trade , which involved the exchange of services between nations . 除了这种进出口商品的有形贸易以外,还有一种国与国之间进行交换服务的无形贸易。
International trade transactions refer to the exportation of goods or services from one country to another , which is the importing country . 国际贸易是指将商品或服务从一个国家出口到另一个国家,即进口的国家。
As imports are financed by exports , which help to gain foreign currency to import the badly needed raw materials , technology and equipment , the capacity of a nation to import obviously depends on its export performance. 由于进口依靠出口来融资,出口获得的外汇可用来进口急需的原材料,技术及设备,因此一个国家的进口能力显然取决于出口业绩的好坏。
Traditionally ,business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed , but today it has a more technical definition ,which is the production , distribution ,and sale of goods and service for profit. 传统上,商务仅指人们所需的物品的交换或贸易。但是。今天商务有更为科学的定义,它是指为了利润而进行货物和劳务的生产,派送和销售的一种活动。
The Multilateral Agreement on Investment ( MAI) aims to achieve a situation where foreign investors are not discriminated against ,but they are still subject to the same substantive laws and regulations that apply to domestic investors. 多变投资协定的目标是要达到这样一种境界---外国投资者不受歧视,但他们仍和国内投资者一样要接受同样的基本法规 的管制。
International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training ,because the growing scale and complexity of business
transactions acrodd national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention 国际商务作为管理训练的一个分支出现,是由于跨国界的商业界的商业交易日益增长的范围和复杂性产生了新的,特殊的管理问题和政府政策问题。这些问题没有在传统的商业和经济领域里受到足够的注意。
International business activities also include an extensive range of optional methods available to firm for doing business internationally that involve different degrees of foreign direct
The Great Depression gave rise to the fear that such catastrophes would recuror even that the
American economy would
live in a state of permanent depression unless radical changes
were made in the economic system. 二十世纪三十年代的经济大萧条曾使人们害怕这种灾难会重演,甚至使人们担心美国经济会陷入永久性萧条状态,除非对其经济制度进行大幅度改革。
Buyers or their chartering agent(租船代理人)shall advise the Sellers by fax 10 days prior to the arrival of the carrying vessel (装货船只)at the port of shipment of the contract number ,name of the carrying vessel , approximate loading capacity (载荷能力), lay days (装卸货日数) and port of loading . investment commitments. 国际商务活动也包括一系列可供公司作选择的进行国际贸易的方法。这些方法包括外国直接透支的不同程度的承诺。
The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity ,quality and descriptions required by the cintract and which are contained or packed in the manner required by the contract. 卖方交付的货物必须与合同所规定的数量,质量和规格一致,并按照合同所规定的方式装箱货包装。
so , let us , in these nest five days , start a long march together , not in lockstep ,but on different roads leading to the same goal , the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation ,large or small ,has a right to determine its own form of government , free from outside interference or domination. 因此,让我们在今后的5天里开始一次长征吧,不是在一起迈步,而是在不同的道路上向着一个目标前进。这个目标就是建立一个和平和正义的世界结构:在这种世界结构里,所有国家可以站在一起享受同等的尊严;在这种世界结构里,每一个国家,不论大小,都有权决定自己征服的形式,而不受外来的干涉或统治。
The pragmatic and realistic approach which has begun to emerge over the last few years , has resulted in practical results which provide an opportunity for the Organization to show its potential and to develop its capacity . 前几年开始出现的务实作风,已经收到实际的成果,联合国因此有机会展示其潜力,发挥其能力。
The liberalization debate is a debate over ideas and ideals, and it matters enormously that we spread the message that market liberlization forms part of the answer to the concerns of citizens , rather than being a cause of their misgivings. 自由化的辩论是一场理念与理想的辩论,我们要传播这样的信息:市场自由化是解决公民忧虑的部分答案而不是造成他们担忧的原因。
He poured into his writings all the pain of his life , the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him , and the conviction it had brought to him that the world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands of the exploiters. 他在自己的作品中倾诉了他生活中遭受过的一切痛苦,倾诉了这些痛苦在他心中产生的对资产阶级的刻骨仇恨和这些痛苦给他带来的这样一种信念:如果被剥削阶级能够起来并且把对社会的管理权从剥削阶级首重夺过来,这个世界就可以变成人们生活的美好乐园。
I will share with President Carter my conclusion that our two countries are destined to grow together for our mutual benefit and for the benefit of all manking. 我要把我的结论告诉卡特总统,即为了我们两国人民的利益,为了全人类的利益,我们双方一定会更加亲密。
Canda has long subscribed to the view that no stste should use its territory or allow it to be used in such a way as to injure the environment of another state or of the “ international commons”. 长期以来,加拿大一直持这样一种观点:任何国家都不应该用自己的领土或允许别过利用其领土来破坏另一个国家或“国际社会”的环境。
Within 30 days after signing and coming into effect of this contract , the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for thr full amount of USD30 000in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may draw the sum in due time . 买房须于本合同签字并生效后30天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部货款计30 000美元,以便卖方及时提取款项。
If the technical documents are found lost ,damaged or mutilated (毁伤)during
air transportation, Party B shall supply Party A free of charge with a second set of the documents within the shortest possible time but not later than thirty days after it has received from Party A the written notice . 若技术资料在空运中丢失,损坏,缺损,或短缺,乙方须于收到甲方的书面通知后30天内尽快免费向甲方重新邮寄该技术资料一套。
The Buyer shall pay the Seller US$350 000 within 20days after the Bank of China has received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order , but not
earlier than 12 (twelve) month
after the date the Contract Plant for the first time reached 95% of guaranteed capacity of the whole Contract Plant according to the guaranteed quality indices as per Annex VI to the Contract or 65 months after the date of signing the contract , whichever is earlier . 买方须于中国银行收到卖方下列单据,并经审核证实无误后20天内向卖方支付350 000美元,但此款项的支付不得早于合同工厂第一次达到附件VI所规定之质量保证指标的95%以后的12月,或合同签字后的65个月,以早到的日期为准。
If under the contract the buyer is to specify the form , measurement or other features of the goods and he fails to make such specification either on the date agreed upon or within a reasonable time after receipt of a request from the seller, the seller may , without prejudice to any other rights he may have , make the specification himself in accordance with the requirements of the buyer that may be known to him . 若按本合同支规定应由买方决定货物的形状,尺寸或其他特征,但买方在双方议定的时间内,或在收到卖方的要求后的合理期限内未能做出上述规定,则卖方有权根据买方的已知要求字形规定。此情况不损害买方享有的任何其他权利。
Should for cartain reasons the Buyers not be able inform the Seller of
the foregoing details 10 days prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of loading or should the carrying vessel be advanced or delayed , the Buyer or their chartering agent shall advise the Sellers immediately and make necessary arrangement. 若买方由于某种原因不能于装运轮抵达装运港10前将上述详细情况通知卖方,或装运轮提前或推迟抵达,买方或其运输代理人须立即通知卖方并做出必要的安排。
The Buyer shall have the right to claim against the Seller for compensation of losses within 60days after arrival of the goods at the port of detination ,should the quality of the goods be found not in conformity with the specifications stipulated in the Contract after re-inspection by the ChinaCommodity 三亿文库3y.uu456.com包含各类专业文献、各类资格考试、专业论文、外语学习资料、高等教育、幼儿教育、小学教育、中学教育、自考广外商务英语翻译01等内容。 
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