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《Dance On Your Knees》歌词
— Daryl Hall And John Oates
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hi, i have noticed that when i stand with my feet together and legs straight, my knees don't touch. Is this normal as i have noticed most peoples knees touch?
7 Replies to Are your knees supposed to touch?By
Comments: 15031, member since Thu Feb 14, 2002
Google "bowlegged."
Comments: 403, member since Tue Nov 17, 2009
if your theighs dont touch then its normal means your skinny
but if they do touch then you prob just have hyper extended legs
a girl on my friends cheer has both xxxxxx
Comments: 335, member since Mon Jun 21, 2010
thank you for replying
my thighs only touch at the top
Comments: 7417, member since Sun Apr 18, 2004
Whether or not your knees touch is simply a product of your skeletal structure.
You are how you are.
If they don't touch when you are in parallel, then you may be bowlegged.
If they don't touch when you are turned out, then you probably have hypoextended legs (not hyper-extended).
I'd also like to point out that "thighs not touching = skinny" is a bad measure to go by, and can make many perfectly healthy people feel self-conscious.
It's not a good rule to keep around or to go by.
Comments: 7177, member since Fri Apr 16, 2004
I think this is a good picture that can show three types of leg shapes of 3 girls who are all extremely fit, as this is the all around medal podium from the 2009 Gymnastics World Championships.
On the left you can see that silver medalist Rebecca Bross is knock-kneed. Her thighs and knees are together, but her feet are apart. In the middle, the gold medalist Bridget Sloan is bow-legged. Her feet are together but her legs are not, bronze medalist Koko Tsurumi seems to have a fairly "normal" leg shape. The way she is standing in this pic her feet are not exactly together and neither are her legs, but I bet if she put her feet together her knees would come together too.
Here's another picture of gymnasts this time from the 2008 Olympics where you can see that it looks like the first four have "normal" knees with Alicia Sacramone and Bridget Sloan on the right being bow legged. Even Nastia Luikin's (second from left), who is very thin, legs touch.
So basically my point is, there are variations in skeletal structure and whether or not you are thin doesn't matter, as I have proved with using these elite gymnasts as examples.
Comments: 2308, member since Wed Feb 09, 2005
I'd just like to say that when I was 13, my teacher said 'I'm not skinny, my thighs rub together.' I looked down, saw my legs touch, and right then and there kicked off my eating disorder that took over my life for years to come.
Now, I look back and realize that whether or not your legs touch does not mean you are skinny or not. I wish I had known that years ago.
Comments: 335, member since Mon Jun 21, 2010
Thank you for all your replys
they really helped me and now i know theres nothing to worry about


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