
- 托福考试 】
  STEP 1
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  STEP 6
一 : 托福不同分数段能上哪所美国大学大家知道,托福语言成绩一直是申请海外高校的硬性要求。()但并不是每个同学都能考出托福100的分数,那么不同分数段的成绩都能申请哪些美国大学呢?下面小编就这个问题为大家详细解析。根据数据,在美国排名前五十的院校中,要求托福成绩在100分以上,但计划赴美留学的中国学生托福预测分数在100分以上的仅占9%,40%的学生预测托福分数在80分以下。美国新闻周刊(US News)最新发布的最新全美高校排名,列出了前100位(Top 100)大学的基本托福成绩要求。(没有列出的学校是没有明确的托福要求)托福成绩60-80 分可申请美国大学名单University of Connecticut康涅狄格大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分。University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分 。University of Washington,Seattle华盛顿大学(西雅图分校) | 本科:有力的竞争者的托福成绩在92分以上,申请人的托福总成绩不得低于76分。Worcester Polytechnic Institute伍斯特理工学院学校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分,雅思总成绩不得低于6.5分,听说读写各单项不得低于6.0分。University of Minnesota Twin Cities明尼苏达大学双城 | 本科:托福最低申请分数79分。Michigan State University密歇根州立大学 | 本科:正常录取要求申请人托福最低申请分数为79分(听说读写单项不低于17分)。Baylor University贝勒大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为76分。Indiana University,Bloomington印地安纳大学伯明顿分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分。Marquette University马凯特大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数76分,其中听力、阅读不低于18分,口语和写作不低于20分。The University of Alabama阿拉巴马大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为71分。University of Colorado Boulder科罗拉多大学波尔得分校 | 工程学专业:托福最低申请分数为83分;所有其他专业 托福最低申请分数为76分。Auburn University奥本大学 | 本科:申请人托福最低申请分数为79分。Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为79分,听力不低于21分,阅读不低于20分,写作不低于17分,口语不低于21分。University of Missouri密苏里大学 | 本科:文理学院、农业学院、工程学院、人类环境科学院、自然资源学院要求申请人托福成绩不低于61分,商业和公共管理学院要求申请人托福成绩在79分以上,教育学、医疗事业、新闻学院、护理学院要求申请人托福成绩不低于100分。托福成绩80-100 分可申请美国大学名单University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校 | 本科:托福成绩不得低于80分。University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校 | 本科:托福成绩不得低于83分。University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校 | 本科:要求的最低托福分数在88到100分之间(可能根据领域不同有差别),托福听力和阅读在23分以上,写作和口语在21分以上。Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学 | 本科:最低录取托福成绩为90分。Pennyslvania State University-University Park Campus 宾州州立大学帕克分校 | 本科:最低录取托福成绩为80分。University of California Davis加州大学戴维斯分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。39 University of California San Diego加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为83分。Boston University 波士顿大学 | 本科:文理学院、教育学院、工程学院、艺术学院、酒店管理、健康和恢复科学、Sargent学院要求托福总成绩不低于82分,其中写作部分不低于22分,口语部分不低于23分,写作部分不低于21分,听力部分不低于18分。传播学院、General Studies和管理学院要求申请人托福成绩不低于91分,其中写作部分不低于22分,口语部分不低于23分,阅读部分不低于25分,听力部分不低于21分。University of Wisconsin Madison威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 | 本科:已经录取申请人的托福分数范围为95—105分之间。University of Miami迈阿密大学 | 本科:无条件录取的最低托福申请分数是80分,需要学习语言课程的最低申请分数是61分。Yeshiva University叶史瓦大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为84分,其中写作和阅读部分成绩不低于21分。(相比2013年,该校托福总成绩要求提高2分,并对写作和阅读部分作出要求)。Northeastern University东北大学 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于92分,其中阅读部分不得低于22分,听力部分不得低于22分, 口语部分不得低于24分,写作部分不得低于22分。但是托福成绩在100分以下的学生会被要求在注册前参加内部评估。University of California Irvine加州大学欧文分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。University of Florida佛罗里达大学 | 本科(转校生):托福最低申请分数为80分。对于大一新生申请人,可以不提供托福成绩。Fordham University福特汉姆大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为90分。Pepperdine University佩珀代因大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。Southern Methodist University南卫理公会大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。The University of Georgia佐治亚大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。Brigham Young University Provo杨百翰大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分,其中听说读写各部分不低于20分。Syracuse University雪城大学 | 本科:以下学院要求申请人托福最低为80分School of Education,L.C. Smith College of Engineering andComputer Science,David B.Falk,College of Sport and Human Dynamics,School of Information Studies,College of Visual and Performing Arts S.I. Newhouse School of Communications要求托福最低为100分 Whitman School of Management,School of Architecture要求托福成绩最低为90分。 61阅读提醒您本文地址:The University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学 | 托福100分以上,各项不低于21分被认为是有力竞争分数。托福成绩在95—99直接会被重审,口语低于21分可能会被面试。Clemson University克莱姆森大学 | 本科:托福总成绩不得低于79或80分。Purdue University--West Lafayette 普渡大学西拉法叶分校 | 本科:工程学院、科学学院、管理学院要求托福总成绩不低于88分。其中听力部分不得低于16分,写作部分不得低于18分,口语部分不得低于18分,阅读部分不得低于19分。Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick新泽西州立大学新布朗斯威克学院 | 本科:除护理学院以外, 其他学院托福最低要求为79分,护理学院为100分。Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University弗吉尼亚理工大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为90分,听说读写各单项不得低于20分。The University of Iowa爱荷华大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,其中听说读写单项不低于17分。American University美国大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为90分,其中听说读写各单项不得低于20分。Clark University克拉克大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,雅思最低申请分数为6.5分。University of Delaware特拉华大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数90分,护理专业最低录取托福分数为100分。Stevens Institute of Technology斯蒂文斯理工学院 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分。Stony Brook University SUNY纽约州立大学石溪分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。Texas Christian University德克萨斯基督教大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分。University of California Santa Cruz加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分。University of Tulsa塔尔萨大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,其中阅读部分不低于15分,听力部分不低于15分,口语部分不低于18分,写作部分不低于17分。Florida State University佛罗里达州立大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分,雅思最低申请分数为6.5分。University of Denver丹佛大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分, 其中听说读写各单项不得低于20分。University of Massachusetts Amherst马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区 | 本科:托福最低申请分数80分。University of San Diego圣迭戈大学 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为80分(SAT Critical Reading 部分成绩在520分以上的申请人可以申请免除提供托福成绩或者雅思成绩。)Binghamton University SUNY纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学 | 本科:Harpur College of Arts and SThomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied SCollege of Community and Public Affairs三个学院要求托福最低成绩83分 School of MDecker School of Nursing两个学院要求托福最低成绩90分托福成绩要求100 分以上美国大学名单Yale University耶鲁大学 | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100 分Columbia University哥伦比亚大学 | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。芝加哥大学(University of Chicago) | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。Duke University杜克大学 | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 本科:托福最低录取分数为100分。University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学 | 本科:有竞争力的申请人的托福成绩在100分以上。Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院 | 本科:托福或雅思成绩均接受 大多数被录取的学生的托福总成绩在100分以上。Northwestern University西北大学 | 本科:托福或雅思成绩均接受 不设立最低语言成绩要求 但是展示出较高英语能力的申请人的平均托福成绩在105分以上。Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学 | 本科:托福成绩要求:26 (Reading), 26 (Listening), 22 (Writing), and 25 (Speaking)如果申请人的SAT Reasoning Test的Critical Reading部分成绩在670分以上,托福成绩可以免除。Brown University布朗大学 | SAT Critical Reading 部分成绩在650分以上的申请人可以申请免除托福成绩。托福或者雅思成绩都接受。最低托福成绩为100分。Cornell University康奈尔大学 | 本科托福成绩不得低于100分。Vanderbilt University范德堡大学 | 本科托福成绩不得低于100分。Rice University莱斯大学 | 本科托福成绩不得低于100分。Emory University埃默里大学 | 本科:SAT Critical Reading的成绩在650分以上可以免除托福成绩。申请人托福总成绩不能低于100分。Carnegie Mellon University卡内基大学 | 本科:托福成绩不得低于102分。University of Southern California南加州大学 | 本科:托福总成绩不得低于100分(听说读写各项不低于20分),SAT Critical Reading在600分以上可以不提供托福成绩。Tufts University塔夫斯大学 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于100分。the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于100分。Boston College波士顿学院 | 本科:申请人托福总成绩不得低于100分。New York University(NYU)纽约大学 | 本科:没有托福或雅思最低成绩要求,但是申请成功的同学托福成绩在100分以上。College of William and Mary威廉玛丽学院 | 本科:托福或者雅思成绩都接受,最低录取托福成绩为100分。University of Rochester罗切斯特大学 | 本科:最低录取托福成绩为100分,其中,写作、听力不低于25分,口语不低于24分,阅读不低于26分,107分以上的托福成绩更有竞争力。Tulane University杜兰大学 | SAT Critical Reading 部分成绩在600分以上的申请人可以申请免除托福成绩。托福或者雅思成绩都接受。成功的申请人的托福成绩在100分以上。University of Maryland College Park马里兰大学帕克分校 | 本科:托福最低申请分数为100分。Texas A&M University德州A&M大学--College Station | 本科:托福最低申请成绩为100分。 61阅读提醒您本文地址: 61阅读提醒您本文地址:二 : 78GRE学校院系送分代码(各年通用)Listening.Learning. Leading .2005-06Graduate Record Examinations?Test Center ListsandCode Lists? Institution Codes (including Fellowship Sponsors) ? Department & Major Field Codes ? Citizenship & Country or Region Codes ? Abbreviations ? State & Territory Codeswww.ets.org/greCopyright ? 2005 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.This publication may be photocopied.Register online at www.ets.org/gre. It’s fast and easy!There may be additions, deletions, or changes to this test center list during the testing year. For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/cbttest.html.Testing is available year-round. Register early to get your preferred test date and to avoid the crowded testing period of November through January. The centers indicated by * are colleges anduniversities. Register online or call Prometric at 1-800-GRE-CALL (1-800-473-2255) or the test center directly to scheduleyour appointment.ALABAMA11
*7720 Birmingham Decatur Dothan Mobile Montgomery Tuscaloosa (205) 871-) 350-) 677-) 344-) 262-) 348-) 276-) 474-) 523-) 932-) 932-) 965-) 621-) 230-) 575-) 484-) 972-) 663-8280 COLORADO*7559 Boulder ALASKA5210 Anchorage *7734 Fairbanks (303) 735- Colorado Springs (719) 559- Denver (303) 352- Englewood/Greenwood Village (720) 493- Fort Collins (970) 491- Grand Junction (970) 255- Greenwood Village/Englewood (720) 493- Longmont (303) 485-3218 IDAHO2000 Garden City *7565 Moscow *7538 Pocatello (208) 321-) 885-) 282-) 529-) 244-) 641-) 641-) 641-) 641-) 641-) 798-) 916-) 559-) 683-) 546-) 748-0074 MARYLAND * 46 5476 ILLINOIS 36 09 07
*02 ARIZONA*17 * Flagstaff Goodyear Goodyear Tempe Tucson Arkadelphia Fayetteville Fort Smith Jonesboro Little Rock CONNECTICUT0048 Glastonbury 5480 Glastonbury 2403 Hamden 2416 Norwalk (860) 633-) 633-) 287-) 847-) 831-) 998-3817 ARKANSASDELAWARECBT Test Centers
91 08 *15 10 44
Newark 9065 Wilmington Carbondale Champaign Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Homewood Lombard Northbrook Peoria Spring?eld Sycamore Bloomington Evansville Ft Wayne Indianapolis Indianapolis Lafayette Mishawaka Muncie Terre Haute MASSACHUSETTS *70 06
* Baltimore Bethesda College Park Frostburg Lanham Salisbury Towson Towson (443) 923-) 718-) 314-) 687-) 552-) 341-) 823-) 823-) 345-) 345-) 531-) 221-) 221-) 525-) 853-) 853-) 477-) 477-) 577-) 355-) 957-) 372-) 462-) 774-) 321-) 253-) 643-) 755-) 723-) 820-) 820-) 624-) 477-) 292-) 654-) 702-) 266-) 366-) 325-) 844-) 915-) 394-) 884-) 895-) 636-) 235-) 785-) 524-) 671-) 977-) 882-0740 Boston Boston Bridgewater Burlington Burlington East Longmeadow Worcester Worcester Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Detroit East Lansing Grand Rapids Lansing Livonia Mt. Pleasant Portage Sault Ste Marie Troy Bemidji Duluth Edina Edina Minneapolis Moorhead Rochester St. Cloud Woodbury Hattiesburg Jackson Mississippi State Tupelo University Ballwin Columbia Hazelwood Jefferson City Kansas City Kirksville Lee's Summit Saint Joseph Saint Louis Spring?eld INDIANADISTRICTOFCOLUMBIA0062 Washington (202) 833- Washington *7716 Washington (202) 833-) 806-6428 CALIFORNIAAlameda (510) 521-2843 Anaheim (714) 695-1801 Anaheim (714) 695-1801 Arcata (707) 826-5666 Camarillo (805) 389-6595 Chico (530) 898-6218 Culver City (310) 337-6696 Culver City (310) 337-6696 Culver City (310) 337-6696 Diamond Bar (909) 861-1146 Fair Oaks (916) 961-7323 Fair Oaks (916) 961-7323 Fresno (559) 278-8362 Gardena (310) 329-1844 Glendale (818) 246-8023 Glendale (818) 246-8023 Irvine (949) 552-0563 La Mesa (619) 668-2121 Rancho Cucamonga (909) 466-5136 Redlands (909) 792-0545 San Diego (858) 526-0858 San Diego (858) 526-0858 San Diego (619) 594-0968 San Francisco (415) 362-1311 San Francisco (415) 362-1311 San Jose (408) 246-0072 San Jose (408) 246-0072 San Jose (408) 246-0072 San Luis Obispo (805) 756-1551 Santa Rosa (707) 579-5163 South San Francisco (650) 244-9558 South San Francisco (650) 244-9558 FLORIDA21
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*) 253-) 262-) 364-) 364-) 530-) 672-) 854-) 756-) 846-) 846-) 392-) 962-7444 Billings Bozeman Helena Missoula Columbus Kearney Lincoln Omaha Omaha (406) 656-) 994-) 443-) 243-) 564-) 865-) 423-) 334-) 554-) 889-) 829-2700 NORTHCAROLINA1608 Asheville *7576 Boone
*7549 Charlotte Charlotte Durham Fayetteville Greensboro Greenville Raleigh Raleigh Wilmington Wilmington TENNESSEE18 *
* * NEBRASKANEVADAChattanooga Clarksville Franklin Jackson Johnson City Knoxville Madison Martin Memphis Memphis Nashville (423) 894-) 647-) 790-) 425-) 439-) 690-) 860-) 881-) 756-) 678-) 963-) 698-) 463-) 441-) 441-) 232-) 899-) 544-) 862-) 993-) 385-) 385-) 385-) 369-) 292-) 587-) 242-) 280-) 242-) 743-) 313-) 361-) 742-) 520-) 468-) 494-) 431-) 561-) 772-) 397-4676 WESTVIRGINIA5224 Charleston *7522 Huntington *5354 Morgantown (304) 345-) 696-) 293-) 836-) 540-) 785-) 231-) 796-) 424-) 346-4472 WISCONSIN* *03 * 2201 Las Vegas 2203 Reno 0335 Abilene 4301 Bismarck (701) 223- Amarillo 4300 Fargo (701) 293- Austin NEWHAMPSHIRE0012 Austin *7743 Lebanon (603) 448-2445 OHIO*7710 Austin *7752 Nashua (603) 546- Athens (740) 597- Beaumont 4003 Portsmouth (603) 433- Centerville (937) 435- Brownsville 0007 Cincinnati (513) 671- College Station NEWJERSEY0018 Cincinnati (513) 671- Corpus Christi 5858 Clark (732) 381-) 556- Dallas 5871 Clark (732) 381- Cincinnati *7700 Cleveland (216) 368- Dallas 9064 Deptford (856) 384- Columbus (614) 292- Dallas 0033 Fair Lawn (201) 475- Fair Lawn (201) 475- Columbus/Worthington *7709 Denton (4104 Hamilton (609) 631- Edinburg 4103 Toms River (732) 349- Columbus/Worthington 0344 El Paso (*0083 Houston NEW1427 Mentor (440) 255- Houston MEXICO1900 Albuquerque (505) 296- Niles (330) 652- Houston *7528 Roswell (505) 624- Stow (330) 922- Houston 1421 Strongsville (440) 238- Houston YORKNEW*7733 Toledo (419) 530- Kingwood 5110 Albany (518) 438- Lubbock 4219 Buffalo (716) 565-0570 OKLAHOMA*7579 Buffalo (716) 645- Oklahoma City (405) 843- Midland 4204 East Syracuse (315) 433- Stillwater (405) 744- Nacogdoches 4215 Garden City (516) 746- Tulsa (918) 747- San Antonio *5339 San Antonio 4217 Ithaca (607) 277- Lynbrook OREGON0079 Tyler (516) 825- Eugene (541) 485- Waco 5823 Melville (631) 845-) 346- Wichita Falls 5872 Melville (631) 845- Eugene ilwaukie (503) 659- Midtown (212) 986- M0105 Portland (503) 254-4159 UTAH5864 New York (212) 986- Logan 5865 New York (212) 986-5661 PENNSYLVANIA4504 Orem 0040 New York/Penn Plaza 1710 Allentown (610) 791- Salt Lake City (1736 Clarks Summit (570) 586- New York/Penn Plaza 1730 Erie (814) 864-6100 VERMONT1718 Harrisburg (717) 652- Williston 0042 New York/Penn Plaza *7737 Indiana (724) 357-4994 VIRGINIA(1731 Lancaster (717) 392- Fairfax 0043 New York/Penn Plaza 0029 North Wales (215) 412- Fairfax 0030 North Wales (215) 412- Fairfax 5856 New York/Penn Plaza 0020 Philadelphia (215) 238- Glen Allen (1726 Philadelphia (215) 238- Glen Allen 5879 New York/Penn Plaza 1705 Pittsburgh (412) 367- Lynchburg (*7705 Pittsburgh (412) 624- Newport News 5880 New York/Penn Plaza 1733 York (717) 755- Newport News (*7748 Norfolk 4218 Rochester (585) 385-4810 RHODEISLAND*7738 Rochester (585) 475- Warwick (401) 738- Roanoke 4216 Vestal (607) 798-1715 WASHINGTON4206 Wappingers Falls (845) 298-8378 SOUTHCAROLINA(843) 766- Ellensburg 4202 White Plains (914) 289- Charleston 0049 Columbia (803) 354- Mountlake Terrace *7706 Columbia (803) 777- Mountlake Terrace 2100 Greenville (864) 676- Puyallup *7749 Myrtle Beach (843) 349- Spokane NORTHDAKOTATEXASEau Claire Fox Point La Crosse Madison New Berlin Oshkosh Stevens Point WYOMING(307) 472-) 766- Casper *7547 Laramie GUAM5503 Hagatna 5504 Hagatna (671) 475-) 706-) 706-) 773-) 475-5000 PUERTORICO0052 Guaynabo 5221 Guaynabo VIRGINISLANDS5255 St. Croix CANADAALBERTACBT Test Centers6017 Calgary 6018 Edmonton (403) 777-) 415-) 464-) 231-) 827-) 472-) 988-) 737-) 422-) 622-) 657-) 745-) 236-) 250-) 236-) 404-) 973-) 876-) 978-0414 BRITISHCOLUMBIA * Coquitlam Richmond Vancouver Victoria MANITOBA6021 Winnipeg 435) 797-1004 ((801) 226-) 581-) 872-) 204-) 204-) 993-) 346-) 346-) 832-) 873-) 873-) 455-) 344-) 963-) 697-) 697-) 848-) 467-8715 NEWFOUNDLAND*7740 St. Johns 6032 Halifax NOVASCOTIAONTARIO24 05
Cambridge London Ottawa Toronto Toronto Toronto Whitby Windsor QUEBEC5259 Montreal SASKATCHEWAN6063 SaskatoonSOUTHDAKOTA4400 Sioux Falls (605) 362-4875 www.ets.org/gre 3Contact the appropriate Regional Registration Center (RRC) for testing at international locations. See the Test Center List on pages 5–6 to determine the region number of the appropriate RRC.Contact ETS if you have complaints about the test or concerns about score reports.REGION 3R-Prometric K.K.Kayabacho Tower15 F1-21-2, Shinkawa, Chuo-KuTokyo 104-0033, JAPANphone: 81-3-fax: 81-3-phone (in country): 03-fax (in country): 03-web: www.REGION 7Thomson PrometricAttn: PTC Registrations Middle EastPO Box
AA LelystadTHE NETHERLANDSphone: 31-320-239-530fax: 31-320-239-531e-mail: courier service:Thomson PrometricAttn: PTC Registrations Middle EastNoorderwagenplein 68223 AL LelystadThe NetherlandsREGION 13NEEA/PrometricPO Box 8717Beijing 100080, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINAphone: 86-10-fax: 86-10-e-mail: rrc.ptc@courier service:NEEA/Prometric Registration CenterNo. 35 Zhongguancun DajieHaidian DistrictBeijing 100080, People’s Republic of ChinaCBT International Regional Registration CentersREGION 4Korean-American Educational Commission (KAEC)/PrometricM.P.O. Box 112Seoul, 121-600, REPUBLIC OF KOREAphone: 82-2-fax: 82-2-e-mail: CBTKorea@fulbright.or.krweb: www.etskorea.or.krcourier service:Korean-American Educational Commission (KAEC)/PrometricFulbright Building168-15 Yomni-dong, Mapo-guSeoul 121-874, Republic of KoreaREGION 14Prometric160-A, Senior Plaza, 3rd FloorGautam NagarYusuf Sarai, Behind Indian Oil BuildingNew Delhi 110049, INDIAphone: 91-11-31442fax: 91-11-23266web: REGION 9Thomson PrometricAttn: PTC Registrations AfricaPO Box
AA LelystadTHE NETHERLANDSphone: 31-320-239-593fax: 31-320-239-886e-mail: courier service:Thomson PrometricAttn: PTC Registrations AfricaNoorderwagenplein 68223 AL LelystadThe NetherlandsREGION 5Prometric3110 Lord Baltimore DriveSuite 200Baltimore, MD 21244, USAphone: 1-443-923-8160fax: 1-443-923-8569REGION 12Thomson PrometricAttn: PTC Registrations EuropePO Box
AA LelystadTHE NETHERLANDSphone: 31-320-239-540fax: 31-320-239-541e-mail: courier service:Thomson PrometricAttn: PTC Registrations EuropeNoorderwagenplein 68223 AL LelystadThe NetherlandsIn addition to the registration centerslisted in this publication, ETS authorizesa limited number of local registrationcenters to process test registrations.ETS authorized registration centersdisplay a “certificate of authorization”from ETS. The GRE Program is notresponsible for the activities of unau-thorized providers, and assumes no liability with regard to their failure to provide services.REGION 6PrometricPO Box 1296450794 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIAphone: 60-3-fax: 60-3-e-mail:courier service:Prometric, B.V. Branch Office (Co. No. 993721-U)Suite 21A-15-1Faber Imperial CourtJalan Sultan Ismail50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia4www.ets.org/greRegister online at www.ets.org/gre. It’s fast and easy!There may be additions, deletions, or changes to this test center list during the testing year. For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/cbttest.html.Testing is available year-round. Schedule a testin call the appropriate Regional Registration Center(RRC#) if you are making paymen or use theRRC# COUNTRY TEST CITY NAME CENTER #5 12 66 5 9 5 12 5 13 5 12 12 5 7 12 12 12 12 9 12 5 6 12 14 6 12 12 12A RGENTINA A RMENIA A USTRALIAB ANGLADESH B OLIVIA B OTSWANA B RAZILB ULGARIA C HILEC HINA, People's Rep of C OLOMBIAC ROATIAC ZECH REPUBLIC D OMINICAN REPUBLIC E GYPT F INLAND F RANCEG EORGIA G ERMANY G HANA G REECEG UATEMALA H ONG KONG H UNGARY I NDIAI NDONESIA I RELAND I SRAEL I TALY0814 17 25 07 60 36 22 34 38 44 03 09 13 44 Yerevan MelbourneSydney Dhaka La Paz Gaborone Belo Horizonte Brasilia Curitiba Porto Alegre Recife Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo So? a Santiago Bogota Cali Zagreb Prague Santo Domingo Cairo Helsinki Paris Toulouse Tbilisi Berlin Frankfurt Munich Accra Athens Thessaloniki Guatemala CityBudapest Ahmadabad Allahabad Bangalore Calcutta Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai New Delhi Trivandrum Jakarta Dublin Tel Aviv Milan PoliSee Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test. See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.International Test scheduling Form (center of the 2005-06 GREInformation and Registration Bulletin). RRC phone numbers are listed on page 4.If the special instructions in the last column indicate, “See Bulletin Supplement,” download a copy from the GRE Web site atwww.gre.org/codelst.html or obtain a copy from the RRC where you got the GRE Bulletin. The supplement describes the testing arrangements available at these locations.Buenos AiresCBT Test Centerswww.ets.org/gre 578GRE学校院系送分代码(各年通用)_gre送分RRC# COUNTRY TEST CITY NAME CENTER #37 12 9 4 7 7 12 6 9 5 6 12 9 6 5 6 12 12 12 12 7 6 9 12 12 12 10 9 6 12 9 12 7 12 12 5 7 9JAPANJORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KOREA KUWAIT LEBANON LITHUANIA MALAYSIA MAURITIUS MEXICO NEPALNETHERLANDS NIGERIAPAKISTAN PERU HILIPPINES PPOLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA USSIA RSAUDI ARABIASINGAPORE OUTH AFRICA S SPAINSWEDEN SWITZERLAND TAIWAN TANZANIA THAILAND URKEY TUGANDA UKRAINEUNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UZBEKISTAN VENEZUELA WEST BANK ZIMBABWE860512 82 58 55 14 61 83 75 76 22 05 87 03 03 74 17 35 8277OsakaTokyoTokyo Kayabacho Yokohama Amman Alma-Ata NairobiKuwait City Beirut Vilnius Kuala Lumpur Les Pailles Guadalajara Mexico City Monterrey Kathmandu Arnhem buja A Lagos slamabad I Karachi Lahore Lima Cebu City Manila Warsaw Lisbon Bucharest Moscow St. Petersburg Dammam (Men) Dammam (Women) Singapore ape Town C Johannesburg arcelona B Madrid Stockholm Geneva ZurichDar Es Salaam Bangkok nkara A Istanbul Izmir Kampala Kiev Dubai London Tashkent Caracas Ramallah HarareSee Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test. See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.CBT Test Centers6 www.ets.org/greRegister online at www.ets.org/gre. It’s fast and easy!For the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site atwww.gre.org/codelst.html.The ● symbol indicates that the paper-based General Test will be offered at that test center on that test date. NOTE: The paper-based General Test is not offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing is available.The Ⅲ symbol indicates that Subject Tests will be offered at that test center on that test date.A blank space means that the center has not been scheduled for that test date at the time this publication was printed. If you live more than 125 miles from an open center for the October orNovember test date, GRE may consider opening a test center closer to you. See “Supplementary Test Centers” on page 7 of the 2005-06 GRE Information and Registration Bulletin.Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005April 1, 2006April 1, 2006April 1, 2006April 1, 2006UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICOCalifornia (cont'd)19953 Rohnert Park, Sonoma Ⅲ19914 Ⅲ19842 State USacramento, CaliforniaState USan Bernardino, CaliforniaState USan Diego, San DiegoState USan Diego, U of San Diego San Francisco, SanFrancisco State USan Jose, San Jose State U San Luis Obispo, CaliforniaPolytechnic State U Santa Barbara, U ofCaliforniaSanta Clara, Santa Clara U Santa Cruz, U of California Stockton, U of Paci?c Woodland Hills, El CaminoReal HSⅢAuburn, Auburn U Birmingham, U of Alabama-BirminghamⅢ 16804 Huntsville, U of Alabama 1 6817 Mobile, U of S AlabamaⅢ 16800 Ⅲ 16836 ALABAMAⅢⅢⅢ 19729 Ⅲ 19023 ALASKAⅢ 19008 Ⅲ 19018 Ⅲ 19003 Ⅲ 19019 Ⅲ 19033ⅢⅢ 19281Ⅲ 19270Anchorage, U of Alaska-Anchorage Fairbanks, U of Alaska Juneau, U of Alaska-Uas Kodiak, Kodiak Coll Sitka, Jackson Coll Soldotna, KenaiPeninsula CollⅢ 1973619984Ⅲ 19928Ⅲ 19866 Ⅲ 19858 Ⅲ 1993219920 Ⅲ 19901Ⅲ 19881ARIZONAChinle,ChinleHSFlagstaff,NorthernArizona UⅢ 19286 Tempe, Arizona State U Ⅲ 19287 Thatcher, Eastern Az Coll Ⅲ 19274 Tucson, U of Arizona 15706 Fort Pierce, Indian RiverComm CollⅢ 15707 Gainesville, U of Florida Ⅲ 15708 Jacksonville, Jacksonville U 15717 Key West, Florida KeysComm Coll15724 Melbourne, Florida Instof TechⅢ 15747 Miami, Miami-Dade Coll-Olfson Campus 15728 Naples, Naples HS Ⅲ 15719 Orlando, U of CentralFlorida 15709 Panama City, Florida St UPanama Cty CampusⅢ 15718 Pensacola, U of W Florida Ⅲ 15712 Sarasota, U of S Fl/New CollⅢ 15722 Tallahassee, FloridaA&M UⅢ 15714 Tampa, U of S FloridaFlorida (cont'd)Illinois (cont'd)Ⅲ 15028 Edwardsville, SouthernⅢ 15023 Lisle, Benedictine U Ⅲ 15018 Macomb, Western Illinois U 15010 Normal, Illinois State UⅢ 15013 Rock Island, Quad CitiesⅢ 15015 Urbana, U of IllinoisⅢ 15016 Wheaton, Wheaton Coll INDIANAⅢ 14750 Bloomington, Indiana UIllinois UPaper-Based Test CentersⅢ 14751 Ⅲ 14753 Ⅲ 14755 Ⅲ 14767ⅢⅢⅢⅢ 14766 Ⅲ 14759COLORADOⅢ 19340 Boulder, U of Colorado-BoulderColorado Sprngs, U ofColoradoDenver,UofColoradoDurango, Ft Lewis Coll Fort Collins, ColoradoState UGrand Junction, MesaState CollGreeley, U of NorthernColoradoGunnison, WesternState CollPueblo, Colorado StateU-Pueblo17600 Arkadelphia, HendersonState U17610Arkadelphia,OuachitaBaptist UⅢ 17602 Conway, U of CentralArkansasⅢ 17603 Fayetteville, U of Arkansas Ⅲ 17605 Pine Bluff, U of Arkansas Ⅲ 17608 Russellville, ArkansasTechnical UⅢ 17611 Searcy, Harding U 17606 State University, ArkansasState UARKANSASⅢ 19326 Ⅲ 1934419385 Ⅲ 19324Ⅲ 19394 Ⅲ 16112 Ⅲ 16101Ⅲ
16147 Ⅲ 16125Ⅲ 16106GEORGIAⅢ 19325 Ⅲ19378 Albany, Albany State U Athens, U of Georgia Atlanta, Georgia State U Augusta, Augusta State U Decatur, SW Dekalb HS Fort Valley, Ft Vly State U Milledgeville,GeorgiaColl& State UⅢ 16107 Mt Berry, Berry Coll16116 Savannah, ArmstrongAtlantic State UⅢ 16110 Valdosta, Valdosta State U
Ⅲ 14757 IOWAⅢ 17200 Ⅲ 17201 Ⅲ 17202 Ⅲ 17204 Ⅲ 17205 Bloomington Evansville, U of Evansville Fort Wayne, U of St Francis Greencastle, De Pauw U Hammond, Purdue U-CalumetMuncie, Ball State U Notre Dame, U of NotreDameRichmond, Earlham Coll Terre Haute, Indiana State U Upland, Taylor U Valparaiso, Valparaiso U West Lafayette, Purdue U Ames, Iowa State U edar Falls, U of Northern CIowaDecorah, Luther Coll Dubuque, Loras Coll Fair?eld, Maharishi U ofManagementIowa City, U of Iowa Lamoni, Graceland U Sioux City, Briar Cliff U19319Ⅲ
Ⅲ 13006Ⅲ 13007Ⅲ ⅢHAWAIIⅢ 19043 Hilo, U of Hawaii Ⅲ 19076 Honolulu, U of Hawaii at Manoa 19041 Kahului Maui, MauiComm Coll9044 Lihue, Kauai Comm Coll 1Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 1720717210 Ⅲ 17222KANSAS 17901 Garden City, Garden CityComm CollⅢⅢ
Ⅲ 19744 CALIFORNIAArcata, Humboldt State U Bakers?eld, California StateU-At Bakers? eld Berkeley, Berkeley HS Camarillo, Camarillo HS Carson, California StateU-Dominguez Hills Chico, California State U Claremont, ClaremontGrad SchFresno, California State U Fullerton, California State U Irvine, U of California La Jolla, U of California SanDiego Campus Los Angeles, CaliforniaState ULos Angeles, UCLA Los Angeles, USC MissionViejo,Saddleback Coll Oakland, Mills Coll Redlands, U of Redlands CONNECTICUTⅢ 19671 Ⅲ 19833 Ⅲ 19887 Ⅲ 19768 Ⅲ 19747Ⅲ 19726 Ⅲ 19770 Ⅲ 19790 Ⅲ 19783 Ⅲ Ⅲ 19840 Fair?eld, Fair?eld U Middletown, Wesleyan U NewHaven,YaleUNewLondon,Connecticut CollⅢ 13008 Storrs, U of Connecticut Ⅲ 13004 West Hartford, U ofHartfordIDAHO19165 Boise, Boise State U Ⅲ 19161 Caldwell, Albertson Collof IDⅢⅢ 11331 Dover, Delaware State U 11330 Newark, U of Delaware Ⅲ 11553 Washington, Gallaudet U Ⅲ 11552 Washington, Georgetown U Ⅲ 11551 Washington, Howard UFLORIDAⅢ 15701 Boca Raton, Florida Ⅲ 15703 Ⅲ 15720 ⅢAtlantic Uoral Gables, U of Miami C Daytona Beach, Bethune-Cookman Coll15704 Deland, Stetson U DELAWAREⅢ 19170 Moscow, U of Idaho Ⅲ 19185 Pocatello, Idaho State U ILLINOISⅢ 15040Bloomington,IllinoisWesleyan U15024Bourbonnais,OlivetNazarene U15001 Carbondale, Southern IL UⅢ 15034 Chicago, De Vry Instof Tech15004 Chicago, Loyola U Ⅲ 15005 Chicago, U of Chicago Ⅲ 15017 Chicago, U of Illinois atChicagoⅢ 15009 Decatur, Millikin U Ⅲ 15022 Dekalb, Northern Illinois UⅢ 17881 Hays, Ft Hays State U Ⅲ 17882 Lawrence, U of Kansas 17883 Manhattan, Kansas State U 17884 Pittsburg, Pittsburg State U Ⅲ 17885 Topeka, Washburn U Ⅲ 17886 Wichita, Friends U KENTUCKY15900 Bowling Green, WesternⅢ
Ⅲ 15901 Ⅲ 15902 Ⅲ 15911 Kentucky UCampbellsville,Campbellsville U Danville, Centre Coll Lexington, U of Kentucky Louisville, U of Louisville Morehead, MoreheadState UMurray, Murray State U Owensboro, Brescia Coll Pikeville,PikevilleCollPippa Passes, AliceLloyd Coll Richmond, EasternKentucky U Williamsburg,Cumberland CollⅢⅢⅢ 15903 Ⅲ 15918 Ⅲ 15908 Ⅲ 15923 Ⅲ15904 Ⅲ 15922 www.ets.org/gre 7Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005April 1, 2006April 1, 2006April 1, 2006April 1, 2006Ⅲ 17740 LOUISIANABaton Rouge, LouisianaState ULafayette, U of Louisiana atLafayette Lake Charles, McNeese State U Monroe, U of Louisiana atMonroeNatchitoches,NorthwesternState UNew Orleans, U of NewOrleans Shreveport, Centenary Coll Thibodaux, Nicholls State U ⅢⅢⅢⅢ 1774417745Ⅲ
Traverse City, NorthwesternMichigan CollⅢ 16411 Ypsilanti, EasternMichigan UMichigan (cont'd)11019New Jersey (cont'd)Trenton, College of NewJerseyⅢ 11013 West Long Branch,Monmouth UⅢ 17753 Ⅲ 17746MINNESOTA17412 Bemidji, Bemidji State U 17401 Duluth, U of Minnesota Ⅲ 17410 Mankato, Mankato State U 17415 Marshall, SW Minnesota Ⅲ 17402 State UMinneapolis, U ofMinnesota Moorhead, Concordia Coll Morris, U of Minnesota North?eld, Carleton Coll Rochester, U of Minnesota St Cloud, St Cloud State U St Paul, U of St Thomas Winona, St Marys U NEW MEXICOⅢ 19249Albuquerque,UofNewMexicoGallup, U of New Mexico Las Cruces, New MexicoState U Portales, Eastern New Mexico U Roswell, New MexicoMil InstSocorro, New Mexico InstMining & Tech Albany, Coll of St Rose lbany, State U of NY A Alfred, Alfred U Annandale-OnHudson,Bard Coll Binghamton, State U of NY Brooklyn, Polytechnic U Buffalo, State U Coll-BuffaloBuffalo, SUNY at Buffalo Canton, St Lawrence U Clinton,HamiltonCollGeneseo, Geneseo Coll Hamilton, Colgate U Ithaca, Cornell U Ithaca,IthacaCollJamaica, St Johns U New Paltz, SUNY-New Paltz New York, GeorgeWashington HSNew York, NYU-Stern Schof BusNew York, NYU-Wash Sq Niagara Univ, Niagara U Oneonta, State U Coll Oswego, SUNY Coll Pleasantville, Pace U Potsdam, State U Coll Poughkeepsie, Marist Coll Poughkeepsie, Vassar Coll Riverdale, Manhattan Coll Rochester,RochesterInstof TechRochester,UofRochesterSchenectady, Union Coll St Bonaventure, StBonaventure UStony Brook, State U of NY Syracuse, OnondagaComm Coll Troy, RensselaerPolytechnic InstⅢ 14500 Ⅲ
Ⅲ 14502 Ⅲ 14503 OHIOⅢ 19257Ⅲ 19240 Ⅲ Ⅲ 14504 Ⅲ 1452914537ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ 14514Ⅲ 14515Ⅲ 14518Ⅲ 14522 Ⅲ 17751 Ⅲ 17758 MAINE14280 Brunswick, Bowdoin Coll ⅢⅢ 14282 Lewiston, Bates Coll Ⅲ 14283 Orono, U of Maine Ⅲ 14281 Portland, U of Southern ⅢPaper-Based Test CentersⅢⅢ ⅢMARYLANDⅢ 11363 Annapolis, US Naval Acad Ⅲ 11407 Baltimore, Morgan State U 11362 College Park, U of Maryland 11410 Frederick, Hood Coll 11366 Frostburg, FrostburgMaine 14284 Presque Isle, U of Maine atPresque IsleⅢ 14285 Waterville, Colby Coll
Ⅲ 17414 Ⅲ 17423 Ⅲ 17409 MISSISSIPPIⅢ 16900 Cleveland, Delta State U Ⅲ 16902 Hattiesburg, U of Southern Ⅲ16912 Mississippi Itta Bena, Mississippi VlyState UJackson, Jackson State U Lorman, Alcorn State U Meridian, Miss State U-Meridian Branch Mississippi State,Mississippi State U University, U of Mississippi Ⅲ Ⅲ 19243 Ⅲ 13150 Ⅲ 13188NEW YORKAda, Ohio Northern U kron, U of Akron AAshland, Ashland U Athens, Ohio U Bowling Green, BowlingGreen State UCincinnati, U of Cincinnati Cleveland,ClevelandState UColumbus, Columbus StateComm Coll Columbus, Ohio State U Gambier, Kenyon Coll Marietta,MariettaCollNewConcord,Muskingum Coll Oberlin,OberlinCollOxford,MiamiUToledo,UofToledoYoungstown, YoungstownState UⅢ 16910 Ⅲ 16913 Ⅲ 16907 Ⅲ 16904 Ⅲ 1315413285 Ⅲ 13157 State U11409 La Plata, Coll of SouthernMaryland11386 Princess Anne, U ofMaryland11403 Rockville, MontgomeryColl-Rockville CampusⅢ 11370 Salisbury, Salisbury State U Ⅲ 11378 St Mary's City, StMarys CollⅢ 11375 Towson, Towson UⅢ 11400 Westminster, McDaniel Coll Ⅲ 16906 Ⅲ 17002 Cape Girardeau, SE Mo St U Ⅲ 17027 Columbia, Rock Bridge HS Ⅲ 17004 Kansas City, U of Missouri Ⅲ 17011 Kirksville, Truman State U 17005 Maryville, NW MissouriState Uolla, U of Missouri RSpring?eld, SW MissouriState UⅢ 17017 St Joseph, Mo WesternState CollⅢ 1 7020 St Louis, St Louis CommColl at MeramacⅢ 17010 Warrensburg, CentralMissouri State UⅢ 13158 Ⅲ 13159 Ⅲ 1316013189Ⅲ 1316213164 Ⅲ 13165Ⅲ 13615 Ⅲ 13193 Ⅲ 13630 Ⅲ 13624 Ⅲ
ⅢⅢ 13169Ⅲ 13181 Ⅲ
Ⅲ 13186Ⅲ 13172 Ⅲ 13287 Ⅲ 13173 Ⅲ 13174Ⅲ 13176 Ⅲ 13175 Ⅲ 13612 Ⅲ 13180 Ⅲ 13179Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 18380 Ⅲ 18374Ⅲ 18376OKLAHOMAMASSACHUSETTSⅢ 12681Amherst,AmherstCollⅢ 12596 Bedford, Midsex Comm Coll 12652 Boston, Roxbury Ⅲ 12651 Ⅲ
Ⅲ 12664 Comm CollBoston, Simmons Coll Boston, Suffolk U Fitchburg, FitchburgState CollSalem, Salem State Coll South Hadley, MtHolyoke Coll Spring?eld, AmericanIntl CollWest Barnstable, CapeCod Comm CollWilliamstown,WilliamsCollⅢ 17006 Ⅲ 17009Ada, East Ctrl U Edmond, U of Central OK Lawton, Cameron U Norman, U of Oklahoma Stillwater,OklahomaState UⅢ 18378 Tulsa, Oklahoma StateU-Tulsa CampusⅢ 18381 Weatherford, SouthwesternOklahoma State UOREGON 19594 Ashland, SouthernOregon U Ⅲ 19519Bend,CtrlOregonComm CollⅢ 19570 Corvallis, Oregon State UⅢ 19576 Eugene, U of Oregon Ⅲ 19554 La Grande, EasternOregon UⅢ 19557 McMinnville, Lin?eld CollⅢ 19542 Portland, Portland State U Ⅲ 19555 Saint Helens, St Helens HS Ⅲ 19561 Salem, Willamette UⅢ 19122 Bozeman, Montana State U 19119 Helena, Carroll Coll 19125 Missoula, U of MontanaⅢNEBRASKAⅢ 18001Chadron,ChadronState CollMONTANAⅢⅢ ⅢⅢ ⅢPENNSYLVANIAⅢ 12009 Allentown, LE Dieruff HS Ⅲ 12060Bradford,UofPittsburgh 12028California,CaliforniaUⅢ
of PACarlisle, Dickinson Coll East Stroudsburg, EastStroudsburg U of PA Easton, Lafayette Coll Erie, Gannon U Greenville, Thiel Coll Grove City, Grove City Coll Indiana, Indiana U of PA Lancaster, Franklin &Marshall Coll Lewisburg, Bucknell U Lock Haven, Lock Haven U Mans?eld,Mans?eldUof PAMeadville, Allegheny Coll Media, Penn State-Delaware County CampusMillersville,MillersvilleUPhiladelphia, ChestnutHill CollPhiladelphia, Holy Family U Philadelphia, Temple U Pittsburgh, U of Pittsburgh Scranton,UofScrantonShippensburg,Shippensburg U of PA SlipperyRock,SlipperyRock U of PA Swarthmore,Swarthmore Coll12670Ⅲ 12666MICHIGANⅢ 16414Albion,AlbionColl Ⅲ 16400 Ann Arbor, U of Michigan 16420 Ann Arbor, WashtenawⅢ 16402 Ⅲ 16403 Comm CollDetroit, Wayne State U East Lansing, MichiganState UFlint, U of Michigan Grand Rapids, Calvin Coll Holland, Hope Coll Houghton,MichiganTechnological U Kalamazoo, WesternMichigan U Marquette, NorthernMichigan U Mt Pleasant, CentralMichigan URochester, Oakland U Sault Ste Marie, LakeSuperior State UⅢ 16425 Ⅲ
Ⅲ 16405Ⅲ Ⅲ 16409 Ⅲ 18003 Kearney, U of NE at KearneyⅢ 18004 Lincoln, U of Nebraska Ⅲ 18005 Omaha, U of Nebraska 18012 Wayne, Wayne State Coll NEVADAⅢ 19605 Elko, Great Basin Coll Ⅲ 19611 Las Vegas, U of Nevada Ⅲ 19624 Reno, U of Nevada NEW HAMPSHIREⅢ 14001 Durham, U of NewHampshireNORTH CAROLINAⅢ 16413 Ⅲ 16416Ⅲ 14002 Hanover, Dartmouth Coll Ⅲ 14003 Keene, Keene State Coll NEW JERSEYⅢ 11025 Camden, Rutgers U Ⅲ 11001 Glassboro, Rowan UⅢ 11012 Lawrenceville, Rider U Ⅲ 11005 New Brunswick, Rutgers U Ⅲ 11024 Newark, Essex County Coll Ⅲ 11003 Newark, Rutgers U Ⅲ 11016 Pomona, RichardStockton CollⅢ 11014 Princeton, Princeton HS 5300 1 A sheville, U of NC Asheville15301 Boone, Appalachian State U 15304 Cullowhee, WesternCarolina UⅢ 15305Davidson,DavidsonCollⅢ 15346 Elizabeth City, ElizabethCity State UⅢ 15347 Fayetteville, FayettevilleState U15309 Greensboro, U of N CarolinaⅢ 15310 Greenville, East Carolina U15313 Raleigh, North CarolinaState UⅢ 15318 Wilmington, U of N Carolina Ⅲ 15316 Winston-Salem, WakeForest U12012Ⅲ
Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ12033Ⅲ
Ⅲ 12400 Ⅲ 12019 Ⅲ 12021Ⅲ 12016 ⅢNORTH DAKOTAⅢ 18255Bismarck,BismarckState Collrand Forks, U of N Dakota G Minot, Minot State U 12029 Ⅲ12022Ⅲ 18251Ⅲ 18253 8 www.ets.org/greDec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005April 1, 2006April 1, 2006April 1, 2006April 1, 2006Pennsylvania (cont'd)12023 University Park, Ⅲ ⅢPennsylvania State UⅢ 12024 Villanova, Villanova U 12027 Wilkes-Barre, Kings Coll Ⅲ 12550 Ⅲ 12552 Ⅲ 12553RHODE ISLAND ingston, U of Rhode Island K Providence, Brown U Providence,RhodeIsland CollSOUTH CAROLINAⅢ 15550 Charleston, Coll ofCharlestonClemson, Clemson U Columbia, U of SC Conway, Coastal Carolina U Florence, Francis Marion U Greenville,FurmanUGreenwood, Lander U Rock Hill, Winthrop U Spartanburg, Wofford Coll Brookings, South DakotaState URapid City, South DakotaSch MinesSioux Falls, Augustana Coll Spear?sh, Black HillsState UVermilllon, U of S DakotaⅢ 15551 Ⅲ 15552Ⅲ 15553 Ⅲ 15563 Ⅲ 15555Ⅲ
Ⅲ 15558 ⅢⅢ 18131SOUTH DAKOTA18133 ⅢⅢ18135TENNESSEE Ⅲ 16001 Chattanooga, U ofTennesseeⅢ 16006 Clarksville, Austin PeayState UⅢ 16002Cookeville,TennesseeTech U ackson, Lambuth U JJohnson City, East Tennessee State U Knoxville, U of Tennessee Memphis, U of Memphis Murfreesboro, MidTennessee State U Nashville, Tenn St U-Downtown Campus Nashville, Vanderbilt U Sewanee, U of the South18535 Commerce, Texas A&M-CommerceⅢ 18563 Corpus Christi, TX A&MU-Comm CollⅢ 18512Dallas,SouthernMethodist U18513 Denton, U of N TX 18532 Edinburg, U of TX PanAmericanⅢ 18561 Farmers Branch, Brookhaven Coll18515FortWorth,TexasChristian U18539 Hawkins, JarvisChristian CollⅢ 18567 Houston, Texas Southern U Ⅲ 18517Houston,UofHouston Ⅲ 18518Huntsville,SamHoustonState UⅢ 18562 Laredo, Texas A & M Intl U Ⅲ 18522 Lubbock, Texas Tech U Ⅲ 18573 Mesquite, East?eldComm CollⅢ 18523 Nacogdoches, StephenAustin State U18540 Odessa, U of TexasPermian BasinⅢ 18525 San Angelo, Angelo State U Ⅲ 18526 San Antonio, St Mary's UⅢ 18528 Sherman, Austin Coll Ⅲ 18529 Waco, Baylor U ⅢTexas (cont'd)WASHINGTONⅢ 19424 Bellingham, WesternWashington UPort Angeles,Peninsula Coll Pullman,WashingtonState URichland, WSU-Tri Cities Seattle, U of Washington Spokane, Gonzaga U Tacoma, U of Puget Sound WallaWalla,WhitmanCollCANADAⅢⅢ ⅢALBERTAⅢ 10903 Calgary, U of Calgary 10908 Cold Lake, 4 Wing ColdLakeⅢ 19400 Ⅲ1945219455 Ⅲ 19448 Ⅲ 19407 Ⅲ 19458 Ⅲ 19416WEST VIRGINIA 11880 Athens, Concord U 11881Buckhannon,WestVirginiaWesleyan CollCharleston,UofCharlestonHuntington, Marshall U Morgantown, WestVirginia UWest Liberty, West LibertyState CollⅢ 10902 Edmonton, U of Alberta 10785 Ft McMurray, Keyano Coll 10904 Lethbridge, U of Lethbridge BRITISH COLUMBIAⅢ 10912 Penticton, Okanagan Coll Ⅲ 10927 Prince George, Coast InnⅢ 10932ofNorthVancouver, Simon Fraser Uat Harbour CtrⅢ 10915 Victoria, U of Victoria 11882 ⅢⅢ 11884Ⅲ 11885 Ⅲ 11887 MANITOBAⅢ 10955 Brandon, Brandon U Ⅲ 10922 Winnipeg, U of Manitoba NEW BRUNSWICK 10751Fredericton,UofNewBrunswick10754 Sackville, Mt Allison UⅢUTAHⅢ 19213 Ⅲ 19207 Ⅲ 19210 Ⅲ 1 9215Ⅲ 16003 Ⅲ 16004 Ⅲ 16005 Ⅲ 16010 Ⅲ 16020 Ⅲ16026 Cedar City, Southern Utah ULogan, Utah State U Provo, Brigham Young U S alt Lake City, U of UtahⅢⅢⅢWISCONSINⅢ 16612Appleton,LawrenceU 16600 Ashland, Northland Coll Ⅲ 16601 Eau Claire, U of Wisconsin Ⅲ 16618 Green Bay, U of Wisconsin 16602 Kenosha, Carthage Coll Ⅲ 16603 La Crosse, U of Wisconsin Ⅲ 16604 Madison, U of Wisconsin Ⅲ 16605 Milwaukee, Marquette U Ⅲ 16613 Milwaukee, U of Wisconsin 16617 Oshkosh, U of Wisconsin 16615 Platteville, U of Wisconsin 16608 Stevens Point, U ofWisconsin NEWFOUNDLANDⅢ 10982 Corner Brook, Sir WilfredGrenfell CollSt Johns, Memorial U of NewfoundlandPaper-Based Test CentersⅢ 10756 ⅢNORTHWEST TERRITORIESⅢ 10991 Yellowknife, Aurora Coll NOVA SCOTIA 10900 Antigonish, St FrancisⅢ Xavier UHalifax, Dalhousie U Sydney, U Coll of CapeBretonⅢⅢⅢ14145 Lyndonville, LyndonState CollⅢ 14142 Middlebury, Midbury Coll 14144North?eld,NorwichU 14150 Poultney, Green Mtn Coll 16614 Whitewater, U of Wisconsin WYOMING 19146 Casper, Casper Coll Ⅲ 19155 Laramie, U of Wyoming Ⅲ 19145 Pinedale, Pinedale HS Ⅲ Western 19154 Rock Springs, Wyoming CollVIRGINIAⅢ 11580 Blacksburg, Virginia PolyⅢ TEXAS18536 Abilene, Abilene Christian U Ⅲ 18501 Alpine, Sul Ross State UⅢ 18503 Arlington, U of Texas Ⅲ 18504 Austin, U of Texas 18505 Beaumont, Lamar U Ⅲ 18508 Brownwood, HowardⅢ 18509Payne UCanyon, W TX A&M UState UⅢ 18510CollegeStation,TexasA&M UⅢ 11581Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ 11610 Ⅲ 11589 Ⅲ
Ⅲ 11603Inst & State UCharlottesville,UofVirginiaFairfax, George Mason U Fredericksburg, U of MaryWashingtonHampton, Hampton U Lexington,WashingtonandLee ULynchburg, Liberty U Richmond, VirginiaCommonwealth U Williamsburg, Coll ofWilliam & MaryWinchester, Shenandoah U Wise, U of Virginia at Wise19132Sheridan,SheridanCollCOMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICOⅢ 18274 Mayaguez, UPR-MayaguezCampusⅢ 18278Ponce,Ponti?calCatholicUof Puerto RicoONTARIO Ⅲ 10767Hamilton,McMasterUⅢ 10768Kingston,Queen'sUⅢ 10776 St Catharines, Brock U 10777Sudbury,LaurentianUⅢ 10774 Thunder Bay, Lakehead U Ⅲ 10775 Toronto, U of Toronto Ⅲ 10781 Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier U PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND10778 Charlottetown, U of PrinceEdward IslandUS TERRITORIESAMERICAN SAMOA10866 Pago Pago, Dept of EduGUAMⅢ 10862 Mangilao, U of Guam US VIRGIN ISLANDS10714 St Thomas, U of VirginIslands QUEBECⅢ 10779 Montreal, Concordia U 10782 Montreal, McGill U 10784 Sainte Foy, Laval U SASKATCHEWANⅢ 10928 Regina, U of Regina Ⅲ 10930 Saskatoon, U ofSaskatchewanⅢ 10945 YUKON TERRITORIESWhitehorse, Yukon Collwww.ets.org/gre 9March 11, 2006March 11, 2006Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005April 1, 2006April 1, 2006Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Oct. 22, 2005Oct. 22, 2005Oct. 22, 2005March 11, 2006April 1, 200610741 ● Ⅲ ● ●ⅢALBANIA10135Tirane Albania, Shkolla Jo- PublikeⅢ ⅢALGERIA10034 Algiers, Language Services●Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ
10582 ⅢⅢANGOLA10049 Luanda, US Embassy ⅢⅢ ● ⅢⅢ Ⅲ● ⅢANTIGUA AND BARBUDA10576St Johns, Antigua Girls HSⅢ Ⅲ ⅢARGENTINA 110637 Buenos Aires, Inst Cult ArgentinoNorteamericanoCordoba, IICANA Tucuman, Aticana ⅢBelem, Centro Cultural Brasil Belo Horizonte, Inst Cultural Brasil Brasilia, Casa Thomas Jefferson Cultural Curitiba Parana, Centro Brasil-Estados Unido Fortaleza, Instituto Brasil-Estados UnidosRecife, American Sch of Recife Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Brasil-Estados UnidosSalvador, Assoc Cult Brasil- Estados Unidos Sao Paulo, UcbeuⅢCOTE D'IVOIRE CROATIA10589 Abidjan, Intl Comm Sch Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Zagreb, Americka Skola Nicosia, Cyprus Coll Maarif Coll Nicosia, TurkⅢⅢCYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC10509Prague, Czech Tech. U. (CVUT)● ⅢCOMMONWEALTH DOMINICA, 10552 Roseau, Ministry of Edu DOMINICAN REPUBLIC10581 Santo Domingo, Inst Cult Dominico AmericanoOFⅢⅢ ● ● ● ● ●ⅢⅢBRUNEI DARUSSALAM10074 Gadong, American Embassy lagoevgrad, American U BSo? a, SS Cyril & Methodius Intl Found Ⅲ ⅢARMENIA10061Erevan, American U of Armenia Oranjestad, Colegio Arubano Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢBULGARIA0051 110655ARUBA10033● ● Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ ⅢECUADOR1065310528 Guayaquil,BrookdaleCollQuito, Fulbright Comm Paper-Based Test CentersⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢAUSTRALIA0811 1
0707 110812 Adelaide, U of S AustraliaCanberra, Australian National U Carlton Victoria, U of Melbourne Claremont, Edith Cowan U Gold Coast, Bond U Hobart, U of Tasmania Perth, Intl Sch of PerthQueensland, Russo Institute of Technology St Lucia--Brisbane, U ofQueenslandSydney, Macquarie U Townsville, James Cook U ● Ⅲ BURKINA FASO10651 Ouagadougou, Centre CulturelAmericain Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ⅢEGYPT 10579Alexandria, American Ctr Cairo, Amideast Off San Salvador, American Sch (HS)●CAMBODIA10660Phnom Perth, Royal U of PhnomPerth ●EL SALVADOR ENGLANDKent, Warnborough U Leeds,LeedsUAsmara, Asmara U ⅢⅢ ● Ⅲ ⅢCAMEROON ouala, Amer Cult Ctr DYaounde, American Language Ctr ● Ⅲ ● ●Ⅲ 10039 Bangui, Ctr Cult Amer ●ERITEA10032 Ⅲ ESTONIA10114 Tallinn, Tallinn Tech U CHAD10450 Ndjamena, Ctr Cult Amer 10662● Ⅲ10170 AUSTRIAVienna, Austro-Amer Inst of EduⅢ CHILE10580 Santiago, Inst Chileno Norteamericano●ⅢⅢETHIOPIA0005 110732Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa Uire Dawa, Alemaya Agric U DAZERBAIJANBaku, Azerbaijan StateEconomic UFIJI10871 Suva, Intl Sec Sch● ● Ⅲ BAHAMAS Freeport, Freeport HS Nassau, Government HSⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢCHINA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF *0606 1
eijing, Beijing Foreign Studies U BBeijing, Beijing Language Inst Chengdu, Sichuan Union U Dalian, Dalian Foreign Language InstGuangzhou,GuangzhouForeignLanguage InstHangzhou, Zhejiang Gongshang U Harbin, U of Heilongjiang Hefei, U of Science andTechnology Jinan, Shandong U Nanjing, Nanjing U Shanghai, East China Normal U (Icnu)Tianjin,TianjinUWuhan, Wuhan U Xiamen,XiamenUXian, Xian Foreign Language UⅢ ⅢFINLAND10568 Helsinki, League of Finn-AmSocieties Ⅲ Ⅲ ●Ⅲ BANGLADESH10140 Dhaka, Notre Dame Coll Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ ●BARBADOS10704St Michael, Ministry of Edu● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● ● ● ●10744
Bordeaux,INSEECyon, U of Lyon 3 LMarseille Cedex, Institut Superieur de Genie Administ Montpellier, Amer Library Paris, Institut Catholique Rennes, U de Rennes 2 HauteBretagnaStrasbourg, Accueil Uaire A Strasbourg● Ⅲ10472 Minsk, Educational Information CtrⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ●● ●BELGIUM10748Brussels, Intl Sch of Brussels●ⅢBELIZE10048Belize City, St Johns Coll● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ⅢⅢ ⅢGABON10316 Libreville, American Intl Sch BENIN10132 Cotonou, American Cultural CtrⅢ Ⅲ ●ⅢCOLOMBIA Barranquilla, Colegio Karl CParrish Bogota,CentroColomboAmericano Bucaramanga, Centro Colombo Americano Bucaramanga, Uersidad Industrial de SantanderCali, Centro Colombo Americano Medellin, Centro Colombo Americano GAMBIA, THE10041 Banjul, St Joseph's HS GEORGIA10466Tbilisi,Accels-Georgia● Ⅲ ● ⅢBERMUDA10142 Devonshire, Bermuda Coll BHUTAN10071 Thimphu, Royal Cival ServiceCommissionⅢ Ⅲ ● ⅢⅢ Ⅲ GERMANY10109 10791Berlin,TechnicalUBerlinFreiburg, Freiburg Intl Business Sch Hamburg, Amerikazentrum Hamburg Munich,Ludwig-Maximilians-UⅢ ⅢⅢ ⅢBOLIVIALa Paz, Centro BolivianoAmericano Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz ChristianLearning CtrⅢ 0102 10397 1●Ⅲ ⅢⅢ● Ⅲ ⅢCONGO-DRC (FORMERLY ZAIRE)10309Kinshasa, Congo Amer Lang InstGHANA Accra, Public Affairs Section, U.S.Embassy Accra, W.A.E.C.● Ⅲ ⅢBOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA10073 Sarajevo, U of Sarajevo COSTA RICA10578 San Jose, Centro CulturalCostarricense NaⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢBOTSWANA10225Gaborone, Research & Testing Ctr*See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.10 www.ets.org/gre78GRE学校院系送分代码(各年通用)_gre送分March 11, 2006Dec. 10, 2005March 11, 2006Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005April 1, 2006Oct. 22, 2005Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Oct. 22, 2005Oct. 22, 2005March 11, 2006April 1, 2006Fukuoka, Fukuoka Intl Sch Kobe, Canadian Acad Nagoya, Nagoya Intl Sch Okinawa, Okinawa Christian Sch Sapporo, Hokkaido Intl Sch Sendai, Tohoku U Tokyo, Nichibei Kaiwa Gakuin April 1, 2006Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ GREECE 10632 Athens, Hellenic Amer Union Patras, American College of Patras Thessaloniki, Anatolia Coll/College of Higher StudⅢ Ⅲ GUATEMALA 10216 Guatemala City, Inst GuatemaltecoAmericano ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ ●● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢⅢJAPAN
10833 ● Ⅲ ● MOLDOVA10267 Chisinau, Palatul National deCreatie A Copiil● MONGOLIA10379 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian Technical U● Ⅲ GUINEA10154 JORDAN10014 Amman, U of Jordan 10546 ●ⅢⅢMOROCCORabat, Amer Language Ctr Maputo, American Embassy Conakry, English LanguageStudies Ctr● Ⅲ GUYANA10218 Georgetown, Guyana Industrial Training CtrⅢKAZAKHSTAN10030 Alma-Ata, Kazakh State U 10446 MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR10540 Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢKENYA10430Nairobi, Kenya Tech Teachers CollⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Yangon, Amer Ctr ● Ⅲ HAITI10498 Port-Au-Prince, Haitian-AmericanInstitute● ● ⅢHONDURAS10620 Tegucigalpa, Amer Sch ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ●KOREA (ROK) *
Kwangju,ChonnamNationalUPusan, Pusan National U Seoul,KyonggiUTaegu, Keimyung U ● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ⅢNAMIBIA10682Windhoek, TucsinNEPAL10314 Kathmandu, St Xavier's Sch NETHERLANDS ANTILLES10131 Willemstad-Curacao, U ofNetherland AntillesⅢHONG KONG *10254Kowloon, Hong Kowloon City U ofHong KongⅢ ● ⅢKUWAIT10323 Shweikh, Kuwait U Paper-Based Test CentersKYRGYZSTAN10171Bishkek,Kyrgyz-Russian(Slavic) UⅢⅢHUNGARYBudapest, Fulbright EdAdvising Ctr Szeged, J A T E Reykjavik, US Edu Comm-Fulbright● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ● ⅢⅢNEW ZEALAND10174 Auckland, Ielts U of Auckland Auckland, U of Auckland Christchurch,ChristchurchCollof EduDunedin, U of Otago Wellington, Fulbright New Zealand Ⅲ● Ⅲ ●LATVIA10542 Riga LV-1010, Riga Sch ofEconomics Ⅲ Ⅲ ICELAND10535●Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢINDIA
37 10995Allahabad, Bishop Johnson Sch Bangalore, St Josephs Collge ofCommerceCoimbatore, South India Textile Reseach AssocHyderabad, Degree College For WomenKolkata - 700 035, KhalsaModel HSMadras, Stella Maris Coll Mumbai, Mumbai Teachers Training CollNew Delhi, Vidya Bhawan Mahavidyalaya Sr SchPilani, Birla Inst of Tech & Science Ranchi, Birla Inst of TechTrivandrum, Loyola Coll of SocialSciences●Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ10036 Beirut, American Comm Sch 10136 Beirut, Amideast NICARAGUA10392 Managua, AmericanNicaraguan SchMACEDONIA - FMR YUGOSLAV REP10743Skopje, Centar Za Stranski Jazici● Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ NIGER10433 Niamey, Ctr Cult Amer ● Ⅲ ● ● ●MADAGASCAR10636 Antananarivo, Ctr Cult Amer
08 Benin City, Idia Coll Kaduna, West African Exams CouncilLagos, Fed Tech Coll of Ed u Port Harcourt, West African Exams CouncilMALAWI Lilongwe, US Embassy-PublicAffairs Section Zomba, U of Malawi ●Ⅲ Ⅲ ●Ⅲ Ⅲ MALAYSIA 1 Kota Kinabalu, Tshung Tsin Sec SchKuala Lumpur, Metropolitan Coll Kuching, Examinations Off Penang, Macee Off ● Ⅲ Ⅲ NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS10873 Saipan, Northern Marianas C ollⅢ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ●●10471● Ⅲ 10470NORWAYOslo,OsloUrondheim, Norweigan Uni of Sci Tand TechnologyMALI10066 Bamako, Mali Ii/USAIDⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢINDONESIA
10690 andung, Uas Nusantara BJakarta, PKBI Medan,PPIAPadang, Uas Bung Hatta Palembang, Sriwijaya U Surabaya, PPIAYogyakarta, Gadjah Mada U MALTA10569 Msida, U of Malta OMAN10400 Al-Khuwair, Modern Coll ofBusiness & ScienceⅢⅢ ● Ⅲ MARSHALL ISLANDS1086010795 Kwajalein,CommEducationCtrMajuro, College of Marshall Islands Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢPAKISTAN 10382Islamabad, US Edu Found Karachi, Crowne Holiday Inn Lahore, Lahore U of MgmtSciencesIRELAND17ork City, U College Cork CGalway, National U of IrelandGalway●Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢMAURITANIA10440 Nouakchott, US Embassy● Ⅲ ● ⅢPALAU10878 Koror, Palau Comm Coll Ⅲ ⅢMEXICO
10881Guadalajara, Inst CulturalMexicanoHermosillo, Inst Mexicano-Americano Merida, Instituto Benjamin FranklinMonterrey, Amer Sch Found Puebla, Uersidad de Las Americas●PANAMA10735 Panama City, Oxford SchⅢ Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ● ⅢISRAEL10622 Tel Aviv, Zoa House Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ●ITALY
Bologna, Johns Hopkins U Milan, American Sch of Milan Palermo, Palermo Italy Pordenone, Agenzia Formativa Ial Rome, Auditorium Parocchiale Rome, John Cabot U Ⅲ● 1 PAPUA NEW GUINEAae, Intl Sch of Lae LPort Moresby, U of Papua NewGuineaⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢPARAGUAY10015 Asuncion, Cent CultParaguayo AmerJAMAICAKingston, Priory Sch Kingston, U of W Indies● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ MICRONESIA, FEDERATEDSTATES OF77 ohnpei, Pohnpei Island Ctrl Sch P Yap, Dept of Edu Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢPERU10359Lima,InstCultPeruanoNorteamericano*See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.www.ets.org/gre 11March 11, 2006March 11, 2006Dec. 10, 2005Dec. 10, 2005April 1, 2006April 1, 2006Dec. 10, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Nov. 12, 2005Oct. 22, 2005Oct. 22, 2005Oct. 22, 2005March 11, 2006April 1, 2006TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOPort-Of-Spain, Ministry of EduⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢPHILIPPINES10852
BaguioCity,UPhilippinesC agayan de Oro City, Xavier U Cebu City, U of San Carlos Davao City, Ateneo de Davao U Dumaguete City, Silliman U Iloilo City, Ctrl Philippine U Quezon City, U of PhilippinesⅢ Ⅲ SPAIN 10665 Barcelona, Inst de Estudios Norteamericanos-BarPamplona, Uersidad de Navarra Valencia, Centro de Estudios Norteamericano10731Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ TUNISIA10631 Tunis, Amideast TURKEY 10012 Ankara, Turk-American Dernegi-AnkaraIstanbul, Robert Coll Ashgabat, American Center-Accels Ⅲ Ⅲ POLAND10752 Warsaw, Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli SRI LANKA10289 Colombo, US EducationalFoundationQATAR10153 Doha, Ramada HotelⅢ ●ST. KITTS & NEVIS10065 Basseterre, Basseterre HS ST. LUCIA 10708 Castries, St Mary's Coll ● Ⅲ ⅢTURKMENISTAN UGANDA10315 Kampala**, American Embassy/USIS10270● Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ●Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ
ROMANIAIasi, Uatea &Al I Cuza&Ⅲ ●Ⅲ ⅢRUSSIAEkaterinburg, Ural State Acad Moscow, Intl U Ersity Novosibirsk,InstituteofEconomics Saratov, US Regl Educational Info CtrSt Petersburg, Central City LibraryState Vladivostok, Far Eastern Technical UVolgograd,RegionalCulturalCtr● Ⅲ Ⅲ ●ST. VINCENT AND THEGRENADINES10333 Kingstown, Ministry of Education SUDAN10329 Khartoum, Khartoum Amer Sch Paramaribo, Summer Inst of LingⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢUKRAINEKharkov, Sch 106 Kyiv,KievMohylaAcadL'Viv, Sec Sch No 52Odessa,OdessaPedagogicalInstitutePaper-Based Test Centers● Ⅲ ● ⅢSURINAME104860233 1SWAZILAND10407 Mbabane, Ministry of EduⅢ Ⅲ ● ⅢⅢ Ⅲ UNITED ARAB EMIRATES100160404 1Abu Dhabi, Intl Sch of Choueifatharjah, Intl Sch of Choueifat SⅢURUGUAY10401 Montevideo, Alianza CulturalUruguayUZBEKISTAN 10328 Tashkent, Oriental Studies U ●RWANDA Kigali, Amer Cult Ctr Apia, Peace Corps Off●Ⅲ ●● ●0214 1 oteborg, Vasasuolan GStockholm, Rodabergaskolan Vaxjo, Vaxjo U ⅢSAMOA SAUDI ARABIA 1
Dhahran, Dhahran Sch eddah, Dar Al Fikir Schs (Girls) J Riyadh, Amideast Riyadh, Amideast WomenⅢSWITZERLAND 110711 Chamby, Business Sch of LausanneGeneva, Intl Sch of Geneva Zurich, Modern Language Centres AgDamascus, American Language Ctr aipei, National Taiwan U TⅢⅢ Ⅲ ⅢVENEZUELA 10413Caracas, Centro VenezolanoAmericano Maracaibo, Centro Venezolano Americano Merida,CentroVenezolanoAmericano de Merid anoi, Hilton Hanoi Opera Hotel H Hanoi, UN Intl Sch Ho Chi Minh City, Amara SaigonⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● ● ● Ⅲ ● ● ● ●● ●ⅢⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢSENEGAL10192Dakar, West African Research Ctr Freetown, Fourah Bay Coll SYRIA10145 Ⅲ10195 SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE10339Ⅲ ●TAIWAN*10825● Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ●VIETNAM0555 1TAJIKISTAN10602Dushanbe,AmericanCtrⅢ Ⅲ Singapore, Regional LanguageCenter (Relc)Ⅲ Ⅲ SLOVAKIA10082 Bratislava, Comenius U In BratislavaⅢTANZANIA10144Dar Es Salaam, Amer Ctr-DarEs Salaa1 0207Ⅲ Ⅲ 1044310573● Ⅲ ● ● ●Ⅲ ● ●WEST BANKaza, Gaza Strip, Atfaluna Society GRamallah, Bridge Acad YEMENSana'A, Amideast Lang InstⅢ ⅢSOLOMON ISLANDS10868Honiara, U of S Paci? cⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ Ⅲ SOUTH AFRICA
0291 1 10591 loemfontein, Vista U BCape Town, U of Cape Town Durban North, Durban N Coll Durban-Westville, U of Durban-Westville Johannesburg, U of Witwatersrand Mmabatho,UofBophuthatswanaPort Elizabeth, U of Port Elizabeth Sovenga, U of NⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ ● Ⅲ ● ● Ⅲ ⅢTHAILAND 10121 Bangkok, Intl Sch Bangkok, Ruamrudee Intl Sch Chiang Mai, USIS YUGOSLAVIA 1Belgrade,3rdBelgradeHSPristina Kosovo, U of PristinaZAMBIAKitwe, English Speaking Sch ofLumbu Lusaka, Intl Sch of LusakaTOGO10367 Lome, Amer Cult Ctr-Lome TONGA10874 Nuku Alofa, Liahona HSⅢⅢⅢ ● Ⅲ ⅢⅢZIMBABWE10572 Harare, Prince Edward Sch*See Bulletin Supplement before registering for the General Test.**Admission ticket will show exact center address.12 www.ets.org/greFor the most up-to-date information, visit the GRE Web site at www.gre.org/codelst.html.Do not use this list in selecting a test center.The institutions and fellowship sponsors listed below are approved to receive GRE this does not necessarily mean that these institutions or fellowship sponsors require or recommend taking GRE tests. When registering, if a score recipient is not listed,complete the Additional Score Report (ASR) Request Form (center of the 2005-06 GRE Information and Registration Bulletin) and include the name and complete mailing address of the recipient. The ASR form must accompany your registration form.If a star (?) appears to the left of an institution’s code number, it indicates that, at the time this publication was printed, the1003 Alabama Agricltrl Mechncl U 1248 Alabama Public Library Service 1006 Alabama State U 7089 Andrew Jackson U ? 1024 Athens State Coll 1005 Auburn U Auburn 1036 Auburn U Montgomery 3278 Baptist Health Sys Scharship 1064 Birmingham Southern Coll 3878 Columbia Southern U 1034 Faulkner U0805 Heritage Christian U ? 1303 Huntingdon Coll 1736 Jacksonville State U ? 1349 Judson Coll ? 1468 Miles Coll ? 1586 Oakwood Coll 1302 Samford U 1723 Southeastern Bible Coll 9776 Southern Christian U 1733 Spring Hill Coll ? 1739 Stillman Coll ? 1800 Talladega Coll 1296 Troy U Distance Learning 1824 Troy U Dothan 1798 Troy U Montgomery 1915 Troy U Phenix City 1738 Troy U Troy 1813 Tuskegee U 1856 UAlabama Birmingham 1854 UAlabama Huntsville 1830 UAlabama Tuscaloosa 1515 UMobile 1004 UMontevallo 1735 UN Alabama 1737 Uof W Alabama 1880 US Alabama 1885 United States Sports Acad 66 4897 institution was not offering graduate programs. An institutioncode preceded by a star should not be entered in the score report recipient section of the registration form.Various organizations use GRE scores in considering candidates for graduate fellowships. However, test scores should not be directed to a fellowship sponsor unless you have filed an application with that sponsor or have been requested by the sponsor to send scores. If you are applying for a fellowship that does not appear in the list but is offered by a specific university, contact the university to determine the appropriate code to use. If you are eligible to designate a sponsor not included in this list, see the instructions above. For proper handling, enter “0000” in the department code boxes.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAALABAMArkansas (cont'd)A 6007 UArkansas Monticello 6004 UArkansas Pine Bluff 6012 UCtrl Arkansas ? 6111 UOzarks ? 6658 Williams Baptist Coll 9538 Winrock Intl 09 96 17 07 88 ? 82 43 12 45 45 99 55 57 ? 76 4053 ? 69 12 28 41 59 65 65 ? 80
? 4411 CALIFORNIAALASKAAlaska Paci?c UUAlaska Anchorage UAlaska Fairbanks UAlaska SE 4003 American Grad SchIntrntl Mgmt4162 Argosy U 4007 Arizona State U 4165 Arizona State U-West 4331 Grand Canyon U 4160 Midwestern U Phy AsstProgram 4006 Northern Arizona U 4635 Project
Southwestern Coll 4827 Troy U Davis-Monthan AFB AZ 4168 UAdvancing Computer Tech 4832 UArizona 4808 UArizona Optical Sci Ctr 4912 UArizona Planetary Sci 4911 UPhoenix 67 6272 ?
? 12 01 ARIZONAARKANSASArkansas State UArkansas Tech U Harding UHenderson State U Hendrix Coll John Brown U Lyon Coll Ouachita Baptist U Philander Smith Coll Southern Arkansas UUAR Med Sci Coll Pub Hlth UArkansas Fayetteville UArkansas Little Rock UArkansas Medical Sci Alliant Intl UAmerican Baptist Seminary W American Intercontinental U Antioch U Los Angeles Armstrong U Azusa Paci?c U Bethany Coll Bethel Theological Sem W Biola UCalifornia Baptist U California College of Arts California Inst Integral Stds California Institute Arts California Institute Technolgy California Lutheran U California Maritime Acad California Sch Prof Psych California St Poly U Pomona California St Poly U SLO California St U Bakers?d California St U Calexico California St U Chico California St U Dmgz Hls California St U Fresno California St U Fullerton California St U Hayward California St U Humboldt California St U Long Beach California St U Los Angl California St U Monterey Bay California St U Northridge California St U Sacrmento California St U San Brnd California St U San FranciscoCalifornia St U San JoseCalifornia St U San MarcosCalifornia St U Stanislaus Chapman UCharles R Drew U Med SciChristian Heritage Coll Church Divinity Sch Paci? c City of Hope Graduate Sch Claremont Graduate U Claremont McKenna Coll Claremont Sch Theology Concordia UDominican College San Rafael Dominican Sch Philos & Theo Emperor's Coll Fresno Paci?c Coll Fuller Theological Seminary Golden Gate Baptist Theo Sem Golden Gate UGraduate Theological Union Harvey Mudd Coll Hebrew Union Coll Hertz Foundation Holy Names Coll Hsi Lai UInst For Creation Research Institute Transpersonal Psy Intl Sch of Theology Jesuit Sch Theology Berkly John F Kennedy UJohnston Center U Redlands Keck Graduate Institute La Sierra U Loma Linda ULoyola Marymount UMasters College & Seminaryalifornia (cont'd)C4966 West Coast U 4152 Western U Health Sciences 4980 Westminister Theol Sem In CA ? 4950 Westmont Coll 4952 Whittier Coll 4955 Woodbury U 3057 Wright Institute 9164 Yo San U 72 11
? 84 ? 56 74 75 78 ? 01 ? 98 39 34 54 15 63 50 94 88 98 53 25 COLORADOAdams State Coll Colorado Christian U Colorado Coll Colorado Sch Mines Colorado St UColorado St U-Pueblo Colorado Tech Denver Seminary Ft Lewis Coll Iliff Sch Theology Mesa State Coll Metropolitan State Coll Denver National Technological U Regis USt Johns Semnry Sch Theolgy UColorado Boulder UColorado Colorado Springs UColorado Health Sci Ctr DentistryUColorado Health Sci Ctr DenverUColorado at Denver UDenver UNorthern Colorado UNC-Dietetic Internship Prog United States Air Force Acad Western State College Colorado Albertus Magnus Coll Charter Oak State Coll Connecticut Coll Ctrl Connecticut State U Eastern Connecticut Sta


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