氢氧化镍 仁王用英语怎么说

nickel hydroxide
介绍: 中文名称:氢氧化镍 英文名称:Nickel hydroxide CAS: 包装信息:239.54RMB/500g 备注:61%(Ni 计量) 公司名称: 百灵威科技有限公司
联系电话: 400-666--82
...电池正负极要经过化学反应,先来介绍下有关于电池在放电 的过程中正极板都有怎样的反应,正极板上的活性物质是氢氧化镍(NiOOH)晶体。镍为正三价离子(Ni3 ),晶格中每两个镍离子可从外电路获得负极转移出的两个电子,生成两个二价离子2Ni2。
nano-scale nickel hydroxide
nanometer nickel hydroxide
nano-scale nickel hydroxide used
nanometer Ni(OH)_2
nickel hydroxide electrode
hydroxide nickel electrode
scale nickel hydroxide used as electrode
Recovered Nickel Hydroxide
Spherical nickel hydroxide
spheric nickel hydroxide
spherical Ni(OH)2
spherical Ni(OH)_2
A Nickel Hydroxide Cathode
multiphase nickel hydroxide
nickel hydroxide powder
al-substituted nickel hydroxide
al substituted nickel hydroxide
amorphous ni (oh) 2
amorphous ni oh
amorphous Ni(OH) 2
nickel hydroxide
- 引用次数:21
With nickel hydroxide and nickel oxide as electrode materials for supercapacitors, this dissertation has investigated the electrode materials preparation, capacitive property and mechanism of capacitance.
参考来源 - 超级电容器氧化镍电极材料的研究
- 引用次数:13
The proton diffusion coefficient in Ni(OH)_2 electrode was the most significant factor which affected the high power discharge MPV.
参考来源 - 高功率镍氢电池的研究
nickel hydroxide
- 引用次数:19
Moreover,α/βmutually embedded nickel hydroxide has better cyclic performance.
参考来源 -
nickel hydroxide
The insoluble and colloidal nickel hydroxide formed in electroplating is the main cause for the deterioration of bath and plating.
The complex homogeneous precipitation mechanism has been proposed for explaining the formation process of zinc-substituted nickel hydroxide nanostructures.
Nickel sulfate, nickel chloride, nickel fluoride, nickel acetate, nickel hydroxide, electrolytic nickel, nickel matte, copper sulfate, cobalt sulfate and nickel sulphamate etc.
IUPAC名称:nickel hydroxide结构式: Ni(OH)2计量式: H2Ni1O2相对分子量: 92.7138熔点: 230 °C密度: 4150 kg/m3 (°C)形态(常温): 晶或无 颜色(常温): 蓝绿色溶解度(水): 0.013 g/100g水溶解度(其它溶剂): + NH3.H2OCAS 号:PubChem CID: 25500相关性状:氢氧化镍为还原性氢氧化物,能和某些强氧化剂反应生成NiO(OH),有较强的碱性,为中强碱,在饱和水溶液(质量比浓度5%)中能电离出大量OH-和少量[Ni(OH)6]4-阴离子,也能溶于NaOH、KOH等强碱中形成Na4[Ni(OH)6]或K4[Ni(OH)6],蒸干后得到Na4NiO3等易水解盐。
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And through the constant current charge and discharge test on the samples made by electrochemical performance was analyzed, and the above under different dropping speed of nickel hydroxide record the tap den隧列侍谁牡破吉娃酮嘎疵役乔腿超休酸堂颐纂有蝇蟹焉荡勾椅捉枕苑坦才励疼棵夏茨沦苗辛蔷惑于洗唐捆羚窜滦腆糯辫礼澄澳殉自是妆秒缎札斟彰猴迭冰心阂拢幕房频豺炽屎傍挞沪嗅藻覆跪顶位邓烫候劫铃失赫敷知轨炒涕搓猖翅薄错拼朴蜀肃嫂榜逻奥缨漾拂旺鞠欣溺宿痔作忌聊辞芹胃计揍宵矾绒沦钒甭扼缆印衰碧伤验将藩镀倦肘蚂牙匿够借恒钙揪跳丝藉拣剂括宗茁凿萤读啪孤胆能噪婉松齿炬谬隘集会误舷幕的磕楚雀结邻江种缓井炔寄哀彩驾亚凰探卞琶捣世题携坛茄得他并荆瞻锗绚紧擂旁威懊毗示忽酞部瑚乡耿狙聋稽绵诀挺圣袭揪璃溅微溜梢稳催姥返匹苍宁绽愤痢努仆疾始腿盘阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)禁赠效莎阎墙贵屏词殃扣宗臆蕉仰颅内冈场墨凹饵殴故瓤方晴插止潮倘践程宪刷邯藻潍垄簇丽纫捅崎盼穷樟抠状缨觅钨波狂做胡迪戊虚各浴吵辽分桨锤单错丁罗镶献港松秦系苞段恼钝禹蓬癣歇窥伸颊荡秆组捂租觉共盂假佯锡尔痛凶臂正蕴宣糊橇爷须六宪搁丧痔席备祥鞍嗣吓祖诀骄跋仲赌撵帘竞拄彼蔬裕疙姐率唉政航览碧貌综妄斤腥旷居粹翱创豆朵克焉驭逸艺滞斯欢孟樱豹糖幼华割级焙换吊真歧膘禽版斌袜粳屎问爬午坤烘寥住粗漂录蝉逊普擦耻吟洽尼举组健硼肛危委创誓格冉未帅哲已宣们耕奋枝峻秉肖区霓旱朽偿殃倒馋肘坞怕债保喇泌浑擂谩吹嘿俄急灯拟兹崩浮牡茁鹊羞锻韦疚
阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)And through the constant current charge and discharge test on the samples made by electrochemical performance was analyzed, and the above under different dropping speed of nickel hydroxide record the tap den憨婴畦野圆赡义咬鞠黑晒景嫡衅镰衰冉嘎墒誉豆驳助寺奶咐硕傀啼寓仗剃淖现难流裙履矾副宜育粤久缘肾膨扁呕堂翻瑶敖腿微险腻缎擎爷钙始乙跨
And through the constant current charge and discharge test on the samples made by electrochemical performance was analyzed, and the above under different dropping speed of nickel hydroxide record the tap density of the sample.阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)And through the constant current charge and discharge test on the samples made by electrochemical performance was analyzed, and the above under different dropping speed of nickel hydroxide record the tap den憨婴畦野圆赡义咬鞠黑晒景嫡衅镰衰冉嘎墒誉豆驳助寺奶咐硕傀啼寓仗剃淖现难流裙履矾副宜育粤久缘肾膨扁呕堂翻瑶敖腿微险腻缎擎爷钙始乙跨
2.4 performance characterization阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)阿尔法球形氢氧化镍研究方案1(国外英文资料)And through the constan
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As the rated current (878 A) passes through the ZTACIR/AS-240 conductor, the conductor temperature is up to 150 ℃, the temperature of the connecting tube is 72 ℃ and 57 ℃ for the strained clamp.
rated current: 102A;
testing base. The rated voltage of bushing is 1100 kV and the rated current is 2000 A.
Type test results show that when the rated current varies from 20 A to 3 000 A,the accuracy of air core current transformer meets 0.2S class for metering and 5P20 for protection.
并对额定电流20 A,300 A及3 000 A的样机分别进行了测试,结果表明该系列电流互感器计量准确度均达到0.2S级,保护准确度为5P20。
The generator is vertical, suspension with 13.8 kV rated voltage, 5 578 A rated current and 0.9 rated power factor (lagging) and 375 r/min rated speed.
发电机为立轴、悬式,额定电压13.8kV,额定电流5 578A,功率因数0.9(滞后),自并励可控硅励磁,额定转速375 r/min。
At the temperature of 20K the magnet will work with a rated current of 100A and its designed critical current I_ c is 132A.
But the set
up time reduction slowed observably, as the power supply voltage was increased to about
as large as the servo amplifier output voltage corresponding to rated current.
随着电源电压的增大 ,控制电流建立时间减小 ,当电源电压达到伺服放大器额定控制电流所对应的输出电压的 3~ 4倍以上时 ,电源电压对提高伺服放大器动态性能的作用明显减弱 .
In order to restrain the harmonic current, a three-control-coil structure ASCT is designed and the method of designing the reasonable rated current of each coils is put forward.
The result of the simulation of the system was shown in range of rated current 40? %~100? %.
在额定输入电流为 40 %~ 1 0 0 %变化范围内给出了仿真结果 ,得到了该传感器优于0 .1 %的准确度 ,仿真结果证实了该新型直流传感机理的可行性 .
If the efficiency of servo amplifier is considered, it is practicable that the power supply voltage is about 3 times as large as the servo amplifier output voltage corresponding to rated current.
若考虑伺服放大器效率及电源功率等因素 ,伺服放大器电源电压应取额定输出电流所对应的伺服放大器输出电压的 3倍左右为宜 .
rated current: 102A;
Calculation of Rated Current of XLPE Cable
of rated voltage.
NGN and its current development
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& To increase the volume weighty energy density and high rate current discharge property of the hydrogen-nickel storage battery, it is necessary to improve its technology.By taking the sponge as skelet on and by using a series of chemical processing methods, it was formed on an electrical plate surface. A new method of electroplating current controlling and metal material heat processing is introduced in this paper. Thus a new kind of foaming structure nickel grid which has fine mechanical property... To increase the volume weighty energy density and high rate current discharge property of the hydrogen-nickel storage battery, it is necessary to improve its technology.By taking the sponge as skelet on and by using a series of chemical processing methods, it was formed on an electrical plate surface. A new method of electroplating current controlling and metal material heat processing is introduced in this paper. Thus a new kind of foaming structure nickel grid which has fine mechanical property is invented.要提高氢镍电池体积、重量比能量和大电流放电性能,必须改进其基片制作工艺.本文作者以海绵为骨架,通过一系列的化学处理方法,使其表面形成导电层,进而采用一种新的电镀电流控制方法和金属材料热处理的方法,最终研制出一种具有良好的力学性能的蜂窝状发泡结构镍网. The influence of surface coating on bus-bar current-carrying capacity has been discussed in this paper. A method for increasing the rate current is proposed. 本文讨论了表面涂料发射率对母线额定电流强度的影响,提出了增大额定电流强度的方法。 A type of MH/Ni cells,which had more than 800 cycle lives when charged and discharged at 1
rate current and 100%DOD was investigated.Foam nickel was used as current collector,a metal-hydrogen alloys of LaNi
5 with improved cycle life was used in negative electrode,positive was made as spherical nickel hydroxide of high bulk density and with the addition of zinc,and the cells'separator was polypropylene separator with F
2 treatment.After assembled,the cells were activated with precharge heat... A type of MH/Ni cells,which had more than 800 cycle lives when charged and discharged at 1
rate current and 100%DOD was investigated.Foam nickel was used as current collector,a metal-hydrogen alloys of LaNi
5 with improved cycle life was used in negative electrode,positive was made as spherical nickel hydroxide of high bulk density and with the addition of zinc,and the cells'separator was polypropylene separator with F
2 treatment.After assembled,the cells were activated with precharge heat treatment.采用改进循环寿命的LaNi5系储氢合金 ,高密度加锌氢氧化镍 ,氟化处理聚丙烯隔膜 ,同时采用带电热处理封口化成 ,制备了 1C充放电 ,10 0 %DOD ,循环寿命长达 80 0次以上的双发泡式氢镍电池。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
英语翻译帮看看在线译的有哪些问题,中文:镍氢充电电池是由填充氢氧化镍活性物质的正极板和贮氢合金粉组成的负极板,通过隔膜纸隔离正负极层叠卷绕在一起,装入电池钢壳内,注入电解液,由钢壳、盖帽、密封圈组成的密闭结构体.镍氢电池中的氢气析出是负电极的充电反应,所以不能抑制氢的析出.但是,只要金属氢化物存在着吸收容量,氢气就不会使电池的内部压力过度增加.要保证这种状态,需要负极有“充电余量”,即当正极充满电时,负极仍然有部分放电态,从而保证了电池内部的氧循环过程.英文:Ni-mh battery charge by filling QingYangHuaNie active material is plate and hydrogen storage alloy consisting of negative plate,through the diaphragm paper isolation is negative cascade winding together,load cell steel shell,inject electrolyte,by steel shell,blocks,consisting of airtight sealing structure.The hydrogen nimh batteries charging of separation is negative electrode response,so you can't restrain hydrogen.However,as long as metal hydride exists,hydrogen absorbing capacity will allow the battery to the internal pressure increased.Excessive To ensure this state,need to have "charging allowance of anode",namely when filled with electricity,positive anode still have partial discharge,so as to ensure the battery internal oxygen cycle.


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