美中不足的是 英语英语翻译 美中不足用英语怎么说

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英文翻译insufficient quantitylazy weightquantity not sufficientquantity shortage&&&& m ...&&&& de ...&&&& qua quantitynotsufficient&&&&vary in amount&&&&underproduce&&&&undercapacity&&&&short weight&&&&undercharge&&&&moisture deficit&&&& underdose&&&&precipitation deficit&&&& underfeed&&&& energy shortage&&&&underdose&&&&shortage of heat&&&&undercapacity&&&& watershortage&&&&oligemia&&&&hypovolemia&&&&insufficient reinforcement&&&&mass deficiency&&&& under
...&&&&underweight&&&&insufficient capacity of card number&&&&contents short weight
例句与用法Insufficient supply of notebook computers手提电脑数量不足Claims for shortage , some electrical appliances invoiced but not delivered索赔数量不足,有些电气用品开过发票,但却未到货。 But also : at certain times in history , to make up for shortages of official money历史上曾有过一些例子,就是官方发行的货币数量不足,因此以伪制货币来作充撑Buffer passed into a routine does not contain a sufficient number of elements to complete the operation传入例程的缓冲区所含元素数量不足,无法完成该操作。 To help with official registration of papers and delivery of the equipment to the client for separate payment客户反映货物数量不足时,代理人须立刻通知委托人。 1 the buyer has the full right for raising claims in case of short - shipment , non - delivery or defective state of the commodities consigned买方有权对发货数量不足,不发货或者有缺陷的货物进行索赔。 The pygmy hippopotamus stands about one metre high and is native to west africa . numbers in the wild have fallen to below 2000 since 1993只有1米多高的矮脚河马生活在西非,从1993年起这种动物在野外的数量不足2000只。 Poverty in education is manifested to be inadequate in the quantity , low in quality , and poor in salary and living conditions of teachers贫困的结果投射于教育,表现之一就是教师数量不足、质量不高、待遇和生活境况偏低。 When the reactants are not enough , we perform the policy , which allot the reactant according to the reaction speed并在反应物的数量不足时,进行了按反应速度进行分配的策略,而不是简单地把反应物数量不足的化学反应通道关闭。 The human resources in west regions have following basic characteristics : limited numbers , uneven distribution , low efficiency of application and serious polarization我国西部人才资源的基本特征是:数量不足、分布不均、使用效率低下、 “两极化”现象严重。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
其他语种:faiblesse du nombre
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[měizhōngbùzú] everything is fine except for one small defect (idiom); the fly in the ointment
[evriθi?] pron.每件事物,万事 [fain] adj.美好的,优良的,杰出的,精美的,杰出的,细,纤细,纯粹 n.罚款,罚金,晴天,精细 vt.罚款,精炼,澄清 vi.变清,变细 adv.很好,妙,[常用于构成复合词]细微地,精巧地 [ik'sept] vt.除,把...除外,反对,不计 vi.反对 prep.除了...之外,若不是,除非 conj.只是,要不是 [w?n] pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的 [sm?:l] adj.小的,少的 [di'fekt] n.过失,缺点 [idi?m] n.成语,方言,土语,习惯用语 [flai] n.苍蝇,两翼昆虫,飞行 vi.飞翔,飘扬,溃逃 vt.飞越,使飘扬,逃脱 adj.机敏的,敏捷的单词美中不足的英汉对照例句总的来说,这篇文章写得不坏,但是有些小错,因此显得美中不足。The essay is well-done on the whole. It is, however, marred here and there by slight inaccuracies.那是一个非常好的聚会,美中不足的是,主人喝醉了,并开始辱骂每一个人。It was a very good party. The only fly in the ointment was that the host got drunk and started abusing everybody!撇开少了一些盾牌不说,唯一的美中不足就是第一排第一个士兵在持盾之后有点重心不稳,使得很容易被打翻。Apart from the lack of some sidearms the only criticism we have is that the first figure in row one is a bit overbalanced when he carries his shield making him easy to knock over.尽管有美中不足之处,沙札姆的技术仍然很了不起。Despite the shortfalls shazam's technology is impressive.提交更多美中不足的相关例句
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