but He short is strong标签 .连词

>>>______he isn’t tall,_______ he is strong.A.T butB.B..
______he isn’t tall,_______ he is strong.A.T butB.But, soC.T soD.T 不填
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“______he isn’t tall,_______ he is strong.A.T butB.B..”主要考查你对&&从属连词,并列连词&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
从属连词:这种连词是用以引导名词性从句定语从句和状语从句的,由从属连词所引导的句子叫从句,而含有从句的句子叫作复合句。从属连词可分为三大类:1、that (无词义,不做成分)if,whether (表达是否的意义,但不做句子成分)2、连接代词:who,whom,whose,what,which,whatever, whoever, whichever(有词义,在句子中可作主语、表语、宾语)3、连接副词:when,where,why,how,how many,how long,how far,however,whenever,wherever (有词义,作从句的状语)
用法:从结构上说,英语连接词分两大类:并列连词和从属连词。 并列连词连接两个或两个以上地位平等的字、词组或分句。例如:(1) Air and water are indispensable to me.   (2) She likes going out with friends or playing outdoor games.   (3) Most workers have a good income, so they look very happy.   从属连词连接两个或两个以上的分句,形成复杂句中的从属分句。例如:   (4) He said that he did not want to go .   (5) Many things have happened since I last saw him.   (6) You may come if you want to.   从属连词用来连接各种从句。until(till)直到,在用until表达时间状语的句子中,主句中的动词是要十分小心去选择的。如动词是持续行动词,它要用肯定句,如:I studied hard until 12 o'clock last night.如果动词是瞬间截止性动词,则要用否定句,如:He didn't go to bed until his mother came back.由since,for,by,before, 来引导的时间状语从句。since 引导的时间状语是动作的开始时间,如:I have studied English since 1990.而by引导的时间状语通常是动作的结束时间,如:I had learned 25 English songs by the end of last term.从属连词语法分类:
Because, since
If, unless, as long as
As, just as, as if
Though, although, even though, no matter what, however, no matter how, whoever, no matter who, wherever, no matter where
As…as, not so…as, than, less…than, the more…the more
Who, whom, whose, which, that, when, where, why并列连词:主要是用来表示并列关系、选择关系、因果推理关系等。也可用来连接平行的词,词组或分句。并列连词表示关系及代表实例:1.表示并列关系表示并列关系的连词主要含有“和”、“补充”、“增加”等意思。用来表达并列关系的连词有如下几个:and 和 both...and...二者都either...or...或者...或者... neither...nor...既不...也不...as well as 也、连同not only...but (also)... 不但...而且...e.g.I used to live in Paris and London.我过去住在伦敦和巴黎。Both Jane and Jim are interested in pop music.詹妮和吉姆对流行音乐都很感兴趣。She is not only kind but also honest.她不但和蔼而且诚实。Bob as well as his parents is going on holiday this summer.鲍勃和他的父母今年夏天要去度假。2.表示转折关系常用来表示转折关系的并列连词有如下几个:but 但是 yet 然而still 仍然 while 然而while 然而、偏偏e.g.The winter in Beijing is very cold while that of Kunming is warm.北京的冬天很冷,然而昆明的冬天却很温暖。I explained twice, still he counldn't understand.我解释了两遍,然而他却还不懂。3.表示选择关系表示选择关系的并列连词:or 或者 or else 否则otherwise 否则neither...nor... 既不...也不...either...or... 或者...或者...e.g.Would you like leave or would you like to stay?你是想走还是想留?You can come either on Saturday or on Sunday.你可以星期六来也可以星期天来。Neither you nor I nor anyone else believes such things.不管你我或者其他任何人都不会相信这件事。4.表示因果推理关系表示因果关系的并列连词主要有so,for,then,therefore 等。e.g.The air here is polluted, so the crops are dying.这里的空气受到了污染,所以庄稼快死了。The leaves of the trees are falling, for it's already autumn.树叶在落下,因为秋天已经到来了。并列连词注意事项:并列连词for引导的分句只能放在句尾,前面用逗号隔开,表示补充说明的微弱理由,只是为前面的内容提供判断的理由,有时译为并列的某种形式。这与because不同,because引导的是一种明确的因果关系,解释原因,常可回答why的提问。几个特殊并列连词用法:一、表示并列关系的and,or,well,as,not only...but also... 等连词也有比较活跃的用法。and 作为并列连词有多重含义,除了可以表示并列关系外,还可以表示顺承、目的、条件、反复等关系。e.g:He went to market and bought some vegetables.(表示顺承,动作的先后发生)他到市场买了一些蔬菜。Come and help me out.(表示目的)过来帮我一下。Be careful and you'll make fewer mistakes.(表示条件)如果仔细,你所犯的错就少。二、or 与 either...or...or表示为“否则”的话,前句一般是祈使句,后句用一般将来时。在表示选择关系时or 与 either...or... 用法相同,但 either...or...更具强调性。在多个对象进行选择时,可以用A or B or C... , either A or B or C... , neither A or B or C... 。e.g:Either Jim or Jake or Jeff knows about this.三、as well as 与not only... but also...名词+as well as+名词作主语时,强调前面的名词,谓语动词要根据前面的名词而定。not only...but also...连接名词作主语时,其强调在后者,谓语动词要根据后面的名词而定。e.g:China as well as many other countries loves peace.中国与世界上的其他许多国家一样热爱和平。Not only Bill but also his parents want to go traveling by bike.不仅比尔而且他的父母都想骑自行车去旅游。注:当or,neither...nor...,either...or 等连接主语时,谓语动词由or或nor后面的部分而定。并列连词表示关系:
but, yet等
And, or, either…or, neither…nor, not only..but also, as well as等
与“______he isn’t tall,_______ he is strong.A.T butB.B..”考查相似的试题有:
第十四单元 连词
1264 从形式上看,连词可以分为简单连词(Simple
rather,on the other hand;和关联连词(Correlative
on-ly…but…间或后面跟某种副词,如:and…as well,but…
all the same。
1265 根据用法,连词可以分为并列连词(Coordinate
1266 并列连词(下面的黑体字)用来连接两个或更多的a.单词;
a.he is healthy and handsome.(单词与单词)
He came and sat down and spoke to me.
b.The butterflies flew over our heads and about the
They want to win the war,but to pay no price.
We lived in the countryside,merely reading novels,( or)playing
games,or telling
c.I feel funny and out of sorts.(单词及短语)
I declare this seriously and with confidence.
I devote my spare time to music,books,or playing ten-nis.
d. I played the violin and she sang.(分句及分句)
I want to go to college but my parents want me to
Do not move or you are a dead man.
I know that he has been arrested and that he is in
e.Let's take him to the hospital or something.(分句及单词)(少见)
You can do anything you like and welcome.
a.John and Mary are my children.
He looks dirty but happy.
b.He is at once honest and clever.
One must be either hard-working or economical.
He is not only(or not just) a soldier,but also a writer.
On the one hand he tried to smuggle drugs,and on theother he
tried to bribe the
I have never(副词可以放在分句内而不是放在它前面)been in Africa,nor has my
c.He is honest and clever,too.
That is not cheap and not useful either.
He had failed several times,but he persisted in his plan allthe
1269 在并列连词前应用什么标点?
I went and he return.但是—I went to Europe on businesslast
spring,and he returned
from Europe this summer.
It is neither easy nor difficult.但是—Neither can I expressmy
opinion,nor can he
say anything.
He rarely meets people,[或;]therefore he feels shy.
He is young,[或;] however he knows more than he seemsto.
He has lived on this island for thirty years,[或;] besides
he has married a native woman.
He has seen much of the world,[或;] still he is eager tosee
He rarely meets people,and therefore he feels shy.
He has seen much of the world,but still he is eager to
He rarely meets people,either boys or girls;therefore hefeels
He's young; however,he knows more than he seems to.
Unlike his brother,he has seen much of the world; still heis
possible,to see more.
John is seriously ill.Some of his best friends and
coming to see him.
The storm was terrible;few houses,however,were damaged.
He made many mistakes;his younger sister,on the other hand,made
very few.
Not only her son died;she herself went mad,too(or as
Bob got up at five every morning. He would read newspapers while
eating his
breakfast.It was about eight when hestarted for the office. But
Sunday.He wants tosleep as much as possible.
We need wisdom,we need money,we need power.
One child isn't enough,two are just right,three are toomuch.
Paupers want to be rich men,rich men want to be kings,kings want
to be gods.
1270 并列连词有6种,它们是:连系连词(Copulative
Conjunctions),相反连词(Adversative Conjunctions),推论连词(Illative
1271 连系连词,亦称“and-连词”,表示“加上”。
a.He is honest(形容词)and intelligent(形容词).(and连接同一词类的词)
He did it quickly(副词)and effectively(副词).
Honesty(名词)and wisdom(名词) are essential tosuccess.
We talked(动词)and laughed(动词)and drank(动词).
Our government is of(介词) the people,(and)by(介词) the people and
for(介词) the
b.A novel must be interestingand
A novel must be interesting,exciting and instruc-tive.
A novel must be interesting,exciting,instruc-tive.
A novel must be interestingand excitingand in-structive.
A novel must be interesting and exciting,instruc-tiveand
c.He behaves honestly and also(or and
He behaves honestly and wisely too(or as well,a-like).(关联连词)
He behaves alike(or equally,at once,both)honestlyand wisely.
He behaves not only(or not just,not alone,not mere-ly)
honestly,but(or but
likewise,but also) wisely.
He behaves not only honestly,but wisely too(or aswell).
d.He behaves wisely as well as honestly.(=He behavesnot only
honestly,but also
He can move back as well as go forward.He is a wiseman.
e.He sells bananas,pineapples,grapes and others(or andso
forth,and so on,and the
like,and all that,and what not,and such like,and all,and the
He commits rape and murder and everything in be-tween.
f. He stayed abroad for months and months.(很长时间)
He travelled for miles and miles.(很长距离)
Thousands and(or upon)thousands of people havebeen
She waited and waited and waited.(反复的动作)
g.They write nonsense and novels(=nonsensical nove-ls).(书面语)
I shall never forget his earnestness and affection(= earnest
Two hours was spent in discussion and excitement.(=exciting
That is a sin and a shame(=a shameful sin).
They are amidst factions and intrigues(=the in-trigues of
Do you like to listen to gossip and old wives(=gossipof old
The child is interested in warriors and heroic acts(=heroic acts
of warriors).
h.He did not behave(or never behaved)honestly,norwisely(or or
wisely,nor wisely
either,or wiselyeither,and not wisely either).(两个否定词)
He behaved dishonestly,nor wisely.
He behaved neither honestly nor wisely.
He behaved neither honestly,nor legally,nor wisely.
I have no money and fun.
I have no money or fun.
I have no money,nor fun.(注意逗号)
I have no money,nor has he.
i.Come and(=Come to)dine with me.(and dine 用来代替to
Come and see me(在祈使句中常在原形动词前加and)
He came and sat down by me.(在陈述句一般过去时前加and)
He came and asked me many questions.
He will come and discuss it.(加在助动词后)
She should come and ask me.
I asked him to come and dine with me.(加在to后以避免重复to)
He wants to come and play tennis.
Stand up and say“hello” to me.(不仅在come后,其他表示行动的动词后也可加and。)
Go out and tell him.
Call and see me.
Stay and take dinner.
The cat rushed and caught the mouse.
They,ran out and welcomed me.
Mary stopped and talked with a woman.
He wrote and told his boss of the result.
Try and read it.
Be sure and(=Be sure to) come.
Go and be miserable!(Go and也可用来表示没有预料到的东西,有时可译为“居然”)
He went and spent all his money on rubbish.
He has gone and told my secret to her.
Adam upped(=got up)and cursed me.(up and也可表示惊异)
j.I never“drink and drive”.(drink and drive作为一体,整个加以否定,不能说I
never drink and I
never drive.)
You cannot “eat your cake and have it.”
Don't“propose only once and get tired.”
You cannot touch pitch and not be defiled(=withoutbeing
Nobody can hear her story and not be moved(=without being
I must not work for the store and do nothing.
k.What with(=Partly because of)his courage and whatwith his
wisdom(or What with
his courage and his wis-dom),he became an important person.
l.I have been happy and sad,master and
He is fat,bald and a local patriarch.
I thought of the mayor and how to speak to him.1272
m. I called on John,and he welcomed me.(一连串情况)At first he
refused,then he
agreed,at last he saidno.
Now the clouds were dark,now they were bright;now they looked
like castles,now
they looked likejungles.
n.He is an engineer,and besides(or also,likewise,inaddition to
this,at the same
time)he can make shoes.(提供进一步情况)
He has a lot of money and he knows the mayor on theside(=in
He lives in a very big mansion;furthermore(or more-over),he is
the owner of ten
He knows a lot about India;indeed(or nay,what ismore),he has
been in most
countries in Aisa.
Not only this town is in panic,(but also)all the worldwas
o.I cannot go.First(少用Firstly),I don't feel well.Secondly,I
don't know that
man.Thirdly(or Lastly)I am waiting for
Smoking is harmful.First,it costs money.Second,itcauses
I like travelling.For in the first place(or instance),Ican relax
myself while
travelling. In the second(ornext),I can see more of the world.In
the third…In
the last…
He is hopeless.For one thing,he is old and sickly.And for
another,he has no
friend or relative.(或He is old and sickly,for one thing.For
p.I have never been abroad,nor(or neither)(=andnever)have I ever
I can not swim,neither(or nor)can my brother.
Neither has he done it,nor will he do it.
He kept silent(=did not speak),nor(or neither)did I say a single
All that is true(=not false),nor must we deny it.q.The workers
refused to
work.Likewise,the boss refuseto increase their wages.
The parents don't care about their children.Similarly(or In the
same way),the
children don't care abouttheir parents.
r.Talk of the devil(祈使句),and he will appear.(=Ifyou talk of the
devil,he will
Work hard and you will see the result.
Let him do it and you will be surprised.
Let the glass fall and I will punish you.
Let(but)this fellow become rich and he would forgetus.
Only mention it and she(will)get(s)mad.(will有时省略不用)
Spare the rod and speil(=you will spoil)the child.
s.One minute more,and he would have been caught.(=If he had
delayed one minute
more,he would…)(and这里连接短语和分句,这是不寻常的。)
One hour later,and I could never see her again.(=IfI arrived one
hour later,I
Just another step and he would have been hit by a car.
Only ten minutes ago and he was only a beggar.
Three thousand years and the world will greatlychange.
One cup more and we can go.
t.He divorced her,and a good thing too.(=He divorcedher,and it
was a good
They were gone,and a good riddance.
He is mad,and no wonder(or and small blame tohim).
You two can get married,and no mistake.
Kill me,and there an end of it.
Do it and welcome.
u. I spoke earnestly and they
He made merry and his father drudging like a buffalo.
John tried to cheat Marry and she unaware of
How can I go to the movies and my mother so ill athome?
He welcomed the visitors and they his enemies.
He is a millionaire and his father[is]without a cent.
I can't go to the cinema alone and my wife[is]to stayat
[You are]A policeman and so scared!
[He is]A good friend and[to]betray me thus!
[You are]An official and[to]break the law!
v.I met Wang,who(=and he)invited me to the
He released the bird,which(=and it)flew away.
I shall see you tomorrow,when(=and then)we cango together to
your aunt.
I walked to the station,where(=and there)I met afriend of
1273 选择连词,亦称“or连词”,表示进行选择。
a.I must be hard-working(形容词)or economical(形容词).(Or可连接任何词类)
You may go,(动词)or stay(动词).
Which is better,wealth(名词)or health(名词)?
You can do it quickly(副词)or slowly(副词).
I can start before(介词)or after(介词)breakfast.
b.You can study chemistry or even nuclear energy.
You may study chemistry or rather physics.
You must study calculus or at least algebra.
c.You must study either chemistry or physics.(关联连词)
You must study either chemistry or physics or
We observe rules whether of law or of morals.
d.You may have food fried(形容词)or otherwise.(可用在任何词类后)
Death(名词)or otherwise is nothing to me.
You can finish it tomorrow(副词) or otherwise.
e.He likes the“durian”,or(=that is,)a tropical fruithaving a
strong smell.
He is a “Taoist”,or a philosopher advocating simplic-ity.
f.Either Bill or John(=Both)are Ida's lovers.(美国说法)
He likes either the low or the high social class.
1274 2.选择连词也可连接分句:
g.We ought to(or should,must,…)work hard,or(orotherwise,else,or
else)(=if not)we
shall be starved.
Work hard or you will be starved.
He knows grammar,or he would make many mistakes.
He did not know grammar,or he would have made nomistakes.
Either they take over the city,or we try to defend it.
h.He said nothing;or rather(=more exactly),nobodyhad asked
He will arrive at eight;or at least,he said he would.
i.I send it to you or you come to take it?
Will they give freedom to us?or must we fight for it?
j.He will explain to her or something(=or do some-thing like
Take out the barking dog or something.
I do not want to see her,or anything.
Pay,or else(=otherwise you will get into trouble).
1275 相反连词,亦称“but连词”,表示相反或对比。
1276 1.相反连词可连接单词或短语:
a.He is poor(形容词)but honest(形容词).(but可连接任何词类)
He works slowly(副词)but steadily(副词).
He is a millionaire(名词),but then(or but on the other hand)a
1277 2.相反连词也可连接相反分句:
b.He is young,but(yet)he is prudent.(微微相反)
He is young;however,he is prudent(或he is,howev-er,prudent.或he
He is young.He is prudent,though.(口语说法)
c.Everyone was against him,still(or but still,yet)hestood
He has faults,nevertheless(or nonetheless,for allthat,with all
that,in spite of
all that,notwithstanding all that,all the same)I love him.
He has faults,but I love him all(or just)the same.
He has faults.After all(or Anyway)I don't mind.
d.Indeed(or Certainly,Undoubtedly,To be sure)hehas faults,but we
him.(先认定,后对比)(It is)True,he has faults. Still we respect him.He
has faults all
right,but don't you have faults,too?
e.We respect him,only(=though)he has some faults.
He writes well,only he uses too many difficult words.
He writes well.He uses too many difficult words,though.
f.I am not idle.(But)On the contrary(or Far fromthat),I am very
The child is not at all dumb.Rather,he's very clever.He did
succeed;rather(or instead,on the contrary),he failed long
He made no mistakes. Contrariwise(or Conversely),his work was
Not that he is lazy,but that he can't find a job.He says I am
idle(or,I am
idle?)On the contrary,I am very busy.(暗含否定意义)
1278 3.相反连词连接对比分句:
g.I thought it was gold,whereas it is brass.(对比)Wise men love
fools hate it.
Poor men earn too little,while rich men spend too much.
Winter is cold,while summer is hot.
He loves music,as(=while)his sister loves dancing.He loves
music,as who does
John never smokes,as why should he?
On(the)one hand he loves her,(and)on the other she hates
Here doctors try to save lives,(and)there soldiers tryto destroy
h.Now he was excited,now he was quiet.
Now he sat down,(and)then(or again,next mo-ment)he walked up and
Now he cried,(and)then he laughed.
Sometimes(or At times)the cold wind blew through the
at times)the oil lamp appeared bluish.
(At)One time(or moment,minute)she seems to love
me,and(at)another(or the
next)she seems to neglect me.
1279 推论连词,亦称“so连词”,表示“按理推论”。
1280 1.推论连词很少连接单词或短语:
a.All his wealth,therefore,all his happiness,came to
He did everything patiently,(and) therefore success-fully.
He is honest,and consequently reliable.
1281 2.推论连词多连接分句:
b.The wind blew hard(cause),therefore(or owing tothese
circumstances)many huts
were damaged.(后果)
Beggars are numerous in this city(reason),therefore(or for this
government must do some-thing for them.(结论)
All men are mortal(ground);kings are men;therefore(or on this
ground)all kings
are mortal.(结论)
We must educate our children(purpose),therefore(orfor this
purpose)we set up
c.I have not enough money,so I cannot buy
They have different ideas,thus(=so)they don't a-gree.
Have you worked hard?Then(or In that case) youmust be very
“I want to go now.”“Then take the umbrella withyou.”
I had agreed to go;accordingly(=as an expected con-clusion)I
made preparations
for the journey.
They neglected their lessons;consequently(=as anunavoidable
They neglected their lessons;that was why they failed.
He is selfish,hence he has no friends.
He always wears a blue shirt;hence his nickname“Blue”.
He is lazy and dishonest;hence his failure.
d.He has made serious mistakes.He has lost all his friends.In a
word(or In
short,In brief,In sum,In con-clusion),he is dead.
Joan was sick.In short.she had no warm dress to wearand
therefore caught cold.
Jan had to meet her boyfriend.To conclude(or To sumup),the
picnic had to be
1282 唯一的解释连词为for,表示原因或理由,它只连接分句:
Leaves are turning yellow,for it is now autumn.
John has made much progress,for he is polite now.
Let us go to bed,for it is already eleven.
He is unable to sit up,(for)he is so
He fired me immediately,(for) he was so angry.
All were killed,(for)they had such a terrible accident.
1283 列举连词列中详细情况。
1284 1.有些列举连词列出所有细节:
He has been in four European countries,namely(or towit,viz.,that
is,that is to
say,i.e.),France,Ger-many,Spain and
He has to maintain a big family,that is,fifteen per-sons.
This drug is to be taken 3 times a day,that is,at 6 a.m.,at 2
p.m.,at 10 p.m.
Every man has a great enemy,namely,himself.
He has his tactics in life,that is,to be always on the
He was assassinated last night,that is,a new dynasty
iscoming.(that is 可连接一个分句)
All is quiet on the western front.That is(to say),wehave won the
1285 2.有些列举连词只列出部分细节:
He has been in ten European countries,such as(or as,like)France
Some friends of mine study agriculture—for example(or for
instance )John.(for
example或for instance也可放在John的后面)
You can meet him anywhere—at a teahouse,for exam-ple.
We must be careful in using prepositions,e.g.with,inand for.
We must learn some foreign languages,(let us)say
Spanish.(say和let us say都不是连词,是独立的插句,意思是“例如说”。)
Can I buy it for,say $ 10?
Can we master the violin in,let us say,twenty years?
“How”may be used in an exclamatory sentence;as(ore.g.,thus),“How
is!”,“How fast time passes!”(这三个连词不须连接同等级的词)
Marriage does not solve all problems in life.For example(or For
has even more problems tosolve after he got
example,has…)(这里for example和for instance用来连接两个句子)
在下面句子中,for example和for instance是独立词组,不是并列连词:
Lucille,for example,is always very considerate.
In the morning,for example,you can practise singing.
There in China,for instance,people ride bicycles,butnot drive
cars or go on
Here you can drive,for instance,at 60 miles per hour.
1286 从属连词把从句和一个词连接起来。
Mr.T is the man(名词)who(关系代词,引起一个限制性定语从句。)told me the
Man is the only animal(名词)that(限制性关系代词)can laugh(定语从句).
He is not such a man(名词)as(限制性关系代词)Iadmire(定语从句).
This is the river(名词)where(限制性关系副词)theyfound his body(定语从句).
I can't understand the reason(名词)why(限制性关系副词)he is so
I know the woman(名词)whose(限制性关系形容词)
husband was killed in a traffic accident(定语从句).
I studied(动词)German when(时间连词)I was young(状语从句).(从句在动词之后)
We arrived(动词)where(地点连词)they were fighting(状语从句).
He speaks(动词)Japanese as fluently as(比较连词)you speak
They surrendered(动词)because(原因连词)theywere almost
He insisted(动词) so that(结果连词)I agreed(状语从句).
Though(让步连词)he has failed many times(状语从句),he decides(动词)to do
No matter what(短语连词) you do(状语从句),do(动词) it carefully.
As(时间连词)I grew older(状语从句),I grew(动词)less ambitious.
So far as(条件连词)I can see(状语从句),they canfight(动词)no more.
1290 That从句:
That he is sincere(that从句作谓语动词is的主语)is unbe-lievable.
That he knows the secret does not astonish me.
I know(that) he will agree with
He said(that)he could not see me any more.
“All is well,” he said.(比较:He said that all was well.)
His purpose is that all will live happily
My trouble was that no good dictionaries were available.
Our only hope is,they will speak for
The fact that he is absent-minded(作名词fact的同位语)shows that he has
something on his
I can't understand the idea that all men are selfish.
1291 W-从句的情况也如此:
What he is doing(W-从句作谓语动词 is的主语) is a greatsecret.
I do not know where we can find peace(作及物动词know的宾语).
He asked how many people ate how much rice in this
My success depends on how hard I work(作介词on的宾语.)
I do not know at what hotel he stays.
His question is why we cannot lay down arms(作系动词is的补语).
No one can answer his question—why we cannot lay
1292 That从句是从属的陈述句:
I know that he will never give up.(比较独立的陈述句:Hewill never give
That John was murdered is a malicious rumour.
1293 W-从句是从属的问句:
I do not understand why he moves so frequently.(独立问句:
Why does he move so frequently?)
I doubt whether(or if)he will come or not.(独立问句:Will he come or
I wonder whether(但不要用if)or not he will come.
Whether(但不要用If)he will come is doubtful.
I wonder(或am not sure)whether he doesn't(=does)forget me.
I inquired would she(=whether she would)marry me.(?)
I asked her might I (=whether I might)speak with her afew
1294 That…should构成从属祈使句,that…would和that…will表示愿望和希望:
The teacher ordered that we(should)work harder.
(should可以省略。独立祈使句:work harder.)
They requested that all the books(should)be returned to
thelibrary by next
Friday.(独立祈使句:Let all the books bereturned to the library by
next Friday.)
I wish that he would(or might)recover.(It seems that hewill not
I hope that he will(or may)recover soon.(It seems that hewill
1295 W-从句还可构成一个从属感叹句:
Look how they dance.(独立感叹句: How they dance!)
Nobody can imagine what a mess it is.
Just fancy what a time we have had.
I am astonished at what a nice boy John has become.
are going to
school.John and Mary are good
children.一个句子,如果有连接几个分句的并列连词,就叫做并列句,例如:Wu studies
AIDS and Lin studies drugs.I say it is black,but he says it
isgrey.一个句子,如果含有从属连词,就叫做复合句,例如:The lady who is smoking is my
auntie.See me
whenyou are free.I know that he is
unhappy.一个并列句中,如果有从属连词就叫做并列复合句,例如: He is
poor,but he often gives money to people who need help.


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