what a witch has onwhat s her nameose

A Nameless Witch - A. Lee Martinez
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What a witch has on her nose?
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Witches have normal noses like humans. Witches were to be believed evil and so humans made up stuff like witches to be green and have long pointy noses with moles, but that is not true.=================================================================In popular culture, witches are depicted with hook-noses with a hairy wart on the end.
Witches have normal noses like humans. Witches were to be believed evil and so humans made up stuff like witches to be green and have long pointy noses with moles, but that is not true.&br /&=================================================================&br /&&br /&In popular culture, witches are depicted with hook-noses with a hairy wart on the end.
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To spite all joking and misconceptions, becoming a witch needn't be any more difficult then becoming a soccer player. With study, focus and dedication you can learn to tap int&o your inner powers and the power of the universe. It has nothing to do with hurting animals, other people or yourself (these things are misconceptions about witches, pagan and etc.) We are not devil worshipers, animal sacrificers, or baby killers. We are no different then the average person, we just walk a different spiritual path.
Depending on where you live, there are many occult book stores that offer guidance to magick and the practice of witchcraft, I think reading up on those topics will answer the question.
Yes, I believe so. The question is...to be or not to be a witch.....yes, that is the question.
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Witches did not have green skin or hooked noses. Witches could be anyone. People who were outcasts in society were typically the ones who got accused most often.
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Well, I'm a witch and I have a nose piercing on my nose. What do you have on your nose?
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Naso da strega is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "witch nose." The prepositional phrase translates literally as "witch from (a) witch" in English. The pronunciati&on will be "NA-zo da STREY-ga" in Italian.
If you were suspected of being a witch centuries ago you would be burned at the stake, drowned, jailed, or any number of things.
Nowadays, most societies recognise that there& is no such thing as witchcraft.
I have worked at many things over the years, currently I am semi-retired and spend much of my time gardening, painting, practicing Regimental Highland Broadsword, and researching Paganism for a series of books I am intending to write.
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The only reason to be or say you are a witch is for attention , the  best attention turn to God worship our lord . Really read your  bible pray truthfully. God will show you&y power . God is great I  fear no demon. 
 God is my God ,lord . creator. P raise and glory to my one and only  God and father. AMEN!
Sabrina the Teenage Witch - 1996 Getting to Nose You 7-16 was released on:
USA: 21 February 2003
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hansel and gretel dee wallace interview
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By ABBIE BERNSTEIN / Contributing Writer
Frank Giarmona, Dee Wallace and Jasper Cole in HANSEL AND GRETEL | (C)2012 The Asylum
With roughly 196 acting credits, Dee Wallace is an incredibly busy actress that’s always working. Just in the last two years she’s navigated from guest appearances on TV shows like BONES, WAREHOUSE 13 and SWITCHED AT BIRTH to such recent films. independent films like THE JAZZ FUNERAL, THE MARGARINE WARS and CRY OF THE BUTTERFLY.
She has also played many iconic heroic characters in her career. She likely will forever be most identified with her role as the single mom in E.T. – THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL but she’s also famous for (among other characters) her intrepid reporter checking out werewolves in THE HOWLING and the mother trapped with her little boy by the title canine in CUJO.
However, Wallace has also played darker figures on occasion. She was a villainess in director Peter Jackson’s THE FRIGHTENERS, and now she’s playing witches in two new movies. Later this year she stars in the Rob Zombie film LORDS OF SALEM while she offers up a contemporary take on that folkloric boogey-woman as the antagonist in director Anthony C. Ferrante’s new feature HANSEL & GRETEL (the second film she’s done for Ferrante in addition his directorial debut BOO).
Speaking by phone, Wallace talks about playing a decidedly wicked witch.
ASSIGNMENT X: How old were you when you became aware of HANSEL & GRETEL as a story? Did it scare you, or did you think it was funny?
DEE WALLACE: Well, you know, most people aren’t really introduced to the true Grimm Brothers story. We get the [sanitized] version. I remember having my grandmother and mom read it to me when I was very young, but I don’t ever remember being scared about it. And I was scared of just about everything. I mean, my older brother showed me FRANKENSTEIN when I was nine and I didn’t sleep for months, so I was always pretty impressionable, but I don’t remember being scared about the story at all.
AX: When you were approached about this new version of HANSEL & GRETEL, did you think, “How strange,” or did you think “Yay!”? What was your first impression?
Dee Wallace in HANSEL & GRETEL | (C)2012 The Asylum
WALLACE: Well, I thought, “Yay, I get to work with Anthony again,” and [wondered] did I have to play the typical witch with the long nose, because I didn’t know if I would be too keen on that until I read the script. So I read the script and I was in, because I had talked to Anthony and I have total trust in Anthony. [We wanted to] make the witch more real and that’s what we did. I think it totally works for the modern-day audience. I love the film. I just love it. I’m really proud of it, and you don’t hear me say that about a lot of stuff I do [laughs].
AX: Your character has two strange, hairy grown sons. How is it playing a mother to them?
WALLACE: [laughs] Well, I didn’t look at it so much as their mom. I looked at it more like their owner and their slave master. It never really occurred to me to approach it from that [maternal] point of view, quite frankly.
AX: Was it difficult to get into that mindset of your character’s extreme selfishness?
Dee Wallace and Steve Hanks in HANSEL AND GRETEL | (C)2012 The Asylum
WALLACE: Not at all [laughs]. I mean, like THE FRIGHTENERS! That’s what I loved about this part. There was such a huge arc to play. We’ve all got our dark side. Because we have permission [acting] in the movies, we allow it to expand and be as big as it wants to be, instead of going, “No, I don’t want to be that in my real life, I want to keep a check on all those emotions.” [Acting] in the movies, you can go, “Yeah, let her rip!” And I did – I had a ball.
AX: How was doing the scene where your face is covered in white makeup?
WALLACE: You’re talking about the fantasy scene. Actually, that makeup was supposed to be a lot more complex and because of time constraints, we ended up with that. I really liked it – I thought it totally worked in the movie. It’s white/silver makeup. I think it just works. I think it’s really eerie and weird and really served the effect that [Ferrante] was going for, as far as that dread-induced state that they were in.
AX: How was it working with Stephanie Greco, who plays Gretel?
WALLACE: Oh, my God, I love Stephanie. I thought she was great. She was a total professional. We really connected and I really liked her as a person and it was truly a joy. You can see it on screen and I think the reviews [say] the scenes between me and Stephanie really rock, and I agree. I think they do, too.
Dee Wallace in HANSEL & GRETEL | (C)2012 The Asylum
AX: Was it difficult working on that kind of a fast schedule?
WALLACE: I do a lot of fast schedules. Yes, it’s difficult, but there is something to be said for not taking five weeks to shoot one scene, because then I get bored. So there is a happy in-between point. I like working at a faster pace, but I like working at a faster pace with maybe a little bit more money and a few more accoutrements [laughs]. It wasn’t so much the food – they certainly took care of the food – but the locations and the dressing rooms and stuff like that. It was challenging, but Asylum turns out good product for a really good price.
AX: Do you enjoy the idea of playing somebody with supernatural abilities?
WALLACE: Well, I enjoy as an actress playing any kind of character with an arc. And I like all of the high emotions and I like the emotional exploration. So yeah, this was like THE FRIGHTENERS and CUJO, this was right up my alley. This is what I like to do the best, the most.
AX: You also play a witch in Rob Zombie’s upcoming LORDS OF SALEM …
WALLACE: I was a very, very different type of witch, very different level, very different performance. You couldn’t even put the two in the same category, really.
HANSEL & GRETEL Blu-ray | (C)2013 The Asylum
AX: Was your final scene in HANSEL & GRETEL physically difficult to do?
WALLACE: It was emotionally more challenging than it was physically challenging. We shot it in two entirely separate locations, because again, time constraints. So we went back and re-shot a lot of it and I’m so happy that Asylum and Anthony did that, because it really helped sell the end of it.
AX: Do you have any other projects coming up that we should know about?
WALLACE: I go in and I help out a lot of new filmmakers – a week here, a day there. A lot of my time these days is spent on my healing work and the private sessions that I do. I have a movie for Syfy Channel coming out called ROBOCROC. It’s a government thing gone wrong and it’s a crocodile [meets] TRANSFORMERS. I got to work with a lot of really fine actors from Australia and England and we did it in Bulgaria and I haven’t seen any of it, but it’s certainly in the performances of the actors that I worked with, anyway, it’s really good.
AX: Is there anything else you’d like to say about HANSEL & GRETEL?
WALLACE: I just think people are going to be incredibly pleasantly surprised, because you’ve got two really big-budget [other screen versions of HANSEL & GRETEL coming out this year] – this wasn’t such a big budget, but it’s just the weirdest, strangest take on the story and the performances [are strong] and it’s just eerie. It’s a really eerie HANSEL & GRETEL. So I’d love to hear from the fans, when they compare all three of them, what the hell they think. Email me at my website,
and let me know what you thought. I’m serious. I’d like to know.
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Wicked Witch
I'll get you, my pretty — ! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Welcome to the dark side of the classic witch, step lightly or .
The wicked witch archetype is a classic staple of
everywhere. It used to be that just about every witch was wicked, and if a non-evil female magic user appeared in folklore, she'd be referred to with a term like "sorceress" or "fairy godmother" instead, but in modern times that's not always the case. A lot of the trappings of a wicked witch are shared by her good or neutral counterpart the , such as
and wearing . Still there are some red flags to watch out for to decide if the witch you're dealing with is good or may in fact be wicked.
Appearance: Because
and , an evil witch tends to be old and wrinkly, perhaps with warts and a
or pointy chin, and maybe even green or sallow skin, or . And of course . In fact, if they hit any of the
you'll want to watch out. However, if her beauty is the reason for her evil, she's probably a .
Habits: This character tends to , especially
where it's easy to find your way in and never find your way back out. Sometimes her house is , but it's just as likely she lives in a
or other attractive building, so as to lure in her favorite prey: children. Sometimes , or sometimes she , but even if she does neither, most evil witches seem inexorably . This character also loves to
and she may say something along the lines of . And while , the wicked ones also have a thing for creepy and evil animals like , , , .
Powers: While a good witch tends to be an , the bad version practices
and probably
. A good witch might brew a potion to , but a wicked one might brew a potion with a
to give you hives. They are also especially prone to throwing around
at people they don't like or .
seems to be a favorite, as far as curses go.
It's likely that every witch in existence will be this trope in a setting where . There might also be some overlap with the
and the , however royalty tends to be . In settings tending more towards
than typical fantasy worlds, their magical powers will be downplayed, but their prophecies will have a bad habit of coming horribly true, especially if they get insulted or snubbed.
It's also worth noting that many aspects of the wicked witch (an old woman in mourning black, living alone, loves children, has a cat) are perfectly ordinary things you might expect from a widowed older woman, twisted to make them sound evil. The origins of the wicked witch herself are most likely a way to vilify women that certain people thought were leading immoral lives, or wanted to take advantage of.
of which this tends to be a more 'earthy' version.
Usually uses . Subtrope of . Sister tropes include , , and . Not to be confused with .
&&&&open/close all folders&
&&&& Anime and Manga &
Yubaba from , but not her sister, who just looks like one.
Slightly applies to Yubaba's sister, as despite her kind nature she's not above using violence to get what she wants. This is exemplified by her sending paper familiars after Haku and cutting him up badly with them for stealing something from her.
had Beryl, , Emerald, Nehellenia, Badiane, Kaguya... just to name a few.
The Witches 5...
Most of those are undeniably wicked, but they're also .
, known as
in America has Honerva/Haggar, an
intentionally subverts the Wicked Witch archetype with Anthy, who is a witch who acts like a princess. She is victimized by her brother, a prince who acts like a witch, and she eventually falls in love with Utena, a princess who acts like a prince.
has Shibiretta, one of the employees of Eternal.
has Majorina, one of the enemy commanders. Crooked nose? Yes. Occasional cackling? Yes. Rides a broom? Yes. Casts hexes? Yes, albeit from her inventions. Crystal ball to spy on others? Yes, though she doesn't use it too much. Old and ugly? Yes, until she shouts "Majorina time!" and turns into her
While Punie Tanaka of
definitely looks the part of a , her true nature is more along these lines.
portrays witches in general as , but
in particular are the
of various points of the story.
with Angela, a cute little girl witch.
The Witches from
are very, very far from the classic image of the "Witch", being much closer to
or the youma of classic mahou shoujo shows than anything else. Also, apart from witches that grew from former familiars after their parent witch was killed, every single witch used to be a .
True Witch Fabia Crozelg of , who dresses in a black witch outfit, flies around on a broom called Hell Gazer, commands several devil familiars, and specializes in a wide variety of . When
Sister Chantez sees her, she mentions that she's practically her complete opposite professionally. She's also the , spying on the Vivid cast and later capturing them one by one.
In , Mystical Sands is a witch that the heroes have to defeat to progress. She controls sand and laughs constantly as the heroes fight her sand worm minions.
Clow Reed's
in the dubbed version of the first OVA to . In the original, she was merely a water-diviner whose business was disrupted by Clow Reed, and who was sealed up voluntarily. She was also not actually his girlfriend, though she did have feelings for him that may or may not have been reciprocated. note& In the dub, she was formerly Clow Reed's student, and eventually his long-term girlfriend, until she decided she wanted more power and headed on over to , and Clow Reed broke up with her and sealed her away because she was dangerous.
Sucy Manbavaran from
is a goth-looking girl, pale skinned with bags under her eyes, specializes in potions and poisons, and is named after a Philippine trickster witch archetype. A rare "good guy" example.
"", the stepmother, , turns her stepda the title character must kiss the dragon to restore her.
In the Child ballad "", the stepmother transforms both her stepchildren.
In , Willie's mother, who cursed her daughter-in-law to die in childbirth.
&&&& Comic Books &
is any unnamed Wicked Witch in fairy tales. She's been shown specifically to have been the Wicked Witch in "", "", "", and "", but she got better after the oven incident. (This is explained in the 1001 Nights of Snowfall prequel.)
Totenkinder is actually a bit of a subversion because she's not actually evil, just self-servingly neutral, and only looks the way she does by choice.
Another partial monkeywrench is the Prairie Witch, a forties-era villain created by James Robinson in . She's leggy and sexy and doesn't actually practice magic, but she's got the green skin, hat, and flying broom.
The polar opposite of Prairie Witch may be Mother Hubbard, also from was , specifically ''Scoop Comics?? in 1941. She had all the trappings of the Trope, being an old hag with a witch?s hat who flew on a broomstick and used cauldrons and crystal balls to use dark magic. However, she was , fighting evil gnomes and trolls, and, like most heroes of the time, battling .
Mordred from DC's old anthology horror series, The Witching Hour, fits the bill. To a lesser extent so does her daughter, Mildred, but not her granddaughter, Cynthia, who is more of a . These three were later adapted into aspects of the Furies in
Hilda Spellman from
certainly counts as one with her pointy hat, long nose, warts, crooked teeth, flying broomstick and propensity to put hexes and curses on anyone she sees fit to. Her sister, Zelda, however, is far more the fairy godmother type, and their niece, Sabrina, is the quintessential .
The above was true in stories before the late 1990s; with the success of the sitcom, Archie averted this by adapting some of the sitcom's elements into the comics. Thus, they gave Hilda and Zelda makeovers that made them look and act more like typical modern women.
Most of the stories that
tells to Alvin feature an evil witch named Witch Hazel (No, not
Witch Hazel), and her niece (also a witch) named Little Itch.
friend Wendy is a , but she has three very wicked aunts.
: An Tanneke in De Zeven Snaren (but she becomes a good character in the end), Alwina in De Schat van Beersel, Kovertol in De Tuf-Tuf-Club, De Zwarte Madam in De Zwarte Madam, Ham Leyn Wecks in De Mysterieuze Mijn, Jeanne Panne in Jeanne Panne.
: Appear in albums like Hela De Heks and De Groene Patreel.
: Haakneus, Pierehaar and Steketand, who also appear in creator Jef Nys' other series, Langteen & Schommelbuik.
: Magica De Spell in the comic strips.
: The Sea Hag.
: Wredulia and the Heksen van Eergisteren.
: Eucalypta the witch, Paulus' archnemesis.
The obscure '40s heroine Mother Hubbard was a heroic Wicked Witch who used her magic to fight , evil soul-stealing gnomes, and baby-eating ogres.
: Mega-City One has been attacked by the Sisters of Death several times, who combine the wicked witch archetype with . As allies of the Dark Judges (and the ones responsible for turning them into living dead), they're undead spirits who consider life itself a crime and whose powers are so vast that they took over most of the Judge force and blacked out the sun.
&&&& Fairy Tales/Folklore&
. Although she may also count as a nature spirit of sorts too.
In "", a Wicked W she has the sheep killed and feeds it to the woman's husband, although the daughter does not eat and manages to bury the bones. Then she does everything in Cinderella and then, after the wedding, enchants her stepdaughter
after the wedding and puts her own daughter in her place.
not only drives off the title characters with her cruelty, but, being a witch, tries to enchant them into animal forms (and succeeds with Brother). She also
Sister after her marriage and replace her with her own daughter.
In "", the stepmother, , turns her stepda she is disenchanted by her brother.
In "", the
has a Wicked Witch turn her stepdaughter's head into a sheep's head.
In "", when Esben and his brothers stay at the witch's, she tries to murder them in their sleep. Fortunately, Esben shifted around the nightcaps so she murdered her o then, when they go to the king, he proceeds to rob her of her treasures one by one.
"" is held captive by a witch, who demanded her in return for her father's life, because he had stolen . As are
and , whose mothers had robbed the witch and had to pay the same price.
In "", the two girls go into servi one, by being friendly to things she meets on the way, succeeds in tricking her out of gold, but the other fails.
A witch kidnaps "" in order to eat him.
In "", the
intentionally sends her children to a Wicked Witch, wh through the advice of their grandmother and kindness to the objects about her house, they escape.
"" kidnapped a princess,
and place, and sending her to her brother as a bride, but the princess's son knew she was not his mother, and the true princess came back three times, and the third time, the prince managed to free her.
In "", a Wicked Witch gets two brothers to promise her the then she kidnaps the younger brother and tries to destroy him with .
In "", when the girl steals parsley from the witch, the witch has her come work for her, and eat all the parsley she likes, but when young men start to quarrel because of her beauty, she turns the girl into a toad.
In "", a witch who disguises herself as an owl and or a cat turns Jorinde into a nightingale, and Joringel has to go save her.
In "", a witch breaks into the heroine's house and eats her older sisters (though the incident was the sisters' fault for leaving the door open).
In "", a witch prevents the prince and his love from meeting a second time.
In " ", Prunella is a Wicked Witch's prisoner, because she had taken fruit from the witch's tree, only with the help of the witch's son does she survive.
The eponymous characters in "", end up lost in the woods, and find their way to a house (made of cake and bread), which is owned by a wicked witch, who's also a cannibal.
In , the heroine's brother accuses her of this.
"By the kindness of your heart have you been deceived, O king," said he. "Your son has married a girl who has lost a hand. Do you know why she had lost it? She was a witch, and has wedded three husbands, and each husband she has put to death with her arts. Then the people of the town cut off her hand, and turned her into the forest. And what I say is true, for her town is my town also."
In "", collected by , and "", collected by , one of the brothers gets lost in
and encounters a wicked witch who turns people to stone.
&&&&Films — Animated&
movies based on fairy tales and similair works.:
In , Queen Grimhilde transforms herself into a very impressive Hag of a witch, including all the classic physical features, in order to pull one over on Snow White. Interestingly she was originally a
who put on the whole 'hook-nosed woman' look as a disguise. In fact, she's so effective as a Witch that she is resurrected to grand effect in the Disney comic books.
Maleficent from
is technically an , but still invokes the look and feel. She's referred to as a "wicked witch" by Merriweather.
appeared as Merlin's adversary in , and had all the generic traits of a Wicked Witch. Interestingly her subsequent appearances in the various Disney comics turned her into
verging on .
Ursula from
(also a member of a fairy race, but is considered a wicked witch to merfolk)
Mother Gothel from
might count - we're not entirely sure she's a witch.
Hydia and her two daughters Reeka and Draggle from , although Reeka and Draggle are rather incompetent at it.
The town in
once executed a supposed witch in its past, and is now filled with cheesy attractions and shops depicting her as this, which
finds historically inaccurate.
The witch was really just a little girl that could
&&&&Films — Live-Action &
Voodoo fortuneteller Elzora from . The movie taking place in relatively recent times, she's aware of the imagery and seems to enjoy playing it up as part of her fortuneteller act, and gets cheap laughs from scaring children.
Helena Markos, the Witch of Sighs. She's very old, has wrinkled skin, cackles, and eats people.
Loads of these are present and seen plaguing the fictional village of Augsburg in .
All but one in the film . Anjelica Huston's portrayal of the Grand High Witch's true face is actually more horrifying than its book counterpart.
The prequel film
features three witches. One is evil all along, one turns evil and one remains good. The Wicked Witches both have natural monstrous forms but can use an enchantment to disguise themselves as beautiful. When Theodora becomes the Wicked Witch of the West, she loses her beauty and gains the iconic green skin. The
thing turns out to be something she does to mock Oscar.
Three wicked witches are the antagonists of . Of the trio, Winnie is the only one that really fits the Wicked Witch stereotype. Her sister Mary is more of a grown up
and the third sister Sarah is an outright .
In , while most witches are of
variety, the Witch Queen looks like something humanoid grew from a tree, has
and laughs in a rather unamusing manner.
Both versions of
feature the Stygian Witches. They are based on the Graeae from Greek mythology - and the name actually translates as 'old women', 'grey ones', 'grey witches' etc. They're a trio of elderly women who share one eye and one tooth between them. Perseus taking their eye convinces them to reveal some useful exposition. They appear to be far more bloodthirsty in the 2010 remake, as they're implied to be cannibals.
&&&& Literature &
Karen Brewer from
believes that the next door neighbor Mrs. Porter is one, and that her real name is Morbidda Destiny. The sitters would waver on whether or not they really believed this (and one of the Little Sister books revealed that even Mrs. Porter's granddaughter could not be sure whether it was true). Kristy eventually reasoned that Mrs. Porter could not be a real witch because when the Brewers' cat left a dead mouse on her doorstep she brought it over to demand that they dispose of it, rather than keeping to use in her potions.
was 's story The Golden Pot, which was quite popular in an English translation during the early 19th century. The very wicked witch in this tale is a wrinkly old woman with the missing teeth that make her pointed nose almost meet her pointed chin, wearing a tall black hat, has a spooky black cat that she talks to, lives in a small cottage full of taxidermied animals and such, and cooks up a potion in a cauldron as a "love" charm for the young woman who comes to see her.
In John Barnes's , witches, with the rarest of exceptions, fully look the part.
, where the witches are actually named "Wicked Witch" (of the East and West).
Countless reviews and analyses of
have said that, pound-for-pound, The Wicked Witch of the West is overall the hands-down most evil character to have ever been portrayed in film. It's also the
for witches being green-skinned.
The sequel
introduced Mombi, the mildly wicked witch who brought Jack Pumpkinhead to life with her Powder of Life. Later in , in the Thompson novels, Mombi becomes a full-fledged Wicked Witch, the former Wicked Witch of the North.
Gregory Maguire's novel
is a revisionist look at the characters and the land of Oz. The story centers on a green girl named Elphaba who grows up to be the Wicked Witch of the West. Over the course of the book, Elphaba gradually acquires the stereotypical attributes of this trope (except the ugliness- while never pretty per se, she's repeatedly described as having strong features that could easily tip into the stereotype, including a hooked nose, but they come together strikingly on her).
The Other Mother in .
offers us Rhea, in .
witches are a monkeywrench, they
but are generally benevolent acting as doctor, judge, defence against supernatural threats and generally keeping the community in order. However, that doesn't always mean they're .
In fact, Granny Weatherwax is rather disappointed that she has perfect teeth and an unblemished, rosy complexion. However, she refuses to admit that she ever cackles.
We also get the occasion played straight (Black Allis, a frequently mentioned example of what happens when witches go bad) and
(Lilly Weatherwax, an evil fairy godmother)
The unfortunate results of using the traits of old women to "identify" witches is also deconstructed from time to time, seen in Witches Abroad and especially in the Tiffany Aching novels. Tiffany is first inspired to become a witch after witnessing the ostracism of an innocent, lonely, slightly odd old woman just because she was suspected of being a witch (by a community which wasn't familiar with the more positive examples mentioned above).
in The Illustrated
includes a "wicked witch" called Brenda Loveknot as part of the toad's backstory, who cursed Princess Sandy of Brokenrock to be stunned by a falling hamster on her 18th birthday. However, Loveknot insists she's not evil, just fulfilling a necessary narrative role, and the "curse" was placed by arrangement with the king on the understanding that it would
lead to Sandy marrying a handsome prince.
Completely averted by Morwen in the . She is a witch, and still practices magic, , and wears black robes, but is also very practical, sensible, friendly, and attractive in a motherly way.
Also parodied with her colleague Archaniz, who looks and acts the part down to the poisonous garden... because she's the Chairwitch of the Deadly Nightshade Gardening Club. She also grows ordinary daisies in the garden and worries about witches getting a reputation for being too kind and helpful and thus getting swamped by people asking for assistance.
's novel . Dahl stated that his witches are
and always hate children. They dedicate their lives to killing children. He also gives some telltale signs to spot a witch.
They're bald. As they cover this up by wearing wigs 24/7, a woman scratching her head a lot is sure to be one.
They have cats' claws instead of fingernails. So they're always wearing gloves
Their nostrils have pink rims, to help them smell out children. Which apparently smell of fresh dogs' droppings.
Their eyeballs flash different colours. You can apparently see fire and ice dancing there if you look hard enough.
They have no toes. Yet they squeeze their feet into pointed shoes anyway - which is excruciating.
Their saliva is blue, and they use it as pen ink.
The utterly
Witch Sisters, Morag and Mallenroh of ' . Beautiful, cold, and utterly evil, they've turned the Wilderun into a disaster, and spent several thousand years warring with one another and kidnapping/murdering anyone who gets in between them. The Ilse Witch of
who was, coincidentally, raised by Morag and Mallenroh's brother, .
Brooks seemed to have liked this trope, because he also made one of the chief antagonists of his
series an evil, beautiful witch too. Nightshade is the only antagonist who shows up in every book of the series, and she has the most powerful magic in all of Landover after the land itself.
series women with talent for magic but no money for sorceress' training tend to end up getting the reputation, if not always the personality of a Wicked Witch.
In 's , the White Witch of
and the Lady of the Green Kirtle of .
Although most witches in the
books are good, some are this trope, and end up the antagonists of some books.
Maelga, in , is the sorceress Sybel' one of the only people willing to live near the mysterious and frightening Eld Mountain. She's only a little she and Sybel end up good friends after Sybel receives the baby, Tam, and turns to Maelga for advice. Maelga steals a cow — refusing to let Sybel do it — so they can feed Tam, and leaves a jeweled broach in its place, making many peasants hopefully leaving the barn door open after. She does dispense curses and potions to the villagers, though.
In 's , the figure of Sin is compared to these:
Nor uglier follow the Night-Hag, when call'd In secret, riding through the Air she comes Lur'd with the smell of , to dance With LAPLAND Witches, while the labouring Moon Eclipses at thir charms.
In 's , , Emily's mother wasn't really wicked, but she definitely had leanings in that direction, and certainly looked the part. And she did turn Prince Hal into a frog (although, to be fair, he was trying to steal something from her at the time).
In 's , several casting fell magic. One tries to trap Gwendolyn with a spinning wheel, which leaves Annie wondering how that works, since an evil fairy cast the .
In 's , Halloween's problems started with this. (They blame .)
In 's , Mother Gerd claims to be merely summoning a sprite, but given that she recites the Lord's Prayer backwards, and warns Holger not to pray or cross himself, it's clearly a devil.
's "" gave us Keziah Mason, servant of Nyarlathotep.
In , Annaconda is described in her first appearance as a witch. It initially just seems like the author's way of describing how cruel she is, but then we learn that "witch" is absolutely literal. She and her sisters are genuine, black-magic-casting witches who crave power.
In , Mrs. Which takes on this form, with a pointed hat and a broom. While she's scary, she's a benevolent force, making her guise a pun rather than an indication of her nature.
&&&&Live-Action TV&
The fact that old spinster Do&a Clotilde presents almost all the characteristics listed above except the obvious magic powers becomes a
Bandora from , as well as her American counterpart, Rita Repulsa from .
"The Tale of the Final Wish" ironically (it's based around ) doesn't feature one as the antagonist. But Jill's nightmare at the beginning has
of a beautiful woman offering an apple - only to transform into a Wicked Witch.
"The Tale of the Pinball Wizard" has a
to the evil prince in the game. She doesn't appear to have any magic of her own - but she's got plenty of sharp nails and cackling to make up for it.
"The Tale of Watcher's Woods" features a trio of Wicked Witches haunting the titular woods. It turns out they were three little girls who got lost in the woods while camping.
"The Tale of the Unfinished Painting" has a witch as an artist who traps people in paintings - and then displays them in a gallery as her own work.
"The Tale of the Mystical Mirror" has a
trying to preserve her youth and beauty by turning young girls into dogs (and presumably killing them).
"The Tale of Many Faces" again has a
enslaving young women and stealing their faces, rather like Mombi from .
Sid and Marty Krofft had a female example in Witchiepoo from
and and a male example in Hoodoo from , an evil magician who rides a flying hat. Which is lampshaded in one episode where the two end up meeting through a dating service. It was up to the heroes to break up the relationship.
Amy's mom in an early
episode, "" may not physically resemble the classic witch archetype, but she was certainly wicked (). Later seasons proved that Amy was also leaning toward the wicked side. Then there's Willow at the end of Season Six...
When Willow turns evil she gains enough dark magic power to be described as "the most powerful Wiccan in the Western Hemisphere". Which of course would make her the .
Also spoofed with Willow being annoyed over witch stereotypes. There's also the
scene in "Once More With Feeling" when Xander says that evil witches might be responsible, only to shut up when Willow and Tara give him the hairy eyeball. And in "Family" where the Scoobies give Tara cliched presents like broomsticks and crystal balls. Willow however still
Subverted and lampshaded in the
episode "All Halliwell's Eve", when Prue, Piper, and Phoebe prepare for a Halloween party dressed as a nature witch, Glinda, and
respectively, and Phoebe comments on Prue'
Phoebe: Hook-nosed hags riding broomsticks - that's what we're celebrating. Personally I am offended by the representation of witches in popular culture
Prue: Which is why you're dressed as mistress of the dark?
Phoebe: This costume happens to be a protest statement.
Prue: I am so impressed that you can make a protest statement and show cleavage all at the same time.
The plotline for that episode involves the Halliwell sisters being sent to 17th century Virginia to protect one of their ancestors. To ward off a mob, Phoebe uses her levitation powers to fly toward them while seemingly riding a broomstick. As she told her sisters, "I'm embracing the cliche."
Another couple of episodes feature Wicked Witches. One that features
freed from being imprisoned in a magic mirror - and she tries to kill the sisters by using fairy tale items. You guessed it - she dies by getting melted. The other Wicked Witch appears in the sixth season causing trouble for magical creatures - she is indeed seen in a black hat cackling by a cauldron.
Paige and Phoebe were both wicked witches in their past lives, though Paige's is referred to as 'The Evil Enchantress' - and is given a
Carrionites from
of Wicked Witches.
Hexenbiest when they voge in
episode "Dreams in the Witch-House" (based on an
story by the same title), the witch is a decrepit old woman who forces various men to sacrifice children for her spells.
TV series , Miss Hardbroom speaks against this trope. Mildred wears a Halloween mask meant to evoke the
stereotype and gets scolded. Mildred runs into a trio of true Wicked Witches later on but they're normal women who just look a little rough from living in the forest. Miss Hardbroom mocks the trope even more "I suppose they had long warty noses and green skin".
In the series finale, the girls accidentally wake up the Wicked Witch from Sleeping Beauty - and she curses everyone to fall into the same eternal sleep.
The Off-Witch school inspector Mistress Broomhead is quite close to this as well. She tries her best to close the school down...until Miss Cackle discovers that she's an old school classmate - who's been wicked since childhood. She apparently turned all her teachers into snakes and tried to encase the school in a block of ice.
Most stereotypes are subverted by the evil Harriet Hogweed - which is why she is able to pass for the good witch Lucy Fairweather.
played with this one. A
(in fact referred to as THE Wicked Witch) lives at the top of the beanstalk where she eats mortals for dinner. She's a
now but this dialogue implies it wasn't always so...
Zelda: It's the Wicked Witch! Sabrina: Wicked? But she's so pretty. Hilda: Oh! She's had a lot of work done.
In "The Crucible" Harvey references the trope when Sabrina is accused of being a witch. He says she can't be one because witches are old and ugly -
(which he does to Sabrina).
In another episode, a distant aunt of Sabrina is shown to have all the physical characteristics and wardrobe... except that she turns to be absolutely nice, caring and selfless.
Deconstructed on
Zelena, the actual literal Wicked Witch of the West, is not only one of the most beautiful female characters in the series, being a , she showcases quite a bit of cleavage throughout the series, despite her emotional fragility. Not only that, but she's also had one of the worst lives of all villains in the series, and a huge
for her actions. Eventually, after a series of wicked deeds including kidnapping, murder, and rape she, most unexpectedly finds happiness and begins her path towards redemption in her baby daughter Robyn, named after her father Robin Hood, who wasn't her partner, but conceived the girl while Zelena was wearing a cloaking spell pretending to be his wife Marian.
Regina can be considered a subversion of this trope too, although she was established from her introductory scene as being very different from that.
It's debatable if Cora is a subversion or plays this straight.
The Black Fairy seems to be this, except for the looks. Only her backstory episode will tell.
There are many instances of wicked
in , including the
and the witch from .
has two, both living in the Fairy Tale Kingdom. One is the witch from , and one acts as an assistant to the main villain.
Deconstructed, with a vengeance, on an episode of , "The Witches Are Out"note&. Near Halloween, a candy magnate wants his product's mascot to be this. Since it's the '60s and all, Samantha, her friends and relatives stage a protest march, complete with picket signs, "Witches Are People Too", etc. (Aunt Clara's reads "Vote for Coolidge"). After terrorizing him by (among other things) making him look like that, the magnate capitulates, discovering later that since most Halloween candy is bought by fathers, a pretty witch is more appealing.
if you are a Wiccan devotee: letters to this effect turn up in newspapers and on blogs every year.
has an episode where Kenan suspects a new transfer student is actually a witch. She dresses all in black, has a black cat as a pet and makes a lot of homemade food. Chris outlines the ways in which to spot a witch - they apparently scratch themselves a lot, smell like fire and have green tongues. Through coincidence, the girl in question appears to demonstrate all those. Kenan then suspects her of casting a love spell on Kel and a bad luck spell on him. He does indeed get an
where she's dressed in the traditional black hat and cloak.
has an orchestral piece based on . His other most famous work
is about a witches' sabbath.
&&&&Newspaper Comics&
: Granny McBrochan has all the attributes of the
living in a remote cottage, magical cats, purveyor of curses and potions, and a cauldron. In practice she is a mostly benign feature in the lives of most Drambegians. Her wrath is mostly confined to Angus, and goodness knows but he deserves it at times.
: The Sea Hag and her sister are classic but unique examples, drawn in that inimitable Segar style.
The "Trick or Treat" table of
features a cartoonish witch, complete with large hooked nose, missing teeth, and pointy black hat.
The Wicked Witch of the West in , of course.
The Sea Hag in .
&&&&Professional Wrestling&
and later LLF and LLU
La Bruja. After Malena Hern&ndez was unmasked she got a golden masked successor.
Rossy Moreno, Miss Janeth and Tiffany made rounds in as a Brujas for hire trio, having appeared in AULL,
Mexico, AAA and PROLLM, among others.
&&&& Tabletop Games &
In , there's a condition called Hag's Syndrome that makes the setting's
look as close to the part as they can — when their powers first manifest, their skin and hair turn green and their eyes red — and, in a
to , water melts their skin. Actually a subversion, as a witch that has this isn't necessarily wicked — their spells are more powerful than other witches, but it's entirely possible for a good witch to have the condition.
The Witch class in
can be this sort of witch, if they want. They are not bound to do it, but all the child-smelling, cauldron-bubbling goodness is there in their basic class features.
The "Hag" monster type in both Pathfinder and
is a Wicked Witch as a monster type - an evil, magic-using,
that resembles a hideous old woman.
Played with in the Kingmaker adventure path, there they characters will meet an old woman with a long pointy nose, weedy hair, green skin, and magical power who lives alone in a swamp with her giant flaming scarecrow. She's actually a sorceress who is cranky because she's tired of people assuming she's an evil witch and mostly just wants to be left alone.
See also the entire country of Irrisen, imagine if
took over Russia with an army of Trolls, Frost Giants, icy Fairies and Giant Wolves, then left her daughters in charge.
Likewise Heroes of the Feywild introduces a Witch class to . While they can be as good or evil as any class, they were the first true magic users, and the gods still have a vendetta against them. As such they tend to be viewed as this trope and act in secret.
Kozmool Wickedwitch in the
OCG, who's a combination of Darth Maul and the Wicked Witch.
&&&& Theater &
The Witch in
is a subversion of sorts: her evil deeds happened in the backstory and during the story itself she does more to help the protagonists than hinder them. They blame her nevertheless.
Elphaba, the witch in , is...well, exactly what you'd expect.
Mother Hare in , though her magic mostly runs along the lines of crystal balls and potions, and she isn't ever called a witch (though at one point, another character mockingly tells her, "Go home and ride your broomstick!"). She's an
old clairvoyant who avows that
and creates the titular .
The witches of
are, if , still suspiciously close to this trope.
has featured a few, starting with the witch in the
theme, one in the Castle Fantasy Era, and one in the
LEGO will also make a minifigure of the Wicked Witch of the West for LEGO Dimensions.
has featured several witches as well. Most of them have a hairstyle that combines the stringy hair and bun styles, and a hooked-nose-and-glasses piece has been used on most of them. The witches in the "Fi?ures" theme encompass the classic traits, because the first has the nose, stringy hair and sickly skin, while the second has the warts and the messy hair with bun.
&&&& Video Games &
Gruntilda from .
Plus her sisters in the sequel.
Partially monkeywrenched in newer
games. Some of the most annoying generic enemies are witches, but they're all rather attractive and young looking. They still dress the part though, and fly around on brooms. Subverted entirely by the Belnades family, a clan of witches who have assisted the Belmont clan in destroying Dracula many times.
The closest example to a Wicked Witch in the series is Actrise from , and she retains her youthful beauty. She had to slaughter her children in exchange for it...
plays this straight as opposed to the cute/hot witches in later games.
And then played completely straight with
herself, in . Sure, she's helping you, but she quite clearly put Gabriel in a
music box for her own amusement, and is responsible for driving
to insanity. She would have become young and presumably beautiful (the
contained a blue rose she needed for a youth potion), had Zobek not killed her offscreen (when he realized she was working for Satan).
has Koume and Kotake. Their combined form, Twinrova, is young and pretty, though.
Subverted in
— unlike their counterparts in the main Zelda universe, Termina's Koume and Kotake are kindly and helpful (though still hideous) crones, rather than wicked witches.
The witches Twinrova appear in all their evil glory in
and . In a fully linked game, .
Probably Cackletta in .
Kammy Koopa in the
games. Bedlam also sports the Wicked Witch look, crossing over into
territory for the rest of her character.
All witches in . Except once where two feuding witches repeatedly curse each other and one "curses" the other with unending beauty. She's still quite evil, though.
Many of the
games featured evil witches. Hagatha in , Lolotte in , and Malicia in
were their respective games' main antagonists. Unnamed witches caused lesser mischief in
Sabāsa, The Pumpkin Zone boss in .
series has witches of all types, but Hagravens fit the trope best. Hagravens are a species of flightless
that performed a ritual (involving ) that traded their humanity for . Hagravens prefer
and can typically be found in remote areas leading either
(as ) or covens of still-mortal witches (who ultimately plan to become Hagravens).
fits this trope. In fact, she's so old that she's a ghost. Her disciple Marisa is a , though.
Shinki also fits, even though she's closer to being a . Her daughter(?) Alice is half this and half , since Alice is not a human (anymore).
When Patchouli is not a , she's a Wicked Witch who traffic with the Scarlet devil.
It's strongly implied that the Wicked Witch image is the reason Byakuran was imprisoned, despite her kindness.
added witches as a second ranged hostile mob in the Pretty Scary Update (version 1.4). They attack by throwing negative status effect splash potions (slowness, poison, damage, and weakness) at the player and use positive status effect potions (healing, fire resistance, and swiftness) to heal/protect themselves.
A pivotal character in the
series is a shapeshifter called Flemeth who first appears as a wrinkled crone living in a cottage (in a swamp) with her daughter. The Chasind call her Witch of the Wilds and tell their children she'll eat them if they don't behave ("Bah! As if I had nothing better to do!"). She's extremely powerful, near-immortal, fond of the odd , and no-one seems to have a clear idea what she is or what she's after. Oh, and she'll go Maleficent on you and turn into a DRAGON if you mess with her.
Barbara Jagger of
has slight shades of this, which are turned
in her portrayals by the game's
band. Of course her true nature is a bit .
has Granny Rags, an old crone given the Mark of The Outsider who occasionally requests Corvo to help her with nefarious rituals.
has a the witch smiley, obtained from magic coins.
These characters are possible in , either by creating one outright, or having a good or neutral witch/wizard study or use the . (Which, in the Sims, are
On the other hand,
gives you a quest to deal with a much more
who actually threatens the kingdom. (You could also, possibly, make your own kingdom's Wizard into one, as there are clothing and hat options that look like a witch's gear and the traits Cruel and Evil are available. You couldn't make her green though, just very pale.)
The Hag bosses from The . Complete with boiling cauldron and
of , Drawcia, is a sorceress who wants to transform Dream Land into a world made of paint. When defeated, she transforms into a screaming paint ball and was eventually killed off. Not to mention she was born from a painting herself.
inverts this trope. Though the Japanese pause description states that she's Drawcia's sister.
&&&& Web Comics &
Both Red and Clare are called witches in . There is a real witch as well, but she's as tragic as she is scary.
In , Lady Noga is a classic Wicked Witch (while also being a
captain). She is very reminiscent of
in both her appearance, Slavic accent, and her love for eating children.
In , "witch" is one of the titles that stays with the , even in other universes. This is in direct contrast with Feferi, her descendant, and Jade, her great-granddaughter by adoption, both of whom are .
&&&& Western Animation &
the episode "The Witch's Garden" has a witch who has haggish features, green skin, and a back so bent over she is in the shape of an arch. She uses her walking stick for magic, and curses Jake for eating one of the donuts in her garden.
A Wicked Witch called Witch Hazel appeared in the
Trick or Treat where she helps Huey, Dewey, and Louie get candy from . She later appeared in a variety of Disney Comics.
To be more specific, in Trick or Treat, Witch Hazel styles herself as the classic Halloween Witch, and while going out for a joyride stirring up trouble and frights, she witnesses Donald's cruel trick on his nephews,
into offering her assistance to the boys. First, she attempts to speak diplomatically to Donald, but, after he yanks on her nose and douses her with a bucket of water, she finds the "quacking rogue" so offensive that she has Huey, Dewey, and Louie help her concoct a potent potion to jinx Donald with.
A different Witch Hazel appears in a number of
shorts, starting with Bewitched Bunny.
Both Witch Hazels were voiced by , who also played assorted witches (usually with the same voice) in the "" segments in .
Marge and her sisters appear as Wicked Witches in
in the "Easy-Bake Coven" segment of " VIII".
The winner of the costume contest in "Treehouse of Horror XVI" is a hideous witch. She is disqualified for not wearing a costume as she is a real witch. Angered, she .
The Wicked Witch from
appears in another "Treehouse of Horror" episode.
Shadow Weaver from
The little-known cartoon, The New Misadventures of Ichabod Crane featured a witch named Velma Van Damme, who was apparently responsible for the headless horseman that terrorized the folks of Sleepy Hollow.
The Witch Sisters from .
The Wicked Witch (usually going by the name "Wicked") in .
had a few:
Hogatha a short, dumpy hag who's bald (but wears a wig), snorts when she talks (which is how she got her name, apparently), rides a vulture, and can cast evil spells. Most of her schemes either involve trying to find ways to make herself beautiful or force handsome princes to marry her (and naturally, the smurfs always get caught in the middle of these plans).
was Chlorhydris, who was so full of hate that she wanted to make the entire world feel the same way, eradicating everyone's ability to feel happiness and love. While such goals are not uncommon for villains in a series like this, Chlorhydris did some downright sadistic things in pursuit of it, like kidnapping the wood elf Laconia and using her wand to kill the flowing plants in the forest - not caring in the least that doing so was causing Laconia to die an agonizingly slow death as she felt their pain. (Unlike most villains in the series, Chlorhydris w apparently, she was once in love with a wizard who left her at the altar, and apparently, the heartbreak not only , it was enough for her to want to deny all of creation what she had once had.)
The witch from the eponymous
episode "The Witch" is teleported from her appearance in . She's basically a checklist of the typical portrayal: fat, ancient, monstrous appearance, tattered clothes, eats children, cackles and flies around on a broom (although she has bat wings...) She also tries to .
Hama from ; she was a normal Waterbender until she was captured and imprisoned by the Fire Nation, where she developed a twisted version of the ability called . Hama uses this power to torture innocent Fire Nation citizens via , and she is only stopped when Katara ...
Mother Mae-Eye from the
episode of
was sort of a supervillain version of the witch in . She initially appeared as a grandmotherly old woman, but her true form was a hideous old hag with warty, green skin and three eyes. She was able to brainwash the Titans into thinking she was their mother using the magical - and addictive - pies she made, all the while planning to turn them into one, and when found out, was able to grow to giant size and use them as weapons.
Angelica appears as one in the
episode "Ghost Story" — complete with pointed hat, broomstick and cackling.
The trope appears again in their
of The Wizard of Oz. Three guesses which character Angelica plays.
Kimi dresses as one for the show's second
- and thoroughly terrifies Chuckie with her cackling.
causing a Halloween prank by defacing a statue outside the school - dressing it up like a wicked witch. She then frames Ginger for it so she can get the lead in the Halloween play - which coincidentally is a Salem Witch Trials story. Once Ginger discovers the truth, she sneaks on stage and the rest of the cast out Miranda as the culprit while they're performing the scene where her character is accused of witchcraft.
Wendy's Aunts in , as she's basically a witch counterpart of Casper and therefore the only known friendly witch.
The witch in
episode "If I Were a Witch Man" uses all the traditional tropes associated with evil witches, and even have a legion of flying monkeys (well, she calls them goblins). It turns out to be actually the ghost of an old witch defeated by Egon's ancestor possessing modern humans.
Hedwig the
is crone meets mermaid. As the
of the series loosely based on 's short story, is an evil sea witch with purple skin, white hair and extremely ugly.
Mrs. Crone in , she looks like the Wicked Witch of the West in modern clothes, although her wickedness is relative due to the
of all the monster characters.
&&&& Real Life &
The Vampire of Barcelona, , who not only
for the city's
and processed their
to make love potions and cures for tuberculosis and various venereal diseases for the same wealthy residents of Barcelona in pre- Spain.
, who killed three women, turned their body fat into soap (in one case giving it to her neighbours) and used their blood as an ingredient for cakes, which were eaten by her friends, her son, and herself. Not only was she a firm believer in divination and magic, but she admitted her victims were human sacrifices offered for the protection of her son.
Allegedly Annie Palmer, .
, the "Granny Ripper," who murdered at least 11 victims, allegedly including her own husband. She not only cooked and ate body parts, but was a practitioner of black magic and astrology, even tearing out pages from her spell books and including them with some of the bodies. In her own country, she is often called "" in reference to the fairytale character.
Alternative Title(s):
Evil Witch


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