
巨无霸 Grilled Chicken Filet Burger 板烧鸡腿汉堡包 Triangle Wrap 珍宝三角 Black Pepper Chicken Filet 黑椒鸡腿 Karubi Beef 卡罗比牛肉 French Fries 薯条 Vegetable Seafood Soup 蔬菜海鲜汤 Hot Drinks --- free refill 热饮----免费续杯 Tea 红茶 Coffee 咖啡 Hot Chocolate 热朱古力 Cold Drinks 冷饮 coke 可乐 sprite 雪碧 Hi-C 橘子汽水 Nestea Ice Rush 雀巢冰极 , 冰爽茶 Sensation 水森活 , 引用纯净水 Low Fat Yogurt-Blackberry 低脂果味酸奶 Milkshake 奶昔 Strawberry / 巧克力/ 菠萝 Milk 纯牛奶 Orange Juice 纯橙汁 sundae 圣代冰淇淋 strawberry &#47: Lettuce 黄瓜; Chocolate / Vanilla 草莓&#47:corn salad 汤: soup 面包: Mashed Potatoes 玉米沙拉: Coffee 果汁: syrup 橙汁: Orange Juice 百事: Chocolate 草莓: Chicken Wings 鳕鱼; 巧克力/ 菠萝 ice-cream cone 甜筒 ,蛋卷冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果派 pineapple pie 菠萝派 sweet taro pie 香芋派 ketchup 番茄酱 (ketup / ketchup 调味番茄酱)BBQ sauce 烧烤酱 Hot mustard 芥末酱 napkin 餐巾纸 straw 吸管 7-up 七喜 Pesi-cola 百事可乐 Coca-cola 可口可乐 cola 可乐肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写汉堡包: Hamburger 鸡肉卷; chocolate &#47: Chicken Drumsticks 鸡胸肉; pineapple 草莓&#47: Ice-cream cone 巧克力; Tomato Sauce 辣椒粉 : cayenne powder 生菜: string bean 韩国泡菜: Chicken Loaf 原味鸡: Black Tea 咖啡: Original Recipe 烤鸡翅: Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块:Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花: Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿: Saver ticket 纸巾: Paper tower 手套: glove 吸管: Straw 搅拌棒: ling 炸薯条: French Fries 土豆泥: Fresh Grade Legs 小鸡腿: Fresh Grade Breast 鸡翅膀; Egg Cake 圣代: Sundae 甜筒: bread 甜点: Pastries 蛋挞: Egg Tart &#47: cuke 大葱: scallion 胡萝卜: carrot 青豆: Strawberry 蓝莓: Blueberry 饮料: Beverage 红茶: toy 马克杯: Mug 优惠券: Pepsi-Cola 七喜: 7-Up 美年达: Mirinda Orange 番茄酱: Tomato Ketchup &#47:Kimchi 玩具: muddler 勺子麦当劳
套餐 (combo)Hamburger 汉堡包 cheeseburger 吉士汉堡包 McChicken 麦香鸡 Double Cheeseburger 双层吉士汉堡包 Filet-O-Fish 麦香鱼 Spicy McWings 麦辣鸡翅 Chicken McNuggets 麦乐鸡 Big Mac
Chicken Wings 鳕鱼: Fresh Grade Breast 鸡翅膀: Ice-cream cone 巧克力: bread 甜点: Original Recipe 烤鸡翅: Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块:Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花: Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿; Vanilla 草莓/ 巧克力/ 菠萝 Milk 纯牛奶 Orange Juice 纯橙汁 sundae 圣代冰淇淋 strawberry &#47. 巨无霸 Grilled Chicken Filet Burger 板烧鸡腿汉堡包 Triangle Wrap 珍宝三角 Black Pepper Chicken Filet 黑椒鸡腿 Karubi Beef 卡罗比牛肉 French Fries 薯条 Vegetable Seafood Soup 蔬菜海鲜汤 Hot Drinks --- free refill 热饮----免费续杯 Tea 红茶 Coffee 咖啡 Hot Chocolate 热朱古力 Cold Drinks 冷饮 coke 可乐 sprite 雪碧 Hi-C 橘子汽水 Nestea Ice Rush 雀巢冰极 , 冰爽茶 Sensation 水森活 , 引用纯净水 Low Fat Yogurt-Blackberry 低脂果味酸奶 Milkshake 奶昔 Strawberry &#47,蛋卷冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果派 pineapple pie 菠萝派 sweet taro pie 香芋派 ketchup 番茄酱 (ketup / ketchup 调味番茄酱)BBQ sauce 烧烤酱 Hot mustard 芥末酱 napkin 餐巾纸 straw 吸管 7-up 七喜 Pesi-cola 百事可乐 Coca-cola 可口可乐 cola 可乐肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写汉堡包: Hamburger 鸡肉卷; Chocolate &#47:corn salad 汤: soup 面包: Strawberry 蓝莓: Blueberry 饮料: Beverage 红茶: Coffee 果汁: syrup 橙汁: Orange Juice 百事; chocolate / Egg Cake 圣代: Sundae 甜筒; pineapple 草莓&#47: Saver ticket 纸巾: Paper tower 吸管: Straw 搅拌棒: Fresh Grade Legs 小鸡腿: Chicken Drumsticks 鸡胸肉; 巧克力/ 菠萝 ice-cream cone 甜筒 : Chicken Loaf 原味鸡: Mashed Potatoes 玉米沙拉: ling 炸薯条: French Fries 土豆泥: Black Tea 咖啡: Pastries 蛋挞: Egg Tart / Tomato Sauce 辣椒粉 : cayenne powder 马克杯: Mug 优惠券: Chocolate 草莓: Pepsi-Cola 七喜: 7-Up 美年达: Mirinda Orange 番茄酱: Tomato Ketchup &#47: muddler 勺子麦当劳
套餐 (combo)Hamburger 汉堡包 cheeseburger 吉士汉堡包 McChicken 麦香鸡 Double Cheeseburger 双层吉士汉堡包 Filet-O-Fish 麦香鱼 Spicy McWings 麦辣鸡翅 Chicken McNuggets 麦乐鸡 Big Mac
套餐 (combo)Hamburger 汉堡包 cheeseburger 吉士汉堡包 McChicken 麦香鸡 Double Cheeseburger 双层吉士汉堡包 Filet-O-Fish 麦香鱼 Spicy McWings 麦辣鸡翅 Chicken McNuggets 麦乐鸡 Big Mac. 巨无霸 Grilled Chicken Filet Burger 板烧鸡腿汉堡包 Triangle Wrap 珍宝三角 Black Pepper Chicken Filet 黑椒鸡腿 Karubi Beef 卡罗比牛肉 French Fries 薯条 Vegetable Seafood Soup 蔬菜海鲜汤 Hot Drinks --- free refill 热饮----免费续杯 Tea 红茶 Coffee 咖啡 Hot Chocolate 热朱古力 Cold Drinks 冷饮 coke 可乐 sprite 雪碧 Hi-C 橘子汽水 Nestea Ice Rush 雀巢冰极 , 冰爽茶 Sensation 水森活 , 引用纯净水 Low Fat Yogurt-Blackberry 低脂果味酸奶 Milkshake 奶昔 Strawberry / Chocolate / Vanilla 草莓/ 巧克力/ 菠萝 Milk 纯牛奶 Orange Juice 纯橙汁 sundae 圣代冰淇淋 strawberry / chocolate / pineapple 草莓/ 巧克力/ 菠萝 ice-cream cone 甜筒 ,蛋卷冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果派 pineapple pie 菠萝派 sweet taro pie 香芋派 ketchup 番茄酱 (ketup / ketchup 调味番茄酱)BBQ sauce 烧烤酱 Hot mustard 芥末酱 napkin 餐巾纸 straw 吸管 7-up 七喜 Pesi-cola 百事可乐 Coca-cola 可口可乐 cola 可乐肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写汉堡包: Hamburger 鸡肉卷: Chicken Loaf 原味鸡: Original Recipe 烤鸡翅: Roast Chicken Wings 上校鸡块:Colonel’s Crispy Chicken Strips with Home style Sides 鸡米花: Chicken Popcorn 大鸡腿: Fresh Grade Legs 小鸡腿: Chicken Drumsticks 鸡胸肉: Fresh Grade Breast 鸡翅膀: Chicken Wings 鳕鱼: ling 炸薯条: French Fries 土豆泥: Mashed Potatoes 玉米沙拉:corn salad 汤: soup 面包: bread 甜点: Pastries 蛋挞: Egg Tart / Egg Cake 蔬菜汤:a vegetable soup圣代: Sundae 甜筒: Ice-cream cone 巧克力: Chocolate 草莓: Strawberry 蓝莓: Blueberry 饮料: Beverage 红茶: Black Tea 咖啡: Coffee 果汁: syrup 橙汁: Orange Juice 百事: Pepsi-Cola 七喜: 7-Up 美年达: Mirinda Orange 番茄酱: Tomato Ketchup / Tomato Sauce 辣椒粉 : cayenne powder 生菜: Lettuce 黄瓜: cuke 大葱: scallion 胡萝卜: carrot 青豆: string bean 韩国泡菜:Kimchi 玩具: toy 马克杯: Mug 优惠券: Saver ticket 纸巾: Paper tower 手套: glove 吸管: Straw 搅拌棒: muddler 勺子: scoop 奥尔良: Orleans
回答问题,赢新手礼包肯德基快餐店 的翻译是:KFC fast food restaurants 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food restaurants
KFC fast food restaurants
kentucky fried chicken fast food restaurants
Kentuckey fast-food restaurant
相关内容&aDapeng wings sometimes end Dapeng有时飞过末端 & a何必又执着..... Why rigid ..... & awhat movies you have ever seen 什么电影您看了 & aYoga & Loungewear 瑜伽& Loungewear & ause both hands on the blth of eyes at the same time 同时使用两只手在眼睛blth & a我就不呢 I not & a我为你准备了牙刷,洗面巾 I have prepared the toothbrush for you, washes the face towel & aThis example is for explanatory purposes only and may differ from the actual item 这个例子是为仅说明目的并且也许与实际项目不同 & aCAN YOU WAIT FOR ME ABOUT 30 MIN. 能您等待我大约30 MIN。 & a这个学校有很多的课外活动,同学都会积极参加,在活动中,我们可以学到很多 This school has very many extracurricular activities, schoolmate can participate positively, in the activity, we may learn very many & aOk. And Marking Code : CKP KARYNN. Thanks 好。 并且标号代码: CKP KARYNN。 谢谢 & aVan Ness Wu Van Ness Wu & a我只能说卓别林是个天才 I only can say Chaplin is a talent & aprobiememb probiememb & a2rd, Jan 2rd, 1月 & aOur September 10 through 12th. 3 days can rest. 我们的9月10日通过第12。 3天可能休息。 & ajhjlkj Please input the text! & a她与汤姆得不同之处在于她承认了错误 She lay in her with the Tom similarity to acknowledge the mistake & a她竟然不理睬我 She does not pay attention to me unexpectedly & a为了工作,我在努力学习 In order to work, I am studying diligently & a他的英语学得很棒 His English language study very good & ahave everything 有一切 & aSniper Points 狙击手点 & a潮流坊 Tidal current work place & aCan't afford more hurt 不能买得起伤害 & a核级海绵锆 Nuclear level sponge zirconium & afind the third stone of invoke 发现第三块石头祈求 & a不得有流挂、推漆、露底、起泡等缺陷 Must not have the class to hang, to push the paint, reveals the inside story, bubbles and so on the flaws & a巧克力公主 Chocolate princess & aenable duplicated filter 使能被复制的过滤器 & aI SEE YOU LEAVE 我看见您离开 & a弹性联轴器 Flexible coupling & a因为现在是高峰期,所以我们尽量会在本周内寄出你的定单 Because the present is a peak, therefore we can mail out your order form as far as possible in this week & aI’ll be alright. One day. Someday. Just not today. 我会好起来。一天。总有一天。今天只是不行。 & aUeritying 的DMI 池数据更新成功 The Ueritying DMI pond data renews successfully & a你在北京生活的怎么样? How do you live in Beijing? & asmithsonia smithsonia & aWomen have intelligence, or have a beauty. If not, then it can only be inspirational fuck up. 妇女有智力或者有秀丽。 如果不,它可能只然后是激动人心的交往。 & a没有人重视 Nobody takes & a你正面对着我好吗? You are facing me well? & aI want you to combine shipping for 3 items (include 2 items i already ordered) using DHL. And please calculate for me... If possible could you please give discount thank you... 我要您使用DHL结合运输为3个项目(包括我已经定购)的2个项目。 并且为我请计算… 如果可能可能您请给折扣感谢您… & a孩子们和他们的家长 Children and their guardian & a我们现在的网站正在更新。你可以直接在我们的网站付款。这样很方便 We the website is renewing now.You may directly in ours website payment.Is like this very convenient & a地球是我们人类赖以生存地方,水资源对人类生存和发展尤为重要,所以,全人类都应该保护水资源,为自己也为子孙后代造福。 The Earth is our humanity livelihood place, the water resources especially is important to the human survival and the development, therefore, the universe all should protect the water resources, also benefits for oneself for the posterity. & acelebarted celebarted & awe stand here today 我们今天这里站立 & atells us wherd to stay while visiting 告诉我们wherd停留,当参观时 & a花样马赛克玩出不一样的家,体验活色生香瓷砖。现代装修中,瓷砖的应用已经不仅仅限于它功能性,造型独特色彩鲜艳的瓷砖已经成为时尚家居中必不可少的装饰元素。 The pattern mosaic plays the dissimilar family, experiences the live color unrefined resin ceramic tile.In the modern repair, the ceramic tile application already not merely was restricted in its functionality, the modelling unique color bright ceramic tile already becomes the fashion to live at hom & a我们已经收到你全部定单 We already received your complete order form & aGOOD MORNING FRIEND, WHAT IS THE MAIN BOARD COLOUR FOR TODAY SHARE? 早晨好朋友,什么是主板颜色为今天份额? & a男孩 女孩 Boy girl & a把你的JJ对着我 Yours JJ to me & a首先,非常真诚地对你表示歉意,说声对不起。昨天,师傅给我写了一封信,我看了一遍又一遍, Primeiramente, expressa-lhe extremamente sincerely o apology, disse o som pesaroso.Ontem, o trabalhador hábil escreveu-me uma letra, mim olhou repetidas vezes, & a使我们能清晰理智的看待问题 Enables us the clear reason regarding question & a肯德基快餐店 Kentuckey fast-food restaurant &然后一起去吃肯德基 的翻译是:Then go to KFC 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Then went for KFC
Then go to KFC
Then go to KFC
And then I went to eat KFC
Then eats Kentuckey together
相关内容&aPlease type your coupon code into the box next to Redemption Code. Your coupon will be applied to the total and reflected in your cart after you click continue. 请键入您的优惠券代码入箱子在收兑代码旁边。 在您点击继续之后,您的优惠券在您的推车将被应用于共计并且被反射。 & a给他打电话或在QQ上与他聊天 Telephones to him or chats on QQ with him & a刚进高一 Just entered high one & aActive Storage 主动式存储 & a在教师节到来之际 Arrives time the teachers' day & a半夜醒来,突然好想你 Midnight wakes, good thinks you suddenly & a必备 Necessary & a做一个独立、自信的优雅女人! Makes an independence, the self-confident graceful woman! & ashe said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. when we asked about shtudying grammar, she said,"i never study grammar.it's too broing." 她说那记住流行音乐歌曲的词少许也帮助了。 当我们询问shtudying的语法,她说, “我从未学习grammar.it太broing”。 & aAdd
Im online now for a little longer!!!!! xoxo kaylee 为A在网上增加现在少许长期!!!!! xoxo kaylee & ajoe hsure 乔hsure & aWHAT
SURPRISE 惊奇 & a易路达 Yi Luda & aPlain living and high thinking 简单生存和高认为 & a真的放弃了 Real giving up & a爱死了 Liked dying & ano sleep need raffle winner 睡眠不需要废物优胜者 & aconducting your performance review 举办您的工作考核 & aHow would you rate your satisfaction with the amount of time you waited to speak to a representative on August 30, 2011? 您怎么对您的对您在日等待与一个代表讲话的时间的满意估计? & ais your business 是您的事务 & a你做我女朋友啊。 You are my girlfriend. & aworld far 世界 & a义乌市磐晶机械设备有限公司 Righteousness urumchi huge rock crystal mechanical device limited company & a深埋 The depth buries & a有什么熬不过 Has any not to be able to endure & aHome Phone 家庭电话 & aonly memory lasts only memory lasts & asummary regarding 总结关于 & a如遇到其他问题及时与你沟通。 If meets other questions to communicate promptly with you. & a输出BitSel[0..7]中每一位依次输出低电平,就可以依次选通各个数码管的位选线, Outputs BitSel [0..7] each to output the low level in turn, may select each nixietube in turn the position route selection, & a9???.... September...Time flies and This is Too fast.. 它是9月…. 那里 9月…时间飞行,并且这是太快速的。 & a只有坚持, 才是胜利 Only then persisted that, is wins & aLe fabricant decline toute responsabilite si l'appareil est employe a des fins commerciales ou d'une maniere non conforne au mode d'emploi 如果没有使用用具有没有商业目的或有些conforne以指示,制造商下降所有责任 & aWhat do you like me, I'm not pretty, but older than you, 什么做您喜欢我,我比您没有俏丽,而是老, & a值得庆祝的事 我总会失望 Is worth the matter which celebrates I would disappointedly & achina smack 瓷击响 & a我永远深爱着他 I forever am deep am loving him & atry to act self-confident even if you don't feel that way . 设法行动自信,即使您不感觉那个方式。 & a0ne day I saw a boy wrapped in a towel on the side of the poo1. 0ne天我在poo1的边看见了在一块毛巾包裹的男孩。 & aNow we know who the senislbe one is here. Great post! 现在我们知道谁senislbe你这里是。 巨大岗位! & a好霉 Good mildew & aPain au pavot 面包与鸦片 & aLIFE IS A SURPRISE, AND CRUEL 生活是惊奇和残暴的 & a具体的翻译 Concrete translation & a我曾当一个志愿者去帮助别人 When I once a volunteer helped others & aPain blanc paysan 国家白面包 & a筒体加工车床 Tube body processing lathe & a在这种情况下 In this case & aDEPOSIT AMT 储蓄AMT & athey always support me 他们总支持我 & a我没有曾当一个志愿者去帮助别人 I did not have Zeng Dang a volunteer helped others & aJe suis si vous aimez, vous aimez-moi de dire ce qui va arriver Ah prochaine! 我是,如果您喜欢,您爱我说什么其次将到达安培小时! & a无尽摩伊自慰 Inexhaustible touches Iraq to console oneself & a然后一起去吃肯德基 Then eats Kentuckey together &扫二维码下载作业帮
不用怕的,KFC有张绿色的餐牌,有老外时你拿那张餐牌出来,他要那个就会指给你看的,非常简单.没事的时候,你可以拿着那张绿色餐牌看,上面是KFC的官方食物翻译,比网上COPY的准确得多.如果你有心要和老外交流,打头句就可以说“Morning ,Sir.What can I do for you?"简单自然就好,毕竟人家是来吃快餐,你扭捏的话反而给人不好的印象.
Too much of a good thing can have a serious impact on your
-- and your health.摄入过多的健康食物也会严重影响你的腰围和健康。
As a registered , I like to tout the nutritious benefits of foods. But sometimes healthy eats don&t need any free publicity -- in fact, there are plenty of good-for-you foods that people tend to overdo it with.作为注册营养师,我喜欢吹捧营养食物的好处。但是有时候健康饮食不需要任何免费宣传,实际上,有很多健康食物,人们往往会吃过量。
To ensure that you&re getting enough -- but not too much -- of these healthy items, I&ve made a list of the things you&re most likely overeating right now.为了确保这些健康食物你吃的足够了但又不会太多,我列了一个清单,涵盖了这些你现在很可能摄入过量的健康食物。
1. Avocados牛油果
Avocados are great for your heart (and hair, skin, digestion, and more). That said, each one also contains 322 calories and 29 grams of fat. Feel free to use one-third of a medium
as a serving of fat in your meal or snack -- but that&s all you need to reap the benefits of the fruit.牛油果对心脏、头发、皮肤、消化等非常有益。尽管如此,每一个牛油果包含322卡热量和29g脂肪。吃正餐或小吃时,吃三分之一中等大小的牛油果作为脂肪的供给,完全没有问题。但是这么多就够了,这已经是你需要从牛油果中获得的营养了。
2. Coconut椰子
This ingredient works beautifully in your trail mix, sprinkled on your , or drizzled in oil form on your saut& pan. It&s loaded with nutrients, including lauric acid, potassium, and fiber -- but it&s another food to use with caution. Whether you&re cooking with the oil or using coconut flakes in a smoothie, two teaspoons is a good amount to stick to.这种食材在你的什锦水果里面会起到锦上添花的作用,也可以撒在燕麦片上,或者在平底锅里榨取油脂。它富含营养成分,包括月桂酸、钾和纤维,但是它也是需要注意的食物。不管你是用椰油做饭还是椰汁做冰沙,两汤匙就足够了。
3. Chia Seeds奇雅子
Absolutely eat chia seeds -- they&re loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, and protein. Just use one tablespoon on your yogurt, in your smoothies, or sprinkled on your salad. Too much of this good thing is hard on the digestive system and may trigger certain, , issues if you aren&t used to it.当然要吃奇雅子,他们富含欧米珈-3脂肪酸、纤维、抗氧化剂和蛋白质。 酸奶、冰沙、或是沙拉里,仅仅只需要一汤匙的奇雅子。摄入太多奇雅子会对消化系统造成负担,并且如果你吃不惯这个,也是有可能引发问题的。
4. Bananas香蕉
Bananas are loaded with tons of nutrition -- but be careful if you're one of those people who is a creature of habit and tends to eat the same thing over and over (and over) again. Too many bananas are tough on the GI tract. In extreme cases, you can even run the risk of potassium toxicity (although this is a bigger concerrn for children). While there's no hard-and-fast number of bananas that would give you a potassium problem, I generally recommend eating no more than a couple each week so that you have a chance to switch up the fruit you're taking in.香蕉富含大量营养,但是如果你是那种习惯不停的吃同一样食物的人,那么要注意了。摄入过多的香蕉会对肠胃造成负担。在极端情况下,你甚至可能会有钾中毒的危险(这个对孩子来说是个更加严重的问题)。虽然对于导致钾中毒问题并没有什么明确的数量,但是我通常建议一个星期吃两个就差不多了,这样你可以在水果上换换口味。
5. Quinoa 藜麦
A seed, not a grain, quinoa is full of fiber and protein. The calorie profile is similar to that of most grains, with about 110 calories in a half-cup. The problem? People tend to think of it as an uber-health food and don&t watch their portion sizes. Use quinoa , and treat it like a
by limiting to yourself to a half-cup serving size. You&ll reap all the benefits without the added cals. 藜麦是种子而不是粮食,富含纤维和蛋白质。它包含的热量跟很多食物差不多,半杯大概11卡。那么问题是什么呢?人们通常把它当做一种对乳房有益的食物,也并没有关注食用量。尽量少使用藜麦,把它当做一种淀粉,每次限制自己只用半杯。只吃这么多就能获取营养,同时也不会摄入过多热量。
6. Smoothies奶昔
Depending on what&s in your morning , the calories can go down really easily. The best way to enjoy without going over the calorie edge? Make your smoothies at home, and assess if you would normally eat all of the food going into the blender in one sitting. My smoothie formula: one cup ice, one cup milk or milk alternative, one fruit, one fat, and a bonus like , , or .取决于清晨饮料里含有什么,很容易就可以减少摄入的卡路里。如何能够既享受美食又不摄入过多的卡路里呢?在家里做奶昔吧,估计一下你是不是会把放进搅拌机的所有食物一次吃完。我的奶昔配方:一杯冰、一杯牛奶或替代牛奶、一个水果、一种脂肪,额外加入诸如薄荷、肉桂、香草等原料。
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