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五张图考眼力:把一群老外都看瞎了 你行么
Puzzles might be taking the internet by storm - but picking the panda out of a page of elephants has become old news. 谜语可能在网络上红极一时,但是从一群大象中挑出一只熊猫的那种已经过时了。
Now, brain teaser boffs are being challenged by Playbuzz to see if they can spot what's wrong in this sentence and colourful list of numbers below - in fewer than five seconds. 现在,Playbuzz向脑筋急转弯爱好者发起挑战,五秒之内测试他们是否可以发现在这些句子和各种颜色的数字当中发现错误。
Those sharp enough to single out the mistake are sharing the puzzle online. But, as its creators say, 'it's harder than it looks'.一眼能看透的眼尖人儿把这些谜题分享到了网络上。但是,它的作者说:&事实上它比看起来要难得多。&
This is the latest brain-teaser taking the internet by storm, inviting people to take on the challenge in fewer than five seconds.这是最近风靡网络的脑筋急转弯,让人在五秒钟内挑战成功。
The results, circled in red, show that the mistake is the fact that the word 'the' has been written twice.结果:被红色圆圈圈到的就是错误的地方,单词the重复了两次。
This optical illusion has had pasty lovers scratching their heads - and rubbing their stomachs.这个视觉错觉让馅饼的爱好者摸不着头脑,抓心又挠胃啊。
The cheese and onion bake is tucked away in the bottom right hand corner (circled in red).奶酪和洋葱烤藏在右下角(用红色圈出)。
In the latest Where's Wally-style puzzle, created by California-based artist Matthew Merrill, a panda's face has been buried among a herd of colourful elephants - and it's proving surprisingly tricky to spot.最近,由加利福尼亚艺术家马修梅丽尔创造出的《傻瓜在哪》的谜语中,一只熊猫被藏在了一群彩色的大象中,要找出错误实在是太让人棘手了。
The illustration sees dozens of elephants' heads in shades of brown, yellow, grey and white. However the black ink used to outline their eyes and ears mean that the monochrome panda (circled) is all but 这个插图有几十只棕色、黄色、灰色和白色的大象的脑袋。但是用来画他们的眼睛和耳朵的黑色墨水意味着单色熊猫(圈)是伪装的。
An Imgur user has paid tribute to the Queen on her 90th birthday by challenging the internet to spot 90 pictures of her face in this portrait.一Imgur用户为了庆贺女王90岁生日,他在网络上发起了在此图片中找出90张女王面孔的挑战。
A closer view of the doctored image shows the Queen's face on furniture, on the gold decoration on the wall and peeping out from behind the sofa and chair.近看这张修过的图片会看到在家具上也有女王的面孔,包括墙上的黄金装饰物以及沙发和椅子后面也探出了女王的面孔(有点密恐和恶心==)。
The illustration features a number of hamsters in various states of happiness, with a few dressed up in wacky costumes to throw off guesses.这一插图描画了各种幸福状态的仓鼠,有几个穿着古怪的服装来摆脱人们的猜测。
But nestled behind two hamsters that aren't dressed up at all is the potato in the fourth row from the bottom and four spots from the right但是依偎在两只仓鼠后面没有任何着装的是一只土豆,在倒数第四排,右边数第四个。


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