
文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:admin1@&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&敷衍是什么意思
敷衍,①(动词)做事不负责任或待人不恳切,只做表面上的应付:~塞责│~了事 │他 ~了我几句。②勉强维持:手里的钱还够~几天 .今译 ①(动词)做事不负责任或待人不恳切,只做表面上的应付:~塞责│~了事 │他 ~了我几句。②勉强维持:手里的钱还够~几天 。 意思:1做事不负责或待人不恳切 只做表面上的应付:敷衍塞责 敷衍了事 2勉强维持:手里的钱还够敷衍几天 3叙述并发挥:敷衍经文要旨(也做敷演) 将就应付,毫无责任感敷衍了事,将其需解决的事情推缓延长,实为不想其根本解决之问题。 办事不认真负责,只是表面应付一下 犯了错误,别人提起时,又开始转移话题。 释义 编辑本段  fū yǎn  敷衍,①(动词)做事不负责任或待人不恳切,只做表面上的应付:~塞责│~了事 │他 ~了我几句。②勉强维持:手里的钱还够~几天 .  散布蔓延传播  《文选·张衡》:“篠簜敷衍,编町成篁。” 薛综 注:“敷,布也。衍,蔓也。” 吕延济 注:“言竹生舒布蔓延。”《旧唐相关信息·代宗纪赞》:“扫除沴气,敷衍德音。”铺陈发挥  《宋史·范冲传》:“上雅好《左氏春秋》,命 冲 与 朱震 专讲。 冲 敷衍经旨,因以规讽,上未尝不称善。”《三宝太监西洋记》第一回:“ 如来 微开喜口,敷衍大法,宣畅正果。” 清 王韬 《淞隐漫录·诸晓屏》:“生素未习此,略为循章敷衍。”表面应酬,虚与应付  《荡寇志》第七七回:“他这般举止,明是唱筹量沙之计,敷衍着 高俅 ,得空便高飞远走。”《官场现形记》第四七回:“诸位老兄在官场上历练久了,敷衍的本事是第一等。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五回:“他还同我胡缠不了,好容易才把他敷衍走了。”勉强维持  《红楼梦》第一一○回:“ 凤姐 这日竟支撑不住,也无方法,只得用尽心力,甚至咽喉嚷破敷衍过了半日。”2 今译 编辑本段  ①(动词)做事不负责任或待人不恳切,只做表面上的应付:~塞责│~了事 │他 ~了我几句。②勉强维持:手里的钱还够~几天 。  意思:1做事不负责或待人不恳切 只做表面上的应付:敷衍塞责 敷衍了事  2勉强维持:手里的钱还够敷衍几天  3叙述并发挥:敷衍经文要旨(也做敷演)  将就应付,毫无责任感敷衍了事,将其需解决的事情推缓延长,实为不想其根本解决之问题。  办事不认真负责,只是表面应付一下  犯了错误,别人提起时,又开始转移话题。  歌曲名萧敬腾演唱歌曲3 基本信息 编辑本段  歌曲:《敷衍》  演唱者:萧敬腾萧敬腾《狂想曲》专辑  词:小安  曲:小安  编曲:萧敬腾  来自《狂想曲》专辑  歌手信息  萧敬腾,台湾歌手,出生于台北市,其有二分之一原住民血统,母亲是花莲县的阿美族人,家中有两个哥哥和一个姐姐。十五岁时学了三个月的爵士鼓,之后借着自行摸索,十七岁即担任爵士鼓教师,并协助辅导小区青少年学习鼓艺,连续两届获颁“善行奖”。  萧敬腾成名于超级星光大道节目,现已发行多张专辑。  歌词  算过的界限 你站在那一边 你离的太远  也许这一遍 没有了这一切 你就会看见  忽近却又忽远 闭上还是看见  你伤得不够明显 快点  天气没了雨点 你说了没有兑现  问了浅嚐没有心眼 谁说对  别再说 耶喔耶 每个人都敷衍  却没有太多的机会 感受晾在我们之间  喔耶喔耶 剧情不断重演了一遍  你却说是我的不对  算过的界限 你站在那一边 你离的太远  也许这一遍 没有了这一切 你就会看见  忽近却又忽远 闭上还是看见  你伤得不够明显 快点  天气没了雨点 你说了没有兑现  问了浅嚐没有心眼 谁说对  别再说 耶喔耶 每个人都敷衍  却没有太多的机会 感受晾在我们之间  喔耶喔耶 剧情不断重演了一遍  你却说是我的不对  别再说 耶喔耶 每个人都敷衍  却没有太多的机会 感受晾在我们之间  喔耶喔耶 剧情不断重演了一遍  你却说是我的不对谢谢请给我一个好评
答: 就是胎心监护有一些不太过关,建议你出去休息一下,吃一些东西,再重新检测一下胎心,如果第二次过关了的话,就不用担心了。
答: 因为他们会认为父母都是对的,就照着去学,所以父母必须要以身作则。
答: 百炼成钢 发奋图强 坚持不懈 迎难而上 一视同仁 一清二白 大义灭亲 大公无私 义无反顾 正气凛然 正直无私 执法如山 刚正不阿 冰清玉洁 克己奉公 严于律己 ...
答: 简单,你相信自己的年轻去复读,再加油一年。
国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 1960年修订的斯坦福一比内量表也使用了离差智商,但其平均数为100,标准差为16(习题61)。 《中国比内测验》的创新点主要包括(习题201):①将年龄扩大为2岁~18岁;②采用离差智商表示测验结果;③编制了《中国比内测验简编》。 《中国比内测验》的创新点并不包括使用范围扩大到北方(习题62)。 在斯坦福?比内量表的发展过程中,其具有的主要特色为(,):①首次引入智力商数的概念;②用离差智商替代比率智商;③采用L型和M型两个等值量表。 (二)中国比内测验的内容 四、注意事项 在施测中国比内测验时,对于被试者有关试题的探索性问题,一般应该对他说:“你自己想一想”(习题63)。 在施测中国比内测验时,主试者与被试者的位置关系应是面对面(习题64)。
第二节 人格测验?????????????????????????????????????(172) 主要分为两大类:一类为结构明确的自陈量表;一类为结构不甚明确的投射技术。 第一单元 明尼苏达多项个性调查表(MMPI)??????????????????????????(174) 一、学习目标:掌握明尼苏达多项个性调查表的实施、记分及结果解释方法。 二、工作程序 (一)测验的实施 1.测验材料 关于MMPI的正确说法(习题202):A.共包括566个自我报告形式的题目;B.使用时可分卡片式及手册式两种;C.为了精神病临床诊断使用可做前399题;D.包括16个为重复题。 2.适用范围 年满16岁,具有小学毕业以上的文化水平,没有什么影响测验结果的生理缺陷者均可参加测验, 不正确的描述是中学以上文化程度(习题65)。 3.施测步骤 纵观MMPI的施测历史,不同的测试方式包括(习题203):A.卡片式;B.手册式;C.人机对话方式;D.录音带方式。 MMPI的施测形式之一“卡片式”适合于个别施测(习题66)。 关于MMPI的实施,最准确的描述应该是手册式既可团体施测,又可个别施测(习题67)。 (二)测验的记分 计分的具体步骤:①计算原始分;②检查Q量表得分;③将原始分转换成T分数。 不属于MMPI记分步骤的是解释各分量表的得分(习题69)。 1.将答卷纸按被试者性别分开。 2.同一题选择两种答案或没选择答案的题数相加作为Q量表的原始分数。在MMPI的399题版本中,Q量表原始得分超过22分,就表明答卷无效(习题68)。566题版本Q>30,答卷无效。 3.计算原始分,登记在答卷纸上此量表的原始分数栏内。 4.在下列5个量表的原始分数上分别加上一定比例的K分:Hs(疑病)+0.5K、Pd(精神病)+0.4K、Pt(神经衰弱)+1K、Sc(精神分裂症)+1K、Ma(轻躁狂)+0.2K;原始分不需加 K值的量表为5个:D(抑郁)、Hy(癔病)、Mf(男子/女子期)、Pa(妄想狂)、Si(社会内向)。 在MMPI的各分量表中,原始分不需加 K值的量表为Si(习题70)。 5.将原始分数换算成T分数:在各类标准分数中,T分数指的是平均数为50,标准差为10的分数(习题74)。 凡是平均数为50、标准差为10的标准分数,一般我们都称为T分数(习题73)。 6.将各量表T分数登记在剖析图上,各点相连成人格特征剖析图。 (三)结果的解释 按照中国常模标准,可将MMP的I正常与异常的划界分确定为60分(习题71,,)。 第 6 页 共 16 页 国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 按照美国常模标准,MMPI的T分数在70分以上便可视为有病理性异常表现(习题72)。 不论是MMPI的中国常模还是美国常模,划界分65和55分并不存在(习题204)。 三、相关知识 (一)关于明尼苏达多项个性调查表 MMPI是采用经验法编制的客观化测验(习题80,81)。 关于MMPI,下列说法是正确的(习题210):①分为手册式和卡片式两种;②既可以个别施测,也可以团体施测;③适用于16岁以上被试者;④采用T分数记分。 (二)MMPI的量表及其意义 MMPI一共有566个条目,其中包括10个临床量表,4个效度量表(习题77)。均集中在1~399题。 MMPI共有14个量表,其中D不是效度量表(习题78)。 在MMPI的记分中,如果L量表的原始分超过10分,就不能信任MMPI的结果(习题79,▲)。 MMPI的临床量表包括疑病、抑郁、偏执和(习题205):①精神衰弱;②轻躁狂;③社会内向等量表(没有神经质)。 MMPI效度量表F得分升高的意义可能是(习题206):①被试者不认真或理解错误;②伪装疾病;③疾病较重。MMPI基本量表中共有14个分量表,其中诈病量表属于效度量表(,)。 在MMPI的临床量表中,英文缩写Ma代表轻躁狂量表(习题75)。 在MMPI的10个临床量表中,英文缩写Pd指的是病态人格量表(习题76) (三)对MMPI的评价 与其他人格量表相比,MMPI的主要优点是(习题207):①临床诊断符合率较高;②首次将效度量表纳入个性量表。 在所有MMPI的简式量表中,似乎MMPI―168更优于标准版本(习题82)。 四、注意事项 MMPI的量表及其意义 分序缩类 号 写 1 2 3 4 临床5 量6 表 7 8 9 0 效度量表 1 2 3 4 D 英文名称 量表名 +K量 疑病 抑郁 癔病 男子/ 女子气 妄想狂 精神衰弱 轻躁狂 社会内向 不能回答 说谎分数 诈病 校正分量表 意义 题量 60 60 50 60 50 48 78 70
15 30 习题
Hs Hypochondriasis Depression Hy Hysteria Masculinity- Fenububuty Psychasthenia 0.5 反映对身体功能的不正常关心
与抑郁、淡漠、悲观、思想与行动缓慢有关 用转换反应对待压力或解决矛盾的倾向 33 205 Pd Psychopathic deviate 精神病态 Mf 0.4 反映被试者性格的偏离 反映性别色彩 偏执,高分多疑、孤独、烦恼及过分敏感等 Pa Paranoia Pt Sc Schizophrenia Ma Hypomania Si Q L F K Socialintroversion
Question Lie Validity Correction 1K 紧张/焦虑/反复思考/强迫思维/恐怖及内疚 精神分裂症 1K 异乎寻常的或分裂的生活方式
内向胆小退缩不善交际屈服紧张固执自罪 对问题无反应及对“是”“否”都反应的数量 追求过分的尽善尽美的回答 一些比较古怪或荒唐的内容 对测验态度的衡量 0.2 联想过多过快/活动过多/观念飘忽/情感多变 46 64 206 在施测MMPI时,如出现被试者轻率从事或不愿意暴露自己,主试者应(习题208):①凭经验弄清情况;②详细记录测验时被试者的表现;③取得被试者的合作。 施测MMPI测验时如被试者遇到不能回答的问题时,主试者可告之(习题209):①可以空下来;②不要让空题太多。 在施测MMPI测验时,如被试者报告有些想法现在没有了,主试者应当告之他以现在情况为准(习题83)。 第 7 页 共 16 页 国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 第二单元 卡氏16种人格因素测验(16PF)???????????????????????????(180) 一、学习目标:掌握卡氏16种人格因素测验的实施、记分及结果解释方法。 二、工作程序 (一)测验的实施 1.测验材料 关于16PF正确的描述(习题211):①采用因素分析法编制();②包括 187个条目;③中文版由戴忠恒与祝蓓里于1988年修订;④16因素即卡特尔的根源特质。 2.适用范围 16PF适用范围很广,凡是有相当于初中以上文化程度的青壮年和老年人都可以适用。16PF适用的年龄范围并不包括少年(习题85)。16PF属于团体实施的量表(习题86)。当然也可以个别施测。 3.施测步骤 与MMPI和EPQ不同,16PF的每个试题有3个可供被试者选择的答案(A、B、C,习题87)。 有关16PF,不正确的说法是测验有时间限制(习题88)。 测验时,被试者应当记住的是(习题212):①每一测题只能选择一个答案;②不可漏掉任何测题;③尽量不选择中性的答案(A、B、C三者中的B);④对于不太容易回答的试题,同样要求被试者做出一种倾向性选择。 在实施16PF测验时,应确保被试者每一测题只选择一个答案,没有遗漏任何测题,并尽量不选择B答案(习题89,▲)。 (二)测验的记分 除聪慧性因素外,16PF的其他因素都是分别对A、B、C按0、1、2分或2、1、0记分的(习题90);聪慧性题答对1分,答错0分。 一般将16PF测验结果得到的原始分数转化成标准十分(习题91,,,▲)。 凡是平均数为5、标准差为1.5的标准分数,一般我们都称为标准十分(习题92)。 (三)结果的解释 16PF的高分与低分的范围分别为(习题213):①1~3分为低分;②8~10分为高分。 [专栏3-5] 次元人格因素及特殊演算公式的应用(P182) 次元人格因素()在16PF次元人格特征中,人云亦云、优柔寡断是怯懦与果断性的低分特征(习题104)。 三、相关知识 (一)关于卡氏16种人格因素测验 卡特尔16种人格因素测验是采用因素分析法编制的(习题84)。 对被试者施测16PF,主要目的是为了(习题214):①了解心理障碍的个性原因;②辅助临床诊断;③用于人才选拔。 关于卡氏16PF,正确的说法是(习题215):①属于客观化测验;②测量的是卡特尔的根源特质;③可用于人才选拔。 16PF英文原版共有5种版本,其中C、D为缩减本(习题93)。 (二)卡特尔的人格理论 按照卡特尔的人格理论,可将人的个性结构分为(习题216):①个别特质与共同特质;②表面特质与根源特质;③素质特质与环境铸模性特质;④动力特质、能力特质与气质特质。 在卡特尔的16种根源特质中,有的起源于体质因素,他称之为素质特质(习题94)。 在16PF测验中,环性情感或高情感是乐群性因素的高分特征(习题96)。 在16PF测验中,乐群性因素的低分特征是缄默、孤独、冷淡(习题97)。 聪明、富有才识、善于抽象思维是16PF测验中聪慧性因素的高分特征(习题98)。 思想迟钝、学识浅薄、抽象思维能力弱是16PF测验中聪慧性因素的低分特征(习题99)。 在16PF测验中,恃强性因素的高分特征为好强、固执、独立、积极(习题100)。 在16PF测验中,恃强性因素的低分特征也称顺从性(习题101)。 第 8 页 共 16 页 国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 在16PF测验中,保守,尊重传统观念与道德准则是实验性因素的低分特征(习题102)。 在16PF测验中,实验性因素的高分特征也称激进性(习题103)。 16PF测验的基本人格因素并不包括(习题217):①适应与焦虑性;②怯懦与果断性。 16PF测验的基本人格因素并不包括适应与焦虑性(习题95)。 (三)16个因素的名称和高分、低分人格特征 16因素的名称和高分、低分人格特征 因素 A B C E F G H I L M N O 名称 高
征 术 语 称 低
征 术 语 称 分裂情感 支配性 平静 低超我 威胁反应性 积极度现实感 习题 96
乐群性 外向、热情、乐群 稳定性 热情稳定成熟,面对现实, 恃强性 好强、固执、独立、积极, 兴奋性 轻松兴奋、随遇而安 有恒性 有恒负责,做事尽职 敢为性 冒险敢为、少有顾虑 敏感性 敏感、感情用事 怀疑性 怀疑、刚愎、固执己见 幻想性 幻想、狂放任性 世故性 精明能干、世故 忧虑性 忧虑抑郁、烦恼自扰 环性/高情感 缄默、孤独、冷淡(习题97) 高自我力量 支配性 澎湃激荡 高超我 交感免疫性 投射紧张 机灵性 易于内疚 自给自足 高自我概念 高能量紧张 情绪激动,易生烦恼 谦逊、顺从、通融、恭顺 严肃、审慎、冷静、寡言 苟且敷衍,缺乏奉公守法精神 畏怯退缩、缺乏自信 信赖随和、易与人相处 坦白、直率、天真 安详、沉着、通常有自信心 依赖、随群、附和 矛盾冲突、不顾大体 心平气和、闲散宁静 聪慧性 聪明、富有才识、善抽象思维 高8 思想迟钝、学识浅薄、抽象思维弱 低3(习题99) 98 顺从性(101) 100 娇养性情绪过敏 理智、着重现实、自食其力 放松 实际性 朴实性 信念把握 保守性 团体依附 低整合性 低能量紧张 我向/自向性 现实、合乎成规、力求完善合理 Q1 实验性 自由、激进,不拘泥于现实 Q2 独立性 自立自强、当机立断 Q3 自律性 知己知彼、自律谨严 Q4 紧张性 紧张困扰、激动挣扎 激进性(103) 保守,尊重传统观念与道德准则
四、注意事项 在实施16PF测验时,需要注意的问题是(习题218):①先完成答卷纸上的四个例题;②不得改变任一测题规定的语句;③尽量不选择中性的答案。 第三单元 艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)??????????????????????????????(186) 一、学习目标:掌握艾森克人格问卷的实施、记分及结果解释方法。 二、工作程序 (一)测验的实施 1.测验材料 艾森克人格问卷是采用因素分析法编制的(习题105)。 EPQ分为成人和幼年两套问卷,各包括4个人格量表():①精神质(P);②内外向(E);③神经质(N);④说谎(L),均为88个项目。 艾森克人格问卷的测查可得到神经性和精神性因素的结果(,)。 在下列英文缩写中,不属于EPQ分量表的是D量表(习题107)。 既可用于成人也可用于儿童的人格测验方法是EPQ(习题106)。 2.适用范围 艾森克儿童人格问卷适用的年龄范围是7岁~15岁的儿童(习题108)。 3.施测步骤 (二)测验的记分 EPQ的记分步骤并包括:①获得各量表的粗分;②按年龄和性别常模换算标准T分数;③作EPQ量表剖面图。EPQ的记分步骤并不包括数出Q量表的原始分数(习题109)。 第 9 页 共 16 页 国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 采用T分数记分的人格测验是(习题219):①MMPI;②EPQ。 例1:一位被试者在EPQ的E量表上的T得分为30分,则其个性倾向为典型内向(习题110,▲)。 例2:一位被试者在EPQ的N量表上的T得分为60分,则其情绪特点为倾向情绪不稳定(习题111)。 例3:如果一个被试者在EPQ的E量表上的T得分为70分,在N量表上的T得分为35分,则他具有多血质气质(习题113)。 在 EPQ的 E和 N关系图中,外向、情绪不稳定型性格对应的气质类型为胆汁质(习题114)。 EPQ共有4个人格量表,其中英文缩写 E指的是内外向量表(习题115)。 在艾森克人格问卷中,N为神经质的英文缩写(习题116)。 (三)结果的解释 在EPQ测验的剖析图上,T分数的划界范围包括:①典型型;②中间型;③倾向型。在EPQ测验的剖析图上,T分数的划界范围并不包括其他型(习题112)。 按照EPQ中国常模标准,属于典型内向的E量表划界分的范围为≤ 38.5(习题117)。 50±5:中间型;50±10:倾向型;50±15:典型型。
EPQ量表剖析图 类
L 典型型 ↑
型 ↑ 65 55 45 35 ↓
典型型 倾向型 60
中间型 50 60 倾向型 50 中间型 倾向型 40
40 倾向型 典型型
L 抑郁质(内向, 不稳)
低分内向(低于38) E量表 30 抑郁质
6 2 胆汁质
黏液质(内向,稳定) 38 43
3 0 多血质(外向,稳定) 情绪稳定 N量表
在EPQ中,如果被试者具有内向、情绪不稳定的个性,其对应的气质为抑郁质()。 三、相关知识 (一)关于艾森克人格问卷 (二)EPQ的发展及理论 第 10 页 共 16 页 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、生活休闲娱乐、应用写作文书、幼儿教育、小学教育、专业论文、文学作品欣赏、97技能第3章心理测验复习概要等内容。 
 国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(二级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 二级心理测验技能复习概要第 一节 心理与行为问题评估???(174) 第一单元 汉密尔顿抑郁量表...  技能第3章心理测验复习概要 国家心理咨询师资格认证三级复习概要,覆盖所有的考点。国家心理咨询师资格认证三级复习概要,覆盖所有的考点。隐藏&& 国家职业资格培训教程?...  2、适用范围:主要用于评定躁狂状态的严重程度,适用于情感性精神病和分裂情感性精 神病躁狂发作的成年患者。 3、施测步骤 5 第三章:心理测验技能(二级) (1)...  二级心理测验技能复习概要_从业资格考试_资格考试/认证_教育专区。国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(二级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 二级心理测验技能复习概要...  国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要心理测验技能复习概要 辅导习题共计 239 题,其中单项选择 168 题,多项选择 71 题。 2005...  国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(三级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 心理测验技能复习概要辅导习题共计 239 题,其中单项选择 168 题,多项选择 71 题。 2005...  技能第3章心理测验复习概要... 16页 5财富值如要投诉违规内容,请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功能问题或意见建议,请点击此处进行反馈。 ...  国家职业资格培训教程?心理咨询师(二级)――第三章心理测验技能复习概要 二级心理测验技能复习概要 第一单元 汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD) 汉密尔顿抑郁量表的英文缩写为 ...NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH NOTE 2(B)_天涯博客_有见识的人都在此_天涯社区
作者: 提交日期: 20:29:00
going on..........
#日志日期: 星期四(Thursday) 晴
评论人: 评论日期: 19:05
§ Lesson 42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★musical adj. 精通音乐的★market n. 市场, 集市★snake charmer 玩蛇者(通常借音乐控制)★pipe n. (吹奏的)管乐器pipe:两头通的东西, 如: 下水管道, 老爸的烟斗,或一节两头通的竹子都可以叫pipe★tune n. 曲调★glimpse n. 一瞥have a glimpse of:瞥了一眼glance at:扫了一眼have a glimpse of:映入眼帘(犹如汉语中的 &惊鸿一瞥& )glance at(有意识) : 注意连读[????????]have a glimpse of(无意识)它们的共同点时: 时间都很短★snake n. 蛇★movement n. 动作action:采取行动move:移动-&移动的名词形式: movement★continue v. 继续begin/start/continue to dobegin/start/continue doingI continue (to go)/going on.continue+sthLet's continue our trip.Let's continue our journey.★dance v. 跳舞dance
[????????????????] 注意美音和英音的不同dance to the music
随着音乐跳舞 (固定搭配,用 &to& )★obviously adv. 显然obviously=clearlyObviously you are wrong.Obviously I love you.★difference n. 差别tell the difference between A and B:区别差异Can you tell the difference between them?be different from : A is different from Bdiffer v.Jazz:爵士乐Indian music:印度音乐文中: It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!★Indian adj. 印度的【Text】Lesson 42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题. What happened when the snake charmer began to play jazz?As we had had a long walk through one of the markets of old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. As soon as he saw us, he picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first glimpse of the snake. It rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs. The snake, however, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!参考译文当我们穿过旧德里的市场时走了很长一段路, 我们在一个广场上停下来休息. 过了一会儿, 我们注意到广场的那一边有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人, 于是就走过去看看. 他一见我们, 就拿起了一个长长的上面镶有硬币的管乐器, 并掀开了一个筐的盖子. 当他开始吹奏一支曲子时, 我们才第一次看到那条蛇. 它从筐里探出身子, 随着乐器的摆动而扭动. 当耍蛇人突然又吹奏起爵士乐和现代流行乐曲时, 我们感到非常惊奇. 然而那蛇却还是缓慢地 &舞动& 着. 显然, 它分辨不出印度音乐和爵士乐!【课文讲解】have a walk/rest/lookhave a + 名词, 这个名词与此同时可以跟动词是同形的have a swim/bathhave a bath=bathe / have a swim=swimhave a walk=walk / have a look=look have a rest=restSometions we can use have+noun in place of an ordinary verb. 有时我们可以用have+名词来代替普通动词 : have a+名词=动词一个动词的后面会加介词(如果这个动词是不及物动词),这个名词的后面,
动词能加什么样的介词,名词也可以加什么样的介词loo at-& walk across-&have a walk across(v)succeed in doing sth-&(adj)be successful in-&(n)success into 放在一个句子的后面起目的的作用at the other side ofbe covered with : 盖满play a tune ,play musictune,可数名词; music 不可数名词have a (first)glimpse ofat the first sightI love you at the first sight of you.rise:升 vi. (不及物) / raise:提高 vt. (及物) follow the movements of the pipevery much surprised : 很少用very much 放在一起修饰surprise, 一般用very surprised 或 most surprisedobviously更习惯放在句首总结:① have a glimpse of② have a + 名词, 这个名词能有一个同形的动词,动词能加什么,名词就加什么【Key structures】 关键句型have a +名词=相对应的动词,have是实义动词Exercises 练习 B
Write these sentences again using have + noun in place of the verbs in italics:用have+名词来替代用斜体印出的动词 : 1
Yesterday I rode on a horse for the first time in my life.2
I was looking at those old photographs last night.3
He washed before going out.4
I swam in the sea this morning.5
Those two sailors fought in the bar last night.6
Dan and Caroline have been quarrelling.7
He tried again. (Use‘another’in place of‘again').8
She is resting.9
I wanted to smoke.10
Did you sleep well last night? (Use‘a good’in place of ‘well’.) 1
rode on a horse -&had a ride on a horse2
was looking at -&was having a look at3
washed-&had a wash4
swam-&had a swim5
fought-&had a fight6
quarrelling-&having a quarrel quarrel [???????] n.吵架, 反目, 怨言, 争吵的原因 vi.吵架, 争论, 挑剔★7
tried again-&had another try8
is resting-& is having arest9
smoke-&have a amoke10
sleep well-&have a good sleephave a + 名词=相对应的动词,后面能加相对应的介词短语
评论人: 评论日期: 19:05
【Special difficulties】难点 参见第6、7两课的难点(SD6, SD7)Study these sentences. Each sentence contains the verb pick. This verb has a different meaning in each sentence:细读以下句子, 每句中均有动词pick, 但词义各不相同. He picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins. (11.4-5)I'll pick you up in the car this evening. 今晚我开车来接你. I picked up a lot of English while I was in England. (I learnt.) 在英国的时候, 我学到了不少英语. There are so many beautiful cards on display, I can't pick out the ones I like best. (I can't choose.) 陈列着那么多漂亮的明信片, 我挑不出最喜欢的.
pick:采摘 : pick apples 摘苹果pick up:拣起,发现pick sb up:接某人(顺路) / meet sb+地点:专程接pick up a lot of English=learn a lot of English挑出来pick up the radio program(the program on the radio) : 在广播上收听节目【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题2
The snake probably ‘danced’______.a. by listening to the Indian music b. by listening to the jazzc. by looking at the snake charmer d. by following the movements of the snake charmer's pipeby doing....通过做某事,通过某种方式by train 乘火车by the river 沿着河边by the end of....到……时候为止I show him my respect by sending him flowers. 我通过向他送花来表示我对他的尊重respect
[????????] n.尊敬, 敬重, 注意, 考虑, 尊重, 关系, 有关, 敬意 vt.尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍3
We stopped at a square ______have a rest.a. so to
b. in order
c. in order that
d. in order toso as to...为了,表示目的, 不存在 &so to& to不定式做状语表目的(原文中)in order 在秩序中, 有秩序的, 有次序的, 整洁的, 整齐的Keep your room in orderin order to +v.:为了in order that+从句:为了Answer: D7
It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. It ______.a. might not
b. may not
c. must not
d. wasn't able tomight not 可能不 / may not 可能不 : 注意与 &不可能& 的区别 ≠ can't / couldn'tmust not 不准wasn't able to 不能Answer :D【语法精粹】 Nouns P171. Julie went to the______to buy a pair of shoes.A.shoes store B.shoe's store C.shoe store D.shoes' storeAnswer: C表示类别的商店,用单数名词修饰2.As a safety precaution,all city cab drivers carry only enough money to make change for a_____bill.A.ten-dollar B.ten-dollars C.tens-dollar D.ten-dollar'scab drivers(美语)=taxi drivers(英式)bill纸币有连字符连接的单词没有复数,连字符单词做定语,不会加 &'s& Answer: A3.Recently,he has lost all his____at cards.A.wage and saving B.wages and savingC.wage and savings D.wages and savingswage 薪水 ; saving 积蓄Answer: D★4.I want_____.A.a dollar worth candy
B.candy a dollar's worthC.a dollar's worth of candy D.a dollar worth's candy a dollar's worth of n.Answer :C5.The surroundings a child grows up in usually ____an effect on his development.A.have B.had C.do D.hashave an effect on ...对……有效果grow up 成长in 连接作用The surroundings 做主语 (surroundings [???????????] n.环境)a child grows up 定语从句修饰 &the surroundings& 孩子成长的环境常常对他的发展有影响. 用一般现在时Answer: A
评论人: 评论日期: 19:05
§ Lesson 43 Over the South Pole 飞越南极【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★pole n. (地球的)极South Pole 南极North Pole 北极Pole Star 北极星★flight n. 飞行fly v: 飞★explorer [????????????????] n. 探险家, 探测者, 探测器 [计]Windows资源管理器explore [????????] v.探险, 探测, 探究exploration [???????????????] n.(科研相关)探险,探求,开发adventure [????????????] n.冒险(追求刺激)venture [??????????] n. 冒险(为了财富,没有生命保障)★lie v. 处于tell a lie 撒谎lie n.谎言; lie v.撒谎 Eg.:You lied. 你骗人! 你撒谎! / You,liar! 你, 骗子! (liar [?????] n.(惯于)说谎者)lie,lied,lied 撒谎lie/lai/, lay/lei/, lain/lein/ 处于,位于(+地点)stay in bed/lie in bed 躺在床上in bed 介词短语, lie vi.lie 现在分词--& lyinglay
vt. ① 放,放置: lay sth. ② 下蛋, 产卵: lay an egg 下一个蛋lay,laid,laid hang,hung,hung 挂,悬挂hang,hanged,hanged, 绞刑You lied!You lied to me.lie in bed★serious adj. 严重的★point n. 地点point 点,一般指从飞机上向下看的点地点 place,spotdot 点: && 中的 &.& 读为:dot@-& at★seem v. 似乎① seem + as if② seem + adj.③ seem to be④ seem that...Eg. : He seems rich.He seems to be rich.It seems that he is rich.it seems that...看起来似乎...seem as if 看起来似乎Eg.: He seems as if he had never lived in England before.Seem: 真正应译为 &看起来& ★crash v. 坠毁crash(从上向下掉)aircrash 空难 / carcrash 车祸(由aircrash引申而来)strike 撞击collide [???????] vi.碰撞, 抵触(两个都运动的东西相撞)clash [????] n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 v.(使)发出撞击声, 猛撞, 冲突★sack n. 袋子★clear v. 越过over越过(距离)clear(凌空)越过, 跳过,没有接触面的飞跃go over飞跃clear the mountain 飞跃山峰The horse cleared the fense.fense n.篱笆,栅栏,墙 v.围住,防护★aircraft n. 飞机★endless adj. 无尽的★plain n. 平原mountains 高山plain girl 平凡的女孩Eg.: I'm a plain girl.【Text】Lesson 43
Over the South Pole
飞越南极First listen and then answer the question. 听录音, 然后回答以下问题. How was the plane able to clear the mountains?In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. 参考译文美国探险家 R.E. 伯德在飞越北极3年之后, 于1929年第一次飞越了南极. 虽然开始时伯德和他的助手们拍下了飞机下面连绵群山的大量照片, 但他们很快就陷入了困境. 在有个地方, 飞机似乎肯定要坠毁了. 只有在飞至10,000英尺的高度时, 它才能飞过这些山头. 伯德马上命令他的助手们把两个沉重的食物袋扔掉, 于是飞机可以上升了, 它在离山头400英尺的高度飞越了过去. 伯德这时知道他能够顺利飞抵300英里以外的南极了, 因为前面再没有山了. 飞机可以毫无困难地飞过这片茫茫无际的白色原野!【课文讲解】【Key structures】关键句型can...可能性be able to...可能性,成功地做【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题4
It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000
feet. This means it______ over the mountains.a. would succeed in getting b. got
c. was able to get
d. had got4.....a...could与过去时态有关,强调可能性be able to强调成功地做用过去式表达,表示在过去发生过去完成时,强调在过去的过去5
The plane was then able to rise. This means it ______.a. could rise b. might rise c. might succeed in rising
d.rose5...d...could rise...有可能,不知道结果might rise...可能might succeed in rising...可能成功地做rose...没有情态单词,表示已经成为事实6
Byrd knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole. It would be ______.a. impossible
d. possible6...d...be able towas/were able to ......表示这个动作在过去成功地做will be able to......将来可能会成=can
评论人: 评论日期: 19:06
§ Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★forest n. 森林★risk n. 危险, 冒险★picnic n. 野餐★edge n. 边缘★strap n. 带, 皮带★possession n. 所有★breath [????] n. 呼吸out of breath:上气不接下气waste one'白费口舌in one breath:片刻, 转眼间: He finished water in one breath. 他一口气把水喝完了.hold one's breath:屏住呼吸bad breath:口臭 : You have a bad breath. 你有口臭.★contents n. (常用复数)内有的物品(具体的东西)content:内容(抽象) : content of the text
文章的内容包里的书: contents of the bagmore contents! (口语) 在吃饭时要求再加些饭菜时可以这样说.★mend v. 修理【Text】Lesson 44
Through the forest
穿过森林First listen and then answer the question. 听录音, 然后回答以下问题. How did Mrs. Sterling get her bag back?Mrs. Anne Sterling did not think of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. In the struggle, the strap broke and, with the bag in their possession, both men started running through the trees. Mrs. Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon out of breath, but she continued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs. Sterling later, 'but they did not steal anything.'参考译文安.斯特林夫人在穿过森林追赶两个男人时, 她并没有考虑到所冒的风险. 刚才, 当她和孩子们正在森林边上野餐的时候, 这两个人冲到她跟前, 企图抢走她的手提包. 在争抢中, 手提包的带断了, 包落入这两个人手里, 他们拔腿跑进了树林. 斯特林夫人非常气愤, 向着他们追了过去. 只追了一会儿便上气不接下气了, 但她还是继续追赶. 当她赶上他们时, 发现他们已经坐了下来, 正翻着包里的东西. 于是她直冲过去. 这两个人吓了一跳, 扔下提包逃跑了. &这提包带需要修理, &斯特林夫人事后说道, &不过他们什么也没偷走. &【课文讲解】Mrs.Anne Sterling did not think of the risk...take a risk:冒...风险run after: ① 追赶, ② 追随, ③追求 : The police are running after a thief.run behind:在某人后面跑: I ran behind him.run to:跑向rush up to:迎面冲过来up:向上,面对面, 与说话人相反方向down:方向相同, 与说话人相同方向: go down 接着往前走,不用回头have a picnic 野餐in one's possession:为某人所拥有…… (给人感觉是这东西本来不属于你)I went out of the book shop with book in my possesion. so...that:如此...以致于continued to do:接着做catch up with.追上,赶上(强调结果)contents of the bag:包里的东西go through:浏览,翻看(速度较快的看)run (straight) at (at 强调瞄准,一般与straight相连都用at, lesson35也有类似句型)need用法除lesson41外的又一种情况:needn't可以回答must开头的疑问句,只能用在肯定句中,可以直接加动词-ingneed doing:需要做,需要被做① 这里need属于实义动词, 动词ing相当于名词来理解 ② 有时态和人称变化,否定式为: don't need doing③ need doing 表达被动含义, 如: Your shoes need washing. 你的鞋子需(被)洗了另外:want doing :也是用主动表示被动含义它们的主语一定是物, 不是人: Your hair needs cuting.need to be done---主语是人,也可以是物总结:1.never/not think of the risk she was taking2.with sth.in one's possession3.need doing【letter writing】书信写作Addressing the envelope: The name and address must appear in the middle of the envelope. Titles are always used with names. Study these examples:信封上的地址的书写方式 : 收信人的姓名和地址必须在信封的中央, 称呼总是和姓名连在一起的. 研究以下例子 : Mr. James Thompson, James Thompson Esq.,Miss H. Thompson, Mrs. D Thompson,Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson,Esq.--& Esquire写信时对男性的尊称(放在人名的后面), 等同于Mr. 但位置不同Mr.and Mrs.(已婚), 一般夫妇一起邀请先写人名,再写地址, 写信人的地址写在信封背面, 或放在信中【Key structures】关键句型Both men started running through the trees.a
Do you remember these sentences: (KS20) 你还记得以下句子吗?(参见第20课关键句型)Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是一种享受. I am very keen on cycling. 我很热衷骑自行车. He sat there without saying anything. 他坐在那里, 一言不发. I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 没有让你早点知道, 我必须向你道歉. b
Now study these examples:仔细阅读以下例子 : I am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. (SD37) 我期待着明天与他会面. (第37课难点)I am accustomed to getting up early. 我习惯早起. I am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起. (Compare: I used to get up early but I don't anymore. [KS31])(对比 : 我过去常早起, 但现在不再早起了. 〔参见第31课关键句型〕)c
Instead of saying : We can say:除了这种表述方法外 : 还可以说 : The men started to run through the trees.The men started running through the trees.They began to run.They began running.They continued to run.They continued running.d
Compare these sentences:比较下面句子 : NowAlwaysI hate to disturb you, but can I come in for a moment please?I hate disturbing people when they are busy.我不愿意打扰你, 但我可以进来一会儿吗?人们忙的时候, 我不愿意打扰. I'd love (or like) to sit in the garden.I love (or like) sitting in the garden when it's fine.我喜欢坐在花园里. 天气好的时候, 我喜欢在花园里坐坐. e
Study these expressions : 研究以下表达方式 : My shirt is torn. It needs mending. 我的衬衫撕破了, 需要缝补. Those windows are dirty. They want washing. 那些窗户很脏, 需要洗刷.
a.动词-ing做介词宾语,或做主语b.to 做介词 + 动词-inglook forward to / be used to / be accustomed todevote oneself to (全身心投入做某事) : She devotes herself to teaching. / My mother devotes herself to doing homework.object to (反对) : I object to eating out. 我反对在外面吃饭.c.begin,start,continue+to do/doing 没有区别d.hate,love,like+doing......表示一种习惯(always)hate,love,like+to do......表示某一次性的行为(now)would love /like to do:表示想要, 习惯于在前面加 would餐厅服务员习惯会问: &Would you like to ...?& , 而不会用 &Do you like ...?& , 他只关心你现在想吃什么,而不管你平常吃什么.I hate to... : 不喜欢 I hate to ... but ... : I hate to say I have no money , but I really need some. 说明这个人要向你借钱了I hate to say but I really have something important to do. 你想拒绝别人的邀请时可用的句型e. need,want如果以物体做主语,可以直接加动词-ing,表达被动的含义Exercises
Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: 用正确的形式填空 : 1
I'd love______(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?2
He's accustomed to______(work) very hard.3
These shirts need______(iron).4
I hate______(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.5
They continued______(argue) till after midnight.6
Would you like______(come) with me?7
I shall be looking forward to______(see) you soon.8
You must never come into this room without ______(knock) first.9
I got tired of______(wait) so I left.10
It began______(rain) just as I was going out.11
I don't believe in______(work) too hard.12
He accused me of______(take) his umbrella. <
评论人: 评论日期: 19:07
He accused me of______(take) his umbrella. 1.to seewould love to do 固定用法,等同于would like to do想要,愿意2.workingbe accustomed to doing 习惯于做某事look forward to doingbe used to doingbe accustomed to doingdevote to doing : 奉献给某事, 把...奉献给...object to doing : 反对做某事3.ironingiron n.铁,熨斗
v.熨烫,熨衣服4.to leave原来我们只会说:I must bo going now.(我要走了) 或 I must go. 现在我们用 &I hate to...& 的句型, 比前面的表达更有礼貌5.to argue/arguing6.to come7.seeing8.knocking介词后面加动词,一定要加-ing形式9.waitingget/be tired of 对...厌烦, 作为系动词get可与be 替换10.to rain/raining有三个动词加to do和加doing一样:begin,start,continue11.workingbelieve in信任,信仰take it easy 轻松,放松,慢慢来: I belive in taking it easy.believe in + sb 表示信任某人,信仰某人believe in + doing 表示我的信条是...12.takingaccuse [???????] vt. accused, accusing
控告; 指控accuse of : 因某事控告某人The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盗窃罪. 【Mutiple choice questions】多项选择题4
They were going through the contents of the bag. ______she ran straight at them.a. For this
b. That's because
c. That's why
d. That's so4.cThat's后一般加特殊疑问词引导的从句或that's all加从句for 加句子的时候, 习惯上放在主句之后表示由于某个理由,我们不说for this 而说for this reason5
They got such a fright. They were ______.a.so frightful
b.such frightened
c.so frightened
d.such fright5.cfrightful=terriblefrightened 感到害怕的d 应为 such a fright6
The strap needs mending. It ______.a. has mended
b. has to be mended
c. has been mended
d. has been mending6.b10
They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to ______her of her handbag.a. rob
c. be robbed
d. be stolen10.asteal后面加物,rob的后面加人steal sth from sbrob sb of sth8
She took a risk. What she did was ______.a.dangerous
d.stupid8.awhat she did 她做的事What I said is true.我所说的话是真的That is what I heard.那就是我所听到的事情这里what 有点类似于汉语中的 &兼语& 的概念what=the thing thatThe thing is that my borther will come./arrive.The thing surprised me.The thing that/which surprised me is that my borther will come.What surprised me is that my brother will come. (更多用这种表达)What I saw made me sad.What you said made me sad.stupid [?????????] adj.愚蠢的, 麻木的, 乏味的dangerous [??????????] adj.危险的
评论人: 评论日期: 19:07
&#167; Lesson 45 A clear conscience 问心无愧【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★clear adj. 无罪的, 不亏心的★conscience n. 良心, 道德心clear conscience 问心无愧guilty conscience 问心有愧 (guilty [??????] adj.犯罪的, 有罪的, 心虚的)I have a clear conscience.我问心无愧I have a guilty conscience.我问心有愧bad conscience 问心有愧★wallet n. 皮夹, 钱夹 (一般指的是男用的那种皮夹)purse [????] n 钱包(女士用)handbag 手袋billfold [?????????] n.皮夹, 钱包(美语) (意为纸币折叠形成的, 很形象)fold [?????] n.折, 羊栏, 折痕, 信徒 vt.折叠, 包, 合拢, 抱住, 笼罩, 调入, 交迭 vi.折叠起来, 彻底失败★savings n. 存款savings account存款账号(有利息的, 有点象活期存款)checking account 存款(没有利息)deposit [????????] n. 定金deposit account 存款(有利息, 有点象定期存款)ATM 自动取款机 : auto teller machineself-service machine自助银行cash card 取款卡IC
[aI`si:] ① interchange [7intE5tFeindV] 高速公路转换出入口② [电] integrate circuit 集成电路,指令计数器★villager n. 村民★per cent 百分之......three per cent 百分之三【Text】Lesson 45 A clear conscience 问心无愧First listen and then answer the question. 听录音, 然后回答以下问题. How did Sam get his money back?The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the post office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A thief, yes, but only 50 per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: 'Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said: 'I am 100 per cent honest now!'参考译文整个村子很快知道, 有一大笔钱丢失了. 当地的屠户萨姆.本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了. 萨姆确信那钱包一定是被某个村民捡到了, 可是却不见有人来送还给他. 3个月过去了, 后来在一天早晨, 萨姆在自己的大门外发现了他的钱包. 钱包是用报纸包着的, 里面有他丢失的钱的一半, 而且还附着一张纸条, 上面写着 : &一个小偷, 是的, 但只是一个50%的小偷!& 又过了两个月, 又有一些钱送还给了萨姆, 又附了一张字条 : &这回只是25%的小偷了!& 很快, 萨姆全部的钱都用同样的方式还了回来. 最后的那张字条上写道 : &我现在是一个100%的诚实人了!& 【课文讲解】learn得知The whole world learnt...全世界都知道...while doing 是一个省略形式这种情况应具备两个条件1.这个动作的主语跟主句的主语一样2.这句话一定要是进行时态这句话完整的应为: while he was taking...must have been donemust have done 表示对过去的推测must have been done 表示对过去被动的推测三种表示一段时间以后,另外一件事情发生的方式1...passed and then2.some time later3.some passed before...wrap up 包裹It had been wrapped up in newspaper by somebody. (用报纸包用 &in& , 不能用 &by& )half the money 钱的一半half 直接加在名词前表示 &一半& half an hour 半个小时 / half a year 半年together with = with 介词短语作状语,表示随它一起的还有...I with my son went there. 我带着我的儿子去了My son and I went there.a note which said...The picture said...图片上说Newspaper said...报纸上说Note said....纸条上说some more money 又有一些钱 (more : 又, 再)in time = in the end 最终pay back 还回来In the way : 以这种方式...per cent
adv作副词总结learn 得知 ; 与know 知道 不同while doingwith 表附带【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题3
Sam was taking his savings to the post office ______ he lost his wallet.a.when
d.just aswhile doing 两者同时发生while sb was doing 当....时候能用as的地方就可以用when,反之则不一定when后的时间表达即可以是点,也可以是段while后的时间表达只可以是段as等同于while.Answer: A7
Some more money was sent to Sam. Sam ______ some more money.a. sent
b. has sent
c. was sent
d. had sentsend=take/givesend/take/give sb sth双宾语一般用离动词最近的宾语来做被语动态的主语sent sb sth -& 变被动: sb be sent sthsend sth to sb -& 变被动 : sth be sent to sbanswer: C6
______ had it been wrapped up in? A newspaper.a. Where
d. What对名词提问用whatanswer: D10
How much did it contain? How much______ ?a. did it consist
b. was there in it
c. did it include
d. had itcontain/container : 与容器有关,或类似于容器的东西的包含include指一种抽象的包含answer: B12
______, all Sam's money was returned.a. At times
b. After a time
c. With the times
d. A long timea time一段时间, 不译为 &一次& , 一次用 &once& for a long timeafter a time = after some timeanswer : B9
The thief had ______ the wallet in newspaper.a.wound
d.boundanswer: Cwind : 主要指道路roll [????] v : 卷起来, 如: 滚雪球 / spring roll : 春卷bound [?????] 弹跳, 球类的弹跳
评论人: 评论日期: 19:08
&#167; Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★unload v. 卸(货)load v 装货★wooden adj. 木制的★extremely [???????????] adv. 非常, 极其extremely 把一个形容词或副词推到了极限,达到了无以复加的程度extremely beautifulI am tired. 我累了I am extremely tired. 我累极了★occur vi. 发生 (不及物)happen vi. 发生 (不及物)What happened/occured ?It happened to me... 这件事发生在我身上What happened to the clavichord?What's wrong with you? (以前我们会这么问)What happened to you? 什么事发生在你身上? It occured to me.... 我想起了一件事It occured to sb that....It occured to me that I didn't finish my homework. 我想起我还没完成作业I have a good idea.A good idea occured to me.sth occur to sbIt occurs to sb to do sth / It occurs to sb that...It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. 突然一个工人想到打开箱子看看sth occur to sb 某人突然想起某件事 (从后面往前面翻)★astonish [????????] vt.使惊讶如果一个动词跟人的情绪有关,则它的宾语是人, 其形容词有两个: 令人 - 感到 -edastonishing/astonishedsurprise/shock/astonish/astoundsurprise 最常用,但意思肤浅shock 不快的事情astonish 难以置信的事I am surprised.I am astonished.astound [????????] vt.使惊骇, 使大吃一惊 (非常吃惊, 目瞪口呆)I am surprised.--&astonished--&astounded--&shocked 惊讶程度递增★pile n. 堆★woollen n. 羊毛的★goods n. (常用复数)货物, 商品★discover v. 发现 (属于那种以前你不知道的事现在知道了)discovery n探索discovery [??????????] n.发现, 发明的东西★admit v. 承认deny sth/deny doingadmit sth/ admit doing sthI admit having lunch.★confine v. 关在或局限在某个地方(一个狭小的空间里)sb was confined to (一定会加 &to& )sb was confined to the room.★normal adj. 正常的, 通常的【Text】Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪First listen and then answer the question. 听录音, 然后回答以下问题. What did the man in this story do?When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes which contained clothing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. The man was ordered to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a ticket is $2,000!参考译文当一架来自伦敦的飞机抵达悉尼机场时, 工人们开始卸下装有服装的一批木箱. 其中有只箱子特别重, 可谁也弄不清是怎么回事. 突然一个工人想到打开箱子看看. 看到的情景使吃惊, 箱内有一个人正躺在一堆毛织品之上. 他由于被人发现而感到非常吃惊, 甚至都没有企图逃跑. 此人被逮捕后, 承认他是在飞机离开伦敦前躲进箱里的. 他经历了一次漫长而又难受的旅程, 因为他在那木箱里闷了18个多小时. 此人被责令交付旅费3,500英镑, 而正常票价是2,000英镑!【课文讲解】同位语从句重点:It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.Textoccur to sbit occur to sb to do sth/that...clothing/clothesclothing 在分类时强调衣服这一种类clothes 表示&衣服&的单数名词的复数形式, 表示许多衣服No one could...No one knows... 没有人知道account for = explain, 但也有区别, account 的解释必须是令人满意的, 而explain 却只要是一个解释就行account [???????] n.计算, 帐目, 说明, 估计, 理由 vi.说明, 总计有, 认为, 得分 vt.认为give the explanation一个句子跟在一个名词后,可以是: 1.定语从句; 2.同位语从句My friend Lucy: 同位语I know the fact that he doesn't know.I do know the fact that he doesn't know.区别:1.同位语从句后的that是起解释说明的作用, 而定语从句是起修饰作用2.that在从句中做主语或宾语成分,则是定语从句; that在从句中不能做主语或宾语成分,则是同位语从句be astonished at : 对什么感到吃惊用介词 &at& be surprised atwhat = the thing that...on top ofa pile ofpiles of snow : 一堆堆at the top of/on top of : 在...之上on top of 与顶端有接触面at the top of 在...上方(at the top of之前的词属于其之后的词的范围之内)so...that... 如此...以致于admit doing sthhave a tripfor:because: 文中这里强调事实, 而非原因be confined toover:more thanpay...for... 为...付钱pay 付钱cost of ...的花费, 费用the cost of government : 政府开支 It is too expensive! (expensive 意为贵得令人不能接受)dear : The book is dear 这本书有点贵dear [???] adj.昂贵的, 亲爱的 int.[表示惊讶, 怜悯等], Oh, ~!have a tripgo on a trip总结:It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box同位语从句be surprised atbe astonished atadmit doingbe confined to
评论人: 评论日期: 19:08
【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题2
The man had hidden in the box ______.a. to get to Sydney
b. because it contained woollen goodsc. to avoid paying the fare from London to Sydney d. because no one would find himbecause后面加原因to后面加目的avoid后面一定要加doing表示避免做某事: avoid doing fare车费,乘坐的交通工具的费用C.4
Which boxes contained clothing? ______.a.The wooden
b. The wood
c. The woody ones
d. The wooden onesA.The wooden adj. 木头的B.The wood 木头表示木头制的东西用woodenC. woody [?????] adj.多树木的, 木本的, 木头般的, 木制的D.The wooden ones √ones 是代词8
The boxes contained clothing. They contained ______.a. cloths
c. clothes
d. dressesanswer : C【Key structures】 关键句型Verbs followed by to, at, for and with (Compare KS22)与 to, at, for和 with连用的动词(对比第22课关键句型)We can put to, at, for and with after certain verbs.在一部分动词的后面可加上to, at, for和with. 对比 : Compare : I saw Tom yesterday. 昨天我见到了汤姆. I shall see to the dinner tonight. (I shall prepare it.)今晚我做晚饭. Use this list for reference : 请参考下表 : a
To: accustom(ed), amount, appeal, apply(or for), attach(ed), attend, belong, challenge, compare (or with), condemn(ed),confess, confine, consent, convert, entitle(d), listen mention, object, occur, prefer, react(or against), reply, respond,see, submit, surrender, turn, yield.与to连用的动词 : 习惯于; 达到; 呼吁; 适用于; 附属于; 参加; 属于; 向……提出挑战; 比较; 判刑; 承认; 限制; 同意; 改信(某宗教); 享有权利; 听; 提到; 反对; 想到; 更喜欢; 对……反应; 回答; 响应; 注意; 服从于; 向……投降; 转向; 屈服. b
AT: amused. (or by), arrive (or in), astonish (ed)(or by), exclaim, glance, guess, knock(SD 6), look (SD 37b), point (or to), shock(ed)(or by), stare, surprise(d) (or by), wonder (or about), work (or on).与at连用的动词 : 对……感到有趣; 到达; 感到惊愕; 惊叫; 对……看一眼; 猜测; 敲(第 6课难点); 看(第37课难点b); 指向; 感到震惊; 盯着……看; 感到惊讶; 感到惊异; 钻研. c
FOR: account, ask (or of), act(or on), apologize, blame, beg, call (SD 34), charge, exchange, hope, look, mistake, mourn, pay (SD 45b), prepare, provide, search, thank, vote (or on)(KS 22d), wait (or on).与 for连用的动词 : 说明(原因); 请求; 代表; 因……而道歉; 责备; 乞求; 需要(第 34课难点); 收费; 交换; 希望; 寻找; 误认为; 哀悼; 为……付款(第 45课难点 b); 准备; 提供; 寻求; 感谢; 投票支持(第 22课关键句型); 等候. d
WITH: agree, begin, communicate, compare (or to), compete (or against), comply, confuse, contrast(or to), cope,correspond, disgust(ed), finish, help(or in), interfere (or in), mix, occupy(ied), part, please(d), quarrel (or about),reason, satisfy (fied) (or by), threaten (ed).与with连用的动词 : 同意; 以……开始; 与……联络; 与……比较; 同……竞争; 同意; 误作; 形成对照; 对付; 与……一致; 使……讨厌; 完成; 帮助; 干扰; 混合; 从事于; 放弃; 对……满意; 争论; 规劝; 感到满足; 威胁.
Exercises 练习A
Point out verbs in the passage which are followed by to, at, or for.找出课文中与 to, at, for连用的动词. B
Supply the missing words (to, at, for and with) without referring to the above lists as far as possible:用 to, at, for或 with填空, 尽可能不查以上动词表 : 1
I don't agree ______ you.2
She preferred ______ wait ______him.3
We have been corresponding ______ each other for years.4
How do you account ______ this?5
Do you object ______ my smoking?6
I'm surprised ______ you!
You must reply ______ his letter.8
He has some important business to attend ________.9
Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car
Has it occurred ______ you that she must have arrived ______ London Airport by now?11
I was shocked ______ his indifference!12
You must comply ______ the rules of the game.13
Poor Mary! She has so much to cope ______!14
Please don't mention it ______ my husband, but I paid £50
______ this hat.15
She was quite unprepared ______the news.16
Don't blame me ______ the accident!17
I'm disgusted ______ your behaviour!18
You forgot to thank Aunt Jane ______ her19
It is rude to stare ______ people.20
I'm not satisfied ______ your work.21
His debt now amounts ______ £100.22
Mix the contents of this packet ______ a little ________ this?23
I knocked ______ the door.24
Whom does this book belong ______?25
I reasoned ______ him, but he would not listen ______me.26
She's accustomed ______ living in comfort. She'll never part ______ her precious possessions.27
At what time will you call ______me? better.28
The spy surrendered himself ______ the enemy and was condemned______ death.29
I've looked ______ it everywhere, but I can't find it.30
I'll see ______ the cooking tonight.31
I must apologize ______ keeping you waiting. exercise?32
The class failed to respond ______ the teacher's new methods.33
He turned ______ me for help, even after
I had quarrelled ______ him.34
Like Micawber, I hope ______something35
Please apply ______ the secretary for information.36
There was a note attached ______ the parcel.37
Just guess ______the price of this carpet.38
How long have you been working ______this39
The concert began ______ a piece by an unknown composer.40
How much did they charge you ______ that?
评论人: 评论日期: 19:08
&#167; Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★thirsty adj. 贪杯的thirsty 渴的I am thirsty for the book.be thirsty for / be hungry for 渴望得到(如饥似渴)★ghost n. 鬼魂ghost 强调魂, 并不是邪恶的象征'ghost' --- 影片《人鬼情未了》的英文名★haunt [?????] v. (鬼)来访, 闹鬼the ghost haunt. 闹鬼The ghost haunted the house. 这个房子闹鬼haunt=visit, 但不能应用于人的拜访★block v. 堵The pipe was blocked.★furniture [?????????] n.家具, 设备, 储藏物furniture不可数名词a piece of furniture 一件家具a set of furniture 一套家具★whisky n. 威士忌酒Scotch [?????] n一种上等的威士忌wine : 果酒,如葡萄酒,石榴酒beer : 啤酒brandy : 白兰地★suggest v. 暗示suggest 常用用法: 1.+that从句 ; 2.+doing★shake v. 摇动shook[???], shaken[???????], shaking[???????]★accept v. 接受accept:receive sth.with pleasure【Text】Lesson 47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂First listen and then answer the question. 听录音, 然后回答以下问题. What evidence is there of a ghost? A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted. He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr.Thompson shook his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.参考译文伊恩.汤普森先生最近才买的一个小酒店现在又要卖出去. 汤普森先生之所以想卖它, 是因为那里常闹鬼. 他告诉我有天夜里他怎么也睡不着, 因为他听到酒吧里传来一阵奇怪的响声. 第二天早上, 他发现酒吧间的门被椅子堵上了, 家具也被挪动过. 虽然汤普森临睡觉时把灯关了, 但早晨灯却都亮着. 他还说他发现了5只空的威士忌瓶子, 肯定是鬼魂昨天晚上喝的. 当我暗示说一定是村里有些人来喝不花钱的酒时, 汤普森先生摇了摇头. 村里的人已经告诉他, 即使他把小酒店白送人, 他们也不要. 【课文讲解】a public house 酒吧up for sale 有待出售on sale 打折卖for sale 拿出来卖的up for 有待于...This problem is up for discussion.这个问题有待于讨论hear sb.doing 听见某人正在做某事the next morning = next morning : &the& 可省略turn off 关闭The light is on.这个灯是亮着的the night before 前一天晚上 / last night 昨天晚上the week before 前一个星期 / last week 上个星期the day before 前一天 / yesterday 昨天the next day 下一天 / tomorrow 明天for : 表目的shake one's head 摇头nod one's head 点头even if 即使give away 捐献,免费的送【Multiple choice questions】 多项选择题7
The ghost must have drunk the whisky. In Mr. Thompson's opinion, the ghost ______ whisky.a.must drink
b.has got to drink
c.has to drink
d.should drinkin one's opinion 就某人看来,以某人观点,某人认为I think ... : 太过强调个人的主观性, 一般用in one's opinion更让人接受have to=have got toshould 可以是情态代词,表应该It's too late,I should go home.太晚了,我要回家了.must+v.(原型):1.必须做,2.很可能做
评论人: 评论日期: 19:08
&#167; Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗?【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★pull v. 拔pull vt拔,拉,. 反义词 push vt,推pull one's leg 开某人玩笑You are pulling my leg. 你在开我玩笑Don't pull my leg any more. 不要再开我玩笑You are kidding. 你在开玩笑no kidding! 不要开玩笑了!You are joking.joke [?????] n.笑话, 玩笑 v.(和...)开玩笑★cotton wool 药棉★collect v. 搜集collect salary 领工资collect money 筹集资金collect stamp 集邮collect children 收养孩子★collection n. 收藏品, 收集品★nod v. 点头★meanwhile adv. 同时meanwhile = at the same time = in the same time用法和 however 一样,不能连接两个句子,但是意思上有承接概念【Text】Lesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗?First listen and then answer the question. 听录音, 然后回答以下问题. Why did the writer become very worried?Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool. He knew I collected match boxes and asked me whether my collection was growing. He then asked me how my brother was and whether I liked my new job in London. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could not say anything. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.参考译文牙科医生们总是在你无法作出回答的时候向你提出问题. 我的牙科医生刚刚给我拔掉了一颗牙, 叫我休息一会儿. 我想说点什么, 但我嘴里塞满了药棉. 他知道我收集火柴盒, 于是问我收藏的米柴盒是否在增加. 接着他又问我的兄弟近来如何, 问我是否喜欢伦敦的新工作. 作为对这些问题的回答, 我不是点头, 就是发出奇怪的声音. 与此同时, 我的舌头正在忙着寻找刚拔掉的那颗牙的伤口. 我突然非常着急起来, 但却什么也说不出来. 当那位牙医最后将药棉从我嘴中取出时, 我总算有可能告诉他, 他拔错了牙. 【课文讲解】my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.be busy doing忙于做某事search out 找出判断是否是定语从句就看是否和前面的名词有关系where = 介词 + whichThat is the house which I lived in. 这是我住的房子That is the house where I lived.I swim in the river. 那就是我常常游泳的河where称为关系副词,另外还有when也是关系副词This is the river where I swim.where作定语从句的标志,修饰前面的hole.The tooth had been in the hole. (in the hole = where)in answer to 作为对...的回答 : in answer to your question, he...in return for 作为对...的报答【Multiple choice questions】 多项选择题11
Meanwhile my tongue was busy....______ my tongue was busy...a. However
b. In the mean time
c. Nevertheless
d.Althoughmeanwhile=at the same time =in the mean time
评论人: 评论日期: 19:10
&#167; Lesson 49 The end of a dream 美梦告终【New words and expressions】 生词和短语★tired adj 厌烦的be tired of sth/doing sth 讨厌做某事get tired of ...★real adj 真正的 (强调东西不是假的)true : 真挚, 真诚, 符合标准 (强调符合某个标准)体会 &real man /true man& 的区别★owner n 主人own v ★spring n 弹簧spring : 春天, 泉水
fountain人工喷泉★mattress n 床垫mat垫子 (如杯垫)cushion座垫★gust n 一阵风breeze : 微风gale 大风, (突发的)一阵风a gust of anger (一阵)无名火★sweep n 扫刮(swept/swept/,swept)blowsweep sth away把...刮走★smash v 碰碎, 摔碎smash sth into pieces把...摔成碎片crash : 受挤压而变碎The egg is easy to crash.break:打碎cut into pieces切碎, 剪碎tear into pieces撕碎crack : 裂cracker★courtyard [?????????] n 院子 (英音读音[??]读成 &雀& )backyard后院court院子,庭院yard院子★unhurt adj 没有受伤的★glance v 扫视glance atglare at瞪着(生气的)stare at盯着gaze at : 盯着(无限神往, 羡慕地看)★promptly adv 迅速地
promptly=at once, immediately★miraculously adv 奇迹般的【Text】Lesson 49
The end of a dream
美梦告终 First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.
How did the dream end?Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he woke up, he was still on the mattress. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again. 参考译文
德黑兰的一个年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦, 于是积蓄多年买了一张真正的床. 他平生第一次自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧又带床垫的床. 由于天气很热, 他便把床搬到了他的屋顶上. 头两天晚上, 他睡得非常好. 但第三天晚上起了风暴. 一阵大风把床从屋顶上刮了下来, 把它摔碎在下面的院子里. 那年轻人直到床撞到地上才醒了过来. 尽管床摔成了碎片, 但年轻人却奇迹般地没有受伤. 他醒来时, 仍然躺在床垫上. 年轻人看了一眼周围的碎木片和碎金属片, 伤心地捡起了床垫, 把它拿进了屋. 他把床垫往地板上一放, 很快又睡着了.
【课文讲解】be tired of : 对......感到厌倦如果一个名词和一个代词分别做主句和从句地主语, 能把事物说清楚地名词习惯放在主句做主语Tired of sleeping on the floor,... . . 用形容词短语直接做状语I always go to bed hungry.
用形容词直接做状语Worried about my daughter, Lucy, she went to London to visit Lucy.I went home. I am tired. =& I went home tiredI went home excited.for the first time in one's life平生第一次He became the proud owner of a bed. He became the proud father of a baby. 译为 : 我自豪的成为一个孩子的父亲了. on to 类似与 in to: 不但有 &去& 的概念还有把它放到 &on上面& 或 &in 里面& 的概念Lift sth on to the cart.for the first two nights头两天晚上I study hard for the first three days.for the last three nights最后三天晚上blow up(adv)风越刮越大(程度在加深)speak up大声点off = down from/away frombelow : 直接放在被修饰词之后作定语一个句子中不能出现两个动词 : 如果出现了两个动词, 用and, but连接; 或者把其中一个作为非谓语动词(to do(表目的); -ed(表被动); -ing(表主动))although 尽管 : though 虽然, 意义差不多, 以从句出现crash vi(不及物动词)直接用主动形式, smash一般用作及物动词glancing at=be glancingbits = pieceslie (lay lain) vi (不及物动词), 后面一定要加 &around& , 不能说成 &lay him& 只有谓语动词才会把它变成几种时态动词的ing形式一定强调某一个名词之间的主动关系【Key structures】 关键句型主语从句what she did .../ It is easy that we learn English.(It 形式主语)宾语从句间接引语I am sorry (that) I am late.定语从句 who,which,that状语从句让步状语 although原因状语 because, as, since条件状语 if, 时间状语until, after, before, as , as soon as 结果状语 so......that.....目的状语 to, in order tofollowing his mom, he went there.(主动概念, 跟着他母亲去了那儿)followed by his mom, he went there. (被动概念, 被他母亲带着跟着去了那儿)【letter writing】书信写作第二行如要退格是退5个字符, 现在西方都是顶格写. 写business letter, 参照范本【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题3、______ the hot weather, he couldn't sleep indoors.a. Because b. Because of c. As d. Forbecause,
for+句子 : 不能加词组answer :Bbecause the weather is hot...5、How ______ did he sleep?a. good
d. nicehow对形容词或者副词提问He slept well.how本题中, 对程度副词提问answer:Bthe tree is tallhow tall is the treehe sang songs beautifullyhow beautifully did he sing6、Where was the courtyard?a. Down.
d. Bottom.Courtyard
院子answer: Cdown在......下(向下):go down, sit downunder prep. +宾语below adv 下面, 表示一种状态bottom n★7、He looked at the bits of wood and metal ______ around him.a. laying
d. lied...that lay around him定语从句laying(lay) vt 放; lay the egg(下蛋)lying(lie)vi lie in bedlaid(lay)vtlie, lied, lied撒谎answer:C过去分词属于非谓语动词, 做定语时与被修饰词形成被动关系如把选择变为 : &a. lay b. lain c. lying d. lied& 再仔细考虑!8 A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof. The wind blew very ______.a. hard
c. quickly
d. soona gust of wind 一阵风hard修饰动词, 表示程度大study hard: 努力学习9 The bed crashed into the courtyard. It ______ the courtyard.a. smashed
b. knocked
d.explodedcrash vi (不及物)从上往下掉, 摔碎smash vt (及物)敲击knock v 敲击explode v 爆炸struck v 撞击answer: C11 He glanced at the bits of wood and metal. He ______ the bits of wood and metal.a. looked quickly at
b. had a glimpse of
c. stared at
d.watchedglance at(漫不经心的)扫视,(主动的看)look quickly at快速地看had a glimpse of(无意识的)看stare at 盯着看watch 注视, 密切关注answer: A
评论人: 评论日期: 19:10
&#167; Lesson 50 Taken for a ride
乘车兜风【New words and expressions】 生词和短语★ride n 旅行trip(出差性的)旅行travel(周游世界性的)旅行journey(陆地上的)旅行flight(空中)旅行voyage(海上)旅行tour游玩sightseeing观光游ride v 骑(车, 马)★excursion n 远足excursion n 游玩, 郊游(距离不会很远)weekend's excursion 周末游Tomorrow we will have (a day's excursion 一日游)★conductor n 售票员 (在火车上称为列车员)★view n 景色sight n 景色, 视线, 视野in one's view=in one's opinion就某人看来view n 景色(主观性较强)sight n景色, 视线, 视野(强调客观)Can I have a room with a good view?【Text】Lesson 50
Taken for a ride
乘车兜风First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题. Why did the writer not get off the bus at Woodford Green?I love travelling in the country, but I don't like losing my way.I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer thanI expected.‘I'm going to Woodford Green,’I said to the


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