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WLAN-Repeater-Test 2017: Die besten Verst?rker für drinnen & draussen
WLAN Repeater Test: Die besten Verst?rker 2017!
Internet überall in der Wohnung, ganz ohne Kabel und sowohl auf dem Sofa als auch am Küchentisch und im Bett – so sch?n kann WLAN in der Theorie sein. In der Praxis sorgen mangelhafte WLAN-Router und viele massive W?nde jedoch dafür, dass vom Signal mitunter nicht mehr viel übrig bleibt, wenn ein wenig Entfernung zwischen Router und Empf?nger liegt. WLAN-Repeater k?nnen hier jedoch effektiv Abhilfe schaffen. Im WLAN-Repeater Test 2017 auf
pr?sentieren wir Ihnen eine ?bersicht der Testsieger unter den Verst?rkern.
AVM Fritz! 1750E
(1695 Stimmen)
AVM Fritz! 1160
(252 Stimmen)
AVM Fritz! 310
(8502 Stimmen)
TP-Link TL-WA854RE
(4259 Stimmen)
AVM Fritz! 450E
(820 Stimmen)
TP-Link RE200 AC750 Dual
(4259 Stimmen)
TP-Link TL-WA855RE
(438 Stimmen)
Wavlink Wireless-N 300Mbit/s
(58 Stimmen)
Ratgeber: Worauf muss ich beim Kauf eines WLAN Repeaters achten?.
? Wann ben?tige ich einen WLAN-Verst?rker?
Wer die Internetverbindung per WLAN aufbaut und mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Router und in anderen Zimmern einen drastischen Abfall der Down- und Uploadgeschwindigkeit bemerkt, wird von einem WLAN-Repeater (auch: WLAN-Verst?rker) wahrscheinlich sehr deutlich profitieren.
Diese kleinen Ger?te arbeiten sozusagen als Wassertr?ger: Sie empfangen das Signal aus dem WLAN-Router und liefern es verst?rkt weiter in die Umgebung, um auch dickere W?nde durchdringen zu k?nnen und damit in der gesamten Wohnung eine gleichbleibende Signalst?rke zu garantieren.
Wenn also in einer relativen N?he zum Router alles in Ordnung ist und in anderen R?umen ohne ersichtlichen Grund eine deutliche Abnahme der Signalst?rke und Downloadgeschwindigkeit zu verzeichnen ist, ist das fast immer ein sicheres Zeichen für den Kauf eines WLAN-Repeaters. Aber worauf muss der Anwender dabei überhaupt achten? Mehr über allgemeine Fragen zum Thema WLAN-Repeater auch in unseren ausführlichen und eben aktualisierten .
? Welche technischen Eigenschaften sollte mein WLAN-Repeater erfüllen?
Glücklicherweise sind WLAN-Repeater keine komplizierten Ger?te, so dass auch komplette Anf?nger auf diesem Gebiet nicht viel falsch machen k?nnen. Der einzige wichtige Punkt ist die Unterstützung desselben Verschlüsselungsprotokolls, das auch der Router benutzt. Heute ist das bei allen modernen Ger?ten , und auch die allermeisten WLAN-Repeater von den Hersteller , ,
unterstützen diesen Standard. Zur Sicherheit sollte vor dem Kauf dennoch in den Produktspezifikationen nachgeschaut werden. Einige Ger?te liefern im Verbund mit WLAN-Routern vom selben Hersteller ausserdem nützliche Funktionen: Wer einen modernen AVM-Router mit einem WLAN-Repeater vom gleichen Unternehmen kombiniert, wird beispielsweise feststellen, dass sich der Repeater bei Nichtbenutzung des Netzwerks einfach abschaltet und so Strom spart.
? Wie hilft mir der WLAN-Repeater bzw. WLAN-Verst?rker genau?
Um m?gliche Missverst?ndnisse aus dem Weg zu r?umen: Ein WLAN-Repeater erh?ht nicht auf wundersame Weise die Downloadgeschwindigkeit. Stattdessen wird das Signal aufgefangen, auf die m?glichst maximale St?rke angehoben und wieder ,,freigelassen“. Der WLAN-Repeater sorgt also in der gesamten Reichweite für eine konstante Signalst?rke, die aber nicht über derjenigen St?rke liegt, die ursprünglich vom Router ausging. Wer also vorher in direkter N?he des Routers beispielsweise mit einer Geschwindigkeit von zehn Megabit pro Sekunde Daten herunterladen konnte, wird dies mit einem WLAN-Repeater nun in jedem Raum der Wohnung tun k?nnen – aber mehr als diese Downloadrate wird auch der Repeater nicht bereitstellen.
? Wichtige Punkte beim Kauf des WLAN-Repeaters
Stammen WLAN-Repeater und WLAN-Router m?glichst vom selben Hersteller?
Wird die Verschlüsselungsmethode meines WLAN-Routers durch den WLAN-Repeater unterstützt?
Befinden sich auf dem WLAN-Repeater Statusanzeigen, um die Signalst?rke und den Zustand des Ger?ts ablesen zu k?nnen?
Wer diese Fragen problemlos positiv beantworten kann, dürfte beim Kauf eigentlich keine Fehler machen. Die Preise rangieren je nach Modell irgendwo zwischen 30 und 60 Euro – und das sollte einem der Komfort eines konstanten WLAN-Signals dann doch wert sein.
? Besondere Funktionen
Bessere Modelle für mehr als 50 Euro bieten meist zus?tzliche, mehr oder weniger nützliche Funktionen. So ist das AVM-Topmodell
mit einer LAN-Buchse ausgestattet, die in zwei Richtungen genutzt werden kann: Entweder wird ein per Funk aufgegriffenes Signal an den LAN-Ausgang weitergeleitet (praktisch, wenn man keinen WLAN-Stick am PC hat oder nutzen m?chte) oder der WLAN-Repeater wird per LAN-Kabel an den Router angeschlossen – dies kann die Bandbreite dramatisch erh?hen und vor allem auch die Latenz deutlich verringern.
Wer Kabelfernsehen nutzt, m?chte das Programm wom?glich auch im Haus an Orte verteilen, die keinen passenden Antennenanschluss haben. Für solche F?lle gibt es den , der zwar ebenfalls nicht ganz billig ist, aber v?llig neue M?glichkeiten des Fernsehempfangs erm?glicht – unter anderem auch auf Tablet und Smartphone.
? Wie wir WLAN-Verst?rker testen
Egal, für welchen WLAN-Repeater Sie sich entscheiden – alle Modelle wurden von uns gewissenhaft getestet – wir blicken auf eine jahrelange Test-Erfahrung im PC-Bereich zurück! Auch wenn aus technischen Gründen in vielen F?llen die offiziellen Produktfotos zu sehen sind, so haben wir doch jeden Repeater vor Ort im Einsatz gehabt und ausgiebig begutachtet!
Aktuell testen wir alle WLAN-Verst?rker erneut, um eine einheitliche Wertung über alle Testberichte sicherzustellen. Eine detaillierte Aufschlüsselung unserer Testmethoden finden Sie auf .
Komplette Rangliste aller getesteten WLAN-Repeater
Fritz 1750E
Fritz! 1160
TP-Link WA855RE
Wavlink N300
TP-Link TL-WA854RE
Fritz 450E
TP-Link RE200 AC750
CSL 300 MBit
TP-Link TL-WR710N
TP-Link TL-WA850RE
Netgear Universal WN2000RPT
Telekom Speedport W100
Huawei WS320
Fritz! WLAN Repeater N/G
Anmerkung: Mit  bewertete WLAN-Verst?rker befinden sich gerade erneut im Test
(34 Stimmen, durchschn.: 4,24 von 5)
Echte WLAN-Repeater-Tests!
Unsere Seite
ist keine Fake-Test-Seite, sondern Teil eines Technik- und IT-Verlages. Mehr .
Preise inkl. MwSt., ggfs. zuzüglich Versand. Alle Angaben ohne Gew?hr.考回 | 日雅思考试真题
Section 1 填空Section 2填空Section 3选择,配对Section 4 填空
1-10填空题1.front newspaper2.photo subject: week3. James Parkhurst4. photo use: personal (not public)干扰为business和 promotional5.type of photo: colour干扰为 black-and-white6.price: $ 80 干扰为15,15是加急7.processing method size:normal 干扰为rush8.payment type: cheques干扰为credit card9.deliver method: mail 10.reading frequency: every day 干扰为weekend
考察了地址, 时间,日期等S1 的常考信息注意避免拼写错误以及大小写
11 填空题11. visit biggest dinosaur bones12. 170 dinosaur footprints13. night tour trip is recommended14. there is artificial light which help you see clearly.The early history of Canadian mining industry15. minerals resources and the development of local16.artificial tour recommend to you17. small bears are special in bluecolor18. one of the cleanest rivers in the word19.ride in horseback needs government’s permit20. transport by boat(答案仅供参考)
History project
21- 25 单选题21.Tina thinks the local has become more popularC. because students can find information more easily22. In the second week of the project, studentsA. have to decide on their group responsibilities23. Feedback of the project will be givenC. on a mark sheet 24. Tina thinks which part of the Going Public project is importantA. supervisors can access it25. Henry thinks that students nowadaysA. have posses different strengths from students in the past26-30 配对题26. students in the project C develop IT skills27. Local council staff G relate history to the present28. supervisors of the projectA benefit the government29. students from other universities E view things from varied perspectives30. potential studentsF it is unique
31. The amount of CO2 you have to discharge from eating a meal is the same as that from driving32. The repair process of making 100g coffeecan result in one 140g Co233.The meat production releases more greenhouse gases34. A great deal of Co2 also originated from cooking35. The manufacturing process for packagingbrings out a lot of Co236. The transportation is to release CO2 as well37. The total amount of CEO increases a lot due to the damage of forests38. farming practice also brings out a lot of CO2 39. For example food should be provided when breeding chicken.40. but fishingcannot be changed
Reading Passage 1
Man or Machine
Question types:
段落信息配对题6填空题 7
段落信息配对题61 different ways of robots in helpingpeople E2 the name of a robot whose limbsare of the same size of an adult C3 a contrast between ASIMO and otherrobots D4 robot use in artistic works G5 argument for and against robots F6 people's reaction to robots in anexhibition A填空7Scientists in Honda 7 company developedASIMO. It receives instruction viatechnology in its 8 backpack. Kismet madein MIT manages to 9interact withpeople and can change its 10 behavior.11 Cog, also developed in MIT,is forthe development of 12 intelligenceand cansense its 13 environment.
段落信息配对是雅思考试中比较难的题型,我们来分析一下这类题目的做题技巧:首先,让我们来了解一下这种题目的出题特点。1、彻底同义转换和其它题型不同的是,这种题型是对原文一句话或者一段话进行的彻底同义转换,个别甚至是高度概括,因此几乎不存在任何定位词,因此不能根据定位词到原文中定位答案。考生必须具备非常强的语言理解能力,才能快速识别出文章信息和段落信息的相似之处,从而找到答案。2、完全乱序由于这种题型是要求把细节信息与所在的段落进行配对,因此是绝对打乱顺序出题的。3、部分题目存在重复选项在雅思阅读中,段落细节配对题以两种形式出现,一种是每个选项只能用一次,另外一种题型,在Instruction的最后一句往往有这样的提示:NB You may use any letter more than once.如果出现这样的提示,则说明某些段落可以重复选用。前面讲过,由于段落细节配对题的出题特点,这种题型往往暗示了每段都会有至少一个答案,那么这种题目适合用“通篇浏览”的方法来做。具体步骤如下:1.阅读所有题目,划出关键词关键词就是能最大限度上概括整个句子的单词或短语,第一步划出关键词,在短时间内将所有的题目进行高度的浓缩,符合人类短期记忆的规律。2.通读所有段落,依次寻找答案因为每段都会有答案,因此现在所需要做的事情就是到每段去找答案。要注意在选出信息后,要在选出的段落上做出标记,以免浪费时间。
Reading Passage 2
Question types:
人名观点配对题 514 1700 died from the 12th to the 18th of December in 1991 A Government15 London results are similar to those in other urban areasE Douglas Dockery16 The 1991 smog episode is rare F John Bower17 The 1991 episode may happen again F John Bower18 A cleaning warning will be issuedif N02 level reaches 600 ppbC Advisory Group on Medical Aspects of Air Quality Episodes填空4The first factor for the smog was 19 traffic fumes, which were clearedafter 20.fourdays. the latter’s effect on 21 breathing was weak. itaffected people with respiratory problems and 22 heart diseases.判断423 Anderson's research is conclusive on the fatal event NO24 10 per cent increase was caused by some unexpected events YES25 N02 caused more deaths than particulates NO26 Government failed to set an upper limit on particulates NOT GIVEN
Reading Passage 3
Language or Philosophy
Question types:
单选题 627In the 1st paragraph, grammar classificationsC are not enough for analyzing language-related acts28 In the second paragraph, scientifichypothesisB are examples of true and false29 Football is used toB demonstrate the capability of language to carry out actions30 Part of Austin's aim is toA find right and wrong of the sentences used31 A promise can be deive onlyD the speaker's thoughts are known32 A reason for the complete failure ofper formative sentence isD the speaker may not take the action配对题333Indicative sentencesF serve more functions than other sentences34 Austin's claimA langue is similar to other activities35.Constative utterances D判断题536 Interrogative sentence can be used totell people what to do YES37 Language is the most interest field ofphilosophy NOT GIVEN38 Philosophers paid little attention towhat is right or wrong NO39 Moral judgment is best assessed on right or wrong questions NO40Science and Law should have different assessment methods YES
The chart below shows the energy (million unites)generated by wind in four different countries in 1985 and 2000.
1. 注意时态,为一般过去时2.动态变化图,主体部分分为两段,Germany与US分为一段,将最初值与后两年的最末值,India与Denmark分为一段,最初值与最末值(Denmark可写最后两年)3.最后说明总体趋势,不必出现数据
The percentage of A in…is more than…… while a greater percentage of A than B are found in … (the former is % and the later is %)By contrast, A has increased (declined),from % in … To % in …
剑桥真题8, test1剑桥真题9, test2
An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times during their lives.Do you think it is positive or negative?
2.单边题型推荐思路:优势多Opening: 背景介绍,表达立场Main body:Possible ideas1. 在不同地方生活的人可以让人们获得不同的生活体验,尝试新的生活方式,接触不同的生活环境,对生活对世界有更加清晰的认识。2. 换工作能够了解不同的行业和公司,发现自己对什么工作比较感兴趣,找到适合自己的工作,这样工作更有积极性,有可能取得更大的成就感。3.但经常更换住所会造成生活成本增加,因为搬家和购买家具都会花不少钱,而不断的跳槽还会有失业的风险,造成个人财务方面的困难,在找新工作的时候容易被拒绝。Conclusion: 重申立场,优势大于劣势,并给出建议。
gain experience of living in different cities, try new lifestyles, get a clear perspective of life and the world, gain insights into different companies and sections, show more motivation, make great achievement, change dwelling places, cost of living, adapt to the new environment, lead to unemployment.
Some people work for the same organisation all their working life. Others think that it is better to work for different organasitions.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Your Work1. What work do you do?2. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?3. Do you like your job?4. Is it very interesting?5. (Possibly) Do you miss being a student?Your Studies/ study efficiency1. What subject(s) are you studying?2. Why did you choose to study that subject?3. Do you like your subject? (Why? / Why not?)4. Is it very interesting?5. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?Hometown1. What’s (the name of) your hometown?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. How long have you been living there?4. Do you like your hometown?5. What do you like (most) about your hometown?Accommodation1. Do you live in a house or a flat?2. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?3. Do you plan to live there for a long time?4. What's the difference between where you are living now and in the past?5. Can you describe the place where you live?Daily routine 1. What are you usually doing at this time? Do you do the same thing(s) every day?2. What do you usually do after you get up (or, in the morning)?3. What part of the day do you like best? (Why?)4. What part of your daily routine makes you the happiest? 5. What part of the day are you most efficient?)Housework1. Do you do housework at home?2. What kinds of housework do you often do?3. Did you do housework when you were a child?4. Do you think that children should do housework?Family 1. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?2. Who do you think is the most important member in your family?3. Who do you like to go shopping with?4. Who would you like to have dinner with when you have free time?Friends1. Do you have a lot of friends?2. What do you and your best friends usually do together?3. Do you prefer to have several good friends or many regular friends?4. Would you like to have more friends?5. Do you think friendship is important?Teenagers (New)1. Do you like to spend time with teenagers?Why and why not? 2. Do you know anything about the kind of fashion that teenagers like?3. What are the best things of being a teenager in your country?4. How do teenagers entertain themselves?Neighbors 1. Do you know your neighbors?2. Do you like your neighbors?3. What do you think of your neighbors?4. How often do you see (or talk to) your neighbors?5. When do you meet your neighbors?Teachers1. Do you like any teacher of yours?2. Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?3. Do you think it’s important to like your teachers?4. Do you want to be a teacher?5. What qualities should a good teacher have?Pop star1. Do you like pop music?2. Who is your favorite pop singer?3. Have you been to any live concert?4. Normally, how to you listen to his/ her songs?5. Do you want to be a pop singer? Why?Fruits and vegetables1. Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?2. What kind of fruit do you like?3. What’s your favorite fruit?4. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?5. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?6. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?Jewelry1. Do you have any jewelry?2. Are you interested in having any jewelry? /What’s your attitude toward jewelry?3. What kinds of jewelry would you like to have?4. How often do you wear jewelry?5. How often do people in your country wear jewelry?Mirror1. Do you often look at yourself in the mirror?2. When do you usually look in a mirror?3. Did you buy many mirrors?4. Do you think mirrors are necessary ornaments?5. What do you think of using mirrors to decorate rooms?Meals (New)1. What food do people where you live usually eat?2. Which meal of the day do you think is the most important?3. What do you usually eat for lunch(breakfast,evening meal)?4. Do you prefer to eat three full meals a day or do you prefer to eat many snacks throughout the day?5. Do you think it is better to eat one big meal aday or is it better to eat several smaller meals each day?Computer (New)1. Do you use computers very much?2. When do you use a computer?3. What do you use computers for?4. What part do computers play in your life?5. How often do you use a computer? Internet (New)1. Do you use the internet (very much)?2. How often do you use the internet?3. How (or, where) do you go onto the internet?4. Have you ever bought anything on the internet?Boats (New)1. Do you often travel by boat?2. Have you ever been on a boat tour while you were on holidays?3. Would you like to have a holiday on a boat?4. Where in your country do people most often use boats or, travel by boat?Rainy days (New)1. Do you like rainy days?2. Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?3. What do you do on rainy days?Buses 1. Do you like travelling by bus?2. How often do you take buses?3. Do you prefer taking buses or subway?Newspaper and magazine1. Doyou often read newspapers?2. Doyou prefer to read local news or international news?3. Doyou like reading newspapers or magazines?4. Doyou think newspaper will disappear in the future?Sunny days1. Doyou like sunny days?2. How do you feel when you are in the sunshine?3. Do you prefer to live in a place with more sunshine or less?Emails and Letters1. Doyou prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?2. Whichdo you more often write, emails or letters?3. Howoften do you write an email or a letter?News (New)1. Do you like to keep up with the latestnews?2. Why do you want to know the latest news?3. How important is it to you to get the newsevery day?Punctuality (New)1. Do you think it's important to be on time?2. In your country is it important to be ontime?3. How do you feel when others are late?4. Are you, yourself, late very often?Names (New)1. Do you like your name?2. Does your name have any particular meaning?3. Who gave you your name?Advertisement 1. Are there many advertisements in your country?2. How do you feel about advertisements?3. Do you think advertisements should be amusing or serious?Birthday 1. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?3. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?4.Do people in China celebrate birthdays?History 1. Do you like to learn about history?2. What historical events do you find most interesting?3. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?4. Do you think you can really learn history from films or TV programs?Politeness 1. Do you think the politeness is important? Why?2. How do people show politeness in your country?3. Who taught you to be polite?4. Do you think people in your country are politer than in the past?5. Do you think you are a polite person?Time management1. How do you manage (or, organize, or plan)your time?2. Would you say you manage your time well?3. Do you find it hard to manage your time?4. How do you think you could better manage your time?
Part 2&3考题总结
1. A good parent you think.2. A historic figure you like.3. An interesting person from another country.4. A business leader / businessman that you admire. 5. A knowledgeable person you want to know.6. An interesting person.7. A product you bought that made you happy.8. A piece of furniture you like.9. An activity you do to keep fit.10. An important letter that you received.11. Arule at your school that you agree or disagree.12. Asubject you learned in the high school.13. A traditional product in your country.14. An advertisement you have seen recently.15. An exciting book you read recently.16. Aleisure facility (cinema/theater/ sports center) would like to have in your hometown.17. Aplace that people listen to music.18. Adream home.19. Your teaching experience.20. An achievement that you are proud of.21. Acar journey.22. An occasion that you helped someone (friend or relative).
Part 3 题目解析How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?Sample answer:Well, thanks to the emergency of cell phones and tablet PC, as well as the fast Internet speed, international communication becomes easier than ever. It's not only an eye-opener for the public, but also facilitates the friendship between Chinese and foreign.


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