
Why do Jews get so many Nobel prizes,
and look at their family education?! (
The Jewish nation with more than 5000
years of history is also one of the oldest ethnic groups in the
world. The Jews surviving and development, there are many a
disturbance extraction figure, why the Jewish people? Why did the
Jews emerge so many Nobel prize winners? This has a lot to do with
the unique family education that Jews have passed from generation
to generation.
Do you know that many Jewish families
meet children after school, and the first sentence is, "did you ask
questions again?""
You know, many Jewish families, parents
have been informed, if the house has a day of fire or property
stolen, does not take the money should be in the running for their
lives, is not a diamond, but the wisdom.
Do you know that in Western societies,
despite the high cultural and educational qualities of Jewish
women, the employment rate is lower than that of other ethnic
groups, because they have to stay at home to take care of their
children to ensure the quality of their children's
Jewish family education is worth
learning and using for reference.
1. the social and cultural ecology of
the Jewish people: open exile
Jewish is a strong and great nation.
Because the Jews were uprooted and scattered all over the world in
the long period of national calamity. They not only tenaciously
maintain their own culture, but also absorb the cultural essence of
their country. The outstanding scientific creativity of the Jewish
people stems from the unique open social and cultural ecology of
the nation. Many Jewish families actively contact with other ethnic
groups, and learn a lot from other ethnic groups, so that they have
a broader vision and more abundant knowledge. They have their own
education methods for their children.
The Jewish nation is full of talents,
and that their long-term discrimination and persecution, forced
into exile in a foreign land, living a destitute life is also a
certain relationship. From 280 ad, Jews began to be sent to the
isolation area, which was spread all over Europe in 14 and
fifteenth Century, and wore a yellow marker to distinguish them
from discrimination, injury and danger. These scenes can be seen in
some of the World War II movies.
2. lead children to ask questions,
explore and innovate
The Nobel prize winner Herbert Brown is
an American Jew, he once said: "my grandfather often ask me why
today different from other days? He's always asking me to ask
questions, find my reasons, and let me know why. Throughout my
childhood, my parents encouraged me to ask questions, never taught
me to accept a thing by faith, but everything for reason. May be
this is Jewish education than others in a stroke above
The Jewish family who always explores
the mind not only attaches importance to knowledge, but also pays
special attention to it. They refer to those who only have
knowledge but have no talent as "donkeys with many books on their
backs."". They advocate innovation, and think that learning without
innovation is just imitation. Learning should be based on thinking,
dare to doubt and ask questions at any time. Doubt is the key to
open the door to wisdom. The more you know, the more suspicion you
will have, and the problem will increase. So, in Jewish families,
the first sentence is "do you ask questions again?""
Why do Jews get so many Nobel prizes,
and look at their family education?!
3. early education determines a child's
Einstein is great and thanks to his
parents. All of Einstein's achievements were related to his good
family education in his childhood. He not only benefited from his
mother's musical influence, but also benefited from his uncle's
mathematical enlightenment, and benefited from his father's
emotional education which encouraged him after his poor little
bench. Mathematics education has cultivated his extraordinary
thinking ability, and music edification has achieved his rich
imagination ability.
Early education determines the future
development of children, therefore, every parent should pay
attention to the early education of children, let the children's
future embarked on a successful road.
4. set ambitious goals
Einstein was born in a poor Jewish
family in Germany, whose economic condition was not good, and his
primary and secondary school grades were not very good. When he was
a child, he always raised some strange questions. Often provoked
others to his parents said, "your family's children, is not sick?"
You see, he's always different from other kids, and he's always in
a daze. I see, you'd better take him to the hospital." That is
Einstein a out of the ordinary mother, when someone told her that
she the children of these, she is always smiling to say, when a
small child, I would help him determine a goal in life, I also
believe that my children will have an unexpected miracle happen to
him the future.
Not only can the Jewish giant Einstein
ambitious goal set in line with the actual, and strive for the
extremely hard and bitter. Because of the characteristics of the
nation and the environment, the Jews are generally able to
establish their own goals of life. Because of this, the Jews all
educate their children to concentrate their limited time and power
on conquering a goal, and never lose their courage from beginning
It is an important aspect of the education of children by all
the people of insight in the world. In this respect, Jewish parents
often learn from German great law experts' parents' education to
teach their children. At the age of eight, a great German law
expert, Witt, was able to freely use German, French, Latin,
Italian, English and Greek, and six languages, and perhaps you
would think he was a genius. In fact, this is not the case, which
is inseparable from his parents' good education methods.
Why do Jews get so many Nobel prizes, and look at their family
7. mother's bounden duty
There is another feature of the Jewish nation, which is
different from that of many ethnic groups. That is, in the Jewish
family, the status of women is indelible. Although the early Jewish
education is basically men centered education, although women enjoy
dignity in their families, they play a major role. How do women get
honor? He sent his son to synagogue to study the Torah, and sent
his husband to the rabbi academy to study." But the Jewish women
are very cultural, and whenever rabbis teach morality and law and
other knowledge in public, women and children are invited to
The Jewish tradition continues to modern times, so despite the
high cultural and educational quality of Jewish women in the
western world, the employment rate is lower than that of other
ethnic groups, because they have to stay at home to take care of
their children to ensure the quality of their children's
A famous man once said, "the destiny of a nation is in the
hands of a mother.". This sentence is also very reasonable, but
there are very few people can really understand the meaning. A lot
of bad mothers, inadvertently put children lead astray, this is the
biggest regret in life. About the national destiny is the mother's
education, I hope that the world's mother bravely assume this
honorable duties.
Memory system of 8. days
Recitation and memory are the most common teaching methods
among Jewish people. It's better to read 101 times in ancient
Israelites than to read 100 times. Among scholars, the most
remarkable thing is to recite the Bible verbatim. The Hebrew Rabbi
once said: "a successful scholar to hands and brain, and through
reading and memory thinking." It is very important for one's memory
to be diligent in thinking. Therefore, every Jewish parent always
teaches his children, and he tells stories and tells them to think
The Jews divided memory into unconscious memory and
intentional memory according to the conscious state of memory. They
think that the smaller the child, the more likely the unconscious
memory will be. When a child is young, he often forgets his
parents' instructions, and his parents don't easily say he has no
memory. That's because he's not very interested. With the growth of
children's age, intentional memory gradually developed,
When we educate our children, we should also pay attention to
the "forgetting" which is contrary to memory". People remember,
recite, always hope never forget. However, in real life, there will
always be forgotten. Some people have done experiments, testing
people in learning half a month later forgotten situation, the
result is surprising: college students forget 85% of physical
knowledge, middle school students forget 60% of biological
knowledge, 55% of primary school students forgot about geography
Jews often educate their children, saying, forget is not
terrible, the key is how you know the forgotten.
9. to encourage "fool" into "genius"
Einstein was not a gifted child on the
contrary, Einstein, who was four years old, could not speak, and
people suspected him to be a moron". But as the father of the
electrical engineer, he didn't lose confidence in his son, and he
tried every means to make Einstein develop intelligence. He bought
bricks for his son and taught him to build a house. Once every
little Einstein had a floor, his father praised and encouraged him.
Under this incentive, Einstein has built fourteen layers.
Some parents often because their children are not smart enough
to feel disappointed in the children, and some parents even the
feelings of "infection" to the children, this practice will make
the child to himself also become no confidence. As everyone knows,
this will only make the child's emotions more negative, over time,
will be rigid thinking, unresponsive. As a matter of fact, human
beings really don't have genius. The intelligence of a gifted child
is almost the same as that of ordinary children in most cases.
Edison once said, "genius is effort and try.".
10. create a good educational environment for children
Helvetius once said: "people at birth are the same, just
because of the environment, especially for young in different
environment, some people may become a genius or talent, some people
become ordinary people even fool. Even ordinary children, as long
as the education law, will become extraordinary people." Family
education environment affects the children's learning, so every
parent should pay special attention to the family education
environment for children.
First of all, equality is the premise of creating a good
family psychological atmosphere. The sense of superiority of both
parents and children will cause psychological pressure and
psychological barrier to other family members.
Secondly, openness means that members of the family can be
openly and equally acceptable to other members
发布时间: 20:02:33
:初中毕业生为什么选择学前教育专业?&& 学前教育专业是通过探究儿童的生理、心理发展规律和行为表现,研究运用怎样生动而有效的方法,帮助他们获得最良好的发展,同时,协助家长和教师为儿童创造最有利的外部发展环境,以促进儿童全方面发展。&&&专业主干学科:教育学、心理学。&&& 专业主要课程:&&& 普通心理学、人体解剖生理学、教育概论、教育统计与测量、中国教育史、外国教育史、教育社会学、琴法、声乐、舞蹈、美术、学前教育学、幼儿心理学、幼儿教育心理学、幼儿保健学、幼儿园课程、幼儿教育研究方法、中外幼儿教育史、幼儿游戏理论、幼儿园教育活动设计与指导、幼儿玩具设计与制作、幼儿音乐舞蹈创编与技法等。&&& 学前教育专业培养方向:&&&要求学生学习学前教育方面的基本理论和基本知识,进行幼儿教育技能的基本训练,具有在托幼机构进行保育、教育和研究的基本能力。&&& 学前教育专业就业前景&&& 人的幼年时期是人脑发展最迅速的时期,也是可塑性最强的时期,是儿童身心健康成长的关键期。良好的早期教育能使幼儿智商不同程度地得到提高,使其智力充分发展,为以后一生的发展打下良好的基础。受到人们的重视,成了世界教育发展的新趋势,也为学前教育的发展创造了有利条件。&  我国目前的高等教育已经历史性地进入了国际公认的大众化的教育阶段,在大学生就业市场风云变幻的今天,幼师毕业生却十分“抢手”,就业市场十分广阔。每年的幼师专业毕业人才也备受社会和各大教育机构,企事业单位的青睐。学校网址:&&&& 咨询电话:139- 罗老师&& 咨询QQ:
地址:成都市天府新区华阳双华路三段 备ICP初中毕业考幼师前景怎么样_百度知道
烹饪等持续性的行业女生的话还好,当老师嘛,但是相对来说管理小孩子不是件轻松的事情,如果是男孩子的话可以考虑下其他的比较吃香的行业,比如汽车营销师 二手车评估师,但是现在教育局要规范幼师教育,所以相对来说以后从业要求会更高,当然前景也还是可以的


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