Literature Review我们应该怎样爱国词语写多少词?

怎样写好literature review? - 知乎42被浏览3648分享邀请回答394 条评论分享收藏感谢收起0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起literature review文献综述的写法(英文版)_中华文本库
rried out, how you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to work with, how your work adds to the research already carried out” (Brightwell, G. and Shaw, J., 1997-98), or it may present some other logical perspective. o Reviewed literature is organized in a logical manner that best suits the topic of the review and the hypothesis of the literature (see Organization and Format). The selected method of organization and style of format should draw attention to similarities and differences among the these similarities and differences are based on specific criteria you revealed in the literature review’s introduction. According to Brightwell and Shaw (1997-98), your goal in the body of the review “. . . should be to evaluate and show relationships between the work already done (Is Researcher Y’s theory more convincing than Researcher X’s? Did Researcher X build on the work of Researcher Y?) and between this work and your own [thesis].” Additional information on these topics can be found in the Organization and Format sections of this packet. Therefore, carefully planned organization is an essential part of any literature review. Purpose Although literature reviews may vary according to discipline, their overall goal is similar. A literature review serves as a compilation of the most significant sources on a subject and relates the findings of each of these sources in a rational manner while supporting the literature review author’s own thesis. A literature review establishes which sources are most relevant to its author’s point and which sources are most credible to the discipline at hand. In a literature review, the results of previous research are summarized, organized and evaluated. Discipline-Specificity A literature review’s organization, format, level of detail and citation style may vary according to discipline because different disciplines have different audiences. Examples here pertain to the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. o Natural and social sciences The author of a literature review in the natural or social sciences must pay close attention to measurements, study populations and technical aspects of experimental findings. Typically, a portion of the natural or social sciences literature review is set aside for reviewing sources on the primary topic. Then, a comparative analysis or discussion section is used to analyze the similarities and differences among the sources, tying them in with the literature review author’s original thesis. o Humanities The author of a literature review in the humanities usually does not set aside a special section for r instead, citations may be found randomly throughout the paper. The literature being reviewed is arranged according to paragraphs based on the author’s points, which in turn, support the author’s thesis. The paper itself may not be called a literature review at all. It is more likely to be called
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literature review咋写。。。
我快疯掉了 看了好多。。还是不会写,更尴尬的现在写的这个case比较少见 相关例子报道文章现在都找不到原文,哎 ,求大神指点
cfthn2002 病例报告最经典的模版是新英格兰每期的病例报告那文献回顾咧?
关于丁香园Literature Review怎么写?留学生论文Literature Review写作范文参考
本文是留学生论文文献综述Literature Review写作范文参考,本章回顾了与本研究相关的理论和实证研究,从而指出本研究的理论创新之处。
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction of this chapter
This chapter reviews theory and empirical research related to this study, so as to point out the theoretical innovation of this study.
2.2 Theory
2.2.1 Concept of non-profit organization (NPO)
Salamon and Anheier (1997) explained non-governmental organizations from the aspects of social orientation and social function: &It is a kind of non-profit and voluntary citizen organization in local, national or international level. Pushed by people with same interests, non-governmental organizations offer various services and play a role in humanitarianism, reflect the problems concerned by the citizens to the government, and supervise policies and encourage to take part in the community level......& (Salamon and Anheier, 1997). This explanation interprets the classical theory on the separation of nation, market and society.&
Considering the definition of NPO, Salamon and Achier&s (1999) opinion has a certain authority. After conducting empirical researches and analysis on NPO in more than 40 countries, Salamon and Achier (1999) put forward the structural-operational definition, which stressed the five features of NPO from structure and operation mode: 1. a certain people groups of official or unofficial organization or str 2. private part, i.e. non- 3. None 4. self- 5. voluntarily constituted and supported (Salamon and Achier, 1999)&
Wolf (1990) analyzed the relationship between non-profit organizations and the government by demonstrating the necessity of existence of NPO. Wolf (1990) put forward &government failure theory&. He believed that from the perspective of whole society, the government, NPO and market were the important approaches to satisfy citizens& individual demands. Due to their limits on self-functions, mutual substitution effects existed among them. Especially, when the government and market lacked some public goods and public functions, NPO had their existence value thereby (Wolf, 1990). What such theory proposes basically meets with the existence situation of NPO in China.&
On the other hand, in accordance with the distinctions for profit organizations and NPO, Wolf (1990) believed that for profit organizations have a certain limit from the aspect of constraint force allocation. NPO does not have the characteristic and influence of constraint force allocation. Such important characteristics not only differentiate for profit organizations from NPO, but also play an important supporting role on wining social resources for NPO, and giving play to the social function of NPO (Wolf, 1990).
Based on many scholars& researches, we could find that, when scholars define and use the word of &non-profit organization&, they always expand based on two basic attributes, i.e. non-profit and non-governmental, and emphasize on agreeing that NPO have the important feature of &non-governmental&. Therefore, in the course of research, based on the actual situation of Red Cross Society of China, the author of this study especially stressed the relationship between Red Cross Society of China and Chinese Government, and emphasized on the strong dependency of Red Cross Society of China on the government. This special relationship between the Chinese Red Cross and the Chinese Government is an important dimension for the analysis of the problems existing in the Chinese Red Cross.
2.2.2 Concept and basic feature of public trust
Li (2011) thought that trust means putting self-interests in the risk of other people&s dishonesty, fault or failure. Trust relationship will inevitably undertake such risk. The public is the supporter and capital provider of NPO interest relationship generates along with the trust risk. Donors, due to the limit on ability and time, could not help others to realize wishes, therefore, they provide goods and materials for NPO, entrust NPO to realize their wishes, public trust is generated thereby (Li, 2011). From the perspective of interest relationship, when the actions and results of NPO satisfy the public&s expectation, the public trus on the contrary, when the public is disappointed in the things done by NPO, the subjective wishes giving trust is reduced, and the public trust is weakened inevitably (Li, 2011). Meanwhile, public trust exists in social environment and social relationship, therefore, the influence of social environment shall not be ignored.&
Speaking of the concept of public trust, its core is trust. Regarding trust, most scholars tend to regard trust as a kind of psychological anticipation (Li, 2014). Three problems, i.e. &who trust&, &trust who&, &why trust&, exist in the trust relationship.
On the statement, the author of this study was apt to agree with Zheng&s (2001) opinion. From the perspective of psychology, Zheng (2001) believed that trust belongs to a kind of irrational behavior, especially being affected by external factors, which results in a certain uncertainty and risk for trust. Regarding the expression of trust, trust psychology is always reflected and proofed through trust actions under special circumstance, for example, offer support in the attitude, issue supporting speech, or provide help on the action (Yang, 2014). The relationship between trust psychology and trust action is causal relationship that psychology is the cause, and action is the result (Zheng, 2011). In this study, the author thought that there are many similarities on the understanding of trust, that is external factors will have huge influences on other people&s consciousness. There is an idiom &repeat what others have said& in China (Li, 2014), i.e. one people follows and believes other one&s word or opinion no matter what the word is or what the opinion is. And the idiom &a repeated slander makes others believe& states that when many people set forth the same opinion, other people are apt to believe this opinion. Trust is affected by the external factors so much. It also indirectly illustrates that people&s trust is always wrong or is misguided. In &Guo Meimei event&, the phenomenon that the public was misguided existed (Li, 2014).&
The above theories on public trust are mainly from two aspects to expound the causes of public trust. First is that the behavior of NPO does not meet what the public expects and needs, which leads to the loss of public trust. To solve this problem, NPO needs to improve its management, making their behavior conform to and meet the needs of the public. Second, the influence of social and public opinion environment on public trust, the misunderstanding of the public caused by incorrect information can also harm public trust of NPO. To solve this problem, NPO needs to communicate with the public.
2.2.3 The theory of organization externalization
The theory of organization externalization was conceived by Meyer and Rowan in the 1970s, Meyer and Rowan (1977) thought that the aims, objectives, departments, posts, functions and other contents of an organization determined based on an organization should be detailed and clear, there should be a close contact, mutual cooperation between various departments to form an organic whole to achieve organizational goals. However, an organization in the actual operation process is often inconsistent with its aims and objectives, and sometimes it is even contrary to its aims and objectives, so there has been the appearance of the situation of organization externalization. In addition, scholars such as Wolf (1990) noted that for the realization of organizational objectives, organizational elements are connected through their actual activities, they should act in unity, their paces should be consistent, their forms and their actual activities are closely linked to work together to achieve the desired effect. However, it has been found through Wolf&s (1990) study that these organizational elements are not closely linked, most of them are loosely linked, which often leads to that an organization's decision-making is not implemented, the operating system rules are often violated, evaluation and inspection systems are often abandoned.
Red Cross Society of China (Hereinafter referred to as the Red Cross) as a social aid group has a clear phenomenon of organization externalization. First, considering from the perspective of organizational form, although the Red Cross is defined as a social assistance group by the &Law of the People's Republic of China on Red Cross Society&, its members are included in the national administrative system of administrative institutions, it is more like a government department. Second, judging from the operation process, there is the existence of low efficiency, bureaucracy and other undesirable phenomena in the daily work of the Red Cross, and these undesirable phenomena is precisely contrary to the purpose of the Red Cross, resulting in the phenomenon of organization externalization of the Red Cross.
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1 综述的定义和特点
综述的内容和形式灵活多样,无严格的规定,篇幅大小不一,大的可以是几十万字甚至上百万字的专著,参考文献可数百篇乃至数千篇;小的可仅有千余字,参考文献数篇。一般医学期刊登载的多为字,引文15~20篇,一般不超过20篇,外文参考文献不应少于1/3。 2 综述的内容要求
语言要美:科技文章以科学性为生命,但语不达义、晦涩坳口,结果必然阻碍了科技知识的交流。所以,在实际写作中,应不断地加强汉语修辞、表达方面的训练。 文献要新:由于现在的综述多为\所以在引用文献中,70%的应为3年内的文献。参考文献依引用先后次序排列在综述文末,并将序号置入该论据(引文内容)的右上角。引用文献必须确实,以便读者查阅参考。
校者把关:综述写成之后,要请有关专家审阅,从专业和文字方面进一步修改提高。这一步是必须的,因为作者往往有顾此失彼之误,常注意了此一方而忽视了彼一方。有些结论往往是荒谬的,没有恰到好处地反应某一课题研究的\这些问题经过校阅往往可以得到解决。 3 综述的格式和写法
(1) 纵式写法 \或专题本身发展层次,对其历史演变、目前状况、趋向预测作纵向描述,从而勾划出某一专题的来龙去脉和发展轨迹。纵式写法要把握脉络分明,即对某一专题在各个阶段的发展动态作扼要描述,已经解决了哪些问题,取得了什么成果,还存在哪些问题,今后发展趋向如何,对这些内容要把发展层次交代清楚,文字描述要紧密衔接。撰写综述不要孤立地按时间顺序罗列事实,把它写成了\纵式写法还要突出一个\有些专题时间跨度大,科研成果多,在描述时就要抓住具有创造性、突破性的成果作详细介绍,而对一般性、重复性的资料就从简从略。这样既突出了重点,又做到了详略得当。纵式写法适合于动态性综述。这种综述描述专题的发展动向明显,层次清楚。
(2) 横式写法 \方面,如各派观点、各家之言、各种方法、各自成就等加以描述和比较。通过横向对比,既可以分辨出各种观点、见解、方法、成果的优劣利弊,又可以看出国际水平、国内水平和本单位水平,从而找到了差距。横式写法适用于成就性综述。这种综述专门介绍某个方面或某个项目的新成就,如新理论、新观点、新发明、新方法、新技术、新进展等等。因为是\所以时间跨度短,但却引起国际、国内同行关注,纷纷从事这方面研究,发表了许多论文,如能及时加以整理,写成综述向同行报道,就能起到借鉴、启示和指导的作用。
(3) 纵横结合式写法在同一篇综述中,同时采用纵式与横式写法。例如,写历史背景采用纵式写法,写目前状况采用横式写法。通过 \献资料,全面系统地认识某一专题及其发展方向,作出比较可靠的趋向预测,为新的研究工作选择突破口或提供参考依据。无论是纵式、横式或是纵横结合式写法,都要求做到:一要全面系统地搜集资料,客观公正地如实反映;二要分析透彻,综合恰当;三要层次分明,条理清楚;四要语言简练,详略得当。
参考文献:写综述应有足够的参考文献,这是撰写综述的基础。它除了表示尊重被引证者的劳动及表明文章引用资料的根据外,更重要的是使读者在深入探讨某些问题时,提供查找有关文献的线索。综述性论文是通过对各种观点的比较说明问题的,读者如有兴趣深入研究,可按参考文献查阅原文。因此,必须严肃对待。 4 综述的写作步骤
综述论文的审稿程序遵从一般审稿规则,但具体到某篇综述的取舍上,还是有其特殊性和规律性。 1)在平衡比较中遴选。综述论文的资料来源于文献,可以有多个作者就同一个问题在一个时间段内分别向编辑部投稿,因此,编辑部必须对类似稿件进行权衡比较、分析,以决定取舍。如\3篇文章,经分析比较后认为它们是从不同侧面进行的综述,各有特点,故决定放在同一期刊出。又如,有关\究是近年来的热点课题,本刊连续收到多篇同类文章,内容多有重复,结果选取了1篇投稿较早的文章,对后来者只得以\2)在达到总体评审要求的稿件中遴选。对一篇达到总体评审要求的综述论文应该是:就某一问题写得系统、深入,能反映该课题当前的研究水平,内容有新意,文字通顺。在这些稿件中再根据其对当前研究的指导意义和参考价值进行分级优选。 笔者根据所编期刊近几年来审稿人的意见,并结合自己的工作实践,归纳出对综述稿件的总体评价。 1)对录用稿件的评价:属国际研究热点,有较好的指导和参考意义;是该领域重大课题,内容丰富,值得刊登;国内研究较少,对开展此项工作有推动作用;介绍设计的思路及目前动态,对读者有一定启发;综述当前概况,读者将从中汲取教益;内容新颖而重要,能引起有关读者的兴趣与重视;选题很好,对立足国内走向世界有很大的鼓舞作用;目前尚在起始阶段,有利于读者了解其概貌;内容好,文献新,层次清晰,语言通顺;有重要的理论和实际意义,重点突出,分析得当;综述较全面,并较深入,反映了当前研究状况;属前沿进展资料,有较大学术参考价值;内容具有进展性,且有作者自己的工作,值得介绍;问题有新意,且存有争议,本文提供了一定思路。
2)对被退稿件的评价:涉及面太窄,感兴趣的读者不多;实验依据不足,多为推测性内容;内容分散,重点不突出,读后无系统概念;罗列文献,未作分析讨论;题目很大,但具体内容不多;国内已有不少报道,无明显特色;观点有错,原则有误,说服无力;内容肤浅,深度不够,未能反映重大进展;语言表达及结构均差,修改难度很大;资料来源可信度差,分量不够;文献未经充分消化,思路不清,前后矛盾;选题缺乏新意,内容陈旧,文字冗长;材料零散,内容单薄,说理不透;对所综述的领域不熟,写作不得要领。笔者在编辑综述稿件时发现,达到录用要求的稿件,都无一例外地要退修和编辑加工后才能刊出。当然,编辑部对稿件退修是很慎重的,一般情况下,退修的稿件即属准备刊发的稿件。 6综述文稿的常见问题及审编
1 根据已有的综述直译转抄 这样做,难免有抄袭之嫌,因为\已发表的综述启发思路,但切不可照抄照搬。也就是说,必须结合自己的工作体会写出有别于他文的特色,有自己的侧重点。要做到这一点,首先必须进行文献更新,补足与自己侧重点有关的和该课题最新发表的文献,然后按照自己的侧重点重新命题,将全文重新整理,综合分析,提出自己的见解。如本刊收到一篇综述文稿,列文献30余篇,而正文不足4000字。在初审中发现,其题名直译自其中一篇文献,进一步发现其内容亦基本来自该篇文献,但鉴于选题是当前研究的热点,故决定让作者重新查阅文献,补足近年的研究进展,改写后再投稿,再审编。
2 洋洋大篇,只是资料的堆积
3 文献开列过多,引文不当
一般要求综述论文著录的文献应是作者亲自阅读过的原文,但也并不是所有读过的文献都统统列出,应选择最主要和最新近的文献 /> 1)综述论文论点和论据来自的文献; 2)为分析讨论提供有力依据的文献; 3)为理论和机制提供实验依据的文献; 4)注意引用知名度高的期刊; 5)以新近的文献代替旧的文献。
如本刊曾收到一篇关于微量元素的文稿,字数不过6000,而文献多达97篇,大致可归为4类 1)早期文献(5年前的居多,甚至有20年前的); 2)文摘检索类文献; 3)见于国内外不知名的书刊; 4)新近的、起核心参考作用、较权威期刊刊载的文献(不足10篇)。 经审阅,决定此文以\4000字以内,参考文献限在10篇以内。由此例说开去1)早期文献,即文献偏旧,无须深入审阅,即给人以资料不新的感觉而留下不好的印象。事实上,科学在不断发展,对一项值得写出综述发表的课题,往往是重要课题或热点课题,其论文每年都以成百上千的数量增长,而新文献又都是旧文献的发展,即新文献能涵盖旧文献;因此,一定要进行文献更新,大胆舍弃旧文献。 2)摘要检索类文献,即二次文献甚至三次文献。阅读此类文献是一种快捷的途径,它能引导读者进一步查阅原始文献,但若单用第二手或第三手材料,文章的可信度就会大打折扣。 3)关于所引用刊物的知名度问题。在国内外期刊族大家庭中,由于刊物的历史、办刊条件和实力以及地域等不同,不同刊物的知名度是有高下之分的。作为综述论文的主要观点和论据三亿文库包含各类专业文献、专业论文、高等教育、各类资格考试、应用写作文书、中学教育、52LiteratureReview如何写综述论文全攻略等内容。 
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