完成IB-DP 的Extended Essay有什么熊爪野钓鲢庸经验之谈谈

extended essay
拓展论文(Extended Essay,EE):在讲师指导下运用各种进行学术研究方法寻找资料,针对一项课题进行探讨并写成不超过4千字的论文,并进行口头报告。
...:知识理论是一门跨学科的课程,目的是培养学生的批判性思维能力,防止主观臆断和思想意识方面的偏见,增强学生的理性思辨能力和表达能力。 扩展论文(Extended Essay,简称EE):要求学生对某一课题在老师指导下进行研究,能写出4000字的研究论文。
1)拓展性论文(Extended Essay):要求学生对所学DP学科的某一问题进行深入独立的研究,要能写出4000字的文章。
三是Extended Essay (专题论文),学生选择自己感兴趣的一门学科,进行拓展研究,写一篇4000字左右的论文,目的是培养学生独立研究和写论文的技能。
Extended essay
The extended essay (EE) is a mandatory core component of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a research paper of up to 4,000 words giving students an opportunity to conduct independent research or investigation on a topic that interests them.
As I have indicated, most of this extended essay has to do with economic matters.
With regards to DP core requirements, a DP Course Candidate may register for more than one extended essay in the same session.
The three core requirements are: (1) the student needs to write up an extended essay to investigate a topic of interest;
Voluntary work and an extended essay could be part of a shake-up for A-level students in England, reports suggest.
For the techie on your list, try In the Beginning Was the Command Line by Neal Stephenson, his extended essay on the relationship between culture and the computer.
The latest reports in The Times suggest that pupils would have to write a 5, 000-word extended essay, adding an element that is an important part of the International Baccalaureate (IB).
- 来自原声例句
谢谢邀请。 剩余价值理论是依托于劳动价值理论上的。而劳动价值理论是早期经济学界中一个比较流行的理论。劳动价值理论又是构建在商品价值理论上的。 商品价值理论的产生是因为学者注意到很多商品的价格总是在一定范围内浮动。因此他们认为商品本身有一个固…
在西方古典经济学中,经济学家试图把生产过程归结为不同要素之间的互动。 威廉·佩第在《赋税论》中将生产过程的要素分为“劳动”和“土地”两个部分。而其后现代经济学之父亚当斯密则在《国富论》中把生产要素归结为“劳动”,“土地”和“资本”三个部分。后来马歇尔又在他的著名著作《经济学原理》中认为“组织”也是一个生产要素。其后又随着时代发展,“技术”和”信息“和前面提到的四要素组合起来,成为生产过程的六要素。&br&&br&&br&
在西方古典经济学中,经济学家试图把生产过程归结为不同要素之间的互动。 威廉·佩第在《赋税论》中将生产过程的要素分为“劳动”和“土地”两个部分。而其后现代经济学之父亚当斯密则在《国富论》中把生产要素归结为“劳动”,“土地”和“资本”三个部分…
感谢另一位@匿名用户的回答,非常棒。很抱歉采取这种自问自答的形式,毕竟知乎在中学生活方面,尤其是IB World School这种比较小众的学校,有指导意义的问答题还不够多,但据我观察有能力给出建议和分享有价值经验的答主是很多的。所以我创建了一系列问题,希望可以给正在经历IB,尤其是IB-DP的各位一点启示。希望可以抛砖引玉,吸引更多IB Diploma-er来回答。&br&&br&我的Extended Essay做的是Chinese Literature,老师给的Predicted Grade是A,自己非常喜欢,也被老师留了一份。&u&稍后填坑,&/u&现在这里列出一份提纲。现在是暑假,应该有很多11年级的同学正在准备EE,希望这个问题能给你们一些启示。(话说我准备EE时听到的舆论都是Chinese Literature是拿A几率最低的,一个是据老师说Empirical 数据就是这样,另一方面说是因为写Chinese Literature的人本身就这方面强,所以竞争异常激烈)&br&&br&我的提纲是chronological的。&br&&br&第一阶段-选学科、选Supervisor、选题目&br&&br&第二阶段-做初步研究、列提纲、试着写初稿、给Supervisor 看&br&&br&第三阶段-列出自己研究方向的几个可能性、进一步研究、完成初稿、给Supervisor看&br&&br&第四阶段-写作的收尾工作、给Supervisor看、给周围的朋友老师家人同学看、过TurnItIn
&br&&br&第五阶段-和Supervisor针对Extended Essay的收尾讨论,和Viva Voice
感谢另一位@匿名用户的回答,非常棒。很抱歉采取这种自问自答的形式,毕竟知乎在中学生活方面,尤其是IB World School这种比较小众的学校,有指导意义的问答题还不够多,但据我观察有能力给出建议和分享有价值经验的答主是很多的。所以我创建了一系列问题,…
&img src=&/d87fdb78f_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&551& data-rawheight=&325& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&551& data-original=&/d87fdb78f_r.jpg&&&br&&br&分享一下新鲜的经验。15年毕业,A的数学Extended Essay,自我感觉尚可。另外之前与在其他领域写EE的同学也有过沟通交流,因此经验应是具有普遍性和参考价值的。欢迎提出疑问及补充。&br&&br&1. 总序&br&&br&- 写EE无疑是两年IB中的最大难关之一。不要畏惧困难或有挫败感,要知道别人都和你一样,往届前辈们也都是这么过来的。&br&&br&- 写EE是一个苦逼而充实的过程,拿出最终稿的成就感是无可比拟的,到时候你会感到所有努力都是值得的。&br&&br&&br&2. 准备篇&br&&br&- 虽然IB没有明确要求,但选HL科目一般是常规。&br&&br&- 第一年不能拿6、7的科目,慎选。EE涉及的学科内容远远深于普通IA,如果不是真正的拿手好戏则无异于作死。半途换题乃至换科目为EE之大忌。&br&&br&- 能力允许的前提下,自己感兴趣的科目优先。写EE是漫长的过程,没有兴趣为主导是苦不堪言的,反之如果兴趣盎然则为一种痛并快乐着的享受。&br&&br&- 不妨考虑一下自己大学的学科志愿。EE是可以给你的申请论文增色不少的。(就个人案例,本人英国申请的Personal Statement中EE相关占一大段)极佳的对学科的 enthusiasm 和 commitment 的体现。&br&&br&- 科目确定好了就找Supervisor讨论研究题目(Research Question),最好真的是一个question(带"?"的),这样就有一个明确的目标,之后下结论也相对容易。&br&&br&- 研究课题要有「可行性」,即:语言类有大量阅读材料辅助,人文自然科学有获得第一手数据资料的可能(调查问卷、实验),艺术类能加以自己的创作(画作、乐曲),数学类...(预计自己)能懂T_T&br&&br&- 找Supervisor决定最终题目前做好充分的research,对内容有基本的了解,另外对老师可能提的非技术性问题要能答得上来。总之要具备主动性,不要指望老师能帮你什么,毕竟写论文的是你,你需要成为你的topic方面的专家,老师只会提供建议。&br&&br&- 利用好暑假疯狂地自学,做足准备。&br&&br&&br&3. 创作篇&br&&br&- 动笔之前先列提纲,把回答RQ的思路理顺。提纲可以让supervisor过目一下,确保整体结构和各块内容有逻辑关联且切题。&br&&br&- 尽量在动笔后的一个月内拿出初稿,时间拖得越长思路越混乱。初稿不需要也不可能是完美的,但你能修改的前提是你有一份初稿。&br&&br&- 局部遇到困难可以跳过继续往前写,只要思路明确。具体的技术性问题可在初稿接近完成时请教老师。&br&&br&- 大多数EE都需要参考文献,因此写的时候就要做好reference,所有文字和图像的引用都要加上脚注。写完以后再加表面上省事,但容易漏掉,而后果就不必多说了。&br&&br&- 坚持每天写。有灵感时多写一点,困惑时可以把写下的先过一遍,稍加修改理顺思路。&br&&br&- 最晚第二年十月拿出初稿(不算过分吧,申请季开始后就更忙了)。&br&&br&&br&4. 修改篇&br&&br&- 初稿在给supervisor之前自己先彻底改一道。尤其是如果你的supervisor辅导很多个学生,你就不能指望ta在你的EE上花多少时间精力给修改建议。&br&&br&- 修改时注意内容的连贯性和条理性,EE判分时这些方面比内容深度要重要。最好先放几天,再试着像判卷老师一样通读全文,这样比较能发现问题。&br&&br&- 字数问题:写EE时不建议过多考虑字数(写一点动不动就点开word count绝对影响思路和连贯性),但修改时必须注意控在4000以内(虽然是官方要求但值得强调一下)。写之前可能觉得4000字很多怎么都够了,但不论什么科目,最后发现严重超字数是常例,而且都是超1000+。这时候就要请supervisor帮忙了,毕竟自己可能不忍心删自己的心血之作。另外计算字数时注意,任何图表、公式、计算、方程都不算在内,但是文科EE的quotation是算的,所以务必引用适度。&br&&br&- 觉得修改得差不多了,就可以去广泛地收集supervisor之外的人的意见,包括老师、同学、学长(这个推荐)等等。他们不一定熟悉你的topic甚至subject,但任何意见和感想都是值得参考的。&br&&br&- 除了内容的修改以外,对版式也应当采取重视。成型了以后可以利用新版本的word做些编辑,把EE装饰的漂亮一点,图表尽管加颜色(最终上交IB是彩打的hard copy)。虽然不是一个criterion,但印象分肯定是有的。&br&&br&&br&5. 后记(Last but not least)&br&&br&- 不要抄袭!抄袭的概念不仅是照抄原文,任何inappropriate citation都是涵盖的,所以footnotes和bibliography都要做完整并采用正确的格式。检查时可以用Turn It In,plagiarism index最好控在20%以内。&br&&br&- Don't procrastinate. Don't procrastinate. Don't procrastinate. 重要的事情说三遍。&br&&img src=&/735c140c12ec530fd66e1b_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&275& data-rawheight=&183& class=&content_image& width=&275&&&br&虽然相信你和小伙伴们都会调侃自己的拖延症,但时间宝贵,还是等经历完一切再慢慢回首IB两年这段槽点满满的美好时光吧。&br&&br&最后,作为过来人,还是引用一段Urban Dictionary上的definition来调侃一下EE:&br&&br&&b&Extended Essay &/b&&br&&br&&b&Definition:&/b&“A sick lengthy essay developed by someone who thought that making high school children write a 4000 word college level essay would be funny. The inventor of such an essay is compared to those such as Joseph Stalin, for the reason for creation was for the 'justice and equality for all those students suffering through the International Baccalaureate'.&br&&br&The Extended Essay was said to have been the cause of the large drop out rate in the International Baccalaureate program, as students described the process of writing this essay on ANY TOPIC POSSIBLE as hell, death, insanity, suicidal, painful and suffering. &br&&br&However, the Extended Essay is also looked upon to expand the learning of the students in seek of a challenge. The students that view the Extended Essay as a challege are a very small minority of the students enrolled in IB. To the large consensous of the IB population, the Extended Essay has no bearing on ones future, but demonstrates a large amount of stress compared to a sentencing on death row.&&br&&br&—— from Urban Dictionary
分享一下新鲜的经验。15年毕业,A的数学Extended Essay,自我感觉尚可。另外之前与在其他领域写EE的同学也有过沟通交流,因此经验应是具有普遍性和参考价值的。欢迎提出疑问及补充。 1. 总序 - 写EE无疑是两年IB中的最大难关之一。不要畏惧困难或有挫败感,…
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153 条内容完成IB-DP 的Extended Essay有什么经验之谈? - 知乎139被浏览12026分享邀请回答1添加评论分享收藏感谢收起Ib Ess Extended Essay Free Essays
Extended Essay Format Recommendations
Maximum word count 300 words – DO NOT GO OVER!!!
Three paragraph format...
1st Paragraph
o 75 to 100 words in length
o Must include the Research Question & Thesis
o Must outline the purpose of the paper
2nd Paragraph
o 100 to 125 words in length
o Cover the scope of the investigation
o Detail limits and boundaries of your research
o What are you going to prove in your EE
o Outline key resources consulted
3rd Paragraph...
Biology Extended Essay Questions – Addressed by an EE Examiner
Q1. Should students be encouraged to do an original piece of... research, or should they analyze (in a new way) data that someone has collected (e.g., data obtained from a previous research study that perhaps has been published in a journal)? If they use existing primary data, I am assuming that they will still carry out an actual experiment???
Answer: IB allows students to do science extended essays that are of two main 'types'. ...
Franklin Castillo
English 4 IB
3 April 2012
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World War 1 is an extraordinary event which changed... history today. WW1 was not just some war, but it was “The Great War”. It was called the “Great War” because no other war had such an impact on the world. It was the first war to affect all of the major nations of Europe and the world. It took thousands of lives. It was a huge war, involving a large number of nations and armies including five empires with their associated colonies and...
Extended Essay Planning
Topic Question : what are the significant factors for a fashion brand survive in the... market?
In the very first paragraph, i'm going to introduce what my topic is about, in which regions am I going to research and what my aim is. Then i'm going to extend the range of my research question and bring it to the next level, which can analyzed by the information from fashion brands, marketings and businesses.
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Trends picked up by press
In this extended essay I will undertake a detailed analysis of some... of the major themes in The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Hysteria and, the oppressive nature of society are all addressed by the playwright, However, the theme of the power struggle, principally, individuality vs society is paramount. I also wanted to discuss how relevant the themes and the characteristics in the crucible are in the real modern and social world. This vital theme dominates the play. In...
A House Style for the Formal Presentation of the Extended Essay
Darryl D. Toerien
Smallbone Library, Oakham School...
Group … Extended Essay: …
Candidate Number: …
Supervisor: …
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Supervisor Name :
Mr. Philippe Cosentino
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Writing an Extended Essay in Economics
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November 2009 extended essay reports
BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Overall grade boundaries
Grade: Mark range: E 0-7 D 8 - 15 C 16... - 22 B 23 - 28 A 29 - 36
The range and suitability of the work submitted
The range and suitability varied both between centres and within centres. Some candidates produced excellent, very interesting, well researched pieces in terms of sources and the use of critical thinking/evaluative skills, combined with well substantiated conclusions and recommendations. The difference...
“How effective would the takeover of Motorola mobility be for... Google as a growth strategy?”
Candidate name:
Candidate number:
School name:
School number:
Date submitted:
Word count:
I would like to thank my extended essay supervisor for her continuous support throughout this assignment. Her guidance and patience have been of great help to me in completing this task.
I would also like to thank...
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16/ 09/ 2014
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Why Do People Cyberbully?. (n.d.). Retrieved September 22, 2013, from http://www.deletecyberbullying.org/why-do-people-cyberbully/...
Ghosh, P. Retrieved September 19, 2013, from /125331/short-essay-on-cyber-bullying
Carabuena, R. (2012, November 12). Cyberbullying in the Philippines – let’s get personal. The Filipino Scribe. Retrieved from //cyberbullying-in-the-philippines-lets-get-personal/
l“Animal Farm” extended essay
Animal Farm is an allegory of one of the most effective and important events of the modern world... history, which is the Russian revolution, in which George Orwell the author of the book
used animals to represent the main efficient characters and classes of the revolution. George Orwell drew extremely accurate and deep characters in his book Animal Farm, in which he created an allegory for the Russian revolution, he created very deep characters that he used to represent...
4.3.1 State the arguments for preserving species and habitats.
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o Direct values - can be (relatively) easily calculated
o goods harvested & destroyed for consumption (eating) or sale in a market
o generally physical commodities of some sort
o private goods - value accrues to the owner of the resource
o Examples:
This resulted in the introduction of an ever harsher series of anti-immigration legislation. Finally, the realities of having so many immigrants in the USA... gave rise to numerous social and economic issues such as crime and competition for jobs. This essay shall weigh the relative importance of each factor which resulted in the USA becoming increasingly hostile towards immigration in the 1920s.
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Word count: 1413
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I got a D for this TOK Essay
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Adapted from the IB Diploma Programme’s Extended... Essay Guide: First Exams 2013 (p. 7 – 8, “the research process”)
Go back to stage 3, 2, or 1 and choose a new research question that can be answered.
Stage 1. Choose the approved Diploma Programme subject for the Extended Essay.
1. a. Read the assessment criteria and the relevant subject guidance.
Stage 2. Choose a topic.
Stage 5. Plan a structure (outline headings) for the essay.
Stage 4. Plan...
It is human nature to be intrigued by all things mystical and dangerous. We fear the unknown but seek... it nonetheless out of greed. Most of Shakespeare’s works hold an element of the supernatural and the play Macbeth is no exception. In this play we see a contemporary morality that warns of the dangers of trafficking with ins the witches in the play prophesize of Macbeths future as king, and Macbeth blinded by his hunger for power fails...
Extended Essay Guidance and Marksheet (2013 Criteria)
General Assessment Criteria
purpose of the... essay is specified
? The research question must focus on the
human past and not be of a trivial nature.
? The research question is stated in the introduction but is not clearly expressed or is too broad in
? The research question must be clearly and
scope to be treated effectively within the word limit.
? The research question is...
Please note that the University of Oxford and the Latin American Centre do not retain copies of the essays listed below
Master of Science in... Latin American Studies Extended Essay Titles
ARGHIRIS, N. Antecedents to the 1912 electoral reform in Argentina ARGUELLO, A. La cuarta urna es una cortina de humo: The Honduran Constitutional Crisis and Presidential Instability in Latin America During the 21st Century. BEARD, T. Towards an Understanding of Women's Empowerment: Evidence from Brazil...
May 2009 extended essay reports
Grade: Mark range: E 0-7 D 8 - 15 C... 16 - 22 B 23 - 28 A 29 - 36
The range and suitability of the work submitted
As has been true for some years, the majority of essays lacked an explicit anthropological perspective. This can lead to essays receiving significantly lower marks than those with a specific anthropological focus. Despite warnings in the Extended essay guide itself, and past warning from Chief...
Assignment - Module 8
Word Count
This essay will be describing the... condition irritable bowel syndrome. I will also be discussing the possible uses of hypnosis in helping to treat the aspects of this condition.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition of the gut and it has been noted that it is a condition which affects about 1 in 10 people at some time. Statistically it has been recorded that it is more prevalent among...
There are not many jobs in England that bring about as much media attention as the positions... in Football and there is one job in particular that has the media spotlight constantly shining down upon it's owner and that is the England Managers job.
It does not help either when you are also a former England player with a creative spark that brought attention to yourself on and off the field. This was the problem of Glen Hoddle who was the darling of English football...
Question: How does People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) website use language and image to influence the world about animal rights?...
Submission Date: -
Essay word count: -
Abstract word count: -
School Name: Herlufsholm Kostskole
Candidate Name: Christoffer Ki Winstr?m
Subject Area: English Category 1
Supervisor Name: Paul Lamb
Title page
Table of contents
I. Introduction
II. Areas of Investigation
III. Campaigns
IV. Front Page of PETA
Gymnasium, HF, and IB
Candidate number:
Supervisor: Mette Bahnson Weber
Extended Essay May 2013...
Figure 1: Taken by Jonathan Sandidge
To what extent can Copenhagen City be considered sustainable?
- an ‘Egan Wheel’ investigation
Jonathan Erik Dow Sandidge
Word Count: 4,000
Jonathan Sandidge
Candidate number:
B i r k e r ? d G y m n a s i u m , H F, a n d I B
Extended Essay May 2013
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The International Baccalaureate program offers many classes in the vast majority of SL and HL credits with... the program and does so with the science section of the program. There are many different HL science classes that can be taken in IB but here at Edison, there are only two classes offered once you become a senior who is looking to take an HL science class. The two choices are HL Physics and HL Biology. Both are arguably the toughest IB classes offered at Edison...
Medicinal Cannabis
Medicinal marijuana can benefit more Americans, if regulated like alcohol and tobacco, as a taxable source of income for the... Government and states.
Extended Essay in History
Word Count: 2828
Table of Contents
Marihuana, racism, and industry
The government and prohibition
The science behind cannabis
The economics behind cannabis
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I got a C for this EE
Word count: 3204
The novel “Twilight” is ‘in' at the moment therefore focuses this extended essay on vampires and the transformation from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” to Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight”.
The essay focuses on if the vampire has stayed the same and over the century that is between these books focusing on the differences and...
Extended Essay
Visual Arts...
Degas and his misogyny
Sarika Nair
Vishwashanti Gurukul
Word Count:...
History Essay |
Strength and Weaknesses from the impact of Nazi ideology on Germany |
Jean-Vincent Mewald |
3/March/2012 |...
Nazi ideology had a massive impact on the German people in the years from 1933-39. All aspects of the Germans where influenced by the Nazi ideology (culturally, socially and economical). Nazi ideology affected mostly the younger generation of Germans, as it was easier to manipulate them through school and youth groups. In addition, Nazi leaders thought...
Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with... those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story.
Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's...
K.International School Tokyo
Extended Essay
To what extent was the interventionist approach of the U.S. government towards... the auto industry in 2008-9 justified?
Samkit Shah
DP Candidate No.:
Supervisor: Mark Cowe
Date of Submission:
Word Count: 3951
The global recession along with the soaring gas prices hurt the auto-industry very badly. It was so severe that two out of the three American automakers, General Motors (GM) and Chrysler, would fail and liquidate...
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………….i.
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..1.
Body of text…………………………………………………………………………2...
This essay will pose the question “is there is there a link between dreaming and the processes of memory consolidation?” A review of research and literature in this area was undertaken, focussing on the biological and behavioural studies of the effects of sleep...
Extended Essay
Does violent video games and media affect the behavior of young adults?
Word... Count: 3,741
This research paper aimed to investigate how violent video games and media affect the social skills and behavior of young adults. Research support that violent video games and media affect the behavior of young adults, the research also supports that not all media and violent video games have a negative influence on individuals, some media and...
Extended Essay:
How has realism in war films developed since WW2, and what effect has this had on audiences?
Candidate... name: Daniel Fairweather
Candidate number: 2
School name: Haut-Lac International Bilingual School
Supervisor: Barend Schweigman
Subject area: Film
Word Count: 3’334
The aim is to examine the role that realism plays in war films particularly post World War Two as this is seen as a key point in the progression in development of war films. It is...
Extended Essay
By: Armando Neves
To what extent does Phnom Penh’s land use fit an existing land use model?...
The Kingdom of Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh had its first town planners in 1923. To whom the capital to this day owes their gratitude to. The early indo-china directorate is responsible for the city’s modern urbanization. According to Phnom Penh then and Now in “in 1989 […] restoring private ownership of property [led to] a massive influx of new inhabitants.” Cambodia’s...
World Literature Essay
Miss Julie by August Strindberg
Question: How are women and their subservient role in society represented in... Strindberg’s Miss Julie?
Miss Julie is a modern tragedy addressing the issue of the downfall and extinction of an aristocratic line. Through the characterization of Miss Julie, the events throughout the play, and literary devices such as symbolism and metaphors, Strindberg conveys his belief that males are the naturally dominant sex. Strindberg suggests that any...
“An investigation into the Video Surveillance System at Indus”
Subject: ITGS Supervisor: Mr. Mohan Robert Words: 3,866
“An investigation into the Video Surveillance System at Indus”
The increasing motive of safety and security for students in schools today has enforced many schools to have video surveillance systems installed. I have chosen the topic,...
Assessment of the causes of the Kengir uprising
in the Steplag complex in the
year of 1954
Saidkhon Turaev
An Extended... Essay
Submitted as a Candidate for the
International Baccaureate Diploma
Subject: History
Supervisor: Mr. Alex Ross
Tashkent International School
IBO World School 3076
Session: May 2011
October 5, 2010
Word Count: 3,831
Saidkhon Turaev 003076 – 017
Name: Roxana Aig-Bogun
Candidate number: 0018
Supervisor: Ms. Lambert
Word count: 3929
In What Ways And With What Effects Does Charlotte Perkins Gilman... Challenge Patriarchal
Society In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “Turned” And “If I Were A Man”?
This essay explores the ways in which Perkins-Gilman challenges patriarchal society in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “Turned”, and “If I Were a Man” and the effects created. Perkins-Gilman was writing at a time when the early Suffragist movement was just starting up...
Published: December 12, 2012
Impact of Humans on Ecosystems
By Lamario Moore
Have you ever wondered what drastic changes our actions make to our... ecosytem each day? Several of the things we do from loitering to visiting zoos have a dealing with the ecosystem and how it functions.
A typical ecosystem growing and thriving.
Credit: Google Images
Conserving biodiversity is a very important task as a human. We must help keep the organisms and living things intact. A rainforest is the perfect...
Essay Question: Single Party States allowed women to play a fuller role in society. How far do you think do you agree this was the cause in... Cuba under Fidel Castro?
Single Party States allowed women to play and fuller role in society to increase the country’s value. If we look back on past authoritarian states like Germany or Soviet Russia, women and men were equal to extent. Women did the same jobs as men and were suppose to be considered as a man’s equal, but the state still expected women...
Extended Essay Economics SL “To what extent does the launching of ETS affects the demand for bus service as a public... transportation from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur”
Fatimah Zahrah
“To What Extent Does the Launching of Electric Train Service (ETS) Affects The Demand For the Bus Services as a Public Transportation from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur?”
Word count: 3999
Name: Centre:
Md. Fauadi, Fatimah Zahrah MARA College...
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F the Zhou are believed to have been Turkic-speaking peoples from Central Asia and their second capital was built in the Wei Valley. (West of the Yellow... River)
King Wu, their leader overthrew the Shang and adopted some Shang’s culture, but extended Chinese rule beyond the boundaries of Shang
On their capital (Wei Valley), the royal families got huge tracts of lands and the rest of the people living in this are were peasants who lived in villages and tilled the land in the well-field system...
Paper one: Change paper
- Reading section 3-4 different texts
- Creative writing, short story
- Change essay on looking for Alibrandi... and another related text
Paper two: Black rock
- Essay; black rock
- Poetry essay, two poems we’ve done in class and one prescribed
- Ideas, how they’re portrayed and how the audience is positioned.
Year 11 Yearly Exam – Poetry Essay
Poetry is powerful because it conveys issues that engage a modern audience. Discuss this statement with reference...
thesis is never a question.
Readers of academic essays expect to have questions discussed, explored, or even answered.
A question (“Why did... communism collapse in Eastern Europe?”) is not an argument, and without an argument, a thesis is dead in the water.
2. A thesis is never a list.
“For political, economic, social and cultural reasons, communism collapsed in Eastern Europe” does a good job of “telegraphing” the reader what to expect in the essay—a section about political reasons, a section about...
Essay Focus
At some point near the start of your... essay (in first or second paragraph) you need to outline what your essay is about and what you are going to write about
o In this essay the advantages and limitations of (the scientific ideas or processes) with regard to (social/economic/political/environmental/cultural/ethical) factors will be discussed and evaluated.
o In this essay it will be argued that
(insert thesis...
Extended Essay
How to Determine the Value of Acceleration Due to Gravity g Through Newton’s Laws...
Word Count: 1458
Abstract -----------------------------------------------3
Data Collection and Processing--------------------9
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme...
Extended Essay Economics
How has the economic contraction in Singapore affected the country’s non-landed private residential property prices during the last 2 quarters of 2008?
Word Count: 3995
By: School: ACS (International) Year: 2009
International Baccalaureate - Extended Essay
How has the economic contraction in Singapore affected the country’s non-landed private residential...
Proper planning prevents poor performance! *All essays must be written to receive credit for this course. Method of Grading. ? Assessments... (essays, tests ...
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance -
www. > OSC IB Resources and News?
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance ... tackling your Extended Essay, or making a start on your IB revision, there is a proper way to approach these. ... Write in your IB deadline in pencil – Mock exams, coursework, presentations...
Postcolonial Theory- Extended Definition Essay
During the late twentieth century, many literary critics had an important focus... on understanding cultural power. They began investigating a more multicultural canon, and discovered the lack of perspectives from the formerly colonized people on European colonization. European colonialism was centered on racial inferiority and extreme otherness. In history the colonized people are seen as the losers and the colonizers are the winners. Postcolonial critics...
English Essay. Tweet. Search another past paper .... Study Abroad. Resources.... Interact. Discuss. Fun. Multimedia. Directories. Contact. English Essay 0 ...
Essay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word essay derives from the French infinitive essayer, &to try& or &to attempt&. In English essay first meant &a trial& or &an attempt&, and this is still an alternative ...
English Essay, Junior English essays
1. Introduction
prestigious school! So today, Im gonna give a talk or a guide on another foundation programme in Msia which is IB. What is IB?... Does anyone know what IB is?
IB stands for International Baccalaureate. It might sounds unfamiliar to you, but I can say that it is equivalent to A Level programme. IB is actually a 2 year programme founded in Geneva, Switzerland. There are several components of IB that consist of academic and non academic which carry marks for the final diploma award. The academic part is...
Genetic Testing Essay
Genetic testing is the analysis and examination of DNA, which is a line of code carrying instructions of your body’s... function. Genetic testing reveals changes in the genes, usually things that will cause diseases and illnesses. Just because genetic testing provides a window of opportunity to prepare yourself from diseases, it cant really prevent an illness in some cases because it often really does nothing but give you a “maybe, maybe not”. (genome.gov)
Tay-Sachs disease...
Analysis & Conclusion?????????????????????....9.1
 Extension Hypothesis
 Variables
 Materials
 Methodology
... Analysis & Conclusion
Further Research
IB Biology Extended Essay (Photosynthesis)
Thylakoids, add self observations
An abstract is an abbreviated summary of a research article, review, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to...
Hi Iamsiddha...
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Laser Eye Surgery
Research essay Laser eye surgery Laser eye surgery The eye is the organ of sight. It is used in almost everything we do, from playing sport to reading...
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