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如果云南没有昭通,那么云南人给人的映像绝对是全国最怂没有之一,说白了全云南除了昭通、会泽 曲靖部分地区的人,其它都是都是低等劣质人种。
李耀庭 (重庆商务总会首任总理) 李耀庭(年),名正荣,云南昭通人,晚清年间由滇入渝,经营天瑞祥票号,多谋善贾,成为“西南首富”。重庆商务总会成立,被推为首任总理。王兴斋,名炽 与重庆。
战前重庆,虽然是四川最大的唯一的工业区,但其工厂数在全国占比十分弱小,据国府经济部1932年至1937年的工厂统计数据显示,全国工厂总数3935家,工人数456937人,但四川工厂仅有115家,工人数13019人,却十之七八工厂在重庆或附近。如按最高80%计算,当时重庆仅有92家工厂,占全国比0.46%,而工人数10415人占比2.28%。  据当时四川省政府统计处官方数据,到1937年6月为止,川省各类金融机构的总行及分支行号,共有124家,重庆占其半数;总部在省内注册的15家银行,有9家设于重庆。
客观地说中国菜是世界上最好吃的I''ve been hearing this over and over. I like Chinese food but find this claim ridiculous. Thoughts?我一遍又一遍地听到这句话。我喜欢中国菜,但觉得这个说法很可笑。你们这么想?美国reddit网友SasselhoffClaimed by who? Chinese folk? The only people ever to tell me this were Chinese people...and needless to say, they''re a little biased.I mean, it is good, but all that comes down to personal preference anyway. So I''d take any such comments with a pretty big grain of salt.谁这么说?中国的百姓?唯一这么跟我说过的人是个中国人...不用说,他们有点偏见。我的意思是,中国菜是不错的,但这一切都取决于个人偏好。所以对于任何这样的评论我都会保持意见。93402European unxYeah like what product from china is made with dedication pride and honor..... none, same applies to food, if they can safe 0.2 cny by streching the sauce or using tainted meat, they will, a japanese cook would rather loose an eye than serving an inferior dish. Simple as that.没错,就好像什么来自中国的产品能带给他们自豪和荣耀一样...没有,食物也一样。如果两毛钱的拉酱或者使用受污染的肉是安全的话,那么它们确实可以(带来荣誉感)。一个日本厨师宁愿睁大眼睛精雕细琢也不愿意上菜劣质菜。就这么简单。herrjordanClaimed by my Chinese friends, never heard anyone else say this.除了我的中国朋友,从来没听别人这么说过。all_usernames_taken3You guys are so negative...You''re all mentioning things you get at shitty dodgy restaurants. Go to legit restaurants, quit basing your experience on 25rmb waimaiThe truth is that there is huge variety of foods and it can suit almost any taste. Finding good places is not that easy.你们太消极了…你们说的这些都是建立在不正规的低劣小餐馆上。去正规的餐厅,放弃你25块钱外卖的经历。事实是中国菜食物种类繁多并且几乎能适合任何口味。但找个好地方也不是那么容易。rogerwilco42I spent 8 years in China. Had many meals in China''s better restaurants. Chinese food can be very good, but overall it isn''t the best in the world.You are kind of contradicting yourself. First you say don''t go to cheap restaurants, implying that expensive restaurants are better. Then you say that finding good places is not easy. That is what some are saying, not easy to find good food.I spent about a year in Vietnam. Very easy to find good food there at all price points.我在中国呆了8年。在中国许多很好的餐馆吃过饭。中国菜很好吃,但总的来说,它不是世界上最好的。你的评论有点自己否定自己的意思。首先你说不要去便宜的餐馆,这意味着昂贵的餐馆更好。然后你说找个好地方不容易。这正是一些人所说的,在中国不容易找到好吃的菜。haosenanDifficult to obxtively rate food and what does best mean? How good it tastes (entirely subjective), how healthy it is, variety, uniqueness, etcI like Chinese food, but don''t think you can say any particular cuisine is the best.食物是难以客观评价的,什么才是最好的呢?是它尝起来的味道(这完全是主观的),还是它有多健康,还是种类,还是独特性等等。我喜欢中国菜,但你不能说任何一种特别的菜是最好的。BillyBattsShineboxPeople from every country tend to have an overly positive view of their own cuisines. If you asked a Frenchman or an Italian which country has the best cuisine, I''d bet that a ton would say their own countries. Even lots of Brits unironically think that British food is among the best in the world (in my opinion, there are plenty of really nice dishes when they''re done well, but overall, native British cuisine is pretty shit, desserts excluded.Chinese people probably are a bit more overly zealous when it comes to talking about their own food, but I think that''s partly due to most Chinese people having little to no experience of anything from outside China besides things like durian and nutella pizza (an Italian classic, as we all know), and also because Chinese people are extremely proud of, well, just about everything that comes from China.每个国家的人对自己的菜都有过度乐观的看法。如果你问法国人或意大利人哪个国家的菜肴最好,我敢打赌他们百分之百会说是自己的国家。讽刺的是,甚至很多英国人认为英国食物是世界上最好的(在我看来,当他们做得很好的时候,确实有很多好吃的菜,但总的来说,英国本地菜真的跟翔一样,甜点除外)。当中国人谈到他们的食物的时候,我认为他们有点过于狂热了。但我认为这是因为大多数人对于中国之外的东西没有太多的经验所致,比如榴莲和花生酱披萨(我们都知道的意大利经典),又因为中国人是非常自豪的,会觉得所有东西都是来自于中国的。rogerwilco42China is the only country that I have visited where the people tell me over and over again that their food is the best.Vietnamese food is better and healthier.在我去过的所有国家中,只有中国人一遍又一遍地跟我说他们国家的食物是最好的。越南菜是更好而且更健康的。herrjordan“Vietnamese food is better and healthier.”Go tell this to some Chinese people and enjoy the ensuing "conversation".“越南菜是更好而且更健康的”去跟一些中国人说这句话,然后享受随之而来的“交谈”吧。pugwall7Koreans will also say that a lot韩国人对此也会有话要说。krang123It definitely has some potential, if they wouldn''t leave fucking shards of bone in absolutely everything.Had a dish the other day, literally 50 RMB no less, which is criminal... it was basically some fish that seemed to have been put through a fucking wood chipper on some white rice. That''s it. Some shitty, awful tasting fish and tiny, sharp little inedible white bones throughout whatever fish pulp I was eating. I''m pretty stoic about these things,but even I couldn''t deal. Dropped another 50 RMB on a burger and fries.它绝对有一点作为世界最好的潜力——如果他们绝对不留下任何他喵的骨头碎片的话。前几天我吃了一道菜,字面上肯定不少于50块钱,那简直是犯罪......基本上是一些鱼,它们看起来就像是被木头切削机切碎了然后放在一些白米饭上。是的,无论我吃什么鱼汤,都会有一些低劣难吃的鱼加上又尖又细又吃不了的白骨。虽然我处理不了这些东西,但是我对此还是比较能容忍的。于是我又花了50块买了汉堡和薯条。rogerwilco42I had to stop eating fish and other seafood in China. Most of it smells like sewage or diesel fuel.在中国我不得不停止吃鱼和其他海鲜。它们大部分闻起来像下水道的污物和柴油燃料。krang123I guessed the "secret sauce."But I seriously don''t understand how the fuck it''s considered palatable to have to spit a bone out after every fucking bite. It''s meat... not a fucking sunflower seed.我猜是“秘密调料”但我真的不明白每咬一口就要吐一次骨头是怎么回事。这是肉....不是他喵的向日葵种子。hboner69Its different cultures. My Chinese parents can''t understand why people would eat huge chunks of meat like steak. So stfu.Edit: why the fuck am I being down voted? Do you have to assimilate everyone into your culture and everyone has to agree with you?因为这是不同的文化。我的中国父母不明白为什么人们会吃大块的肉,比如牛排。所以,收起你的脏话。编辑:为什么踩我?你必须把每个人都同化到你的文化中,每个人都必须同意你的观点吗?(注:这位兄弟的点赞数是-3)rogerwilco42The smaller the piece of meat while it is cooked the more likely it will be dry and tough.Chinese cooking is good for vegetables, not so good for beef or chicken.肉越小块,就越容易弄得又干又硬。中国人擅长做蔬菜,但是不擅长做1牛肉或者鸡肉。HotNaturedUnited StatesHere''s, obxtively, the bottom line:·Mainland Chinese food is diverse and enjoyable, but it doesn''t belong on this list.·Cantonese food is actually in contention--it''s refined and sometimes even inspired.·Italian food is rustic. Grandma''s food. Probably my favorite day-to-day cuisine, but not always deserving of the price point (doubly true where I am in Shanghai).·The French culinary tradition is world class and, next to Cantonese, Japanese, and maybe one other, is actually worth arguing as best in the world.·Japanese cuisine, as a reflection of Japanese culture , is buoyed by artisans. (For me, anyway, subpar Japanese food is way less appetizing than, say, subpar coq au vin.) Eating ramen/sushi/tonkatsu at a salaryman''s spot can be just as life-changing as michelin star kaiseki.I don''t think a single other cuisine can really stand up to the aforementioned ones. Sure, Mexican mole, a handful of Indian, Thai, Viet, Korean, and Greek dishes make a good case for their inclusion, but it''s not enough. Spain might deserve a spot in the debate but otherwise I think it''s end of discussion.这里有一些客观的概要:·中国大陆的食物丰富多彩,令人享受,但它不属于这份名单。·粤菜实际上是有争论的——它是精致的,有时甚至是富有创造力的。·意大利菜很土气。就像祖母煮的菜。可能是我最喜欢的日常料理,但它的价格不总是值得的(在上海这点更加真实)。·法国的烹饪传统是世界级的,仅次于广东人、日本人或者其他。法国菜确实值得辩一辩是不是世界上最好的菜。·日本料理,作为日本文化的反映,充满工匠精神(不管怎样,对我来说,日本菜没有法国菜红酒炖鸡这么开胃)。在一个工薪族的地方吃拉面、寿司、炸猪排可以像在吃改变命运的米其林星级怀石料理一样。我不认为还有其他的菜能比得上上述的任何一个。当然,墨西哥鼹鼠,一小部分印度菜,泰国菜、越南菜、朝鲜菜和希腊菜都有其代表作,但这还不够。西班牙也许也应该得到一席之地,但是我认为讨论该结束了。herrjordanYou make some interesting points, but I wouldn''t say it''s obxtive.Also, you forget all the Arabic countries or Persian food, which are quite amazing.你提出了一些有趣的观点,但我不会说这是客观的。还有,你忘了所有的阿拉伯国家或波斯食物,他们的菜也是相当令人惊叹的。RaghumanBut but, what about British food? ...但、但是,英国菜怎么样?......kmillionareThis can''t really be obxtive. China''s cuisine is more "developed" I guess since it historically has had a culinary culture for far longer than the West, where what we might consider actually cuisine with distinct dishes didn''t start until after the French Revolution when Aristocratics would go to places to recreate the experience of being served and doted on, thus creating restaurants.Personally I perfer Vietnamese, Indian, and Mexican food but Chinese chefs can do fucking amazing things with a plate of green beans and a few ingredients.这不可能真正的客观。我猜中国的美食是更“发达”的,因为它历史上的烹饪文化比欧美地区悠久得多,我们真正可以考虑的菜肴,只有在法国大革命后才开始。当贵族们想找一个地方重新体验被人服务的时候,餐厅因此诞生了。我个人更喜欢越南、印度、墨西哥菜,但是中国厨师可以用一盘青豆和一些配料做一些他喵的令人惊奇的事情。herrjordanI don''t think Chinese cuisine is more developed because of their culinary culture. That''s like saying they are better printers because it was invented in China.我不认为因为中国的烹饪文化更长就能说他们的美食更“发达”。这就好像说因为打印技术是中国发明的,他们的打印机就会更好一样。fucktheocean (United Kingdom)I think it''s the worst food in Asia... (Of the countries I''ve been to)我认为这是亚洲最糟糕的食物…(在我去过的国家里)SmilenceBNSBest means average Chinese person enjoy Chinese food more than people from any other countries enjoy their own food. I live in the most diverse city in the world, never cook and eat out every day. I can go to Chinese restaurants for a whole month without tasting anything similar twice. I like Japanese/Korean food as well but I will be bored within a couple days if I try to eat Japanese/Korean only. European food can be really luxurious but the diversity is laughable, have been to a French restaurant that cost us $200 per person but when I look at the menu there are only a handful of choices for each course.最好的诠释是,普通中国人对自己国家食物的喜爱超过了别的国家的人对他们自己国家食物的喜爱。我住在世界上最多样化的城市,从来不做饭每天都出去吃。我可以去中国餐馆整整一个月,而不会吃到两种类似的菜。我也喜欢日本菜和韩国菜,但如果我试着只吃日本/韩国,我会在几天内感到厌烦。欧洲的食物真的很奢侈,但毫无多样性可言。我去过法国餐馆,每人花费200美元,但是当我看菜单的时候,每个门类下面只有几个选择。exceptionalaverageEuropean unxNo it isn''t. Ever go to a restaurant in China? If you like bland shitty hotpot or ridiculously oily dishes with bony meat and questionable ingredients....the yeah, Chinese food is great.In my opinion, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Singaporean food are all superior.不,不对。你曾经去中国餐馆?如果你喜欢清淡但劣质的火锅或者带着骨头和可疑成分的很油腻的菜的话......没错,中国菜很棒。在我看来,泰国、越南、马来西亚、新加坡的食物都很好。haosenanDepends where you go, go to a decent restaurant, you get decent food, go to a shit restaurant, you get shit food. Price doesn''t always correlate with quality in China (by which I mean some expensive restaurants still sell shit food). But I wouldn''t say all Chinese food is how you describe.取决于你去的地方,去一个像样的餐馆,你会得到体面的食物;去一家垃圾餐馆,你会得到垃圾食物。在中国价格并不总是与质量相关(我的意思是一些昂贵的餐馆仍然垃圾一样的食品)。但我不会说所有的中国食物都是你描述那样的。s0lidSnakePliskinchina has so many different regions and ethnic groups that even chinese people don''t really know what they mean when they say "chinese food" you could spend several lifetimes traveling around china trying all the different cuisines.中国有很多不同的地区和少数民族,说到“中国菜”的时候,甚至连中国人也不知道他们说的是哪些。你可以花上几辈子周游中国尝试所有不同的菜。YeOldeShitpostingActWe''ve had this discussion around our house too. "Chinese food is one of the world''s great cuisines like French or Sushi etc. etc"To which I reply, "Chinese food is famous because it''s cheap and the restaurants are open on religious holidays. When most westerners see what ACTUAL Chinese food looks like (intestines, fish heads, pickled weeds, and a staunch refusal to remove any bones from anything), they generally turn up their noses.我们在家里也进行过这样的讨论。“中餐是世界上最重要的菜系之一,就像法国菜、寿司等等等等。”我的回答是“中餐很有名是因为它便宜而且在宗教节日里开放。当大多数西方人看到中国菜的真实面貌时(肠子、鱼头、腌过的野草,坚决拒绝从任何东西中取出骨头),他们一般来说都会捏起鼻子。”dandmcdUnited StatesOf course it''s ridiculous. If it was truly the best in the world, people would be eating pig feet and Chinese hot pot all around the world. If we''re going by what is the best in the world, it should be what food has the most influence around the world, and Italians, French, Japanese and even the Americans would be highly favored to win that battle.这当然是荒谬的。如果它真的是世界上最好的,世界各地的人们都会在吃猪脚和中国火锅。如果我们想得出谁才是世界上最好的,那这应该是世界上最有影响力的食物。意大利人,法国人,日本人,甚至美国人都会非常有兴趣赢得这场战役。bigwangbowskiUnited StatesSo by that logic, Mickey D''s is the best food? Outta here with that horseshit所以按照这个逻辑,麦当劳是世界上最好的食物?带着你的胡说八道离开这儿。
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