
哎呦我的腿水b 我为自己带盐,一次带三包,一包吃3天,一天吃3次,3次吃一包,耶~
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第一篇:关于在一起的句子把两个或两个以上在意义上有密切联系的句子组合在一起, 叫复句, 也叫关联句。复句通常用一些关联词语来连接。关联词一般分转折关系、假设关系、条件关系 等。特点: 特点 : 第一: 第一 : 作为联接分句、标明关系的词语,关联词语总是标明抽象的关系,可 以作为某类复句的特定的形式标志。第二: 第二 : 说话时很容易发现必须带有的一到二个词语,虽然意思不同,但连在 一起无论是说还是听都觉得很舒服。
常见关联词复句分类 1.转折关系 1. 转折关系 尽管……可是……、虽然……但是……、……却……、……然 而……、......可是...... 2.假设关系 2. 假设关系 如果……就……、 即使……也…… 、要是……那么 无论……都…… 、不管……也……、倘若......就 3.并列关系 3. 并列关系 一边……一边……、既是......也是......、是……是…… 4.递进关系 4. 递进关系 不但……而且……、不光……也……、既……又……、不仅……还…… 5.选择关系 5. 选择关系 不是……就是……、是……还是……、或者……或者……、要么…… 要么……、与其……不如……、宁可……也不…… 6.因果关系 6. 因果关系
因为……所以……、之所以……是因为……、……因此…… 7.承接关系 7. 承接关系 先......再......、首先......然后......、先.....然后......接 着......最后...... 8.条件关系 8. 条件关系 只要……就……、 只有……才……
关联词的常见错误 1 、 错用关联词语 例:宋朝皇帝只知道吃喝玩乐。为了喜欢踢球,就把一个流氓封为殿 师太尉。(应把“为了”改为“因为”)(也可以把“就”移到“因为”前 面) 2 、 关联词语搭配不当 例:只有你意识到这一点,你就能深刻地了解我们战士的胸怀是多么 宽广。(“只有”与“才”搭配,去掉“就”w 辨别非关联词的连续语 有些短语看起来比较像关联词, 但是并非关联词。譬如像“一会儿…… 一会儿……”“一下子……一下子……”等等,这些都不是关联词,也不 是排比句。排比句是拥有三个或三个地方以上的相同词语连成的词语。像 这种词语相同却不到三个的词语只能算是连带词或者连续词。常见关联词 1. 因为……所以、2.不但……而且、3.与其……不如、4.宁 可……也不、5.之所以……是因为、6.如果……就、7.只 要……就、8.既然……就(那么)、9.即使……也、10.无 论……都、11.不管……都、12.不仅……还、13.虽然…… 但 是 、 14.不 是 …… 而 是 (就 是 )、 15.既 .....又 ...16.与 其......不如......17.一边……一边 18 不论……就、19. 只有……才
注意 懂得各类关联词语的作用 同一个句子,运用不同的关联词语,作用就不同,表达的意思也就不 一样。例如:“我们共同努力,竞赛取得胜利。”这个句子没有使用关联 词语,可以看作是并列关系。如果加上不同的关联词语,句子的关系就起 了变化: 1.因为我们共同努力,所以竞赛取得胜利。2.如果我们共同努力,竞赛就能取得胜利。3.只要我们共同努力,竞赛就能取得胜利。这样,第一句成了因果关系,第二句成了假设关系,第三句成了条件 关系。在我们平时的说话、造句或作文当中,究竟选用什么关系,这就要 根据自己表达的需要来确定。要注意配对使用关联词语 有些关联词语是要求配对使用的,不可随意改换。例如: 1.只要经常锻炼身体,才会增强体质。2.他宁可挨打,不如泄密。3.不管天气多么恶劣,他却是按时到校学习 。第一句,“只要”应与“就”相配,“只有”应与“才”相配,“只 要”与“才”搭配不当,应把“才”改为“就”。第二句,“宁可”应与“也不”相配,“与其”应与“不如”相配。句中“宁可”与“不如”搭配不当,根据两个分句的意思,最好是把“不 如”改为“也不”。第三句,“不管”与“却”搭配不当,应把“却”改为“都”。关联词语的位置不能放错 例如: 1.虽然今天天气十分寒冷,却清洁工流下了汗。2.今天,我们班搞演讲比赛,表达能力强的同学不但上台演讲了,而 且从小不爱说话的小明也上去演讲了。第一句,“却”表示转折的意思并没有错,可是,一念原句就给人不 通顺的感觉。如果把“却”放在“清洁工”之后,句子就通顺了。第二句,让人念起来感到很别扭,如果把“不但”放在“表达能力强 的同学”前面,句子就顺畅了。
该用关联词的地方不能缺少关联词 有一部分配对使用的关联词,可根据情况省略其中的前一个,如“不 但……而且……”, 可省去“不但”、 “虽然……但是”, 可省去“虽然”。但一般不能省去后一个的“而且”、“但是”。如果只用前一个关联词语, 而省去了后一个关联词语,句子间的关系就会不明确,句子的意思也会表 达不清。例如: 1.自从开展“一帮一”的活动以后,不但加深了同学之间的相互了解, 增进了同学之间的友谊。2.如果我们齐心协力,把这件事情办好。第一句在意思上有递进的关系,但缺少了一个与“不但”配对使用的 关联词语,让人读了以后,感觉话没有说完,递进的关系也不清楚。如果 在“增进了同学之间的友谊”前面加上“而且”或者“并且”,不但递进 的关系明确了,句子的意思也清楚了。第二句是假设关系的句子,前面一个分句表示假设的情况,后一 分句表示结果。因为缺少与“如果”配对使用的关联词“就”,句中的结 果就不明确,让人读后也有一种话未说完的感觉。要是在“把这件事情办 好”之前加上“就能”,句子的意思就清楚了。
不要滥用关联词 例如: 1.他自己不跟老师讲,并且要我讲。2.我的成绩差,可是我能虚心地向老师请教,但是诚恳地向优秀同学 学习,所以我有了很大的进步。第一句应该是转折关系,不是递进关系。滥用“并且”,使语意表达 不清,应把“并且”改为“却”。第二句,滥用“但是”,应删去。
并列 ……一会儿……一会儿…… ……又……又…… ……也……也…… ……有时……有时…… ……不是……不是…… ……不是……而是…… ……既……又……
递进 ……甚至…… ……不仅……而且…… ……不但……还…… ……不但不……反而…… ……连……也…… ……何况…… ……更不要说……
承接 ……首先……然后…… ……便…… ……于是…… ……才…… ……接着…… ……一……就…… 转折 ……却…… ……然而…… 尽管……可是…… 虽然……但是…… 条件 只要……就…… 只有……才…… 无论……都…… 不管……总…… 不管……也……
因果 因为……所以…… 由于……因此…… 既然……那么…… 之所以……是因为…… 假设 如果……就…… 假使……便…… 要是……那么…… 倘若……就…… 选择 ……要么……要么…… ……不是……就是…… ……是……还是…… ……与其……不如…… ……宁可……也不……
1.我们要组织到公园参加游园晚会,你不去,他( )不去。2.天安门广场西侧的人民大会堂( )高大,( )庄严。3.我问小刚:“你( )参加美术小组,( )参加航模小组?” 4.小刚让我猜他参加了什么兴趣小组,我说:“( )美术组,( )航模 组。” 5.( )他不一定能来,我们( )要通知他。6.这里的花( )很多,( )没有奇花异草。7.很多同学在实践中体会到,( )多读多写,作文( )会有进步。8.我们( )可以看见铁丝网和胸墙,( )可以看见火力点,( )连敌 人讲话都听得见。9.( )天气很冷,爷爷( )要坚持早锻炼。10.( )我们现在不好好学习,将来( )不能担当起建设祖国的重任。11.鲁迅先生( )爱惜自己的时间,( )爱惜别人的时间。12.( )困难有多大,我们( )能克服。13.( )他热情地为同学们服务,( )受到同学们的好评。14.( )你答应找小兰一起去看画展,( )应该准时去找他。15.刘胡兰( )牺牲自己的生命,( )说出党的机密。16.放学后,我们( )在街上乱跑,( )回家读一读课外书。17.我( )知道这件事情,( )并不了解事情的全过程。
18.( )多读多练,( )会提高作文水平。19.小李在学习上( )有这么好的成绩,是( 20.同学们( )走着,( )谈论着。
21.( )谁向我们指出( )行。22.( )你去,( )他去,总得有一个人去。23.( )风浪再大,我( )要把你送过河去。24.王老师( )关心我们的学习,( )关心我们的身体。25.他( )牺牲自己,( )暴露党的组织。26.我( )说了,( )不怕发表。27.现在我们的生活水平( )有了提高,( )还要注意节约。28.( )没有老师的耐心教育和帮助,我( )不会有这么大的进步。29.凡卡( )在城里受罪,( )回到乡下爷爷那里去。30.( )人人都献出一点爱,世界( )会变成美好的人间。31.( )走到天涯海角,我( )不会忘记自己的祖国。32.我们的教室( )宽敞( )明亮。33.邱少云( )牺牲自己,( )暴露潜伏部队。34.( )工作再忙,他每天晚上( )要挤出时间学习英语。35.每天上学,( )王洁来找我,( )我去找他,我俩总是结伴去学校。36.他把他的大提包扔在一边,怀里( )紧紧地抱着一个纸箱子。37.( )芦花村的孩子们几乎都会凫水,( )能像雨来游得这么好的却没 有几个。38.我们一定要把京张铁路修好,否则( )那些外国人会讥笑我们,( ) 会使中国工程师失去信心。39.( )明天下雨,我们( )下个星期再去游乐园吧。40.( )我的身体不好,( )我要参加体育锻炼。41.( )石块有多重,小草( )要从下面钻出来。42.王平和我同桌三年,( )我很了解他。43.( )困难再大,我们( )要按时完成任务。44.他干的活计( )速度快,( )质量好。45.( )刻苦地钻研,( )能掌握科学技术。46.( )我做了充分准备,这次试验( )没有成功。47.江涛( )刻苦学习,( )学习成绩一直保持优秀。48.一场大雪过后,孩子们在雪地上( )堆雪人,( )打雪仗。49.他们是那么平凡,那么朴实,那么纯真,( )那么谦虚。50.( )他真正下了苦功,( )成绩有了很大的提高。51.他( )学习和品德都很好,( )身体也很好。52.( )风吹雨打,我们( )要坚持到校学习。53.李老师( )身体不好,( )一直坚持给我们上课。54.( 55.( )这种草,( )是坚韧的。)在社会主义新中国,少年儿童(
56.这艘轮船( )载客多,( )速度非常快。57.弟弟( )年纪小,( )很懂事。
关联词语填空 1、( )风吹雨打,我们( )坚持到校学习。2、( )成绩再好,你( )不能自满呀! 3、我( )这么用功,( )成绩还是不如你 4、有人口头上( )讲得很好,( )行动却做得很少。5、( )雨再大,路再滑,我们( )要按时报到。6、这种境界,( )使人惊叹,( )叫人舒服。7、( )怎么拥挤,他( )能挤过去。8、四合院的房子与房子之间,( )相互连接,( )各自分开,有分有合。9、雷锋( )死了,( )他的精神永远在我们心中。10、这个橡皮( )我的,( )李明的。11、这样的住宅( )有些拥挤、杂乱,( )非常适合人与人之间的交流。12、( )水再上涨,江堤( )有危险。13、( )困难再大,我们( )要坚持上学。14、( )明天天晴,秋游( )按期举行。15、道德( )只是个简单的是与非的问题,( )实践起来却很难。16、上海( )是一个重要的工业基地,( )是一个科学文化中心。17、世界上的事物( )有简单的联系,( )有不少复杂的联系。18、诚实是美德,( )做什么,( )要讲老实话,办老实事。19、( )想参加书法培训班,( )得主动提出申请。20、( )靠别人,( )靠自己。21、刘胡兰( )牺牲自己,( )不出卖同志。22、星期天你( )去公园,( )去奶奶家。23、妈妈( )看电视,( )织毛衣。24、做事( )坚持不懈,( )成功。25、小明( )学习好,( )体育也很棒。26、我( )写完了作业,( )写了些课外题。27、这支笔( )你的,( )小红的。28、( )学生,( )应该好好学习。29( )天下雨,我们( )不能在室外上体育课。30、( )鄞奋学习,( )能提高成绩。31、( )明天爸爸不上班,他( )会带我上公园。32、为了祖国的边疆的安全,( )忍受寂寞,( )是值得的。33、鲁迅( )是伟大的文学家,( )是伟大的思想家和革命家。34、( )时间是宝贵的,( )我们要加倍珍惜时间。35、( )河道纵横交叉,( )小艇成了主要的交通工具。36、小艇( )速度非常快,( )还能做急转弯。37、书( )读得很多,( )不会灵活运用是不行的。38、读了这个故事,大家( )知道了许多海洋的奥秘,( )激发了探索科学的兴 趣
39、( )遇到阴雨天气见不到太阳,国旗( )依然按日出时间高高地升起在天安 门广场。40、( )知识的海洋是无边无际的,( )学无止境。41、( )人人讲究文明卫生,我们的环境( )会更好。42、周末的晚上,我( )看电视,( )听音乐。43、王敏多才多艺她( )会唱歌,( )会跳舞。44、( )他对你的批评是正确的,你( )应该虚心接受。45、( )前面的东西没有领会,( )不要着急学后面的东西。46、我( )热爱自己的家乡,( )那是我生长的地方。47、昨天的电视节目真精彩,( )儿童歌舞之外,( )我喜欢的《动物世界》。48、( )武汉的夏天特别热,( )有“火炉”之称。49、( )你工作忙,( )不要来了。50( )调换一下出场顺序,( )能转败为胜。第一篇:关于在一起的句子关联词
关联词 :把两个或两个以上在意义上有密切联系的句子组合在 把两个或两个以上在意义上有密切联系的句子组合在 一起,叫复句,也叫关联句。复句通常用一些关联词语来连接。一起,叫复句,也叫关联句。复句通常用一些关联词语来连接。它有如下特点: 它有如下特点: 第一,作为联接分句、标明关系的词语,关联词语总是标明抽象 的关系,可以作为某类复句的特定的形式标志。第二,关联词语性质复杂。第三,说话时很容易发现必须带有的一到二个词语,虽然意思不 同,但连在一起无论是说还是听都觉得很舒服。常见关联词可分为以下几类复句: 常见关联词可分为以下几类复句: 1.转折关系 1.转折关系 尽管……可是…… 虽然……但是…… ……却…… ……然而…… 2.假设关系 2.假设关系 如果……就……、 假使……便…… 、 要是……那么…… 、 倘若……就……、 既然...就...
3.条件关系 3.条件关系 只要……就……、 只有……才…… 、 无论……都…… 、 不管……也…… 、 即使...也... 4.因果关系 4.因果关系 因为……所以…… 、 由于……因此…… 、 既然……那么……、 之所以……是因为…… 5.并列关系 5.并列关系 一边……一边、 一方面……一方面、 有时……有时、 既……又…… 6.承接关系 6.承接关系 不是……而是……、 一……就……、 起先……后面…… 7.递进关系 7.递进关系 不但……而且……
不光……也…… 不仅……还…… 8.选择关系 8.选择关系 不是……就是…… 是……还是…… 或者……或者 要么……要么…… 与其……不如…… 宁可……也不 目的是偏句表示一种行为,正句表示这种行为的目的。以便,以,用以,好,为的是;以免,免得,省得。例:你快让他进去,以免闹情绪。取舍 在两件事情中衡量得失,选择其中的一件,舍弃另一件。与其……,不如(无宁、宁可);宁可(宁愿)……(也)不(不愿)。其次了解关联词语误用情况: 一个复句,用不用关联词语,用哪个关联词语,是单用还是成对 地配合着用,用在什么位置,都有一定的规则。关联词语的正确使用 是靠语境判断,仔细推断出来的。关联词语在使用上存在如下毛病: 1、错用关联词语
例:宋朝皇帝只知道吃喝玩乐。为了喜欢踢球,就把一个流氓封 为殿师太尉。(应把“为了”改为“因为”)(也可以把“就”移到 “因为”前面) 2、关联词语搭配不当 例:只有你意识到这一点,你能深刻地了解我们战士的胸怀是多 么宽广。(“只有”与“才”搭配,去掉“就”) 注意辨别非关联词的连续语: 注意辨别非关联词的连续语: 有些短语看起来比较像关联词,但是并非关联词。譬如像“一 边……一边……”“一下子……一下子……”等等, 这些都不是关联 词,也不是排比句。排比句是拥有三个或三个地方以上的相同词语连 成的词语。像这种词语相同却不到三个的词语只能算是连带词或者连 续词。
常见关联词: 1.因为……所以、2.不但……而 且、3.与其……不如、4.宁可……也 不、5.宁可……也、6.之所以……是 因为、 7.如果……就、 8.只要……就、 9.既然……就、10.即使……也、11. 无论……都、12.不管……都、13.不
仅……还、14.不仅……而且、15.不 但……还、16.虽然……但是、 17.不是……而是第一篇:关于在一起的句子Global IELTS 雅思
A 类: (task1)图表类(20分钟 (task2)议论文(40分钟 G 类: (task1)书信类(20分钟 (task2)议论文(40分钟 250字) :
150字) :曲线图,柱形图,条形图,饼型图,表格,流程图,地图
150字) :投诉信,感谢信,询问信,致谢信,说明信,求职信 250字) :
写作要领 (议论文) 观点-结构-思路-语言
(一)雅思观点的特点 1.没有对错 2.多样性 (二)得到观点的方法: 1.划关键词 2.跨越思维
Children can study just as well at home
with the development of the Internet.
There is no need for them to go to school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1)单方支持: 第一段:引入主题+绝对观点 第二段:论证一 (主题句+支持句) 第三段:论证二 (主题句+支持句) 第四段:论证三 (主题句+支持句) 第五段:重申立场+建议+预测 2)双方支持: 第一段:引入主题+相对观点 第二段:支持(主题句+支持句) 第三段:反对(主题句+支持句) 第四段:折中/偏向/建议
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She is a girl. She works hard. She and he work hard.(两个并列的主语,共用一个谓语动词) 简单句,并列句,复杂句(主从句)
We live and work. 我们工作并且学习(两个谓语动词,共用一个主语) (比较)并列句:由连词连接两个简单句(两个主谓) We live and we work.我们工作并且我们学习(两个主语,两个谓语) ★2.简单句的五个基本句型 动词是一个句子的主干。由于动词不同,英语简单句的主要成分就会不同,从而形成了不同的句型。因此, 我们在雅思阅读考试中要分析英语句子结构,首先就要弄清楚句子动词后面是什么成分。句型 1:主语+谓语(不及物动词) 句型 2:主语+系动词+表语 句型 3:主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 She appears. I like her. I send her a letter.
She is pretty.
句型 4:主语+谓语+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物)
这些动词有:make, send, buy, show, lend, find, choose, pay, get, teach, read, sing
练习:挑出下列句子中的直接宾语和间接宾语: 1. Show me your ticket, please. 2. Can you get me the book? 3. She doesn’t deny her son a thing. 4. The young man offered his seat to an elderly woman. 5. The sun gives us light and heat. 6. Frank owes me 10 dollars. 7. This will save you a lot of trouble. 8. Mother bought a coat for Tom. 9. Jack showed his new camera to every student of the class.
句型 5:主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语 she makes me crazy. She paints the room pink. She call me sister. 这 些 动 词 有 : call,appoint, leave, keep, make, choose, find, elect,lay set,turn,buy,like,paint,drive,see,push,find,get,wish 等
练习: 一.指出句子中的宾语和宾语补足语,并说明补足语是什么词性。1. They got the door shut. 2. He wiped the table dry and clean. 3. She likes her room tidy.
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4. The parents called the baby Shelly. 5. The orator 演说者’s words proved him a good speaker. 6. The door is stuck and I can’t pull it open. Stuck: not able to move or continue doing sth. 二.分析下列句子是那种句型: 1. She showed me the beautiful photo. 2. I sent my brother a Christmas card. 3. The pupil got every word right. 4. They elected John leader of the tutor. 5. Call a spade a spade. 6. My wife made a beautiful dress for her niece. 主从句
定义:由两个或两个以上的简单句在一起构成主从句,但是两个句子不是等同的关系,其中的一个句子是 独立的,是主句,其他的句子不能独立,是分句 She is the girl. She is the girl and she works hard. She is the girl who I love deeply. . 分类: 主从句可分为三大类:状语从句,定语从句,名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)
所有的文章都是又由句子构成。如果我们要想把文章写好,我们应该学会写正确,有效的句子。在这一章, 我们要讨论写出正确句子的要求。
语序――主谓宾(表)方地时 6 时间 状语 1 主语 Frank Mark The girls My parents Mr.Smith He 2 动词 ran dug sang live will make read speech a novel a hole happily in China in the hall under tree a on Sunday all afternoon. 3 宾语/表语 4 方式状 语 5 地点 状语 to the theatre. 6 时间 状语
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1. The film I enjoyed yesterday. 2. The news listened to I carefully. 3. Well the man the piano played. 4. Games played yesterday in their room the children quietly. 5. Quietly the door he opened. 6. Immediately left he. 7. A tree in the corner of the garden he planted. 8.Before lunch the letter in his office quickly he read. 9.This morning a book I from the library borrowed. 10.The soup spoilt the cook. 11. We at home stay on Sunday. 12. There a lot of people are at the bus stop. 13. The little boy an apple this morning ate greedily in the kitchen. 14. She beautifully draws. 15. Music I like very much. 16. A new school built they in our village last year. 17. The match at four o’clock ended. 18. She a letter from her brother last week received.
Looking from the mountain, I can see a beautiful view. Carrying a basket, she entered into the room. Accompanied by her mother, she cried.
1. She beat a boy, she went home. She was beaten by boy, she went home. 2. After she got married, she felt happy.
那个男孩被疯狗咬了,医生用一种新药为他治疗。Having been bitten by a dog, the doctor tied to cure the boy with a new kind of medicine. Having been bitten by a mad dog, the boy was cured by the doctor with a new kind of medicine. 为了按时完成工作,他们采取了一些新的有效措施 To finish the work on time, some new and effective measures have been taken by them. To finish the work on time, they have taken some new and effective measure. After graduating from college, my father wanted me to pursue my studies. After I graduated from college, my father wanted me to pursue my stuides. 练习:
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一.用分词,动名词简化各句 1. After she beat the boy, she went home.( 在状语从句中,两句话中只要主 语一致,从句中的主语省略,动词化 ing 或 ed). 2. After she was beaten, she went home. 3. Before I went to Beijing, I had bought a house. 4. After he left Beijing, he changed a lot. 5. Before I went to bed, I had washed and packed up. 6. After she got married, she had a baby. 7. He returned back home after he graduated form college. 8. I look from the top of the mountain, I find the view is so beautiful. 9. She was accompanied by her mother, she enter into the room. 10. She got married with Jhon, she felt happy and decided to give up her job for John. 11. He was scolded by his boss, he decided to be a “yes man” later on.
二.判断对错,并修改 Entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!” After finishing her composition, the translation exercise was done. Hurrying to the conference room 会议室, no one was there. Returning home after work, supper was for him in the kitchen. To look at a map, the importance of his new railway will be seen.
1.改主语(使一致) ;或者改成状语从句 1.Entering the classroom, the students stood up and said, “good morning!” When the teacher enter the classroom,……… Entering the classroom, the teacher……
主语和动词要在数上保持一致,数即单复数 (1)主语是由 and 连接的两个或两个以上的单数名词时,动词用复数。He and I are teachers. (注意)但是如果这两个名词是一个人或同一件东西时,动词应该是单数。She always has bread and butter for her breakfast.(面包涂上黄油后是一件东西) She bought bread and butter at the shop, they are both fresh.(面包和黄油是两件东西) ★ (2)有生命的集合名词,动词只用复数 集合名词强调的是整体性,即当作一个整体或多个整体来看待 People, police, youth 青年们, mankind, personnel (总称)人员,员工, cattle 牛 The mankind long for the peace.人类渴望和平 The cattle are grazing (牛,羊等)吃草 in the field.牛在吃草
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★ (3) 无生命集合名词,谓语动词只用单数 Scenery , weaponry, machinery, clothing, poetry, jewellery, millinery, footwear, underwear, hardware, merchandise, furniture Her jewellery was missing.她的珠宝丢失了 (4)单复数同形的名词,谓语动词要根据情况决定 Deer, fish, sheep, works, crossroads The deer is red. The deer are red. ★(5)动词不定式,动名词,从句作主语时,动词用单数 To work hard is necessary. 努力工作是必要的。Whether she comes or not does not matter.她来不来都无所谓。(6)一些常用作复数或只有复数形式的名词,动词用复数 Clothes, scissors, trousers, shorts , spectacles, effects, goods, papers, arms, greens, wages, customs, gloves, jeans,belongs, surroundings, earnings, doings The goods are sold.货物被卖掉了 ★(7)不定代词动词用单数 不定代词 Some 某 Thing 事情 One 人 Body 人 Everything you give me is best. 你给我的一切都是最好的 Anything you have said is hidden in my mind.你说过的一切藏在我的心里。(8)A number of + 复数名词, 动词用复数形式;the number of + 单数形式,动词用单 数形式 A number of students were absent yesterday.许多学生昨天缺席。The number of students is 200 people.学生的数量是200人。(9)little, much, a great deal of, an amount of, a quantity of 只能修饰不可数名词,动词 要用单数。A large amount of money is spent on the project.这项工程耗费了巨额资金 A quantity of baskets were on sale.有一批篮子待售 (10)用 either …or, neither…nor, not only…but also 等连词的名词或代词作主语,动词 要采取就近原则。Not only the students but the teacher agree this practice. 不仅学生连老师也赞同这种做法 Either the principal or his assistants are to attend the meeting. 或是校长或是助理参加了会议 练习:
Every 每一
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一.选择 1. Your friendship 友谊 and your support 支持 (has/ have) meant a great deal to me. 2. Each of those documents (has/ have) been carefully proofread 校对;校勘 by two readers. 4. We felt confined, because there (was/were) no windows in the classroom. 5. Neither my cousin nor his friends (was/were) accused of the prank [ ]胡闹;恶作剧 .6. Sitting in the back seat of the car (was/were) John and Philip. 7. The dangers of smoking (is, are) well mentioned 提及. 8. Zhang’s family (realizes, realize) that repaying these debts will be difficult. 9. Almost everyone (is, are) 10. The pair of scissors (belong, belongs) 11. Much pains (have, has) 12. A large amount money (has, have) been found. 13. A number of audience (have, has) 14. The number of audience (have, has) 15. Translated into English (is, are) 16. Washing the dishes (is, are) 17. Washing and dishes and cleaning the window (is, are) 18. The police (is, are) 19. The people (is, are) 20. Such footwear (is, are) 二,填空 Cinderella This story took place in a small kingdom in England. A rumor 谣言__________(was, were) spreading 传播.Poster 告示 __________(was, were)hung 挂 here and there. The poster said, “If the shoe __________ (fit), you will be the future Queen.” “Can it be true? ”People ___________ (was, were) murmuring 低语 softly as if in a dream. It was true. The royal 贵族的 family was sending a single glass shoe around the country. Every girl in the kingdom would try it on. If the shoes fit, its wearer would marry the prince. The police___________ (was, were) very careful of the special task lest they should choose a wrong Queen for the great Kingdom. “The beautiful ___________(is, are) not always the same as the good, my son!” “But she is beautiful because she is lovely.” There was a long story about what had happened. A few weeks ago, a committee___________ formed. It___________ a special committee because women were elected into it for the first time. Its purpose was to find a wife for the prince. The committee ____________ divided in their opinions for some time. At last, they made a wise decision. “Every girl in the kingdom would be invited to meet the prince at great ball.” The ball was given as scheduled. Each servant ___________(was, were ) on duty 值班. No duke and no Princess_____________ (was/ were) absent.
4. Pronoun
正确使用代词 Agreement
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(1) 当不定代词作主语时,其相应的代词采用单数形式。Everyone was keeping his fingers crossed. Everybody had his work in good shape. Nobody had his speech ready today. (注意)这类先行词指人时的性别不清楚,一般情况下,常用阳性代词。练习: Nothing interesting appeared in the film, did _________? Anything on the desk can be thrown away, can’t _________? (2) 当先行词是 each /either/neither+复数名词时,其相应的代词是单数。Each of the girls is sure she is going to win. Neither of the men would admit his mistake. Either of those women may lose her temper at anytime.
(3) 当先行词是 one 时,其相应代词是第三人称。One can’t really blame himself for that. If one has a second chance, how much wiser he might be. (4) 当先行词是由 and 连接的两个或两个以上的名词时,其相应的代词是复数。My brother and his wife like cold weather, but they are having second thoughts about moving to Alaska. 练习: 一.填写代词 write the appropriate pronoun (their, they, them, it) in the blank spare in each of the following sentences. 1. Kate and Bruce left for the movies earlier than usual, because _________ knew the theater would be packed. 2. The clothes were still damp 有湿气的;潮湿的, but I decided to fold 折叠_________anyway. 3. Young adult often face a difficult transition period when _________leave home for the first time. 4. Paul’s grandparents renewed __________ marriage vows at a huge fiftieth wedding anniversary celebration. 5. The car’s steering wheel began to pull to one side, and then __________ started to shimmy 震 动. 二.选择 underline the correct pronoun 1.Neither of the potential buyers had really made up (her, their) mind. 2.Not one of the new cashiers 出纳,出纳员 knows what (he, they) should be doing. 3.Anyone trying to reduce (his or her, their) salt intake should avoid canned and processed foods. 4.If anybody calls when I am out, tell (him, them) I’ll return in an hour. 5.Each of the little girl may choose one prize for (her, their) own. 6.The coaches told each member of the football team that (his, their) position was the most important in the game.
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7.Mary tried to take notes during the class, but she didn’t really understand (it, the subject). 8.When someone has a cold, (they, he or she) should take extra vitamin C and drink a lot of fluids 流食.
(二)先行词指代不明确 Pronoun Reference
Peter told John that his wife was unhappy. Ann is a shy girl, but she keeps it hidden. Mary attributes her success to her husband’s support, which was generous. She told my sister that her idea was practicable. Everybody should return the books he has borrowed within a week. 练习: 一.改写下列不明确的代词 Rewrite each of the following sentences to make clear the vague pronoun reference. Add, change or omit words an necessary. Example: Susan’s mother wondered if she was tall enough to be a model. 改写:Susan’s mother wondered if Susan was tall enough to be a model. 1. Dad spent all morning bird-watching but didn’t see a single one. 2. Mary told Ann that her bouts of depression were becoming serious. 3. Pete visited the tutoring center because they can help him with his economics course. 二.判断下列各句属于哪种错误,并加以改正。Cross out the pronoun error in each of the sentences and writing the correction in the space provided at the right. Then circle the letter that correctly describes the type of error that was made. 1. Could someone volunteer their services to clean up after the party? Mistake in: a. Pronoun reference b. Pronoun agreement 2. The referee 裁判 watched the basketball game closely to make sure they didn’t commit any fouls 犯规. Mistake in: a. Pronoun reference b. Pronoun agreement 3. If job-hunters 求职者 want to make a good impression at an interview, he should be sure to arrive on time. Mistake in: a. Pronoun reference b. Pronoun agreement 4. Neither of those girls appreciates their parents’ sacrifices. Mistake in: a. Pronoun reference b. Pronoun agreement
中文写作讲究形散而神不散-意合。所以写起文章好像竹节,一个子句接一个子句,句子之 间可以毫无关系,,用逗号一逗到底。枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马, 但在英文写作中, 如果有两个或更多意思上相近的句子时, 我们最好把这两个或几个句子用 关联词合为一句话。但要注意的是英文句子之间讲究逻辑关系,所以要选好关联词。如:下雨了,我没回家 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧
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关联词: 并列关系 转折关系 因果关系 递进关系 状语从句 时间 and
But, however Because, for, so moreover, furthermore 连词 When(当…时),while(当…时),as(当…时),before(在…之 前),after(在…之后),since(自从), as soon as(一…就), once(一旦….), no sooner… than(一… 就), hardly …when(一…就), the moment(一…就) Where(在…地方),wherever(在任何地方),everywhere(在每 一….地方) If(如果), unless(除非), as long as(除非), only if(只 要), if only(要是…就好了) Because(因为), since(既然), as(因为), now that(既 然) Though(虽然), although(虽然), even if(即使), as(尽 管), while(虽然,尽管), whatever(无论什么), wherever (无论哪里), whoever(无论谁), however(无论怎样), no matter…(无论) (not)as…as(不)象…一样, (not)the same as(不)同…一 样, (not) so ….as(不如…), (not)such…as(不如…),than (比…) So that(为了,以便), in order that(为了)in order to, so as to So that(结果…),so…that(如此…以致于…) Such…that , (如此…以致于…)
地点 条件 原因 让步
练习: 一.填空 1. I am very tall______(so, but) I must be careful. Doors are often low ______(and, but) I usually ______(beat, knock) my head against them. My head always_______(hurts, pains). I have never_______ (met, recognized) a tall architect. Have you?
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2. My wife______(drives, leads) a car. She has_______(driven, ridden) a car for many years________(and, but) she says that woman drivers do not deserve their bad reputation. Yet, on the road, she often _______(criticizes, judges) other women drives. 3. The wind ______(threw, blew) his hat into the river. He _______(put, took) out his hand _______(and, but) tried to ________(reach, catch) it _______(so, but) he could not, _______(so, but) he ________(jumped, fell) into the river ______(and, but) got it. 4. I_______(came, arrive at) the office late as usual _______(so, but) Mr. Black_______(saw, understand) me_________(and, or) he was very angry. “This is your last day here, Jones,” he said. “You can _______(neither,either)_______(stay,sit) here
________(or,nor) go home!” 5. The politician tried to _______(do, make) a speech in the park _______(so, but) no one ________(listened to, heard) him. The audience shouted ________(and, or) threw things________(so, but) the speaker got into his car and _______(drove, ran) away.
二.合句 1. She liked eating good food. She did not like talking about it. (but) 2. We have been invited to a party this evening. She does not want to go. (but) 3. She keeps looking at all those dresses. She keeps saying, “I haven’t got anything to wear!”(and) 4. The snake charmer opened his basket. He started to play a tune. The snake refused to move.(but, and) 5. The snake charmer shook the basket. The snake obeyed him.(and then) 6. A thief once broke into a house and He stole some money butThe lady of the house caught him.
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(and, but) 7. The thief gave back the money He paid for the window he had broken.(not only, but) 8. He paid back the money. He bought himself a clear conscience.(not only…but also)
a clear conscience is a soft pillow. A clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.
9. It rains. We can’t go shopping today. (注意)连词要放在平行成分之前 主语: Either she or he is a painter. 动词:You either eat more or sleep less. 宾语:You eat either vegetable or meat. 表语:She is either a painter or a musician. 三.用适当的关联词连接下列各句 1. I was young. I used to take a walk in the rain.(when) 2. I don’t care who you are, where you came from, and what you do. I love you.(because) 3. I don’t care who you are, where you came from, and what you do. You love me.(as long as) 4. You can’t help me. I have to do the job myself. 5. He is a little disappointed. He has not given up all hope. 6. He is generous. He is poor. 7. I like Beijing very much. She is looking forward to going home. 8. He is going to the class early. He may get a good seat. 9. She was worried. She couldn’t go to sleep. 10. He came to see me. We were playing chess.
不规则的变化: 原级 Well/good Bad/ill old Much/many little far 比较级 better worse older more less farther 最高级 Best Worst Oldest most Least Farthest
基本用法: 比较级的用法:一比较物体 A +be+形容词的比较级+than + 另一比较物体 B 最高级别的用法:一比较物体 A+ be+ the 形容词最高级 + of/in 比较范围 按照比较结果来分,形容词和副词的比较分为三种:
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1.较高比较:比较结果是 A 比 B 强 A + be + 形容词比较级 + B A + be+ the 形容词最高级+ 比较范围 This policeman is taller than that one. This is the tallest policeman in the police station. 2.较低比较:比较结果是 A 不如 B A + less+形容词+ than B A+ the least + 形容词+ 比较范围 This television is less expensive than that one. This television is the least expensive in the shop. 3.同级比较:比较结果是 A 和 B 一样 A + be + as + 形容词 +as + B Tom is as tall as Jim. 练习: 1.Mary 比 Effie 高 2.Mary 不如 Effie 高 3.Mary 在班里最高。4. Mary 在班里最不高 5. .Mary 和 Effie 一样高 1.今天比昨天冷 2.今天不如昨天冷 3.今天在全年里最冷 4.今天在全 年里最不冷 5.今天和昨天一样冷 1.绿色的箱子比红色的箱子重 2.绿色的箱子不如红色的箱子重 3.绿色 箱子在所有箱子里最重 4. 绿色箱子在所有箱子里最不重 5. 绿色箱 子和红色的箱子一样重
7.时态和语态 时态
时:动作发生的时间:分为现在时,过去时,将来时。态:动作完成的程度:分为一般动作,进行动作,完成动作。一句话的时态要表现在动词上。一般 现在 Play plays 进行 Is Am are Was playing Were 将来 Shall played will
一般现在时: (1) 表示经常反复的动作 (2) 主语的一贯特征 (3) 客观事实和真理
完成 have playing has had played played
Shall be playing will
Shall have played will
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结构: 主语+be+表语(形容词、名词) ★主语+行为动词+宾语 我是老师。她在树下。我吃东西。
I am going to leave tomorrow. I will graduate next year.
Why have you torn the paper? It is a big stone.
I am going to rewrite it. I will help you.
Listen to the wind. It is going to rain. I believe china will become one of the richest country in the world. 一般过去时: 现在完成时: 现在完成时 II DDDDDD之表示影响 说明一动作在过去时间发生,但对现在产生结果或影响。She ate.她吃了。(她过去吃的) She has eaten.她吃了。(她过去吃的,但现在不饿) (练习) 我已经把屋子打扫了。我已经给屋子通风了。我已经把窗户打开了。我已经把屋子打扫了。我已经把电视打开了。我把鸡蛋煮了。我已经打完这封信了。我已经把衣服洗了。我已经换 change 工作了。她已经结婚了。她已经有孩子了。我已经洗过澡了。现在完成时 II DDDDDD之表示过去的经历 现在完成时之经历表示某动作发生在过去,成为现在的一种经历。1.have been to 与 have gone to 这两个词组都表示 “到某处” 他们的区别是 , “have been to” 表示到过某处, 现在已经回来了; “have gone to” 表示到某处去了,现在可能到达,也可能在途中,总之现在到那里去了。
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I have been to ShenZhen.我到过深圳。(现在回来了) I have gone to ShenZhen.我去深圳了。(现在不在北京) 现在完成时 III DDDDDD之表示持续
表示动作从过去开始,一直持续到现在。经常和“for+时间段”“since+时间点”连用。, 我住在北京 我已经住在北京 6 年了。我自从2000年就住在北京了。现在完成时 IV DDDDDD之与过去时的区别 我吃过了。我昨天吃过了。(2)yet 与 already yet 与 already 都可用于现在完成时中,都有“已经”的意思。它们的区别是:already 1. 2. yet 1. 2. 只用于疑问句和否定句 只可放在句尾 只可用于肯定句中; 只可放在 have/has 与过去分词之间
I have lost my money. I had lost my money when I arrived Beijing yesterday
将来进行时:will be doing 语态
主动语态:主语是动作的发出者 被动语态:主语是动作的承受者 She plays a ball. 主语 动词 宾语 A ball is played by her. 1.主语和宾语的位置颠倒。2.在被动语态中动词永远用过去分词。3.be 有时态变化,当“被”的意思。She plays a ball. She played a ball. She will play a ball. She is playing a ball. She was playing a ball. She has played a ball.
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1 完整性:意义的完整,逻辑合理
2 连贯性:句子各部分之间的关系密切、协调、前后意思连贯、思想表达有序 3 简洁性:言简意赅 4 多样性:句子形式多样化会使文章语言生动, 是为作文增色的有效手段――句 式和结构单调、长度相近的句子会使文章单调、呆板、说服力不强。1.完整(意思完整,逻辑合理)
完整是好句子的第一个要点。(1)意思完整 即表达语意要完整,不能说半句,给人留下很多悬念。如:She is a girl.实际在写文章时是差 句子。不如写成 She is an American girl of 14. (2)逻辑清楚 Born in a small town in South China in the early 50s, he grew up to be a famous musician.(差) 他出生于50年代初期的华南小镇,他长大后成为一名著名的音乐家。He was born in a small town in South China in the early 50s. In his childhood he liked to sing songs. Later he entered a conservatory. In the 70s he became a famous musician.(好) Du Fu was one of the greatest poets. (差) 杜甫是伟大的诗人之一。Du Fu was one of the greatest poets of the Tang Period. (好) 练习: Bernard Shaw was one of the beat-known playwrights.
She is kind and a beautiful woman.划线两部分不对称。改为:She is kind and beautiful. 或 She is a kind and beautif ul woman.
平行结构要求并列的句子成分要用同类语法形式来表示,要用连词连接。在使用并列连词 and, but,or, not only…but also, both…and, neither…nor, either….or 等时,所连接的应该是名 词对名词,副词对副词,分词对分词,不定式对不定式,动词对动词,句子对句子, 而不 能把其中的一个成分用分词表达,而另外的两个成分用不定式或从句表达。Washing dishes, sweeping the floor and to clean the room are all my jobs. We saw Tom walking towards the river, taking off his clothes and could nor easily plunge into the river.
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1. 名词平行结构 The patient’s symptoms were fever, dizziness, and his head hurt. 病人的症状是发烧,头晕,头痛。The speaker called attention to the beginning and how it ended. 演讲者要人们注意这场运动的起始以及终结。Studies serve for delight, for ornaments, and for being able. 读书能带来愉悦,使人高雅,聪慧。The award was for a combination of scholarship, someone who was a good leader, and ability in athletics. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and with uncertain temper. 2. 形容词平行结构: Jack was honest, industrious, and he was talent. 杰克诚实,勤奋又聪明。He was sympathetic, tolerant, and people respected him. 他富有同情心,胸襟博大,受到人民的爱戴。I value a friend who is sweet, kind, and love. 我看重这样的朋友:他逗人喜爱,心地宽厚,并有爱心。3.分词平行结构: I am thinking of the future of this country, threatened with the black waters of confusion, threatened with mob government, threatening with that I cannot see. The boys were running, shouting and to laugh. 4. 动名词平行结构 Jane prefers singing to dance. 珍妮喜欢唱歌胜过跳舞 Henry’s work is reading books and writing book reviews. 5. 动词不定式平行结构 To know what is good and doing what is right is not the same thing. 知道什么是对的,把事情做对了是不一样的。He told us to look at the picture and that we should tell him what we found. 他让我们看一下那张地图画,然后告诉她我们发现了什么。5. 副词的平行结构 The work is handsome and skillfully done. 这工作做的漂亮,有水平。6. 谓语动词的平行结构 At the street corner, she stopped, stood straight and to look at the boy lying on the ground. The man walked up to the garden gate, hesitated and the bell rang. 6. 句子的平行结构 A person who is able and the will to do things should be given an important task. 一个有能力而又乐意干工作的人应该委以重任。(注意)连词要放在平行成分之前 主语: Either she or he is a painter.
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动词:You either eat more or sleep less. 宾语:You eat either vegetable or meat. 表语:She is either a painter or a musician.
练习: 1. The doctor recommended plenty of food, sleep, and exercising. 2. Passing the oral test is more difficult than to pass the written test. 3. He regarded all natives as shy, ignorant, and not to be depended upon. 4. He thought it easier to listen to news on the radio than reading the newspaper. 5. The traffic judge told his teen-age audience that adolescents are selfish, they drive recklessly, and that they do not respect adults. 6. The audience understood neither the speaker’s words nor what his purpose was. 8. A cloudy day is better for a game than sunshine.
句中不应该有任何不必要的词。只要意思充分表达了,用词越少越好。用词过多只会使意思 模糊,而不是更明晰。人们常常用不必要的词,所以最好在写完一篇文章后,仔细检查一两 遍,看看有没有一些词可删去而又不影响意思的表达。1. 删除重复的词(同义词) The government has decided to improve the living conditions of the people better.(差) 政府已经决定改善人民居住条件。They had sufficient enough food to last them the whole winter. 他们有足够的食物过冬。(差) 2. 语言要简洁(意思相同的词句少用) 删除或更改意思重复的短语,句子 唐僧:悟空你也真调皮呀!我叫你不要乱扔东西,乱扔东西是不对的。月光宝盒是宝物,乱 扔它会污染环境,砸到小朋友怎么办?就算砸不到小朋友砸到花花草草也不好嘛!.... Monkey King, you’re so naughty! I’ve told you not to throw things! This is wrong to throw things. Pandora’s Box is a treasure. You’ll pollute the environment. You’ll hurt kids. If there are no kids, it is bad to hurt plants. 唐僧:你干什么? What’s up? 悟空:放手! Let go! 唐僧:你想要啊?你要是想要的话你就说话嘛,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢,虽然你很有诚 意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想要的。你真的想要吗?那你就拿去吧!你不是真的想 要吧?难道你真的想要吗?……You want? Speak up if you want! Why do you keep silent? Why are you looking at me? Although your eyes are full of sincerity, I’m very glad, you still have to speak up. Take it! Do you really like? Really? 悟空:我 Kao! (一拳打倒唐僧)Shit! (1)It was blue in color.(差) (2)It was small in size.(差) (3)Mary is a quiet and careful woman.(差) (4)He returned in the early part of the month of August.(差)
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(5)When visitors come to visit her, Grandmother just stares at the wall. (6)He gave me many reasons for the failure, but the reasons he gave were not convincing. (7)In my opinion, I think your plan is feasible. (8)This machine was designed by the old engineer in collaboration with some of his younger colleagues. ★如果句式感觉羰保梢愿痪湫 (9)There are a number of students who want to join the drama. (10)I buy a bag, a bag that is red. 综合练习:指出下列句子的不简洁之处 1. In the year 1840 the Opium War broke out. 2. He was asked to repeat the sentences again. 3. We planed to meet just before sunrise early in the morning. 4. The cause of flood was because of the heavy rain. 5. I play football equally as well as my brother. 6. He did not tell the truth with honest attitude. 7. These watermelons are large in size and sweet in taste. 8. There are lots of girls who like watching TV in our class. 9. She is kind to let me share the same umbrella with her. 10. Zhao was the person who was elected the monitor by the whole class. 11. I am taking the course of History and in addition a course in geography. 12. I hope you consider the question of whether or not you will go aboard. 13. This pretty actress keeps appearing in TV repeatedly. 14. In that country violent death had become a commonplace thing, a thing that occurs every day. 15. His name is called James Willams.
凡是重要的意思都应该在表达时予以强调。为此说话时人们可用各种方法,如提高声音,放 慢语速,使用短句或加上手势。写文章时也有办法对应该强调的词句加重语气。I eat the food at restaurant yesterday. 1.强调句 It is (was) + 主语/宾语/状语 + who (that) + 句子 练习: 2.句首强调(倒装) 英文的句首和句尾都是很突出的位置,句首这个位置可以强调:表语/宾语/定语/状语(强调 介词后的宾语时,用逗号隔开) 练习:强调划线部分 (1)He proposed to Alice. (2)He was a famous singer. (3)You have made of the work a terrible mess. (4)I met Leo at English corner on a rain night of 7 years ago. (5)One can know the past, but one can only feel the future.一个人可以明知过去,但是只能 体悟未来。(6)Man can do what man has done.人能做前人所作过的事。
Global IELTS
(7)He mastered what he gave his mind. 他用心学什么,就能精通什么。3.句尾强调(一般强调主语)
Produce silk to the death, the silkworms. Shed tears and melt into wax, the candle. 春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始干。
绝大多数的英文句子都是“主语+谓语”的句型模式,往往会使文章显得单调乏味,令读者 对文章失去兴趣。句型的多样化,对好的文章来说是必不可少的。句子在句型,长短和结构 上应该多样化。句型:简单句,并列句,复合句 长短:短句有力度,长句表达的信息多 结构:强调句,倒装句,疑问句,分词的简化,祈使句,感叹句 当然写作时不要只是为了多样化而频繁地变换句型。选择什么样的句子形式主要取决所要表 达句子的内容。只有恰当地表达思想时多样化才可取。
(1)开头多样化:开头除了使用主语外,还可以用各种各样的结构 1.形容词,形容词短语开头(句首强调之表语) A teacher I am. Incapable is the east wind, and withered are the flowers. 东风无力百花残 练习: The golden days were gone, I suddenly taste pain. Everything remains still in this moonlight night. He kept calm under all circumstance 情况. She looks na? 天真. ve He seems touched 感动的 at her words. ★2.分词开头(分词的简化形式) Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level. Troubled by a dream, Tim woke up with a start. I looked, I fascinated 陶醉 by the scene 画面.
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When I meet you, I find I was lit by a fire. 3.不定式开头
To succeed in that course, you must attend every class. I work hard to make more money. I leave my hometown to go on studies. I leave job to lead a cozy life. I come here to conquer 征服 you. ★4.状语开头(时间,地点,方式,原因等) In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker.
练习: The river gleams in the meadow. We sit under the starry sky. We meet on a rainy, moonless night. He caught me suddenly. He looks at me in a strange way. I melt into the happiness for his love.
5.从句开头(宾语从句) You can make it I believe. 练习: I believe I can fly. I believe he must be a her crush 偶像 I believe you can master 掌握 English. 练习:
In the front of the bed shines bright moonlight. Doubt comes to me. Raising head, I lo lowering head, I feel homesick.
相见时难别亦难, 东风无力百花残。春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始干
Difficult is our reunion and departure. Incapable is the east wind, and withered are the flowe
Global IELTS
by YoungBird
rs. Produce silk to the death, the silkworms. Shed tears and melt into wax, the candle.
(2)主语多样化:中国人习惯总是以用人称主语,而英语中却常常使用无灵主语,如: 1 A terrible thought suddenly struck me―had I locked the door? 我突然产生了一个可怕的想法――我锁门了吗? 2. An idea occurs to me. 我想到一个主意 3. A strange peace came over her when she was alone.她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。4.The smallest excuse would have served. 5. Her name eludes me. 我记不得她的名字 6. Her name escapes me.我记不得她的名字 You never escape me. 7.China has seen great changes.中国经历着巨大的变化 see/ enjoy 经历 8.Everything at the party spoke of careful planning. Speak of sth 说明,意味 sth elude sb 某人记不得某事 sth escape sb 某事被某人遗忘
9.When he had to speak, his confidence suddenly deserted him. 当他不得不说话时,他突然失去了信心。sth desert sb.关键时某人失去某(品质)
Night Night has fallen over the country. Through the trees rises the red moon(状语开头),and the stars are scarcely seen(被动语态). In the vast shadow of night, the coolness and the dew descend. I sit at the open
and hear only the voice of summer wind. 夜幕笼罩乡间。一轮红月从林中升起。天上几乎看不到星星。这苍茫的夜色中,寒气和露水降下来。我坐 窗前赏景,听取夏风起一片。The shadows of great trees ride at achor on the billowy sea of grass(暗喻 metorphor). 大树的影子停泊在波浪起伏的茫茫草海。
Far away in the meadow gleams the silver river. (状语开头)Then all is still except
the continuous wind of summer night. The v and I feel that I am not alone. 在远处的草地上,银色的河流闪闪发光。接着,一片寂静,留下的只是那夏夜不断的风声。钟声响起来, 于是我便不觉得孤独。How different it is in the city! It is late, and the crowd is gone. You step upon the balcony, and lie in the bosom of the cool, dewy night. Beneath lies the public walk with trees(状
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(拟人 peronification), and melt away into the darkness. 面是栽着树木的人行道。人随影走,消失在黑暗中。
语开头). The lamps are still burning up and down the long street. People go by with the shadows
Now the city is asleep, and we can see the night. The belated moon looks over the roofs, and finds no one to welcome her. The moonlight is broken. It lies here and there in the squares, and the opening of the streets. (拟人 personification) by Nathanial Hawthorne(纳萨尼尔.霍桑)
Here I am to worship
Light of the world You stepped out into darkness Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore you Phillips, Craig And Dean Hope of a life spent with You CHORUS Here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You're my God You're altogether lovely, Altogether wonderful to me King of all days Oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above Humbly You came to the earth You created All for love's sake became poor
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